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Posts posted by negchaserlooking

  1. 56 minutes ago, Treehugger said:

    Well Mark’s date with destiny was literally his time locked in the room with Milton and Milty’s predilection for masticating his lovers. I wasn’t too keen with dwelling on that encounter. Bit of a boner killer if you ask me unless you enjoy odaxelagnia. Is that what you mean by hearing about Mark’s date with destiny?

         I am thinking of a spin off story about Mark after the boyfriend has his revenge so I could go into it then but Junior’s turn will come first I think. 

    LOL No I had never even heard of the word so it was more of a curiosity to see what was going to befall him. So I will leave it to you to get on with your spin offs @Treehugger. Look forward to reading them.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, Treehugger said:

    part 5

    Mark's date, Milton, sat quietly sipping a sparkling water. How do I describe Milton? Hmmm. If Wonder Bread could walk and talk that would be Milty. A plainer more milk toast of a man there never lived. But the wallflower had a secret, a secret that Uncle Ruben had discovered and passed on to me. The little man sat blinking and staring at me waiting for a command.
         "Are you ready for your surprise Milton?"
         Milton stood and wrung his hands. "Yes please, I am very curious."
         I motioned for him to follow me leading the way to Mark. Mark lay quiet but alert. Milton gasped when he caught site of my beautiful boyfriend. Have I mentioned that before? If so I doubt I did Mark justice because he is truly the most gorgeous man I have ever personally encountered. It's hard to describe perfection, his sublime symmetry, the square jaw, flawless golden skin that practically glows, the long curving line of thigh muscle....I could go on and on.
         Mark shivered when I placed a hand on his chest tracing a line down to the cock I had spent so many nights worshipping. I couldn't stop. I caressed his legs, his arms, the stubble beginning to roughen his cheeks. I had loved his beauty and he had used it to snare, trap and betray me. I had to make sure he would never be able to do that to me again or anybody else for that matter.
         I beckoned to Roger and he quickly stepped forward to hand me the metal device procured earlier that day. I introduced Mark to Milton which was merely greeted with a sneer and condescending silence.
         "I think you had better pay attention Mark." Roger produced a key and handed it over. "Because your life is about to take a drastic turn thanks to our new friend here." I pointed at Milton with the key and then used it to unlock the chastity cage. "
         "Milton has a little quirk, a kind of paraphilia if you will that has been the source of some trouble for him." I returned my caresses to Marks flaccid cock still enjoying its heft even after all that had gone on between us. "It's called odaxelagnia. Do you know what that is Mark?" He refused to answer staring at nothing as though I was not there.
         "Odaxelagnia is sexual arousal through biting....or being bitten, but Milton here is definitely of the former." I felt Mark stiffen at the revelation but still he remained silent. I began to insert his penis into the chastity cage.
         "Not necessarily a problem but our Milton tends to get somewhat carried away. He's excitable, it has led to some unfortunate.... mishaps." I closed the cage and locked it. "It's the nibbley parts," I tweaked and pinched the appropriate areas as I listed them, "ear lobes, nostrils, lips, genitals, you know, the dangly bits that he has a habit of biting a little too hard." I returned for a final inspection of the perfect body I would never see again.
         "People don't care to have their parts and pieces chewed off. It has led to some prosecutions, jail time to be exact. Our friend Milty here was hard to track down being on the lamb so to speak. His probation officer would very much like to know where he is right now."
         Milton was beside himself staring at Mark, his tiny hands jerking back forth as he ached to touch the radiant skin that was so close. I couldn't blame him. I still could not keep my hands off Mark as I tortured his mind with what was about to happen to him. I grabbed Mark's face and made him look at me. "I am giving you to Milton for the evening Mark just like you gave me to all those men." I held up the key. "Except this, he can't have this. For now." I draped the key with its leather thong around my neck.
         I glanced at the fidgeting Milton and saw the hopeful longing look in his hungry eyes and nodded. His hand trembled as he placed a palm over Mark's sculpted chest. The fevered touch pushed Mark over the brink. He began to beg, to plead, to tell me how much he loved me, how sorry he was. I let the pathetic words wash over me, I let them cleanse me of any leftover feelings. 
         I turned my back on him and quickly walked away not wanting to witness any more of the Mark and Milton show. Mark's harangue ended abruptly as I heard Milton take a deep sniff savoring his victim's scent before the main entertainment ensued. Roger closed the door on the scene and led me towards the bed.
         He had set up two more wide screen televisions so we could watch the action with Sam and Junior. The room was crowded with men waiting their turn with the father son duo. Although some were too impatient and began buggering each other in a frenzy of sexual fervor. Sam was dead eyed as man after man mounted and bred his hairy ass. I watched in fascination as a particularly well-endowed fellow jabbed his cock balls deep into the captive. Sam jerked, his jaw clenched but he refused to scream as the man proceeded to mercilessly pound and breed him.
