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About UR-New-Property

  • Birthday 01/23/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norristown PA
  • Interests
    looking for a Dom top to make my darkest fantasies a reality. Make me your pathetic sissy slave and humiliate and use me how you see fit. I have party favors as well, tina++
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    White male 5ft 10in 250lbs long black hair mostly smooth body and small 4in cock
  • Porn Experience
    Little bit lol
  • Looking For
    Im looking for a Dom top to make me ur pathetic sissy slave and humiliate and use me how you see fit. Humiliate and degrade me and turn me out.

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  1. Buyer Beware - I just thought to write to let any interested guys know Ur-New-Property is a total flake.  This cuck is a total screwball from what I can tell.  Two years ago, here, under a previous profile, he was all about how if girlfriend/ wife or whatever drug slut had left him for some guy in NJ who owned her and so he was whoring himself out to men, to earn her back.  I am pretty sure he was mostly hung up on T and he endlessly emailed me wanting me to own him and pimp him out, preferably to hung black guys or I could use him whenever...

    Only problem was he was never, never, never, ever available and never free to host (lived with family so he said) .  He also never allowed the slut to make contact, ever, even when I told him I would pay for the place the party and her if required. I endlessly called his bluff but just full of excuses.

    Then, just last week after a year and a half of disappearing completely he surfaced again with a new story, about how the slut was gone for good but he wanted to be my slave. Oh come on Really?  When I told him to fuck off again he started to email me endlessly apologizing and begging for mercy to take him back (huh he was never available) Also he had this massive desire to do T with me and have me use his hole and pimp him out.  

    Frankly I think he is nuts or playing some other game.  He thought that I had encouraged him to be an ass slut (again, huh?) Now says he has a master Norman but I can use him if I ask.  Whew.......

    Anyway just thought to give all the low down on him at least toward me.  A million excuses and never an ok let's go.  At first I wanted to use his cunt girlfriend but of course that might all have all been a lie too. Buyer Beware.

    P.S. I told him that I was going to post this to his profile and so I am. Rick

    1. UR-New-Property


      Yes I did flake on him before, but it was a crazy time period and I ended up becoming single as well as dealing with a lot of issues I had no control of. I have offered to try and make it up and I apologized but he refused. Then I got lucky enough to have someone give me a chance and I met with him once already and hopefully he thinks I'm worth owning/training going forward. I wasn't going to disrespect the person who said they would give me a chance at being his slave so to just talk to him. Yes I said over time I wanted all that from him/someone and I do, and hopefully it still happens. But I didn't e mail endlessly since I contacted him again and yes when I sent e mails it was just offers to try to make it up and apologies. And back in the day me and my ex have met ppl off of Here and other sites and I hosted master Norman at my house and he can say she is clearly gone. 

    2. DickNutbutter


      Good luck with your master (insert eyeroll here).  Oh, BTW, I count 38 emails in three days since you suddenly appeared after a year and a half. I also have perhaps 75+ emails from 2021 and 2022, in which you apologize in nearly every one, but tell me you will try harder, and make it up to me (huh?). I asked repeatedly for a time and place, because I felt you were full of shit, but never once did you remotely have a response except to beg some more and promise to do a better job (huh?). Sound familiar, (huh!)

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