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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. I have been hit on by guys that want to fuck because I'm poz. I'll tell them I'm undetectable and they'll come back with something like: "but that means you're still poz, right?" Then, when I check their profile, I find they list their status as "On Prep". I think there are a lot of guys who want the thrill of doing something risky without the actual consequences.  You can be honest about your status, and they will weave it into support for their own fantasy.

  2. On 1/23/2020 at 7:53 AM, Megatron7 said:

    So i’m writing this to genuinely ask your guys opinion I know a lot of guys out here the like to fuck without a condom as you should and have fun and a lot of them say that this is Raw sex but in my own personal opinion I think that if someone is on prEp or undetectable they’re not really having Raw sex I think about a Warsau is a way to compare will you 1000% giving themselves to one another if you have to take the medication that’s a form of protection which means you are trying to protect yourself from the person you’re having sex with and that I do not believe is Raw now you guys can let me know if I’m wrong but that’s just how I feel 

    "Bare" means sex without a condom. "Raw" means sex that is rough, uninhibited, and/or unconventional. Neither term has anything to do with taking PREP. Taking meds does not, as you say, "protect you from the person"; it protects you from a deadly infection. Keep in mind that it is difficult to have any kind of sex if you are dead. Taking PREP gives you more freedom to have more "bare, raw" sex with more people for a longer time, and protects you from the mental, emotional, physical, and financial stress of a life-altering illness.

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  3. On 1/24/2020 at 10:24 AM, find91 said:

    Service tops are sub's, what they have virtually done is made penetration passive. It is no longer an act being done to the bottom but for. Service oriented individual have issues when people do things for them, because they like get off on service, being a vessel of pleasure and to bring pleasure.

    That's a pretty good description of me when I was younger. At that time, I was exclusively "top", however everything I did was for the benefit of the "bottom". I'd kiss, suck, rim, fuck, based on what I sensed my bed buddy desired. I wanted to give him pleasure and would always make him cum before I let myself cum. (I'd actually get annoyed if he tried to make me cum first.) Now, I'm (almost) exclusively "bottom", however my attitude and desire to please remains unchanged.

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  4. On 1/22/2020 at 12:58 PM, Sharp-edge said:

    I was wondering.. submissive bottoms are kinda common.. but what about a top submitting to a bottom's wishes?

    In my opinion, "top" and "bottom" are positions while "dominant" and "submissive" are attitudes. Dominant tops and submissive bottoms are pretty much the stereotypes, but I can imagine a scene where a Master makes his Slave fuck him and pleasure him with a prostate massage. In that case, the Dom would be the bottom and the Sub would be the top.


    53 minutes ago, find91 said:

    They are actually called service tops. Tops that like to be dominated used like a dildo etc.

    That sort of puts a new spin on people saying: "Thank you for your service."

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  5. 7 hours ago, Tightass74 said:

    Why is it soooo difficult to find guys to top me?

    Is it Jacksonville, Florida?  Is it Florida?  Sigh.


    6 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

     i went online to Squirt and was surprised to see lots of cruisy restrooms and parks, but no ABS? 

    Many parts of the state have tried to drive out adult businesses so if you live in the northern half of the state, an ABS with vid booths or a theater is pretty rare. The closest to me is about a 45 minute drive. Next closest is about 2 hours.  Hook up sites aren't very productive since there seems to be only a handful of people who are on at any one time. (And most of those aren't really "on", they just have the mobile apps running.)  So yes, this part of the state doesn't have as many options for hook-ups as the bottom half.  If you want to get fucked, you need to work that bottom. 😉

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  6. I was reluctant to change from Atripla since it was effective and the only lasting side-effect I had were the vivid dream which, to me, were hilarious. (That, I'm going to miss.) But I knew that Atripla is damaging to take long term, and I'd been on it 6 years, so I figured it's better to find an alternative before I needed it. I've only been on Biktarvy for a little over a month now, so I can't say how effective it is, but so far I've had no side-effects. 

    Both Atripla and Biktarvy are 3-drug combo medications and fall in the same class of drugs.  Both are supposed to be equally effective, however, Biktarvy is effective at a lower dose, so you have a smaller pill. The formulation of the drugs are supposed to be less damaging to the body, plus with the lower amount of drugs ingested per dose, it is easier for the body to process and you are better off long term.  Without the weird side-effects commonly associated with Atripla, you can take it any time of day, without restrictions.

