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Everything posted by MattQueen1

  1. Oh it's not the end. I have a little more of his journey with Tom then I am going tp continue it in another section.
  2. Jack awoke late the next day. He had dreamed about what was coming next. He did not want to wait. He knew that he wanted this and he knew there was no going back. The phone Tom gave him started ringing. "Tom?" "Yes. I am going to ask you a question and please be open with me. Did it seem like you were visited last night while sleeping?." Jack did not know how to react to this. "Yes. I feel like what is bringing us together is really working hard to make sure it happens." Tom then said, "I will meet you at your room at 8 tonight. It will happen." Tom hung up. Jack was not sure what to do in the mean time. He decided to spend day getting ready for that night. He ate breakfast quickly and then hit the local drugstore. He bought some things he thought might help make things better. He was so excited he was so full of energy until early afternoon. He seemed to be dragged into sleep again. He heard a voice tell him that it would make sure he had all the energy he needed. He awoke two hours later. Just enough time to get ready. He fully cleaned himself inside and out. He decided to just wear the robe from the room. right at eight he heard a gentle tap on his door. He opened it to see Tom standing there. Somehow he looked more beautiful then ever. Tom then kissed him as he came into the room. It was a long passionate kiss that lasted until they reached the bed. Tom stopped and told Jack to remove that robe. Jack did as he was told. His naked frame was there for Tom to see. "You are so beautiful." Jack blushed at this. Tom placed two small bottles on the coffee table by the bed. "Undress me." Tom commanded. Jack did as he was told. He never saw a body more beautiful. Jack kneeled down before him, almost worshiping this man, this demigod. Jack gave in to what he was desiring right now. He started to give Tom a blow job. Tom was a good 10 inches hard. so no way was Jack going to take it all in his mouth but knew all of it was going to be inside Jack's body. They moved to the bed and Tom was ready to make it happen. He grabbed the two bottles from the table, "one is poppers and the other is lube," he said as an expiation, "My own special blends. Do you want to be on your belly or back?" "Back, so I can look into your eyes." Tom smiled at that. It was time. Tom took his lube and rubbed some on his cock and on Jack's butthole. Jack was scared, not about getting pozzed but about how his butt was going to be able to open up enough to take it. Tom handed him the popper bottle and said to sniff it. Jack complied and his head started spinning he felt both extreme pain and pleasure at the same time. He knew that Tom was staring to fuck Him. Tom's dick was tearing up hin insides. Jack knew he was starting to bleed inside his ass. It got more intense with every stroke. His ass was on fire and he loved it. "You are a great fuck, I am loving this. We are going to have lots of fun." Tom was on a good rhythm and Jack's ass had started to get his juices flowing. Jack even was able to match Tom's rythim with his ass moving perfectly. Tom was a madman. He seemed to not be able to stop when he grunted, "I am about to cum be ready." Jack heard that and he shot a load. His last negative one he suspected. Jack was full of emotions, pleasure, pain, fear and happiness when Tom gifted him with his poz seed. Jack could feel it going deep into his guts. He even felt it go into the small cuts that had opened up in him. Jack knew that meant the blessed jizz was going into his blood stream. He was getting the infection that he knew he wanted. Jack thought Tom was going to stop. Instead he took hit of poppers and told Jack that he was just getting warmed up. Jack's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Tom got more violent with his fucking. "I am a multiple time cummer. I am going to be giving you more loads." Tom did as he promised. He dropped four more loads. Jack thought he coud do more but he could not take anymore. Tom seemed to know this so he stopped. Tom held Jack in his arms and said that he should sleep. Jack did. He woke up to find he was on his belly and Tom was fucking him again. "I got horny holding you." Jack woke up two more times that night to Tom doing the same thing. Jack was never happier. The next morning and Jack's last day in the room, Tom was cleaning up when he said that he wanted Jack to move in with him. "I will take care of you until we get you a new job and a new place. I also want to make sure you are well taken care of when you get that sickness that first brought us together. Tomorrow we can go get your things and start you on your new life. Plus, I am throwing a few parties and I want you there." Jack was happy, truly happy at last.
  3. Part 5 The hotel was nice. Not 5 stars but very close. He had a bed the size of three of his usual one. He saw the bathtub was also huge. He knew what he wanted to do. There was a gift waiting for him when he arrived. He was told not to open ot until he was alone. It was a box with bath bombs. A note said he should use one for when they meet tonight. This was a big night for Jack. This was not only his first date with a man this was his very first date ever. He was never happier and yet he knew it was going to get better. He started praying to the higher power that Tom spoke of and, so far, everything was getting better for him. HE filled the tub, dropped in a bomb got naked and soaked until he knew that it was time to get out. He got dressed and was ready when he heard a light tap on the door. It was Tom, right on time. "Hello, please come in." Tom came in and greeted him with a quick kiss. "Are you ready to go?" Tom asked. Jack was so they left together. On the way down Tom held Jack's hand. Jack blushed. This was all so new to him. Tom smiled at this, " Don't worry, we are going to have a good time tonight." hey did, they went to a nice place for dinner. Then dancing. Then a walk along a local lake. Tom was clearly looking to be romantic. Everywhere they went Jack felt so alive. When they went back to his hotel Tom escorted him to his room and came in but said he was not staying. Tom took both of Jack's hands into his own. "I want you to spend tomorrow thinking if what comes next is what you really want. What I am offering is something that cannot be taken back and you need to know for sure. Call me tomorrow at 5 pm. If you say that you want what I am offering then we will spend the next day together where I live. I have left something else with the front desk, only get it if you want to go through with it." With that he gave Jack a good night kiss and left. Jack was suddenly tired and knew he needed to sleep. That made Tom leaving easier. He thought if he stayed that he would be out before anything could be done. When his head hit the pillow he was out. It was as if someone had pulled him into this deep sleep.
  4. Part 4 Jack looked at the phone he was given by Tom just a few days ago. He wanted to call the number but he did not know how he could get over to see him. Something was bring them together and he knew it. Then his other phone, his regular phone rang. He quickly answered it. It was his boss. "Jack, are you in a place you can talk without being heard?" Jack was home alone. Mom and dad were out to dinner and the twins were doing something together. Those brats were always together. "Yeah, I am alone." Jack responded. "Okay. First I need to thank you for the job you did the other day with that guy with HIV. The two men both called to give you all kinds pf praise. We could have been sued by them over this and we would have lost. They said that they would not persue legal action. So I am going to do you a favor. I know that you want to get away from your parents for a while. I have arranged for you a five day vacation with your normal hours as pay. I have arranged it so it looks like you are going to a hospital to recieve special training. You have already recieved this training and your parents don't know that. So you will be away for five days and they will be thinking you are taking a cource in another city far enough away that coming home every night could not be justified. I can even get you a hotel voucher. You saved our butts and we cannot reward you enough. What do you think?" What did he think? He loved the idea. He could pick his days he said he needed to check one thing first. He said he would call her back and then hung up and grabbed the other phone. He breathed heavly once and called the number. After tw rings he heard a familar voice say "Jack?" They talked and as it turned out Tom was free for a few days in two weeks. They agreed to meet. Tom wanted to take the new guy on a real date first. He wanted Jack to know that he could choose the hook up life but that was not the only option and he wanted Jack to know that. Jack's parents did not seem to care he was going away. He was happy about that. So he knew there would not be any conflict. The time went like a blur until he packed his car and left. He knew that he would not be the same when he came back. How much he would change he was not sure but he knew it would happen.
