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Everything posted by tighthole64

  1. Chapter 8: The Final Interview It killed me not telling either roomie that I knew we were already accepted into the fuckternity yet I was excited to find out what the final Interview would be like. My roomie was an immense help in having us to stop eating the day before and just giving us fiber drinks. Late night before, he took us to the group shower around 5 am, and attached a shower shot to make sure we were clean. The bars closed at 3, so by 5 everyone should be sound asleep. He told us to rest up all day, and to refrain from eating, which we did. The night had FINALLY arrived. We didn't walk over together, but my old roomie went first. At the door we were told to strip, leaving total access to both our cocks and asses. Once done we were blindfolded and a collar and leash were put around our necks, along with a rope binding our wrist together. We were then led downstairs to where our wrist were secured to the wall. We were instructed that there was a strict time to arrive, between 6-6:30 and pretty sure my old roomie was there first. 30 minutes doesn't sound like a long time, but when you are bound and blindfolded it is. After I was bound to the wall, several guys stopped by. The first started licking my pits. By now they were getting ripe, as the basement was hot. I felt a few fans coming in but there was no breeze along the wall. The next thing I felt was cold lube on my exposed hole, and then several fingers going in, and then shoved in my mouth to be cleaned. Promptly at 6:30, I heard a muffled voice saying the final interview was to begin. The voice continued by saying that our odds just got better, as 2 had not arrived. He continued by saying we would instantly know if we were accepted tonight. If we were bottoms, a load would be planted in our ass, and if a top down our throat. He continued by saying it may not be from the first cock we encountered though. He also said if we were bottoms, we also might receive an oral invite. To the tops he said their asses wouldn't be penetrated unless they wanted that to happen, and either way, they were not at a disadvantage. With that they voice said to arch our legs out, and spread or legs apart. I then heard a number of people coming down the stairs. The Master explained that an old fashioned fraternity tradition of paddling was about to happen. He continued to say that the paddling would be progressive and that we were to properly thank our Sirs after each one. He continued by saying there was a specific number we were expected to be able to handle and that if a Sir was not thanked, it was a sign that they had tapped out and their interview would be concluded. The paddling started at the same time. The Master would count to 3 and the paddles used. I got up to 6 before it was very painful, but still acceptable. Two guys had tapped out before then. I wasn't sure how my old roomie was doing, but however had confidence knowing that we were already accepted and that he'd do anything and everything to become a member. When we got to ten, the Master said congrats you have passed the first test. Four of you hadn't. He said it was time to cool off, and immediately felt hot piss on our asses and backs. We were then instructed to turn around, open our mouths and stick our tongues out as the urinals in the house weren't working and we were now them. After the pissing stopped the bottoms were instructed to turn around and present their holes. He reminded us that if a load went in, we were accepted, but warned us that me may be led away blindfolded not making the cut. With that I felt a large cock entering my ass without mercy. It wasn't long before my ass was flooded. I was turned around, the rope around my wrists was removed and I was told to remove my blindfold. When I did, I was shocked to see my new roomie, with a finger to his lips. He took me upstairs and told me to get dressed and go to a specific sports bar and wait for him and whomever else. Before leaving, he sprayed me with body spray, telling me I smelt like a pig. I simply grunted like a pig, and said thank you Sir. He said it was OK to eat or drink once there as it was a long night, and knew I was hungry. Next Chapter: Celebrate Good Times
  2. Chapter 7 Fuckternity Rush The night of rush was upon us. My roomie had my old roomie come to our room a few hours before. He told us that his friend was excited to meet both of us, and that besides the general interview, he would be giving us a personal one on one interview. He said that he both wanted us in our cages, but expected us to both bring our keys. Once in the room, my roomie told us to both get into our new gear. We both did, and he said something was missing. He went through his closet, and found a mesh fishnet shirt for me. It was a bit tight, but looked decent on me. He didn't have anything for my old roomie to wear, but suggested one of his plugs would work. He said it was somewhat useless if his ass wasn't loaded though, and my old roomie quickly bent over and said breed me. It didn't take long for him to cum, and then he took out one of the bigger plugs, and shoved it up his ass. It was time to head to the fuckternity. We put on some basic gym shorts and headed out. On our walk over the old roomie thanked me for sharing the story on how I became a fag. He said he was kinda mad at first, but became accepting of it. I told him I felt the same way with my experience. He said that he was still nervous about doing a group, and I told him I was getting some vids from the orgy and would share with him and my roomie. I cautioned him that they may scare him more, but reminded him that it was a semester of firsts, and that I went into my first orgy without having seen a real orgy like he would. He just said that's fucking HOT, and planted a deep kiss in me. I said, see another first, kissing in public. I decided to take another first, and grabbed his hand walking in public. I said I'd let go before the fuckternity house, so if anyone there saw, wouldn't think we were a couple. We arrived at the house and entered separately. Once in we were told to strip. We were instructed not to get fully naked, but may asked to do so later. We were asked some basic questions such as height, weight, sexual preference and if on prep. A Polaroid picture was then taken. I thought WTF, Polaroid is still around? We were then instructed to go to a specific room number and told to knock on the door three times. I was the first to arrive and after knocking, was told to enter. The host asked where my friend was, worried that he had backed out. I explained that he was waiting to come in later, as we didn't want to appear to be a couple. He said good thinking. Just then we heard 5 knocks at the door. It was the guy from the door. He asked if there was a mistake with 2 guys assigned to him. He said no, that we were highly recommended to him. With that the guy said thank you sir and said he would send the other right in. When he knocked 3 times he was invited in, and said thank you sir. He was told good boy, that whenever we addressed anyone in the fuckternity we were to address them as that, and acknowledge any name we might be called in unison, we said yes Sir. He instructed us to completely strip and said to present the keys to our cages, to which we did. A gay porn was turned on, and it was explained that it was an older one from one of the previous socials. I wasn't sure, but thought I saw my dad in it! He instructed us to start jacking, and let him know when we thought we were fully hard, and then he would measure our cocks. My old roomie said, may I ask a question Sir? He said yes you faggot. My old roomie said thank you Sir and asked if it was OK to cum. He explained that it was not normally allowed during the initial interview, but as we knew each other, he would allow it providing we didn't leave and evidence, nor tell anyone about it, including our mutual friend. We agreed and started jacking. I felt I was fully hard, and asked for a measurement. It was 6 and a quarter. My friend was measured at 7.5. Once we cleaned up, we were both locked in our cages, and told to present our asses. Sir then commented on how good i looked in my harness and leather jock, but said something was missing. He put a leather collar around my kneck, and restraints on my wrists. He then attached the restraints to a hook in the ceiling. He started off my licking my pits. I was glad that I didn't use any deodorant that night. There was a set of nipple clamps hanging from the collar, and after sucking and playing with my nipples, he clamped them down. He then began lightly slapping parts of my body; including my face, sides and stomach. He hold me to turn around and show him my hole. Once I did he slapped my ass a few times. Sir proclaimed the initial interview usually didn't have penetration of fingers, but just toys of various sizes. He explained that he was making an exception, and that once again, we were told to tell no one. He started with a finger up my hungry hole. He quickly moved to 2 and then 3. I easily took three, but was more difficult for my old roomie. He stopped at 3 saying that he knew we had both taken my roomies cock, and that was sufficient. He told us to lick his fingers clean. He congratulated my roomie on coming with a preloaded and plugged hole. Once he took the restraints off of my wrists, he put them on my old roomie, and hooked then to the hook on ceiling. He then put a ball gag in his mouth, and took out a leather flogger. He began slowly beating his ass with it. Once it was cherry red, he began to flog his back. He then gave his ass several very hard floggings. The ball gag was definitely a good idea. With that, he said it's not official yet, but ne would highly recommend us for membership. He said the next step would involve a group interview and sex, and would determine in we would become brothers. He again reminded us that if asked, we would only say our cocks were measured, and only toys went up our asses. He said to add that we were told we were not allowed to cum, and we didn't. He added that he was certain that we'd both be invited back. He said if so, be certain we were we both well rested and completely clean. We both said yes Sir. With that we said thank you Sir, and he said get out of here you faggots. I'm sure you pigs have some fun later in the dorm. With that we left, gathering our clothes which were in a pile at the door. Unlike my orgy at home, they clothes were in a pile, not individually boxed. Judging by the pile, quite a few were invited. The guy at the door said we'd hear something soon either way. We said thank you Sir and left. ******************************************* Authors note. In order to cut down on length, part of this chapter will be continued in the following chapter.