    Drugs effect everybody differently, but if you've had no problems using Atripla, you probably won't see a difference if you switch to Biktarvy other than gaining greater freedom over when and how to take it.

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  7. I have to admit that I secretly lust after CuriousDallas.  His posts show him to be intelligent, confident, relaxed, and very erotic. His pic shows just enough to make you want to see more. If I could see more, I'd be begging to serve in anyway he wanted.

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  8. On 8/6/2018 at 5:09 AM, FaceLoad said:

    I disagree, in that sex is completely defined by male and female, penis and vagina. Sex exists because of reproduction. If you want to have a man inside you, you are having a desire that is female by definition. When the man fucks and seeds you, he is using you as a female. Your lower intestine only gives him the pleasure necessary for breeding to the extent that it approximates a vagina. By penetrating you, he defines you as the female whether or not either of you likes the idea. It’s a plain fact of sexual dimorphism, not a preference that’s subject to will or whim.

    I have to disagree with your disagreement. For a guy, sex is all about stimulation of the prostate. When you rub your penis, you stimulate the prostate. If you need to piss, your full bladder puts pressure on and provides stimulation to the prostate. If you have something sliding into your ass, you are rubbing the back of the prostate. If you rub your cock while getting fucked and you need to pee, you have the trifecta of stimulation on the prostate. If, on a physical level, a guy enjoys getting fucked, it's because he receives the right amount of stimulation to the prostate to make it enjoyable. Add whatever mental/emotional/fantasy scene that turns you on, and -- voila -- you are now a bottom.  

    Getting fucked has nothing to do with masculinity. It only means you are willing to use your entire body to give and receive pleasure.

  9. Every time I'm in an adult business, I always thing of ways I could make it better, and thinking about opening my own is one of my favorite ways to fall asleep. (Some people count sheep; I design adult bookstores. I think my way to fall asleep is more fun, unless you're into farm animals of course. I won't judge...)  I have plans in my head for bars, B&B's, bookstores, erotic statue gardens, plus designs for improved fetish gear.  After I retire, I might work on some of my ideas, or I might just apply to be the "creepy guy behind the counter" at an ABS.

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  10. 20 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    So if you’re ever tempted to make a pic lie on your behalf, remember two things: 1: We’d probably rather know the real you; and 2: unless you’re a pro, that ‘shop job on your abs is going to look ridiculous.

    I totally agree. Most shopped pics look terrible. Minor adjustments can enhance an image, however if you go too far it just looks stupid. And it's not the best first impression to give to someone looking at a profile. It makes me wonder if someone is lying with their pic, what else are they lying about. You want your pics to look good, but if you fake it, anyone you meet is going to know the second they see you ... if it gets that far.

  11. I think I have a face made for a dark room, but Photography is one of my hobbies so here are a few things I consider when taking pics.

    The first thing to do is to take stock of your equipment. No, not THAT equipment – I mean what camera you are going to use. Different cameras offer different features so if you haven't already, check out what yours can do. The cams on phones, tablets, and webcams are convenient since there is usually a front cam that lets you preview the image before you take the pic, but keep in mind that they almost always have wide-angle lenses that compress the image in weird ways. They are usually OK for body pics but it makes them bad for things with recognizable features, like faces. In order to get better face pics, you need to increase the distance between you and the camera. This helps to counteract the lens distortion. (Best case would be to use a camera with a short telephoto lens so you can place it a few feet away but still zoom in on a subject, but most people aren't nerds like me who care about that.)

    If you don't have someone to take pics for you and want to take pics hands free, you need a tripod or some support to hold your camera steady. You can get a cheap tripod for a phone for under $20, or make something for less. Almost all cameras have a self-timer so even if it's a little out of reach, you can still set the camera and have like 10 seconds to get into position. Some cameras come with or have add-on remotes so you can take your time at framing your pic. Also, some cameras have an “action” setting that automatically takes several pics in a row so even if one is slightly off there's a good chance you'll get a decent pic before you reset.

