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Everything posted by Tanbbottom

  1. I'm an amateur on this site. I've only had 15 loads pumped up my ass in 2021. But I'm grateful to these 15 guys, mostly strangers. I've only swallowed about 10. I'm not an enthusiastic top so have only bred about 6 guys. I allowed a couple guys to suck me off but far prefer to be the one providing the servicing. My biggest passion is to bring a guy to climax as he deposits in my hairy ass. I'm hoping Covid will disappear in 2022 so we can all get much more of what we desire.
  2. I would be so excited to see how many guys he'd get to breed me in successive dates.
  3. Every piggy cum hungry guys perfect wet dream
  4. What a fuckin fun piece of fiction! As a very hairy guy any smooth guy is welcome to fuck and breed me if they think it will help them establish more body hair. 😉
  5. Sounds weird and hot. All the best with getting his load planted up your ass next time.
  6. Wow what a perfect chance encounter! I would have thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Glad you've had a second round with them. Can't wait to hear of your piggy time with them and their friends.
  7. Chapter 6 The next three weeks waiting for either the arrival of night sweats and fuck flu, or a negative HIV test were pure torture. I had promised myself I would only engage in safe sex while waiting and figured from my track record no sex would be the best plan of attack. For the first four days I even avoided porn. I needed to keep from stirring my cravings. In hindsight I think this only increased my libido to epic proportions. Every half decent looking guy I saw sent shivers of lust through my skin. I couldn't concentrate on the story lines of movies or TV shows, my imagination was so busy undressing the lead men. If they were having sex I was totally frustrated their cocks were not visible and I was consumed by jealousy that they weren't 'doing' me. If I was in touching distance of a guy it took every once of my energy to keep from stroking their strong hairy arms; or diverting my eyes from being glued to their crotch. By the fifth day I knew I needed to change my tact. I went to a gay restaurant needing to be with my tribe; but, where it would be harder to hookup than at a gay bar. I made sure I had lots of condoms in my pockets 'just in case.' My waiter was a cute twink and very flirty. It was fun to tease and flirt back. He really wasn't my ideal type so I didn't feel I was in much danger. The booze with my meal was warming my veins and relaxing my brain as I paid up and left. It was a beautiful evening so I set out for a relaxing walk. With my guard down I was soon sitting on a park bench in a popular cruising area. I startled out of this relaxed revelry when a very portly guy sauntered past me blatantly rubbing his crotch. Quickly I rationalized. 'Giving him a blowjob would be safe enough.' I was instantly on my feet and following him into the bushes. He had his small pecker out and ready before I reached him so I dropped to my knees. Even though not large it felt great to have a cock in my mouth. His sighs of pleasure made it clear I was doing an adequate job. I was beginning to anticipate my first ever mouthful of cum when he pulled out of me and proclaimed; "Fuck me!" With no thought I found myself balls deep with my naked cock in his tight hole. Waves rippling across his ample ass was an intoxicating sight and I was soon unloading a multi day orgasm deep inside him. That's when I snapped awake. 'What had I just done?' I pulled up my pants and ran for home forgetting my manors to thank him. My shame at so easily losing control and my relief that I had topped rather than being bred motivated me to avoid sex for the next six days. There were a few close calls and certainly the temptations were torturous, but I was able to remain successful in my goal. I felt so pleased with myself that by day seven I began to allow myself to make plans to give a blowjob or two. 