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Everything posted by tighthole64

  1. Chapter 18: More Confessions The doctor came back to the room we were in and said the boy was willing and ready to be pozzed. He told us he had arranged a meeting at his place in 2 days. At that point we all high fived each other. The doctor told us he had other patients to see(d) and we should go now. We headed to the waiters place for some fun of our own. When we arrived, we immediately stripped and went to the pool where the waiter poured us a drink. My partner proposed a toast to me saying he was so proud of me. He told the waiter he wanted a few minutes private him with me, and he should jump in the pool, which he did. He got on a raft on his back with his cock fully erect. My partner planted a deep kiss on me and told me how proud he was of me. He said we wouldn't know if my seed would work on the pizza boy, but as he knew, the first was the most exciting, at least it was for him. He continued by saying it was even more exciting that we had become partners and would spend the rest of our lives together. Making love and being pigs with others. He said that a strong relationship would have both its good and bad moments, but it was most important that we were always truthful to each other. I totally agreed. With that he said he had something to tell me, and hoped i wasn't mad. He said that he had actually stopped his meds a week earlier than he had told me, and that's why his viral load seemed to get so high so quickly. Before I got a word in, he continued by saying that he knew that i was the one that he wanted to be his first conversion. How could one be mad at that? With that we both jumped into the pool with the waiter. He looked at us and said what are you too waiting for. We immediately both started working on his cock. After a short while he said let's fuck. My partner bent me over the edge of the pool and started to fuck me. The waiter then started to fuck my partner. Sandwichs are fun, but often hard to synchronize, and being in the water made it even tougher. My partner nutted in me, and the waiter in him, and we retreated to the bar. At the bar, I suggested that Tina join the party. The waiter said he didn't have any, but poured us a rum and Coke. He said he also had more Coke, and pulled out a bag and formed three lines for us. He said it would get us high, but not overly uninhibited like Tina would. Neither my partner and I had ever done Coke, and he explained how to snort it. The waiter was correct, there was a high, but somewhat different than from Tina. It didn't make us super horny which was important as we wanted to discuss the pizza boy. While we were snorting, the doctor showed up, stripped and asked where his line was. The waiter quickly laid down 5 lines. He told the doctor he had some catching up to do. After the doctor took his first line, we all did the second together. Fully relaxed we began to discuss the pizza boy. The waiter told the doctor he had a fucked up mind setting up the blindfolded breeding. The doctor laughed, and said he would have loved to be the one to infect him, bur knew it was my best opportunity to do so. I thanked the doctor and planted a deep kiss on him. The doctor said he felt good that the pizza boy was more than ready to be gifted. He told us that he set up a meeting at his place in 2 days. He said that we would all breed the boy, but insisted we follow his lead. The waiter said he couldn't wait to hear what a twisted scenario he had planned. Next Chapter: Pizza Boy Delivers
  2. Sorry name was deleted as another website I guess. Moderators feel free to remove topic
  3. It has been announced that [deleted] will be shutting down permanently on December 31, 2023. They will stop taking on new members to the platform on December 31, 2022.
  4. Chapter 17: Pozza Boy part 2. The Dr came to the room where we were watching, and told us that he felt the boy was ready and willing to be pozzed. He said the boy was on the table ass up, blindfolded and that he scatched his ass to prepare it for me. The doctor said as the boy was blindfolded, he wanted to have some fun with him. He said that I would be the one to breed him, but that he would be the only one talking. Strange but kinda hot and I agreed to it. When we got into the room, the doctor told the boy that he wanted to do another prostrate exam on him to be sure. He said this time he would be using a specialized instrument which was more accurate. He explained that it would be a bit more unomfortable but it was worth it. The doctor then handed me a toothbrush to better prepare his hole. I slipped the brush up his ass, and the boy moaned in pleasure saying it actually felt good. The doctor explained that the device would increase in intensity, at which point I began to get more aggressive with the brush. After a few minutes of brushing, I pulled it out and saw it was quite bloody. The boy said it did hurt but not that bad. The doctor explained that he was now going to inject something in his ass to make it feel better. The pizza boy was confused, and reminded the doctotr that he mentioned that he said he didnt want to be the one to gift him. The doctor said he couldnt resist his tight hole, and willing to take that risk. The doctor continued by saying that he needed to start by taking a smaller cock first, as his hole was quite tight. With that I buried my cock in him, and pumped my newly poz load in him in about 20 minutes. The excitement of me possibly charging my first negative boy was overwhelming. Just a few weeks ago I was charged and now there was a good chance that I charged someone. The doctor told the boy he'd be right back, and motioned me towards the door. Before I exited, he reached down for my cock, cleaning any remaining cum from it, and rubbing it on his cock. He whispered to me to go to the other room, and I'd understand why. The doctor gave me a few minutes and then took the blindfold off of the boy instructing him to clean his cock. The boy eagerly did so. After he finished, he thanked the doctor for seeding him. The doctor said there was a chance that he pozzed him as he was only off meds for a short while. The doctor said that he would arrange for another exam at his home, along with the others he met when delivering the pizza. He advised the pizza boy to work his ass with dildos to prepare as he's already seen my partners and the waiters cocks, and obviously they were much larger, and would likely be uncomfortable for him, and he wanted the session to be comfortable for him. He should enjoy his pozzing and not let the pain of their cocks put a damper on it. The doctor asked him when he would be working late and closing next. The boy said in 2 days. The doctor explained that he would order pizza and request that he deliver it. He instructed the boy to bring an overnight bag, as he would be spending the night getting seeded by the four of us. With that he dismissed the boy by giving him a deep kiss.
