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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. In the interest of science, I took it upon myself to investigate this truly perplexing question: What does piss taste like? After much study using the scientific methods of tasting, sipping, gargling, and swirling, I have concluded that it tastes exactly like ... piss. Piss seems to have its own unique flavor that is unlike any other yet instantly identifiable to anyone -- regardless of having tasted it before. Flavor notes can vary depending on diet, health, and hydration, but the three primary elements seem to be a blend of saltiness, an umami mouth feel, and a bitter/metallic tang. I will of course continue my study and urge all who read this to conduct their own investigations on this subject because ... it's Science!!!

  2. 5 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    i always looked much younger than my age till i hit 50, about 10-15 years younger.

    Yeah, I was one of those twinks that looked way younger too.  Now that I'm over 60 it would be great to be thought of as 10+ years younger, but I have to say that it really sucked when I was 7....

    Personally, I'm turned on by the contrast of meeting a guy who looks nice and clean, but turns out to have raunchy interests.  If I met a young guy who wanted to explore sex, I'd be happy to help him out.

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  3. It's nice to fall asleep with a cock in your ass, and it feels good to wake up with a cock poking at your hole in the morning, so it seems like a natural extension to want to sleep with it in you all night. Unfortunately as everyone's pointed out, once you're asleep you need to move to stay comfortable, the cock goes soft and slips out, and/or the lube dries out making it painful to keep it inside. So, I haven't had luck with it either. The longest I've done and best way to simulate it is early morning or a lazy afternoon nap where you're cuddled together and drifting in and out of sleep. There's no urgency -- just a very long and slow fuck that keeps you joined and focused on your connection. 

  4. The first step is to decide what job you want it to perform. For example, if you haven't been fucked a lot or are tight and want to relax and open your hole, you might want to start with an anal training set that gives you a range of sizes to practice with. If you want something that gives you continual low level stimulation, you might like a vibrating butt plug that you could walk around with. For other types of self-pleasure, just follow your interests, but for a first, you might try a dildo with a size close to your own cock. (Then when someone tells you to go fuck yourself you can just smirk and say: "I already have.")

    Once you decide what you want it to do, and have an idea of the type of toy you're looking for, look at the material it is made from. The material will determine its feel, weight, flexibility, durability, ease of cleaning, and type of lube that can be used with it.  (Some materials will degrade or melt if there is long term contact with an incompatible lube or touching other toys.)

    If you want information on the differences, just Google "how to buy a dildo" -- some online stores have blogs that explain differences in a "buyer's Guide".  Just keep in mind that if you go to a sex shop to check them out the selection in person, they won't let you try them on in the store.

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  5. PREDICTION: The Corona Virus will reach it's peak in the U.S. on May 5th, but it will soon be supplanted by an even more insidious virus that will be know as Bud Light Lime. 

    ... but seriously ...

    There is good news and bad news with the Corona virus. The bad news is that, since it is new, there is no natural immunity and with global travel and its high contagion, there are estimates that it could infect a third of the world population. Death rate is estimated to be about 2% of those infected. If the estimates hold true, there would be roughly 52 million deaths globally. The U.S. has about 4% of the world population so you could estimate having over 2 million deaths in the U.S. alone. 

    The good news is that Corona-type viruses tend to be more active in the winter, so the northern hemisphere may see the spread of the virus begin to slow. If that occurs, it would give drug companies a window to complete testing and ramp up production of vaccines before it re-emerges next fall.

    There are a lot of "if's" in there, but you don't have to be a doomsday prepper to see the wisdom of keeping some emergency supplies on hand. There are always natural disasters, power outages, alien snail invasions -- you have a little more time to prepare for that last one, but -- it makes sense to be aware of your surroundings and stock up on a few supplies. For a health emergency where you may be quarantined at home, the most important items to consider are medications and food. If there are medications you need, refill your prescription a few days early  so you build up a buffer that would carry you through your confinement. For food, take advantage of sales on canned goods, frozen foods, and dry foods like rice, beans, and pasta. Just picking up an extra one or two items when you go shopping can quickly build a two week supply without a significant cash outlay.  Finally, if you decide not to invest in a few emergency supplies, you might want to invest in Amazon and home delivery companies because, if you find yourself stuck in quarantine, Fed EX may become your only friend.