  3. Chapter 6: Shopping Spree Both my old roomie and I decided that we would both try to join the fuckternity. We both felt pretty confident that we would be accepted, with the help of my new roommate. We were both worried that we really didn't have anything really sexy to wear though. We discussed this with my new roomie, and he said he knew of a sex shop and book store in a nearby town that he would take us to. This was amazing, not only did I have a new fuck buddy, but one with a car! The next day, we decided to take a trip to the sex shop. I wasn't quite sure what a book store was, but kept quiet. My old roomie asked though. He explained that the sex shop was in front, but in back there were rooms with glory holes. He said they were great for ananomus sex. While most guys just used them for oral, some would put their ass up to them to get fuckt. When we arrived, my new roomie said to ask him about anything we had questions about in the store. He said that he would help us find something sexy to wear, but also suggested that we buy some toys while there First up was the clothes. My roomie led us over to the harness section and suggested we both get one. I found the perfect leather one with buckles and metal studs on it. My roomie said excellent choice. My old roommate had his eye on a yellow nylon one. My roomie told him that it indicated the person wearing it was into watersports. The old roomie said he had never done that before, but was curious. My roomie said we'd add that to the lesson plan, however it would be challenging in the dorm group shower. My old roomie decided in a simple leather harness. The straps were somewhat thin and no metal studs, but it looked great on his somewhat thin frame. We then went over to the jock section, where I found an amazing leather jock that had a removable front pouch. It cost more than I wanted to pay, but knew my new dad would love seeing me in it when I returned for break! My old roomie simply went with a hot designed jock, which showed off his ass really well. The front was quite small, and showed off his package quite nicely. From there, we went to the toy section. By now I spent more than I wanted to, and knew that my roomie had plenty of toys he'd share. He immediately took us to where the chastity cages were though, and suggested that we both get our own. My old roomie was confused, so my roomie explained it to him. The old roomie was still confused asking about the lock on it. My roomie explained that once put on cock, the cage would be locked, and the wearer would not have access to the key. The old roomie then asked how he could pee then. He was told that he could still pee but if he got hard, the cage would be uncomfortable. As the cages weren't that expensive, I decided to get one of my own. We were about to finish shopping when my old roomie came upon a set of training butt plugs. There were 4 in the set, each bigger than the other. My roomie walked over, and told him good call. My old roomie indicated that he had slept with the dildo up his ass last night, and loved it. My roomie just said wait until you experience that with loads up your ass! My old roomie smiled, and immediately put them in his shopping cart. With that we headed to the booths. My old roomie asked the clerk to cut open the pack of plugs as he intended on using them. The clerk just smiled and obliged. He continued by saying he might just have to find and load his ass while on his break. The video rooms were a whole new experience for me. I immediately went into a room, and there were glory holes on both sides. One had a nasty looking prolapsed hole up to it, but the other had a long beautiful uncut cock sticking through it. I hadn't had much experience with uncut cock, so I decided to practice some. I got his turtle to come out of his shell quite quickly, and serviced him for about 10 minutes before he pulled out and said give me your cunt. Even though calling an ass a cunt is a huge turn off for me, I obliged. After about 10 minutes, I felt his seed shooting deep in me. As I pulled away, his dripping cock peeked though the gloryhole again, and I heard him say clean my cock you fucking faggot. I obliged and went to the hallway looking to see if I could get into any more trouble. The pickings were slim, but both roomies were there. We agreed we should just head back to the dorm and have some fun.
