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Everything posted by tighthole64

  1. Sadly I see this potentially happening in Florida. They have already been targeting drag shows! If a parent chooses to bring a younger child, that's THEIR choice!
  2. They can be fun! Two close to me in Florida. Sadly rangers are pretty strict on beach sex. They almost arrested a guy for simply putting sunscreen on his flaccid cock! They assumed he was jacking!
  3. You just enjoy Nutting in a butt! Nothing slutty about that! Judging by past posts, you are open to all types. Sadly so many are stuck up on "types." It's not marriage, a hole is a hole. If the sex is good, you hit it again. If not, you and the bottom have both still had your fun! I've told you before, the most amazing thing about you is that you are not afraid to respond to others posts, and in a sophisticated way. One day, if not already, you will be the perfect husband for someone! That is as long as they are willing to still let you have your weekend fun, while enjoying you during the week!
  4. After getting seeded in the truck stop shower, I was horny as fuck, and found a nice BBC looking for a pre loaded hole. Was a nice aggressive fuck with close to 10 inches! Even better he was a verbal fuck! Not at first, it was you want my.....Before he could finish he went in my ass balls to the wall. His profile said don't ask don't tell and judging by his comments while breeding me, think he may have given me what I'm looking for!
  5. It's GREAT living less than a mile from a truck stop! Always seems to be a married trucker wanting to unload. Usually just looking for head, but found one last night that wanted to breed! Being 6-5 the back of a cab is tough to play. Just suckt him in cab, then we headed tonm showers where he seeded me. Nice 7 inch cock, and a huge load!
  6. Well stated! I was not sexually active during those times, nor was I gay, but I still knew about them. I never had a thing for girls, but I think the fear of aids kept me from being gay. As you are ALWAYS open in your thoughts, what would you tell the young guys you mentioned? Go on Prep and explore, or become poz and then do meds? I KNOW it's a totally personal decision.
  7. Chapter 29: Brunch and Munch After we had a wonderful brunch, the four of us headed back to our roomand began to munch on every and anything we desired. Everyones ass was eaten, or cock sucked before we would head to dad's place for a drink. While at the bar, I asked my dad about tomorrow's party. Was it actually a conversion party? He said yes, in a sense. He said all of the dads invited were all undetectable, but like him, wanted something more with their sons. Only the dads who agreed to attend had stopped their meds three weeks ago. He said several dad's had no interest and wouldn't be attending. I asked about the sons, and that they would be told before any breedings took place, and were free to decline without fear. He said they could either leave, or stay and breed other dads or sons if they wished. He said he felt most would stay, and that the dads had been watching poz porn with their sons, and there was only one son who the dad said he wasn't sure about. Just the thought of this got us raging hard. Knowing that the fathers had a gift that their sons wanted. The sons would see that they were not alone in their desires to become poz. The sons would have a choice, rather than their father simply raping and infecting them. With that we all grabbed a drink and headed to the Dungeon for a sex filled afternoon!
  8. Somehow double posted. Back on track now! Chapter 28: Like Father Like Son The pool reminded me of when my friend, now brother, had our first gay encounters. There was no anal sex, but we both got on the slide to service each other. Dad suggested we get out of the pool and have a drink. He poured us drinks, and looked at me and said he hoped that i wasnt mad at him for what happened earlier. He continued by saying that it was pre planned like when he had his son slowly seduce me. He continued by saying he had planned on telling us before the Christmas party, but was upset that I didn't tell him I was in a relationship. He explained that he knew that my brother wanted to be pozzed by his partner, but to keep the family together, he knew he had to be the one to do it. He said it was the same for me with the exception of me not wanting it. I asked dad what would have happened if I was unwilling to take his poz load. He said I would have no choice, but he had PEP to give me the following day. It was my turn for questions I looked at my brother and asked him about being pozzed by dad. He said that it was something just happened when he told dad he was partnered and wanting his partner to be the one to do it. He said just like I resisted, so did he. He loved the family connection but truly wanted his partner to be the one that gifted him. He added that deep down, he still wanted to keep his relationship with our dad though. He told me to not hate dad for what happened, that he truly loved us both as sons. With that, we all kissed each other deeply. Dad said we were welcome to spend the night, but my partner said we'd head back to the hotel after a crazy night. My partner and I headed back to our hotel, where we were taking this all in, while secretly laughing about what had happened. My partner suggested we breed again, but I said later, but we really need to discuss what happened earlier first. Now we hadnt had any tina in awhile, but he said now would probably be a good time for it, and i agreed. Being in a hotel, we couldnt smoke, but he had a rig that we shared. Once we were high we began to talk. My partner started by saying he saw a dark side of me that he'd never seen before. I asked him if that worried him, and at first he said he had issues, but realized I was just being dark towards my brother and dad as they had been to me. I agreed that I hated going there, but really had no choice. He agreed. He then asked how this all would play out. I told him i truly loved him, and also my dad and brother. I said we should just play along with my dad and brother, saying they were the ones who pozzed us. Afterall it would be easy. We would be returning to school and could tell dad we both came down with the fuck flu. He agreed. He then asked about the upcoming Christmas party, and if it was actually a conversion party. I said i think the conversion party happened tonight, but I'll ask dad tomorrow. With that we were both exhausted and Tina gave us both limp cocks, so we simply cuddled together and fell asleep. The next morning my partner was able to get hard enough to breed me. Afterwards we headed down to brunch where we surprisingly found my brother and his partner already there. Needless to say it was quite awkward and there was no mention of the night before.