  5. Chapter 16: Pozza Boy ***Writers Note **** I am not a medical expert, and not qualified to give medical advice. Any discussion of meds here has been researched, and found to be credible though. After we fucked our brains out, we gathered at the pool. The doctor confirmed that I was pozzed, and highly toxic, he suggested I spread my seed as quickly as possible. We said we already had someone in mind who at least said he was interested in that opportunity. The Dr asked who, and we told him about the pizza guy. He laughed and said don't you mean the Pozza Boy? The doctor suggested I strike while the iron was hot. We said we had only mentioned it to him once, and he seemed interested. The doctor suggested that we refer him to make and appointment with him, simply to see if he showed and was truly interested. The doctor said he'd discuss things with him, similar to how he did with me. Low and behold the pizza boy texted my partner asking when we could get together. My partner asked him if he was free, and he said yes, he was off. My partner told him that before we played, he needed to see the doctor for an exam. The pizza boy asked when, and we looked at the doctor and he said in 2 hrs. He said to tell the pizza boy to clean out, as there would be an anal exam involved. The pizza boy quickly replied, yes Sir, I'll be there in 2 hours! We still had our doubts, but the doctor suggested we go grab lunch, and then return to the office. He explained that he had a secret camera in the exam room, and we could watch from an adjoining room! We finished our lunch, and the doctor made sure the video feed was working between the rooms. The pizza boy actually arrived 15 minutes early! The doctor invited him into the exam room and told him to strip. He dropped trou and was wearing a sexy red jock that highlighted his cock The doctor said very nice, and asked him why he wanted to take a poz cock. The boy said that he recently started to bareback, and knew it would eventually happen. He preferred that he got it over with and then go on meds. Great seague for the doctor to start a conversation on drugs. He explained that there were many options for him. He said as he was new to BB sex, his first option was Prep. He said after 2 weeks, it presented sex without worries, with the exception of STI's. The doctor explained that they would eventually happen, but there were meds to treat them. He also told him there was PEP and he if he had sex with us, it was likely that he would poz, as right now we were all highly toxic. He said that some guys guys live the fantasy of being pozzed but then regret it. He said PEP was for those guys. He said that if we did breed him and he changed his mind on pozzing, the maximum time that PEP was an option was 72 hours, however 24 hours was most effective. The pizza boy said he'd never heard of it, but he said he'd have no regrets. The doctor said never say never. Fantasy and reality were VERY different. He reminded him that we were both very toxic and a conversion was highly likely. The doctor continued by telling him that if he were pozzed, he had the option of going on meds. The boy responded that he wanted Aids. The doctor explained that was a common misconception. He said pozzing meant you had contracted HIV, and that AIDS typically took 5 or more years to develop. The boy acknowledged he didn't know that. I'll give the boy credit, he had some good questions. He then asked the doctor how come the time to reach AIDS varied. The doctor explained that it depended on many factors. The strain that the gifter shared, or even if the person went on med holidays. With that the doctor asked if there were any other questions, and if not to take the jock off, and get on the exam table. The boy wasted no time releasing his hard cock from his jock. The doctor told him that his normal routine would be sticking his cock up the ass, but as he recently went on a meds holiday, he was highly toxic and didn't want to be the one to poz him. The doctor began by putting the speculum up his ass, and noticed he was quite tight. The doctor knew he had seen my partners cock, and asked if he could take it. The boy said it would definitely be a challenge. The doctor then dropped his pants reveling his hard cock and asking if he could take it. The boy said he'd taken bigger, so yea. The doctor reminded him it wasn't the size of the cock, but the magic in it. With that the doctor released the speculum, and shoved a finger in, massaging the boys prostrate, and scratching his hole some. I'd didn't take long for the pizza boy to shoot a massive load. With that the doctor told him his exam was completed, and wanted to know what his thoughts were . The boy said he wanted to become poz, and thanked the doctor for discussing the options with him. The doctor told him he needed to check on another patient but to lay on the table ass up. The boy did so, and the doctor put a blindfold on him. To be continued.
