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About joeri

  • Birthday 06/09/1983

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    dominant male tops, chems, ...
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  1. Part 1 Intro and beginning Nico has been Tony's slave for years, they had met when Nico was still married to his wife at a party of mutual friends. Nico was 24 y at that time and had already become a father at a young age as he had a son of 5 y, Tony was 30 at that time. They had gotten talking that night and Tony who is a dominant bear and pozz master had immediately fallen under the spell of Nico's appearance and wanted to transform him into his pozz live-in slave. Tony who radiated all male dominance had many loose contacts but did not yet have a permanent resident slave and Nico looked just perfect. Only he was straight and was married. But that didn't stop Tony from taking his chance anyway. After the first contact at the party, he made sure they became close friends with no more. Once the bond was established and his wife also accepted him as her husband's friend, Tony could begin his plan to transform Nico. He invited Nico to a boys' weekend at his weekend house in the woods. Nico, of course, didn't say no to that. Who would say no to a men's weekend without women. But that weekend turned Nico's life completely upside down, because Tony had serious plans for Nico. The first night Tony still put his feelers out Nico who was unaware of Tony's intentions and Tony realized that Nico needed a bigger push to be transformed. The second night Tony hit his target, in a subtle way he drugged Nico, allowing him to begin Nico's transformation that night, that night was also the first night Nico had received a cock both in his mouth and in his ass. After that weekend Nico was completely confused because all that had happened on the men's weekend he had not expected at all and he was completely in knots with himself. He broke off contact with Tony and tried to put the weekend out of his mind, but to no avail. The event had changed him and had awakened something in him and after a few weeks Nico contacted Tony again. Tony had given Nico some time to process everything, but was waiting for Nico to contact him back. Because he knew Nico would come back to him for more. Nico met with Tony and told him he didn't know what was going on with him since that weekend. He could no longer have sex with his wife without thinking about Tony and how it felt to feel his cock in his ass. Tony knew he had Nico where he wanted him. Tony told him that he wanted to help him with his feelings and that he wanted him to bring out his true nature. Although Nico was apprehensive about this, he agreed to explore his feelings further. Tony taught him the pleasures of male love and of submissive life as a slave. He also introduced him to Miss Tina, G, K It wasn't long before he was completely upside down with Tony and he was addicted to cock, cum and Miss Tina. Tony then presented him with a choice, either stop what they were doing, or Nico divorced his wife, and he came to live with him as his slave. Tony would have complete control over him, and Tony would then also make him Pozz as he should be at his new status as a full-fledged slut and slave. Nico needed some time to reflect because it was it would be a very drastic change in his life. It was not only leaving his wife and child but also becoming pozz. Tony gave Nico some time to sort everything out and make his choice and Tony decided that he didn't want to see Nico until he made his decision. Nico was once again in a knot with himself and for the first few days did not know what to do. Things were also going downhill at home because his wife also felt that something was wrong and that something had changed in their relationship. Nico longed more and more for Tony. He wanted to be with him, to be able to serve him and to be indulged by his heavenly cock. One evening when the little one was in his bed, Nico sat down next to his wife and confessed everything, telling of all that had happened with Tony and how he longed for Tony. He also said that he had filed for divorce and that he was going to live with Tony. That same evening Nico left for Tony and when he got there he showed him the divorce papers and told him that he had chosen him and that he wanted to give his life to him and become his pozz slave. Tony let him in and turned Nico into a real slave, he shaved Nico completely, caged his cock, and infected him with his toxic seed that very night. For Tony had specifically stopped his medication and had become contagious again so that he could engage his future slave. Nico's life looked completely different. Before, he could go wherever he wanted. But since his decision, that had completely changed. Now he was only allowed to do what his master told him to do. He was allowed to go to work, run errands and come home. If he wanted to do other things he needed Tony's permission to do so. Nico had no trouble accepting his new life and felt good in his new role. Regularly they went out and Nico was lent to Tony's masters friends, or gang bang sessions were held at home with Nico offering his pussy to the group. When Nico's divorce was finalized, he saw his wife and child again for the first time. His wife was shocked to see him because Nico was completely transformed. It was a different man standing in front of her. Custody was completely for his ex-wife and Nico had to pay her child support every month until his son turned 18 y. That was also the last time Nico saw both his wife and his son. Because Nico was now fully absorbed in his new life. So this story is not about Nico's transformation because we could be very brief about that. The story starts 