  9. Probably going to break from story for a few days as having oral surgery Monday, and likely be out of the loop for.a few days. Hopefully can finish up my Christmas Party chapter and work on the final few chapters. I've enjoyed writing this story, but running out of ideas for it.
  10. Chapter 26: Spreading our Legs and the News We drove over separately which was great as we had some time to discuss what happened. My partner said he was proud of me for stealthing my brother. I told him he knew that wasnt my style but my brother made me angry with his comments, and he had said before that he desired to become poz. My partner asked if he did convert, would I tell him i was the father. I said hell no! He asked why not? I said that I knew my brother well, and I didn't believe his need for commitment statement. I said my brother was simply a sex pig. He reminded me that I was the same when we first met, and look at us now! It was hard to argue with that. After some thought, I said that I didn't notice any love between my brother and his partner. While my partner kissed and caressed me at the hotel, it just seemed like primal sex for my brother and his partner. He agreed. I then said I hoped that I did infect my brother, and let him live the fantasy that his partner was the one. My partner said I had a dark side, and I said so does my brother. Everything he does is cold and planned out in advance. Luckily we arrived at dad's as the conversation was getting a little too deep. Sure enough when we arrived my dad was on the lounge chair stroking, and instructed my partner to ride him. He removed his plug, and jumped right on. I told my brothers partner to bend over and take my load. My brother seemed pissed off, and I said don't worry once I'm in your partner, you can sandwich me. It wasn't long before everyone except dad had a loaded and plugged ass. My brother's ass remained plugged the entire time letting my toxic seed hopefully work its magic We bellied up to the bar for a drink and some conversation. Dad told me how proud of me he was for becoming such a pig so quickly, and finding the perfect roommate. He said he enjoyed watching the web cam sessions of us breeding. My partner told him he was excited about the Christmas party, saying he's heard great things about them in the past. He asked my partner if he was worried about the father/Son aspect of the party. My partner said he had never had a relationship with his father, but our mutual friend the waiter had. My dad said tell me more. My partner said that the waiters situation was quite different than his. He continued by saying that my dad's relationship with his son and me was piggy, yet a loving one. On the other hand, the waiters father basically raped him and pozzed him. I was somewhat surprised by my dad and brothers reactions. A slight grin came over their face, and dad just laughed. My partner quickly changed the subject, telling dad he he heard he had an amazing dungeon. Dad quickly suggested we head there, but let's have another drink. When he turned around with the drinks, he commented on our matching cock rings, by saying very nice. We decided that it was time to tell him we were partners. Dad didn't look thrilled, but congratulated us, and offered a toast. Before heading to the Dungeon he told my brother he needed a urinal, and led him to the side of the house. As they were back there, we could hear them talking, but couldn't hear what they were saying. My partner looked at me and said my dad didn't look too thrilled. He said we best not tell him about the poz aspect of our relationship. I totally agreed. Next Chapter: Dads no angel.
  11. I was briefly owned, and Master made sure i was always caged. He loved teasing me and watching me try to get hard. He lived an hour away, and obviously held the key. He was a tough master, but would sometimes free me from cage while visiting. I was always a huge cummer, but OMG after cage was removed, watch out. As for the Bug chasing part, he was VERY careful with all of his boys. After being collared, he took me to a bar to celebrate. Only those he KNEW were allowed to breed me. The others had to settle for oral.
