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  • Interests
    STDs, HIV, AIDS, bugchasers, breeding, anal stretching, fisting, large toys, gangbangs, orgies, poppers, porn, verbal, etc.
  • Background
    I'm a fucking sick and twisted filthy pig who loves to fuck RAW. The riskier, the better!
  • Looking For
    I love discussing experiences with like-minded morally depraved pigs. So if that's you, then don't be shy!

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  1. My dick is leaking discharge this morning. Comes as no surprise considering I've fucked over 15 random holes at the park this week. I know for a fact two of them were homeless but I didn't care. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FilthySTDPig


      I love them because they usually have no standards, morals, or self esteem. 

    3. WhOregon


      I love eating dirty homeless ass. They know nobody else will will have sex with them - might as well fuck me!

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