  4. Chapter 5: The First Lesson My roomie watched us kiss passionately and then got up from the bed and came over to where we were. My old roomie broke away from me, and looked at my roomie, as to say I want you to kiss me. My roomie was a bit of a tease at first though. He pressed up against my old roomie and started grinding their hard cocks together at first. He then took his finger and put in in my old roomies mouth, moving it around some and then started finger fucking his mouth. After a few minutes he took his finger from his mouth, and shoved it up the old roomies ass. My old roomie was in pleasure and quickly said he wanted his cock in him. My roomie said that he would get it soon, but that I was going to breed him first. My old roomie just said he's wanted me to fuck him since last year, but was afraid to ask. With that, my old roomie bent over, saying breed me. My cock was rock hard, but figured that his hole was tight so I lubed my cock up along with his hole. My cock slipped in his hungry hole somewhat easily. Honestly it felt quite amazing. Knowing that i was taking an almost virgin ass. Once my cock was all the way in, I just left it that way for a few minutes enjoying the feel, and although my cock wasn't that big, let him get use to the feel of it. He then blurted out fuck me. I started thrusting my cock in his ass. At first, I kept my cock in him, but then began to take it completely out, and then penetrate him again. I didn't last long, as I expected, but shot what seemed to be a huge load up his ass. I then ate his ass out and shared my cum in his mouth. He looked at my roomie and said he was ready for his cock now. My roomie said there was a lesson before, and proceeded to bring out a brown bottle. The only roomie had no idea of what it was, and my roomie explained it to him. He showed him how to properly use them, and explained that he would likely feel a warm sensation, and might even feel a bit light headed if he inhaled to much. My roomie held the bottle to his nose, and closed off his nostril, telling him to sniff. We both noticed that if not controlled, he would have taken too big of a sniff, especially for his first time. My roomie quickly pulled the bottle from his nose, and told him to take it easy. After a few more sniffs, my roomie asked if he was ready for his cock, to which he eagerly said yes. My roomie told him he would take it slowly, but his goal was to get all of his 9 inches in him. His hole still had some of my cum in him so my roomie didn't use lube, except for some spit. He slowly entered his hungry hole. I positioned my cock to where he could suck me, and where I could control the poppers. At first, I denied him any poppers, letting him feel my roomies cock inching in him. He was taking his cock remarkably well. When he seemed to be uncomfortable, I offered him the brown bottle. It wasn't long before my roomie was all the way in him. Once there, he did as I did, and remained motionless inside him. He then started to slowly thrust inside of him. My roomie started telling him what a tight ass he had. He continued to gently fuck him for about 15 minutes before becoming more aggressive with him. He never completely took his cock out of his ass, but did give him a few very hard thrusts. In about 10 more minutes, he released his load deep in him. I shot my load in his mouth at almost the same time. When my roomie pulled out, his cum and a bit of my previous load seeped out running down his balls. My roomie then ate his ass out, and we shared a group kiss. Afterwards we threw some clothes on and went outside for a smoke. We quickly headed back to the room for a drink, and debriefing. My roomie asked the old roomie what he thought of his first lesson. He beamed that he was glad that I got to breed him first. Once again adding that he wanted me to last year, but was afraid to ask. I planted a kiss on him and said I don't know how I would have reacted, but still enjoyed the time we had together, adding that it seemed like a good thing though as now we were going through this journey with a much more experienced guy. My roomie then asked him how the fuck was. He said he wasn't going to lie, it hurt like hell, but the poppers certainly helped. My roomie told him he was impressed on how well he took it. He explained that he had been with many others who simply couldn't take it. He added that he was pretty gentle on him, but not so with the others. He warned him tye next time would not be so gentle. My old roomie stood up offering his ass and said fuck me hard not. My roomie just said that wasn't in today's lesson, but he earned a solid A for today. I asked what I had earned, and he said a solid B+. I was happy with that and said I guess I'll just need more lessons! We then just sat around having a few drinks, and my roomie took out his phone showing us several hook up aps he had on them. He instructed us not to join them, but in time he would create profiles for both of us. He then brought up the topic of joining the fucktetrnity. My old roomie was more excited than expected. My roomie said that their rush was coming up, and that if we were serious about trying to join, he'd step up the lessons. We both agreed that we were Interested and asked when the next lesson was. My roomie said I guess tomorrow. Well just call it an extra credit session. With that my old roomie suggested we just throw some porn in and stroke each others cocks. Ah good old times!
  5. Chapter 4: The Lesson Plan The next morning I was awakened by my roommate eating my ass. I knew it would be to my benefit to sleep naked, and I typically sleep on my stomach. As I said before he has the most talented, and long tongue that had ever been in my ass. Most guys just lick around your hole, but he put 2 of his fingers in mine, and stuck his tongue in and began fucking my ass with it. I now know it is his talent, and not just because I was sucking my old roomie the first time he rimmed me. This was going to be an amazing semester. Not only did he have a beautiful 9 inch cock, but a set of low hangers that would slap my ass while he was pounding it. I didn't want him to stop eating my add, yet i begged him to breed me which he happily obliged. He showed no mercy at first by burying his cock to the base, but after that he varied his rhythm from gentle to jack rabbit. He fucked me for about 30 minutes before unloading deep in me. He stayed inside me hard for a few minutes, then ate his load from my ass and swapped it with me. We put on a pot of coffee and went outside for a smoke. To my amazement, my old roommate was also outside smoking a cigarette. This was the first time that I had seen him smoke, although he knew that I did. He saw the surprised look on my face and just said this year would be an entire new start for him. And besides he was a bit nervous about our first lesson that afternoon. My roommate asked if he had studied any last night, and he said some, but had to wait until he heard his roommate snoring to do so. He then asked what today's lesson would be, and we just said we still had to plan it. We instructed him to be at our room at one, and bring the borrowed toy and lube with him. He said he was excited, and then my roommate grabbed his crotch, and said he could tell. He reminded him not to blow his load before. We then left, while the old roomie stayed and lit up another ciggy. We got back to the room, and got completely naked and started working on our lesson. We debated on how far we should go. We both agreed we start off slow with some oral. The old roomie was able to take my cock to the base, but my new roomie had 3 inches more. We decided to see just how far he could go with my roomie. We then discussed fucking. The old roomie was anxious to feel a cock in his ass yesterday, so was pretty sure he'd want it again. My roomie suggested that I breed my old roomie first, as like with the bj, the old roomie would likely be able to handle it. I explained it was rare for me to top, but I would. My roommate reminded me that he was also planning to make me more versatile, and he wanted to see my skills as a top first. We agreed that we should also introduce him to poppers before my roomie fuckt him. Not only would it relax his tight pucker, it would relax him overall. I asked my roommate how deep he was going to fuck him. He said he'd play it by ear, but had hoped to get his cock in all the way. He continued by saying that he would take it easy, and if the old roomy agreed, we should do a video of him getting fuckt. No faces, just his cock penetrating his virgin hole. I loved the idea, and said I was pretty sure he'd agree to it. By now we were both getting hard, and I told my roomie to suck my cock, to which he obliged. Once I was ready to cum, I pulled my cock from his mouth, and shot a huge load on his face. He seemed pissed that I didn't shoot down his throat, but a smile came across his cum covered face as I pushed my man seed into his mouth with my cock. When his face was clean, we locked lips in a passionate kiss. We then just sat side by side holding each other. He got up and poured us a drink of whisky, saying we should drink to what was going to be an amazing semester. After the first of several drinks, my roomie asked me if I had considered joining the "fuckternity" on campus. I just laughed and told him I knew about it, but I was an essential newbie to the gay scene. He said, oh tell me. I said I would at some point, but if I did now, we'd end up fucking and I wanted us to save up for the afternoon. He said it must be fucking HOT, and agreed. I asked him if he had thought about joining the fucktetrnity and he said yes, but he really didn't have the money to. He said je was saving up some money, and would likely do so next year. He continued by saying he also hoped to live in the house. He said that he knew a few guys in the house, and that it was always like a big party there. He said that they had a play room in the basement, and recently had to add a third sling, as the other 2 were constantly in use. Thoughts of my dad's dungeon popped into my head! I suggested that he bring the subject up to my old roomie, and he agreed. He said he would be a perfect pledge, and so would I. He said that most of the guys there are highly experienced, but as one of his friends told him, they love finding inexperienced guys to join their Brotherhood. He continued by saying that he would put in a word for the both of us with his friends there if we decided to pledge. He added that his friends there were mostly bottoms, and he'd fuck them to convince them. I asked if he knew what the process to join was. He explained that "rush" was coming up soon, and it was by invite only. You were told to show up at a certain time and place, wearing something hot. He said his friend told him there was no real sex that night, but heavy drinking, and some stroking to porn, which was mostly of home made movies of guys in the house. I laughed and told him about my homophobic father and how he suggested I join a fraternity to meet girls! He just laughed, and said he knew of one sissy slut there that liked to dress up as a girl, and said he guessed that would have to do! Time flew, and although we told my old roomie to come at 1, he eagerly showed up at 12:30. We invited him in and told him to get naked with us. He quickly obliged. We could tell he was excited as his hard cock popped from his sexy underwear. We decided to pour a drink, and talk some first. We figured it would be best to relax him some first with some alcohol. After the first drink, we poured another, and my old roomie begged for the lesson to begin. My roomie asked him what he was most interested in learning. He eagerly said everything. He said he really enjoyed our first session together, and wanted to take it further. He looked at me and said he hoped that I wasn't shocked. He continued by saying that last year he really was afraid to do more than Jack with me. I told him I felt the same way. He then said although he was bummed that we weren't roomies this year, it seems like it was for the best as my new roomie knew the ropes, and was willing to break us in! I agreed with him. Now that I look back at it, playing a virgin was the hardest role play I'd ever done. If only my old roomie knew what a slut i really was! My roonmie just sarcastically said awww, how romantic. Now lock your lips like you are lovers. My old roomie grabbed my head, and locked on my lips, shoving his tongue in my mouth. My roomie said it looks like it's time for the first lesson to begin! Next Up: Lesson One.