  12. I totally agree! Could have been a few chapters! Great story line though!
  13. Chapter 27: Dads no Angel We headed to the Dungeon and the first thing I noticed was that dad had added a second St. Andrews cross next to the one already there. He immediately led my partner and i to them, and secured our arms and legs to them. Once we were secured, he told me that not only was he disappointed in me for not telling him we were partnered, but by my partner for trying to take me away from him. My partner said he wasn't trying to take me away, and if he was we wouldn't be there now. My dad agreed and said by the end of the weekend, my partner would be a part of the family, however we both needed punishment for our actions. My dad and brother retrieved two long leather floggers and began beating our asses and backs quite hard. My partner got the worst of it from my dad. I could see welts on his back, and even some blood from where the flogging broke some skin. After dad felt we were punished enough, he said it was time to be rewarded. He called me a dirty whore just like his son. He cotinued by saying that he recently pozzed my brother, and that they were now going to poz not only me, but my partner. I so wanted to tell him too late, but I realized the sex would be amazing, so I kept quiet. I asked my father why, as he always insisted that participants at his parties were always tested, and negative. He explained that he had been poz undetectable for some time, but after discussing it with my brother, they made the mutual decision for him to stop his meds. He explained that he had no intention for him or my brother to become full blown and that once my brother converted a few, he would go on meds and the same would happen for me. I played along with my dad begging him not to poz me, as it would ruin the relationship with my partner. He just laughed and said I had already ruined the relationship between the two of us. My brother lined up behind me, and dad behind my brother. Both of them slipped a cruel condom on their cocks and said it was going to be a rough and painful breeding. At this point I really hated my brother. Once again his dark calculating side came through when he asked about him needing to become poz. His partner then chimed in saying that I was a fool to believe his story. He said that not only did dad infect my brother, but him also. That way the virus would remain in the family. My brother just laughed and told me i was so naive and gullible, and by the end of the weekend I would be poz too. He added that there was no need to fight it, and if I did, it would be the end of our family. I proclaimed its not what I want, and my partner echoed that. He just laughed and said it doesn't look like either of you are in a position to decide! My brothers partner then took out a toilet brush to prep our holes. Ive heard of that but never experienced it. Once he finished, my brother started teasing my now bloody ass by rubbing his cock against my twitching hole. He pushed his body against mine, turning my head and looking me in the eyes. He told me that after this weekend we would truly be brothers and once again a family. He continued by saying that I would be his first but not last conversion. Although I was already poz, the thought of my brother saying he wanted to poz me excited me. I tried to kiss him, and he spit in my face, saying this was not about love but pure poz conversion. He moved away, spit on my hole and shoved his cock all the way in me. There was no pause before he started thrusting in and out of me. Occasionally taking his cock completely out of my ass and ramming it in. My partner seemed to be getting the worst of it. He'd never been fucked with a cruel condom before, and although he did bottom occasionally was more of a top. My dad fucked him just as hard as my brother was fucking me. Amazing they both shot their loads at the same time, both saying " Now your mine!" They freed us from the cross and positioned themselves on the large fuck table and said it was our turn to shoot our last negative loads up their ass. My partner and I alternated between their asses as they laid side by side kissing each other. Of course I ended up seeding my brother first. I pulled my cock out of his ass, and ate it. He turned over and opened his mouth. As he didn't want to kiss before, I started to just let my cum drip into his mouth, but he pulled me close for a deep kiss. After my partner seeded my dad and felched his load from his ass, my partner high fived me and said, "here's to positive results!" We were all exhausted and got on the table and simply had some afterplay. Dad then suggested we hit the pool.
  14. Chapter 26: Spreading our Legs and the News We drove over separately which was great as we had some time to discuss what happened. My partner said he was proud of me for stealthing my brother. I told him he knew that wasnt my style but my brother made me angry with his comments, and he had said before that he desired to become poz. My partner asked if he did convert, would I tell him i was the father. I said hell no! He asked why not? I said that I knew my brother well, and I didn't believe his need for commitment statement. I said my brother was simply a sex pig. He reminded me that I was the same when we first met, and look at us now! It was hard to argue with that. After some thought, I said that I didn't notice any love between my brother and his partner. While my partner kissed and caressed me at the hotel, it just seemed like primal sex for my brother and his partner. He agreed. I then said I hoped that I did infect my brother, and let him live the fantasy that his partner was the one. My partner said I had a dark side, and I said so does my brother. Everything he does is cold and planned out in advance. Luckily we arrived at dad's as the conversation was getting a little too deep. Sure enough when we arrived my dad was on the lounge chair stroking, and instructed my partner to ride him. He removed his plug, and jumped right on. I told my brothers partner to bend over and take my load. My brother seemed pissed off, and I said don't worry once I'm in your partner, you can sandwich me. It wasn't long before everyone except dad had a loaded and plugged ass. My brother's ass remained plugged the entire time letting my toxic seed hopefully work its magic We bellied up to the bar for a drink and some conversation. Dad told me how proud of me he was for becoming such a pig so quickly, and finding the perfect roommate. He said he enjoyed watching the web cam sessions of us breeding. My partner told him he was excited about the Christmas party, saying he's heard great things about them in the past. He asked my partner if he was worried about the father/Son aspect of the party. My partner said he had never had a relationship with his father, but our mutual friend the waiter had. My dad said tell me more. My partner said that the waiters situation was quite different than his. He continued by saying that my dad's relationship with his son and me was piggy, yet a loving one. On the other hand, the waiters father basically raped him and pozzed him. I was somewhat surprised by my dad and brothers reactions. A slight grin came over their face, and dad just laughed. My partner quickly changed the subject, telling dad he he heard he had an amazing dungeon. Dad quickly suggested we head there, but let's have another drink. When he turned around with the drinks, he commented on our matching cock rings, by saying very nice. We decided that it was time to tell him we were partners. Dad didn't look thrilled, but congratulated us, and offered a toast. Before heading to the Dungeon he told my brother he needed a urinal, and led him to the side of the house. As they were back there, we could hear them talking, but couldn't hear what they were saying. My partner looked at me and said my dad didn't look too thrilled. He said we best not tell him about the poz aspect of our relationship. I totally agreed.