  5. Part 3 Tom's point of view. Jim woke up and was really sick. Tom knew that the fuck flu had kicked in. He needed to get him to an Emergency Room. He knew the closest one would be so busy it would hours before they would be seen. So he decided to go to the next town over. That was no good because the road was blocked. So he went to the next closest hospital. When they arrived Tom somehow knew they were supposed to come here. He knew that a higher power was guiding him at times, this was one of those times. it felt right to Tom, at first. There was no one waiting to be checked in. They got a room quickly and Tom explained what was going on. The doctor ordered tests to be done. They could not be done there. They had to be sent to a separate lab. "What a hick town." Tom thought. Jim was very weak and needed to be in bed. They were doing things to make him comfortable. Tom had to step outside the room for a bit and then he saw someone leaving. A very young employee, looked to be 19 or 20 at most. He had a great build. Nice body very fuckable. He felt like he was going to see him again sometime soon. Tom was allowed back into the room. They brought him in a bed so he could sleep. Jim and Tom were not committed. Jim was with Tom because he wanted to be pozzed. Well it happened. Tom loved to poz men. He knew bug chasers when he met them. Tom would give them what they want. He would see them through the tough part after the gift is received and then he would seek a new guy to infect. He kissed Jim on the forehead and told him to rest. Tom dozed off. The next morning Tom woke to an argument. Someone was refusing to be in the room with Jim. He just quit rather than do it. Tom was surprised that such stupidity existed still. The head nurse walked in and said that she would do the job until a replacement came in. He was going to be just for Jim and he was going to be here until Jim was discharged. The lab had confirmed that Jim was HIV+ and this was the flu. When she stepped out they hugged. Jim was still very sick and would be for about two weeks. Their happiness could not be contained. However, they knew this was not the place to celebrate. They would do so when Jim was no longer sick with this fuck flu. They needed the day in this hospital just to make sure of a few things. Tom's could afford it. He was from a rich family. He was a trust fund kid who was actually responsible with his money. An hour later he walked in. He saw the same young man that he had seen last night leaving. Okay, they were here to meet this young man. He had the desire to get the gift and the knew it. This was not a chance encounter. As they spent the day together and the young man named Jack worked in a very professional manner. It was quite a day. When Tom decided to check his bag he found a phone that he had forgotten about. It was a phone he boughed because he thought he might need it someday and then he knew he was supposed to give it to Jack. He put it on the charger and programed his phone number. The day was ending and he knew what he needed to due. He talked Jack into the bathroom and then kissed him. Jack was so clumsy that Tom knew this was his first one. So he also knew that this would be the first time this happened to him as well. Tom yanked down his pants ang gave him his first blow job. Tom knew the kid would not last. Jack's hot negative cum tasted to good in his mouth and he could feel it going into his belly. What a sensation. As they were leaving Tom gave Jack the phone. Knowing that when he could Tom was going to pop his and cherry and poz him at the same time
  6. Part 2 Jack slept better than he had in such a long time. He awoke feeling refreshed like never before and really happy. He had a dream that things were going to be better for him. He heard his smartphone ring. "Jack it's your work." His mom called out. Yeah his parents had access to his phone. Their house their rules they said. He answered and sure enough it was his boss. They had a patient that some workers refused to treat. Someone quit over it. They really needed him to come in today. It would be an 8 and not a 12 hour shift and triple time would be authorized. He felt so strongly that he needed to be there today and he said yes. Getting there he was in his scrubs and told what was going on. They had someone with severe flu like symptoms and he was going to be here overnight and they needed to be the attendant to his room. All this for one person, why were they refusing to see this guy. Well, whatever, he was getting triple time and his parents would not know so he could put it aside. If he had been thinking he might of had a clue as to what was happening. He entered the room to see a man asleep in the bed and another man sitting in a chair next to him. "Hello, I am Jack and I will be here to help when needed for the next 7 and a half hours." The man in the chair arose and walked over to him and shook Jack's hand. "Thank you." He smiled at Jack and something hit jack like a bolt of lighting to his brain. This man was gorgeous. He was clearly in great shape, he had these dark inviting eyes that Jack felt he could state into forever. His Hair was black with a short conservative cut that looked perfect on him. His clothes were casual, polo shirt and slacks, that made his body look even better. Even his scent, a slight natural musty smell, drove him crazy. "I am glad you came, there are so many bigots in this hospital that I was sure we would be left alone." Jack was confused, for a second. He saw a scorpion tattoo on the man's arm. Intense flu like symptoms. Oh, wow. The man in the bed had the fuck flu. "Oh, by the way I am Tom and the guy in the bed is Jim." "May I ask your relationship with Jim?" Jack asked, his mouth suddenly dry and voice cracked. "First, lets get you some water." Tom said, sounding really concerned. He pored Jack a drink of water and Jack drank it down. Tom smiled. "I offered others some water and everyone refused. I have HIV and I just gave it to Jim here." Jack nodded his head, "I figured that out. But, I know how HIV works. I am not worried. I just want to treat it. So he has the fuck flu, I mean flu like symptoms?" Tom laughed, "You can call it what it is in here, Fuck flu is what it is. I fucked him several times so I could give him HIV." "He's a bug chasers then and you pozzed him?" Tom eyes lit up. "Yes, how did you know that?" It was Jack's turn to smile. "I have seed about it." Well Jack got to work. Jim was asleep most of the time, when he was awake Jack took care of him. The doctor also checked in a couple of times. When the shift neared it's end Jim was going to be discharged. He could be cared at home and Tom said he would make sure he was taken care of until he got better. Jack was alone with Tom and Jim for the last 20 of his shift. The next crew would clean the room, standard for everyone after leaving. Tom asked if they could talk in private, where no one could hear or see, it was important and just for the two of them. Well, the only place was the bathroom, which were big. When they entered their Tom grabbed Jack and kissed him. Jack was shocked but gave into the lust he had been feeling all day. The kiss was his first. It was long and passionate. Jack was loving it and was some what sad when it ended. Tom then knelt down, yanked Jack's scrub bottoms down, as well as his boxers and started to give him his first blow job. Tom's mouth was magical in how good it felt on Jack's dick. Jack was not small but not large so Tom was able to deep throat him. Tom also used his experience to finish quickly. Less chance of getting caught. Jack came into a man's mouth for the first time. Tom caught every drop of his cum in his mouth. Jack watched as Tom swallowed all of it. "That is for everything, I could tell that you wanted that." "Yes I did." Jack said as he made sure his clothes were on properly after finishing. As Jack was getting ready to leave as well as Tom and Jim, they said their goodbyes. Tom then said he had something for Jack. It was an older flip phone and charger. "There were a lot of places I could have takes Jim. Something led me here. I mean that. It was not just a feeling that here was where I was supposed to bring Jim I mean roads were blocked and traffic was diverted to bring us here to meet you. I don't know why I needed to give you that phone. You don't have to pay for anything it has enough prepaid minutes to last six months if you ony use it for me. I somehow know you need something like this for us to talk again and I want to talk again and more." Jim said, "As I do." Since no one was looking at them he shared a warm hun ang a strong kiss with both. "A higher power brought us together." Yesterday Jack would have said that a higher power would not even exist. Now he agreed. It was agreed that Jack would call when he could somehow get away for a few days. He was not sure how he would do it. He knew he just needed to have faith in this higher power to make it happen.