  6. Chapter 3: Old Roomie Coming Out My new roomie and I stripped as we saw my old roomie jacking his cock. My new roomie asked him if he had ever had his cock sucked before, and he said a couple of times by girls. My new roomie smiled and said let me show you what a real blow job is like! He immediately wrapped his lips on his cock, and took his 7 to the base. The old roomie was moaning in pleasure. It wasn't long before he shot his load in his mouth. My new roomie told him he needed to get use to the taste of cum, and to open up his mouth wide. Without hesitation he opened his mouth, and my new roomie let it flow from his mouth into his. My new roomie told him it was now time he learned to suck cock. He was petrified saying that he couldn't handle his 9 inches. He said in time he would be, but he would start off sucking my cock. I laid back on the bed and told my old roomie to start by just licking the head of my cock. He had an incredibly talented and long tongue. I couldn't wait until we taught him how to rim. The combination of his long tongue and facial stubble would be amazing. Just the thought of that got me to start pre cumming. My old roomie said my cum tasted great. I told him to ease off, and suck on my bull balls for awhile. His mouth was amazing! He took one of my nuts in my mouth and started gently sucking. Before I knew it he had both balls in my mouth, and honestly I had to question if this was the first time he'd done that. He then eagerly said he wanted to suck my cock. I gave him some general rules like watch your teeth and don't rush yourself as it would be best he take it deeper slowly. He got about half way down my 6 inch cock, and I told him to stop and start sucking. Again I had to question if this was his first time. After about 5-10 minutes I told him to progressively go deeper. To my surprise, he immediately took my cock to the base, with little gag reflex. Once he seemed comfortable I told him I wanted to fuck his mouth. I started off pretty gently, making sure that the head of my cock was pushing against the side of his cheek creating a bump. All of a sudden, he backed away, looked directly at me and said fuck and feed my mouth. If that's what he wants, that's what he gets! I started off fairly aggressively burying my cock to the base when he least expected it. A couple of times, I held his head in place for a bit before letting him come up for air. It didn't take long for me to shoot my load deep in his throat. After pulling my cock out, I told him to lick my cock clean, to which he eagerly did. Then to our surprise he said he wanted to get fucked in the ass! My roomie stepped in and said that I wasn't a top, and the first cock up his ass would be his, but it would take some time to get his ass ready for it. My roomie told him to lay on his stomach, and went to his trick bag and retrieved some lube and a small finger sized vibrating dildo. He began by lubing the toy, and gently sticking it up his hungry hole. My old roomie was moaning in pleasure. My roomie then started the dildo to vibrate by turning the speed to low on it, and slowly turning up thevspeed. He probably only got to half speed whrn my old roomie quickly shot a hands free load on the bed. My roomie told him to lick every last drop from the sheets. My roomie then took out his glass dildo with me the increasing size balls on it and told me to bend over. He started to rim my ass, and the old roomie asked what he was doing. My roomie said it was like eating pussy, but ass instead. My roomie said yes, but he had one rule.....Never call a guys ass a pussy. If you want pussy find a woman. He buried his tongue deep in my ass, and although I'd been rimmed before, this was the absolute best. I'm not sure if it was because of his talented tongue, or the fact my old roomie was hard again, stroking his cock. My roomie took his mouth away from my ass, and put the glass dildo up my ass. Slowly at first, working the first ball in and slowly pulling it in and out of my hole. It wasn't long before he got to the second and third balls in me before stopping. About the time he got the second ball in, he told my old roomie to fuck my mouth with his cock. My roomie later told me he wanted to see if he had any potential as a top. Although it wasn't the best mouth fucking, he did show promise! After my new roomie shot down mybthroat, my roomie said that was enough for tonight. I agreed knowing that as soon as he left, I was getting fuckt. My new roomie told him that we would have weekly room sessions on Monday. Wednesday and Friday, and he was supposed to study hard on the off days. He was also told that private tutoring would be available. He told him to come by tomorrow afternoon for his first tutoring session. He quickly replied yes Sir! He was definitely more than willing to learn and asked if his first lesson could be on rimming. As he left, we decided to go out and smoke a cigarette first. Between puffs we both discussed how surprised we were at how well the old roomie did. He even asked me if that was truly the first time he'd had gay sex. I said as far as I knew. We lit up another ciggy and my roommate said we should devise a lesson plan for him tonight. I asked if we were still going to fuck, and he said let's wait until tomorrow afternoon when he comes for his first tutoring session. By doing so it would at least appear that it was my first time bottming. After I thought about it I agreed that was a good idea. We went back to the room and started working on a lesson plan. My roomie was getting hard, and said at least I'll let you suck my cock tonight as there was no sense in letting a boner go to waste. After sucking him for a bit, I asked if he would at least put his cock up my ass. He suggested that we see how far he could get the glass dildo up my ass. He knew that I was anxious to try and take all of it. As he was about to shoot his load, he pulled out of my mouth and shot on my ass. He then rubbed some of his cum on the dildo, shoving just the first too balls in. He then thrust the dildo deep in me up to the fifth ball. I winced in pain, but it felt great. He said he knew i wanted it all earlier, but when playing with my old roomie, he wanted him to think we were both abal virgins. He explained that he's encountered many college boys who wanted to get fuckt for the first time, but after he met and fucked him, they simply ghosted him. He said that's where I'd come in though. Not only would he train my old roomie into becoming vers, he would train me to be vers also. That way I could bring bottoms home and fuck them a few times before suggesting to them that we have a three way. Next up: The Lesson Plan.
