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Everything posted by Tanbbottom

  1. Twenty years had passed since I became poz. I responded well to the meds and lived undetectable. The boyfriend wouldn't let the idea of a meds vacation drop, but it was when his boyfeind, our pozer, suggested we both stop meds for my twentieth anniversary visit that I began to take it seriously. I knew I desperately wanted a recharge from my pozer, and this would require me not having chemical protection. I really wasn't that keen on infecting anyone, but if the boyfriend wanted a recharge from me, why not?. Five months before my visit, which would now last three months I stopped my meds. By this age I wasn't having a great deal of sex and then Covid isolation hit so in effect I was celibate until I got to Mexico. The night I arrived the three of us couldn't get naked fast enough. My unsheathed cock was in the boyfriend's fuck shoot within minutes of my arrival to their home. I was so turned on that I unloaded my freshly toxic juices pretty much as soon as I pushed in. He squealed with delight, "Yeah recharge my poz ass. I love it!" Our pozer feltched out some of the load and used it to lube my tight ass. It had been a long time since I'd had anything penetrate me so the pozer's mushroom head felt huge. It took a while but eventually he popped inside and my moan was equal parts pain and pleasure. He was doing me missionary so we were lost in each other's eyes. He just kept gently repeating; "Si. Si. You want this?" I just kept nodding and mumbling "Mmm, mmm. " Soon he had me bent in half fucking me like a drill press. His big raw cock was shoving in balls deep and his full body weight crushed my knees into my shoulders. He was completely and totally in control. Part of me hated the pain, most of me delighted in letting go and giving him cart blanch to break me in two if that's what he wanted. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore he slammed in, pinned me completely, and sprayed my guts with his toxic venom. For my twentieth anniversary I was now fully recharged by my original pozer. The rest of the evening was a threeway orgy of sucking, fuckin, breeding and recharging. Eventually we stepped out for dinner and the boyfriend convinced our cute waiter that he needed my special gift. Between the main course and dessert the waiter and I met up in the restaurant washroom. He was already slipping out of his shirt when I arrived and his beautiful olive skin had me totally turned on. He slipped out of his shorts and underwear and leaned over the sink. "Are you sure you want my gift?" "Si, si, mucho, mucho!" As my raw cock danced around his very wet and sloppy hole I said; "Somebody's been here before me. " "Si, mucho, mucho " "Cuantus cargas ?" "Cinco" "Fuck you are a slut. No wonder you want the freedom of a poz ass." "Si, chasing." With that I pushed on in. I loved the feel of my cock stirring in five guys loads. I'd already cum a few times so I was able to give him a good pounding before declaring; "I'm close, you sure you want my toxic load. " "Breed my ass, si,si." "Pozing you amigo. " A woman arrived to use the bathroom just as I unloaded. We pulled on our clothes and got out of there quickly. I wasn't sure how I felt about 'gifting' someone and my experience the next day didn't help me in sorting my thoughts out. I was in a semi hidden sunny spot lying on my back catching some full body rays when an otter in his mid thirties wandered over to me. He was my perfect vision of cute and fuckin hot. Nicely tanned and hair in all the right places. Without a word he crawled in between my legs and took my limp cock into his mouth. I responded quickly and he just let it harden, grow, and snake down his throat. I instinctively held him by his dirty blonde curly hair. He didn't fight and amazed me with his stamina. Finally he did choke, I released his hair, and he pulled off my very slimy erection. Without losing a beat he sat on my cock with only his saliva for lube. He was facing me and bent over to share a passionate kiss. He began to ride me like a bucking bronco. When I went to say something he put a finger to my lips to hush me. I couldn't help but start to push up as he kept pushing down and impaling himself on my raw cock. Again I tried to speak and he covered my lips with his for another passionate snog. I knew my balls were beginning to boil and tried to communicate with my eyes that I was close. He just smiled and eagerly nodded his head. I blasted up into his guts with my orgasm and he just kept milking my poison out with his anal orgasm. He fell off me to one side, rolled on his back and said; "Thank you popps, that was so fuckin hot!" I was still catching my breath. He began to ask the usual questions you ask meeting someone new on a Mexican beach. 'Where you from?' 'How long you here for?' Etc. and we were soon casually chatting away. A good half hour past and we began to realize we were at risk of burning. We both jumped in the ocean to cool off. As I stood chest deep I watched for him to emerge. I already knew he could stay down for a long time from his excellent blowjob. Then I realized lips were sucking in my cock and once again it was quickly responding. When he finally came up he did so in front of me, turned his back to me and backed onto my now erect member. I hugged him back onto me. " "Popps you've got such a great cock. I love it in me raw." "Mmmmm, feelings mutual kid." "Little late to ask; but, what's your status?" "Please tell me you're on PreP kid?" "Naw, meant to do that before this holiday but I got busy ... and .... awe.... why would you want to assume I'm taking PreP?" "Fuck kid, you know it's a little late to ask, my raw cock and load are already in yah!" "You're poz? You don't look poz? Why the fuck did you come in my ass?" I noticed he was not moving to get my poisonous tool out of him. "You hushed me when I tried to warn you. Then you nodded your head, you knew I was going to blow. I thought okay, kid must be on Prep. " "Fuck yeah man, but I didn't know you were poz... Umm... oh yeah, I get it, I don't have to worry. U=U right? You can't infect me. Right?" "Wrong. I went off my meds five months ago, my viral load is huge. That soup in your ass is way toxic. " "Fuck no. How could you do this to me?" "I think you might have done it to yourself. You're not in a hurry to get off my sting machine right now." "Fuck popps it feels so good in there, I need you in me skin to skin. In fact now I know you're toxic I can't believe how turned on I am. I wanna feel your toxic load claim my ass. " So I fucked another load into him. As we left the beach we talked about the after treatment he could get and the timing for it. He thanked me and said he'd go tomorrow. That very night he was at the beach orgy. In fact he was the bareback bottom that was attracting all the attention, all the cocks and a great deal and mixture of cum. I moved up beside him and said, "What the hell?" "I may as well go fully loaded if I'm going to the clinic tomorrow. "
  2. I was almost 30 before starting gay sex. 1st guy that fucked me wore a condom, but had me fuck him bareback since I'd never been with a guy and monogamous with my wife.
