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  1. I'm not a huge rimmer. There is this muscle top I'll be hooking up seen with the sexiest bubble but I've ever seen and I just want his ass to ride my tongue as deep as possible but not sure what would be the best position...
  2. Hey! Can I ask is your meth daddy on here? 8 loads in one session sounds amazing. Id love to get filled up. Is he on here?

  3. Its been about a year and a half since any sex and I want to make my fantasy come true. Seems like a pretty good time. I have about 12 guys lined up to breed me one on one, one after the other. I have a few at the end that will be giving me their piss too! In a way I want to leak a bit but I want to keep almost all of it inside me... Any tips that would help doing this for the first time? How many loads until you felt full but could keep it in? Also its been hit or miss when it comes to being clean down there as I don't go every day. Dick sizes are gonna vary and I think a deeper clean would just ease my mind better even though I know it shouldn't be necessary... I remember a time when I was deep cleaning for like an hr and the water still wasn't clear... I don't understand how I mean the poop has to stop at some point no lol... I need tips! Its supposed to happen in about a month
  4. Euhm but if youre a man than can you really all say "all men..."
  5. Treehugger I totally see where youre coming from. Steamworks in Toronto has it. And exactly right with all the examples, many have happened to me. Theres a lot of times where you arent planning and then get horny and then decide ur gonna go to a sauna or whatever and if ur not at home and live by yourself what r u gonna do. I remember once going to one and thought i was clean but as you said sometimes surprises happen.. I got to the sauna and this really hot guy wanted to fuck me. I told him to wait. I checked with a toy to check and wasnt clean. I had to lie saying i wasnt feeling well and left. Ya it would have still been awkward saying i had to go clean out but at least I could have. Most tops will just never understand. I really truly do think about this quite a bit. Im not someone that can just be ready on a whim and havent mastered a douching method that works. I do suffer from constipation big time so thats #1 to work on. But constipation is a very common problem idk how most bottoms do it.
  6. I havent sex in so long due to covid. I have a list of a number of hot hunky dads across 3 bordering states. At least 10. 1 offered to pick me up at the airport and has a sling. I'm so excited to take so much cock and cum. Need to make up for lost time. I was thinking of posting here daily on my thread a pic of some sort and keeping a track of how many loads. Anyone interested? Cant wait its gonna be epic! AZ/NV/CA
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