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Posts posted by Phallarchist

  1. At least at first, the number of reactions a user can make is rather limited, so the system trained me to use them sparingly. It seemed better to highlight the few posts that I loved rather than waste my resources on the many posts that disgust me or otherwise engage my abundant capacity for disapproval.

    My own views and preferences tend to be harsh. Believe it or not, I mostly keep them to myself. But I'm sure my expressed opinions have garnered many more downvotes than I have ever thought to use. I don't mind. I keep my own counsel and have no expectation that my conclusions will be broadly accepted.

    To answer the question, I would tend to downvote a factually incorrect assertion if I considered the topic important enough.

  2. On 9/17/2020 at 8:02 AM, dan123210 said:

    I've never sucked cock nor recieved it,, ive had sex multiple times but blowjobs ive never done. I fear maybe my dick might be too sensitive as its a little sore when i touch the head of it directly. this means that recieving blowjobs might not be enjoyable, but everyone else seems to enjoy them,, am i the only one who dosent think they do.


    Any advice on what to do would be good. 

    Try it. Stop if you don't like it.

    If you're going to fag out, then I think you're required to learn how to suck. Men tend to require it for purposes of dominance and sexual variety.

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  3. On 5/3/2020 at 9:52 PM, BlackDude said:

    So I am just curios in what’s some guys opinion is in here on women overall. Now I have been called a “woman hater” simple because I talk about my experiences of how some can be and I have little interest  in most. As a gay man, is this extreme? 

    No, it makes sense. People expect men to talk about women a certain way because the vast majority of men depend on women for sex and so have to maintain a certain reputation. You don't have that problem, presumably. It's like lesbians who are said to "hate" men. Some certainly do, but most just don't care much one way or the other. They don't really need men, and aren't going to go out of their way to accommodate us.

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  4. 33 minutes ago, Scottyrim said:

    What do people do if you have to get fucked multiple days in a row. How do you prepare for that ?

    If you're in control of the schedule, I would just say "don't," especially because I think eating should be avoided beforehand. Space it out. If men are controlling you, then they have the primary responsibility both to oversee your digestive tract and maintain your health. They have to balance their greed for your cunt against its foul primary purpose.

    It's especially a problem in a relationship where a normal man might reasonably want to fuck daily. He probably needs to accept the limitations of rectal sex and stick to once every two or three days, satisfying himself with the fag's throat on off days.

    I'm speaking about men of substantial penis size. It's possible that a simple rectum rinse would do for a smaller penis. I have scant experience in that realm.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, BareDublin said:

    I learned by trial and error but I can certainly relate to this! Great guide.

    It's a shame that you had to figure it out on your own, and presumably defile several men in the process. I believe that young fags should hand themselves over to experienced men for extended rectal training and sexual exploitation. Self-abnegation and a dedication to service don't always come naturally. The fag must often be bent and broken into physical and psychological compliance with male requirements.

  6. 5 hours ago, twstdpigboy said:

    It's good that it emphasizes how thorough the process has to be. Faggotry is an extremely unfair and inescapable burden. A man need only have an erection. A fag has to wash his colon for hours at a time, get stabbed in the guts without a word of complaint, and thank the man for the privilege. It makes no sense whatsoever, but men and their dicks are just that valuable.

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  7. Clean-shaven، I'm afraid. It's not at all in line with my need for natural hair absolutely everywhere else, but I want to land on cunt-soft skin wherever my penis whacks him in the face. And I don't like seeing my seed stuck in a beard. I guess I'm generally boy-oriented when it comes to penetrating. I'm looking for intimations of youth and fertility, which are best conveyed by a clear, exposed face.

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  8. I wish I could say that a man forced the discovery on me, but the truth is I started reading extensively on homosexuality early on. As soon as I understood the concept of rectal intercourse, I started inserting cylindrical objects and dreaming about being fucked by an excellent older boy who had become the center of my erotic attention. I eventually found the right motion and hit my prostate consistently. Orgasm ensued.

    It turns out I learned the wrong lesson. While it's nice when I get it, I shouldn't expect rectal pleasure. Being fucked doesn't always feel good physically and it doesn't need to. The point of giving myself to a man is to serve him and have him inside me. I want the man to concentrate entirely on the pleasure building in the glorious length he is repeatedly shoving into me. If I happen have an orgasm, it must be after his, or at a point when the resulting anal contractions would maximize his stimulation. His release is essential. Mine is irrelevant.

