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  1. Staying at the Paul hotel downtown and I need some real top. Preferably white guys with fat cocks. I need at least 4. Inbox me. Tight hungry warm hole here.
  2. Thank you
  3. Will be visiting and staying in Hell’s Kitchen. Would like to go to a bars or restaurants where the white collar workers like to pick up and fuck. if that fails, I just go for the sleepy spots. any suggestions???
  4. Gonna be in ft lauderdale 12/11. Will be hosting a party. If you would like to join please inbox me a body pic. You MuST be a complete hottie to get in. Faves will be checked at the door as well as temperatures. if you’re not HOT you won’t be allowed in. let’s have some fun
  5. Coming to DC on the 8th. I can definitely pound you out boy
  6. Headed to FT Lauderdal 12/11-12/14. Gonna be setting up muscle gangbang. Discrete hot tops only. Inbox me for details. if you get to the door and you’re not hot or muscular; you will get turned away. Have a nice day and temps will be checked at the door.
  7. Is this just a hotel or canine just go to hangout and have fun?
  8. What’s inn leather?
  9. It use to be a smelly dungeon set up with homeless people sleeping everywhere but its totally different now. Its more of an open space warehouse with some gay art and hideaways to play
  10. Glorious health club is back open and its fair game for all races
  11. I was in shock when i saw the post on their site stating they were open. Im gonna swing buy there tonight to take a peak.
  12. Any raceplay parties going on?
  13. There will be a party in my room. Info posted on a4a. Orig listed as safe party but all are welcome.
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