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Status Updates posted by BBArchangel

  1. Just a deep thanks to those of you who knew about and were so supportive during  the past couple of years (especially Astro and Nastymontanaboy) through multiple surgeries, recovery, physical and therapy, etc while I recuperated and learned to walk all over again. I’m happy to say PR is finally over. I still can’t run or ride a bicycle - but C I can walk on my own again. (I’m sorta tearing up as I write that.)
    i also  confess that when I walk I sometimes walk like a drunk b manI’m tearing up as I write that.  And yeah, not being able to run makes me an easy catch. Something to keep in mind for the future thanks to all of you offered encouragement and support Along the way.

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Hi, we never talked to each other; well, this is mostly a sex-related site but I think we are all humans with our own joys and pain. Sharing them and supporting each other is such a good thing! I couldn't even guess what you were experiencing, wish you could get better and better. Good luck.

    2. BBArchangel


      Thank you! It is sort of interesting that you can meet so many fascinating people on a site like this site where you can show your brain off in discussion as well with your dick off. Just got talk to everybody, but I don’t think you ever make a post anywhere that I don’t read and generally, I really appreciate the things you say. I have recovered to the point or I can walk pretty much on my own and not embarrass myself too much by looking like I’m drunk lol. My next goal is to be able to run again and I’ve just started working on that , believe me I appreciate all of your well wishes. 

    3. PozTalkAuthor


      So, you just have to do what you feel to. Push further, then take a rest, but listen to your body. That's important! As for me, I did not expect to find someone interested in talking; I have many sexting buddies but with many of them I have also good conversations. Always considering that I don't come here mostly to talk about serious matters LOL

  2. Heads up, guys. There are some real weirdos on this site. Someone messaged me asking me to meet them in the woods at midnight for a Satanic ritual, and then they didn’t even show up!

    1. TaKinGDeePanal


      Some people have no sense of impropriety!

  3. Heads up, guys. There are some real weirdos on this site. Someone messaged me asking me to meet them in the woods at midnight for a Satanic ritual, and then they didn’t even show up!

    1. Gaygeekhorny


      Typical.  And whatever happened to worshiping Dagon and Cthulu.  Lets take back tentacle sex from the Japanese.

    2. jjxlo


      Okay. This made me laugh lol. But on a serious note - yikes! Be safe out there.

  4. So, my extended birthday went great. within about an 18 hour. I took two big booty bumps and or reasonably sized slams. The first two were .3 I really don’t know the size of the second. I got spit roasted twice. And fucked probably ten times more. I think I earned my slut-card. Go, me!

  5. So, question for the group mind — what’s the etiquette here. Do I give my dealer a Christmas present?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ejaculaTe


      A Christmas present for your dealer? Sure. Once upon a time when milkmen delivered milk to one's home, it wasn't unusual to give the milkman cash at Christmas time. Mailmen also received cash at Christmas (Postal Service regulations now prohibit accepting cash). Looking at the results of the Google search I did, the rule of thumb is whatever you'd pay the person (for example, massage therapist, barber, pool cleaner) in the ordinary course of business. Hope this helps and a hearty "get well"....

    3. ScorpionFF


      @BBArchangel, RE; ''I also injured my hand,'' .... Was that during the Fisting? Hahaha. Pleased you had a great time, and here is to lots of fun during your 10 days of celebration. You might need to make it 11! 😉 

    4. BBArchangel


      DirtyFckr —  no, presents in  February isn’t really a Missouri tradition, but as anyone around here will tell you, no matter the time of year I’m a very gift-giving person!

  6. So, question for the group mind — what’s the etiquette here. Do I give my dealer a Christmas present?

  7. So many leathermen follow a strict admonition about using deodorant. Basically, don’t use it. And I can understand that. But what I don’t understand is why there is not a similar admonition regarding hair gel, and so-called grooming products. Personally, there isn’t a lot that’s creepier than grabbing a handful of a guy’s hair during sex and finding your fingers stuck together.

    1. onlyraw


      Totally agree- understand about deodorant as I love to eat out a guys pits - and most deodorant tastes really bad … and it is like fly paper and my tongue gets stuck 

      But agree about hair gel - that has happened a few times where I went to grab the guys hair- or even just run my fingers through it and you hand gets stuck….

      Kind of kills the mood 

    2. ScorpionFF


      Plain soap, that is all I use to wash. And nothing on my hair/skin afterwards.

    3. BBArchangel


      Or the submissive little leather boy turns in a precious little twink, declaiming “No! Don’t touch the hair!”