  15. Last time I was there, like 2 years ago that was the case. Just more reason to stay at a guesthouse and breed though!
  16. I've had 5.5 cocks and 10+ breed me. It just depends on technique of the top. I'm NOT a good throater, so average works best for oral. It does feel great having a long cock hit the second hole, but can be brutal if he lasts a long time and aggressively breeding.
  17. Chapter 25: Home for the Holidays Going home for Christmas with my partner was somewhat of an odd situation. I had not told my dad or brother that I was partnered, nor that my partner pozzed me. We decided at some point, we would tell him about being partners, but not mention that we were both poz. My dad set us up in a nice hotel not far away, but said we could spend the weekend at his home as his wife was taking a weekend getaway with her friends. We arrived at the hotel, showered and deep cleaned. Just after we got out of the shower, my phone rang and it was my brother. He suggested that we get together for some cock and tails before heading to dad's house. I asked him where he was, and lo and behold he was in the room adjoining us. I knocked on my door between the rooms and when he opened his side, both he and his partner were also buck naked after just getting out of the shower. Apparently my brother knew our rooms were adjoining as he had already poured drinks for all of us. My brother quickly noticed the matching metal cockrings on us. We downed our drinks and told him we had planned to announce at dad's that we were not just roomies, but now partners. My brother said that we should celebrate before going to dad's, as dad enjoyed a pre loaded hole. Then being an ass, he said you know that dad wants your partners ass, and that if I was the only one fucking him, he'd need to open that hole some. Now I really never got mad at my brother until now. Knowing that he needed to be pozzed, and I had the power to do so, I just said bend over ill show you I might not be large, but had learned to become a great top. He then said I hope you last more than a few minutes like you did when you fucked me previously. That was it! My brother was going to get what be needed, just not from his partner! I mounted his ass and pounded him furiously for about 20 minutes before seeding him. As I came I blurted out take my load, almost saying dirty load. While we were breeding, my partner was getting fucked by my brothers partner. It was my turn to be an ass. I looked at my brother and said although his partner was hung, I hoped he had some more aggressive fuck buddies on the side! We all had a good laugh and ate our loads from the bottoms and cleaned the tops cocks. Just then our dad called and asked where we were? He said he was at the pool stroking, and that if we didn't get there soon his load would be wasted on his chest instead of my partners ass. My brother laughed and said don't worry we wanted to make sure that 2 of us came preloaded. With that I shoved a plug up my brothers ass, and his partner shoved one up my partners ass. With that we headed to dads. Next up Chapter 26: Spreading our Legs and the News.