    After figuring out the camera, next think about lighting. Best is natural or bright indirect lighting that softens an image and doesn't cast sharp shadows. (Unless you want to highlight your throbbing veiny cock then yeah – go for the sharp relief.) Avoid fluorescent bulbs – they totally fuck up color.

    Pick your angle and frame your shot. Faces tend to look better in a slight profile, so you don't have to look directly at the camera. For body shots, shooting from the right angle can also accentuate various assets, or diminish flaws.

    Next, take lots of pics. This is one of the differences between an amateur and a pro. An amateur will snap a pic hoping to get a good one. A pro will snap a hundred to improve the odds of getting a good one. You've gone to the trouble to set up your cam so take advantage of it and snap a lot of pics. That way you have several to chose from in case you move slightly or see something distracting in the background.

    Finally, there is editing. Sometimes a OK pic can be made better by cropping the image or tweaking the color balance and contrast. Editing in this way is not faking an image, it's merely focusing your attention on what you want to highlight.

    It's not easy to take good self pics, but it's just like anything else – the more you do it the easier it gets. Try different angles, different locations, and see what turns out. But if all that seems too complicated you can hire me – I work for cum loads. Yum.  🤤

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  12. I love sucking cock at theaters and through glory hole, but it's really hard on my knees to kneel on a concrete floor for long periods. Every time I'd play I'd think: "I should get some knee pads." So this week I finally did -- I got a pair of soft, "over/under" knee pads that are made to be worn either over or under your pants. They're not noticeable under your pants,  they're extremely comfortable, and make a world of difference. I think it's one of the best $10 purchases I've made.

    So, I was wondering if anyone else has something they consider "essential gear" to wear or carry when you're out being a slut.

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  13. Unfortunately, A4A isn't the only site that gets hit by bots and scammers. They pretty much all go through spurts ... (heh heh I said "spurts")  ... of attacks.  Right now they seem to be focused on A4A.  Next month it will probably be someone else.

  14. I was at an ABS this weekend and got bred by another cocksucker. He slid into my hole as I was on my hands and knees sucking a guy on a couch. It was one of the better fucks I'd had. His cock was just the right size for my hole, his technique was good – not too rough, not too gentle, and, he dropped a big load in my hole. It felt like he was transferring all the loads he'd swallowed that night into my hole.

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  15. I am a cocksucker and a dirty bottom. I frequent sleazy back rooms in search of horny cocks that are in need of release. My sole purpose is to provide pleasure. I approach each penis differently -- each is an individual -- and I try to determine it's greatest need. I use my body to stimulate and heighten lustful yearnings until they are overflowing. I submit and become a willing receptacle for cum. I provide reassurance and a steadying hand as the orgasmic high begins to ebb.


    I'm not really a worthless cum dump – I just play one to get you off.

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  16. Here are a few other ones I'm working on:


    "Musty Balls" (for Jingle Bells)

    Musty Balls, Musty Balls, how I love that scent

    I will lick your musty balls if you will pay my rent ...


    "Away in a Dark Room" (for Away in a Manger)

    Away in a Dark Room, where no one can see

    I lay on a cold floor that's covered in pee

    I love to feel urine flowing over my back

    It drips down my body and fills up my crack ...


    "Up On the Rooftop"

    Up on the rooftop sucking dick

    When you're in public they cum real quick

    Strip off my clothes and then I pause

    To flip my finger at obscenity laws ...


    Just a few works in progress as I try to put the "HO" back into Holidays. 🎅

  17. Having worked in the food industry for many years, I can tell you that food critics have very little sense of taste to begin with. What they do have is an over-inflated sense of self-importance. It wouldn't take much to strip away the facade. Upsetting his sense of self and disrupting his frame of reference would leave him unstable and unsure of his opinion. It would expose him as a charlatan and force him into a life of depravity as he fades into obscurity. 

    You could also dice up every review he's ever written and make him literally eat his words. I'm sure that would also show how tasteless his opinions are. 😝

    • Haha 1
  18. My version of "My Favorite Things"

    Blow jobs and rim job and pre-cum in undies

    Hard-ons that last me from Mondays to Sundays

    Leather clad slave boys all tied up with strings

    These are a few of my favorite things


    Boy butts and cum sluts and urethral sounding

    Sadistic tops give my hole a good pounding

    Diapers and dildos, a paddle that stings

    These are a few of my favorite things


    When the whip breaks

    When the cuff chafes

    when my cock's rubbed sore

    I simply remember my favorite things

    And then I feel like .... A Whore.