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  6. Ever since this thread and another similar one called Bottoms Who Fuck You Back were started, I've tried to pay attention to when and why I move while getting fucked. I think my previous answers are still valid, but I'd like to add one more reason it happens. One night, while I was getting fucked in a sling, I discovered I have a different type of movement that is just reflexive. The best way to describe it is to imagine a dog. If you scratch his belly, sometimes you'll touch that one spot that makes his leg move. The faster you scratch, the faster it moves. It can be funny to see but everyone likes doing it, including the dog. The point is, the dog isn't trying to move – it's just a reflex.


    So I was on my back in the sling and I found I was pulling my legs back sort of in rhythm to the fuck. I wasn't trying to move and couldn't move in that position, but if I were flipped over, that leg action would have me pushing back to fuck myself on the cock. It's not something intentional, not something that happens with every top or every fuck, but when things are right, you might hit a spot that makes your bitch move.

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  7. While I agree with the points you made and most of the comments made in replies, I do have one thing to add:  the same things you said about older guys could be said about any age group.  I have always liked younger guys and I'm drawn toward twinkish college boys. Over the years I've met guys with all sorts of personalities. Some are all about looks and status and judge whether someone is boyfriend material by the car he drives and designer label he wears. I've gone out with guys who are young and cute and ... can't stop talking about their "ex". I've chatted with guys who say they love doing a particular fetish, but when you actually meet they admit that they've never done it before and aren't very interested in it. I had a bed buddy that I fucked for several years until he graduated college and moved away. We had fun when we fucked (and we fucked a lot) but there was absolutely no conversation and no connection when we were out of bed. At another time I had a boyfriend who had similar interests to mine. We got along great but once he moved in with me, he lost interest in sex and would just jack off to porn. He wanted to have a boyfriend, but not someone close. 

    Those are just a few examples but if you look at them and compare them to your own scenarios, you can probably see the directions they are heading. Older guys don't simply appear with odd little foibles ... (Foibles. There's an old guy word for you.)  ... they follow patterns they started when they were young.  Being aware of these patterns doesn't stop me from lusting after my attractions, but it does give me a little bit of awareness and understanding of people and an unwillingness to put up with shit when some guy flake out. It is, after all, his problem, not mine.


    So to end this, I have a question for you.  That drink you were drinking .... was it piss?

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  8. Having topped and bottomed both with condoms and without, I have to say that bare feels better. With condoms, you lose some tactile stimulation and increase irritation, however some types of condoms are worse that others. I hate latex -- it makes my hole burn (I might have an allergy).  Polyisoprene is better.

    The psychological aspect is there as well. I leave whether a condom is used up to the person I'm with as I submit to his desires.

  9. First off, the age difference isn't (or shouldn't) be that big a deal. You are close enough in age that you can relate to each other, and over time the relative difference between your ages gets smaller every year.

    Second, having the wrong age on a profile also isn't that big a deal. Some sites don't update your age automatically so if you don't look at your own profile very often, you can quickly be out of date without trying to deceive anyone. Also, I don't think Grindr is known for a high level of authenticity so I doubt many users expect complete honesty.

    More important than the age question is finding out what type of relationship he would like to have. You've fucked and been chatting for a month, but that means it's only been a month. there is still plenty of time to figure out if you want to be occasional fucks, on-going bed buddies, or develop a deeper relationship. Once you know which direction you are headed, the question of the age difference will most likely disappear.

  10. I don't like the feel of stubble so I don't want a shaved crotch. I also don't like getting pubes in my throat while sucking a cock that's surrounded by a wild bush.  Personally, I keep my pubes trimmed and prefer the same on other guys as well.  That said, the amount or lack of pubes has never stopped me from taking dick.

  11. "Daddy" is a term I've been confused about.  When I was younger, "Daddy" always had an implied "Sugar" preceding it. So in that respect -- no -- I am not a (sugar) daddy. But nowadays, it seems that guys who are looking for a payout usually say they are looking for "generous", and "daddy" can just mean an older guy. Am I interpreting that right?

  12. A similar thread was started just a couple days ago.  Basically, different tops like different things. Some like active bottoms while some like them to stay still.  IF a bottom hasn't been fucked by a particular top, he won't know what you like unless you tell him. If he's moving around and you want him to stay still -- tell him to stay still. If he moves again, slap his butt and tell him don't move. Some bottoms think it's their job to get you off. It's your job to let him know how you want him to do it.