14 y later. Nico heard the doorbell, although he was not expecting anyone he went to the door and looked to see who was ringing. He looked somewhat surprised and also somewhat intrigued when he saw in front of his door the back of a young man carrying a suitcase. The boy turned around and Nico's eyes began to twinkle when he saw the handsome young apparition. N: can I help you young man. Dylan: hello dad Nick's mouth fell open, he hadn't expected this at all. N: uh, Dylan D: yes dad it's me. Can I come live here for a while mom threw me out. Nick was completely floored. That handsome figure in his doorway was none other than his son whom he had not seen for 14 years. It had to be him because you could see the similarities to both his mother and him. N: Euh, yes come in for a moment son. T: Who is that honey. N: My son. Nico took Dylan into the living room, Dylan sat down at the table and Nico came and sat across from him. N: Man you have grown up big time. A grin appeared on Dylan's face. D: Yeah little boys grow up dad Nico couldn't take his eyes off his handsome son. Deep down he was proud that he had brought such a handsome young man into the world. N: tell me what happened that your mother threw you out. D: to make a long story short, things hadn't been going well between us for a long time, and the arrival of her new boyfriend didn't do much good to that. Two days ago we had a fight and then she threw me out. N: ok, and how did you end up here. D: I had seen your address on one of the bank statements once when you were still paying child support. N: ok I get it and you thought I'll go check with my father to see if I can crash there for a while. D: something like that yeah. N: do you have a plan? Are you going to work already, or are you still going to study. D: I don't really have a plan no. I'm not going to continue studying. If you can help me get a job, I won't say no to that. But right now I mainly need a roof over my head. N: I don't know if I will be able to help you son. I don't know if you know my situation, but this is not my home. I live here but I am not alone and I don't know if my partner will be ok with this. N: honey can you come over here for a moment. Tony who had been sitting in the kitchen listening to the conversation between father and son entered the living room. Dylan did hear from his mother that his father had left her for a man. Because when she talked about his father, she always talked about sissy or fag or brown-noser. Still, Dylan was startled by the Tony's appearance. Dylan always had an image of an effeminate man before him that his father had left for. But Tony was completely the opposite. Tony was a head taller than himself, hugely muscular, had a shaved head and looked dominant. Not the type you would expect him to be gay, let alone laugh with. Should you run into him in a dark alley you would rather hope he didn't knock you around. Dylan gulped for a moment after getting a good look at Tony. Tony came up behind Nico and put his hands on Nico's shoulders. The way Tony took hold of his father's shoulders was a little odd to Dylan. It was like Tony was above his father and his father was subordinate to him. T: tell me. N: this is my son Dylan and he is looking for a place to live for a while because he was thrown out by my ex. T: and he wants to come and live here I suppose. Dylan started blushing and nodded. N: yeah that's actually the question. Tony looked at Dylan for a moment and already saw the possibilities but didn't let his hand look into . T: you know your father and I are gay and I fuck your father in his pussy almost daily. Dylan was startled by the harsh way Tony spoke and he nodded. T: do you have a problem with that boy. D: no T: didn't you learn any manners from your mother boy. Surely I won't have to re-educate you like I once did with your father. Nico sat somewhat uncomfortably shifting in his chair. Although he and Tony actually had a good normal relationship he was still Tony's sub and was used to Tony's dominant side, it still made him feel weird to have to share this with his son. D: sorry, no sir. T: So you won't have a problem with hearing your father moan when I fuck him or seeing or hearing us doing it. Because your dad worships my dirty cock NIco although looking a little uncomfortable still closed his eyes and bit his lip in horniness at hearing the word cock. D: no sir. T: and you're not going to hold back because your son lives here bitch. Nico turned red in his face as the big word was out. Nico hesitated for a moment. T: well, do you have to think about that for so long. N: sorry sir, no sir I won't hold back. T: well then. Then I see no reason why your son can't come and live here for a while. T: if you help out in the household and don't lie here lounging all day then you can stay here until you can stand on your own two feet. D: thank you sir. I'll make sure I don't cause any trouble. T: it is to be hoped. Dylan felt a huge burden fall off his shoulders, but also had a strange feeling about the whole situation. Although he was still a virgin himself, he had watched enough porn to know that his father was Tony's sub and could already get a good idea of what the two of them were doing. N: May I show him his room honey. T: You may. Give him the room next to the toilet. Nico looked strangely at Tony for a moment and then nodded. N: come Dylan follow me then I'll show you where you can sleep. Nico took Dylan to his room and then left Dylan alone so he could unpack his clothes. N: when you are ready and have calmed down for a while you just have to come to the kitchen ok. D: ok thank you Nico sent a message to the nr he still had from his ex hoping she still had the same nr to let them know their son was with them. Almost immediately