  6. Chapter 16: Pozza Boy ***Writers Note **** I am not a medical expert, and not qualified to give medical advice. Any discussion of meds here has been researched, and found to be credible though. After we fucked our brains out, we gathered at the pool. The doctor confirmed that I was pozzed, and highly toxic, he suggested I spread my seed as quickly as possible. We said we already had someone in mind who at least said he was interested in that opportunity. The Dr asked who, and we told him about the pizza guy. He laughed and said don't you mean the Pozza Boy? The doctor suggested I strike while the iron was hot. We said we had only mentioned it to him once, and he seemed interested. The doctor suggested that we refer him to make and appointment with him, simply to see if he showed and was truly interested. The doctor said he'd discuss things with him, similar to how he did with me. Low and behold the pizza boy texted my partner asking when we could get together. My partner asked him if he was free, and he said yes, he was off. My partner told him that before we played, he needed to see the doctor for an exam. The pizza boy asked when, and we looked at the doctor and he said in 2 hrs. He said to tell the pizza boy to clean out, as there would be an anal exam involved. The pizza boy quickly replied, yes Sir, I'll be there in 2 hours! We still had our doubts, but the doctor suggested we go grab lunch, and then return to the office. He explained that he had a secret camera in the exam room, and we could watch from an adjoining room! We finished our lunch, and the doctor made sure the video feed was working between the rooms. The pizza boy actually arrived 15 minutes early! The doctor invited him into the exam room and told him to strip. He dropped trou and was wearing a sexy red jock that highlighted his cock The doctor said very nice, and asked him why he wanted to take a poz cock. The boy said that he recently started to bareback, and knew it would eventually happen. He preferred that he got it over with and then go on meds. Great seague for the doctor to start a conversation on drugs. He explained that there were many options for him. He said as he was new to BB sex, his first option was Prep. He said after 2 weeks, it presented sex without worries, with the exception of STI's. The doctor explained that they would eventually happen, but there were meds to treat them. He also told him there was PEP and he if he had sex with us, it was likely that he would poz, as right now we were all highly toxic. He said that some guys guys live the fantasy of being pozzed but then regret it. He said PEP was for those guys. He said that if we did breed him and he changed his mind on pozzing, the maximum time that PEP was an option was 72 hours, however 24 hours was most effective. The pizza boy said he'd never heard of it, but he said he'd have no regrets. The doctor said never say never. Fantasy and reality were VERY different. He reminded him that we were both very toxic and a conversion was highly likely. The doctor continued by telling him that if he were pozzed, he had the option of going on meds. The boy responded that he wanted Aids. The doctor explained that was a common misconception. He said pozzing meant you had contracted HIV, and that AIDS typically took 5 or more years to develop. The boy acknowledged he didn't know that. I'll give the boy credit, he had some good questions. He then asked the doctor how come the time to reach AIDS varied. The doctor explained that it depended on many factors. The strain that the gifter shared, or even if the person went on med holidays. With that the doctor asked if there were any other questions, and if not to take the jock off, and get on the exam table. The boy wasted no time releasing his hard cock from his jock. The doctor told him that his normal routine would be sticking his cock up the ass, but as he recently went on a meds holiday, he was highly toxic and didn't want to be the one to poz him. The doctor began by putting the speculum up his ass, and noticed he was quite tight. The doctor knew he had seen my partners cock, and asked if he could take it. The boy said it would definitely be a challenge. The doctor then dropped his pants reveling his hard cock and asking if he could take it. The boy said he'd taken bigger, so yea. The doctor reminded him it wasn't the size of the cock, but the magic in it. With that the doctor released the speculum, and shoved a finger in, massaging the boys prostrate, and scratching his hole some. I'd didn't take long for the pizza boy to shoot a massive load. With that the doctor told him his exam was completed, and wanted to know what his thoughts were . The boy said he wanted to become poz, and thanked the doctor for discussing the options with him. The doctor told him he needed to check on another patient but to lay on the table ass up. The boy did so, and the doctor put a blindfold on him. Part 2 to follow!
  7. Chapter 17: Flu Season It wasn't even 2 weeks before I noticed a rash on my hands. My partner and I had fucked several times in the woods recently just for a change of scenery and I thought I had poison ivy. I was also feeling fatigued, but just attributed it to my heavy school schedule and my partner breeding me 2 or 3 times daily. We both knew what I wanted, or should I say needed, and we worked our hardest at achieving our ultimate goal. One night, I broke out in profuse sweats. My partner sensed that something was wrong, and jumped into bed with me. I told him I felt like shit, and he smiled and said baby, I think you are pregnant. Your body is reacting to my HIV which is starting to take over your body. He kissed me and said don't worry, it shouldn't last for long, maybe a week or so. As crappy as I felt, I told him to breed me. Let's make sure it's the fuk flu and not just a bad cold. He fucked me for like 45 minutes before breeding me. He fell asleep with his still hard cock in my ass. That next morning he woke me and said he made an appointment for me with the doctor. The doctor was overjoyed to see us, and immediately drew a blood sample from my arm. He laughed and said he called it a pregnancy test for guys! The doctor then felt my lymph glands, and he said that along with the other symptoms it was a good sign that I was seroconverting. He advised us that it would take a day or so for the blood work, but that we should continue to fuck, regardless of how bad I felt. We laughed and said what do you think we did last night?
