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  • Gender
  • Location
    South NJ
  • Interests
    Young athletic 18-26 yo mixed or black boys
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Looking For
    Sex passionate sex

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  1. Met up with a young african guy (yes from africa) hes in local college .im a chub hes a young chaser great body short with a five incher. Hooked up few times never bred me althought he migjt have stealthed me. Tonight we linked late night and he was beggin to fuck me bb and cum inside me. We met and fucked in my car it was hot. Hes small but can hit me spot. Litte rimming and spit and he pushed in. It was glorious. He picked up his pace after a few minutes and then shot a big load deep in my hole. I clenched down and could feel him pulse. Soooo hot. We made a lil mess in the car but hopefully that doesnt deter him
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  2. Met up with a young african guy (yes from africa) im a chub hes a young chaser great body short with a five incher. Hooked up few times never bred me althought he migjt have stealthed me. Tonight we linked late night and he was beggin to fuck me bb and cum inside me. We met and fucked in my car it was hot. Hes small but can hit me spot. Litte rimming and spit and he pushed in. It was glorious. He picked up his pace after a few minutes and then shot a big load deep in my hole. I clenched down and could feel him pulse. Soooo hot. We made a lil mess in the car but hopefully that doesnt deter him
  3. Linked up wit a guy of grindr. Im a chub hes a chaser. Went to his place after chatting for a bit. Got there we smoked and chatted a bit. As the weed is kickin in we start to explore each other. Now this boy is gorgeous. 23 mixed lean swimmer build and nice six pac which i love more than cock. Work my way down his tummy to his whispy happy trail. Slide his boxer briefs down revealing a beautiful penis. Now ive had em all. All shapes sizes colors u name it but this boy was perfection 7.5 big mushroom med thickness. Sucked him for good twenty mins before he brought me to his bedroom and starting tongueing my hole. He get my hole slick n wet wen he asks if im ready. He reached for the lube and a rubber and normally i dont bb random guys even though raw is my pref but im on prep now sooooo im more willing to take it raw. But i say jus spit on ur cock and push in. No lube no rubber😛 so he agrees i take a big pull of poppers and he slides rt in! Amazing we fuck for bout twenty mins when i say gimmie those swimmers n he happily obliged. I grip down jus as he starts to cum and i can feel it pulsing( which is an amazing feeling but lets be honest guys we dont always feel them pulsing) this sets me off and i hands free ( which happens about as often as the female orgasm lol) He was perfection a sweet boy that id worship if he wud let me cant wait to feel his big cock again.
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