'Oh, if I could just suck down a load or two.' Rightly or wrongly, I figured a public washroom would provide the safety measures needed to keep my ass out of the action. If not I would be on edge enough to be sure to remember condom use. Pockets full and bulging I headed into a Mall washroom that I had researched online. I found the one stall with a glory hole, stripped naked, sat on the throne and waited. My heart was pounding and I was disappointed when the first guy to use the neighbouring stall didn't even look through the hole. After waiting another excruciating ten minutes I heard that stall door close and latch. I snuck a peek to see a slim mall janitor stroking his average size cock with a pointed head. He caught me looking and stepped over to present my prize. As I suspected he didn't have long and was quickly fucking my face. Soon he was blasting a load into my no longer virgin mouth. I was still savoring his sweet salty nectar when the next occupant pulled and latched the door. A lovely seven inch black cock was presented at the glory hole. I quickly swallowed the remaining cum and engorged this lovely black lollypop. Once more it was not long 'til I was rewarded with his orgasm, this time pumping giz onto my tonsils. He shot a huge load. I could barely keep ahead of it with my swallowing. I loved the sensation and knew I had died and gone to fag heaven. I patiently waited and within the next half hour had guzzled down three more loads from a variety of men and cocks. So high on cum and adrenaline my brain didn't even engage when the next beautiful bear pulled his nine inches from my mouth and declared; "Give me your ass man." I was pushing my hairy hole on his raw meat with no thought to my personal pledge. My hole was very tight not having hosted a cock in almost two weeks. You'd have thought the unbearable pain would have brought me to my senses, but my hungry hole had no intention of giving up this prize. He was soon pistonning with his rock hard fuck pole and all I could manage was to delight that this gorgeous stranger was using and abusing my ass in this mall bathroom. I was experiencing a classic hot porn scene playing my idea of the lead role. I now only had one goal, to make him nut every ounce of his anonymous giz as deep in me as he chose to. And, nut he did, with a deep reverberating roar that I fully expected echoed through the halls of the mall. He was soon gone and with my dripping ring still pressed against the glory hole my hands reached up to cover my eyes as I thought; 'What the fuck have I just done?!' I now knew I had lost the battle with my pledge. From that moment 'til my test day I would guiltily try and fail to avoid sex. With one compromising situation after another my risk loving ass saw my guts painted with anonymous load after load. By the time I returned to the clinic I had ingested dozens of creamy loads and hosted a baker's dozen breedings making the HIV test null and void. All the same I lied to the clinic staff swearing all encounters had been safe. They knew I was lying and gave me the rapid test. When it showed negative they took more blood and sent me away for the next torturous two weeks to wait for the more thorough test results.
  8. Chapter 5 "You're still safe from this morning's PEP." Those fabulous words sounded like a 'get out of jail free card' in my ears. Not only could I 'pass go', I could collect loads 'til my hungry ass was content. At least for the rest of the day. On the front steps of the clinic I pulled off my t-shirt and began to jog away from my home. For the moment forgetting I could be converting from the potentially poz silver fox I felt exhilarated and free to embrace this day like no day before. I'd start by striking out in an entirely new direction. I'd read about guys hooking up in adult book stores and had a vague recollection of seeing one on the east side of our city. I jogged in the mid-day sun and smiled to recall my speedy journey from virginity to a young man who'd collected at least a dozen loads of cum in my ass over the last couple days. All from total strangers, a far cry from the romantic notions I had been socialized to expect. No, this wild ride felt entirely appropriate to my gay senses. Sex with anonymous men felt like the only way it could have gone. The only way I wanted at least for now. Instead of spreading my wings I was more than ready to spread my ass cheeks. At least for the rest of the day as the PEP worked in my system. This was the freedom Prep would give me every day I thought triumphantly. Hot and sweaty I arrived at the strip mall with the adult book store. Right next door was a Pub with a large outdoor patio. As I moved to pull on my shirt the tall handsome waiter invited me to take a seat in the sun and encouraged me to leave the shirt off. "You'll be good for business"; he teased good heartedly. I decided to order their daily special. A plate of nachos and a pitcher of beer. Perfect for my celebrative mood. I noshed and sipped away watching mostly older men coming and going from the book store. I clearly was the eye candy distracting their eyes from their destination. I began to worry just a little about my tenting shorts. By the third glass of beer I caught the waiter's eye. Mouthing 'I gotta piss' I lifted my shirt in his direction. He pointed inside and shook his head granting