  8. Chapter 16 The Evil Plan Little did we know at the time, the waiter was in the doctors room awaiting his return. He had been getting high and watching our session on a hidden camera that the doctor had in the bedroom. The doctor took another point, but instead of breeding, they plotted a celebration party for the two of us. The waiter said he'd definitely invite his father, and suggested that the doctor tell any of his patients with high viral loads to attend. He also suggested that he ask any of those currently on meds if they were willing to take a meds break, and join the celebration. The doctor thought that was an amazing idea. He said he was confident that he knew some that would be willing to take a holiday. The doctor reminded him that his patients were not there to infect or hurt the community by spreading hiv, but are their to share their seed with anyone who is aware of their status, and willing to take their seed. We fucked several more times that night, and I'm sure that the doctor and the waiter did the same. That afternoon when all finaly awoke, we all ended up in the living room buck naked. My partner and i arrived first, and were already having a drink. Mine was a screwdriver, which i remamed Screw Me, and my partners was a bloody mary, which he renamed Bloody Asshole. The doctor and waiter came down, and poured a rum and Coke. They said it was time to head to the islands, and the waiter retrieved a joint. We were already hungry from the nights activities, but the pot made us even more hungry. My partner suggested that we order a couple of pizzas. The doctor and the waiter decided on a Jamaican Jerk Chicken pizza, and my partner and I ordered a sausage and pepperoni one. While waiting, we grabbed some chips and kept smoking away. It was a nice break from the Tina. When it arrived,my partner answered the door buck naked with his hanging pepperoni between his legs. The rest of us were sitting naked on the sofa, playing with each other's cocks. The delivery boy grabbed it immediately. My partner invited him in, but if he wanted his cock later he better show his us his ass. The delivery guy quickly walked over to the sofa and dropped his pants to show his hole. We couldn't help but notice his fixation on the waiters tats, and quickly asked if he was toxic. This gave us some indication that he knew what he was talking about. The waiter just smiled and said three of them had HIV in various stages, and after last night there would be four of us with HIV. The pizza boy looked at me for some reason and said congratulations. He then asked if he could join us for a smoke, as he was on an hour lunch break. The pizza box plopped down between my partner and the waiter and as we were passing the joint, started sucking both of them. I then started sucking the doctors cock until the joint got to me. My partner told the pizza boy he was a talented cocksucker, and that his cock would be an excellent pozzing gun. He then told him if he was willing to take poz cock, and understand its consequences to leave his number, which he quickly did! After he closed the door, my we began eating. I was not just a pig in bed, but a food pig. My partner said he hoped I was not mad, but was hoping we had an extended family and that he'd love to have me infect the pizza boy. He added that if it happened, I would have to disclose to him that I recently converted, and that my seed was very powerful. I said I'd love that. With that he suggested we breed again. He said he wanted to put a rock up my ass, hoping it would make me bleed more. I just said whatever it takes, however we had to be careful about our usage of tina. I did enjoy the feeling of a rock up my ass as compared to smoking it though, and agreed to it. We retreated to our bedroom, and the doctor and the waiter retreated to theirs. Before my partner put the rock up my ass, he started to deeply kiss me. He told me he was super excited that we would soon be a part of each other, and even more excited that it looks like the pizza boy will be my first conversion. I just laughed and said, yea that was easy, but let's see if he follows through. Im not sure why i wanted the rock up my ass, as i was already super unhibited. I guess it was knowing it would likely tear up my hole for his venom to seep into me.The two of us fucked countless times that afternoon, confident that it would be the day I entered the Brotherhood! Next Chapter: It's Flu Season
  9. Next Chapter: The Doctors Gift The doctor stopped fiming, and said he too had a gift for us and it was in the nightstand. We opened it up and found not only a bag of Tina, but a syringe. The doctor explained that he wanted our first session to be drug free as the excitement would be great enough. He continued by saying that he was not an advocate of Chem sex, as he's seen way too many become addicted to it. He said he hoped that would never be the case with us, but if it did, he was also an addiction specialist. The doctor said he wouldn't slam us tonight, but he would slam himself. We helped tie off his arm, he prepared the syringe, putting it in his vein, drawing back on the plunger until he saw some blood in it. He then quickly pushed down on the plunger, and untied his arm. As the drug was going directly into his blood stream, the effects were almost instantly. He immediately got between our legs, and frantically began sucking our cocks. As he was sucking, he was jacking his cock. The Tina did give him Tina dick, but after my partner and I both shot our loads down his throat, he positioned his cock on front of my mouth, and fed me. His cock may have not been rock hard, but he fed me an amazing load. He said it was the least he could do. The doctor brought up a point that my partner had mentioned early about transmission from blood. He said the quickest way to convert was through a toxic blood slam. He explained that he was confident that I would convert tonight, but that a slam of my partners blood would pretty much guarantee it. We both agreed that was a great idea. He then retreaved a new syringe, and drew blood from my partners arm. Once the syringe was full, he placed it in my vein and pushed down on the plunger. The feeling was so intense! I guess it was in my mind, but I immediately felt like I could feel my partners blood already taking over my body. The doctor said he was done for the night and was going to retreat to his bedroom. The doctor advised us to use his gift of the Tina cautiously tonight if we chose to. He stated that the power of taking the point for the first time was powerful. He stated that taking a point was not the only way to administer it He stated that there were several ways we could use the gift. The first was to use his gift. The first was through a booty bump, which could be used one of two ways. Dissolving the Tina and injection into my ass, or the preferred method of sticking a crystal In my ass. He said this method was preferred, ass could lead to further tearing of my hole. He then kissed us both, and said enjoy the rest of our night. After he left, my partner suggested that we try putting a rock up my ass, which I agreed to after he said the deep was already likely done, and that by doing so, it would only enhance our sexual experience. He then crushed up a rock, wondering what it would be like to snort it. He then mounted me again, and this time fucked me aggressively, with hot verbal talk, not romantic but things like your mine now you fucking pig. Although I loved it, I questioned it if he truly loved me, or was I just the first one that he converted? At that point, I really didn't care though. Next Up: The Evil Plan