  18. Chapter 24: Family Fun The next few weeks were somewhat crazy with us helping to take care of the pizza boy and prepare for finals. One night as my partner and I were about to breed, I received a video chat request from my new dad. Shortly after I accepted my brother and his partner joined in, just like us and dad buck naked. Dad said he just wanted to check in on us to make sure we were studying hard for finals, but still fucking our brains out. He had no idea that his son was now poz, and after the call ended, my partner and I discussed if or when we should tell him. Before he left though, he reminded us about his Christmas orgy and asked if we were coming. My partner and I discussed it and had already decided we would. Dad was excited to hear we were coming, and that he was excited to see both of his sons partners breeding each other, and him breeding my partner. Dad stood up infront of the camera showing his hard leaking cock and told both of our partners to do the same. We all stroked our cocks to completion and dad came first and exited the chat. Now came the weird part as my brother told me that his roommate was actually more than that but they were partners. When I asked if dad knew, he said yes. They had made a trip home earlier and he let dad know. Curious, I asked what dad's reaction was, and he said it was complicated, and we would discuss at Christmas. He then suggested that we both have a drink as he had something he wanted to discuss. He started by saying that his partner was poz, but suggested he go off meds to infect him. My partner and I were blown away, and really didn't know what to say, trying to not let anything slip! My brother asked me what I thought, and I lied saying my partner and I had never had that conversation even though my partner was undetectable on meds. My brother then asked my partner if going off meds to infect someone ever crossed his mind. My partner said no, and my brother asked if I did ask him to do so, would he. I was hoping that my partner would not spill the beans, and he didn't. My partner just said it was a tough decision and he'd cross the bridge if he came to it. I quickly ended the conversation by questioning my brother. I began by asking him if it was something he wanted, and he said no it was something he needed. He said he and his partner had a great relationship, but something was missing. Once again I lied and said one doesn't have to become poz just to satisfy their partner and make their bond stronger. My brother said he loved our family situation and his main reason to need to poz was that he wanted to create his own family. He said unlike our dad, he would never have a child with a woman, but if per chance he did, it would be years before he would introduce them to the family values. Both my partner and I were rock hard, and my partner suggested we continue the conversation at Christmas and we both get busy with our roommates. My brother agreed. After we logged off, my partner and I just looked at each other in amazement. I asked him if I really just heard what my brother said, and he said he had that same question. We were both horny as hell, but decided to discuss the chat first. We both agreed that we were shocked, especially as our situations were so similar. He then asked if I would ever tell my brother I was already poz. I said as I look at it, it's just like anonymous sex, don't ask don't tell. He said what if my brother asked. I answered him just as he earlier said to my brother, I'd cross that bridge if I ever got to it. My partner and I then had some of the most amazing sex. He blew 2 loads up my ass, and I loaded him once.
  19. Chapter 23: Poz Pepperoni It took about 3 weeks but the pizza boy started showing signs of the fuk flu. For some reason, he never told us. We called for a delivery and asked for him, and they said he was out sick. I immediately sent him a text asking what was going on. He said he was afraid to tell me as he was pretty sure it was someone at the party that converted him, and not me. He then texted a pic of a home HIV test, and sure enough he was pregnant. We told him we would call the doctor and get him an appointment to be 100 percent sure, and he agreed. Luckily the doctor was available that afternoon, and overjoyed at the news. The pizza boy looked like total shit when we picked him up. There was really no need for the doctor to confirm but we knew it was an opportunity to breed him at the doctors office. My partner drove, and I got in the back seat with the boy. He was so weak and tired, he put his head against me. I just stroked his hair and told him it was all good baby boy. I reminded him that he had the desire to convert, and was sure the doctor had well informed him. He smiled at me, and then started to cry, saying he wished it was me that converted him. I reminded him it was still a possibility that it was me. The doctor warmly greeted us and told the boy a test probably wasn't necessary as the flu had hit him pretty hard, but he'd still do a test. He instructed him to strip and get on the exam table. The doctor took a blood sample, and called his new assistant in to take it for testing. His new assistant was the BBC I'd seen at one of the parties. The doctor then asked the boy how he was feeling. Not physically but emotionally. While he was asking him, the doctor started fondling his cock, which slowly started to get hard. The boy said he was happy, but had wished it was me that gifted him. The doctor reminded him it was still a possibility and that in the future he would do a DNA check. The boy smiled and looked at me and said he wanted me to breed him now. Of course I would. I remember going through the flu, and still enjoying getting seeded. The doctor and my partner got naked and my partner bent him over and started breeding him. The assistant came in an said, WTF I wasn't invited to the party? I said I'll prelube the boy for you as he's going to need it to take your cock. The assistant immediately stripped, and watched as I seeded the boy. Once I finished, his cock slipped in the boy. Even with his cum filled ass, it was a challenge for the boy Once we were all finished breeding, the doctor suggested we bring the boy to his place for observation as his was one of the worst cases of the fuck flu he's seen. The boy agreed. Wr got him in the car and took him to the doctors place. Although he was feeling like shit, he suggested we smoke some tina, which we did. Once in the clouds, we hesded to the doctors bed, sandwiching the boy between us. He had Tina dick so couldn't put his cock up me, but my partner was hard enough to penetrate but not breed him.