he got a message back that it was good to know he was with him. Nico was actually looking forward to getting to know his son better because he hadn't seen him for years he didn't really know anything about his son. Dylan came downstairs and sat down with his father. The first moments were a little awkward but after a few hours they both felt like it had never been any different. After all, Nico was his father and the blood bond made everything go very naturally. For the first few days Dylan did hear when Tony fucked his father. But somewhere he realized that this was not everything and that they were probably still holding back so as not to scare him directly. Dylan slept at the end of the hallway, the room just off the toilet, and across from his room there was another room, but it was locked. He had an inkling, but did not ask himself further questions of what was in the room. As the first week drew to a close and Dylan was already feeling right at home, Tony mentioned at the table in the evening that a group of men would be coming this weekend to have a sex party. T: so you have 3 options, 1 you make sure you're not here then you shouldn't have to face it. 2 you stay here and you stay in your room, you don't care and we leave each other alone or 3 you stay here and you join in. The choice is yours. Dylan was startled for a moment and didn't know what to do. It was already 1 thing to live with his father and his master and hear them busy sometimes but a group of men who would come here for a weekend to fuck, he didn't know if he was ready for that yet. But what choice did he have, he had no money to spend the weekend somewhere else nor did he have a car he could get away with or friends he could visit. So he was doomed to stay in his room for the weekend. D: since I have no money or can go away I will stay in my room if you don't mind. T: it's up to you, I've warned you. Things will be brisk and we are not going to hold back because you are here. Got it. And if you feel like coming along and offering your ass you are certainly welcome. Dylan was still impressed by Tony's tough talk and dominance. But he nodded affirmatively. He was also startled by the last thing Tony told him, to offer his ass. That was the last thing on his mind. It was one thing to live with his gay father and stepfather and hear them busy but getting his own ass fucked, never. By noon the next day the bell rang. Both his father and Tony were nowhere to be seen, so Dylan opened the door. Dylan was startled when he saw the two men standing there, one had a leather suit on and the other was half naked and had a harness on, around his neck was a collar to which a chain was attached and when Dylan looked a little lower he saw that the submissive of the two only had a jockstrap on. Dylan had to swallow for a moment. D: come on in Tony and my dad will be here right away. Master 1: Your dad, said the unknown master. I didn't know Tony's slave had a son. The man inspected Dylan with his eyes and when he stepped inside he squeezed Dylan's shoulder. M: You're welcome to join us. Will you join us later Dylan replied as fast as he could. D: no, I'm not joining. I'm living here temporarily until I can stand on my own two feet. M: that's very unfortunate. I would have liked to fuck your cunt open otherwise. Dylan turned red in his face and had to swallow again. Tony came out of the living room and that was the signal for Dylan to disappear. Dylan went to his room locked the door, took out his headphones and started watching some series on the laptop his father had given him. This weekend couldn't be over soon enough he thought to himself. After a few episodes, Dylan took off his headphones for a moment to hear if the party had started and he couldn't believe his ears. He heard the sound of flesh slapping against each other, the sound of someone getting chatter, moans, lots of moans. The moans came from everywhere and there had to be at least 10 people busy with each other. He also heard someone shouting blow nice clouds, slam him and also heard someone shouting take my dirty babies slut. Dylan put the head phone back on as fast as he could and tried to forget all he had heard, but he couldn't. The sound haunted his mind and intrigued him. Although he had a slight distaste for what his father was doing, yet there was something inside him that wanted to know what was going on outside. At first he tried to suppress it but after a few hours he could no longer suppress his curiosity. Again he took off his headphones and turned them off. He heard nothing or at least almost nothing. Would the party be over already he thought. Dylan carefully opened his door. The room door in front of him was also open and his mouth fell open. It was a fully furnished room and in the room there were 3 men. One was lying tied up in a sling his ass looked red and there was something black in his ass. Another was lying tied over a couch and a machine was pushing a dildo up his ass the whole time and another was hanging from a crotch and was full of clothespins. All 3 men were blindfolded and had a ball in their mouths and they were definitely under the influence of drugs because all they did was moan lightly. She didn't even notice that Dylan had carefully entered the room. There was a pungent smell in the room that Dylan couldn't bring home, because he had never had sex before, he couldn't know that this was the typical smell that sex brings, although he was a little in shock from what he had just seen, yet somewhere the smell excited him. Dylan heard that the others were in the living room and chatting. As quickly as he could, he went first to the bathroom and then carefully made his way to the kitchen, hoping no one would hear him. When he got to the kitchen