permission to not bother putting it on. I was enjoying the long steady flow through my semi hardon when I felt the presence of a guy at each of my bare shoulders. My waiter whispered in my ear as the bar tender took a firm grasp of my pissing cock. "We locked the door, don't worry. But we gotta make this quick." My shorts were already around my ankles and soon the bar tender's raw six inches was pounding my ass. I was sucking on the waiter's substantial seven inches. True to their word both had loaded my ass within a few brief minutes. I was soon back swilling my beer while reveling in the three stranger's loads resting deep inside me. After two more glasses of beer I realized I was just tipsy enough. I could do without finishing the pitcher, however, I did need more cum. I paid my bill leaving an extra large tip and carefully managed my way across and into the bookstore. The clerk checked my I.D., sold me tokens and encouraged me to go right back to the booths if I wasn't going to bother with pulling on a shirt. I apologized and he assured me, "Oh, no need at this point. Those guys are going to love you. All I ask is that you get fully dressed before you come back out." He said this with a big smile. When my eyes adjusted to the relative darkness I realized I was right in front of a pot bellied middle aged man. He was holding out the top of his sweat pants to display his 9.5 inch curved erection. I waisted no time stepping forward and reaching in to touch it. He said; "Get out of those shorts. This is going up your ass here and now. " I didn't need to be told twice and soon had his naked cock head breaching my outer hole. He fucked me loud and hard to a growing audience of horny men. Once again it was not long 'til this guy roared and blasted the fourth load of the day deep inside my anal sphincter. He quickly pulled out and in lightening speed succession three more guys fucked and bred me right there in the hallway. As the last was finishing up an incredibly handsome 70 year old began to passionately kiss me. With the crowd disappearing he gently took my hand and led me into a booth. Closing the door he proceeded to drop coins in the machine and changed the channel to gay bdsm porn. All my clothes had been left in the hallway. He pushed me down to give him a blowjob. His hard thick ten inches were soon choking me. As he guided me back to my feet and spun me around he asked for a condom. "Mine are out there. But you've seen already I don't really need one." "It's not for you slut. I'm not sticking my unprotected cock in your sess pool without something covering it. " With that he produced a condom from his pocket and soon had it firmly over his beauty. This disappeared deep into my fuck shoot. At first I was quite disappointed. It didn't feel right. It actually burned a bit. But, he was very good at wheedling his tool back there and I soon found I was enjoying the experience. In fact I was feeling quite proud of myself. Finally I was riding a sheathed cock the way I'd been taught in sex ed classes. At least twenty minutes of powerful fucking had passed and my hole really was burning now. I told him I was desperately needing a break. I had missed the erratic change in his breathing and he assured me; "Breeding your ass now! Fuuuuuuccck! Take my load. " As he was catching his breath I reached around and felt the base of his cock. What had he been talking about? His cock was still sheathed. He pulled out of me and made sure I saw an almost intact condom covering his deflating member. The angry head was completely bare. Clearly he had tampered with the reservoir. "I had every intention of breeding your slutty cum hungry hole. Just needed to reduce my risk from all the potential disease sloshing around in your gut, you filthy ass hole! Now get lost. " All I could find were my runners and shorts. Some of the guys must have decided to keep my shirt and underwear for souvenirs. The counter clerk was not pleased as I tried to sneak through the front of the store. His words as I exited; "Straight home now, before all those loads turn into a river running down your leg. " He wouldn't know but the last one made eight. I was certainly making good use of the P.E.P. Now as long as the silver fox hadn't pozed me I'd be in good shape for Prep. Hopefully the memory of these hot loads would satisfy me as I pledged to keep to only safe sex for the next three weeks. I checked my shorts pocket to be sure I still had the packets from the clinic.
  9. I love all your questions. They remind me of so many and such a variety of suck off experiences. My favorite is a big load hitting my tonsils. But I love them all. I never waist a drop.