  7. I'm trying to pace it somewhat! A good part is already written! Trust me it gets better!
  8. Chapter 2: My new roomie Move in day was upon us. I arrived to the room before my new roomie did. I wasn't totally unpacked, but had a few dildos in the open when he arrived. He immediately set off my gaydar. Was he gay, or was i just horny? He looked at the toys, smirked and just said we are going to get along just fine! His smirk told me that my gaydar was correct. I helped him unpack, and he too had a few toys! One that caught my eye was a glass one with various sized balls on it. I picked up the toy, and started sucking on it. He just watched, rubbing his package. From what i could tell, he was packing. Once unpacked, he suggested we go to a bar and get to know each other better, to which I agreed. The closest bar was a dump. Walking through it, you could hear your shoes sticking to the floor. Yes it was a dive, but a typical college bar to get drunk, pick someone up in take them home and fuck. I was hoping this would be the case today! I asked him if it was cool if I invited my old roomie, telling him about our "history" and a brief story of mine coming out over the break. He asked what do you think, and grabbed my hand directing it to his crotch. He was definitely hard and hung! I asked if he was a top or bottom and he just smirked saying you'll find out tonight! I told him I'd check with my friend, and headed to his room. His new roomie hadn't arrived yet, and I told him my new roomie wanted to grab a drink with him. He eagerly agreed. I continued by telling him that my new roomie was definitely gay. To my surprise he said thats cool, and that he had always wanted to do more than Jack with me, but was afraid to. I lied saying I felt the same, hoping that my new roomie was a top, and took his cherry! He said he needed to shower first, and i said I'd suggest that to my new roomie. That way we could see each other naked in a neutral place. I headed back to my room, and told my new roomie he was up for it, but suggested we shower together first. My new roomie just laughed and said he's gayer than you think! My old roomie was already in the shower when we arrived. He was soaping up his cock, but not yet hard. My new roomie dropped his towel, and was every inch of 9 or more. The shower was somewhat innocent, just soaping up others backs. That was until the religious guy entered the shower. Fortunately we had stopped before he entered. We said our hellos and quickly exited and then headed to the bar. My new roomie quickly bought us double shots at the bar. There was no beating around the bush with him. He told my old roomie that I told him what the 2 of us did last year, and that he was a true fag, and would take it further if he wanted. The old roomie was uncommittal. My old roomie looked at him and said, I guess you know we are both virgins to gay sex, and your cock is huge. The new roomie just told him it was totally up to him. If not tonight, the semester was just starting. I had to take a piss, and my new roomie followed me to the restroom. At the urinal, he said his ass is mine! I just said take it slow with him. Just let him suck your cock, and you suck us. After he leaves our room, my ass is yours! He just winked and said I LOVE the way you think. We continued to drink heavily, and the new roomie was aggressive, but not overly. He asked my old roomie if he wanted to suck his cock later. The old roomie said he'd never had a cock in his mouth, and would like to suck me first. I went into "vigin mode" and said the same! We then decided it was time to head back to the dorm. Although we were quite buzzed, we picked up a 12 pack to sneak back into the dorm. We got to our room, and my new roomie put on a gay porn, and suggested we all get more comfortable. I said I had to pee first, and he said he did also. He followed me to the restroom and asked if I would be his urinal. I said I loved WS but cautioned about getting piss on our clothing before returning to the room. He agreed and said we'd be careful, and he wanted to be my urinal also. We took turns feeding each other, and he planted a deep kiss on me. He said heres to a great semester! I agreed saying that we were both pigs, and had the opportunity to turn my old roomie into one too, so take it easy with him tonight. He just smiled and said love the way you think! When we got to the room, my old roomie was already stroking to the gay porn! Next chapter: A Fag is Born.
  9. 57 yo oral bottom between Tampa and Orlando. I may be an oldie, but a goodie!
  10. This is a spin off of a story written here in this section called My Friends Dad. I encourage you to check it out, like and or comment. Many things here will make much more sense if you do. For those who've already read it, some interesting stuff coming up here. So it was time to head back to college! Before I left, my homophobic real father actually encouraged me to join a fraternity as it was a great way to meet women in sororities. He continued by telling me about all the pussy that he got in college while in a fraternity. He was disappointed that his chapter was not on my campus, as he could get me in as a Legacy. Deep down I felt a sigh of relief! I told him i had thought about joining a fraternity, but he convinced me that I should. Little did he know the fraternity I was thinking about was know as the "fuckternity" on campus! On the other hand, my new dad and brother advised me to join a fraternity for other reasons. My brother said the fraternities typically had lots of hot guys in them. He said they typically prefer pussy, but he's sucked quite a few fraternity guys, and even been fucked by a few. He wasn't in a fraternity, but had a friend that was, and he would frequently visit just for head, saying that women just don't know how to suck cock. My brother then continued by saying one night when his friend was drunk, he came over for his regular blow job, and asked him to fuck him, as he was tired of using a dildo on his ass, or having a sorority sister come over and fuck him with a strap on. With that my new dad said he had a going away gift for me. He brought out a Webcam, and said that he and his son had a private video room, and that his son would often turn it on when he and his roommate were fucking each other, or even better when fucking a stranger. Dad also said he had recently set up a Webcam in the dungeon, and used it for the first time at our going away party. He admitted the captures he took from it weren't the best, but showed the overall orgy. He said he included a link to the private website, which he called All in the Family. He assured me that it was private and that only himself and my brother had access to it. During my freshman year, I didn't consider myself gay. Sure I looked at guys cocks in the group shower, but I looked at girls tits too! It was all a part of being off on my own for the first time. After this summer, I definitely knew I was gay though! My first year at college was pretty boring. Really no sex life at all, besides watching porn and jacking. It was a relief not having my father giving me grief for jacking in the bathroom at home! My first year roomie was also straight, yet we would often watch straight porn together, in our own beds jacking. One of our best friends on the floor was somewhat of a religious freak, but when we went out to the bars, he drank much more than either of us! I guess that he was our friend because he was super smart, and often helped us with our school work. One night while at the bar, the three of us started discussing fraternities. The religious guy said he couldn't find one to fit his spiritual needs, but encouraged us to look at the options. He cautioned us about one that was full of "sodomites and sinners" though! My cock got hard over the tought of joining that fraternity. We stumbled home from the bar, basically holding up our religious friend. When my roomie and I got back to our room, we kinda chuckled about the conversation. As we layed in our beds, getting ready to watch some straight porn, my roomie said wouldn't it be funny if Mr religion was totally drunk one night and had gay sex? Just the thought of it actually got me hard! I just laughed and my roomie got up to put a porn in, and he was visibly hard too. He put the porn in, and we both stroked our cocks to completion. I found my friends thought kind of strange. Sure we would jack together to straight porn, but that wasn't really gay. I wondered if he had gay sex before? Was he hinting that he wanted to? Was he simply just drunk? My second year, we had the option to choose a roommate. Although my old roommate was cool, I wasn't sure that he would ever do more than Jack to straight porn. After our conversation about our religious friend though, In the back of my mind, i thought that he may have an interest in having gay sex though. I got super hard just thinking about grooming him, like my new dad and brother groomed me. It was a tough decision, but I decided not to list him as a potential roomie. After the summer I wanted more than just the possibility of having a gay roomie. It was a difficult decision not to choose him as a roomie, but I'd take a chance. I lied and told him I selected him though. If worst came to worst, I'd make sure a new roomie that didn't work out would want to transfer out of my room. Once my friend found out we weren't going to be roomies, he was disappointed, but I said it was a good opportunity to meet others, and if it didn't work out for either, I had a plan. Next up Chapter 2: My new roomie!