  7. Jack was bored with life. He was an adult but he was still living with his parents. He had a good job at the local hospital and could afford his own place but, his parents were guilting him to stay. They were taking most of his pay for rent and utilities, mostly because they did not want to spend their money anymore. They also had child protection on all the computers in the house, even Jack's. It was done through the WiFi some how, like the one where he worked. He worked overtime as much as possible because he had nothing else to do. He wanted to go out and meet people. He wasnted to get laid. He was 20 and still a virgin. You see there were lots of women around. Jack was pansexual but liked guys best. He wanted to meet guys to fuck around with. He wanted his first to be a guy. His community no one was openly gay, bi or pan and no one talked about the subject. He told his parents and they just said it was youthful rebellion. Jack was in great shape, played a lot of sports in school and used to take MMA lessons until he graduated from Trade School and had to work full time. His parents thought that no one who did all that could be into men. They were not even religious or anything. They just were stupid. They spoiled his younger brother and sister, twins, and they became brats. They were 18 and still not adults. Jack decided to just go to bed after work tonight. He ate dinner at the hospital canteen took a shower and went to bed. He was not ready for sleep just yet though. He had a hidden compartment in his bed where he kept something he had fond a while ago. Someone had dropped it or tried to get rid of it and Jack found it. It was a porno collection but not a normal one. It was a collection of stories and pictures downloaded from the internet and printed out. It was all about men getting "pozzed." Jack had read every story so many times he had them memorized. He knew every detail of the pictures. He knew about the tattoos of scorpions and biohazard symbols. He knew some of the stories were fictions but, a couple were true accounts. Those were favorites of his. Jack read those tonight. He was reading them more and more recently. His desire for him to be the one getting pozzed was getting stronger. He knew that he wanted this more than anything. He thought it would never happen though. He resigned himself to the fantasy. He stroked his hard dick until he csme into his blankets. He went to sleep with the feeling of his cum rubbing against his leg. He liked how it felt. He thought this would be his only source of happiness for a while. Little did he know that fates were working to change things for him. Part 2 coming soon
  8. You asked for it. Part 2 Brad and Greg were startled to see Kevin standing there. He looked confused and hurt. "Again I ask, what the hell is going on here?" "Son, this is not how I wanted you to find out." "Kevin, I am gay like your dad is. We really hit it off." Kevin was calming down but still not happy. "This is weird, this is wrong. My dad and my best friend." "Kevin, what are you doing home so soon?" Kevin was about to say don't change the subject but decided that he needed to explain that. "Mom is still bitter about you. She was horrible the whole visit and said this morning that she hated everything about the marriage and that included me." "I am sorry son." Brad started to get up but Kevin brushed it off. "No, I am not in the right frame of mind about this. Dad you pozzed Greg?" Brad was about to speak but Greg spoke first. "Yes he did. I wanted him to. I love him and he loves me. We are both adults and can make our own choices. I am sorry this is how you found out. It was wrong. I know you tried to call us to say you were coming back. I heard both our phones ring but did not look to see what happened. I know what your mom sad hurt and seeing us is a shock but I think I know what is really making you act this way. You are not angry you are jealous. You wanted it to be you and not me who took Daddy's seed." Brad looked confused and Kevin looked scared. "I can see it in your eyes. We are both naked and you never told us to cover up even though you can see it. I can see a bulge in your pants and your eyes were always on the fact that I have been rubbing your dad's dick the whole time." Kevin sat on the end of the bed and started crying. "Yeah, it is true. Dad, I have had a crush on you for years now. Ever since puberty. Yeah I like girls but it was always you I wanted." Brad slid over and hugged his son. Kevin returned the hug and then decided to take the biggest chance in his life. He leaned in and kissed his father on the lips. Closed mouth at first. Brad did nor move away. Rather, he returned it. Soon the father and son were open mouth kissing. They were getting more passion filled. Greg came over and started stripping Kevin. "Daddy, please fuck my brother." "Brother?" "He is your brother now. And you can call me Daddy now as well." Of course Daddy." "I want you to fuck your brother Kevin." Greg laid on his back as Kevin crawled up behind him. Daddy put some lube on his bio son's tip and watched as one son fucked the other. Daddy then crept up in back of his bio son and forced his own dick into bio son's. Daddy could not believe it. He was fucking his son. This was not a game or roleplay this was really it. His son was now his lover. This was the best fuck he ever had. Family sex was best. "Daddy fuck me harder please, fuck me harder Daddy. Please I need you to fuck me." Daddy did as his son asked him. Soon Kevin was filling up Brad. Brad then slid out and put his ass up to Kevin's face so he could eat the cum out of his ass. Then Daddy shot a load right into his bio son's willing and open hole. Like before the lack of lube caused skin to open up and then absorb the blessed seed into his blood. "I guess this is how we spend the rest of summer." Kevin quipped. They all laughed. Kevin also got tested quickly and was positive. They all got special matching tattoos. Kevin and Greg even got married with Brad (Daddy) adopting Greg so they were all a real family. A family that spreads poz seed with each other and with anyone else they choose to let in om their secret.
