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Everything posted by manseeker

  1. manseeker


    Hey bean a thanks for the info . Sounds interesting. I have been choked to just about passing out . Had small amount of bruising not much. Didn’t know about the psychological Effects but I would agree i would want to feel my top cum just as i passout . Not ready to go to expire yet !
  2. manseeker


    Doccer19677 - you can choke me out any timefuck me hard and deep . And when I cum around do it again . Please marks on my neck love to look at it and remember my surrender .
  3. manseeker


    I enjoy being in a BDSM scene as a bottom I have no problem taking a good slapping , or choked out while being fucked. Having my ass violated slapped till red or bruised . CBT , nipple tourture are all fine with me as long as I submit and my top will fuck me .
  4. I love feeling the top push his way in and the pop then the Ecstasy of him sliding in , next is shooting his load in my gut .
  5. I have done this before and it was awesome. Question are the other 2 a couple ? If so you don’t want to make waves between them so play it down the middle giving each equal time . Unless they have something going and one takes the lead ....., Then just follow. And have fun
  6. Good luck with your test hope you get the results you seek !
  7. I love it when my hole is open sloppy and wet from seed and lube that way when I am bent over I can take cock and fists too love it all love it when they slide their fist in me then their cock and jerk off in me .
  8. As a bottom i feel the TOP had complete control where to deposit his sacred load , we / i as the bottom should be great full to receive the pleasure of a mans cock in us let alone his precious seed .
  9. Hot man nice balls you into CBT? Your dick is hot too .
  10. If you get a group thing or just a couple of guys love to cum and be a part. Joe
  11. To surrender completely the sub must kiss passionately and feel the intimacy.
  12. How about a good butt plug that might do the trick ! Go out all day with a big plug in your ass . Hot !
  13. To the meg chasers are you tooth brushing your holes ? Opening some scratches and a little blood goes a long way to getting the aids flu . Good luck keep chasing. PS . Try a blood Slam 100% Effective
  14. OMG is that a real question, keep going use my throat as a pleasure for the TOPS pleasure push hard then harder , please force your ball sack in . If I pass out keep fucking my scull.
  15. I can imagine using a condom, I hate them, never feel right on me or in me . As a proud POZ predominately BOTTOM I do not wish to waste any seed exp especially if it is toxic.
  16. Great reading , why would anyone ask to be breeded then go to get unneeded ? I love being poz and now that I am taking a break from meds , looking to breed , and am turned on feeling the virus running thru my body . Increasing my viral load , and driving my cd4 down . Lookin for the beginning of the wasted look .
  17. Looking forward to some piss play when we connect !
  18. Hot hole you got there Rick loveto need some of my Toxic seed in you.
  19. I prefer in my ass , explicitly if it is a cem piss. , I will do tap down my throat actually I do it any way as long as I get it in me
  20. I am also very close to philly and would love to service you and leave you dry and satisfied. bluskky9@gmsil.com
  21. Tho bathhouses in philly as well as the ABS places where almost anything goes lots of oral, fucking , some fisting in ABS , but mostly the bath houses are better for fisting. Poppers are the used in both , though I am sure if someone has a room they can slam .philadelphia has a Cum Union party so you get the idea.
  22. Love taking a great stream of piss in my pig hole . A good cem piss is the best as it takes me to another level of twisted . At breeding parties like to frink from the tap while getting FUCKED or receiving a slam from my top.
  23. Great idea, it would be awesome to have a place to go and let loose taking load after load and not have to worry about anything strange
  24. Is it true the poppers in Europe are stronger then in the USA? If can us sluts in USA buy them on line and have them sent here? Any info would be great.Thanks.
  25. I love getting scull fucked and hive the fucker blow his load right down to my stomach. I have no gag reflex so once it is in and pushed down my throat it is go for it time . Lasso love getting ducked in the ass slammed hard and rough st the same time . Over and over multiple men if possible. Can’t get enough cock , cum, and cock .
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