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Everything posted by mike_thieriot

  1. I didn't ask about any of the things he pointed out. I didn't appreciate being treated like an idiot child who didn't know what he was getting into. Please point to where I asked for any of that info.
  2. $10,000/year, unless you live in a country with universal health care (of which many don't cover it anyway, even if it is available) or have good insurance.
  3. Sure there is. About 10,000 of them per year, in fact. I'm not looking to start a fight, but you're being incredibly preachy despite your protestations to the contrary. I would appreciate if you'd respect other peoples' informed decisions. None of us here are minors (or so I hope). We can all think for ourselves.
  4. Agree with you totally @boybubblebutt69. Clearly its not just a fantasy for at least some people on here. What unfortunately is just a fantasy, though, is me getting anywhere near that ridiculously amazing ass of yours, hun
  5. Yes, I have thought of those things. They have been discussed fairly frequently on here. Regardless, I don't appreciate your tone or the fact that you think you know whats going on in my head.
  6. Thanks for your advice, but I know what I want.
  7. They still sell them at Steamworks in Edmonton last I checked.
  8. Nevermind, actually read through the article and it explained everything. Life expectancy was normalized to 20 years of age.
  9. Yes, but what I'm interested in is not so much life expectancy, but how much time I will live after testing poz. For example, if most of the people sampled were infected at age 40 and their life expectancy is 30 years, thats a lot different than if I had 30 years after being pozzed at 23.
  10. Yeah, I definitely enjoy topping more.
  11. True. I think he'd have to prove that I didn't use a condom, actually. Had it mixed up. Burden of proof on the prosecution, and all that.
  12. Not covered by Alberta Health Care iirc. I believe all they cover is Atripla. And, well, a big part of me does actually want to be pozzed. So I have a defense if the bottom runs to the police saying I pozzed him. I would need some kind of documentation, though.
  13. I've already made my choice about getting pozzed eventually, but just out of curiousity, how long can I expect to live if I take my meds properly and take care of myself? I know I keep hearing that life expectancy is almost as long as the general population these days, but that obviously depends on when you got infected. When they say its common to live to 60-70, are they talking about people who got it when they were already in their 30s (not taking into account the lack of treatment in past decades)? And, of course, in the next 40 years we're very likely to have a cure for this disease. I've done a lot of thinking about it, and I honestly think I would be happy with a life span of 50-60 years. Even 40 years would be acceptable, but I mean its probably not going to be that short, as 17 years wouldn't be much better than the average life expectancy without meds, right? I'm also very thankful that my province (Alberta) covers Atripla for everyone, free of charge. Then there's the recent Supreme Court decision that would allow me to continue having sex without disclosing my status, as long as I wrap it up.
  14. I've actually been surprised how many guys will still want to fuck me even after I insist that I haven't cleaned out down there cause I was planning on just topping that night. Not that I was lying or anything, sometimes I just find it easier to stick to topping if I don't feeling like prepping. Its always come out clean anyway. My understanding is that there isn't actually any feces in your rectum until just before you feel like you have to go to the washroom.
  15. On a similar note, I have had swollen a swollen lymph node in my neck and a sore throat for the last couple days. Time between my last bare fuck and the first symptoms was about 5 days. The guy who fucked me said he was clean, but he had a lump on hisb shoulder, at collarbone level but on the back side. Does anyone know what that could have been from? He was obviously high on tina or something.
  16. Thanks for all your help. I hope he'll be up for something in the future, cause he was 100% my type otherwise. I'm not holding out hope though. He didn't seem to be able to get off at all without being slapped around. I would have been able to get off, but the expression on his face just made me soft almost instantly.
  17. I did try. But trying to keep up something that was so unnatural to me just killed it.
  18. I'm generally a really gentle person by nature. I had a really hot boy email me a while back and once we exchanged a few emails he started asking about S&M play, with me being his master. I was really apprehensive about it but I thought I'd try anything once, right? Well, he just left my place and I feel really bad cause I just couldn't do it. I didn't know what to do, what to say. It all felt really fake and I could see his disappointment just seconds after getting back to my place... Now I feel really bad about the whole thing. To be fair, I made it clear that I'd never done anything like that before and that I had reservations about it. Should I feel bad about it? Or is it on him for pushing the issue when he should have walked away if I wasn't what he wanted? If it matters, he originally approached me when my profile mentioned nothing about S&M (though I have my own, different, kinks) and listed me as vers/bottom. I think its safe to say I won't be trying that again, but it sucks cause I was actually very attracted to him. I told him I'd be happy to have sex with him in future and maybe make it a bit rough (I do like it rough on occasion, I just don't like the concept of a power differential), but that the S&M angle just wasn't going to work for me.
  19. My understanding is the study that claimed uncut cocks were more susceptable to HIV infection was retracted quite a while ago, and the authors disciplined. I may be wrong, however. Irregardless, it was a small sample taken from men in South Africa. Hardly representative of the human population as a whole. Frankly I'm more inclined to believe that cut guys are more at risk, as the exposed glans gets dry and cracked without the lubrication secreted by the foreskin, giving the virus another avenue to enter the body during rough sex.
  20. In Florida for the holidays, but would love to take your load when I get back. 23yo 6'2" 145lbs, trimmed hair, neg (poz friendly)
  21. Putting aside issues of anonymity and ease of implementation, bitcoin is poorly suited as a transaction medium simply because it is so volatile. What happens if you accept $50 worth of bitcoins as payment today, and by tomorrow they're now only worth $40?
  22. Matthew Keading is my favorite He's doing a lot of bareback scenes these days. He even fucked that masc guy who ended up being poz. Pity they used a rubber, though.
  23. I didn't think I'd like him (not into the muscle guy type much), but then I saw he fucked my favorite porn star ever (Matthew Keading) in "Fucking 101". Soooooo bloody hot! I wonder why we don't hear so much about twink stars getting knocked up? The last one I remember was Chad Noel. Of course, that one was even hotter after he died.
  24. Just a word of advice: always make sure the hole is clean and recently showered. I got a really nasty shigella infection a couple months ago from rimming a guy a the baths before I fucked him.
  25. WHere did you get that last pic? I've never seen it before, and it looks like an early one.
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