no one was there and he could now clearly hear the others busy in the living room. He heard 5 different voices. But surely there had to have been other people there because he heard someone shouting, suck bitch and swallow my dirty load. Dylan could not believe his ears and quickly took something to drink and wanted to go back to his room, but at that moment his father came into the kitchen. Dylan was startled because his father was completely naked, outside of a suit of armor and his penis cage. Dylan had not seen his father like this before. He was obviously also under the influence of drugs because his eyes were wide open and he had a hazy look. D: sorry dad, I will go back to my room soon. Nico winked at his son, he looked at his sons crotch and bit his lower lip. N: it looks like your cock wants to be sucked too. Dylan looked a little funny at his father because he didn't immediately know what he meant and then looked down and noticed that his dick had been causing a serious tent in his boxer shorts the whole time. Dylan was embarrassed and hurried back to his room and locked the door again. Not much later, he heard the men coming into the playroom again to begin the next session. Dylan noticed that his cock was starting to get stiff again. Although he was still shocked, yet for some reason it had to excite him. Again he heard the men say terms like blow clouds and give him a slam. Dylan could no longer contain himself and searched the Internet for what the terms meant. It wasn't long before he knew what the terms meant and what drugs they were using. Again, Dylan was in shock, but for some reason he still felt something welling up deep inside. Dylan tried to sleep and repress the thoughts he was having. It didn't work at first but after more than an hour of turning and turning in his bed, he did find sleep. When he woke up at noon the next day it was completely quiet in the house. Would everyone be gone he wondered. He came out of his room and the playroom was closed again, his father and Tony's room was also closed and when he came into the living room he saw the devastation the others had left behind. There were bottles of getorade everywhere, small bags of grit from crystals, there were some used syringes and pipes lying around and Dylan had to watch that he didn't walk into piss or semen spots. After first recovering from the deguttering, he began cleaning up. After an hour of cleaning up, Tony came in who was still visibly recovering from the hot night. Without thinking about it, he put his hand on the head of Dylan who was bent over and mopping the floor. T: Good boy He squeezed his shoulders and gave him a kiss on the back. Dylan was startled by Tony's touch and kiss, and somewhere, for the first time, he felt something strange happening in his stomach, something he couldn't place at that moment and wasn't paying attention to yet. The days passed, and since the party, the gloves were now completely off as far as sex between Tony and Dylan's father was concerned. They were no longer holding back at all and Dylan no longer only heard them engaged at various times he had seen them engaged. Not that Dylan was peeking but one night their bedroom door was open and Dylan passed their room, looked in and he saw Tony fucking his father's ass firmly. Dylan was no longer shocked, it was actually his new normal and he was also beginning to be more and more impressed with Tony's masculine and muscular body. Tony was fairly hairy, was nicely muscled and had a fair number of tattoos on his body. His father, on the other hand, was completely clean-shaven and also had a large tattoo on his lower back but Dylan couldn't really tell what it was exactly. After 2 weeks Dylan was completely settled into his father's household he knew his chores, and he and Tony began to build a good relationship as well. Dylan saw the Friday night packing a valise and asked what was going on. N: Tony has promised a master friend that I will come to serve him this weekend. So you will be here alone with Tony this weekend. Dylan didn't look surprised anymore, because he had already seen that other men were coming by to serve Tony with them. D: ah ok, have fun. I'll manage with Tony. His father left and Dylan was left alone with Tony. In the evening after they ate dinner, Dylan and Tony sat together in the couch. Tony poured him a beer and also took one for Dylan. T: Here boy, do me a favor and have a drink with me so I don't have to drink alone. Dylan had never drunk before, but didn't want to disappoint Tony and accepted the beer. They clinked their bottles together and Dylan took his first sip of the beer. It didn't taste so bad, he thought. The evening progressed and so did the number of beers they both had in. After the fourth beer, Dylan began to feel it fairly well. Tony came back from the kitchen and gave Dylan his fifth pint. D: I think this will be my last one because I am starting to feel it pretty well. T: I think I better stop after this too because after my fifth beer I always start to feel the need for sex and since your father isn't here I don't have a pussy to pump my load into. Dylan again felt that strange itch rising in his belly and as he was already starting to get a little tipsy, his barriers and inhibitions began to disappear a little. D: does my dad have a nice pussy to fuck. Tony began to laugh. T: do I have to talk to you about your father's pussy boy. Dylan turned red. D: sorry, that was not the intention. T: be careful what you ask boy before you know it I will be horny as hell and ram my cock into your cunt. Dylan didn't respond and looked shyly at the ground. Tony caught Dylan's eye and saw that something had changed in the boy. No way, he thought. Tony stood up, went to the cabinet and took out a