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ScorpionFF last won the day on March 3

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  1. When someone goes out of their way to cause actual physical harm (think endocrine) via denigration, vilification, and calumny (a libellous statement) at an 'attempt' to completely destroy a warm soul's decent character and self worth in one short vicious sentence using 'S'words not just mere casual words yet continues contact AFTER you have explicitly told them to leave you alone, that is not only sheer arrogance but it is also emotional abuse!

    The subsequent unwanted communication has not been read and never will be. Consent is not given to receive contact from this vile sanctimonious bully. It is totally acceptable to have someone not agree with you or even to be proven wrong, that is absolutely fine, just don't be so unpleasant by treating others as though they are completely worthless with defamatory words based on sheer ignorance!

    The guard was down by getting involved in a subject that is of genuine interest. As a result a kind nature (with basic neuro/adrenal defences already down) was with malicious intent exploited. Do NOT mistake kindness for weakness! This had an immense negative affect for some days. Now moving forwards, however this needs to be put out into the universe to try and make others stop and  think of the consequences that can result from treating others like complete utter fucking garbage. Another life lesson with great gratitude is learned, so thank you for the favour! 😉

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      We are in the same wavelength: kindness is NOT weakness, but there are many abusers around who take advantage of us. 

      They claim not to be violent, as they don't physically harm. But give them a connected device and they'll ruin your life! From revenge porn to whatever else. 

      Think of this: my abusive ex, attempted to blackmail me saying that if he ever got pozzed he could accuse me to have done it willingly. 

      Little he knew that I've kept all his sexting messages where we poz-roleplayed soon after we made peace in 2019. 

      I honestly regret to have made peace then, I should have kicked him out at that time. 

      I have never feared him. NO. Fearing your abuser means making them win. And overall, I never pozzed him, always been on meds. 

      Kicked him out late September 2022, he was on Prep; I heard about him getting poz in mid-2023 but knowing it from others, I have no proof - and don't honestly give a damn. I'm rather worried for the virus who didn't choose their host; I have been able to get rid of my ex, his virus can't. And is forced to survive in that asshole's body.

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