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  1. For the tops out there, if you were to go to a mass breeding event. What do you look for? What makes a hole appealing to you? Do you like vocal bottoms? ETC?
  2. I use Hims.com They are efficient. I had no trouble getting the order placed and just put it on a cc.
  3. I am going to a Horsemarket in March. There will be a choice of places to get fucked. Sling, bed, bench. That is why I am asking. Seems like the bed/table is a good spot to start.
  4. How do most tops like to fuck their bottoms? With them kneeling? In a sling? Or on their backs on a bed or the floor?
  5. I got a ticket for the Las Vegas event in March. I am very excited.
  6. I bought my ticket to the HM SF event. I am very excited about going. The whole idea of being hooded with hole available in a room full of tops is a fantasy come true.
  7. The first guy to fuck me was a much younger guy. Small dick but he knew how to use it. I was a total top to that point. He was very persitent in getting me to let him fuck me. Once I learned the pleasures of being a bottom, I started wanting it. After I stopped seeing him I started looking for men that were tops. It took a few years for a total conversion but now I am a total bottom.
  8. I can not think of anything hotter than taking a load in a totally dark room. I don't want to see the guy. I don't want to talk to him. I want him to finger my ass, see that I am ready to take him and have him stick his cock in.
  9. If you were in the position to go anywhere, any city or country. As a bottom where would you go to find the most tops wanting to fuck?
  10. It seems that Gran Canaria has an abundance of dark rooms. I think I will plan a trip there soon. I went to a nearby bath house advertising a "blackout night" they had the attendees wear a glow in the dark wristband that indicated their top or bottom preference by color. The damn things put off so much light that it was not even dark. Not to mention that the bottom to top ratio was about 8 to 1 so a total waste of time.
  11. I will be in Sydney next month for a week. Staying near 357 Steam but I am wondering where the best action will be for a mature fit bottom.
  12. I would'nt call it ugly, but dicks where the head is very small with no noticeable ridge is not attractive to me. Especially if they are uncut.
  13. I never have an issue getting fucked in a bathhouse/sauna. The last time I went I had about 15 good solid fucks. I am older but in good shape. On the apps, I hook up every now and then but not often. Typically it is someone driving through and they want to stop for a quick fuck and then go. Almost with out exception they are way younger than me. Most likely married. I have basically stopped bothering with the apps. If I want to get fucked I just get in the car and go to the bathhouse. There is park nearby that is pretty active but mostly for oral. I go there if there is nothing else to do.
  14. My nipples are hardwired to my dick. I don't find very many men that will give them the attention that I want.
  15. the biggest dick I have ever had was on a guy that was about 5'2" tall, probably weighed 120 lbs and his dick was 11" if it was an inch. On the other hand, I am 6'3" wear a size 13 shoe. My index finger is shorter than my ring finger. I have big hands. And a very avg dick.
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