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  1. I mean, as long as they're not in the makeup, they're free to cream pie me.
  2. The center ring of a big-top circus tent. I've already been fucked in a circus train (as in, the literal train the circus used to move city-to-city), but doing it right out in the sandy circus tent... mmm.
  3. Totally unrelated to anything sexual (although I would let Liam O'Brien or Travis Willingham do unspeakably naughty things to me), but just wondering if any of you sex pigs out there enjoy some CR when not giving/getting loads. Or any of the other Actual Play content out there (Dimension 20, for example.. because I would also let Brennan Lee Mulligan do terrible, terrible things). Always nice to bond with folks over activities outside the bedroom!
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  4. I would argue the concept of sexual orientation and the terminology thereof is a social construct. However, actual sexual attraction is not. That's biological.
  5. I mean, I admit that seeing someone lick up cum from a wall or the floor in a bookstore would probably get a raised eyebrow, but I certainly wouldn't go complaining to the employees about it. If I don't like seeing it, I don't have to look.
  6. Mmm... 12 or 13, if memory serves. It's how I first learned how cruisy mall restrooms (especially JC Penny) could be. I used to entertain myself by reading all the stall graffiti, and I kept consistently seeing "tap foot for BJ". One family trip to the mall, I saw the guy in the stall next door tappa-tappa-tapping his foot, and figured out what he wanted. A few moments later he was on his knees and sliding some nice meat under the stall. I spent the rest of that trip in the restroom, sucking strangers like a fiend.
  7. That's a tough one. Illegal.. well, public sex is illegal. Drug use is illegal. So technically, I think a lot of us have done those. Immoral is a very... subjective idea. And a lot of things that would be considered 'immoral' are probably more like 'illegal'. Though I have sabotaged a few condoms my tops then wore. I've jerked off with family - some would call that immoral. I've written a few stories that explore some... [banned word] themes. Hell, if I counted every married man who's used my mouth or ass, I've committed more immorality than the Old Testament. And who gets to decide what counts as fucked up? I would count letting a couple homeless guys fuck me in a crack house as 'fucked up'. Or making a straight buddy's car payment in exchange for a raw fuck (though I guess that's technically prostitution, so again.. illegal/immoral?) Is it fucked up to jack off all over my boss's desk at work just because I hated her fucking guts? The problem with vague questions is the terms need clear definitions - or at least ones both parties can agree upon.
  8. IN a dumpster? So many questions. Freshly emptied, or was there actual garbage in there? Because both have a kind of kinky hotness.
  9. That's one of my favorite scenes. Just someone seeing an exposed hole and taking what they need to get off. And then another... and another... and another...
  10. I don't know if it counts as "strange", but when I was working at Wal-Mart (many moons ago) I got fucked in the Garden Center in full view of the cameras and anyone who happened to pass by.
  11. The Hotel Fontainebleau in Miami Beach, with a Sony exec. It was... very erotic, his suite was fantastic, and a beautiful ocean view.
  12. "Milo"? Are you implying his name isn't Milo? That seems like a weird hill to set your flag on. And hey, you're the one who brought up us needing our own JK. You offered up no options, so I did. Sorry if my choice doesn't meet your undisclosed expectations? Actually, no, I'm not sorry. You're kind of a dick, aren't you?
  13. I'll set aside your use of some... questionable terminology and address the question. But before it can be answered, what does it mean to be "politically relevant"? At the top of the headlines? Honestly, why would we want to be? Seeing stories about "the gays" diminish means we're... well, we're mainstream. And isn't that what we wanted in the first place, to not be a talking point? To not be a headline? We've still got some steps to go, to be sure, but for the most part... well, congrats, kiddos. We made it! As far as needing our own JK? Don't we already have that in Milo Yann... Yanni... Yannop... Yannowhothefuckcares? Personally, I don't think we need to be "politically relevant", because that just means we're being weaponized by one side or the other. Or both, really.
  14. Mine is pretty simple. I want to get back to my pre-Covid body (see profile picture.) 2 1/2 years of working from home and eating badly took its toll, but quitting a toxic job and starting a place I love has helped out quite a bit. Also, to make more trips to the local bookstore(s) and whore myself out to every cock I can get.
  15. Nope, nope, nope, nope. The minute I see roaches, I'm out like... something that rhymes with out.
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