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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. On 11/11/2019 at 11:57 AM, tallslenderguy said:

    This was what inspired me to start this thread. i was at a restaurant the other day and as i parked my car i noticed a guy sort of twirling down the street flailing his hands and saying things to no one in particular.  i couldn't tell if he was schizophrenic or tweaking?  He was in his own little world, seemed oblivious to anyone else and i thought: "tweakers are only 'fun' from a minimum of 100 feet away."

    When I was young, when I saw someone doing something like that, my first thought was, "That guy's crazy." 

    In my twenties and thirties, if I saw something like that, my first thought was, "That guy's really high."

    Nowadays, if I see someone like that, My first thought is, "I wonder what he's listening to on his air buds."

  2. 22 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    i was at the airport waiting in line yesterday for security and there was this guy in front of me with a beautiful neck and i want to run my lips along it so badly.  This happens to me all the time, standing in line behind another guy and having to contain myself, wanting so badly to kiss His neck.  Same with ass or cock,  seeing an awesome Mans ass or cock (albeit clothed) and dying to grope Him and just having to occupy myself otherwise.

    This reminds of of a time a few years ago when I had a flight from the US to London. As I was waiting for the flight, I noticed a pair of brothers who looked like a couple of guys I'd seen in amateur porn. Every time I glanced in his direction, he seemed to be looking at me. On the flight, they were seated in front of me. I had my eyes closed for a while. When I looked up, I noticed him looking back over the seat at me.  It created a few nice fantasies for me. ...If only he hadn't been with family.....

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  3. It depends how deep of a "cum frenzy" I'm in.  If I'm only mildly horny, I'll scoop it up and rub it all over my body so I smell like cum. Once I'm moderately horny, I lick my fingers and squeeze used condoms into my ass. By that time, my need for cum becomes overpowering and I find myself on my hands and knees licking it off the floor.

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  4. On 11/11/2019 at 11:57 AM, tallslenderguy said:

    Thought it might be fun to start a thread about misnomers in the gay community or on hook up sites.

    "MILD TO WILD":  I can't count the number of times I've seen someone's profile say: ... "into everything Mild to Wild"  ...  followed by a long list of everything they aren't into.

    "DIRTY":  Another overused term -- frequently used by people who think being dirty is getting naked with the lights on.

    • Haha 2
  5. Anonymous sex strips away distractions and forces our attention on the sex act itself. If it's oral, you are only aware of a cock and a mouth. With anal, you are aware only of the heat of a cock filling a hole. Every anonymous encounter is unique and allows us to enjoy an original moment no matter how experienced we may be.

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  6. On 11/5/2019 at 1:07 AM, ErosWired said:

    Bear in mind that some dildoes are made of materials that are porous or potentially porous and therefore impossible to clean and sterilize sufficiently to be used safely by others. Also, depending on the age of the items in question, some breakdown of the original integrity of the materials may have occurred. I would inspect them very carefully, and look into what they’re made of, before foisting them off on someone else. If any of them don’t pass muster, you can always turn them into edgy modern art... or just chuck them in the bin.


    That's true -- and if they haven't been used in almost 2 decades, then degradation of materials is probably the bigger issue.  Turning them into modern art is a brilliant suggestion.  They could get a couple of those clone-a-willy kits and create custom designed retro dildos and even combine them to make double or (if you dare) triple penetraters. 

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  7. While I'm definitely curious how one inherits a dildo collection, I'll confine my comments to the question at hand. ... I guess it would depend if they are modern toys or are of an historical or unique nature. There are a few museums of sex that might be interested in donations of artifacts. (A quick Google shows there's one in New York, Miami, and Prague. Probably others as well.)   I also found an interesting article on sex toys through history  (  [think before following links] https://www.redbookmag.com/love-sex/sex/g4297/sex-toys-history/ ). You might be able to ask the author what she thinks you could do with them.  You could always throw the lot on ebay and see if anyone bites, or anonymously drop them in the Goodwill donation box.  Apparently, they get a lot of adult items that way.  


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  8. There is a difference between spirituality and religion.

    Spirituality give you a sense of a relationship and feeling of connection to the to universe around you. There is no set doctrine and it does not even require belief in a god. Spirituality is self-directed, all inclusive, and welcomes teachings and inspiration from multiple sources.

    Religion, on the other hand, is a man-made construct based on the interpretation of a specific set of principles. It requires adherence to one church's doctrine and the only acceptable teachings are those of that church. Religion uses dogma to train, limit, and control belief. Religion shuns all critical or opposing thought even (or especially) when it highlights contradiction and hypocrisy withing the church's doctrine.

    That's not to say that everything about religious teachings is bad, I'm merely saying that you capable of evaluating principles, determining their validity in a modern world, and forming your own relationship with whatever powers you believe in.

    Personally, I don't think it should matter whether someone believes in a god or follows a religion. As long as you live your life in an honest and sincere manner then you will be better off, and the world will be too.

