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Everything posted by PhatWhiteButt

  1. I have always been fascinated with drug documataries. I’ve watched all of them. I just finished the vice documentary call ChemSex. You can rent it from amazon. It was pretty good and very sad/scary at times.
  2. My god this is a brilliant idea. A private club where all members are tested regulary so there would little fear of catching bugs. Hmmm new app idea?
  3. I must just be more susceptible to them. I am undetected, and BARELY bare backed when I was diagnosed. Now I BB all the time and seems to catch something twice a year. Sucks, but I guess that’s the price you pay for total sexual freedom.
  4. Being and an ass up cum dump until the sun comes up. The thought of it makes me so hard I don't need drugs to turn me into a whore.
  5. I’m a total sex pig but I absolutely abhore chemSex. But I have to admit I’ve never really tried anything besides poppers (which I love). I’m afraid I would love it so much I would never go to sleep and I know I would fall downtown he rabbit hole. I don’t need chems to stay up all night looking for anon dicks. My brain is just wired that way. People always assume I pnp but I don’t. Any other guys in the same situation. I’m by no mean shaming those that PnP but it’s just not for me and would love to find a group of pigs in here that are Like minded. I’m also really wanting to get into fisting.
  6. Do you the cream or the inserts? Or both?
  7. I love being a total cum dum bottom but go though periods where I will bottom for around 2 to 3 guys a day for a few weeks at a time then I notice my ass needs a break and it’s pretty sore. Itchy, burning anus. Maybe it’s hemorids? Or std? I’m still horny but my ass needs about two weeks to recover fully. Is there anything I can do to help facilitate my ass recovery period? Thanks!
  8. The weight loss was the one thing that tipped me off I was poz. I couldn’t keep weight on to save my life. I ate everything and anything and was just wasting way. At one point people kept asking “are you ok?” “What is wrong with you!?” and eventually I got tested and found out I was Poz. I WOULD NOT recommend this as a way to lose weight. Plus about a month after takeing the medication the weight comes right back.
  9. I was actually pretty careful before I tested positive and rarely had BB sex. Once I tested positive I became a whore! And still am! It’s like it sexually liberated me. If I could choose though I would rather be neg and on prep. It’s very expensive and difficult making sure you have all of your medications all of the time. I texted poz right before prep came out and the rest of that year I just saw poster for prep everywhere. Kinda pissed me off.
  10. I’m often a CUM DUMP and get tested about once every two or three months. I wasn’t just wondering how all of the Cum dumps in here delt with their sexual health? Thanks!
  11. I fucking Love anon, hotel, ass up, cum dump sex. It’s the fucking best. I do it all the time. I travel for a living and am on the road most of the year. I’m in each city for about a week at a time. I could write a blog on the best city’s for random hookups. It’s usually the medium sized towns. I miss craigslist but doublelist is getting better. Can I ask a practical question. How often do you get tested for stds?
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