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Everything posted by Taintedpigboy

  1. Damn! You're my kind of chaser! WOOF!

  2. Damn! Need to have that rip up my fuckhole and have you give me anything and everything that you have!

  3. Gr8 profile that you have Corrupt. We should meet...

  4. LOVE the bio ink too! Fuckin' hot!

  5. Thanks for your messages! You're one hot fucker! I want anything and everything that's in your balls and I'll do the same for you! HAIL Sarah Palin!

  6. Anytime and anything for you stud! Let's get to the poinT soon!

  7. Damn! You'll just need to cum see me whenever you're in Boston.

  8. We need to meet and get nasty together jizz!

  9. Tucsonmale you sound like my kind of horny twisted fucker! Want your full blown loads in me with anything and everything else that you can give me. We need to meet!

  10. Hot profile! Would LOVE to swap toxic loads with you too!

  11. Would love to be bred by you jizz! You're a looking hot fucker!

  12. Lived in San Francisco and it was hot! Lots of bb parties and close knit community groups. (Though I'm still undetectable. Help!) However, Palm Springs is by far even better! More out of towners looking for the more unusual and taboo and you can't beat the weather in North America.
  13. You're a damn hot fucker! We need to meet!

  14. It would be hot to meet for hot pig play someday soon!

  15. You're a hot fucker! Would be great to swap and share anything and everything.

  16. Hey there___ You're a hot fucker! Would love to take and/or share some loads.

    Love PS, use to live in SF/Napa and am out there to visit. We should get together.

  17. Exactly Breeder, take 'em as they cum along.
  18. Damn! You're one hot fucker that I need to meet. Use to live in California and go back from time to time

    or if you're ever on the east coast let me know. I can host or travel to the bigger cities, too.

  19. You're a hot fucker! I can really get into Men who know who they are, and the confidence to tell me what they want instead of asking and know their rightful place as well as mine. We should make plans to meet man.

  20. You're a hot fucker! Would love to swap nasty loads with you man!

  21. Hey nastyrigpig, great profile! Would really like to hear about that gr8 nasty PA you have in your Avatar pic. Need to get one myself. Looking for charged AIDs loads then, willing to share.

  22. You wanted to seed my hole? Anytime hot fucker!

  23. Damn hot profile there___ would LOVE to be seeded by your toxic loads. POZ six years now, no meds - NEED to take it to the next level AIDs chaser and will take anything, and everything

    from anyone. No loads ever refused.

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