  11. It was fun writing this story, but all good things must cum to an end....or should they? Thanks to all who followed and liked or commented! I apologize for my fast pace of posting but once started it's hard to stop! I'm giving it a rest for now. Giving everyone a chance to catch up! I do plan on continuing it with possibly some college shenanigans or special holiday bonuses! I'll likely keep it in this thread, so you don't have to look around to find the original story. Thinking the next chapter will be around Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble Gobble! Thanks again everyone! Stay tuned!
  12. As we were sitting there eating, gramps and his grandson showed up. Now normally 70 yo don't look good in speeds, but gramps long cock looked amazing in his blue Speedo. He Apologized for being late saying they both woke up horny, and he had to drop a load in his grandson. They both got naked, and the grandson was locked in his cock cage, and a metal plug shoved up his ass. A pissmosa as we now called them was offered to them, and they loved dad's cum covered eggs. Dad was getting hard, and told gramps he didn't get to breed his son. Gramps just said he's prelubed and ready. Dad told the boy to bend over the chair. Once he did, he pulled the plug from the boys butt and a massive load ran out if his ass. I don't know what vitamins or supplements gramps was taking, but damn he shot huge loads! Now the grandson wasn't built, but his ass was rock solid and Dad got off on slapping it hard and often. My brother.just looked at me and said are we just gonna watch? Fuck no! I bent over the chair next to Dad, and my brother fucked me. After we were both filled, we all just decided to lounge in the sun some. My new dad and brother laid on the chairs and the grandson and I cleaned both their cocks. Gramps was next to my dad and thanked him for inviting him to the party, and that he and his grandson both had an amazing time. He continued by saying despite being on the sex aps, he didn't get much action because of his age. He continued by saying that his grandson faired better, but as he was kinda nerdy and all bottom, he wasn't the most popular choice. Gramps did indicate he loved it when someone would come over to breed his grandson. There was only one occasion where he and his grandson played with a third, but normally he would just jack off while his grandson was getting fuckt. My brother then asked the grandson if he had lots of sex at college. The grandson said he was going to a community College and was staying at home. My brother told the grandson that he and Tom were college roommates, and they have a great time as such. The grandson asked if people in the dorm knew they were gay, and my brother said no. It was an all male dorm, so guys rooming together was normal. He did indicate there was one other gay couple on the floor, and Fortunately in the room next to them. He said it was a challenge fucking in the dorms, but being side by side, they often heard the couple fucking, and would join in for a 4 way. He explained that there were lots of gay guys on campus, and many had houses and were able to host. He explained that he and Tom were hoping to get there own house next year. The grandsons cock wax straining in his cage, so grandpa removed it telling him he was a good boy last night, and deserved to bust a nut. He began stroking, but then looked at gramps and told him he wanted to breed him. Gramps smiled and said I guess this will be another first. Gramps was a top, and rarely bottomed, and his grandson wasn't an experienced top, so dad found some lube for them. He said he'd help hom out, and instructed him to lube his fingers and push them up gramps ass. Dad then lubed up a finger and put it in gramps pucker, explaining that he was tight as hell. Gramps told dad that he wanted his grandson to breed him, but in the future he'd love my dad to breed him. The grandson then started to finger gramps. First one finger, then 2 then 3. Gramps was moaning in pleasure, and his grandson was leaking pre cum. He surprisingly wasn't a bad fuck. Somewhat slow and deliberate, and shot deep in gramps in less than 5 minutes. Gramps even shot a hands free load on the lounger, and after he cleaned his grandsons cock, he made the grandson lick the cum from the lounger. The rest of the afternoon was pretty mellow. We spent most of the afternoon just skinny dipping. Tom and his dad later joined us for a swim. He apologized for being late, but said his son had a friend over, and he fucked both of them. Gramps then asked if he had ever fuckt his son in front of another boy. Toms dad said it was a bit risky, but they had one in mind. He explained that his friend knew nothing about their relationship but if the friend was interested, he would have to be the one to bring it up. By dinner, the group had dispersed. Some of us simply falling asleep on the lounge chairs, occasionally awakened by a mouth on our cocks. Eveyone was spent from the night before! To be continued??????
  13. Go to Hanks and Barcodes for some backyard fun!
  14. Chapter 25: a new family connection Although no one took my new dad up on the offer to breed me before him, gramps came over with his grandson and said that they were about to leave, however he wanted to see me before I left for school. I agreed and told him to leave his number on a piece of paper, and slip it into my pants at the clothes check box. I gave him the box number, and he gave me a nice deep kiss. At the fuck table, my new dad asked how I was doing. I said I was sore yet happy and looking forward to him and my new brother breeding me for one last time that night. Dad got on his back and said to ride his cock. Soon after his son entered my ass at the same time, and started pumping my hole aggressively. His stamina wasn't as long, and his load wasn't as big as usual, but I guess that was to be expected. Once he dropped his load in me, he put his cock in my mouth. The taste of all the different cum in me was amazing! Dad instructed me to get in the doggy position, and shoved his cock in to the base. This time it was dad who had the stamina and huge load. I hadn't seen dad fucking much, just getting suckt and filming the couples. After he unloaded in me, he told the few remaining that they were welcome to stay, but that yhe three of us were retiring to the bedroom upstairs. Once in the bed, we laid on the bed in a sweaty pile. My friend put his cock in my ass, and his dad in his. There was no fucking, just filling each others hole. When we woke up late the next morning, or was it afternoon, both of us had plugs in our asses. Dad rolled out of bed and said he'd be serving breakfast poolside in about 20 minutes. He told us to shower and come to the pool. In the shower, my brother and I kissed deeply and he said he was proud to have me as a new brother. I told him i wanted him to fuck me in the shower, but he said we shouldn't make dad wait, and that he always made a great breakfast. When we arrived at the pool, there was a huge pan of scrambled eggs, and dad was jacking his cock to add his own cream sauce to it. He said mimosas were waiting at the bar, but he ran out of orange juice so used his piss as the mixer. The combination of piss and champaign was quite tasty. He said that if we wanted more, we would have to provide our own mixers. We both agreed that we wanted more, but instead of using a glass, I first got on my knees and my brother poured some champagne in my mouth then added his piss. He had a pretty good stream, and once I swallowed the first mouthful, he continued to add champaign and piss to my mouth. Once done, I returned the favor. I think dad was a bit jealous. He was about to finish putting his cream sauce on the eggs and we were both able to squeeze a bit more piss out, and make a mimosa for him.he gulped it down, and finished his cream sauce. Next Up: Brunch.
