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Everything posted by BergenGuy

  1. I believe that you're right. With the overturning of Roe, Lawrence is definitely at risk because it is also built on the right to privacy. Obergefell references equal protection, which makes it closer to Loving.
  2. Looking at the MeWe site, I don't see any mention that they use Zoom. It would seem more likely that they use their own video software.
  3. That would be a be difficult as Loving was decided six years earlier than Roe.
  4. You've said that several times, but you've never explained why it'll never happen? All that it takes is for one red state to start enforcing its laws against same-sex marriage, and then watch the inevitable suit make its way through the court system. There are certainly enough votes on the Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell.
  5. Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, has said that he would defend a state law that banned sodomy. And, of course, the Texas Republicans recently adopted a platform that calls homosexuality "an abnormal lifestyle choice." The 2020 National Republican platform opposed marriage equality. Republicans will most certainly make an effort to overturn Supreme Court decisions that protect gays.
  6. Zoom is a publicly-traded company. It doesn't belong to Microsoft. Perhaps you were thinking of Teams?
  7. And, yet, those morons will continue to find a way to justify their support for Republicans of all stripes, just as they endorsed Trump in 2020. It seems to be the weird dynamic of an abused loving his abuser.
  8. I second that. @fskn is an amazing resource. I pay attention to everything that he writes.
  9. Of course, their explanation is almost always that they have to be "discreet."
  10. I found that empty profiles are very common on Grindr. Nothing in their profiles .. not even age or distance. But, their first message is "do you want to hookup"?
  11. You've summed it up very well, I think. Asking which app is best is like asking which phone or computer is best.
  12. I wonder if some experiences on these sites are age-dependent? Do younger people have better experiences (that is, more hookups) on Grindr, and older people do better on, say, Scruff? I've got no idea. Just throwing that out there. But, it might explain why guys on here often have such varied experiences with the sites?
  13. Sometimes I wonder if putting inconsistent stats in a profile is a catfisher's method of screening out savvy people?
  14. While Ric is resting, maybe a series about Dennis?
  15. Wow. Who carries around their actual vaccine card?
  16. I agree. There are some that are close, but this series is a masterpiece. It is well-written, with a consistent storyline that doesn't contradict earlier chapters. The use of a relatively small core of characters, with a number of others rotated in and out as appropriate, keeps the story grounded yet always different.
  17. That's quite a twist, although not totally unexpected. Ric seems to have that effect on guys.
  18. Nice way to close the loop.
  19. That area could use a lot of things for gays. It is too close to NYC, so it doesn't develop a gay life of its own.
  20. I think that it should be made clear that PrEP doesn't prevent Hep C or "etc..."
  21. Basically, a grandfathered plan in a plan or policy that was in existence or in effect on March 23, 2010, and has remained basically unchanged. If you purchased an individual health policy more than 12 years ago and have maintained it, it might be grandfathered. Group plans usually change enough over time that most are not grandfathered. A carrier or health plan is required to tell you if it is grandfathered. If you're not sure, ask the carrier or your HR/benefits department.
  22. You can't really say that since you're comparing absolute numbers vs. rates. Heterosexuals may make up 25% of new HIV cases, but they're 90%+ of the population, more or less. So, their chance of contracting HIV is substantially less than one quarter of that of gay/bi people.
  23. I think he'll be pissed at first, then realize that he was hard the entire time Brian was fucking him and want to do it again.
  24. I love it when some conflict is added to a story.
  25. This is a great set up. Can't wait for what happens next.
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