pipe and filled it with crystals. T: I'm going to blow some clouds boy. D: No problem, it's your house, I'm just a guest here. T: That's right kid. Tony lit the lighter and started melting the crystals, he sucked in the fumes, held it in for a moment and then blew a fat white cloud into the room. Tony saw that Dylan was watching with fascination. T: hmmm that feels nice. Nothing like a little Tina to relax nicely. Tony lit the lighter again and blew another nice cloud. Again he saw Dylan watching what he was doing. T: is there something boy. D: no sir, sorry to look but it's fascinating. T: is that so. Do you want to try it maybe. D: I don't know. I don't smoke and have no experience with drugs. T: there's nothing to it you know. It will calm you down, you'll get into a buzz you'll get a little more active and who knows you might like the experience you get from it. Dylan's inhibitions had subsided as reasonable because of the beers and the idea of trying this did excite him a bit. D: yeah maybe, maybe I should give it a try. Tony felt the devil in him coming to the surface. Could he dump his load into a cunt tonight after all and maybe create a new slave. T: come sit next to me boy and I'll teach you how to blow your first cloud. Dylan stood up feeling the effect the alcohol was already having on his body and sat down next to Tony. Tony handed him the pipe and put his hand on Dylan's leg. Dylan looked at Tony with his glassy eyes T: place the pipe against your lips, I will melt the crystals and when enough fumes are formed you may then suck it up and keep it inside as long as possible. Tony saw that Dylan was trying to listen to what he was saying. T: I will tell you when to suck up and when to blow out okay. D: ok Tony started melting the crystals and when enough fumes were formed he gave the signal to Dylan. T: yeah now suck it up boy. Slow and deep inhale. Tony saw that Dylan was following his instructions well T: good boy. You are a natural and now keep it in. T: feel the warmth coming over you. Dylan nodded. Tony counted to 10 T: now you can blow out Dylan blew the fumes back out of his lungs and watched as a thick white cloud came out of his mouth. T: and boy that felt nice, didn't it. Dylan felt a little tingle in his body and he got a little warmer. D: yeah it does feel nice yeah. T: let's blow another one. From 3 clouds you will start to feel the effect. Dylan nodded again. Tony lit the lighter again and started melting the crystals again. Dylan again followed Tony's instructions and blew his second and third cloud into the room. Dylan felt how his head began to spin more how he got warmer and how he also became more excited. Tony's hand by now had also moved more upward toward Dylan's crotch and he was holding him tighter as well. T: fuck boy, you really are a natural. T: do you like it, do you want to blow another cloud. Dylan's inhibitions disappeared like snow in the sun and the tickle in his belly had multiplied with every cloud he blew as well. Although he didn't really know why or what it meant he suddenly felt a huge attraction to Tony. He looked deep into Tony's eyes with a naughty and slightly longing look. Tony had seen it immediately, but held back for a moment. D: yeah I think so. T: will you be able to do it yourself? I'm going to get something to drink first. D: I think so, will you bring something soda for me. No more beer for me. T: that's fine boy, you blow some clouds. I'll go get something to drink. Dylan took the lighter and started melting the crystals. Tony got up and went to the kitchen where he prepared a bottle of getorade for Dylan. As Tony added the dose of G to the bottle he felt his cock stiffen in his pants. For he knew that tonight he was going to create a new slave and probably a pozz slave too because he had stopped his medication for several weeks because a pozzing party was scheduled in a few weeks. The sound of the lighter turning back on in the living room made Tony increasingly horny and he already took off his T-shirt and then went back to the living room. There he saw that Dylan was just blowing out his cloud. T: hmmm that looks great boy. Here drink some of this and you'll feel a little better. Dylan took the bottle and took a good gulp of it, he was already fairly flying and saw that Tony was no longer wearing a T-shirt. T: Do you mind that I took off my T-shirt. I had gotten way too hot from the booze. D: no way, I actually got very hot too T: take off your T-shirt too. We are men among men here. Dylan took off his shirt and his eyes were already fairly spinning in his head and couldn't take his eyes off Tony's naked torso. D: You have such a beautiful body, did you know that. T: thank you boy. T: just drink your bottle empty that you stay hydrated. Dylan drank the bottle and couldn't take his eyes off Tony's naked chest. T: would you like to feel my chest. Dylan's eyes began to twinkle. D: may I. T: sure, I'm your stepfather. Dylan put his hands on Tony's firm pecs. D: fuck man, you muscles are like a block of concrete. Tony started grinning. T: years of training boy. Would you like to have muscles like that too. Dylan looked into Tony's eyes again D: yeah actually I do yeah. T: then I will personally train you until you also have muscles like mine. Tony took the pipe again and placed it against his lips and blew a cloud into the room. Then he signaled to Dylan if he wanted another puff. Dylan took the pipe and took another deep draw of the Tina into his lungs. T: good boy. T: want to try something new boy. Dylan's inhibitions were almost completely gone and without thinking about it he said yes T: do you know what a shotgun is. D: no T: I suck from the pipe and then I place my lips on yours and blow the cloud into your mouth. Dylan felt his