  10. Chapter 14: Impregnating Me Both my partner and I were overjoyed the day had finally arrived. We both woke up hard, but refrained from even having oral sex. He said he wanted to make me a Romantic breakfast, but he wanted to minimize my cleaning out time as he didnt want any distractions that night. He did however pop a bottle of champagne though. He popped a second bottle and then gave me a champagne enema. After the bottle was empty, we went to the shower and he laid on the floor, telling me to release the champaign from my ass on him. I have to admit, the champaign was a great cleansing agent. I guess the bubbles really added to the cleansing. Now neither of us were into scat, but even though I was a tad dirty, he took it like a trooper. After that, he gave me his piss. Maybe it was just me, but his piss tasted different. Was it the champagne, or a taste of HIV? We showered eagerly awaiting 7pm when we would be at the doctors home. He surprised me with a gift box, which contained a beautiful leather studded jock, with a butt plug attached to it. He said he wanted me to wear it tonight, and that the doctor told him the house was ours for the entire weekend and that he would be plugging my ass between the multiple breedings. I told him I also had a present for him, but he'd have to wait. He said no worries, and in addition to his gift of HIV, he had another gift that he would give me tonight. We arrived at the doctor's home 30 minutes early and the doctor said we were late! He continued by saying he figured we'd be there at 6! Before he led us to the bedroom, he proposed a toast. He told us how happy he was for the both of us, and how excited he was for us! He didn't need to tell us, as we saw his hard cock through his pants! He asked if we were ok with him filming us, and we both said fuck yes. With that he led us to the bedroom. His home was amazing, set on a lake with the entire back wall of the bedroom a sliding glass door! The room was softly lit by candles, and he had thrown rose petals on the white satin sheets! He said he hoped that wasn't too much, but he was a romantic guy, and that his partner did the same for him! With that, my conversion and filming began! My partner started by kissing me deeply and saying that he was truly waiting for this moment. He then retrieved a box and got down on a knee. He opened the box which had two metal cockrings in it. He said that he truly loved me, and they did not represent a commitment to marriage, but something he wanted. He explained that by putting them on, it simply meant we were open to that possibility. We both slipped them on, and like the doctors tears flowed from my eyes! I told him I also had a gift for him, and presented him with a box that contained a hard bristle toothbrush in it. I explained that the Dr suggested I help prepare my hole for his virus, and to show my commitment i would start by self brushing myself. With that I positioned myself on the bed on my back. I usually like to start doggy, but this time, I wanted to see his face the entire time. I started to brush my hole quite aggressively until it was not just pink, but bright red! His fuck was slow and deliberate. When he was close to cumming, he would stop thrusting and kiss me deeply. This went on for almost an hour, even the doctor proclaimed that he hadn't planned on a full length video, and had to cum,but didn't want to mess up the video. With that my partner became more aggressive, yet still romantic. He blew a massive load in me, and immediately said I was his forever now. He immediately plugged my ass, trapping his virus in my bloody hole. Rather than use the butt plug, my partner kept his still rock hard cock in me as a plug to help let his demon seed soak into my bloody hole. The doctor couldn't control himself, and jacked his cock on my face, simply saying congratulations. I was in pure bliss knowing, at least in my mind, that my partner and I would be one after tonight. I begged him to breed me again. He pulled his still hard cock out of me, and put on a cruel condom. He told me that it would likely hurt, but would tear up my insides more than the brush did. He added that it would also be uncomfortable to him as could cause his cock to bleed also, but that would be an advantage as not only would his toxic cum be in me, so would his toxic blood. After my partner dumped his second load in me, I began to cry. He asked if the cruel condom hurt too much. I told him that it hurt, but the tears were tears of joy, not pain. My partner then began to cry, telling me that he was proud of my amazing journey as a pig. He reminded me that it was only a little over a year since I had my first M2M experience with not only my best friend, but his dad also. He marveled at how I joined the fuckternity and took any and all cocks in addition to our frequent sex. He admitted that he was afraid I would say no to him pozzing me, but when i agreed it was the happiest day of his life. He then pulled his cock out of me, and placed the plug on my jock up my hole. We just rolled over on our backs, embracing each other. Next Chapter: The Doctors Gift
  11. I have not hooked up with anyone from here yet. Not to say it hasn't been discussed though. There are some guys I'd love to hook up with here though. Hookup aps tend to be geocentric and although not fond of them, they tend to lead to more hookups while traveling. As a true chaser, I find BZ to be a great place to read accounts of those already in the Brotherhood. In several cases, I have initiated private conversations with them. BZ was not instrumental in my decision to chase, that was personal. I did however chat with several guys that helped answer some questions or concerns.