  3. If it hadn't been before, this cult pozing night cemented our friendship. I now moved in with them for my winter vacations. They came to me one summer and I took them to every cruising area, sex club and bathhouse within driving distance. My pozer returned to his meds, his boyfriend refused his doctor's advice and stayed toxic. He just loved the game of having negative guys refuse but ultimately take, sometimes even beg for his poison. Truth be told I found watching him do this a massive turn on. The hottest time was at one of the beach orgies. The boyfriend and I were at three loads each up our asses when a 6' 4" handsome line backer moved in behind the boyfriend. His girthie 9 inch cock had no trouble pushing in. I had the perfect vantage point as the boyfriend and I were bent head to head supporting each other for the assault our asses were receiving. The boyfriend spoke in my ear, "Watch and listen. This is my victim tonight. " I thought, 'good luck buddy, I don't think so.' "You like that ass?" Said the boyfriend directed at the line backer. "Sure do slut. How many loads my dick stirring around. " "About three I think. You like that feel with your naked cock?" "Oh yeah boy. " "You gonna add your's?" "Fuckin right I am!" "Then I get to fuck you. Right?" "No fuckin way faggot!" "But it only seems fair. " "No way you slut, with all the disease you've taken up your ass you're not getting near mine. Besides I'm 100% top." "Okay, if you say so." At this point the guy fucking me groaned as he unloaded. Another cock slid in as soon as he pulled out. The boyfriend spoke to his line backer; "I bet you're a betting man." "Maybe ... why?" "I'd love to make you a wager." "Um ... like what?" "Like how soon you'll cum in me. " "Fuck yeah man, I can hold off as long as I want." "I thought so, so let's make this worth your while. Let's say if you don't cum 'til after the next four loads go up my friends ass I'll pick up your tab for three nights at the gay bar." "I like the sound of that. I won't but what about the slight chance I lose. I pick up your tab?" "Nope, I fuck you bareback. Right here, right now." "No fuckin way man!" "I thought you couldn't lose. Why you so chicken all of a sudden? You too tough a man to take what you give?" "Fuck you. I'm man enough to take anything a faggot like you can deal out. Make it before two loads in his ass and I'm in. " "My friend is the best cock milker I know. He'll have four more loads in no time." As if on cue my fucker screamed, "I'm cumming! Fuck " "I'll let you count that as one, three to go, you in?" "Two more?" "Three ." The line backer pulled his dick out. "Two. Or I walk away right now. " "Fuck, okay two." A medium sized cock pushed up my ass just as the line backer's went back into the boyfriend. Even though the line backer stopped moving the boyfriend fucked his ass on the line backer's pole at double the pace of my fucker. Even though I didn't moved into my best cock milking skills I was soon receiving my next load. " Yeah I got this wrapped up, you better have a flush bank account faggot. I'm known to be a very thirsty guy. " It took five minutes for the next cock to enter my ass. During all this time the boyfriend worked on the line backer's shaft with his considerable oral skills. My new fucker was a 6' 7" extremely fit black basketball player, at least that's where my mind went as his long uncut cock snaked into my guts. It was clear the linebacker liked what he saw as he groaned with pleasure watching the black raw cock pumping my hole. My fucker spoke; "Hey buddy, pick up your pace there, let's see who can breed their fag fastest." The line backer must have been memorized by the black man 'cause he laid into the boyfriend with a frenzied fuck. Each increase in his speed sped up the pace and power with which I was pounded. Soon my man was egging on the line backer; "I'm fuckin close man. You?" "So fuckin close." "Oh,any moment now. " "Fuck ... no ... Argh!" The line backer unloaded in the boyfriend. Just seconds later the black man blasted in me. They were very close but there was no doubt who came first. "You loose fucker" smirked the boyfriend as he scooped and ate cum from his ass. "Now somebody get this excellent lube from my ass to his. " I was on it 'toot sweet'. I don't know which I enjoyed more. Sucking it out of boyfriend or tounge fucking it into the line backer's virgin ass. As the boyfriend started to push into the line backer's hole the line backer lamented. "Go slow, that's a virgin ass you're breaking. And there's a condom in my shorts. " "A bet is a bet buddy. Did you just breed my slutty ass?" "Aw ... yeah." "So you're getting what you gave." The boyfriend's cock crashed in balls deep and the line backer screamed. "Pull it out. You're killing me. " The boyfriend ignored him and started to fuck away. "Okay, you won, you've had your fun. You picked my virgin cherry ass, pull out now please." "I can feel your ass relaxing, I think you're starting to enjoy it. " "No, fuck, stop ... oh shit,.. oh fuck ... oh my ... that felt good ... ummmm, what are you doing?" "Hitting your prostate. What kind of top doesn't know that trick? See why I needed to pop your cherry? Want me to stop now?" His groans of pleasure said it all. After a while the boyfriend moved the line backer onto his back on the beach and moved in to mount him missionary. Before pushing in he asked; "So you want your condom now chicken?" "Bets a bet. Not giving you a chance to say I reneged. " "That's right. " said the boyfriend as he slipped his raw cock back in. The two locked eyes continuing the dare as the fucking regained speed and power. With great bravado, "Fuck me faggot, give me the best you've got." "You mean like my toxic cum. " said the boyfriend with ragged breath. "You're fuckin with me, you're not toxic poz ." "You think not? You're a betting man. Do you fulfill your wager and I breed you with my toxic load or have me pull out and you pick up my tab. And hurry man, I'm so close." The line backer looked into the faces of those of us gathered around. With panic in his eyes "You're not poz, but pull out, don't ...." "Argh ! Too late ... knocking you up ... planting it deep. " The boyfriend pulled out, grabbed his clothes and ran. The line backer looked at me and stated; "He's not poz is he!." I just nodded my head. "No, he can't be. I've never had a cock in me before. The first one can't have pozed me. No way." "Yes way." I said "You better get to a clinic in the morning. " "I can't, I have a flight at noon. " "Then you better get to an emergency room as fast as you can. That or join our club." When I ran into the boyfriend later he was at the other end of the beach with another substantial cock up his ass. He high fived me; "That was fuckin awesome, did you see his face as I stung him?" "Yeah man, it was so hot. How often have you done that? Could you have pulled out?" "No. He waited too long. I gave him fair warning. You gotta get off meds so you can do that. It's such fuckin fun." "He could have killed you man. " "That's why I ran. I love the adrenaline rush. " For the rest of my stay and every year after he kept on me about taking a meds break and joining him in pozing a few guys. He wouldn't let it go like a dog with a bone. At first the invitation repulsed me, but over the years as I witnessed his skill in getting even the most reluctant to take his sting my resolve began to weaken.