whole body tingle and with a shy look he nodded to Tony. D: ok Tony took the pipe back, melted the kirstallen and sucked the fumes. Then he took hold of Dylan's head and gently placed his lips on Dylan's. Dylan got even warmer inside when he felt Tony's lips on his. When he felt Tony blow he sucked the smoke into his lungs. He felt his head start to spin even more and didn't immediately realize that Tony had put his tongue in his mouth and started kissing him. The kiss was very short, but long enough to completely release the desire in Dylan. Dylan blew the cloud into the room. T: sorry boy, I know you are not into men but you are way too hot and I just got way too horny. D: it is not a big deal, it was nice. Tony took hold of Dylan's head and looked deep into his eyes. T: do you want more boy, I certainly wouldn't mind because you make me extremely horny. You have been making me horny since you came in here. Dylan closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, he was already flying so high and the intoxication he was in got an extra layer because the G was already starting to do its job too. D: oh yeah, I want more. I can't stop it anymore. T: good boy. Tony took Dylan's head even tighter and pushed his lips back on Dylan's and began kissing him more firmly. Dylan felt himself slipping completely under the influence of this dominant male who was kissing him. Dylan started moaning lightly, Tony started fondling Dylan's body and stopped kissing him and started licking and nibbling his nipples. Dylan didn't know what was happening to him. This was completely new to him and he wanted to make Tony stop but Tony's dominant side came out, he pushed Dylan down in the seat and took a firm hold of his arms so he couldn't do anything. T: You are mine boy. Do as I say and I'll teach you what pleasure is. D: oh yeah, oh fuck yeah. Dylan was completely ecstatic. Tony was licking him all over his body and occasionally he would come back up and kiss him. Tony was now coming up with his chest hanging over Dylan's face. T: lick my nipples boy. Let me enjoy your tongue and mouth too. The sweaty man smell penetrated Dylan's nose and gave him an extra boost of horniness he had never experienced before. With his hands, he began caressing Tony's muscular body, and he opened his mouth and began licking his nipples. He rubbed Tony's various tattoos and looked at the different symbols that prided themselves on his body. D: such beautiful tattoos sir. T: I know boy and if you do your best I can make sure you might earn one like these too. Tony got out of the seat and came to stand in front of Dylan. Tony pulled Dylan straight so that he too was out of the seat. Dylan felt for the first time the full effect of the chems coursing through his body. Tony held him tightly because otherwise Dylan would have just fallen over and started kissing him again. T: fuck boy you make me so fucking horny. T: do you want me to stop or d: no don't stop. T: If you want to go on, then I won't be able to hold back anymore and I guess I won't be able to stop and you'll have to do what I say. Understood. Because you make me way too horny. D: yeah I understand. Tony took Dylan's hands and put them on his crotch so Dylan would feel his stiff big fat pole. T: you're sure huh, because this is what you do to me. This cock will want to squirt a load and it won't happen by looking at it. Dylan looked at Tony with a naughty horny longing and timid look. D: yeah I'm sure. I will do anything you ask and command me. Do to me as you do to my Daddy. I am completely yours. T: good boy. Tony started kissing him again and then pushed him to his knees. Tony took hold of Dylan's head and pushed his face against his fly. T: feel how horny you make me boy. Tony's swollen and stiff fat cock pushed against his face and Dylan didn't know what hit him. Because deep inside he wanted to smell, feel and taste that cock. D: hmmm yeah. I want to feel it. T: talking with two words boy. If you want to serve me you will have to address me with dignity, understood. Dylan was already fully under Tony's influence, and had already fully accepted him as his superior. D: hmmm, sorry sir. May I feel your cock sir. T: that's better boy. Just open my pants and release my cock so you can feel and admire it. Dylan undid the button of the jeans and carefully pulled them down. Tony had no underwear on so his fat and big cock jumped directly into Dylan's face. Dylan heaved a sigh of admiration as the cock slapped against his face. Full of wonder he looked at the cock, he had seen several cocks in the showers of the sports club, but had never seen such a big and fat one that was also stiff. After admiring the cock for a moment he looked at Tony to hear what he could do. T: take hold of it with your hands boy and just feel what power is in my cock. Dylan took hold of him and was shocked at the thickness of Tony's cock. Because when he held it he noticed that his fingers did not touch the palm of his hand and there was still at least 1.5 inches of slack. D: oh fuck sir, your dick is so fucking big. Tony grinned. T: would you like to taste all this brute power boy. Dylan nodded. T: good boy. Then open your mouth and let my glans slide into your mouth. Dylan moved closer with his face to Tony's cock and opened his mouth. His lips touched Tony's glans and for the first time he tasted what a cock tasted like. Dylan closed his eyes and let out a slight moan. T: That's it boy. Let that glans slide into your mouth. Dylan let the glans slide into his mouth and when it touched his tongue he tasted for the first time the pre-cum leaking from Tony's cock. Again Dylan let out a moan of pleasure. Dylan had a full taste and let the cock slide deeper into his mouth and over his tongue until his mouth