  9. Part One. Brad was in a really good mood. His son was coming home from college. He was going to his mothers for a few days aftuter dropping off his college roommate but, he was going to be home for the rest of the summer. Brad loved his son. He had never met his roommate but Kevin, his son, said that Greg, the roommate, was a great friend and needed a place for the summer. Brad was happy to take him in. If Kevin liked him then Brad would. He was also going to be stepping away from his business for a while. Brad ran a high-end escort service. For the right price he could get you any man or woman you wanted. He sometimes took clients himself. You see Brad was HIV positive and men would pay thousands for Brad to give them the gift. He also did for free when it happened organically. Brad was gay. His marriage had been a disaster that ended in pure bitterness from his ex. The only thing good about it was Kevin. Now they were due any minute. He soon saw Kevin's car and two very tired looking college boys dragging luggage to the house. "Dad." Kevin said as he hugged his father. "Kevin, welcome home." "Dad, this is Greg." Kevin said as an introduction. "Hello sir." Greg added. "No, call me Brad. I hate being called sir or mister." "Okay, Brad it is." Brad shook Greg's hand and noticed something on his breath and on his upper lip. Brad was very perceptive and he knew the smell and look of stale cum when it was there, no matter how faint. He got the vibe right away, Greg is just as gay as he was and Kevin did not know. He was told that they would stop to sleep at a rest stop and Brad knew Greg must have stepped out for a quickie. Greg blushed, he knew what Brad knew. "You guys must be hungry and tired. I have some food in the kitchen then you can wash up and get to sleep." It was pretty late and they had plenty of time. After a couple of days Kevin went to visit his mom and it was Brad and Greg alone. The first day Brad decided to spend it by his pool. It was hot. He put on trunks and some suntan lotion and went to his patio chair. Greg joined him. The two got along real well. Brad wanted to ask the question when they were alone. "So, you are gay like me?" "Yeah. I have known for years." "Why have you never told Kevin?" "As weird as it sounds, it has never come up. Neither of us are partiers, we stick to studies. We both are taking hard core classes and neither of us want to fuck up our grades. So we have spent what little time off we had watching movies and stuff. I know it will not be bad for him to find out. He loves you and cannot stop bragging about you. My family has either died or forced me out so Kevin became the person I just hung out with and we just don't do anything that made coming out a big deal." Brad seemed to be pouring his heart out. "What about you. I know enough to know that you are a gift giver from your tattoos." He had a biohazard and scorpion tat on his chest. Brad laughed, "You don't do anything?" "I never said that, I am too busy most of the time. I still sneak a peak online and hit a gloryhole when I need relief. It is just very rare." Brad looked at Greg, I mean really looked, for the first time. This this, well built young man was beautiful. The attraction was there but would it could it lead anywhere? Brad had rules with sex, no condoms and no pulling out. He was a dominate top and that was that. Would Greg be into this and what would he tell his son. Greg leaned in and kissed Brad. Fuck it, he will think of something. Brad grabbed Greg's hands, "Let's take this to the bedroom." They got there in record time and were naked and making out right away. Greg kissed his way down Brad's body. When he reached Brad's dick he kissed the head then started to suck it. Brad moved into a 69 position and returned the favor. When they were both nice and hard Brad grabbed some lube and rubbed some on his finger. He inserted it into Greg's ass both lubing and priming it up. Brad could tell that this would be his first time taking anything in his ass. Well it was too late now Brad pushed his mushroom head against Greg's virgin hole and pushed himself into it. Greg whimpered as his ass opened and spread to accommodate this invader. Greg looked like he was experiencing a mixture of pain, fear and ecstasy. Brad loved that look on a boy getting his ass roughed up for the first time. He fucked Greg hard. Greg was now moaning. Brad was going to make sure the bug took effect. Because he used so little lube and was in by force more than anything Greg's insides were tearing. Nothing too bad but enough for him to accept the gift of Brad's precious seed and all it's toxicity. Greg was now cumming all over his chest and belly. Brad scooped up all of it and fed it to Greg. "No sperm gets wasted with me." "Yes." "No, no, no yes Daddy." "Yes Daddy. Fuck me Daddy, poz me Daddy, make me your poz cum slut Daddy." With that Brad could take no more. He shot a load right into Greg's ass. "I am not done yet." "Daddy, please give me more." "Of course baby. Daddy loves to share his seed with the willing." Brad pumped more into Greg. This continued until Brad had nothing left. He inserted a specially made butt plug to keep in as much as possible. He fed Greg the rest. This was just the start of the day. After getting some rest, as well as food and water, they were right back at it. This was pretty much the whole day. The two were becoming more than a fuck buddies. They were a couple. In just 2 days they were like a married couple, who were open and one called the other daddy. Brad was still not sure how he would explain it to Kevin but he was not due home for two more weeks. They had Greg tested quickly by a doctor was was a client of Brad's service and got it done as soon as possible. Between Brad'd HVL and as many loads as Greg took he was shown to be poz. They celebrated by getting Brad his first tattoo and going home to fuck some more. They were so excited they threw their clothes all over the house as they ran to the room. After their fuck fest they both fell asleep in each others' arms. They woke up together kissed and were both starting to rub each other's cocks when they heard a shout, "What the hell is this?" Part 2 is written, should I share it?
  10. Dave was stressed. He worked an upper level executive job and was overworked right now. There was a big merger happening and it was Dave's job to make sure everything went smoothly. He also was making sure no one lost their job. He was working 12-16 hours on a good day. He pretty much was sleeping at the office. Dave needed a break but was unable to get one. When it was finially finished he was told that the next project for him was going to start in a few days. No rest or vacation for him. He did take time for a regular check up with his doctor. The doc wanted to put Dave on medication but Dave refused. He knew it was his schedule and bad eating habits brought on by work that was the cause of his stress and high blood pressure. So instead Dave took more rest time. He would hit the gym on site for at least an hour a day, eat better and see a massage therapist at least once a week. He wanted someone who was trustworthy. Two friends that he had intrudiced to each other, Jack and Seth, who became really close in the past few weeks, told Dave about a guy they both used. They swore by him. He relieved their stress and open their eyes to a new way of thinking about life. He is so exclusive that you need to know a client before you gave an appointment. "He is the best ever." Seth claimed. Jack agreed, "He showed us how to be better and to embrace a new life, you need that." They gave him a business card. It said his name was "Z" and bosted that, "a PoZitive experience awaits for you." Dave thought it was nothing more then a play on words because of his name. He would soon find out the truth because he called and made an appointment. He asked for the full service, like his friends recomended. Dave went to the address on the day of the appointment. It was at an office complex not far from where he lived. Dave hit the intercom buzzer and was told everything was open for him. When he entered the office it was in almost total darkness. The only light came from many lit candles that were giving off a strong, but wonderful and relaxing, scent. Following the trail of candles he soon met Z. Since the room where the massage would happen had more then just candles lighting it Dave could see that Z was a great looking man in his early 20s. Z had brown hair that was longish and dark brown eyes like seemed to shine. He was in tremedious shape. He was shirtless and wore only shorts. "Not at all what I was expecting." Dave thought. Z shook his hand and said hello and welcome. When that happened Dave felt like a bolt of lighting jolted him and a fog started to hit him. "Get undressed and lie on the bed, om your belly." Z told him. Dave did as was told. The bed was big enough for four people to lie on it. Z then lit more of the same candles at the ends of the bed. Smal fans blew the smoke and that intoxicaiting scent into his nostrals. Dave felt himselh losing inhibiations. Then the massage started. Z rubbed Dave's back, neck and legs perfectly. Dave never felt such pleasure in his life. The oil used must have had the same thing that made the candles scent make him so relaxed. He could feel his dick getting hard. How was this happening. Dave is, was, straight. He never thought about doing anything sexualy with men. This was changing. Z soon did something really unexpected. He inserted a finger into Dave's ass. He was so relaxed that he put up no resistance. It was a tight fit though. Z rubbed the tip of his finger around and Dave thought he made some cuts. "Roll onto your back." Z said after removing his finger. Dave did as commanded. Z removed his shorts revealing the biggest dick he had ever seen. It was massive. "Are you ready for the PoZitive part of this?" Dave was confused but shook his head yes. Z thengrabbed Dave's ankles and lifted him them high in the air exposing his ass. Z then came in closer and started rubbing the head of his massive cock against Dave's virgin asshole. "Here is what you need." He looked up and in what sounded like a prayer said, "Thank you my MASTER for this." Then he pushed his dick into Dave so fast and hard that Dave screamed in pain. Z managed to get all of it inside of him. As Z pushed and pushed his dick into Dave he could feel his ass stretching and opening up to accept this invasion. Dave never felt anything like it. It was the best thing he ever experienced. Z was a master of fucking. He sped up and slowed down at the right times to make sure Dave was experiencing the best possible fuck. "Oh god, please keep fucking me." Dave whimpered. Z just smiled. Soon Z started breathing hard. "Here it comes, my Poz cum. My toxic demon jizz." He shot a load right into Dave's ass. Dave came at th same time. He thought it was going to end. "Just relax, I am no where near finished." Z kept fucking him. Dave's eyes rolled into the back of his head and passed out from the pleasure and the experience. He woke up to find that Z was still fucking him. "Once I start, I do not stop until I am done. And I was no where near done. You are getting my high viral loads. You are getting my gift." Dave knew that ment HIV but did not care. If he were to die right then and there it would be worth it. "Yes,fuck my ass. Give me HIV. Give me your blessed poison.: With those words Z shot another load into him. It looked like that was the last one because Z stopped. He allowed hisself to get softer while still inside Dave until he pulled out. Dave was exausted but Z procedded to lick Daves ass until he had plenty of cum in it. He then kissed Dave so he could taste what was now infrcting him. "Tasty?" Dave only nodded yes. They stayed in the bed for a litte while longer. Dave learned that there was a spell in the candles and oils that make one open to getting fucked by guys. "My MASTER taught me how to do it." "I am glad he did." Dave replied. "So what now?" "Now you go get checked and when you turn up poz we will celebrate." Dave knew that was going to happen real soon.