  4. The next time I was to their home for dinner I learned the boyfriend had gone for blood tests. To everyone's surprise, especially the boyfriend's he was negative. He had them repeat the test he was so convinced after all the loads from strangers he'd received that he must be poz. Nope, negative with the follow up test. At every opportunity he could he turned the conversation to his deep desire to be pozed. He was surprised yet relieved that he hadn't converted already . Now he wanted to fully immerse himself as a chaser. My pozer was still adamant that he wouldn't 'do it to his partner.' They argued through most of the meal. They argued about this almost every time I saw them, even when one or the other of them was fucking and breeding me. As I flew home at the end of my vacation I was sure their partnership was doomed. The next fall I was surprised to get a special invitation to the boyfriend's birthday party. Even though it would require a special trip I decided I was too curious to pass the invitation up. They picked me up late afternoon at the Mexican airport, took me to the neighbouring city and we feasted on a great meal. As the sun was setting we headed off on a walk which eventually took us down a back ally. My pozer knocked on a black metal door and after talking with the bouncer who opened it we were ushered in. It took some time for my eyes to adjust to the muted lighting but I eventually realized we were in a small chapel. Where a communion table would normally be at the front there was a sling. Standing around the chapel were about a dozen very rough looking guys in various stages of undress. They were all tattooed and the room smelled of a pleasant mix of candle smoke and Male body odor . A head priest like figure came out from behind the elaborate ornamentation at the front and stood facing us wrapped in a full length black Cape. He cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. He then thrust his arms up fully opening the cape and stood there spread eagle, naked save leather chest harness, and sporting the biggest hardon I had ever seen. Over his cock was a beautiful big biohazard tattoo. He called the boyfriend forward by name. With his deep rich ritualistic voice he proceeded to ask the boyfriend if he would consent to a rapid HIV blood test. When the boyfriend nodded yes he was instructed to strip and helped up into the sling. The crowd moved into a semi circle of worshippers. The priest proceeded to pull a syringe and withdrew the blood sample from the boyfriend's ass. The priest fed his cock to the boyfriend as everyone waited two minutes for the test results. The priest's resonate deep voice proclaimed; "Negative! Good, our ritual conversion can proceed. This man has been chasing the gift. His lover has brought him to be our sacrificial lamb tonight. Let's give him the birthday gift he so desperately wants." Then speaking to the boyfriend. "Each of these fine men are going to breed and poz your ass tonight. They are all toxic poz, no medication allowed in my cult. Four of them are in end stage AIDS with viral loads through the roof. Only a miracle will let you leave this ritual without being well on the road to conversion. Who do you want to prepare your ass with this bottle brush?" "Fuck, really? My boyfriend of course." My pozer stepped up and rammed the bottle brush deep into his partner's hole. The boyfriend screamed the entire time the brush was fucked in and out and twisted. When the screams subsided to sobs my pozer spoke; "Happy birthday lover. I've been planning this for a while. I stopped meds five months ago. I've already pozed three of the last few guys we played with. But it appears I can't knock you up alone so I volunteered you to this pozing cult. " Sliding his raw cock into his boyfriend's ass. "So you ready to be claimed and converted?" "Wow, wow! You're fuckin right I'm ready. " With the room wildly cheering and encouraging it didn't take my pozer long to dump his now toxic load. For the next two hours each man in the room took their turn to load the boyfriend's ass. My pozer was so excited that after a while he came up behind me, lowered my shorts and shoved on in. Twenty minutes later he was unloading in me as the second full blown AIDS guy sprayed his boyfriend's guts with high viral load toxin. My ass was not empty long before the first full blown AIDS guy was teasing my hole. "I suspect you don't want to pass this opportunity up. " I just pushed back and was impaled. "Right choice." Was his response as we slammed against each other. I would eventually end up with 3 loads out of the four full blown AIDS guys. Meanwhile everyone but the priest had pozed the boyfriend. The sickest of the AIDS guys was motioned beside the sling. The priest now had an open swiss army knife. "Andrea will die soon, you are about to become blood brothers so you can keep a part of him alive." A small slit was made in each of their middle fingers and they grasped each other's hands making sure their blood would mix. "As the newest convert to my cult I must receive your last negative load. " The boyfriend was helped out of the sling and the priest slid in. By the ease with which the boyfriend slid in someone's cum had prelubed the priest. A vicious fuck ensued and eventually the boyfriend's potentially last negative load was planted in the priest. They changed places once again and all cheered as the priest's venom was blasted into the boyfriend. The rest of my weekend visit passed quickly and I flew home. Two weeks later my pozer sent me a photo of his boyfriend hooked up to all kinds of lines in an ICU unit. For years he'd been highly resistant to infection, then when it took he got the fuck flu but bad. It took a few weeks but he did recover and was over the moon to have officially joined 'the brotherhood' and no longer be in a sero- discordant couple.
  5. Four days later I joined my pozer for his early morning skinny dip. His boyfriend was sleeping in. As we warmed in the early morning sunshine after emerging from the water he pulled out his cell phone. I could see he was opening his photo gallery and couldn't imagine what he wanted to show me. The picture he opened showed his boyfriend being fucked by their gardener. I tried to read his face, was that a genuine smile or was it hiding anger. "I took these yesterday." The next pictures showed his boyfriend getting railed by two gringo bears . The pictures had been taken through the window of a poolside washroom. I knew the big shower stall having been bred there by a different cheating boyfriend. I feared how many more pictures he had. My stomach was in my throat. Before he could proceed I asked; "Wow! Did you have any idea?" "I guess I should have, but until yesterday, no." "What are you going to do? Are you pissed ... angry?" "Not at him ... maybe at bit with you. " Busted, there was now a picture taken through my room window of his boyfriend fucking me as the nightwatchman fucked his boyfriend. "I'm surprised, maybe a bit disappointed. But when I saw him with the gardener I was actually relieved. I didn't need to feel so guilty about cheating with you. I actually fucked the gardener later yesterday. Upped my cheating game." "I could tell from their talk the bears were barebacking and breeding him. I realized he'd probably never stopped hooking up and I got incredibly turned on. " "When I caught you with him I was initially angry you hadn't told me, especially after I cheated with you. Then as I watched your threesome hot session I got so turned on. My feelings shift to admiration that you cheat with both of us and protect our secrets from each other. He doesn't know about us does he?" I lied, "No, of course not." "Good. Please come for dinner tonight. I want to have some fun. " I spent the day a bit frightened but mostly curious. The gardener was approaching their home as I arrived. Once again we could see they were fucking in the kitchen as we arrived. The door was open and we were called in immediately. The gardener was instructed to bend me over the counter and catch up. The boyfriend was about to get a load up his ass and so should I. It was only then I saw the gardener's dick must have been 11 inches. He wasted no time in lubeing me with vegetable oil and gave me little time to adjust before pounding me silly. Both tops climaxed with loud groans simultaneously. The boyfriend and I were instructed to feltch each other. To lube and double penetrate the gardener. The boyfriend protested, "But I can't, we are monogamous." My pozer; "Oh right, then our friend will have to breed the gardener as we watch." Smiling the gardener bent over the counter, I lubed him with vegetable oil and returned his favor. By now everyone was naked and the meal was served. There was lots of footsie activity under the table. We moved to the living room and my pozer spoke; "Being here with three super hot sexy naked guys has me fully horned up. I need to fuck somebody and I need to do it now. I'm going to spin the bottle and fuck whoever it stops at." The boyfriend; "You can't do that, we're monogamous. " "Then you want to pray it stops at you. Otherwise as of that moment we open the relationship. Deal?" "Fuck man, yeah, deal. " It seemed the bottle took forever to stop. It finally slowed approachinag the gardener, but it moved past and stopped pointing at the boyfriend. Pozer and boyfriend looked each other in the eye and the boyfriend reached out and turned the bottle to me. He proclaimed to my pozer; "Okay, we're officially in an open relationship." I was bent over the coffee table and mounted. The gardener was instructed to bring my pozer's phone to him. He opened the photo gallery and proceeded to show us the first picture of the gardener fucking the boyfriend. The next picture was the threesome in my room. "I suspect these are not the first times you cheated on me. Yes we are now officially open. Fuck, I'm ready to cum. " And my ass was flooded again. My pozer to his boyfriend; " Now you are going to drop what I suspect is a toxic poz load into him and we'll take him out to pimp for the night. Send him home with a dozen loads if we can. " The boyfriend proceeded to breed me and we were off to the gay bar. They managed to get 5 guys to fuck me there, 3 bred me. Then at a dark spot on the beach they each took turns on my ass again attracting a crowd and another six loads sprayed my guts. In the midst of this the boyfriend fed me his cock. I was able to see my pozer lead a handsome burly guy up behind his boyfriend. I pulled off long enough to watch my pozer guide the burly guys unsheathed cock into his boyfriend's ass. He proceeded to sandwich fuck the burly guy. As my mouth filled with the boyfriend's hot cum I could tell both he and the sandwiched guy were receiving loads up their eager asses. Yes, their relationship was now publicly open.