  10. Chapter 4 I knew time was of the essence with poz loads deep inside me. I thought I'd go crazy waiting for our afternoon flight. I knew that PEP was only effective if administered within a given time after the breeding and the silver fox was already two days ago. Hopefully I could stay negative and get on Prep A.S.A.P. For fuck sake, I'd only just lost my virginity. How could I already be at such risk of already being Poz? How could I have been so naive and stupid. I thought I would faint when the call came from the airline before we even left our hotel. Our plane had mechanical problems and our flight would be delayed 'til the next morning. They had tried all the other airlines but were not able to get us on another flight. They would cover our extra expenses and give us a free 'return flight' to any city in the country to be used anytime in the next year. I frantically got busy and Googled 'sexual health clinic'. There were three in this city. Two were closed on Sundays. The third was on the far side of town with a transit system I was not familiar with. I set out. I either got on the wrong bus or took it in the wrong direction at a couple of the many transfers. The clinic had closed an hour before I finally got to it. I collapsed on the ground and wept. I had passed a couple of hospitals on my frantic journey but the thought of entering their emergency department and confessing my reckless sexual exploits just seemed too daunting. I guess I wasn't that scared yet. When I tried to imagine going in and telling someone, I could only imagine being met with hard, cold, piercing, judgmental .. worse, condemning eyes. I finally picked myself up and told myself I would be okay. I just needed to get to the clinic back home as fast as I could on our arrival. I was met with three disasters to my plan the next day. The family car wouldn't start, my bike had been stolen and the transit workers had gone on strike. Once again by the time I walked across the city the clinic had closed. On the walk back home every park and woods literally tortured my ragging libido with there potential for cruising. I so wanted to feed the newly triggered itch in my ass. But, I was terrified to add what felt like another ticking time bomb into my vulnerable system. I was totally exhausted and collapsed into a fitful sleep as soon as I got home. I kept waking with xxx rated nightmares. At 3AM I awoke with a deeply shaming start. 'Why had I not called a taxi or Uber? How could I have been so incredibly stupid?' I was waiting at the clinic doors three quarters of an hour before they opened the next morning. The staff were pleasant enough. They gave me PEP for the known poz loads from Ben. But it was too late for the uncertain load from my first encounter. I would need to wait three weeks to be tested before they could see if I was still negative and eligible for Prep. They didn't need to tell me how important it was for me to refrain from unsafe sex for the three week interval. I didn't really have anything else to do, so decided to walk home and try to clear my head. Passing the first park I stoically set my eyes straight ahead and forced myself to walk past. At the first woods I found myself walking a path and justified, 'I was just enjoying nature. ' I was both disappointed and relieved when I didn't come upon anyone. Not even a dog walker. I decided I felt like a jog and soon pulled my t-shirt off. I was enjoying my easy pace and the fresh air caressing my bare chest. I was lost in thought when I ran out in front of a red mustang convertible. Luckily the driver had already slowed to turn into a city park. I quickly changed my course and jogged to his parking space to apologize. Stepping out of his car I heard his rich baritone voice; "Yeah, you owe me a good apology." I was instantly hooked, line and sinker, by his large dimpled smile. His eyes darted to a path into some shrubs and I needed no further explanation of his meaning. As I dutifully followed I realized he was a little over 6 feet tall, had broad shoulders, a strong looking v-shaped back, and a sexy bubble butt nicely contained in his tight khaki shorts. My guess that he was commando was soon quickly revealed. At this point I thought I could give him a nice safe blow job; but, he had spun and bent me against a tree trunk without a word of request on his part or consent on mine. His hot mouth was on my exposed ass immediately and his tongue began to fuck me. My resolve had melted into praying he had a condom. My mind raced; 'Why hadn't I accepted the ones they offered at the clinic? How had I been so certain I would be to frightened to engage in any sex?' Here I was already, bent over, ass exposed with a total hunky stranger tongue fucking me in some sparse bushes in a public park. Two hours hadn't even passed since my clinic visit. When he stood and whispered in my ear; "Nice tight hole there." The warmth of his body against my back ripped any thoughts of condoms from my mind and lips. "Oh yeah!"; were the only words I said as his good sized raw cock started it's first journey into my delighted fuck shoot. "Keep it down. This is a public park after all." "Awe, Mmmmm"; I tried to muffle my groans of pain and pleasure. I hadn't gotten a look at his manhood; but, it must have been a good size 'cause it was soon nudging my prostate. As his pace sped and the unmistakable slap of our fuck grew so did my moans and groans. One of his hands moved to cover my mouth and the other wrapped around my throat in a strong choke hold. Within three more pumps he unloaded deep in my ass as he released a roar that must have been heard throughout the park. He quickly withdrew, slapped my bare ass and thanked me for the apology. While pulling up my shorts I had to run to catch him at his car. The engine was already running. "Hey man, are you cl...? Uh?" "If you're going to so blatantly display that sexy otter body with that inviting cute face you either need to get yourself on Prep or resign you yourself to the inevitable." And, he drove off. The woman pushing the stroller nearby looked daggers through me. I hastily returned to the clinic to shame facedly confess my slip up. They made the mistake of reassuring me the PEP treatment would still be protecting me from the park breeding. I filled my pockets with their free condoms this time around.