  11. Allister Needed to do something so deviant that it could be called an abomination. He knew just what to do. When he embraced his new life he left his old one behind. He never spoke to his old family. He stopped caring about them. He has a mom, dad and brother. His brother's 18th birthday was yesterday. He decided to pay them a visit. Using the new power he was blessed with he created the illusion that he had his normal body and was fully clothed. He stepped outside of the compound for the first time in months. A car was waiting for him. He told his new MASTER what was going to happen and MASTER was pleased. So pleased that he made sure he had the power needed to finish the task. Allister knew he had a demonic strain of HIV in him and it had a HVL beyond anything science and medicine had scene. It was about to happen. He arrived at the house of his old life. When he got out of the car he simply went up to the door and walked in. His mom saw him first, she was excited to see him. Allister then dropped the cover and revealed his new body. Red, scaly skin, yellow eyes, snake like tongue. She was stunned. "Go away." he said to her. She grabbed her coat, went out the door and drove away. She would be back in a few hours and by then the deed would be finished. He saw his father and brother in the next room. They were also shocked to see him back and his new look. "Come with me, NOW!" They obeyed. They were in a trance. He led them to his parents bedroom. His dad and brother started to strip in front of him. They both had nice bodies. "Kiss each other like lovers." They complied. "You two are now going to be in lust with each other so much that after we are done the only ones you will fuck is you two. Unless I command it. Now on your knees and worship me." They did as commanded. They could not resist. "Good. You two are now mine forever." "Yes Master." They replied in unison. Allister waved his hands and the clothes the two were wearing burned off of them. "It is time." Allister had his brother lie naked on his dads bed. Allister had full control over them now. "Fuck your son's asshole." His dad smiled and crawled behind his son and forced his hard dick into that ass. The brother screamed in pain and pleasure. There was no lube but it still happened. Allister came behind his dad and fucked him hard. Allister was forcing himself onto his dad and was loving it. "I am infected with a demonic HIV strand. Each time I cum, and I will be cumming multiple times, the infection will go through me into you dad then it will enter your other son." Allister smiled revealing sharp teeth. "You two will both live for this from now on. In the short time you both will have left." Allister fucked his dad hard. Soon they were in perfect rhythm. "Here comes the first load." Allister shot a hot toxic load into his dad. He could see it going through him and infecting him until it went into his brother via his dad's load. This continued for hours. Allister did not stop and he made sure that these two were infected beyond return. No treatment would work, ever. When he was done he saw that his dad and brother, now his slaves, were still kissing. His work here done he left. The car was waiting for him and was driven to a new place. MASTER was waiting. "Here is your new compound. Soon I am going to send you your own servants to infect and to worship you." With that MASTER disappeared and Allister entered the home where he would start his own abominations.
  12. Allister served his master with great devotion. He worshipped His better then all his other followers. The master was pleased. In fact he was about to give him the highest honor. He was going to introduce Allister to his own MASTER. MASTER is the High God and he is over even Allister's master. Master announced that they will soon receive a visitor who will be treated with the utmost respect. Allister worked hard to make sure everything was ready while being available to get fucked by whenever Master wanted it. The night before the arrival Master took Allister aside and told him what was really going on. "My servant, I am going to confess something to you. First, starting now, you will no longer call me Master. You may call me brother. You see I am no longer going to be over you. I am giving you to the real MASTER. Because you served me so well he will make you a special warlock like myself. He will give you power. You must be tested first. He is going to take you and breed you. Then you need to commit an act of sexual abomination that pleases HIM. If you fail this then you will be killed and your soul under torment. If you succeed then your reward in the pit will be great. I know you are ready. Go to your chambers and rest until tomorrow. Stay there until HE comes for you." Allister did as he was commanded. The next day Allister was in his mediation when his door opened. A man, no that is not right, a being entered that was so perfect in his body that Allister knew he needed to worship at once. He spoke, not in a voice but in spirit. "You are Allister." It was not a question." Stand up." He did as commanded. "You are going to have a chance of becoming a warlock in my service today. You have received the virus I created from your former master which you have shared. Now I heal you." With a wave of his hand Allister felt a change happen to him. His body had changed back to before he had his first poz load inside him. "I healed you so I could bless you myself. I have the original virus in me and when I give it it overtakes you like nothing else. What you had was severely diluted compared to what you are about to receive. Now lie on the bed NOW!" Allister could not believe it. Not only had his body been cleared of the virus but his hole was like it had never been fucked before. What clothes he had on seemed to burn away without his skin being harmed. The MASTER used some kind of magic to elevate his newly revirgined ass into the air. MASTER took out his own dick. It was massive. Longer and thicker than he thought was possible. Master rubbed a little spit on his dick and then forced it into Allister's ass. It tore Allister open. Like someone was pulling his legs apart. The pain was both unbearable and welcomed. His insides felt like there was iron being forced into him. After a few seconds his body seemed to conform to the invasion. He was in the perfect state of ecstasy. MASTER fucked him for hours. Allister's skim was becoming red. His nails were growing into claws and his tongue became snakelike. "My Virus filled dick is about to fill you and forever corrupt you. Do you accept?" "YES MASTER!" " Good." Allister felt a fire enter his body. He was burning from within. His whole being was now changed. MASTER finished with him and said, "You now have access to the power I will grant you for a brief period of time. You have three days to commit an act that is considered an abomination sexually." If not then this awaits." MASTER seemed to slice through the fabric of reality and opened a window into another world. There the ones who failed him were being rapped by demonic creatures among fire. While they were getting some pleasure from it they were never going to get away from it, and they wanted to. "What do you plan to do?" "MASTER, I have the perfect idea."
