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Posts posted by Phallarchist

  1. On 3/2/2022 at 8:59 AM, mikeboi1 said:

    A female wants sex, but she wants romance,…respect, tenderness, courtesy…

    A man wants to…feel like an Alpha male…grab her by the hair,…tell her suck that cock whore…make her feel like he is the hunter and she is his prey!

    Now…a faggot loves being humiliated, verbally abused, slapped around…and will do anything to please his alpha male and be his hunted prey at his alpha male mercy.

    I generally agree. The dichotomy in mating preferences arising from differences in obligate parental investment can make men and women seem more like different species than complementary sexes. But there is a huge difference between choosing a cunt because its owner is a slut who will gladly take a beating and choosing a cunt for its actual anatomical and physiological qualities.


    On 3/2/2022 at 8:59 AM, mikeboi1 said:

    A faggot…is ready to be fucked at a moments notice.

    The exact same dilemma arises. In fact, even though it be eager, a faggot is not ready to be fucked on demand, because it needs at least an hour to be sure its rectum is clean. Real cunt is always ready (depending on your tolerance for menstrual blood), even as the female is fundamentally unwilling, because it exists to be fucked.

  2. 21 hours ago, fskn said:

    Basically, that young men will already have honed their sexual skill by the time the opportunity to fuck women arises. For sexual prowess and peak fertility to coincide would certainly increase the chances of procreation.

    It seems like wishful thinking to me that the male function requires any skill. The penis just needs to finds its target. The first thrust might need some guidance. All the rest are automatic, as is the delivery of seed, the only moment that actually matters genetically.

    The only skill I could see a man possibly needing would be cunnilingus, assuming the relatively rare event (historically) in which the woman could choose a partner for this skill. It's quite unlikely that he would practice analingus on a boy beforehand, and even if he did, it wouldn't translate very well.

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  3. 9 hours ago, fskn said:

    ...Robyn Baker argues, in Sperm Wars, that having more descendants, not necessarily immediately, but over multiple generations = success), so it might justify the gay sexual fetish "pecking order"

    I would say that it's neither particularly "gay", nor a fetish, nor in need of justification.

    10 hours ago, fskn said:

    [H]omosexual sex also serves evolutionary-biological ends, in that it provides hetero- and bisexual males convenient opportunities for sexual experimentation and practice with other males, years before sex with females would be readily available and/or socially acceptable.

    I'm sure I should read the book, but to what genetic benefit is such experimentation? There are plenty of males who make do with their hands alone until first use of a female. Do these men have lesser lineages?

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  4. Sexually-normal men necessarily define masculinity by the sheer force of their overwhelming preponderance in the population. And that includes reproducing as a matter of course. I definitely give a man more points if he fucks women and makes babies, because, well, that's the basic purpose of a man, his penis, and breeding. All other things being equal, I'll choose to be penetrated by a man whose seed has been successful. Such choices hardly ever present themselves in my life, but the hierarchy of value is straightforward.

    In general, it's irrational to expect people who are attracted to males to desire anything other than the archetypes of the dominant hypermajority. That such men are largely unavailable is irrelevant to the fact of desire.

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  5. On 2/23/2022 at 3:08 AM, SubSlutDog said:


    Can I ask please how can someone's hole be "always" clean? We eat and drink everyday, and we go to work. How can it be clean all the time?

    I was also unaware of the Old Guard rule. Would you be kind enough to share a link or something to this please? Cause I'm quite into that.

    It can't. It's as preposteous as it sounds.

  6. On 2/23/2022 at 3:30 AM, SubSlutDog said:

    Nearly every time the cum that comes out of me is pinkish, has some blood. Sometimes more, sometimes less...It's never gushing, and usually stops within minutes. But after it stops and I get bred, when I push the load out, it's pink...there's nothing wrong with my rectum.

    So I'm just wondering how often do you guys have blood during or after anal? Is the cum that comes out of your sperm hole always pure white?

    Note: please no std worshipping here. I share this as a problem.

    You'll get no disease fetish from me. I'm positively avoidant. But there is no problem and there's definitely nothing wrong with your rectum or sigmoid colon. Penetration and copulation is an obvious misuse of these organs and the resulting minor bleeding is routine. It stops, you heal, and you're ready to be broken all over again. If you're worried about disease, screen your partners and reduce their number (to one perhaps).

    I love the damage. The prospect of seeing blood mixed into my seed every time I fuck raises the value of a cuntmate considerably.

    • Piggy 3
  7. By local standards, I would likely be considered celibate. I had all of the experimental, low-quality encounters I needed to figure out what's what and am now mostly interested in sex with people I think are candidates for a long-term breeding relationship. I do not count oral service as a full sexual act and am inclined on occasion.

  8. It's an irrelevant organ to me. I don't care if it swings around. A tiny, bunched-up one (I guess from one of those horrible cages) looks like a deformity. In that case, an actual clitoris would be better, and I might not totally ignore it.

  9. On 2/16/2022 at 11:38 PM, ErosWired said:

    I’m more inclined toward the hyperspermia explanation - if it had been a case of fluid injected, it would likely have been released in a more continuous stream under pressure. What we see, however, are ejaculatory spurts consistent with emission by his body’s natural function. I do find myself wondering where someone with hyperspermia to that degree holds that amount of seminal fluid. No wonder he’s groaning like that.

    I do want to believe.

  10. On 8/7/2021 at 10:33 PM, ErosWired said:

    While sexual sadism is a formal paraphilia, your narrative here and elsewhere does not seem to suggest that you exhibit such traits to that extremity. I have been in the hands of unquestionable sexual sadists for whose methods the word ‘untoward’ would be darkly humorous.

    Rather, the kind of pleasure you describe I have found to be relatively widespread among penetrators of at least geater-than-average aggression and drive...

    I'm certainly not competing to be the cruellest of them all. I might be on the low end of the range, but inflicting a bit of pain for my erotic satisfaction fits the definition of sexual sadism as I see it. It's just not my only mode.

    I do find that plenty of men in general are at my level or above. Their urge to cause momentary suffering, at least, is commonplace and demands some accommodation. To what degree female masochism should be expected in return is a difficult question, but I doubt the realistic answer is "zero".

    On 8/7/2021 at 10:33 PM, ErosWired said:

    I’m not sure I see what is necessarily twisted in cunting males if certain males (such as myself) were by every indication born for that very purpose.

    From the dirt to the dryness to the ill fit to the pain, rectal penetration is an unsubtle abuse of the organ. The very wrongness of it has to be enjoyed for its own sake. We are not born to this difficult and unproductive joining, but our desires twist us to it. We mate by grease and force and it is a most glorious abomination.

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  11. On 8/28/2021 at 4:03 AM, ErosWired said:

    If you spend much time reading through the topics in this forum, I think you can pretty easily get a sense of why this fetish is so underrepresented - the vast majority would probably view it as a shocking waste of semen.

    Nothing prevents the target from opening his mouth. The remaining facial deposits can also be scooped in once the spectacle is complete. In fact, I would insist in it.

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  12. "Clean" is a perfectly normal shorthand for "free of STDs". The common phrase is "a clean bill of health". In reality, it's extremely common to acquire an HPV strain and have no idea that you carry it, but the general intent of limiting one's exposure to disease is thoroughly laudable. It's fortunately quite easy to skip over the "clean" sermons cluttering up the dating profiles of self-righteous bores, because they're all the same. I am thankful that I wasn't paying attention when the faggot clerisy formulated this point of orthodoxy. The testimonials and editorials must have been as interminable as the topic is trivial.

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