  6. The first evening of my next year's visit I was invited to my pozer and his boyfriend's house for dinner. As I approached I could see my pozer fucking his boyfriend in the kitchen. I considered just watching and waiting from a distance but decided 'fuck them, they invited me for this time ... I'm only fashionably late. ' I knocked on the door and both voices called "come in". So in I went and unabashedly watched as my pozer continued to breed his boyfriend. The boyfriend ran off to the shower I assumed and I asked my pozer; "So you guys have finally opened up your relationship?" "Holy shit,no way. I just knew you'd love the show. " with finger to his lips "Shh! He doesn't suspect us." During dinner they both played footsie with me unbeknownst to the other. I was turned on and decided to follow their lead and not be shy. "So do you guys always bareback. " "Si,si." I wanted to bait the boyfriend, so I played dumb and asked their HIV status . My pozer was honest; "Poz and undetectable. Just like you. " The boyfriend nonchalantly answered; "negative. " I didn't believe him, but, who was I to challenge him in front of his boyfriend. As conversation dwelled on our poz journeys the boyfriend confessed he really did want to convert. He hated that they were a sero-discordant couple and had been begging his partner to take a meds vacation and knock him up. "No, no, I could never do that to you. " "No you don't get it! You won't be doing anything to me, you'd be gifting me ." He'd been thinking about this for some time and kept this conversation going the rest of the meal. Dinner finished the boyfriend begged off to bed. As my pozer and I did the dishes he offered to 'walk me home. ' I responded; "Is that what you call cheating with me now." "Shh, we don't want him to hear. " The watchman winked as we slipped into my room and I took extra effort to be sure the curtain was open and a small light on to illuminate our coupling. Despite the pain I was delighted to be trapped in the drill press and powerfully bred by this wild animal. All year I'd had powerful dreams of his post orgasmic face panting in mine, and here I was experiencing it once again. He had left and I was about to slip out for my post coital skinny dip when there was a light knock at my door. I opened it a crack and the boyfriend pushed into my room slamming the door behind him. He pointed to the open curtain and pulled out his phone. He proceeded to show me the video he had captured of his boyfriend, my pozer, pummeling and deeply breeding my ass. "Fuck man, I figured you must have known. " "Nope, not at all. He promised me he'd never cheat. " "But you cheat on him with me AND OTHERS all the time. ... You sure you're not poz?" "Yup my cheating is our little secret. Okay, not so little. And I don't know. Probably poz but never bothered to get checked and don't plan to. Now fuck and breed my cheating ass with your medicated letche, before I probably recharge your's. When I went to push in I noticed; "Your prelubed. " "Yeah, nice eh! Watchman did me while I took the video." We followed our established pattern. I fucked and bred him, feltched him out, snowballed to him. He used it to lube my ass and breed me with what I now expected was a toxic poz load. This made the hole fuck even hotter and more passionate. "So are you going to show that to your man?" "No fuckin way. I'll keep it for ammunition if he ever accuses me of cheating. " We then invited the night watchman in and he fucked loads into each of us.
  7. For the next three days I found myself avoiding both my pozer and his boyfriend. I was afraid my guilt would be more evident than if I posted on a billboard or hired a plane to write in the sky, 'I'm no friend, I fucked with your boyfriend.' The restaurants place tables in the street for the dinner meal. My guard was down as it was rare for me to see them other than on the beach. I practically bumped into their table and they wouldn't take no for an answer, I would join them for the meal. We had a nice meal, great conversation despite the language barriers, wished each other a good night and went our separate ways. After a few drinks at the gay bar, and no 'new meat' to hookup with I returned to my hotel. I skinny dipped in the pool, ( really not allowed, but I'd sucked off the night watchman so he turned a blind eye) showered off the chlorine and crawled into bed with my computer. Time to jerk off with EricVideos. I was surprised by a knock at my door. Naked I jumped from bed and opened the door. There stood my pozer with his great smile and seductive eyes. He reached forward grabbing my semi hard cock and asked; "Aren't you going to invite me in?" "Awe ... yeah ... um yeah " I pulled him in and slammed the door closed. "Where is your boyfriend?" "Home. I fucked him and he fell asleep. " I played innocent; " So you guys have opened up your relationship? " "Fuck no! He can't know about this. I've never cheated on him, never. But over dinner I knew I had to fuck your ass again. Every time I see you the need drives me crazy. I'd never cheat on him ... well ..except with you. Just this once. I can't help myself. " The next thing I knew I was on my back at the edge of the bed. My body was bent in two with my legs pinned to my shoulders. He was drill pressing his raw cock into me and it was not long 'til he dumped his poz load deep. I realized how much I'd missed his distinctive power fuck as I spontaneously erupted like I had only erupted with him years ago. That was the moment I knew and fully accepted that I lived for such domination. I'd been fucked and bred by many guys in the ensuing years, but noone claimed and dominated me so fully. And I had never again experienced his animalistic post coital panting. I had earned every ounce of this wild sexual beasts passion. And my total submission had the power to draw him into cheating. After he left I slipped back into the pool for a couple of naked laps .As I emerged up the steps the night watchman was waving his stiff dick in my face. When I went to take it in my mouth he shook his head and pointed to my room. Directing me into the bathroom he bent me over the vanity. Without a word his raw cock was pounding my well lubricated ass. A few minutes and he was pumping me full of his Mexican letche. As he was leaving my room he pointed to my partially opened curtains, then his eyes and back at me. 'Fuck ' I thought. 'He watched me get dominated and then took his turn. Fuck ' I thought 'I love this. ' I spent more and more time with my pozer and his boyfriend during the rest of that trip. Eating out, at the beach, a few hikes. They even had me over for dinner. No one acknowledged that they had and continued to cheat on each other with me. The boyfriend and I continued our clandestine hookups in the rocks. And my pozer continued the night visits to my room. And yes the night watchman continued to give me sloppy seconds. All was not revealed until the next winter.
  8. I love to kiss and thrive on it as part of the intimate emotional connection with the guys I play with. A quick snuck kiss with a hot stranger in a bar, deep tounge kiss as we cruise in the woods, passionate kiss as we fuck in the bathhouse, sloppy kiss after one of us has been feltched, I love them all as an essential emotional part of my sex life. Let's not kid ourselves, it's not going to last long but I prefer this emotional connection with every guy I hookup with. The exception is if I'm sucking them or getting fucked and bred through a glory hole. Then I just want to be used and love the thrill of not knowing or really seeing who used me and whose cum I've swallowed or have dripping out my hole. Cum and kisses, both emotional experiences for me.