  13. I was in Singapore for the Navy. I was out walking when a guy stopped me and ask if I would sit and talk for a bit. He asked what I was into. I was confused about what he was asking, I was 19, he rubbed my knee and said he was into men. He led me to a public bathroom, which you have to pay to enter and are inspected frequently. I was led into a stall and kissed me. We gave each other a blowjob. (My first time giving someone a BJ in which someone cummed into my mouth. I swallowed.) When we were done we went our own separate ways. If we had been caught we could have faced fines and a possible physical punishment, like canning.
  14. The biggest problem with consent law, like many laws, is that they are one size fits all. I have known young people who are both mature and knowledgeable to consent to sex and I have known adults who are too stupid to know anything about it. The problems are that MOST, the overwhelming, are not and how can you stop an adult from doing stupid things.
  15. I cannot speak to the Leather scene. I can say that the job market is strong here. Amazon is always hiring. The farther you get away from downtown Seattle the less things cost. We have great transit and housing is expensive here.
  16. That makes me happy to read this.
  17. Part three. Freddy went into the room and saw the most gorgeous man he had ever seen in his life. He was the perfect man to him. Then he remembered this was no man but his God. Freddy fell to his knees and this God said, "Good, you are a quick learned. I like that. Stand up and remove your robe. You can look at me as I am the one you worship. I want you to worship not just me but all of me." Freddy disrobed and gazed upon this deity. He had Tattoos and piercings all over his body. His frame was perfect in that he had the right amount of muscles. It was his huge cock that really made Freddy gasp. It was huge. He never saw one so long and thick in his life. Even in pictures. He got hard quickly. "Oh no, none of that now." Master grabbed Freddy and pressed on a spot behind his balls. "You no longer get to decide when you get hard. I get that decision. Understand?" "Yes Master." Freddy replied. "Good, you l now that I am your unholy God. Your evil Lord. Now I will require you to wear this I instruct you to remove it. And since I have the key that will be enforced." He held up a chastity cage destined for a dick. It fit him perfectly. Almost as if the Master knew he would need it for Freddy. Master led Freddy to a bed. No it was not a bed but an examination table. It was like the one you find in OB/GYN doctor offices. "Lie on here." Freddy was told. As his master commanded Freddy obeyed. His Master positioned Freddy so his legs were in the stirrups and locked in. His hands were also tied up. Master then said to Freddy, "Do you knowingly and willingly give yourself to me. Your mind, body soul and health for all of eternity?" "Yes my most Unholy Master." Freddy replied. His life had changed so much since this morning. "Do you accept my gift?" "Yes." Master nodded in approval. He stepped away to turn off all the light in this room and turned a red light over Freddy. He then started a fire in the fireplace and inserted something into the flame. Then he grabbed a metal container and a rod with a pentagram on the top. "This is called an aspergillum. It belonged to a priest I converted. It used to be used for holy water but now I modified it and use it for something unholy." Mater started chanting in a language Freddy did not understand. he dipped the aspergillum in the container and sprinkled it on Freddy. It was sticky and tasted salty. He knew it was cum. Then Master took a knife and pierced the tip of his own left thumb. Just enough to draw blood. He then used the thumb to make a mark on Freddy. "Now it is time. You are going to get my Death Cock now." Master put his hands under Freddy's ass and pulled him as far up as his tied up body would allow. "My Demon Dick is going to give you my Toxic Gift. You will have it for the rest of your life which now is mine." Freddy was scared, excited and turned on. Master spit on his tip and started to push his Death Cock into Freddy. The spit was the only lube he was going to get. Freddy could feel his inside tearing open has Master kept forcing his Demon Dick into him. "You are nice and tight. I can feel you bleeding on me. Good. You are an open vessel to me. Your body wants what I am giving it." Freddy screamed in pain as Master pushed his whole dick inside of him. He could feel his Master's balls hitting him as Master kept thrusting and thrusting. "Do you worship me?" "With all me heart." "Do you serve me?" "YES!" "You are a good little fuck. I am enjoying this more than usual." "Thank you Master." Freddy could feel every thrust. It was like getting punched in the gut. But it was also the most wonderful feeling he had ever felt. He wished it would go on forever. "Get ready. My first shot of my Toxic Demonic Death Cum is getting ready to enter you." Freddy could feel it. He felt every bit of cum in his ass. Master was not done. He had stamina like no other. He is a God. Freddy was blessed to receive four more loads of cum from Master before he was finished. Master then took a butt plug, a small one, and inserted it as he removed the dick that had converted him. "You will keep this in until I tall you as well. I want as little of my Toxic blessings to escape as possible." Freddy was too worn out to do anything but nod. Master untied Freddy and carried him to a chair with a pitcher of water next to it. "Drink now. I want you healthy because we are not done yet. Freddy did as told. His master then said "On your knees again. Worship my Demon Dick." Freddy did that. "Kiss the tip." He did and could taste the leftover cum on it. "Kiss everyone of my tattoos." Master then removed the item from the flames. It was a branding Iron. "I only do this for the worshipers I have the most special plans for." With that the brand was applied right onto Freddy's chest, right where his heart is. Freddy endured the pain for his Master. It was the biohazard symbol with a99 in it as well. "This marks you as mine." Master then picked up Freddy again and took him to another room. In it was a tub that was filled halfway with a salty smelling liquid. Freddy was placed in. "I now baptize you in my name. I here by change your name. I shall rename you Allister. He was one of my most devoted followers." Freddy, no Allister now, was then given a piercing through his left nipple and a tattoo of a stylized plus sign on his stomach. "This is just the beginning for you. I am going to give you a sedative so you will sleep through the pain of being marked for me. Tomorrow your new life begins. As Allister fell asleep the last thing he knew was his Master, once again, fucking his ass. Well it was no longer his to control.
