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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. A "queef" is the release of air from the vagina -- usually during or after sex.  The same thing can happen during anal sex when air gets trapped in the rectum as that cock does the "butter churn" in your hole. If it's just trapped air getting fucked in and out of you, it's not going to have a smell (or maybe a slight smell of lube and cum if you've already been loaded.) If you start getting stinky fart smells, then you might want to refresh your clean out.  Otherwise, it's nothing to worry about. And actually, there are tops who get off on bottoms who make that sound when they get fucked, so you may turn some guys on if it happens.

    Oh, and if you're interested, there's a vid on youtube of the Queefing Queen queefing 93 queefs in 30 seonds on Howard Stern's Show.      [think before following links] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5nFxiP5Rd0

    The educational value of the internet is astounding.

  2. In my opinion, regardless of whether he's stoned, if a guy is naked, alone, and offering his ass in a bathhouse, then he's not exactly trying to be faithful to anyone. Based on what you described, I don't think he mistook you for his (current) BF, I think it's more likely that either he was trying to get over a breakup, or he had an incest fetish or another fantasy that he was trying to fulfill. If that's the case, you both got exactly what you were there for.

  3. On 10/11/2020 at 2:36 PM, ejaculaTe said:

    Adventures like that make me start to think about electro sex (or taking up drinking again). But damn, how you kept a straight face, so to speak, is beyond me.

    Yes, it was difficult to keep a straight face and I did chuckle a bit after they'd left. Thinking back on it, I think I saw them out last year around this time so maybe it's a thing they do for Halloween. In any event, it made the night a little more interesting.

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  4. Nothing was happening at my favorite ABS so I decided to check out another store that I hadn't been to in years. There weren't any cars in the parking lot, so I wasn't expecting much, but I went in anyway just to evaluate it's future potential. The arcade was set up with blocks of booths alternating on either side of the wall so that you sort of zig-zag around them as you walk down the hall. At the end of the hall, there is one more "zig" down a narrow aisle that leads to a final booth behind the others. It's narrow, and private, so it seemed the best one to hang out in. I selected a vid, stripped off my clothes, lubed up a dildo I'd brought with me, and settled in to "entertain" myself until someone else came in.

    I was alone in the arcade long enough to walk around naked, find all the glory holes, check the trash cans for used condoms, examine the floor for spilled loads, and dildo my hole until the video looped and started over, but eventually a "couple" came in. The one guy was decent looking -- maybe mid 30's, wearing t-shirt and shorts. His "date" had a good chance of placing in a worst non-passable CD contest. She was wearing a head scarf, long winter coat, and clutched a handbag. The overall appearance gave off an '80's bag lady vibe that seemed out of place for the Florida sun. As I stood naked in the doorway of my booth, the two turned to each other, whispering. They did a quick rock, paper, scissors, and with a frown, bag lady waddled towards me. (She wasn't fat -- just not used to the shoes.) She stopped about 2 feet away and looked me over. I looked her over. She scanned my body once again. Our eyes met and, without a word, she turned and left; shaking her head "no" as she waddled back to her date. As they disappeared from view, I was left thinking: "That was the most amusing rejection I've ever had."  

    Before I left that evening, I swallowed one load through the glory hole, and had another guy who didn't want to touch and just jerked himself off onto me. Overall, rock, paper, scissors was the highlight of my night.


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  5. On 9/5/2020 at 4:29 PM, NWUSHorny said:

    I have always fucked and got fucked with guys purely because I love the pleasure from the physical act.  This is pretty much a rant, but it feels like I am in the minority. At least here, it seems likes guys fit into a few different categories: 1) they are gay simply because they like the gay lifestyle;

    I knew a guy who was just like that. He said he wasn't gay -- just liked the lifestyle. He planned to fuck guys until he was 25 then he'd buy a house, get married, and have kids. I've always wondered how that worked out for him.

    As for me, I have sex because I like the feeling of a cock in my ass (or mouth) and I like making guys cum. The more I get, the more I want. No strings, no drama, I just want cock and cum.

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  6. On 5/29/2015 at 6:08 PM, eightndeep said:

    I think portrayal of oral-to-masturbation has gotten so common in gay porn, that the vast majority of gay men have lost sight of what a real blow job is. 