         I could not tear my eyes from the screens. I stood limp and compliant as Roger undressed me and then pushed me down on the bed. His mouth on my already hard and throbbing cock was heaven.
         The big man stepped away from Sam and a torrent of cum gushed from Sam's red and gaping hole. I only had quick glimpse before another man sheathed his meat in the bound bottom.
         Roger spit out my cock and moved up to kiss me. He rubbed his ass crack along my shaft, teasing the tip with his hole. I moaned in delight as his ass lips parted to receive my cockhead. I tried to buck my hips to be completely inside, he pulled away. The mischievous smile on his face telling me to relax and let him take control. I let go melting into the sheets so Roger could have his way.
         I switched my gaze to Junior and was surprised at the expression on his face. It was part shock, part confusion. Occasionally his eyelids would flutter and a look of euphoria would flicker across his countenance. I think Junior might have been discovering he had a prostate.
         Roger was easing my cock into his ass so slowly it took all my will power to remain still. When he bottomed out I let out a long breath. His hole was so slick I knew it was not store bought lube. He saw my questioning look and admitted he spent some time with Sam and Junior helping out the men who could not wait to get their cocks in the father or son. "How many?" I asked. Giggling he whispered,"five."
         I was not surprised. "Slut," I growled at him and we both laughed. Roger leaned forward for a kiss and at the same time removed a small bundle from under the pillow. "I have a treat for us." Unrolling the coth he brandished a syringe and proceeded to administer the drug. Half for me, the remaining for him. I watched him depress the plunger and was amazed at how fast it worked. 
         Suddenly I could feel every nerve in my body. I floated, my cock thundered in Roger's grasping hole, my balls throbbed with semen needing to find its release. Roger's eyes were closed, his body thrummed with energy and he began to fuck himself on my erection. I felt like a god and Roger was worshipping at my cock alter, paying homage to his need for seed.
        I returned my attention to the televisions. It took me a moment to realize who I was seeing. It was Shadow Man, his bio tat clearly visible as he moved about half dressed. Shadow Man circled the slings taking in the scene. Sam was ignorant of him at first as his attention was being taken by the man trying to fist him. It wasn't going well. But then Sam and Shadow Man's eyes met. He moved towards Junior and Sam began to yell and jerk at his bonds. It only excited the mob of horny men.
         Shadow Man approached Junior and the men parted like the throng before the Mask of the Red Death. "Stay away from him you bastard," I heard Sam splutter but I could not take my eyes from the deaths head grimace of Shadow Man as his gaze claimed the image of the bound man before him. 
         I have never seen a man so hungry for flesh, not even Milton and his need to taste Mark. Shadow Man would devour Junior in a way only he could, from the inside out. Sam wouldn't give up and a sharp slap ended his tirade. A glance showed him red faced and groggy from the violence. A tall giddy man loomed over him ready and eager to repeat the action should it prove necessary. Another man, balls deep in Sam's well used hole, had paused his fucking but quickly resumed his thrusting, the excitement of the moment spurring him on to greater exertions.
         Shadow Man removed his remaining clothing, he was a skin covered skeleton whose fat cock was a marked contrast to the man's thin frame. His manhood raged and pulsed with tainted blood. He stood in awe of the creature he was about to make his own. Pearls of pre-cum pumped out of his piss slit only to drool and then fall in long glistening strings to the filthy floor. Shadow Man was in no hurry. It was clear he meant to savor the moment, how often do you get to breed a straight married man and his faggot father.
         Sam lay silent slightly drooling on himself his cheeks damp with tears as they streamed from his face. His dead eyed stare watching as his only son was about to join a breed of brotherhood for which many men have not the courage. Junior had no choice in the manner. Shadow Man was his world at the moment and nothing would come between the man and his conquest.
         A cheer of chaotic moans rippled through the room when Shadow Man thrust himself into Junior. He shuddered with extasy as he ground his pelvis into Junior and their nut sacks clapped together in a leathery thump. Shadow Man threw his head back and howled, the men howled back.
         Roger's eyes flew open at the clamor and his smile widened when he saw the action on the screen. I lay content, my arms behind my head as Roger rode my cock. In the throes of the drugs coursing through our veins I knew our coupling that night would be long and pleasurable. The key to Mark's chastity cage remained hanging from my neck and it bounced ever so slightly while Roger, my hero, my lover, continued to buck and grind his cummy ass on my hard-on.
         The key would stay in my possession for now, perhaps later I would hand it over to Milton depending on what I might witness. My eyes devoured the transcending drama on the screens and my body succumbed to the motions of Roger's manipulations but my ears sought out the sounds in the next room. 
         The silence behind the door lasted longer than I expected but when the screaming started it did not stop for a long, long time.

    THE END.....or is it?

    The END??? Oh hopefully not. I am sure we would like to hear about Mark's date with destiny 

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