  12. Chapter 13: The Road to Pozzing Our first visit to the doctor was after a week. The doctor did a test on my partner to determine his viral load. He informed him he was well on his way, but not there yet. The doctor added that he was impressed though with such a viral load after only a week. He said his current load was over 50,000 and said a high viral load was around 100,000 but he's seen guys with a million or more. He said he expected my partner would be well over 100,000 by next week though and likely to infect me by next week. Boy was it going to be a long week! When we got back, we headed to the waiters place to celebrate. I begged my partner to breed me, but he said it would be worth the wait if a week. I'm not sure who was more disappointed, the waiter or me. He said as there wasn't going to be any sex, we should party some. He headed into the house saying he'd be right back. He returned with some Tina and something I'd completely forgot about. About a month earlier, we had all jacked off our loads, and froze the cum in popsicle molds. My partner said he knew how much i wanted cum up my ass, and the waiter smiled and said i was going to get some. The molds weren't quite as long as a rocket pop, but thicker. Both he and my partner did a slam, but gave me a booty bump, before fucking me with the cumscicle. I've had a booty bump before, and loved the rush from it, and how much longer the high seemed to be. Had it not been for the bump, I'm not sure how the cumscicle would have been! Even high, it was quite the experience. The cold at first was quite the shock, but it quickly melted in my hot hole. Neither of them fucked me, but they did finger the cum inside my hole until it seeped out over my balls. All in all, I took three maybe 4 cumscicles. The second week arrived, and we went for our tests. My partners viral load was over 500,000! The doctor said we should have the conversation party soon, and offered his place. He said that it would only be the three of us. My partner breeding me, and him filming it if we wanted. He explained that we should not invite the waiter as he felt a strong bond between my partner and I and felt it was important that we were confident in knowing he was the one that pozzed me. We both agreed. The doctor said not to worry though, once I converted he would also throw a party for us. He continued by saying that he too had stopped his meds, but the results were not as encouraging as my partners. Before we left, the Dr took me aside and said he wanted to see me privately, and nor to let my partner know about it. I thought this strange, but agreed to it. Before leaving, the Doctor set up a time for my conversion. We decided on Friday evening as we would have the entire weekend. We agreed that would be a great idea. I set up my private appointment with the doctor for the following day, knowing that Friday was fast approaching. At the appointment he told me to strip, and get on the table. He planted a deep kiss on my lips, and told me he was so happy for the both of us. Just the thought of Friday got me hard, and the doctor said he wanted to taste one of my final negative loads. After he finished me off, he said he would insure that Friday would likely be the day of my conversion. He explained that special prep would help though. He then pulled a cruel condom from a drawer and explained it to me. I told him that the waiter had already given us one, but we'd not used it yet. He said he preferred using a toothbrush, and felt that would be sufficient consideting my partners Viral load. He instructed me to put my legs in the stirrups and handed me a toothbrush. He explained that he felt it would be important to brush my hole before my partner seeded me Friday. He also suggested that I initiate the brushing by telling my partner that I would first brush myself to show my commitment to him and then ask my partner to aggressively brush my hole. I begged the doctor to fuck me the cruel condom, and he said it would be best that I wait for the party after I pozzed. He however suggest I experience it by putting it on a dildo, and fucking myself. I then shoved the toothbrush up my hole, and started brushing myself. While doing that, the doctor dropped his pants and started playing with his rock hard cock. He told me to pull the brush out, and look for some pink on it. I'll have to admit, I was a bit nervous and wasn't brushing that hard, and the first several times I took it out there was no pink. When we first saw pink though, the Doctor positioned his cock at my face, a blew a huge load on it. That was a relief, as in the back of my mind I thought the doctor was going to breed me. Next Chapter: Impregnating Me
  13. I guess it depends on where you lived. Both you and I are around the same age, and yes called rubbers, and used not to get girls pregnant. No worries there for me as wasn't too socially active when 16 with either guys or girls. I'll never forget one prom night that my dad asked me if I had or needed rubbers. This came as a shock to me, as he had previously chastised me for jacking in the bathroom. Deep down I think he thought I was gay, so to stroke his ego, I told him I needed some. He gave me three magnums for the night! HA. Now he was packing, but I wasn't! I just thanked him by saying perfect. That night was one of the few times I'd ever fucked a pussy. The load went in deep, and I prayed she didn't get pregnant!
  14. I've only had it done to me once, and you described it perfectly when put up ass! Don't consider it much of a mindfuck, except in the fact the guy doing it is a pig, and wonder what else he might do!
  15. Good question! Personally I like to mix up positions, especially if the guy fucks for long periods of time. A good top should just suggest a new position if it's not working for him. As should the bottom! Yes, I have my go tos preferring to start doggy, which seems to be the hardest with my height. I love to finish on back as he unloads so I can see his face, and hopefully I unload on myself. I've found side by side and over edge of bed or sofa arm works best for tall guys like me. I enjoy getting fuskt standing, especially if in a wooded area against a tree, but found that the most difficult.
  16. Oh there are guys on here that make promises, and don't deliver sadly. I just don't feel the need to call them out in that one day they might deliver on their promises. I don't think that the reason is that a guy is a cumdump. I think most here are. With due respect, htnhole is a cum dumper rather than a dump, and I respect him for that, just as I respect any dumps here. They make it clear on what they want. On other gay sites, there are way more guys just living fantasies. Sitting at home jacking. Never really going out for sex, etc. Yes some here are living fantasies too, but that's often how things become reality.
  17. Always deep inside for me! I get it being on hole in porns though as long as they still push it in hole with their cock.
