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Everything posted by Bimarried001

  1. I stated earlier in this tread that when I started cruising as a teenager I would get fucked by men in their 40s to 60s. I never went around yelling out my age but it was obvious that I was not 18. I know a lot has changed since the 80s but if you feel comfortable fucking someone much younger or much older, go for it. If you’re not go for who you are comfortable with
  2. I will take any hard cock willing to fuck me but if given the choice I’d take the young cock any time.
  3. I am over 60 as well and I’ve been barebacking for decades. I took 2 loads as recent as last night. When I was a teenager (starting at 14, 15) I remember older men (40s to 60s) just rushing for me in the x rated theaters where I went for dick. I don’t have that same luxury now but I still get fucked bareback by guys in their 20s to 40s.
  4. Thanks guys. I tested negative for both gono and chlamydia. But I still have that pain in my ass so I will call on Monday to schedule an appointment.
  5. At first I never swallowed. Then one time I was forced to swallow and found that I loved it. I’d say I swallow 80% of the time. Love the thick loads but the watery loads tend to have a sour taste.
  6. Last year my wife and daughters were away to attend a wedding. I had this married guy over for the weekend. He fucked me in one night in each of my daughter’s bed and the last night in me and my wife’s bed. hottest thing was watching him wipe his cock in their dirty panties that we took from the hampers.
  7. I could not answer that survey because my age was not on it. Took (or was given) my first load at age 7 by my uncle.
  8. Can’t say how much I appreciate these responses. I will reach out and see what I should do this week. Thanks.
  9. Thank you so much. I will check this out.
  10. I see guys doing it but never tried it.
  11. Lol. You are all welcome.
  12. 7 by an uncle.
  13. After reading some of these posts I did something different yesterday. I went to my usual fuck spot but inserted a butt plug on the way there. I’m usually tight until I get that first cock. But yesterday that first cock slid in just fine. So I will make this my new routine. But once I take that first cock and or load I can take 14” with ease.
  14. For me it’s smooth smooth smooth. Men, women, boy or girl. I like smooth every where on everyone.
  15. Sometimes after I get to know someone and we’re having a conversation I would bring it up. It may not even be someone that fucked me. It may be something this simple. Hey, I notice that you fuck raw. Just curious if you are poz or on prep. To make the answer easier I would that I’m poz but undetectable. You’d be surprised how many that are poz are anxious to have the discussion. But as far as before fucking with someone, I always assume they are poz. I do mostly random guys in public venues so I don’t see most of the guys that are fucking me.
  16. I applaud you for that. And it’s true. I like smooth pussy when I’m with girls and I love my men to be shaved. Pubes and ass. But it’s not a deal breaker if they are not.
  17. I am tight. Doesn’t matter how many years I’ve been getting fucked. But once I’m take that first cock I become loose for the rest. My hole is nice and smooth. Sorry for those that like hairy ass. I keep mine baby smooth.
  18. Thank you guys. These advice are very much appreciated.
  19. I am a married dl bottom that shares a primary physician with my wife. I’ve been having pain in my rectum and the last time I got fucked I had a lot of bleeding. Would like to discuss with a doctor who may have a better understanding of gay life. Anyone has any suggestions?
  20. My first time bareback was just called sex. Back in the 70s and 80s condom was not a normal practice for gay sex. HIV/AIDS changed that.
  21. I was raped repeatedly from age 7 to 12 by my uncle and his wife. It did not have a bad effect on me. Not sure why. But it was something that happened, I know it happened and I manage to move on. Sorry to hear from those that had problems dealing with it.
  22. how about just saying, asking what you want.
  23. Yeah, I don’t mind guys sucking my cock but I don’t want to fuck them. I love sucking girls cock so I’m sure you get a good share of head.
  24. Interesting to read this. I’m from NYC and I cannot believe that there is one adult that go to the gay theater I go to that does not know the risks. Now, they may not know about undetectable and all the different std/sti but they know the risk of sticking their cock in raw ass. Especially random guys. I’m not lucky enough to run in to those high school kids but even they should know the risk.
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