  8. So it’s been a terrific weekend. First, an unexpected 3-way with two really hot guys, one of whom came back over tonight for more. Secondly, for the first time ever, I tried Molly. That was pretty amazing. 

  9. So this weekend has been a big sex marathon. And last night I received a .5 slam of really high-quality meth.  As the admin prepared to launch me the host of our small party put his mouth over my dick.,then as I was injected, he began seriously to suck me. As the rush hit, he got my first load of the night. It drove me crazy!

    1. partying.hard


      A .5 is hero status!  

      I've only done a few that big (by weight, not volume).  Once, I immediately came - not even touching myself.  Another time, I shot with my dick up a buddy’s ass.  As soon as I capped and tossed the rig, I was pounding him. And within three minutes, I had two full bore orgasms. Those were truly phenomenal, out of this world experiences. 

  10. I once wrote that gay guys are only interested in one thing - the size of your bulge. Before age 40 that’s the size of the bulge between your legs. After age 40 that’s the size of the bulge in your hip pocket.

    1. bbrawbln


      🤣 but, it makes it quite relaxed, when u can't offer either of the both. 🙂

    2. BBArchangel


      Hmmm. Looks to me like you’ve got plenty to offer. 😈🐷😈🐷😈🐷

  11. What a day. I’m finally able to walk again. Longer and longer distance without too much assistance. Yay!  So I celebrated today with a friend. We got high and fucked like I was making up for lost time - which I was. Just smoking. Then he started looking at some of my toys. The cock cage I got for my birthday caught his eye. So he locked me up before he left with the key. So here I sit: locked tight, full of cum, and still horny as fuck! Not a bad way to celebrate!

    1. ejaculaTe


      Congrats on the recovery....

    2. BBArchangel


      Thanks! It was kind of scary for a while!

    3. gingerdaddyG


      Great to hear about your recovery!  And good way to celebrate! 😜

  12. I’m not sure if I am bothering to post this here. Just talking to myself actually I guess. But three weeks ago. I had some major spinal surgery. The good news is, I’m finally walking again, if somewhat jerkily. The bad news is I finally got a look at the incision without any bandages any bandages over it. And I can’t say that it’s very attractive. It is a stupid concern, I admit, but we all have our vanity. And as I am pretty much a bottom, I wonder if it’s going to turn people off. Nothing really to be done about it. And there are certain benefits to walking again. Life, you know. I’m probably blowing the smallest worry into something bigger than it really is.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gingerdaddyG


      That’s the spirit BBArchangel - we’re looking forward to hearing all about your first sling session! 😈😈😈

    3. ytowndaddybear


      For every guy that may be turned off by it there will be two or three that are either turned on by it or are more willing to approach you as they see it as an easy way to start a conversation.

    4. BBArchangel


      Thanks, daddy bear.  I’m crossing my fingers that what you say is right and I'm worried over nothing.

  13. So, another “first.”  For the first time ever, I got a blowjob here in my hospital room.  Lol

    1. TaKinGDeePanal
    2. BBArchangel


      At least I wasn’t hooked up to an EKG!  But with four screws, two rods and a vertebral spacer just installed, I really had to bite down to mute that orgasm! Lol!

  14. Happy new year, everyone! 
    May your business be lucrative, and your pleasures, dark, and twisted!

  15. Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you had a great Christmas Eve, and a good time celebrating. This may be one of my best Christmas Eves, a good supply of cocaine and spit roasted by my partner and his boyfriend. then fucked again by the boyfriend. I was singing Ave Maria before he finished!

  16. I’m in Palm Springs for Leather  pride , gay pride and Halloween, and I have been very bad! My first slam was a few days ago and a .36. That was on top of several hits on a glass pipe and chem-piss up my ass. Then fucked all night by two of the most amazing men. This is the best Pride ever.

  17. I can’t believe I’m saying this. I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I’ve been thinking about becoming poz. I am spinning right now, and that’s all I can think about. However there is only one man that I want to poz me, And I don’t even know for sure if he is poz. I’ve been very careful, taken all my prep on time, gotten regularly tested. But this the man who changed my life by introducing me to Tina. I know that I’m not in love with him, and he may not want to poz me. Yet I want to offer this to him. It’s crazy, Because I have an almost perfect life. But as I sit out here overlooking the city and smoking a bowl, I am leaking strings of pre-come just at the thought. Nobody but him,  though. Just him.

  18. A week or so ago I mentioned to you that I was facing back surgery for spinal stenosis. I was barely able to walk through at that time and I have been in a bad mental place. I had the surgery two days ago and although it’s still early I am walking, albiet with a cane, and at least now I’m hopeful for further improvement. I know this isn’t really the place for forming deep, lasting friendships, but some of you who knew what was happening to me we’re kind enough to offer words of support and encouragement and some virtual handholding.  I really appreciated that.