    I do blame the gay porn industry for rarely showing real blowjobs.  I think it is because they are hard to give. And they can be hard to get. Understood - seeing the load is hot.  Personally, I LOVE seeing internal cumshot blowjobs.  It's hard to fake a pulsating dick or gagging on ejaculate, or a semi-tumescent, freshly cum dick sliding out of a cocksucker's mouth.  

    One reason I wish the porn industry would show more cocksucker-making-the-cock-cum scenes is that it seems to me on xtube and the like those scenes are most common with the guys who have glory holes and cameras set up at them. 

    I know this is an old post, but I'm surprised no one mentioned the legal side of porn in terns of what can be shown.  Laws have changed over the years, but at one time, it was illegal to be gay or show gay sex. To get around the no gay sex law, porn films all had disclaimers stating that they were meant to be viewed "by a select audience" for "educational purposes".  Even with that, you could not show a man causing the orgasm of another. You could show a guy getting jacked and sucked by another guy, but at the point of ejaculation. his own hand had to be on his cock causing the orgasm. You also could not show cum shooting directly into a mouth. Cum that "accidentally" entered the mouth had to be spit out. Obviously, anal creampies were forbidden as well. 

    I think that, as laws relaxed, porn producers were (and to a certain extent still are) reluctant to show more because they never knew if or when the laws would become restrictive again.  Commercial Porn produced today is getting more liberal, however, vintage porn set patterns that are still used and now it's sort of what's expected. 

    Vids on sites like Xtube that are "homemade" amateur clips never had the restrictions that the commercial porn industry had, so they are willing and able to show more.   Maybe these amateur sites will influence commercial porn and push it to show more complete blowjobs and cum swallowing.

  7. I usually ignore the "Ask Me" profiles, but on occasion, I have been know to engage in one of my favorite activities: sarcasm.  Off the top of my head, here are a couple response you could throw his way.

    • Invite him to view your profile but tell him nothing in it is accurate. Say that you do that to throw off the guys who ask for your stats.
    • Take "Ask Me" literally and ask random science and math questions.
    • Compliment him on using his profile as a platform for an "Ask Me" advice column. It is very selfless of him to offer to take on those nagging problems that plague gay relationships.
    • That profile was unique because it also said: "You Tell Me." sounds like the perfect opportunity to break out the tea leaves and read his fortune.

    Most likely you'll get blocked if you started doing any of these, but it's not like you were expecting a real reply from him anyway.

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  8. The first technique I discovered was to rub my cock back and forth over my abs to stimulate the head and add some pressure on my bladder. I'd started doing this long before I could actually cum. At some point in junior high, I was in a school play. One of the scenes had some characters talking about playing dice. During one rehearsal, the director told a boy who was supposed to gesture like he was shaking dice in his hand to do the motion overhand by his ear. The director said If he did it underhand by his waist it could look like he was doing something else. Everyone laughed and for me, a light went on and I couldn't wait to get home to try out a new technique.

  9. I've been sort of following this thread but it seems to me that the only thing either side is saying is: "Waaaaaaah!"  "Waaaaah' you called me names."  "Did not."  "Did Too." " You did it first." " Waaaaah." 

    Some people complain that Trump is little more than a junior high school bully, but the comments on this thread are more appropriate to kindergarten. How about losing the hissy little attitudes and show you're all adults. And, IF you are adults I have a wager for you on the next election.  If Trump wins another term, you can fuck my ass. But if Biden wins, I get to sit on your cock. I think that's pretty fair. Now it's time for everyone to put up or shut up.  😁

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  10. The problem with internet etiquette is that there isn't any.  Add to that the fact that most app users have an attention span somewhere between a chipmunk and a squirrel and you end up with a lot of dead end conversations. For example, here are a few of my more memorable conversations:

    New Message: “Hi”

    Me: “Hi”

    New Message: **crickets**


    I send a couple messages back and forth with a guy who contacts me to fuck. Just as we're setting a meet, replies stop. Three days later I get a message saying: “Sorry, a friend messaged me and asked if I wanted to fuck.”


    I go to pee and grab something from the kitchen. When I get back to my comp I find a message that says: “Hi”. It's followed by 4 more messages in quick succession berating me for not answering his first message.