  18. Chapter 12: Hell Weeks The next several weeks were pure hell for me as my partner and I had no anal sex. It was all about sucking his cock and dildos for me. We also started exploring new sex toys! We went to a sex shop, and had a shopping spree! My favorite new toy was called a humbler. It would lock down around my balls with arms extending under my legs. You get into doggy position before its locked around your nuts. Trust me, if you try and move your legs, it pulls on your balls pretty intensly! My partner knew that I enjoyed electro sex, so we also bought 2 electro shock collars, one for each of us! When not in public, we would wear the collars, giving each other a jolt from time to time. We could do it just for fun, or in a group situation. Now we rarely objected to either playing with others, but if we did, it was a subtle reminder to walk away! And of course, we both got some sexy leatherwear! My partner explained that he wanted a quick conversion and that it was worth the wait until his viral load was off the charts. We still continued to visit the waiter, and he would breed my partner, in hopes of adding a new strain to him. Come to find out the waiter was not strictly a top and had been continuing his chase by chasing new strains. Although he was already poz, he was one of those that the doctor told me about, poz yet still chasing. After one of their breeding sessions, we sat around the pool getting drunk. The waiter knew a little about how I became a pig, but wanted to know more. I explained how my friend led me on slowly and that once he felt I was comfortable with gay sex, he dropped the bombshell about having a special relationship with his father. He asked how I felt about that, and said I was a bit confused. The relationship part was hard to understand, but I was really curious to have sex with an older man. The first time the three of us had sex, it was really awkward seeing a dad breed his son. As I was a bit buzzed, I asked him to tell me more about his experience with his dad. He said he was young, but still legal the first time his father had sex with him. He said unlike like with my dad, his took things quite quickly with him. He said that he didn't see anything wrong with a father son relationship as he couldn't become pregnant, well at least in the traditional way. He continued by saying that he was content playing with guys his age, but the thought of his dad breeding him intrigued him. It wasnt the incest part, but he was curious how a cock bigger than his would feel in his ass. He said he knew his dad was gay, but had no idea he was poz. Knowing that I would be going through the fuk flu soon, I asked them what to expect. They said it varies from person to person and guessed that it depended on the immunity of the bottom and the viral load of the top. My partner said the best time to poz someone was when first poz, or coming off meds like him. The waiter said that his flu was particularly bad. Feeling like total shit for over two weeks. Night sweats fever, muscle fatigue and swollen glands. He continued by saying that his dad insisted in continuing to breed him throughout his flu though and that's when he had his first meeting with Tina. He continued by saying that although he enjoyed the sex with his dad, he resented him for the way it happened. He said he had no idea how bad the fuck flu would be, and the last thing he wanted was cock up his ass. Either his dad's or anyone else's. He also resented the way that his dad introduced him to Tina, by bringing him to the doctor saying he would give him a shot to make him feel better. Little did he know that the doctor was slamming him. He said he loved the way he felt after a slam, and that his father continued to slam him even after the flu. He said it wasn't long before he became an addict. He continued by saying that once he realized that, he knew he needed help. He stated he did go through a recovery program, but not through the doctor who led to his addiction. I then asked why do you still do Tina? He said unless you've been there, an addiction is hard to break. As we were all buzzed, I asked the obvious question. Why did you introduce us to Tina then? He said that although he still used it, he didn't feel he had an addiction, and knowing my partner, he knew that he truly wanted to gift me, but wasn't sure I was ready to be gifted, and that Tina might help my decision. I really don't know that's what i wanted to hear though. As such, I had one more question. I started by stating that I had made up my mind on becoming poz, and that my partner had discussed becoming addicted, and agreed to try and not become. He said that my partner had told him that, and although he supplied party favors to us, he applauded us using them sparingly. I told him that I knew he wanted to breed me during my flu, and asked if Tina would be involved? He looked me in the eyes and said absolutely not, unless I wanted it to be, and if so, ONLY after sex. A recreational use, kind of like pot. He said he realized my commitment to becoming poz was definitely there. I had some doubts there, as he said enough talk, let's smoke. I agreed, but said as long as no sex involved after. He fired up the pipe and we all enjoyed. My partner and I then retreated to the bedroom, and the Tina apparently made me to tell him I want you to breed me. To my delight, my partner said not while you are in the clouds. Deep down, I appreciated that, knowing my partner would breed me once we were out of the clouds. The next afternoon, my partner did just that. Although we've had so many sex sessions, this was undoubtedly the best! It was the first time in weeks I'd had a cock and load in me. After we finished, he said he couldn't wait for the doctor appointment ri determine our progress! Next Chapter: impregnating me
  19. At 6-5 positioning can be a challenge! Love to start doggy, but depending on height of the top, my long legs tend to start slipping. I do however love to be on my back with legs over tops shoulder as he fills my gut.
  20. I LOVE a combination of in mouth AND in face. Guy pushes cum on face in mouth with his cock!
  21. BONUS CHAPTER TODAY! Not knowing what tropical storm Nikki may bring to my area, posting today rather than tomorrow. Next Chapter: The Exam. The exam began like any normal exam. Height, weight, BP, the usual. As the doctor was checking my balls, I started getting hard. I was a bit embarrassed, but he said that was a normal reaction, and a good sign. He then asked if I had thought about pozzing anyone once I became poz. I told him that I had thought about it, but was worried my equipment wasn't the best to poz someone. He said just look at his cock. It was about the same size as mine, yet it looked longer on his wasting body. He continued by saying that he has pozzed others with a similar cock. That was a relief to me! The doctor then instructed me to put my legs in the stirrups and took out a speculum to open my ass wide. He said that my hole was quite flexible, and that he was sure that my partner helped out with that. I asked the doctor to retrieve my phone from my pants, and take a closeup of my wide open hole, to which he agreed. After he loosened the speculum and said it was time for a prostrate exam. He explained that I was too young to know what one was like, but normally the Dr would simply insert a finger to feel the prostrate for cancer. He explained that if it was OK, he'd be inserting his cock, not to check for cancer, but to see how I reacted. He then put his cock in me, and started fucking me. It wasn't long before I started to precum. My partner and the waiter entered the exam room, just as I shot a huge load on my chest and face. The doctor then released his nut into me after a few grunts. The doctor then congralated us on our decision and added by saying it was his option that I not only wanted it, but needed it. I looked at my partner, and said the doctor was right, and I wanted