  9. When I was young, I used to try to push the head down so it was covered with skin. I thought it looked better that way, and was disappointed that I couldn't get it to stay that way. It wasn't until years later that I learned about circumcision and realized that what I'd been trying to do as a toddler was return my penis to its natural state. In case you haven't guessed, I'm cut and really really wish I was still uncircumcised. 

  10. LOL. I thought I was the only one who got annoyed by typos. They throw off the rhythm of the sentence and pull you out of the world the story has built. That said, I can honestly say that there has been at least one typo in every story I have ever written -- and not for lack of proofreading. Rather, it's the opposite.  As you re-read a story, you begin to anticipate the words you intended to write instead of seeing the word that were actually written. That's one reason professional writers have editors and proofreaders, and amateur writers join writing circles for feedback on their work.   ... Would a writing circle for porn authors be considered a "circle jerk"?

  11. On 9/2/2019 at 7:03 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    If your Top has put a catheter in you with a valve, once He has pissed inside you, you have to hold it till He opens the valve and lets it out 😉

    If you like the idea of giving up control of your bladder, I wonder if the cath could be connected to a remote control valve. Imagine your top putting his piss in you then going out to a bar. You would have no control over if or when he released the valve. If you're lucky, he might let you wear a diaper. If not, you soak yourself in his piss.

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  12. On 10/26/2019 at 7:03 PM, rikg said:

    As a young boy I remember holding the shower hose to my piss hole, then if I pushed out to pee the water would stream into my bladder, I loved the feeling of it flowing in, and the sensation of my bladder when it was full of warm water.


    Interesting. I wonder if you could piss into bulb syringe and then squeeze it back into yourself.


  13. For me the best orgasms come after a long day of edging. When I finally allow myself to cum, the orgasm is accompanied by a rush of endorphins that leaves me in a euphoric and usually giggling state. If I'm with someone I haven't played with before, it confuses them and it takes a few minutes for me to come down long enough to explain. Then I start giggling again.

  14. Yes, I've had that happen too.  I've had guys message me a "smile" or "Hi" and when I respond back .... I never hear another word from them.  In person, it's hard for me to pick up signals when someone is flirting with me. Hours later it will dawn on me that I probably missed out on a fuck. I'll been out at a club and see a really hot boy  ... only to realize that that "hot boy" is actually a lesbian.  In chats it seems the guys I like either aren't interested, are other bottoms, or live 1000 miles away.  I'm just not connecting. That's why I'm a theater and bathhouse slut as often as I can.

  15. On 10/22/2019 at 9:49 AM, tallslenderguy said:

     i like the idea of a sex club like Hawks or Steam, but if i am being completely honest, my experiences of getting fucked at a sex club have been fair at best.  i have a lot more success at ABS's.  my feel at sex clubs is that Tops in particular are probably wanting to get their monies worth by not cumming right away. 

    Funny, i typically get a lot of cock at the local ABS's, and that's usually in a short period of time. it's not as nice as the sex clubs where you can get a room and there are couches and benches and slings. i usually take cock through a GH or in a cramped little booth, but i usually get between 5-10 cocks and loads in a fairly short period of time.

    Sometimes it seems there is an inverse relationship between cost of admission and willingness to fuck. Guys at ABS and theaters tend to want to get off relatively quickly.  Bathhouses and clubs seem to have more guys looking but not necessarily ready to fuck and cum.

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  16. As a bottom, I prefer bare but I'm not going to turn down a fuck from a guy who wants to "play safe". It's my job to make a top comfortable and satisfy his needs, so I usually carry condoms with me ... just in case someone wants one.  Sometimes I'll drop a few on a counter and they'll be gone when I go back later.

    A couple weeks ago I was leaning against the wall at a theater. A guy came up behind me and pulled my pants down. I glanced back and saw he was putting a condom on. I'm pretty sure he kept it on through the entire fuck, so yeah, some still use them. 

  17. On 9/2/2019 at 1:21 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    On topic, one of the ways i have fanatsized about a Top putting His piss in me is with catheters.  i have two particular fantasies i'd love to have as realities.  

    One is a Top placing a catheter in my penis to empty my bladder of urine, then He attaches my catheter to one that He has placed in His cock. Both catheters have valves on them (i have this set up in my bathroom cabinet, i'm a nurse lol). After He attaches our catheters together, He then opens the valves and empties His bladder full of piss into mine, then closes the valves and disconnects, leaving me with a bladder full of His piss. 

    The second is sleeping with a Top who has places a catheter in His cock and then connected it to a tube that He's fed deep into my rectum and gut. He uses an inflatable enema nozzle in me so there will be no leaks and then we sleep connected like that through the night. He has a valve and He can either open it during the night any time He needs to piss, or He can just leave it open and as His body produces piss during the night, i become His bladder. 

    I have very similar fantasies, although slightly more mutual. I'd start with being connected by catheters. My partner lays on top of me as he opens the valve letting his piss flow into my bladder. We then roll together so I piss back into him. We continue to roll and repeat the process, enjoying the alternate feelings of fullness and release. There would need to be a valve to siphon off some of the excess piss as the pressure builds from our bladders continuing to fill naturally. That valve would be connected to a tube that could either flow into our mouths or through butt plugs to fill our holes.


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