  15. Chapter 24: Toms Dad Toms dad came over with one of the dungeon candles in his hand and started dripping wax on my back. This wasn't something that I had expected, or even experienced before. Several of the sons came over to watch, and one stuck his cock in my mouth. When Toms dad finished, I felt a cold piece of metal entering my hole, and pulling it apart. He invited the boys and the other dads to jack their loads into my wide open hole. To encourage them, he began to flog me. After having the wax dripped on my back, this was extremely painful. In addition, he was very verbal towards the boys and myself. I recall him telling the boys that they weren't real men like him, and the best they could do was to jack off and offer their holes to real men like him. He then walked around and shoved his cock deep in one of the boys that was stroking. Within several minutes, the boy shot a massive load in me. He did the same for a second boy. After that boy shot his load, Toms dad loosened the speculum, removed it and thrust deep in my ass. His fucking was aggressive, but after having my hole stretched, and filled with cum, it wasn't as bad as i was expecting. Toms son was feeding me his cock in my mouth as his dad fucked me. My friend and his dad were at the side of the bench, watching and playing with each others cocks and asses. Toms dad fucked me for a good 20 minutes before unleashing his seed deep in my ass. It was getting late, and one of the couples had already left. My new dad announced that if anyone wanted my ass, they better take it now, and that he would be the last to breed me, and that time was approaching. To my surprise, no one took him up on that offer. With that my new dad and step brother released me from my restraints, and led me to the large fuck table. Next Up: A New family connection
  16. I wouldn't say bullied, but often wonder about their decisions. I've been banned more than my fair share. Often for posting in a wrong area. Rathering banning people, it seems MUCH more fair to simply move the post to an appropriate area like the backroom. In addition, if you THINK something might be "wrong" with your post, contact a mod and ask them! I recently had this experience, and as posts can't be modified, I asked a mod to edit for me, which they did.
  17. Chapter 23: The Dungeon As we entered the Dungeon the first thing we noticed was the grandson in a sling getting fucked and sucking in the dads cock. Gramps just looked at me and said see what I meant about age? The other dad/ son couple was into dog play. The dad was leading his son around on a leash, and his pup was going around sniffing asses, with his dad saying find me a pre loaded hole. When the pup sniffed my ass, he let outback big aroooo. His dad patted his head and said good pup. Gramps asked the dad if he could breed his pup. The dad said yes, but not until he put his pup in the cage, and he finished his bowl of kibble. The dad continued by saying after gramps bred him, his pup needed to take the knot. Gramps was confused but after the pup was in his cage, he brought over a dog knot dildo and the dad said his pup had never taken a knot as large as that before, and that Gramps was to take no mercy on his hole. The handler put me on a leash, and pulled me to a padded fuck bench, then restrained me. He brought over another dog dildo, which I'd never experienced before. He pulled the plug from my ass, and started to insert the dildo up my ass. Now the dildo itself was quite large , yet felt good. That knot though was bothering me some though. He started pushing in dildo up to the knot, but then he at least gave me warning and said here comes the knot pup. Once the knot penetrated me, I let out a big yelp. The handler pumped the toy in my ass for awhile before he started to take it completely out of my ass, and then shoving it completely in again. Although painful, not nearly as bad as the initial time. It wasn't long before Gramps brought the pup on a leash to the fuck bench next to me. He looked at my handler and said I hope you don't mind, but i made your pup drink a bowl of my piss, then I found this tail to plug him with. His dad told the pup to show me his tail, and the pup turned to him and wiggled his ass. He was patted on head and told good pup! Gramps then said up on the bench pup and then restrained him. Gramps shoved the dildo in his mouth and said he was going to breed him first. The pup just wiggled his ass, and Gramps removed his tail. I then saw a side of Gramps I'd never seen. He put the head of his cock to the pups hole and said he was going to bone him. In one strong thrust, Gramps buried his bone to the base. The pup whimpered as this was a completely dry fuck. Gramps wasn't making love, he was fucking, and aggressively! Gramps was also very vocal calling the pup his bitch in heat! WOW what a difference! Gramps filled the pup with his load and retrieved the dildo from the pups mouth, and apparently noticing the way I was being fucked by the knot, started shoving the dildo completely in and out of the pups hole. The pups dad was extremely turned on and pulled the dildo from my ass and started fucking me. It wasn't long before he shot his load deep in me. After doing so, he moved over to his son, and planted his still hard cock in his sons ass. Gramps came over to me and told me to suck his cock, and then take it like the useless hole I was! Grandpa lasted longer than I'd expected, and wasn't making love but fucking. Before he could finish, we were interrupted by someone who simply said his ass is mine now, get the fuck off of him. Next Chapter: Toms Dad.