  9. As the years passed I got to know my pozer and his boyfriend a little better. Like me, my pozer was doing well on meds, the boyfriend was negative and they were so happy together and deeply committed to monogamy. I suspected there was some seven year itch going on when I arrived the winter they had been together for that fateful number of years. Unlike all other years they were no longer always together. This was most evident and surprising around their customary morning skinny dip. Now often it was just my pozer. He was his usual friendly self and assured me they were still together and he emphasized 'still monogamous.' That's why I was surprised to see the boyfriend alone one night at the beach orgy. He was not just there, he was bent over with a long line of guys taking their turns fucking him. I moved close enough to confirm each guy was fucking him bareback and most were breeding his ass. He was the enviable center of attention that night. Three nights later I was at the orgy again and this time saw my pozer standing alone watching the sexual antics just as he'd watched us dance the first night I met him. The night he pozed me. I kept half an eye on him as I started to neck with a cute young Mexican. The young man soon said; "I want fuck your gringo hairy ass. " Quickly I was bent over enjoying his raw six inches pounding my submissive hole. My pozer watched every moment of this pump and dump. In fact he continued to watch as two more guys pushed into me for sloppy seconds and thirds. As number three blasted with his substantial dick I was brought over the edge into my own massive climax down the throat of the stranger that had moved in to complete a spit roast. When I regained composure I checked and my pozer had left. The next morning as I was sunbathing on the gay part of the beach the boyfriend laid out his towel beside me , slipped out of his shorts and asked if I would help him apply suntan lotion on his naked ass. I asked if his boyfriend would be okay with this? "No, no. He mustn't know. We are ... how do you say ... monogamous. " "But I watched you take cock after cock up the ass a few nights ago. " Smiling he responded; "Oh yeah. Boyfriend was out of town. I love cheating. " "Clearly. " I couldn't conceal my growing hardon. "And you want to cheat with me today?" "Si,si! I love your sexy hairy body and beard. I've dreamed of you fucking me for years. " "Where is your boyfriend today?" "Working. He'll come in about a half hour." Standing and pulling my hand; "Come quick, fuck me in the rocks. " Mostly sheltered from public view and out in full sunshine he turned his back and leaned against the warm rock cliff. I'd watched him take half a dozen raw cocks so said nothing about protection. As my bare cock head explored his hole I spoke softly in his ear; "You're prelubed. ", more statement than question. "Si,si. Best kind. Two lifeguards. Did me in their towers. On my way here. " "Fuck! You are a cheating cum whore. " "Si ... fast, boyfriend here soon. " As too often happens the few times I top I was unloading as I pushed in balls deep. "Fuck, sorry. I couldn't hold it back. " "No... is good. Si,si. Want to feel your beard. Suck out my ass. " I didn't need to be asked twice. The first mouthful of ass juice, loads from two lifeguards and myself tasted fantastic as I quickly swallowed. He must have been watching; "No, no. Snowball ... my mouth. " There was no shortage for the second mouthful. I resisted the temptation to swallow and snowballed into his eager open mouth. He instantly turned me, bent me against the cliff and was lubeing my hole. Without giving me time to adjust he was pounding my ass with his raw seven inch slender cock. Ten vicious strokes and he collapsed on my back as jet after jet of his cheating boyfriend cum spewed deep in my ass. His lips were soon at my ass ring feltching out the load he'd just deposited. I could tell I was only snowballed a portion as he garbled; "Now swallow. " We just got back and settled on our towels when my pozer, his boyfriend arrived. As he slipped out of his shorts and arranged his towel he smiled pleasantly and said; "I'm glad you guys finally have a chance to hang out together." It was clear he had no idea that we'd just been cheating on him.
  10. I love this kind of story. Let's hear more.
  11. Delighted to see where this is going. How many will our happy couple convert?
  12. Over the twenty years of my infection I went through different stages of acceptance with being HIV POZ as well as different stages in my relationship with my pozer. At first I was horrified and ashamed; convinced that I would go down in history as the last person stupid enough to get knocked up with HIV/AIDS. That I had willingly participated and especially that I had loved my pozer so fully possessing and dominating me was a huge part of the shame. Even so after a year of celibacy on my next trip I couldn't get to his house, lift my legs, watch his huge raw poz cock push in, feel the crush of his drill press fuck style and ultimately receive his toxic seed fast enough. After three years of this pattern, celibacy and the holiday taking every load he would give me, I began to long for more and more of the dominated experiences. Perhaps rather than keeping me ashamed they were slowly liberating me. When back home I began to go back to some of my old cruising haunts and the nearby bathhouse from time to time. I experienced most of the sex as mediocre. Giving a blow job was nice, especially when I could drink down a stranger's load, but my ass always was begging for the attention. At first I resented the tops I needed to tease away from or out of their condoms. Eventually I settled into it as a deeply enjoyable game and got very good at it. Since I was now medicated and already infected I lived by 'don't ask don't tell '. The best of these fucks were the guys that fully and powerfully dominated me and took full possession of my body until they collapsed having dump their all into my eager ass. These were few and far between, yet none were as perfect as the domination of my pozer. Then in my sixth year I received a message for him. He wanted me to know he had met a nice guy, they had now been living together for six months and he was very happy. I read this to mean his new relationship was monogamous. I hoped I was wrong but when I arrived for my annual holiday he was as friendly as ever, introduced me to his boyfriend, but it was clear he would not be scratching my deep itch . My first morning I awoke well before sunrise. I was accustomed to having been well fucked by this point in my trip, without that from my first night I was ravenously horny. I knew I couldn't get back to sleep so wrapped a sirong around myself and went out on the beach to enjoy the stars. As I was removing the sirong a group of three drunken young men that had been partying all night wander towards me. We high fived and one leaned in to kiss me. His buddies teased him; "We knew you were gay. " "You know I'm not, you know I have a girlfriend, but this is a place to explore. Don't tell me you've never wondered what it would be like to kiss a guy." Then to me; " You don't mind do you?" I leaned in and kissed him again. He gave me tounge. One of his buddies moved in and I moved to his mouth. The third guy stepped out of his shorts, pointing at his 5" erection said; "If we're going to experiment I want him to suck this. See if gay guys really are as good at giving head as they say." I needed no further encouragement, dropped to my knees and took him deep into my throat. He grabbed my hair and groaned "fuck yeah!" After I had sucked all three I asked if there was anything else they wanted to try. I decided to be direct, stood, turned, hoarked on my fingers and lubed my ass. The first guy to kiss me, the biggest cock at eight inches, stepped up behind me and said "Fuck yeah man! Hey anyone got a condom." "Fuck I don't man ", and the other "Shit, I didn't think to bring any." "Just give it to me raw man, does your girlfriend let you do that?" "Fuck no, no she's never let me,not even just the head." "This is your chance, take me balls deep man. " Teasing my hole with his raw mushroom head; "You sure man?" "He could give you AIDS man."; this from the smallest dicked guy. Me; "You know what they say about trusting strangers, but how many chances like this you think you're going to get?" He began to push on in. "Fuckin right man, I'm taking my chances." The smallest dicked guy stepped away, the other moved in to feel his buddies raw cock sliding into my hole. In a very short time my fucker's breath got ragged and he warned, "Fuck man this feels good. Stop squeezing your ass or I'm gonna blow." I reached back grabbed his ass, pulled him in hard and used my sphincter like a milking machine. Rope after rope of his hot cum painted my guts. He collapsed on my