him to be the one to poz me. A huge smile came over my partners face, and he planted a huge kiss on me. The doctor did the same with the waiter. The doctor explained that he still had to do an HIV and STI tests, which would become a normal routine but he would be honored to see my partner breed me. The waiter asked if he could breed me too. The doctor said absolutely not! He said there would be plenty of time to breed me once I got the fuck flu. Just like the Dr helped him during his fuck flu. The doctor even said that he was thinking about going off meds to help me through the flu phase. With that, my partner told me to get on the table and we'd make love for the last time while both of us were still negative. The Dr walked over to a cabinet, and retrieved a glass pipe, and said don't mind us, we'll be celebrating too. As much as I wanted to smoke too, and we agreed it should only be done in a solo situation ans I wanted our last negative session to be completely sober, and enjoy the moment. My partner began making love to me and the doctor wheeled over some sort of machine. He explained that it was a sonogram, typically used on pregnant women but it was also great to see a cock up an ass. He applied a cold liquid on my lower stomach, and put the pad on it. Sadly he didn't let us watch the video, but said he'd give me a copy of it. He explained that as I had made up my mind to have my partner poz me, there was to be no anal sex for at least the next 2 weeks to insure that it was him that gifted me. He said that I was free to breed others though and suck as much cock as I could. The doctor said that he would test my partner every few days, and determine when he became toxic again. He said it normally took 2 weeks, but he'd seen it happen faster in rare cases. He then said he'd be happy to provide a place for my conversion to take place. He said it would be at his home, and not in the office. He continued by saying that it should be in a romantic setting. He continued by saying it would be an honor to video it to create a lasting video. We both agreed to that! Next Chapter: Hell Weeks
  22. Chapter 10 Dr.Poz. Both the waiter and my partner took me to the doctor. He was an older grey Haired gentleman. He wasn't physically built, and his face was somewhat sunken in. After being introduced, he suggested that the waiter and my partner go into the next exam room and have some fun, as he knew they both enjoyed having their legs up in the exam table stirrups. The Dr took me into the exam room, and told me he knew of my situation and was here to answer any questions that I might have. In addition he would also give me an exam. The doctor started by saying that choosing to become poz is a major decision. He continued by saying that many, like him, were not given the choice, and simply stealthed by someone. He continued by saying that he was stealthed in the same fuckternity that I was in and added that there were several current undetectable brothers there, and at least one that refuses to go on meds. RInteresting as I'd taken loads from every guy in the fuckternity, and most of them multiple times! I told the Dr that my partner answered most of my questions but I had one that I was afraid to ask him. What is it really like to live being poz? He said that was a great question and I was the first to ever ask it. He said that most guys he saw were there to go on prep, but understood that I had already pretty much made up my mind on becoming poz. I indicated that I had and that my partner also showed his commitment by flushing his meds last night. He said he knew I was a pig, and that it was likely to happen eventually. He continued by saying that i was presented with a unique situation. He continued by saying that becoming poz can be both a good and bad experience. He started with the bad by saying he had lost his partner to Aids. He said that it was his partners choice to avoid meds to prevent that from happening, and he respected that. I asked what about him. He said that he too resisted meds for quite some time, as it was his desire to become full blown. He then took off his shirt to show me how his body had become wasted. He explained that many younger poz guys were gym rats and were on prep and keeping their bodies in top shape. He explained that they would often take med holidays, similar to what my partner had suggested. He continued by saying that there was also a good side to it. I asked how so? He said in some cases, like mine, it created a closer bond with their partner. He continued by saying that he had spoken with him, and assured me that he told him that he would love me regardless of my final decision. I then asked what it was like after becoming poz? The Dr stated that he wasn't sure what I meant, but would try and answer. He said that many guys made the decision to chase HIV, and offer their asses to every and anyone who would take it. He said chasing cumdumps never asked a guys status and would take any and all the cum they could hoping they woukd become infected. He said he didn't consider me a chaser, just a random cumdump. Not someone who was chasing HIV, but someone who knew he would eventually get it. I told the Dr that he started to hit the nail on the head, but what happens to the chasers once they poz? He explained that the chase never ends. Some guys wanted different strains, and some even chased becoming full blown. He stated that if i continued to want to see him, it was on the condition that i never become full blown. He continued by saying that i had a long life to live, but AIDS would shorten that significantly. With that, he suggested that he get naked and begin the exam. Although I thought it was odd that he wanted to get naked, I agreed. Next Chapter: The Exam
  23. You nailed it on the head about your area! Surely the dad saw you rutting in others and not taking cocks up ass. Knowing where you live, I'm sure there are many that would love the dad up them. Just go find them daddy! Did you ever see dad breeding anyone while there?
  24. Maybe just wishful thinking, but if for some reason Biden doesn't run again. I think Newsom would put up a good fight against DeSantis for POTUS His donation was sort of a test to see how people reacted.
  25. Chapter 9 Prepping for the Bug That night was a pretty restless night for me. I was confident that I wanted my partner to be the one to poz me, and he showed his commitment to me by flushing his meds. We headed to the pool where the waiter poured us all a cup of coffee, and added a bit of a kick to it with some bourbon. The waiter asked if we had a fun night, and added that he hoped we had put a sheet under my ass as to not get blood on the satin sheets from the cruel condom. My partner said no worries, as he was saving that for a few weeks. Although we had already made a commitment to pozzing, my partner said he would set up an appointment for me with his doctor, who could be someone I could confide in. I liked that idea, as it would give me the chance to discuss it with someone else. The waited said he was going to make some breakfast, and suggested my partner "scramble my eggs" while we were waiting. My partner raised my legs, and started making love to me on the lounge chair. He started off very passionate and then became a beast. As he was about to fill my guts, the passion returned. When he finished, he ate my ass, and swapped the load with me. After that, he said he had truly fallen in love with me, and would continue to love and was honored that I wanted to carry his baby. We then headed to the house for breakfast. After we ate, the waiter told us that after hearing our conversation he took the liberty to call the doctor, and he agreed to see me this afternoon. It would be perfect for the doctor as they were closed on the weekend and he could give me a thorough exam. With that we showered and headed to the doctor. Next Chapter: Dr Poz
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