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  19. On 11/23/2019 at 8:17 AM, BreedMeInVegas said:

    I love how the climate change believers love to site science and irrefutable facts, yet there is one simple consideration they either avoid, or don't understand.

    Recoded weather data goes back at the most 140-150 years.  Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 BILLION years old.  From a statistical standpoint, using 150 years of data to predict what a 14.5 BILLION year old planet will do, is not very sound science at all.  Predictions on what the earth will do is nothing but a guessing game, you can't even suggest it's an educated guess simply because there is not enough data to do so.  These guesses about what the climate will do is the same predictions that told us the ozone layer would disappear by the year 2000, or how in 12 years we'll be doomed.

    One simple way to look at it when you see a daily temperature almost break a record high.  Then you see that record goes back to the early to mid 1900's.  If the earth is continually heating up, why aren't we setting new record highs every few years instead of 50-60 years, and sometimes we set them every few years?

    The earth goes through cycles, ever heard of the ice age?  What ended the ice age, couldn't have been man made climate change unless the cave men had SUVs or were drinking out of plastic straws right?

    And in regards to the biggest polluters, the US is not one of them.  80% of the trash in the ocean comes from 1000 rivers around the world, most of which are in Africa, and Asia.  The other 20% come from the other 30,000 rivers around the world.  China and India account for most of the air pollution in the world, yet climate treaties never specifically target them.

    I am not an expert on climate but I can try to explain how some of the claims and predictions come about.

    You say recorded weather data goes back about 140 years. It is true that "official" records for the United States only go back about that far. (The National Weather Service was created in 1890). There are however earlier local records plus records in European countries plus anecdotal records from diaries and crop reports. For even earlier data, scientists can examine core data (ice cores, sediment deposits, tree rings, etc) to determine climate data. That is of course inference and not hard data, plus it's only applicable to that one location, but with enough samples it can be useful to help determine trends and changes in climates.

    You used the example of a daily record high temperature. Climate science isn't really concerned with daily fluctuations. Instead, it looks at trends based on a yearly average. If you add up all the high temperatures (and all the lows) and divide by the number of days, you end up with an average temperature for the year. If you compare that to previous years you can see whether the average temperature is trending up or down.

    You said the earth goes through cycles. That in absolutely 100% true.  That's what makes climate science so difficult. Trying to separate naturally occurring cycles from man-made influences is what most of the debate is about. Data shows there is a correlation between the rise of industrialization and the rise in average global temperatures. It does not mean that one definitely caused the other, but that is the assumption and what the theory is based on.

    Finally, you question who the biggest polluters are and ask why the U.S. is targeted. This has to do with the amount of pollution generated in relation to the size of it's population. If everything were equal, you would expect the amount of pollution a country produces to be proportional to the size of it's population. For example, China has 18.2% of the world population but accounts for 29.3% of carbon pollution so their output is higher than would be expected if everything were equal. India on the other hand, has 17.5% of the world population but accounts for only 6.6% of carbon pollution so much lower than you might expect. The United Sates is targeted because it only has 4.3% of the world population but accounts for 13.8% of carbon pollution -- second highest only behind China. But if you look at it on a per person basis, the U.S. produces three times the average so it's producing more carbon pollution per person than any other country. You see similar statistics if you look at the amount of plastics and other waste generated. China produces the most waste but if you divide it by population it ends up being about a half pound of waste per person per day. For India, it's about a quarter pound. For the United States, it's over a pound of trash per person per day. That said, the United States is far better at recycling and not dumping it all in the oceans, but it still could do a lot to reduce the amount of pollution that is created. Both China and the United States are the biggest polluters and changes in those countries would have the biggest impact on global pollution. One problem is that those two countries also drive the world economy so while reduced consumption would reduce pollution, it would also depress world economies. But that is a separate topic for debate.

    As I said, I'm not an expert and I'm not saying any claims or predictions are true, I'm merely explaining the process and reasoning behind some of the claims that have been made.

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