was completely filled. T: hmmmm yeah, that's it boy. Worship my cock just like your daddy. Tony still quietly took hold of Dylan's head and stroked him through his hair. Tony wasn't allowed to get too rough just yet or he might cause the boy to freeze. Tony let the boy enjoy cock in his mouth for a moment and let him play with it as he pleased. Tony noticed that the boy had absolutely no technique or experience, but he would teach him that. After letting Dylan play with his cock for a while he straightened him out, pulled him close to him and kissed him. T: Not bad boy for a first time. Do you like my fat cock in your mouth boy. Dylan nodded T: I don't hear you boy. D: yes sir. I never thought this would be so tasty. T: hmmmm, I like to hear that boy. I'll teach you a lot more so you can enjoy cock even more. Would you like that boy D: hmmm yeah D: I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel so turned on sir. I would like to touch your body all the time. I think I feel horny sir and don't know what to do with it. Tony looked Dylan straight in the eyes and saw how his pupils had widened and how his eyes were spinning in his eye sockets. T: I do know what we can do about that. Follow me boy. T: first we are going to take a shower together that we are clean. Dylan followed Tony to the bathroom and there they took off all their clothes. Tony turned on the shower and to Dylan's great surprise his own cock was completely limp and shriveled. Tony saw Dylan's reaction T: it doesn't matter that your dick is limp boy. That just confirms that you are a true bottom slave. Should your cock be stiff after using Miss Tina your cock would still be hard and stiff just like mine. True bottom sluts have a soft cock because they don't need it. All the pleasure will be in your pussy for you boy and you do want to have pleasure in your pussy huh boy. Dylan looked at Tony with glassy eyes and licked his lips wet and nodded affirmatively. Tony looked at Dylan and inspected his naked body. He saw that there was some hair on Dylan's chest and ass and that his cock was also well provided with pubic hair. T: now I don't feel like doing this right now but later I will clean you up a bit so you will look a little more posh for me boy. Dylan let out a moan Tony took hold of Dylan and pulled him under the hot water of the shower where he began kissing and licking him back. Tony put his hands on Dylan's virgin ass and squeezed his butt cheeks firmly. T: hmmmmm, I've been looking at this ass for weeks and now I finally get to squeeze it. Dylan let out a moan of pleasure and licked Tony's neck. T: do you like it boy. Do you like it when I touch your ass. D: yes sir. T: are you going to offer your virgin ass to me boy later. T: and let your virgin ass be filled with my cock and cum. Dylan looked at Tony bit his lower lip and nodded and moaned as Tony pulled the jaws of his ass open and stroked his finger along his virgin sphincter. D: hmmm yeah. I want you to be my first sir. T: good boy. Look at my cock how it's getting even harder from you. You make me horny as hell boy. Tony took the soap and sensually soaped Dylan. Then he licked every place he had soaped and washed off. Tony now soaped Dylan's cock and when it was rinsed off he took it his mouth for a moment, Dylan closed his eyes and for the first time enjoyed a warm mouth around his cock, although it also remained limp. Still, it was a unique experience for Dylan. Then Tony came back upright he pushed Dylan against the wall and kissed him passionately. He turned Dylan around and pushed him face down against the wall. T: spread your legs boy. Dylan did as asked and Tony took soap in his hands and first soaped his ass and then he slid his hands to his sphincter and gently soaped that too. Tony watched as Dylan enjoyed the first touch that his future pussy received. Nothing as beautiful and horny as a virgin experiencing for the first time the sensation his pussy can offer him thought Tony. Tony saw that the boy was changed by this moment and would never want to be anything but a hole to be fucked. As the soap washed off his sphincter Tony went through his knees and gently pulled the jaws of Dylan's ass open and buried his face in it and began licking Dylan's sphincter. Dylan didn't know what was happening to him and started moaning loudly with pleasure and enjoying every moment that Tony's tongue was licking his pussy. D: holy shit, this is heavenly sir. T: I know boy. But I need to rinse your ass first before we can continue. T: stay put I take my enema. Tony took his enema that was always ready filled with a potent dose of chempiss and a bucket. T: don't be scared boy, I will inject this and you keep this in you until I say you can push it out, got it. Dylan nodded and he felt his a thin rod being pushed into his ass and a liquid being injected into his ass. Dylan closed his eyes and listened to what Tony told him to do. After holding up the fluid for a moment and getting a little warmer inside again, Tony told him he could let it come out. Tony held the bucket under Dylan's ass and he let the fluid squirt out of his ass. Tony repeated this several more times until the fluid was completely clear coming out of Dylan's ass. T: That's it boy. Tony took the soap again and soaped Dylan's ass again. Dylan began to fly higher and higher, enjoying every touch he received. Tony turned off the water took a towel and dried off his future bitch. Dylan struggled to stay upright and stay off Tony. He had gotten so horny and was no longer in control of himself. Dylan got down on his knees and wanted to start sucking Tony's cock. He opened his mouth and let the swollen but sagging cock slide into his mouth and began to bob his head up and down like a real slut in need of a load