  18. Chapter 21: The Winner My friends dad invited everyone to the bar area saying it was time to announce who the lucky guy was. Someone suggested he pour a toast for all, and he took our the shot glasses and filled them with his steamy piss. And the winner is....... GRANDPA! Honestly a sigh of relief came from me. On the other hand, Toms dad was totally pissed. He wanted to be the first to use me. Oh I know he will eventually, but I know it's going to be rough, and didn't want to start that way. My friends dad said it was time for a shot for me and grandpa, and poured us some whisky. He said our 30 minutes would start as soon as we entered the house. The two of us were excited and downed our shot quickly. As soon as we entered the house, Gramps asked where a bedroom was, as it was the first time he was in the house. Ad soon as we got there, he locked lips with me, pushing his tongue deep down my throat. When he came up for air, he explained that he was so happy he had won. Judging by his rock hard cock, I could tell. When I asked him why he was so happy, he said that I reminded him of his grandson. He continued by saying at 77, no one, even older guys wanted to have sex with him. He continued by saying that he knew his grandson was gay, but he was afraid to make a move on him, and fortunately his grandson was the first to make a move on him. I was horny as fuck, and just said we only had 30 minutes to ourself to which he replied suck my cock you hole! I always focus in the head first, and his was already leaking pre cum. He moaned in pleasure, and his body tensed when I took him to the base. I was afraid he was going to bust his nut down my throat then. It wasn't long before he said he wanted to make love to me. He added, not just fuck me, but make love to me. With that he told me to get on my back and put my legs over his shoulders. He pulled the plug from my ass, and I felt my friend and his dad's cum leak over my balls. Gramps not only hasva thick long cock, but a huge mushroom head. As he entered my hole, he asked if I was OK. I just said make love to me! There was nothing rough at all about Gramps, and he was skilled at making love. He would alternate between slow and deep strokes, and Jack rabbit fucking. He had quite the lasting power too, as we heard the others entering the house, heading to the dungeon. He continued to make love to me, then stated he was about to give me his babies. He thrust all the way in, the first time that he was aggressive, and let out a loud grunt. Let me just say Gramps shot a huge load. After, he bent over and gave me another deep kiss, and thanked me. He suggested I replug as to not be leaking a trail of cum to the basement. He gently put the plug in, and i headed to the door, when he said wait. He again thanked me, and said he couldn't wait to see me being a pig. He continued by saying he couldn't wait to see other fathers and sons being piggy, especially his grandson! He said that he already experienced a first in drinking piss, then asked if I really liked the taste of it? I just oinked, and Gramps gave me a hard slap on the ass, and said let's get to the dungeon you pig There's hope for Gramps yet! Next up Chapter 23. The Dungeon.
  19. Thanks! I've been through hurricanes before, but in block homes. Thos is the first in a manufactured home. Lots of rain and heavy winds. I escaped damage, but several places around me had carports ripped apart, or roof damage.
  20. Pretty simple ones here. 1) DP. Got close once, but both were TJICK cocks, and one, the first in had a HUGE PA! 2) Get pissed up my ass.
  21. Chapter 20: a Gathering of Men and Boys We both went outside to the pool bar where my new dad greeted as with a strong drink. This time it was different though. It was Tequila. He looked at both of us and said, " You bastards only seem to like my whisky, and never drink anything else!" We have several dads here who im sure will be doing shots with you, especially as that will be the first drink you will be serving around the pool. Our dad then looked us both up and down, and said we both looked good in red. With that he grabbed both of our cocks firmly. He noted that his son forgot to put me in my cock cage, and told him to retrieve it from the dungeon and to take his time. While my friend went to retrieve it, my new dad poured 3 shots of Tequila and 3 with his piss. He asked what my choice was to which I wanted. I said both of course! I grabbed the piss shot first as I still had the taste of Tequila in my mouth, and wanted to savor the flavor of his piss. He continued by saying that he would explain the rules before the fun began. He explained that the most important rule is "No means No!" He explained that there were no names to be used at the party, and as each person arrived we would check their clothes, and put them in one of the 12 numbered boxes at the entry. In addition he said we would have a marker and mark each individuals upper chest with a corresponding number. He continued by saying to be sure and be polite as the guests would have access to their wallets, and they would often tip. Allow them to do what they want. Grab you ass, your cock or kiss you. The more you allow, the better they tip. His son arrived as we were going over the rules. He told his son to drink up while he locked my cock. He told his son that there was one new procedure, and that was when we were tipped, we would mark the bill with the number of the person who tipped us. He said we would understand when he went over the rules with the group. Just then we heard the first car pulling up. He said boys assume the position, something we heard plenty of that night. The first couple to arrive was an older gentleman that I guessed was in his 70s and his grandson. As they arrived my friend said they were new to the group, so make them feel comfortable. As they entered I quickly welcomed them. I explained the clothes check process and said we would be serving drinks poolside later but the host was at the bar serving drinks now. Grandpa as ill call him might of been old, but was in amazing shape, with a rather large cock, and balls hanging longer than I've ever seen. I took his clothes and before he gave me his pants, he reached into his wallet and pulled out $20 as a tip. His grandson was probably our age, maybe a little younger, and like me was locked in a cock cage. He seemed embarrassed and I just smiled pulling down the front of my jock and saying it's just like mine. A big grin came over his face. There was nothing in particular to say about the next 2 couples to arrive. Very professional looking and well groomed. Average physical shape, and all above average endowments. Both of us were groped by all 4, and asked to bend over and show our holes. Next and last up was Tom and his father. Now Tom was built, but next to his father he looked like a wimp. When he took his pants off he was already hard, explaining that his son fluffed him in the car before coming in. My new dad's cock was every inch of 10, and im guessing Toms dad had 12. Toms dad eyed me up and told me to turn around and bend over for inspection. He then spit on my hole. My friend quickly reminded him sex was to only be in the house. He simply looked at my friend and said I know faggot. As it appeared no one else would be arriving, my new dad got up and started explaining the rules. He explained that the party would not start until 1. Drink up and smoke now if you want. He also indicated that there was a full bar and smoking was allowed only upstairs in the game room. He continued by saying that the most important rule is that no means no! There was no exception to this rule! Anyone who broke the rule would be permanently be removed from the group. He continued by saying most here have encountered the majority of what would be happening, but not everyone. He continued to say that watersports was to only be done in the dungeon shower. He said the dungeon refrigerator was full of surprises! Not only did the freezer have 2 granite paddles in it, there were two ice cube trays full of frozen cum. He continued by saying that there were some empty trays next to the refrigerator for donations. He reminded guys to be generous in leaving their cum, as last time there weren't many donations, and most of the cubes were milked from his son. On addition the freezer had a wide variety of poppers, reminding them they were not party favors, and should be returned to the freezer after use. And he announced now for some exciting news. He began by saying that usually as host he had the first 30 minutes with his choice of boys first, but tonight all of the tips and donations made would be tallied up, and the person who contributed the most had the first half hour with his new son. He continued by saying you will not be the first to breed him though if that was your choice, but if you do, he comes preloaded and plugged by both my son and i a little over an hour ago. He explained that his sons had envelopes that would be numbered and tallied, and that any tips received had already been marked with the participants number. Payment was due within a werk, and anyone who didnt pay up would permanently be removed from the group. The dad's, and even a few sons dashed towards the clothes check, scrambling for their wallets or slips of paper on which they could make a pledge. My new dad made an announcement that the contest was now closed, and once the amounts tallied, the winner would have 30 minutes to do whatever wherever they wanted in the house. He continued by saying the lucky winner was also allowed to down a shot with his new son, and that would not count against his time. And the winner is.................... To be continued in the next chapter. The winner!
  22. I've pre written some chapters, but living in the Cone if Uncertainty if Ian, not sure when I'll be able to post more.
  23. Not that I don't appreciate a good fuck, it seems empty without the load. Often at the saunas guys just go ass to ass edging in guys holes. Kinda of makes me feel like my ass was not good enough for them to breed. I kinda get it, and on rare occasions he comes back and dies actually breed me. It brings confidence back knowing that of all the asses he was up, he wanted to drop his load in mine!
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