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Everything posted by aessen

  1. There is no reason why something this well crafted can’t result in a series/adaptation of sorts and cost next to nothing with today’s backed and developer access generative AI. I’m taking concepts that are stories first and adapting them into webcomics all the time with realistic 3D models. Now that ultra realistic text to video generation is here, I’m already toying around with local models that can generate high quality output of a similar nature.
  2. While not the best of the best and not one I’d recommend, WindScribe isn’t entirely bad but it did have a breach of late, so consider other options once your annual plan ends: [think before following links] https://restoreprivacy.com/vpn/reviews/windscribe/
  3. There are ways around it with a bit of knowledge about DNS resolvers and using a tool like Portmaster + SPN that allows you to globally control the entry and exit nodes of every single connection at the micro and macro level. Shoot me a DM, I have a guide. Also, you’re more active than I am, please warn the guys thinking they are safe with Norton360s VPN that it is a log based VPN meaning they store and share anything. RestorePrivacy did a write up on them: [think before following links] https://restoreprivacy.com/vpn/reviews/norton-secure-vpn/ *As always, read, assess critically and form your own view and do not take mine or any other person‘s opinions as fact. What your use case for privacy is always going to be different than others. Privacy advocates agree that a no logs VPN is the place to start*.
  4. Pleas consider something else for your VPN provider. Norton360 is basically sanctioned spyware and bloatware. Try some open source alternatives or message me if you’d like a more up to date guide on data sovereignty and privacy that has options and links to trusted review sites. 🙂
  5. Sending you a DM about the last part in your message. 🙂
  6. Hot AF bro!
  7. This is awfully familiar to me. There was a “Dirty Uncle Mike” story on Nifty that I really enjoyed a while back, as well as “I’m a Whore” too. They are no longer on Nifty as far as I know. Are you the author from there as well? If so, you’ve got great talent. *Never mind, I read the post you made about Nifty and see that they were indeed the same stories. Shame that Nifty is getting so strict.*
  8. I am sooo happy to see a continuation of this story and so is my dick. One of the best long-standing plots on this site. When do we get more? Haha!
  9. You have the hottest stories on here. Can’t wait for the big party scene!
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