back. When he'd got his breath back he pulled out and stepped aside. "Guys you gotta try this. " I could tell the closest guy was interested but shy. The smallest dicked guy stepped further away. I bent taking the interested guys cock in my mouth. I directed his hand to finger my hole. I pulled off to free my mouth. " It's okay, stick them in. " A finger slid into my cum slick hole. When he pulled it out I moved his hand to my face and stopped sucking to say. "Any of your girlfriends willingly eat your cum from their ass. " and immediately sucked his finger clean. "Fuck man, that's sick. I've never even fucked an ass before and now I'm watching you eat my load. That's so sick. Go on bud, fuck his ass he's crazy, and as he said, when will you get this chance again?" He spun me around and directed his buddies bare cock into my ass. As this fuck began I cleaned my first breeders cock. Eventually the small dick guy moved in and let me suck him again. By now I was receiving a good spit roasting. Soon the guy in my ass rasped, " Where do you want my load?" My mouth was full and I was sure this cock too was close so again I just reached back and pulled my fucker in tight. He was already blasting away and his groans "awe fuck " brought his friend over the top and my mouth filled with sweet semen. As I stood I pulled my first breeder in for a kiss. Before he could realize I snowballed some cum into his mouth. He instinctively swallowed and then said; "Oooo, fuck man, that's too sick. " My second breeder then pulled me in for a kiss. " Come on man I need a taste. " He planted a deep tounge kiss on me as I fished some come from my ass. He was swallowing when I presented my finger. He curled his nose and pulled back. My first breeder rushed in and gobbled from my finger. "Fuck guys I'm riding this sick homo experience to the limit." "Then felch some cum from my ass and snowball it to me. " I challenged "Fuck man, you homos are sick!" Yet he was still at my ass in a flash. For his first experience he wasn't shy and dove right in. He didn't hesitate to suck out a good amount of their cum and my ass juices. I was surprised by the volume he dropped in my mouth and decided I couldn't let it go to waist. I turned and bent him over as he protested; "No fuckin way man, you're not touching my ass. " My lips were already on his hole and my tounge fucking the mix from my mouth into his hole. His protest soon turned to moans of pure pleasure. The reluctant buddy whined; "Stop, stop moaning." And the other buddy; "Yeah, he'll think you want him to fuck you. " "Oh fuck, it just feels so good. Fuck yeah, don't stop with your tongue. ... I may never get another chance. I don't want this to end. " "Are you gonna let him fuck you?!" "Maybe? ... No. ... Definitely not. ... But what if this is my only chance?" "At least wait for a guy with a condom. " "But if I'm gonna take it up the ass I think I want the risk. I know that's crazy but I want it all. And he's got such a big one". ... I removed my mouth , stood and placed my raw cock head at his now well lubed hole. "No, no, you guys are right.", but he remained bent over. I nudged the naked head inside. He gasped in pain and as I swear he pushed back on me cried to his buddies "This is fuckin sick, make him stop. " As they reluctantly stepped forward he said, "Wait, wait, just a little deeper, can't hurt now can it?" When I was balls deep. "Fuck guys , I can't believe this, it feels so fuckin awesome. Fuck me like a bitch man. " The other two watched on in horror as I started to move in and out of their buddy. As his moans expressed more and more pleasure I picked up the rythm and power. Now every time I pounded in he grunted with increasing gratitude. "Yeah fuck my virgin straight ass, keep fuckin me good. " His buddies could see I was getting close and struggling not to cum. "He's gonna breed your ass buddy, make him pull out!" "Fuck you chickens! No I've come this far I'm goin all the way. Breed my virgin ass. " "I've already silently loaded you twice. " I scooped a finger in beside my cock, pulled out and fed him the mixture of my cum and ass juice. Seeing him eagerly lick and suck this up pushed me over the edge and I bellowed as I blasted; "Now you know why we homos love it up the ass." And I kissed the back of his neck. With my cock still in his ass he twisted and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. I realized it might not be such a bad trip with my pozer in a relationship. I began attending the nightly gay beach orgies after sunset. I was taking 5 or six loads up the ass each night. On the third night I saw the 'straight' trio. The one I had fucked had a lineup behind him and appeared to be receiving load after load. The other guy was fucking a few men. I never saw him remove a condom when he pulled out. The third watched me getting getting fucked and bred by two guys. When the third slipped in my cum lubed rear entry the reluctant guy came close, reached between us and felt the raw cock pounding me. He scooped some of the loads leaking on my balls and down my leg, then reached behind lubing his ass with it. Then he backed his ass onto my raw cock. He screamed when my fucker drove me in to the hilt of my shaft, but he made no effort to pull away. I moved into fucking him good and continued as three more loads were pumped into me. "Where do you want my cum boy?" I whispered in his ear. I was already unloading. "Fuck no, pull out, pull out now before it's too late. " "It's already too late idiot. Did I just claim another virgin straight ass?" As he was checking his ass with his fingers. "Damn, you really did breed me. Why did you do that? I'm straight!"
  13. I had decided to go off my meds to mark my 20th anniversary of converting to POZ. My return to toxicity was to coincide with the beginning of my three month winter vacation on my favorite Mexican nude beach. I had been pozed during my very first visit to this out of the way beach town. My pozer was a handsome Mexican about ten years younger than myself, probably in his mid 30's. He had a slim, fit body but the outstanding feature was his gorgeous smile that lit up his entire face. Those warm inviting eyes just pulled me in and cemented my desire to submit to anything he had to offer. When I first noticed him standing still in a crowd of dancers on the beach I was taken by his smile but certain it was not meant for me. I was sure he was cruising the four naked gym bunnies dancing behind me. I certainly would have been if I thought I'd have half a chance. I couldn't figure out why he made no move to approach them. He just stood there and smiled in their direction. I couldn't help it, but I tried not to stare at him. His smile was so magnetic. I realized I was loosing the internal staring battle and decided on another tack. I danced over beside him and when I knew I had his attention motioned to the four and said 'yeah, they are hunks aren't they?' He smiled and shook his head. In broken English he said, "I saw you last night in the street. I said to myself what a handsome man." You could have pushed me over with a feather. I stuttered, "Oh ... uh ... um ... d ... do you wanna dance." We began to seductively dance around each other. Even though many were dancing naked he was wearing shorts and an open button down shirt, I was dancing in very baggy shorts that kept threatening to slip off. About the fifth time I reached to pull them back up he grabbed the waistband pulling me in for a close dance. We could now feel each other's erections through the shorts. He reached inside to hold my hardon and said, "Let's go take care of these. " I had no intention of resisting as he took my hand and led me down the beach. We soon established he spoke very little English and I speak no Spanish. He wanted me to know up front that he only plays the active role. I assured him I love the passive bottom role. He then led me to his impressive home by Mexican standards. Without fanfare we were toasting with shots of mezcal, three each in quick succession. Suitably tipsy any of our remaining clothes were quickly ripped off. I was led upstairs and under the mosquito netting on his bed. I immediately went down on his nine inch thick cock. His instant moans made it clear he was enjoying my oral technique and I was not disappointed that his fingers were already playing with my hole. He let me deep throat him for a while and tested my endurance by holding my head down from time to time. I love drinking down a load, especially if it's going to shoot against my tonsils but I had no desire to miss a ride on his beautiful fuck stick. I was relieved when he moved me up on my hands and knees and dove in to eat me out. There was lots of spit, tongue fucking and fingers stretching my hole. Clearly he had lots of experience preparing tight asses for the onslaught of his massive tool. Remember this was twenty years ago, condoms were the norm in hookup culture. Most of the time you didn't even need to say anything, you could usually count on the top to automatically sheath up. That's why I was a bit surprised when he introduced his raw cock head to my bare hole. Without checking my assumption I decided he was just teasing me and decided I would tease him by pushing back . 