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Everything posted by faglory

  1. fave position to SUCK a Man's cock is for me to kneel in front of Him also good for fucking my face but for true throatpussy yeah over the edge is best
  2. my sentiment exactly besides even when i'm wide awake it's all about the Men's pleasure so wth i like it better to feel everything that's being done but it's not what matters in the end i am a hole, and a vessel
  3. it's what we strive for thank You SIR
  4. some guys realize this when they see how happy i am to have cock in my mouth & throat but i'm not jerking myself off
  5. it is always grateful for Men like yourself SIR
  6. i definately want it in my mouth way more than on my face or throat either way, its gonna go down there
  7. yeah i just feel this sort of pride? i guess when a guy knows He can expect that from me to count on it
  8. there's no compliment i love more than when a Man tells me i'm a reliable convenient mouth for his Cock i think most Men see me this way but few admit
  9. absolutely even if we never discussed it or i never indicated that i enjoy piss
  10. i can't bring myself to spit out cum even those times it doesn't taste so great i love cum. i need cum
  11. generally prefer older always have
  12. it's a simple fact that for a cocksucking faggot just one cock is often simply not enough and i don't mean one cock in a day i mean that feeling right after i've swallowed a load and the guy pulled his dick out i want more need more
  13. that is awesome enjoy the privilege of being an on call mouth 😎
  14. lol not really but i like it kinda hahahaha
  15. congrats!
  16. spurring you on i get it smart also hot
  17. one of my faves was when i was on my knees & the guy said "you look like you were born like that"
  18. Splatter Batter lol i like it
  19. damn i love that
  20. haha i totally forgot about the word sperm when writing that post
  21. what are some of your fave words for cum? for me it's cum first of all, jizz is good too there's something about the word cocksnot i really like lol but manjuice & baby batter sounds kinda ridic
  22. verbal makes me drip but what really gets me going is seeing a guy getting off on being verbal enjoying it more
  23. yeah there's like this gut reaction to fight it but you just quickly get past it and take the fucking
  24. alien stuff 😂 but whatever you run into alot of weird stuff when you meet alot of guys
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