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  13. 13 hours ago, Scottyrim said:

    So I am a bottom and a slut. A cumdump.  But I also love ass. The times I have topped I have loved, but I lack confidence.  In a Bathhouse I can getting fucked over and over but when I try to top I panic. I feel I will disappoint. I feel I am going to miss the hole or lose my erection , but I want to top as well.


    Anyone have any advice ? 

    One way to get over performance anxiety is to imagine that everyone around you is naked. And in a bathhouse, that's usually fairly easy to do.

    Seriously, as a bottom, you know that tops come in all shapes and sizes. You know tops vary in technique. And, you know what feels good to you.  When you top, just use that knowledge to give your bottom the fuck you'd like to get yourself. As for those niggling "what if's", there are usually ways to cover or get around them. If you're afraid you'll miss the hole, remember it's not 'Pin The Tail On The Donkey.'  Find the hole with your fingers first. You can finger the hole with one hand while using the other to get hard. Leave the finger in the hole until your cock touches it. If you're afraid you'll cum too quick, well, in a bathhouse guys are usually trying to get loads so getting one quick just means he can start looking for the next. If you want to cover for it tell him his ass is so hot you're going to cum. That way, it's a compliment for his ass. If you're afraid you'll lose your erection, one thing I've done to cover that is I'll pull out and rim his hole until I regain my hard-on. Finally, remember that it's not a race and no one is forcing you to perform in a particular way, so relax, have fun, and remember that ... *whisper* ... everyone's naked.

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  14. Off the top of my head, three reasons come to mind:

    1. Physical Discomfort. I am not a gymnast, yoga master, or bendy toy. If I'm put in a position with one leg behind my head while bending backward on the edge of a couch, I'm probably not going to be able to hold it long. Also, the position, the curve of the penis, and/or a lack of lube can cause a lot of internal discomfort where you just have to move.
    2. Rhythm and Technique. Everyone has a different rhythm, everyone enjoys a different technique. Some tops speed up when they're ready to cum while others slow down. Some like bottoms that squirm and moan, others want bottoms to stay still. If you are with someone you've never fucked with before, there can be some miscommunication while you learn the other's likes. If the top isn't cumming, the bottom may think he needs to change something to get you off.
    3. It's what they do in porn. Humans learn through imitation and repetition. However, unless you are at an orgy and take notes on everyone's technique, there aren't any role models for how to have sex except porn. Sometimes a top or bottom can try to emulate what he's seen in a video instead of reading signals from his partner.

    If your bottom is moving my advise is to pick a posture that's not too extreme so your bottom has the endurance to hold it, and, if you have a bottom that you don't think is reading you correctly, just tell him what you want. Telling him: "Stay there. Don't move."  tells him everything he needs to know.

    Oh yeah, there is one more thing. A bottom can intentionally move to break your stride just to make the fuck last longer. 

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  15. On 1/26/2020 at 9:30 PM, CumPig777 said:

    He is not getting ART medication from a doctor. He is getting the from an alternative source.

    What is he taking -- some "As Seen On TV" supplement approved by Charlie Sheen? If he's not getting meds through a doctor then he's not being treated and definitely isn't an evil genius creating a super virus that can defeat PREP.  There is certainly a whiff of bull in that story. 


    4 hours ago, Descartes70817 said:

    When I hit that point I was being admitted to hospital with double PCP pneumonia, I was severely malnourished (lost 20% of my body weight) and anemic, plus I could barely breath. My peak viral load was 104,000 and my lowest CD4 cell count was 34 - 76 when I was admitted to hospital - but I'd been sick af for a year before that and couldn't get it up more than once every couple of weeks. 

    It's possible he's telling the truth but I would assume he's bullshitting you about his numbers. This is not something you can measure yourself with a home test kit - only certified labs can measure viral load and CD4 cell count because it requires PCR replication to get an accurate measurement. Still, if you want a hot load in your ass go for it.

    That was close to my experience as well. VL 480,000 and CD4 of 12. I didn't end up in the hospital with pneumonia -- I was admitted when I had an allergic reaction and went into shock from a dose of Cipro that was prescribed to prevent pneumonia. (It's a great way to get a private hospital room -- in isolation -- btw.)


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