  20. Personally it sounds like a professional thing. He sees a younger guy who is a volunteer very interested in the profession. Being in a homophobic place, and finding someone you think is attractive makes it tough. I'd personally let him continue to mentor you. Let him make any first sexual moves. If you did first, could ruin the mentorship and your interest in the profession
  21. Chapter 22: Caged Lust The guys started rechaging each other, and all the pizza boy could do was watch. My partner was being seeded by someone I'd never seen before. The waiters dad was breeding his son. The doctor was also getting pounded by a stranger to me. I don't even recall who it was that was seeding me. The guys slowly started walking over to the cage one by one teasing the pizza boy. The first was a tatted and pierced guy. Both his nipples and his cock were pierced. His 8 or so inch cock not only had a huge PA, but a Jacob's Ladder in it. He began by clinking the massive PA against the cage. He spit on the pizza boy and asked why he wanted his cock? The pizza boy said he wanted to feel his piercings tear up his hole so that his body could absorb more toxic cum. He looked at the pizza boy and turned away, saying maybe later. The pierced guy then approached me and suggested we go over to the cage and see who got the pizza boys ass. The pizza boy was still locked in his cage, and the pierced guy bent me over it and began to breed me. He exclaimed see what you're missing? I have to say I felt somewhat sorry for the pizza boy, but those piercings felt amazing in my ass. The next guy came to the cage, and told the pizza boy that he wanted his seed in him. Despite being slammed, the pizza boy had no signs of Tina cock His cock was straining in its cage. The guy released the boy from his dog and cock cage, and the guy positioned himself next to me. The pizza boy immediately mounted him, but was lucky to last 5 minutes before unloading in him. I had wished he'd taken longer as the bottom had his long tongue down my throat, and was an amazing kisser. Come to find out, he was an amazing top too. Yet another guy showed up at the cage, the two immediately started to kiss, while I played with their cocks. Once they separated, I asked what gift he had. He said that his viral load was over 1 million, and that he was full blown. He congratulated me on joining the brotherhood, and said although hed love to convert the pizza boy, this party was for me. With that he led me to a large round padded fuck table. The first guy got onto the table and told me to ride his cock. It didn't take long before the full blown guy mounted my ass, and began pounding away. Another two guys led the pizza boy to the round fuck table on a leash. One of the guys had a large mushroom head, and a thick metal ring just below his mushroom head. He laid on the table and the pizza boy bounced up and down on his cock to get a feel for the PA. The other top then came over and pushed the pizza boy completely down on his cock, telling him to tear his ass up. The pizza boy then began bouncing on his cock in a frenzy. The top noticed some red cum seeping from pizza boys ass, and then mounted him. If the pizza boy was not already pregnant by me, he would certainly be so soon!
  22. Chapter 21: The Reception The waiter told us that once i was over the flu, he wanted to throw a party, or "Reception" as he called it at his dad's place. As the pizza boy apparently hadn't converted, we decided to take him with us. being sure that he would be receiving plenty of attention. It was a bit of a let down for me, as I truly wanted him to be the first that I converted. But hey we were in a college town, and I was confident that there were other chasers there. In the back of my mind, I wondered if my old roomie would like to be converted? The night of the reception couldn't come quick enough. We picked up the pizza boy, who hadn't had any signs of the fuck flu yet, but after tonight he was sure to become poz if not already. We arrived at the house, and found several guys. The doctor was somewhat suprised as we had the pizza boy with us All of the guys were extremely hot, hung and marked with either a biohazard tat or a scorpion. Most of them wearing some type of leather, even if just a harness or boots. I was happy that I wore my leather studded jock with the butt plug. The most impressive thing that night was the waiters father. He was dressed in a leather hat, a harness with spikes on it and leather boots. The harness showed off his amazing pecs and the biggest nipples I'd ever seen. I was overjoyed when he pulled my face to them and told me to chew on them. His nipples were like nothing I've seen before. Much bigger than the diameter of a pencil eraser, and easily 2 inches long! On one side of his body, he had a tat of a giant scorpion. On the other, there was a biohazard symbol with many lines around it, kind of like a sun symbol. As i would later learn, they represent all of his known pozzings Most impressive was the huge piece of uncut meat swinging between his legs, and his pierced bull ball sack. Although he wasn't hard, his cock was dripping. The waiters father announced that we had arrived, and should all head to the Dungeon. It was the most impressive Dungeon I'd ever seen. Not only did it include a huge walk in shower, which i guessed could accommodate 20 guys, but a huge "theater" area showing poz porn on it. He instructed everyone to get naked and head to the shower for me the "Baptism Party." He instructed me to get on my knees in front of the group. He explained that they would be welcoming me into the Poz Brotherhood, just as my partner was after he first became poz. After being baptized, my partner had the honor to be the first to breed me. My partner decided to breed me in the sling, and it was the most intensive fuck I'd ever had. In addition to that, he was a verbal monster! The guys were watching and cheering him on encouraging him to breed me like the poz pig I was. Once he unloaded deep in me, the waiters dad led me to a stockade, and locked it around my neck and wrists. By now his cock was rock hard, and I'd say at least 12 inches even though his uncut cock was still in its shell. He presented his cock to my lips. He then pulled his foreskin down and instructed me to clean his cheesy cock. Now I didn't really care for cheesy uncut cocks, but this turned me on. After he was satisfied he walked behind me and started breeding me. Once he finished inside me, he said next up was the doctor. Of course the doctor took me directly to the exam table. He said his gift was a new strain to add to my body. Once he finished inside me it was the waiters turn. He led me to, and restrained me onto a padded fuck bench, explaining his gift to me would be the gift of love. By now my ass was flooded, stretched and sore, and the pizza boy was obviously super horny. Someone that I'd never seen before had his eyes on him though. He led the pizza boy to a dog cage, and said his gift to him was the gift of desire, and depravity. He first grabbed a chastity cage and locked his cock up, and then he reached for a rig, and tied his arm off, injecting Tina into him. Once he released the rubber strap, the pizza boy coughed profusely and he told him to get in the cage, and watch everyone else fuck. The pizza boy was truly a caged animal in heat. With his chastity device on, he couldn't even play with his cock which was straining inside it. Now the pizza boy had slammed with us before, but not at this level. Although our reception was enough of a high, i too took a slam. The rush from Tina had been unlike any rush I'd had from it before. It felt as though it was floating through my body, just as my partners HIV was flowing through me.