'Just the tip' I thought, 'how could that hurt. ' With his raw cock head penetrating my hole I turned enough to see his face. He winked and bathed me in that stunning seductive smile. Every thought went out of my head and I became pudy just waiting for him to do whatever he wanted. He raised his eyebrows which I interpreted as him daring me and without a thought we both participated in him suddenly being balls deep bareback in my ass. If there was a thought in my mind it was 'fuckin dominate me man, take whatever you want. ' After giving my ass a moment to adjust he leaned into my ear and whispered, "ready?" I just nodded my head and he laid into a powerful doggy style pounding of my ass. I was so engrossed by the fuck that I totally forgot we had no protection. Totally lost track that a stranger was barebacking me for the first time in about 15 years. Twenty minutes of "harder", "deeper" and we were both soaked in sweat and panting like dogs. I motioned for a break and he pulled out of me. I instantly wanted him back in but he had left the room. He returned with a joint and glasses of water. Leaning against the bed head we shared the joint and topped up on water. Our free hands were stocking each other's cocks back to hardness. Soon he was maneuvering my head to line my mouth back up with his cock. Without much thought I gobbled it down. Soon he was lining up to take my ass missionary style and even though I watched his raw cock slide in I didn't protest or resist. I was in fuck heaven, my ass was his to do as he pleased. Besides his magnificent eyes kept me mesmerized. After about twenty minutes he had moved my legs over my shoulders and bent me in half. The full weight of his body pinned me in this awkward position. It hurt a great deal, but even more so I was ecstatic that he was totally in control and claiming me so fully. He'd become a drill press and his big raw cock the bit punching deep inside my very being. One thought dominated my mind by this point. 'I just want to make him cum. ' 'I want to give him the pleasure of an awesome orgasm. ' My excitement and anticipation grew as his breathing grew more and more erratic. One final thrust, he pinned my tortchered body and shot rope after rope deep into my guts. My first raw load in years. I was over the moon! He asked me to stay the night. We spooned with him at my back and quickly fell into a deep sleep. In the wee hours of morning we awoke a couple of times and each time he proceeded to drill press another load deep into my vulnerable guts. He cooked breakfast as I showered. I came down only wrapped in a towel and found him finishing up working only in a short sirong. As we sat across from each other I let my eyes drop from his gorgeous smile and for the first time focused on admiring his slim body. No six pack, but very close. Well defined hairless chest and shoulders but not gym manicured. Only then did I realize he had two black tattoos. The first a simple arrow on the side of his stomach pointing toward his cock. The second a small black plus sign to the left and slightly above his sexy left nipple. I chocked on my coffee. "Ah ... um .... fuck man, is that what I think it is?" "What?" "The tattoo on your chest?" "Si." "You're HIV positive?" "Si" "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" "Why?" "I've got three of your loads in me. You may have infected me!" "Si, didn't you want?" "What the fuck man! What made you think I wanted to be pozed? " "I never hid it, my shirt was open when we met. You came home with me to get fucked, no?" "Yeah, but I hadn't seen the tattoo." "You didn't stop me ... ask for condom." "How long? How long have you been poz?" "Si, quattro " "Four years?" "No months." "Meds?" "No." "Fuck man you could be very toxic!" "Si, very toxic." "Have you infected other guys?" "Si, si, dose" "Did they know it was you?" "Uno si, dose no. We were drunk." "What did he do when he found out?" "Left his wife and had me fuck him again." "And the first guy asked for it?" "Si, si! Begged for it like you. 'Breed me, fuckin breed my ass!' " "I didn't beg for it." "Si, si, second time. And third 'fuckin A man, fuckin knock me up ' begged for my toxic letche. " "Holy fuck man ... no!" Opening his sirong and waving his massive tool he asked "You no want?" All said with that seductive smile and those warm inviting eyes. I was on my knees with his cock deep in my throat in an instant. Next thing I knew I was bent over the breakfast table taking him up my ass. RAW, BAREBACK! This time he had asked before sliding in, "condom?" "Yes" He moved to go get one and was opening the packet as he moved back in behind me. Just as he was about to roll it on I was surprised to hear my voice ... "wait... wait ...why bother? ... fuck me raw, knock me up if you already haven't!" And he did, breeding me several times per day for the next three days 'til I flew home. Two weeks to the day of taking his first toxic loads I was admitted to hospital sick as a dog. Now it was twenty years later and I was going back to celebrate my conversion with style. What better way than to breed and poz some ass. He and his partner had also taken med breaks so they'd be toxic to recharge me; and, as many other negative guys as my three months would permit.
  14. So very fuckin hot! Great writing. Can't wait to hear more
  15. I first saw him at his work. An arts and crafts shop with a fully open front to the Mexican street. He was a 5 foot 8 inch smooth, fit looking Mexican. Very short cropped hair on his handsome round head. Soft warm eyes and a beautiful smile. Very tasteful tattoos adorned his body, fully visible 'cause all he wore was a mini skirt length sarong. I couldn't pass by without checking out his wares more closely. His personality was every bit as attractive as his body. We talked about a couple of pieces of art as his hands seductively brushed my bare arm from time to time. In the course of the conversation he let slip that his boyfriend was out of town for the week and that the next day his assistant would be able to take care of the shop if he were to slip away for a bit. "Maybe 10AM? I love giving message to gringoes like you." He said this as he ran his hand through my thick gray chest hair. I responded " Ten tomorrow morning?" And he confirmed giving me a little kiss on my lips. I spent that evening thinking this must be too good to be true. Convincing myself I put the images of his hot body out of my mind and had a good sleep and pleasant erotic dreams. I awoke with solid morning wood and went on Grinder to see what opportunities might be around. I was delighted and surprised to see that he had checked out my profile within the last fifteen minutes. Hmmm? Telling myself nothing would come of it I had a leisurely breakfast followed by cleaning out and taking a little blue pill at 9AM. About 10:10 I wandered into his shop. His assistant was helping a customer and my new friend was only wearing loose sweat shorts that kept threatening to drop to the floor. He greeted me with a quick kiss and instructed his helper to 'hold the fort for the next 90 minutes or so." Then he asked me to come with him to his place just around the corner. As we walked we made small talk and he told me how much he loved the flexibility of his work. We were soon up a set of stairs and entering his simple one room flat. I expressed my surprise at the message table in the middle of the room and he just smiled and said "I told you gringo." He then gave me a very deep kiss, eagerly accepting my tongue. After a full two minutes he broke it off and told me to strip and climb on the table. I was already fully hard and carefully tucked my eight inches comfortably under my dad tummy. From the start his touch was very light and sensual. Barely touching my skin he did long strokes from my neck down over my bare buttocks and legs. As his hands became more aggressive finding all my knots and expertly worked them out I began to notice how often his soft cock beneath his baggy shorts would bump my hand. I wondered why he didn't just let them fall to the floor, but decided I had been correct the night before writing the invitation off as too good to be true. 