    In that sense, I think a sudden, uncomfortable initiation puts a young faggot on the right path, one of service and routine self-sacrifice to the male imperative. Pleasure, if it comes, is primarily a function of being useful to the man. His satisfaction must be total before any notion of cunt pleasure can arise.

    • Like 2
  9. 16 hours ago, hexfet said:

    He gives me “that look” and then muscles that cherry open.

    I love that phrase and the concept of giving a man the sensation of taking a virgin. He should have the satisfaction of struggling valiantly against your reluctant cunt and pushing through your comfort zone into the tight passage beyond.

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  10. Most terms are inadequately specific. Is an "oral top" a man who penetrates orally (leaving unclear his anal practice, if any), or a man who will insist on sucking dick before anally penetrating? Why bother with the codes and animal categories? Just explain what you mean, specifically. No one's paying by the word for space in a newspaper.

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  11. I think it's fine for a man to make a woman lick his anus, because it's purely an act of submission on her part. She doesn't have a penis and can't penetrate him. He can enjoy the anal sensations and degrade her at the same time. It's all to his advantage. He'll end up glowing with fuck-pride as she tries to brush the taste of his ass off of her tongue and his load drips down her leg. His victory as a man was preordained.

    But a fag is still a potential phallic threat and analingus by one male is traditionally the prelude to his penetration of the other. The power dynamic between man and fag is already given to instability, so I don't think a dominant male should allow himself to be treated in any way that even suggests he might be penetrated. I don't put a lot of limits on male sexual prerogative, but as far as I'm concerned, the man has a duty to maintain strict discipline in this regard. A man's anus should be off limits.

    At least, that should be the default assumption. You should lick his perineum, but go no farther unless he demands it.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Well. That’s a new one for me. Never had that happen. I don’t plan on it. Getting sinuses full of another guy’s spunk sounds like a way to derail a perfectly good evening.

    It's not intended to be comfortable for my victim, but I haven't gone to the extent of requiring that he snort it up into his skull. I mostly want to enjoy his reaction to having his nostrils gunked up with my seed.

    I further expect the sensation and smell to form a strong memory that reinforces my power over him, even if he just ends up snotting my load out on a tissue or rinsing it out in the sink. But if it doesn't have that effect and he's ungrateful for my degradation and abuse, then he's the wrong boy for me anyway.

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  13. If I'm just after pure fuck pleasure, I'll grab his head and jam into his throat as deeply as I can. It's tight and I l like making him choke while I seed.

    If I'm in a deliberate breeding mood, especially with a younger boy, I'll control his head by grabbing his hair and dump my seed mid-way into his closed mouth so that I can watch him really taste it and then make him swallow.

    If I want to punish him or otherwise assert ownership, I'll aim directly in his eyes or up his nose. A more general shot in the face is visually pleasing, but doesn't accomplish much otherwise.

    • Like 5
  14. You can practice with dildos, gradually increasing depth and girth. But you might just have to be prepared to puke a lot. You should only ever get throatfucked on an empty stomach, and you should be honest with men that you are likely to vomit when they go deep. Establish a signal so that they can prevent your stomach acid from touching their cocks. Give men control, as always.

    There are men who actively enjoy making fags puke. You should probably seek them out and beg them to forcefuck your throat until your gag reflex is all but dead.

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  15. On 6/27/2020 at 8:51 AM, R86 said:

    Got to be careful about the Watergarden; they’re a little more adamant about safe sex then Steamworks Berkeley in my experience. 

    It’s like the Watergarden sexually and spiritually exists in the early 90s. I always feel obligated to only fuck in private there; cause I don’t let men use condoms in me. I won’t be putting one on either.

    It's out of business: [think before following links] https://www.ebar.com/news/latest_news//294955

  16. On 8/18/2020 at 9:01 PM, Hungry4bbc said:

    I've had the pleasure of taking many big dicks- I found my limit is 11" and my ideal is 9.5. I got my hole wrecked by a 13 inch monster in my 20s and learned my lesson lol. Now the 9.5 guy who I see a couple times a year is MORE than enough. But I do still fantasize about that beast of a dick.  I just wouldn't go there again for the sake of my own health lol


    What was the nature of the wreckage? I'm interested in any gory details you'd share.

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  17. 14 hours ago, atlfukbud said:

    Only if there are drive-through abortion clinics! 

    Yes, perfect. Abortion on paternal demand enables the quintessential male pursuit of raw breeding without consequences. A man could impregnate at any time and have the responsibility eliminated at his convenience. Glory and freedom would be his in equal measure.

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