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About goodfuckm

  • Birthday 04/02/1966

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    I'm the man everyone will think is so normal and clean cut - very preppy - but when needed there's a wicked creative side - fantasy is great, reality if done well, can be fucking amazing. Helping a safe guy to admit they want raw seed in them to love the sleaze and then to then To breed others verbal acceptance as the slam hits and they go on to seduce, breed and convert more of their mates and partners - willingly, corrupted and enjoying skin on skin
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Smooth in shape Twisted pig blonde blue look so fucking sweet but ...bubble butt and thick seven inch cock ....
  • Looking For
    Twisted poz slam fuckers love helping young guys enjoy it and helping hung orders guys to let go and breed and seed

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  1. I have donated to breed, as one of several, to successfully pozing a cute 20 year old twink in London it was was so hot especially after the slam hit him and we licked my biohazard 🙂
  2. I know a lot of guys who have done this one 18 year old porn star in London. And yes he enjoyed it and the money.
  3. My bf is an escort and he loves to introduce his escort friends to bb and breeding and slam - he converts the willing and he’s good at it last night we dumped our poz loads into a safe Brazilian twink who was hard throughout and loved being bred.
  4. Love to play with you and my mate who a cute beg polish working lad who loves to take raw loads behind his bfs back turned him into a chaser

  5. Once the dam breaks and you know you like raw an£ your poz so good to show others what they are hiding from use your dick and ass to breed seed and convert 

    1. Atnrave


      Couldn’t have said it better myself, mate.

  6. Thank you for being you. You are the best ?

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