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Everything posted by BottomSubmissive

  1. please help me get every possible disease, i love your gono sick cock pics ;-)

    1. funkmeup


      You can have my every last baby to AIDS wreck you slut!

      Gono 26.07.17.JPG

    2. BottomSubmissive
    3. funkmeup


      Yeah? Suckle on my dick milking out aidsdeath sick pig

  2. anyone wants to break one of my bones?
  3. scat: yes, vomit: yes, castration: maybe, snuff: for the right man
  4. i am a horny bottom in cape town
  5. i am in cape town
  6. I wanna be as fucked up as possible. who wants to fuck me up or help me fuck myself up??
  7. I love to swallow piss
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