'He just wants to give an old guy a message.' Besides, it was a good message, 'don't spoil it with unrealistic expectations' I told myself. I relaxed and almost fell asleep. He was definitely in no hurry. Having thoroughly worked his way down my back and legs he began to focus on my buttocks. I noticed I was fully hard again. He had been using lots of oil all along but I suddenly I realized he was pouring an extra generous amount on my hole ... into my hole. This was followed by fingers messaging my outer ring. I then remembered he'd check out my profile and probably noticed I like to bottom. Sure enough his finger started unabashedly probing into my hole. I had died and gone to heaven. Instinctively my ass rose, I pushed back on his finger and I began to moan. My meaning couldn't be less subtle. He was not put off and stepped up his message of my inner walls. My mind was screaming for him to get out of those damn shorts and just fuck me already, but he was clearly keeping his hardon inside his shorts and blatantly teasing me as he pushed it against my hand. After a few minutes of this anal treatment he disappeared from beside me and I could hear him move to the foot of the table. I then felt him climb up onto the table and he used his naked torso to rub up and down my oily back and bum. I'm surprised I didn't scream; 'Doff those damn shorts and breed me man.' But I didn't! Ugh! Soon he was back beside me working on my neck. Once again he adjusted his stance so his cock was at my hand. Except now there was no mistake, it was a naked cock placed directly into my hand. The shorts were thankfully gone. It was a naked cock enjoying my open fondling. And if I missed noticing on one side he made sure I would notice when he moved to the other side. As he messaged my neck he enjoyed my hand job. It was now time for me to roll onto my back and his shocked saucer eyes told me only one part of my front was going to get attention. As he rubbed oil onto my 8 inches he assured me he'd never seen one so big. (I was glad I'd popped a little blue pill) I expressed my surprise and he assured me he was telling the truth. (I was sure he was lying but enjoyed the compliment too much to protest. ) He gave an expert hand job with extra attention to the head of my cock. I tried to hold back but hadn't cum in two weeks so it wasn't long 'til I was spewing like a volcano. "Too much!" he said, "I've never seen so much!" I was thrilled with this happy ending. He invited me to rest on the table and excused himself to take a leak. I was getting up as he returned and he asked if I wanted a shower, "or maybe we could make out for a while?", he suggested more than asked. We stood and made out kissing and fondling each others cocks. Soon he crouched down and took my member in his mouth. He looked up with eyes seeking permission. When I nodded he took me deep into his throat. I couldn't believe how quickly I felt close to orgasm and gently nudge him off me. He stood and pulled me to his bed. We climbed on the bed and were soon 69 fucking each other's faces with wild abandon. Again he broke it off when I was getting close, spun around and climbed in between my legs. "You want me to fuck you, don't you?" I was already raising my legs. He dove in and ate out my ass like the pro he was. After five minutes of opening me up with tongue and fingers he lined up his raw cock and teased my hole. "You ready?" he asked with a big toothy grin. "Been ready since I saw you in those damn loose shorts it took you so long to get out of." I responded. "Thought so." He said as he plunged all 6 naked inches into me. He instantly had a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams. Impaled to the hilt he gave me a moment to adjust. He then took some popper hits and began a slow and steady fuck. I declined his offer of poppers.(too dangerous with my little blue pill) He steadily kept picking up the pace and was soon pile driving my happy ass. Sweat dripped off his nose into my eyes, face and mouth . His fuck had become animalistic and I just kept my ass up for easy access and egged him on with my eager eyes. "You know I'm about to breed your beautiful gringo ass, right?" he gasped with ragged breath. "Oh Yeah, please ..." He was already pumping me full of spasm after spasm of his fuckin hot load. The convulsions lasted 3 full minutes during which he gasped and gasped like a wounded wild animal. As he began to come back to normal I felt his softening cock slide out of my ass. Totally recovered he scurried up the bed offering his cock for me to clean with my mouth. Before I was finished he was already hardening again and reached down to grasp my big hard cock. As he quickly swiveled to sit on my stomach he said, "My turn, fair is fair." In a flash he was inhaling 3 hits of poppers in each nostril. I got a large enough whiff from my distance. He moved to line his ass up with my cock head and instantly sat down impaling my 8 inches into his fuck shoot. All I really needed to do was lie there as he bounced up and down on my raw pole. Often I will spew my load the moment my naked cock is in a warm hole but this was one of those delicious times it let me delight in holding off to give a lovely long fuck. After five minutes I began to worry I might not be able to climax, the other danger for a versatile bottom that's really mostly bottom. I rolled my gorgeous young Mexican onto his back without even pulling out and took on the aggressive role of piston fucking him. He took more long hits of poppers and more fumes than ever drifted up to me. I felt the rush immediately and insatiably wanting more clamped my mouth onto his. He knew exactly what to do and blew fresh fumes deep into me. My body temperature blasted, my heart raced and my head pounded as my piston fuck almost drove him through the bed and into the shop below. I could hardly hear as he screamed; "Yeah daddy, harder, harder, fuck me harder!" I gasped as I pummeled him; "like this, like this you fuckin fag!" "Oh fuck, yeah daddy, destroy my ass!" With no warning I was pumping my load into him like a turbine set loose. "Fuck yeah daddy, you're breeding my ass. Give it to me! Every last drop, I need it all!" It took us five full minutes to come back to earth. "Fuckin A daddy! That was amazing! You've got to come back tonight." "Uh, really? Why?" "I've got three latino amigos coming over. You've destroyed my ass and they need your daddy ass to breed bareback. You up for them?" "Hell yeah!" "Who knows, I'll probably be ready to drop another load and none of those macho guys will let me near there holes. I can promise you four more loads of leche! You in?" "Fuck yeah, you know what this cum slut daddy needs. I'll be here. "
  16. Friday, eh? Can't wait. Wondering how many poz loads Phil has lined up and what humiliation will precede the GIFT!?
  17. 6 weeks in Mexico and no loads in my ass. FUCK! Sucked down a couple daytime loads in the rocks. Ploughed a couple into some young guys at a couple of night time beach orgies. Had a French buddy fuck a load out of me. I thought he was a top, but turned out he's vers and mostly wanted to ride my naked 8 inches on the many times we were together. 70 year old French Canadian brought me to orgasm twice within 10 minutes of each other, rolled over and told me he wanted to fuck me. I hadn't gone prepared so he settled for me licking his balls and sucking a small load from his cock. Informed me he has little to shoot after his prostate surgery but his orgasms are better than ever. Loved his satisfied smile. If I ever meet him again my ass will be clean and prepared! Best encounter was with a hot young Mexican who gave me a message. It was very erotic from the start as I was pretty sure he was making his semi erection rub my hand through his loose shorts. I knew this was no accident when he started fingering my hole. I was too shy to ask him to fuck and breed me but tried to send a telepathic message. Soon he climbed on the table and rubbed his naked torso up and down my body. After climbing off it was clear he had gotten rid of the shorts as he kept putting his erection in my hand and got harder with my grasping and messaging his 6 inches. Rolling onto my back he commented on my 8 inches and gave me an excellent hand job. Sharing a room I hadn't cum in two weeks so when I ejaculated I shot off like a volcano. His eyes were as big as saucers. Before showering he invited me to make out so we stood kissing and fondling each other's cocks until he came. I hope he's around next winter! I don't plan to be so shy!!!
  18. Can't wait to hear more of your adventures
  19. I've only experienced this once. It was great! I can't wait to be with this guy again.
  20. Very hot! Happy for your good fortune. Hope this is the way 2022 goes for all of us.
  21. I Had a wonderful time getting fucked and bred in a gay campground play area this summer. Mid-afternoon broad daylight. A guy watched the hole thing and apologized when we were leaving. I told him there was no need to apologize. In my head I thought 'other than for not joining in and breeding me after I got the first load.'
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