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Everything posted by BergenGuy

  1. Inserting paragraph breaks would make this much, much easier to read! A solid block of text is very difficult to follow.
  2. I get what you're saying. But, at the risk of setting off a firestorm in here, I do have to question whether that many "initials" can possibly be lumped into the same category and still have that category mean anything for policy-making purposes other than "not 100.000% hetero."
  3. Since the "+" seems to be a catchall, it seems to me that "LGBT+" should be sufficient.
  4. I'm one of those "older guys" who find it offensive. And, I'd wager that there's more than a handful of us. Personally, I don't feel connected with any organization that has "queer" in the title. In fact, I feel excluded.
  5. Another bad thing about Arizona is water shortages, which will only get worse. Before settling there, make sure to investigate the long-term water supply situation in that area.
  6. Republicans are all about parental choice only when it suits their agenda.
  7. Thanks for following me!

    1. Samak76


      Yeah we are both in Jersey!  We should get together and [banned word] and fuck!

  8. Well, yes and no. In some ways, the producers make it appear like something out of the 1960s, with a lot of open windows (not an AC in view), manual typewriters and so forth. And, NYC wasn't as clean in 1981 as it appears on film. The city was still dealing with the financial crisis of the mid-1970s. Stripped and abandoned cars were a common sight. But, they did a good job of setting an ominous mood.
  9. AIDS, of course, is the horror in this season, and pretty much telegraphed as such early in the first episode. 1981 is the year of the first reports of the then-unnamed condition, including the famous New York Times article. Various characters talk about the feeling of a coming darkness. Even the number of murders that the police are investigating in the first few episodes, five, matches the number of cases reported in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Week Report (a month before the NYT article). I'm sure I'm missing other parallels. Funny that you should say that. This is occurring with my adult lifetime, and shortly before I moved to the NY area. Yet, it seems like so long ago and such a different world that it could be 1961 instead 1981.
  10. This is from a NYC Department of Heath FAQ: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/monkeypox/jynneos-vaccine-faq.pdf The CDC uses similar, but somewhat stronger, messaging about young males waiting between the two vaccines: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/interim-considerations/jynneos-vaccine.html
  11. @chi4loads should be an editor, scriptwriter or a professor of creative writing (if he isn't already). Even putting aside the sizzling hot subject material, his writing style is superb. I really admire the masterful way that he handles multiple characters, introducing them as needed to keep the chapters exciting while letting others recede so that he prevents the reader from being overwhelmed. He also writes a coherent story line. What happens later in the series doesn't contradict something that happened earlier.
  12. Thanks for pointing out that just because a vaccine (or any other protective mechanism) isn't 100% perfect, it is still very valuable.
  13. Obama turned over ALL documents to the Archives. The Archives then moved some NON-CLASSIFIED documents to an Archives warehouse in the Chicago area. It didn't return them to Obama personally. On 8/12/22, the Archives issued this statement: On 9/8/22, it issued this statement regarding the claim that Obama is holding documents being sought by the Archives: Source: [think before following links] https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2022/nr22-001
  14. It seems to me that the only thing that is important is YOUR comfort level. It doesn't matter if every other guy is out there fucking around unconcerned. We have fought for the right to have sex. But, equally important is the right not to have sex. If you're not comfortable with the risk, then act accordingly. You're the one who bears the consequences of your actions, not any of us.
  15. Agreed. I don't like stories with female characters. It really does kill a hardon.
  16. The pharmacists and clerks are claiming a religious exemption, so they get away with their outrageous behavior without risk to their jobs. The phlebotomists have no such excuse.
  17. No, I wasn't saying that. I was responding to the part of the original comment that seemed to imply that it would be unlikely that we could have a situation where gays in existing marriages could remain married while future marriages would be denied.
  18. Do you have reputable statistics to support that claim? Because, I have statistics that prove just the opposite. The CDC estimates that the death rate from abortions between 2013 and 2018 was 0.41 per 100,000 abortions. Compare this to the risk from pregnancy, where the maternal death rate was 23.8 per 1000,000 live births in 2020. It is far riskier to be pregnant than to obtain an abortion. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.colorado.edu/today/2021/09/08/study-banning-abortion-would-boost-maternal-mortality-double-digits But, basically, it doesn't matter what you or I think. We're not the ones who are pregnant. The decision to have an abortion should be between the woman and her doctor. Period.
  19. Not so absurd. That was the situation in California for a while. Well, besides taking away the right for people of the same sex to get married in the future, the court could also take away the right to have one's marriage in a given state be recognized in another. You seem focused on what happens to existing couples. I'm concerned about people who want to get married in the future, too.
  20. Exactly, it is easier to maintain the status quo than to implement change. And, I agree, I don't think that they'll try to pass a nationwide ban on same-sex marriage. Marriage has been traditionally regulated at the state level and it would be a stretch to argue that the ability to ban same-sex marriage falls under the interstate commerce authority of Congress. Windsor wasn't decided on the basis of privacy, so it might (repeat, might) be relatively safe. But, I can see us returning to a situation where same-sex marriage is legal in some states, but not in others. At one time, the fact that big business would oppose such a situation would have been enough to prevent it. But, the Taliban wannabes in control of the GOP don't even care about that.
  21. I predict that the next time Republicans control the White House, House of Representatives and Senate that they will end the filibuster themselves in order to pass a nationwide abortion ban and other regressive legislation knowing that it will take a triple sweep by the Democrats to undo the legislation. It won't happen in 2023, even if they take the Senate and House because there's no advantage in ending the filibuster if they don't control the White House. But, they might in 2025.
  22. If the Supreme Court rules next year that legislatures have sole authority over elections, being even an overwhelming majority won't matter.
  23. Not "all the time". The CDC estimates that the death rate from abortions between 2013 and 2018 was 0.41 per 100,000 abortions. Compare this to the risk from pregnancy, where the maternal death rate was 23.8 per 1000,000 live births in 2020. It is far riskier to be pregnant than to obtain an abortion. [think before following links] https://www.colorado.edu/today/2021/09/08/study-banning-abortion-would-boost-maternal-mortality-double-digits
  24. With the political system that Republicans have built, they only need a determined minority to hang onto power. And, with their increasing histrionics about the schools, they're determined that the upcoming generations not be exposed to a diverse society.
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