  11. Fuckin hot adventure. Keep it cumming!
  12. Chapter 3 As much as my waiter looked like Draven Torres his buddy was the spitting image of Dawson. What were the chances? Two hunky waiters so closely resembling such infamous bareback porn stars? The party was winding down when the Dawson look-a-like pulled up a chair beside me. "My buddy tells me you want to play. I'm Ben. Meet me in ten minutes." As I entered the handicap stall Ben pulled me into a passionate kiss that took my breath away. His hands got busy freeing my clothes and just as quickly mine were busy with his'. When my hand slid over his crotch I couldn't believe the size of the hardening object hidden inside. He smiled at me and simultaneously pushed down on my shoulders. Clearly he wanted me at eye level for the great reveal; and, I was not opposed to his plan. When the twelve inch monster was released it sprang out and hit my face. I took a firm grasp and fed it into my eager mouth. As I slowly worked it in deeper I had a bullseye view of the biohazard tattoo directly in front of my eyes. On his left hip was a scorpion tattoo. I'd seen enough porn to know what these meant. I needed to stop this now but kept right on sucking. Having fucked my face to gagging capacity he pulled his fuck bat out of my mouth. It was covered in slime. I was hoisted, spun and bent faster than the movement of humming bird wings. I could already feel his naked cock against my hole before I found my voice; "You need a condom." I was fishing one from my pants around my ankles. "That won't fit me bud. It'll tear before my head pops inside. " "Do you have one your size." "What do you think?" His mushroom head breached my outer ring as poppers were held to my left nostril. I was coached to inhale deeply and hold my breath as inch after inch of his bare thick manhood snaked up my vulnerable ass. I was too high and the pain had turned to pure pleasure. I couldn't protest or resist. In fact I found myself pushing back with every thrust he plunged in. "Greedy otter hole you got there." His voice rasped. "Fuck man, you're going to come out my mouth. " I grunted. "Speaking of cum, tell me where you want mine ... I'm ... getting ...close..." "FUCK NO, don't cum in me!" I screamed as rope after rope of his hot cum painted my torn intestines. He collapsed onto my back and remained plunged deep as my ass involuntarily milked every last drop out of him. "Please tell me you are medicated and undetectable." "Fuck you kid! You know what those tattoos mean. ... And that's the first load I've dropped in five days. You're so fuckin full of my toxic sperm right now. And, we both know my huge man meat toar you to pieces. Now tell me how much you love that." There was no hiding or lying as he was stroking my hard cock. His pumping started up again and I was powerless to hold back my moans of pleasure. "Yeah. That's what I thought. You love your guts full of my poz cum. You're coming home with me and my bud tonight. ... What do you say? ... Want me to give you more toxin here? Or you want to wait for later?" "Fuck man! You may as well do it now and later." "Right answer!" Ben and Draven lookalike took me to their walk up three blocks from the hotel. I spent the rest of the night taking and giving them and their hunky roommate loads. I lost track of numbers. As I hobbled back to the hotel with the rising sun I knew I couldn't hide the large tell tale wet spot on the ass of my trousers. I knew I needed to get to the clinic as soon as we landed home later that afternoon. If it wasn't already too late I needed to get my poz cum hungry hole with a treacherous mind of it's own on Prep.