    It's late and I'm ready to log off and go to bed. I get a message from someone who looks interesting. We set up a quick meet and then he says: “It's getting kind of late. I think I'm going to go to sleep.”


    I log onto a site just to check messages and get a guy messaging me to fuck.

    I tell him I'm just checking messages.

    He keeps bugging me to let him fuck me.

    I tell him I'm not interested in meeting.

    He asks, “Why not?”

    Now annoyed, I say: “I don't think you're cute.”

    He says: “My mother thinks I'm cute.”

    Me: “Then go fuck your mother.”


    So, you're not the only one who gets annoyed by messaging or lack of responses. I just ignore the ones who ignore me.

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  11. As a gay bottom, the only way I'd be fucking a woman was for the prize.  Since it would be a one off kind of thing, I'd fuck the cunt for the novelty. I know what fucking an ass feels like so might as well see what a pussy is like. The bigger question is whether I could do it face to face.  I'd probably have to do it doggy -- don't know if I could get hard face to face.

  12. Most actors suffer from stage fright before each performance, and yet they continue to act because the need to perform is greater than the fears.  Consider feelings of guilt or shame to be the bottom slut's equivalent to stage fright.  You don't necessarily have to get rid of it -- you can use it to increase your drive and determination to perform and improve your skill at being used as a slut.

  13. I've seen a couple articles siting anecdotal evidence that HIV positive individuals aren't showing up in hospitals in numbers that were expected. There are several possible explanations why that is occurring. It could be that the meds provide protection. It could be that having a depressed immune system, or even the HIV virus itself, buffers the effect of CoVid so that extreme symptoms don't occur. It's also  possible that HIV+ individuals are more aware of risk mitigation and simply do a better job at avoiding catching Covid. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there hasn't been a comprehensive study to determine to what extent any or all of those possibilities play a role. There is that Spanish study, however it only looked at people who are HIV+ on meds. In order to determine the relationship between CoVid, HIV, and ARV medication, there would need to be a comparison between four groups: HIV-, HIV- on PREP, HIV+, and HIV+ on ARV. By comparing poz to neg, and on meds to off, you'd be able to determine whether there is a lower incidence of infection or better outcome in any group and form hypotheses as to its cause.  From what's been shown so far, the best that can be said is that having HIV (at least if you are on meds) is not an additional risk factor. Med do not prevent you from getting CoVid, but having HIV does not make your chances of getting it worse.

  14. I'm a little skeptical of some of the porn. While some guys do shoot really big loads, the human body just isn't built to store huge amounts of semen to be released at one time. Unless the guy is part horse, I suspect that he is pissing and cumming at the same time. (I'm willing to be proven wrong on this and I'll make my mouth and ass available for any massive load to determine its content -- in the interest of science of course.)

    It's not exactly what most people think of as hyperspermia, but one guy I played with was a multi-cummer.  He'd stay hard after the first orgasm and then continue to have smaller orgasms every 5-10 minutes after. The most I got him to do was 8 before he was dry.  Multi-cummers definitely make a cock sucker happy.

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  15. It's a funny topic because I can understand both sides of it.  On the one hand, I've gotten fucked at a theater and after one guy pulls out, another comes up behind and starts licking my hole. Personally, I think that's a little rude. I don't need some creeper's trench mouth licking off all the lube and spoiling the loads inside.  That load was given to me so it's mine to hold, or push out to eat or rub all over my body. The only guys I want touching my ass are the ones who are hard and ready to fuck. I've had to tell some guys if you're not going to fuck me, don't touch me.

    On the other hand, there is a certain appeal to being a bottom to another bottom, and to be desperate and degraded to the point of begging to be able to eat the cum from another bottom's hole.  I can understand that perspective, but I still want to keep that load inside until the next top fucks it out of me.

  16. I am a shy, yet exhibitionistic nudist so I prefer being naked with a couple exceptions. Sometimes I will wear a yellow jock with the word "fuck" printed on the pouch when I play in theaters. Also, I hate when my feet are cold so sometimes I'll leave my socks on since they don't inhibit movement during sex.  Beyond that, the only things I want on me are layers of lube, cum, piss, or other slimy substances.

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