  19. OK, so I’ve been fighting some serious spinal stenosis for the past month and a little more and working has been really really difficult. Tonight I was sitting on my balcony with my outdoor fireplace going and feeling sorry for myself. And smoking a lot of Tina. I know I have surgery coming up in six days that will determine how well I’m going to be able to walk. So a myth-fueled whim, I made a desperately needed hook-up. I handicap, temporary as I hope it will be, didn’t bother him. We got him spun up and CV he fucked and bred me twice with m a better thT moon, the fire and fifteen floors of city light shining. And he said he wants to come back after my surgery and my legs are working. So the question occurred to me: how many people would take a chance on the handicap person in my boat? Because it believe me more than once, what would I do if I couldn’t have sex again?

    1. TaKinGDeePanal


      That sucks about the surgery. I have some coming up as well (major oral surgery). Hope it results in a good outcome for you. 

  20. A short time ago, I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. A real shock considering what an active lifestyle I lead. I have surgery scheduled for two more weeks away, but meanwhile the pain is kind of agonizing. I made the discovery at Tina it’s pretty much an effective painkiller, more so than oxycodone. I’m trying not to overuse it, but the temptation is pretty strong. And the sex, the other effective painkiller, it’s becoming more and more difficult. Lol (I can barely laugh at myself!)

  21. Wow! I’m a specialist! Now I have to figure out what my specialties are. “Men” seems kind of general. Hmmm…

  22. I’m having something of a confrontation lately with myself. It seems that during this past couple of years of Covid and isolation and all, I’ve grown gray.  Or silver/white or something. One part of me actually kind of likes it. But then this past week on a whim I decided to also grow a beard. The result was different, kind of patchy gray in the middle of my usual brown. And I didn’t care for it at all I did not care for it much at all, nor was I interested in trying to dye or color it. So I kept the hair and shaved the beard. I was never one  for the Mennonite-chic look anyway. But the conundrum is this: even though I still feel and act like a boy, I can’t deny that I’m facing the inevitable aging process, and that just kind of sucks. I like still being able to go out and get sex whenever I want it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BBDreamer


      DUDE! I love salt and pepper men. I think they're fucking hot. I can't imagine that you wouldn't look just as hot. From what we can see, you're HAF.

    3. nastymontanaboy


      Love to see a pic of that beard!

    4. BBArchangel


      I’ve never really figured out how to upload pics. Otherwise, I’d happily show you the beard.

  23. 95783F61-E3BB-4B7B-8A7D-D9B9582D4D65.thumb.jpeg.6efb8aae77371124b7221615a0b0cea3.jpegThis past weekend I took my first .5 slam. A new record for me; my biggest slam ever. It seemed to take an eternity as I watched my admin depress the plunger sending the drug flowing into my vein.  When he released the tourniquet my cough reaction was really intense. I felt wrapped in thunder and lighting all at once, and I dived down to suck his dick. I could barely control myself while he took his own slam. I was pre-cumming all over the floor as I watched him before he took my hand and headed for the bedroom. “Let’s fuck,” he said, and for the next four hours he fucked my brain out. We tried to film some of it but neither of us could hold the camera steady enough to get anything decent. Maybe “decent” is a poor choice of words.

  24. In the ongoing saga of my husband and his idiot boyfriend, this new entry . You may recall in chapter one that I gave his boyfriend a pretty good booty-bump a few weeks ago and then proceeded to fuck him on every flat service in the condo. My Oh so cavalier husband, who thinks he’s entitled to all the sex he wants outside of our relationship but I’m not, was outraged and outrageously jealous. Never mind that my husband had given me permission to   booty-bump his boyfriend – fuck it, 43-year-old gold-digger – knew what he was taking and asked for it. 

    Now to make bring us up-to-date. My husband was hemming and hawing and scowling and growling for two weeks, and finally asked me to give him and his boyfriend a booty bump in the expectation that the same powerful passion would sweep them up as it had his boyfriend and Me. Instead, as it turned out, Tina resulted in major Tina dick for both of them, and instead of waves of passion - God that sounds like something out of a romance novel - They had two limp dicks and a lot of frustration. I confess I was bought it was funnier than hell.

    Anyway, the next time I’m pitching  a television series this may be the pilot. Obviously, it will have to be a comedy.

    1. TaKinGDeePanal


      Would you ever consider a boyfriend of your own?

  25. Thanks for following me, Voracious.

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