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Everything posted by Jaybttm

  1. Well I think just a bunch of friends put this video together. While all the comments are correct, I could see someone making this kind if video from an insiders perspective and vastly improving in realizm and entertainment. (And also possibly acting of you get real gay guys.) Lol Anyone seen the other new video called chaser yet? I think it's much better. Here it is, this one is about 15 minutes long and seems to be made from a real production team. http://youtu.be/sqeTv3-abY4 Any thoughts here?
  2. Well I don't even know if the British have HIV criminalization laws but the gifter seemed to not even try to deny the date rape, the raw cock, druging the guy after one drink, popping the champagne in his face? A nice stealth fuck done with a little bit more tact and no one would have ever been the wiser.
  3. I'm not even sure if this link will even show up. But thought a few of you might like to see this, about 20 minutes long. Any thoughts?
  4. Flu started 18 days later and it lasted 3 weeks. Horrible symptoms that you all already mnow so well. Was bed ridden, spent my time between my sweat soaked bed and running to the toilet.
  5. Old enough to be my father
  6. Not love. I kinda felt like that too. I just want to be a fraction as important to him, and he is to me. Has he ever thought about me since? Was I just a nameless, faceless fuck. Or did he also enjoy giving me the bug as much as I enjoyed getting it. That night has inspired many spank sessions. It's easily one of the most memorable nights of my life, and definitely the best sex I ever had. I have to assume, at least for other former bug chasers that I can't be the only one.
  7. Want his load, would be honored to give him mine. He can be as picky as he wants with a dick like that. Do whatever you want with me until you're done. Can't say no to you. Even if I wanted to say no, I wouldn't, your desires comes first. You've given me more than I could ever repay you.
  8. You got HepC man? Congrats! You deserve it for taking all those blood slams. Hard to find guys 1) that have HepC and 2) willing to share it as easily as HIV. Wish me luck.

  9. Fuck man! Hot fucking story. I've got major daddy issues, cuz daddy wasn't there, and this is so perfect.
  10. Your blog turned me on so much, I always fantasizes about being the bottoms in your videos. You actually helped me decide that I wanted to make it happen. So I found a gift giver like yourself and now I have a dirty poz pecker just like you. Thank you Barebackerman.

  11. Superstrained incurable HEPC makes my dick rock hard. Please spread it around so I can get it when it comes to the states.

  12. You can't go wrong with TravelinVisitor, he charged me up good in just one try. He pushed all my limits and gave me a night ill never forget. I still jerk off thinking about him charging me up.

  13. I'll take your blood slam if you take mine ;)

  14. it is cool knowing, hes my daddy.

    he even told me what number i was.

    how many people he had pozzed before me.

    everyone should know who their gifter is.

  15. Never have, but I'd go for the right invitation.

  16. I let travelinVisitor Poz my neg ass on 6/16/11. Guess I'm not a chaser anymore. Now I'm a Poz slut. Who wants the toxic virus my daddy gave me? Or who wants to add their strain to mine?

    1. neg4pozconversion


      Any conversions since you posted this?

  17. you ever get to LA, id love to get poz fucked by you

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