  23. Chapter 20B: Giving Thanks part 2 With that, my partner went next. He first thanked me for becoming his partner, and deciding that he would be the one to gift me. He proclaimed that it was a dream come true for him. He said that he loved to fuck any and all ass he could, but went on meds until he found THE one he wanted to first gift. He continued by saying although it was time to give thanks, he did have some regrets that he thought were important to get out. He started by saying he somewhat regretted getting both of us into using Tina. He did say that he gave thanks that we both realized the potential consequences and had limited our use of it. He also said he regretted not being TOTALLY open with me in regards to not telling me that he was actually in the fuckternity, that the waiter was the one that pozzed him, and that he didn't tell me he had stopped his meds a week earlier than I had thought. Although he had already told me all that by now, it was great to hear him say he regretted it. We embraced each other kissing, and grinding our cocks together as we embraced The waiter was up next. He really didnt have alot to say besides he was thankful that my partner let him be the one to gift him. He continued by admitting that prior to meeting my partner, he was just a cum craving dump, but thankful that my partner convinced him to become start topping. With that my partner embraced him and planted a deep kiss on him. Finally up was the pizza boy. After hearing all of our atories, he was actually tearing up. He first thanked the doctor for having a frank discussion about wanting to be pozzed. The highs the lows and preventative or meds available regardless of his choices. He said he had had several opportunities to play while making deliveries but this was the first he ever acted on. He continued by saying that the two huge cocks and the tat sent him over the edge. He then walked over to me, kissing me and grabbing my cock. He then thanked me for saying that I helped him realize that size was not everything. He then said breed me now! The doctor intertupted and said dinner was almost ready, and plenty time for breeding after. The doctor then encouraged us to grab a drink and mingle for awhile while he took the turkey out. Although none of us fucked, we all either jacked or sucked each other. The doctor stuck his head out and said dinners ready! We all retreated inside for the feast! The doctor explained that he had a tradition that his guests stick their cock up the turkeys ass! He said you don't have to cum in it, but that's a bonus, and based on on precum dripping cocks, figured at least a few of us would bust inside! Not sure how many actually nutted in turkey, but definitely a few! We all enjoyed our dinner and then had a fun fuck fest after! And now my personal thanks to all of you following along and liking or commenting on it! May you all get stuffed, or stuff someone today!
  24. Chapter 20: Giving Thanks HAPPY THANKSGIVING Everyone! A BONUS chapter for today, as I don't work until this evening. Two weeks after the meeting Thanksgiving arrived, and the doctor through a feast for all of us. We picked up the pizza boy and brought him with us. It was a beautiful day, and the doctor was still preparing the feast when we arrived. The doctor insisted that we all get naked, and head to the pool for some light snacks and refreshments. As soon as I dropped my pants, the pizza boy dropped to his knees and snacked on my cock. I was shocked that he didn't start with my partner. It was my first thanks of the day. The doctor came to the pool with champagne and flutes for all of us. He poured a glass fir each of us, but before handing them out he added his piss to each glass. The doctor began by saying he always throws a huge Thanksgiving feast, but it's usually just a fuck fest for his known conversions. He continued by saying he wanted this year to be special by just inviting us. With that he raised his glass, and said to us! We all chugged our champagne, but the pizza boy struggled with it. It was his first time drinking piss. The doctor said we had an hour or so before the turkey was done, and during that time, we would all say what we gave thanks for. He started by saying that he was thankful not only for meeting us, but helping us on our journey. He said he had several fuck buds, but they were all older like him, and it was great to have some young ass for a change. He said that before meeting us, he really had no intent to go off meds, and create another son. With that he said who's next? The pizza boy said he would go, but needed a drink first. To our surprise he didn't mean alcohol but straight piss. After he downed it, the doctor suggested he go last, and suggested I go. I too said wanted a drink too but alcohol not piss. Of course, everyone knew what I would give thanks for. Of course the first was my partner for starting me on my incredible journey. I then thanked the doctor for all his information and encouragement for my journey. I ended by letting him know how grateful I was for offering his place to play, and gatherings like this. With that the doctor came over and planted a deep kiss on me, and of course grabbing my ass! To be continued in part 2!