  13. Chapter 2 As I sat through brunch with my folks and relatives late the next morning I was an internal flood of emotions that I couldn't share with anyone. Joy and delight were huge. I'd fuckin lost my virginity finally. And the sex had been epic! A gorgeous silver fox hadn't just penetrated my virgin ass; but, I had removed his condom and encouraged him to breed me five times. Further, I pumped my young load deep into his ass. There was no doubt, I was no longer a virgin. But, at the same time I was flooded with fear. How could I have let it get so out of control? Not one but five suspect loads! Why had I allowed him to continue when he confessed he was "probably poz" and didn't care? Why had that declaration made me so fucking horny? I was terrified I might have allowed myself to be pozed my very first fuck. I was even more terrified by my asses lust for poz cum. I knew I desperately needed to get to a sexual health clinic A.S.A.P.. I also knew I didn't have a clue where to find one in this strange city and that family obligations would consume my day. I presume the wedding went off without a hitch. I really hadn't followed any of it. My imagination was consumed with images of having sex with all the handsome men in the bridal party. All four looked amazing in their classic tuxedos and I spent the entire service disrobing each of them and engaging in all forms of sexual activity. The waiter that brought us champagne for the toasts was a Draven Torres look alike. Even his quirky hair style. His tailored white shirt set off his v-shaped torso to perfection. One too many buttons undone showed off his strong olive skinned chest. His casually rolled sleeves betrayed a hint of sexy arm tattoos. And, his tight black dress slacks framed his gorgeous bubble butt. I couldn't take my eyes off him and just kept ordering more. After my third champagne I ordered a double scotch on the rocks. I didn't see him approaching from behind. I just felt shivers through my spine as his lips touched my ear and he whispered; "Meet me in the handicap stall of the men's room. " Quickly he was gone. As I entered the stall his shirt was already open and he was dropping his pants and sexy underwear. I was on my knees with his nine inch erection deep down my throat in no time. But, he pulled out of me, hoisted me to my feet, spun around, bent and presented his ass. "We don't have time to waist. Just fuck me. " "Should I use a condom?" "You probably should; but, I'd rather you didn't." "Lube?" He hoarked on his hand and rubbed it on my cock. "We're good." I lined up my raw cock with his perfect hole thinking 'I shouldn't do this.' His hole just sucked my bare erection into the hilt. I was amazed. My cock was immersed in warm, wet silkiness. It felt so wonderful and like it grew by three sizes. "You sure are wet. Has someone already bred you?" He laughed; "More than one ... four actually. The entire bridal party ... the men. It's a little game I play at these events. The two ushers and best man were easy. The groom took a little more work but he filled me about 15 minutes ago right here in this stall." "Holy fuck! You are one fuckin cum whore!" "Yup. Pick up the pace. Less talk more cum. I gotta get back to work. " It only took me a couple more pumps to blast my load into the ejaculat soup already deep in his bowels. When we had redressed he kissed me passionately and encouraged me to watch for his buddy. Another waiter. "He'll be very interested to sample you in this stall before the night is finished."
  14. Hey guys let me set the stage with this first chapter. ‐------------------------------------------------------' My first time was with a 65 year old fit silver fox. He was in the lobby of the hotel my folks and I were checking into for my cousin's wedding. It was as if his deep warm brown eyes could see right through me. His dimples and smile were intoxicating. I knew I had been cruised before; but, never this blatantly, and never with my folks at my side. We checked into our room and I couldn't get the image of this older sexy man out of my mind. I made an excuse to step out for some fresh air. Luckily he was still sitting alone when I got to the lobby. When I saw him smile in my direction I only hesitated a moment before making my way to the chair beside him. He wasted no time; "You are the sexiest young otter I've seen in a long time. Please come to my room and have a drink with me. " I grinned and responded; "Is it just a drink you are after?" "Oh that's definitely only a start. " I followed him into an elevator and was relieved to see we were going to a different floor than my parents room. He went directly to his bar fridge and asked if I wanted beer, wine or something stronger. I opted for stronger and two scotch on the rocks were prepared. He joined me on the couch, we each had our first sip and he leaned in to give me a sloppy passionate kiss. His tongue was in my mouth and I noticed the scotch delivered from his mouth was very enjoyable. We gulped large mouthfuls and sloshed them from mouth to mouth 'til he took both glasses placing them on the coffee table. Starting to unbutton my shirt he said; "Fuck kid, I'm already drunk on you. " "Yeah? Then fuck me daddy. " 'was that my outside voice ' rattled in my brain. We were naked in no time and his bearded jaw sucked in my erect seven inches. His right hand fingers went directly to my virgin hole. His left hand went to my mouth. Fingers soon slipped between my lips and were forced down my throat. They were quickly covered in saliva, removed and worked into my tight hole. 