  18. Part Two. Freddy was not sure what to do next. His first thought was to run away and get out of there. He was not here to any of this. Just have a little fun and then go home. "Kid, this is what you want. You just never knew it." Freddy nodded. "Kid I want you to show you something." Seth removed his shirt to reveal his own biohazard tattoos. It was located on his right ass cheek. "My Master gave me both gifts. He gave me this tattoo and he gave me the wonderful gift of pozzing me. Getting HIV was the second best thing to happen to me. The first was becoming a follower of Master. He is my God. I am not his only follower. He had pozzed, blessed and baptized many worshipers. I truly believe you were divinly brought to me so I could introduce you to him. He will give you what you are missing in your life, in more ways than one. Now, go get dressed and meet me up front." Freddy said "Okay." As he was leaving the man who said to not go into that area before just shook his head and had a look on his face to showed that he thought Freddy was wrong. A streak of defiance hit him. "Go fuck yourself and mind your own fucking business." The man behind the counter shook Freddy's hand and whispered to him, "Welcome to the family. He is a God worthy of worship." Seth had his car all ready when Freddy walked out. "Hop in." They drove to a house about an hour away. Seth told him that this was his house. He needed to do some things to Freddy first. "Master wants new converts to be a certain way when someone brings them to Him. First get naked because I am going to give you an enema then you need to take a shower and shave off all the hair on your body except for your head and eyebrows. There are plenty of razors and if you need help I will do so. Also, make sure you scrub your pits. Master hates deodorant and perfumes. Natural smells only." Freddy did as he was instructed. Shaving his legs proved problematic and Seth helped. Seth rubbed some kind of lotion that had no smell on him. "This will soften your skin and make sure you get no razor bumps." When they were done Freddy was handed some new clothes. They looked like religious garb. In one of the pockets he found a bag containing his wallet, keys, phone and $250 dollars in cash. Freddy forgot that was promised to him for his camera work. "Now that you are clean on the inside and outside we are ready to meet our Master." Seth drove him a few blocks away to a house that looked like any typical suburban home. Except when they got inside it took on a completely different feel. It was dark and lit by a few candles. Freddy was led to a set of double doors. "Leave the bag with your stuff in it that basket over there." As he did his Seth said, "I will be back when you are done." A voiced said, "Enter." So Freddy did just that. Now he was going to meet his new God. Part Three soon
  19. Freddy was visiting his first bathhouse. He was just a few days past nineteen. Freddy was out and open about being gay for years now but never really did anything. Never had a boyfriend. Never even had done anything sexual before today. He was handson and in good shape. Standing at 5'9 black hair brown eyes with a slightly tanned skinny body. He was spending time studying and playing sports. Too busy. Today he change all that. He had let a couple of guys suck him off and returned the favor. This was all done with condoms. He did not know the difference. This bathhouse had a section he was told to avoid by one of the guys he was with. Freddy was told that going there ment submiting to certain things he may not want to do. Well, after a few hours Freddy decided to take one last walk around the place and if he saw nothing new he would leave. He had his fun. He saw the area he was warned about before and did not plan to enter. However, a man came out of one of the rooms. Freddy knew this was one of the bigger rooms that could hold multiple amount of men. The man was fully clothed. "Kid, I need to talk to you." Freddy was a little nervous about this. "Don't worry kid. We are supposed to be shooting a porn film in here and a camera operator is out. We need someone to just hold a camera and record. That's all. I can pay you 250 bucks for this. What do you say?" Freddy was intreguied by this. "Just the camera and nothing else?" "I promise you will do nothing you do not want to do." Freddy agreed. The room was plenty big. There was room for him, the other camera guy and the director. Freddy was given a robe to wear as introductions were made. The director said to call him Pete and the other cameraguy was called Mack. Freddy was given a camera on a tripod and was told he just had to keep the lens focused and record where Pete pointed. Mack knew what was needed from his camera. A georgous young guy walked in completly naked. He was only carring in what looked like a drivers licence. Which was strange bec Freddy had to turn his in for the room he had. HE looked very young and seemed very excited. Pete had this new guy sit on the bed. Pete stayed off camera but talked to him. "So, tell us your name." "Call me Seth." "'Seth you got that second ID so you could be here?" "I did. Here it is for all to see." His last name was blocked but it showed his name was Seth and that today was his 18th birthday. "Now Seth, I want to make sure you understand everything you are agreeing to and that you concent to all of it." Seth replied, "Oh yes, I know everything involved. I am absolotely POSITIVE, I want all this." Pete had the guy pose for a couple of minutes when the doors opened a second time and another man walked in. This man was huge in more ways than one. About 6 feet 4 inches tall. He must have weighed over 200 pounds and it was all muscle. He also had a dick that looked like it was 10 inches soft. He was covered with tattoos. He had a couple of different biohazard and scorpion ones. Freddy knew what was happening now. Seth was going to get Pozzed. "This little faggot looks cute. I get to give him my gift on his birthday. This will be fun." Freddy felt his dick get hard. He tried to controll it but could not. This was turning him on like nothing he had seen before. Seth tried to suck the new guy's dick but was unable to. He did not have the experience to take it all into his nouth. "Lie on your back" Seth was told. The big man, no one said his name so we will just call him Pozzer, removed a couple of items from under the bed. They were a bottle of lube and a toothbrush. Freddy was confused about the toothbrush until Pozzer put a little lube on the bristles and inserted it into Seth's ass. Pozzer pushed it around for a few seconds and pulled it out. It was covered with blood. Pozzer then put some lube on his massive and hard dick. Seth was told to lift up his legs and grab his ankles. He did as instructed. Pozzer then shoved his cock right into Seth's ass. It was tight and Seth yelled out in pain and pleasure. Pozzer pushed harder and harder until Seth had taken all of his dick. Pozzer was violent with his grinding and fucking. Seth was in extacy. He was yelling out "Fuck me, Poz me. Give me all of it." Pozzer was more than happy to do it. Pozzer came multiple times into Seth's ass. Freddy could see some cum drip out even with the huge dick blocking the way. Seth also shot a couple of loads of his chest. When Pozzer said this was his last load Freddy felt something happen. No one was touching him. He was not rubbing his dick against anyone or thing. He could feel that he was about to cum. As Pozzer shot his last load Freddy started to cum as well. The director say what was happening and moved quickly to swallow Freddy's load. Pozzer slowly pulled out his dick and had Seth lay there while also licking the cum and blood off of Pozzer's cock. Peter suggested that Freddy lick the cum off of Seth. He did so. He tasted cum for the first time and loved it. "Well Seth, it looks like you took your first Poz loads. Any regrets?" "None. I am headed to the doctor's office tomorrow to get tested. I cannot wait for the results." Pozzer then said, "I am super toxic and you got multiple rounds of my death cum. You are infected for sure." Seth jumped up and hugged Pozzer like he had recieved the best gift ever. Seth even had tears of joy over this. Freddy had to admit that he had never been this turned on before. "Now Freddy," Peter said, "Are you ready for your turn to be Pozzed?" Part 2 coming soon.
  20. I mean, what is the point of getting fucked if you don't experience that wonderful feeling of getting that hot cum inside of you.