  25. hapter 19: Pizza Boy Delivers. The night FINALLY arrived, and the doctor placed the order for pizza. He only ordered one, but eating wasn't what we had in mind. The pizza boy delivered quickly, and found us all naked on the sofa. He quickly stripped, and was rock hard. The doctor led him to the shower to make sure he was clean both inside and out. Pizza boy apparently loved his first experience with a shower shot, when they returned the doctor told him that if he loved that, just wait until our toxic seed was up his ass. The doctor told him he was confident that he was ready and willing to be gifted, and that my cock would be both the first and last to breed him. He continued by saying before that, he would have to breed me to prove his worthiness as a top. He then told him if he didn't seem worthy, I would be the only one to breed him tonight. I positioned myself on a fuck bench and simply said breed me bitch. Pizza boy spit on my hole and shoved his cock in me balls to the wall. Surprisingly he was a great verbal top, saying things like take my last negative load. He fucked me for around 20 minutes before unloading in me. After finishing I cleaned his cock, and instructed him to get on the bench with his ass up. He immediately complied, and I put a cruel condom on my cock. At first I teased his ass by just slipping the tip of my cock in. I wasn't sure if he could feel the probe on top of the condom, but moved my cock head around hoping he did. Before I went balls to the wall in him, I made him beg and convince me he wanted to be converted by me. Once I was confident he was, I gave him the fucking of his life! I was a fucking monster! I slapped his tight ass making it deep red. I'd pull my cock completely out of him when I thought i was close to cumming. I made him beg for it, telling him I wasn't convinced he wanted my toxic load, even though I knew he did. After about 30 minutes of intense fucking, I blew my toxic seed in him. He thanked me then cleaned my cock. I was somewhat of an ass, and said he meant nothing to me, just my first conversion. The pizza boy was overcome by what just happened, and we all had to laugh when he said I fucked just like the doctor! He then started begging the others to breed him, but the doctor kept him waiting. He told the boy he knew his ass was tight and needed some stretching first. The doctor reached into his trick bag which contained a number of various size dildos, and we all took turns on him until he shot a huge load. With that the doctor asked who he wanted to be the next to seed him. The boy indicated he wanted all of us to do it, but wanted the waiter to do it, as he was marked. The doctor said stupid fag. You are a dump, and have no choice! My partner then slammed his cock deep in him, saying that we had the sane DNA, and he was just a chasing whore to us. After my partner nutted deep in him, the waiter mounted him. The waiter told him that although he was a dump, he hoped that he would spread his seed to others once poz. Pizza boy just said yes Sir. After he nutted in him it was the doctors turn. After watching the doctor was super horned and dropped his load in him in less than 10 minutes. As I was the first, I would be the last to breed him. I was about to mount him, and the doctor told me to put the cruel condom on again. Granted i wasn't fond of using one, but I was conflicted. I knew it would tear his insides up, yet it would also make my cock raw and bleed. After I seeded him, the doctor suggested we head to the pool for some cocktails and our now cold Pizza. We headed to the pool and the doctor put the pizza in the oven to warm it. The doctor returned to the pool where we had a drink waiting for him. Luckily the doctor ordered an extra large pizza as we were all hungry. After finishing, the doctor told the boy he wanted his HONEST thoughts on the night first. The doctor then asked the boy if he was friends with Tina and the boy said yes, but didn't have a reliable source. The doctor said he now did! After a few hits, the doctor again asked him on his thoughts about the night. The boy said he truly desired huge cock I ike my partners and the waiter, but still enjoyed my cock and the doctors. He said it wasn't the size of the wand, but the magic in it. After a few more smokes the doctor said it was time for bed, and I agreed. The doctor and I were going to sleep together, yet room for another. The pizza boy said he'd join us, much to our surprise. He got in bed between the doctor and I with my cock positioned at his ass, and his at the doctors. It wasn't long before both our asses had a cock in them!
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