'Holy fuck this is moving fast. ' I thought. "Tight ass kid. How many cocks have been in there?" "None sir. " "Fuckin A ! You really a virgin?" "Yup. Never even sucked a cock. " "Wow! Well that can wait 'til I've popped your cherry. " "Holy fuck ... really?" By now he had me on my back, ankles at my shoulders; and, he was eating my virgin ass. My head was spinning from the scotch and unbelievable pleasure he was giving my hole. Soon he moved up my body and his thick naked cock was pushing against my hole. I swallowed a deep breath and he popped inside. I involuntarily pushed my ass further onto his thick eight inches before the reality of this situation sank in. I pulled off his hard on and begged; "Condom, please!: "You sure kid? Don't you want your first time to be special?" "Fuck man, this is special. Please. " He scurried to the bathroom and had the rubber out of it's plastic case on his return trip. I helped him sheath up his raging eight inches. He was soon back in my ass and even I could tell he wasn't as hard as he had been. "Fuckin condoms ... erection killers." I needed to make a quick decision. My ass was committed and not going to be satisfied with the direction this was going. I pushed him off me and ripped off the condom. Quickly moving I had his cock in my mouth, fowl condom taste and all. He quickly began to harden. "Nice boy. You're a natural. " I emptied my mouth and responded; "I need it in my ass again. Just promise you won't cum. " "I can't promise any such thing; but, I'll do my best." I moved to my back, feet in the air and his raw cock was inside me again. In no time he was balls deep and I was gasping for breath. Slowly he started moving in and out begging with his deep brown eyes; "You okay kid?" With a few more deep breaths the intense pain subsided and became more pleasurable than anything I had ever experienced. "Yes daddy, I'm fine. Fuckin fuck my hole man. You've picked my cherry!" With that he started to pick up speed and for the next ten minutes he pounded my ass silly. As his breath began to get ragged he grunted; "Almost got your virgin cherry ... ready for my load?" "NO! Don't cum ... not yet! Fuck me a little longer. I love your raw cock!" "Ooooh! Fuuuuuuccck ... too late ... breeding your ass boy! Fuuuuuuccck! Yeeaaahhh!" With each pulse shooting inside my no longer virgin ass I spewed glob after glob of my young cum between our bodies. With a few minutes to catch my breath I stammered; "Fuck daddy, why did you breed me?" "Couldn't help it kid. Besides you know you wanted the full meal deal. " "Fuck yeah, it felt so God damn good. But, NO! I asked you to promise. " "And I told you I couldn't. Planting my load was part of claiming your cherry kid. " "Fuck! Please tell me you are at least clean. " "Don't ever ask that again kid! So rude! I'm a don't ask and don't tell kind of guy. Hell, I'm probably poz with all the loads I've taken; but, I don't know and I don't care." "Fuck man! Fuck you! How dare you put me at such risk. " "I may have helped; but, you put yourself at risk kid." That's when I realized he was still inside me and starting to harden again. "Fuck you man! You want to breed me again don't you?" With an impish grin and his hand on my rock hard cock he responded; "Of course! and by all indications you want it to. " This fuck lasted an hour before he blasted his second unknown viral status load inside my gut walls. The next hole to be filled with raw cock and my youthful cum was his. It was 4 AM before I snuck back to my parents room. By then I had 5 of his suspect loads deep inside. Needless to say I was totally spent, exhausted and most of all, terrified!
  15. Giving in is such a relief and so fuckin hot! Thanks for sharing.
  16. Great start. Please keep it cumming
  17. Never in a bookstore, but I cruised a handsome black bathhouse staff person one night. I still had my load and happened to be leaving at the end of his shift. We returned to my room for me to pump him full and deep . He was so fuckin hot and grateful. I wondered how often he ended his shift this way and must confess as a mostly bottom myself my jealousy . That said, I'd do him again in a flash.
  18. Thanks for sharing. Brings back some great memories.
  19. I have no better compliment ... I shot my load to this story. So fuckin hot! I'm looking forward to more.
  20. More of that whipped cream please! I'm pretty sure where any toxic cream is going to end up. I'm hard for more of this story!
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