  21. Ben arrived at his new massage therapy office. He needed at least two to three a week to deal with his pain and stress. He was injured in a car accident a while ago and it gave him a bad back. It really only hurt when he was stressed and his job was very stressful. After filling out the required paperwork he met his new therapist. His name was Jason. Jason was a nice looking man with tattoos on his arm and neck. He was also tall and muscular. Of course he was also very good looking. That did not mean anything to Ben. He was, at the time, straight. To Ben Jason was the man giving him a massage. "Take your shirts off and lie on the bed face down." Jason instructed. Ben did as he was told. Jason rubbed Ben's back. It was going great. Ben never had a better and more healing then he had ever experienced. Ben was very satisfied. He gave Jason a big tip when done and he wanted to make sure he got Jason next time. He saw the receptionist to set up his next appointment. The receptionist ask if Jason acted un professionally. "No, why?" asked a confused Ben. "He has a side business that he is not allowed to advertise here." Well, Ben did not care about that. He only cared about getting healthy. After a few days he came back. Ben had another great session. He started to notice the artwork on his arm. There was one that was very curious it was the phrase "POZ PRIDE" in the gay rainbow colors. Ben had no idea what that meant and decided it was none of his business. Ben, once again, left very happy. He grabbed a flyer with the full names of all the therapists on it. The receptionist always asked about any talk of his side business. He said no but he decided to see if he could find out anything. He liked Jason and if he could throw some business his way he would. Ben got onto his computer and did an internet search on Jason. He found the side business. Well, he now knew what the receptionist was talking about. His side business was an escort service for men. His web site said he had a no condom rule. He was a an escort that was for men who wanted to catch HIV. Now Ben understood what the POZ PRIDE tattoo meant. The site was full of pictures, testimonials and there were also videos for a fee. "WOW!" Ben thought. He shut down the webpage. He tries to do other things but was distracted. He went back to Jason's page ant started exploring it for a while. He looked at some pictures and found them kind of hot. Ben went to bed later and jacked off to his thought of what he just saw. The next session he felt different when he was touched by Jason. He felt a little turned on. Ben was glad he was wearing pants or his hard-on might show. Jason asked if he was okay. "Yeah, just fine. You always do a great job." Jason seemed okay with that answer. Ben started spending more time on Jason's page. He saw every picture and read every testimonial. Ben decided to pay for access to the videos. He watched as all kinds of men were fucked by Jason and celebrating receiving his gift. Ben was enjoying these more and more with each viewing. He clicked on the make an appointment part of the site but hesitated. He knew what it means. Was he really going to do this. Yes he was. HE made the appointment. He set up for a meeting for the next day. He followed all the cleaning instructions He showed up at the address and was greeted by Jason. "I knew this was going to happen. I could tell after you first visited my page." Jason said. Ben handed Jason his tribute and Jason responded by giving Ben a strong embrace and a passionate kiss. Jason was only wearing a robe and took it off when he finished with his kiss. Ben could see all of Jason's body now. He had seen it in the videos and pictures, of course, but seeing in in front of him was something else all together. His body are was easier to make out now. There were all kinds of tattoos. He had gay, poz and pentagrams on his body. "Now we begin. We are going to do something special, not seen on the videos you watched." Jason told, no ordered Ben to strip naked. Ben obeyed. He was in pretty good shape himself but nothing like this man in front of him. Ben felt weak kneed. "Kneel down" Jason commanded. Ben did as told. "Worship my cock." Ben did not know what to do so he prayed to this 10 inch icon in front of him. "Good, now take it in your mouth my new bitch." Ben started to give his first blow job. He could not take much as he was so inexperienced. Jason laughed, "we will work on that." Pulling his dick out he said to follow him to the ritual room and strip. The ritual room was lit with candles and he could barley see the what was on the walls. Jason had Ben lie on a bed on his back. Jason then started a weird incantation. Jason seemed to have red eyes. He was not sure if it was the candles or something else. "It is time to begin." Jason started to rub his finger on Ben's ass and pushed a finger in. Jason rubbed his finger inside Ben and made some cuts inside of him. "It is time. From now on call me Master, understand my Bitch and that is your name from now on, understand my Bitch?" "Yes my Master." The Master soon started to push his dick into his Bitch's ass. This was really happening Ben, no now he was Bitch, thought. Taking his first dick was magical. It was painful as it was going in. Since there was almost no lube and his hole was cherry made it more painful. Bitch found he enjoyed the pain. Each inch slowly opened up his bitch cunt. Bitch was loving it. "Please Master fuck me as hard as you can." Master got an evil look on his face. It seemed to change completely. He looked demonic now his tongue seemed longer, his face seemed to be scalier. He was not sure what was going on. Then again he did not care. He just wanted to feel his Master's hard cock fuck him. Master said, "Are you ready to feel it all?" His voice sounded like two people were talking. "Yes" "Good." He thought he was going crazy but it felt like Master's dick was getting even bigger inside of him. He was fucked for what felt like hours, as it turns out it was. Bitch never wanted to stop but it was going to be soon. "I am ready to cum. Soon my death sperm will fill you up and make you a poz like so many others. Are you ready for this?" "Yes my Master." "Good." Then he could feel his hot toxic deadly cum. I felt like a fire inside of him a good one. As his Master finished giving his seed he took a small knife and made a little cut on his hand. he put the blood into a saucer like dish next to the bed. Bitch almost passed out from all of this. As he rested the Master then collected what came out oh Bitch's ass on the same dish. The Master said another incantation over it and then fed the contents to his Bitch. "Sleep now my new servant. You need it. We are just beginning." Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. Now I am going to do something unusual. I want you to continue this story. I want to see where the readers here take these two. To me we are a community so I want this story to be community driven.
  22. Speaking for myself, I have never sent one. I love receiving them though.
  23. This is my first attempt at a dark story. I was in a strange city in a strange bar meeting a stranger. He was going to change my life. I never thought I would do something like this but, here I am. Maybe I should go back and explain how I got here. Yeah, that way I can show you what happened from my prospective. My name is Keith.I am a bisexual man. I did stuff with other guys when I was younger. Always safe and always brief. After college I met and married the woman who would become my wife. Her name is Nikki I decided to give up doing gay stuff. I really did love her and being gay was not as accepted. I also took a job in computers and finance which made me rich. I also came from family money. I settles into, what I thought, was a happy life. I was wrong. Just out of the blue my wife just stopped wanting sex with me. She just stopped. When I tried to find out what was wrong she just blew me off. She was going out more. I wound up using my tablet to watch porn. Mt desire for guys was slowly coming back. I watched more and more gay porn. I delved deeper and deeper into it. I found all sort of different types. I got into bareback which led my to pozzing porn. When I first learned about pozzing, bug catching and gift giving I thought it was not real. However, the more I read the more I learned how real it is and how hot it can be. Soon it was all I could watch. I still hoped it would work out with my wife but was starting to desire the feel of raw skin on skin in my ass. The moment I knew it was over was when I found out that she was not only having an affair she was having that affair with the man I thought was my best friend. To be honest they were fucking before Nikki and I started dating. She wanted to marry me for money. I was crushed at first. I knew what was coming and I needed to protect my assets and get as much proof as I could. Then it hit me. Why just do all this legal crap when I could get revenge and turn them against each other. I started doing research on the deep web to find what I was, or rather whom, I was looking for. I found the perfect guy. He was a drop dead gorgeous, he was very well endowed and he was a poz. I was going to meet him soon. I made an excuse to travel to another town where he lived. That is where I am now. Sitting in a bar waiting for him to show. I had a suite in a five star hotel for us and I was going to get him for the whole weekend. He walked up to me and asked, "You the guy?" "Yes" was my response. He ordered a drink on my tab. He asked if I had it with me. {The money.} I told him half now and half back the room. He was actually okay with that. So we finished our drinks and left. I could not wait for what was about to happen. The conclusion will be posted soon.
  24. I promise there is going to be more. I, however, have another story subject stuck in my head and I need to get it done first.
  25. What a great story so far.
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