of cum. T: Look at that. Already a cock worshipping bitch. You make me so fucking horny boy. I will transform that ass of yours tonight into a blooming pussy that many bitches would envy. D: but he's so delicious step-daddy. T: oh fuck boy, yes call me step daddy. That makes me extremely horny. T: But we're not going to stay here boy. You can come with me to the playroom. I can train you properly there. Tony straightened Dylan and took his hand and pulled him along to the playroom. Tony opened the room and pushed Dylan inside. Although he had already looked inside the room before, he was once again impressed both by the size and by what was inside. Tony took some things and rejoined Dylan. T: First I'll put some gear on you boy. So I can train you properly later. T: you still want to serve me and be my slave, don't you boy. Dylan was completely floating, for the first time in his life he could think of nothing but sex and other dirty thoughts and he looked at Tony with longing eyes, and in his belly he felt itching all over. He moved his head closer to Tony and sought Tony's with his lips. When he found them he began to kiss him passionately. T: Then I may conclude that it is a yes. Dylan felt a leather strap being put around his neck and also around his wrists and ankles. Tony pulled him along to the crotch and clicked his wrists and ankles to it. He came up beside him and whispered in his ear. T: You are mine now boy. You came into this room as a virgin boy but you will not leave it until your cunt is trained, filled with toxic cum and you are a cock worshiping slave. Dylan began breathing heavier and moaning because of what Tony whispered in his ear. All he could think about now was Tony's cock and how he loved to serve him. T: That's what you want anyway huh boy. To become like your daddy, a dirty pozz slave who will do anything for me and have his cunt fucked by whoever and whenever I want it. Again Dylan moaned and he bit his lower lip as he could no longer control his feelings and desires. He did hear everything Tony him and could still process it all but the desires were taking over more and more. He did hear that his father was pozz and now he also knew what those symbols were on Tony's chest. But he didn't care about any of it. He had to and would worship that cock of the man in front of him. T: I want to hear you say it boy. D: hmmmm, yeah, fuck yeah. Please train me so I can become a good slave for you step daddy T: that's the perfect answer boy. Hmmmmmmmm T: first I'll give you some real nipples boy so I can play with them nicely. Tony sucked, licked and bit Dylan's nipples hard. Dylan let out a loud cry from both pain, excitement and pleasure. Tony took two nipple clamps and placed them on the Dylan's soft boy nipples. He also took a piece of rope and tied off Dylan's balls with it and hung a bottle of water from it. Dylan felt the pain of the clamps and the tugging on his balls through the bottle of water and moaned softly in pain. Tony took a flogger and first stroked the strings along Dylan's skin. Dylan did not know that this could produce such a sensation and began to moan softly. The moaning stopped as Tony began to quietly whip even more. Although the strokes of the whip did not hurt, yet Dylan was startled with each stroke causing the bottle of water to start rocking and pulling more on his balls. This not only provided a pain stimulus but also a kind of pleasure sensation Dylan had never experienced before. T: You dirty boy. Tony spat in Dylan's face and then licked it back off. It wound Dylan up every time and he kept trying to find Tony's mouth so he could kiss him. T: no boy. I decide what happens here, and if you don't listen and do what I say. Then you will experience pain instead of pleasure. He slapped a little harder so Dylan would realize who was in charge. Dylan was a good pupil and after Tony again called him a dirty boy and spat and licked him, Dylan did nothing. T: hmmm, you're already starting to get it kid. You are beginning to understand that your desires and needs are secondary to mine. With you I will have a lot of fun, I can feel it. After Tony had worked Dylan with the flogger for a while, he took off the nipple clamps and also loosened the knot around his balls and released Dylan from the crotch. Dylan immediately got down on his knees to regain his strength. Tony stood in front of he and the smell of Tony's cock hit his nose and his horniness forced him to suck that cock. Dylan opened his mouth and licked at Tony's swollen glans. Tony felt Dylan's warm mouth and pulled his cock away and slapped Dylan. T: did I say you could touch my cock boy. Dylan shook his head. Tony gave him another slap to the head. T: I don't hear you slave. D: no step daddy. T: you will have to learn to control yourself boy and especially listen to what you can, cannot and should do. D: sorry sir, I will listen. T: sit on all fours boy. Dylan did what was asked of him and he felt Tony slapping his ass with the flogger. Tony alternated hitting with the flogger with hitting with the flat of his hand. With each slap, Dylan let out a small cry of pain and, oddly, pleasure. When Dylan's ass had received enough slaps and was looking nice and red Tony sat down behind Dylan's ass and pulled the jaws of his ass open and began to lick back at Dylan's sphincter. Dylan immediately began to moan with pleasure and sagged through his arms, raising his ass a little more. Tony forgave him this mistake, after all it was still only the first time for this boy and he still had a lot to learn. Tony took some lube and two beautiful crystals. Dylan felt how a cold liquid was put on his sphincter and how Tony's thick fingers began to push against his sphincter. Dylan felt the pressure building against his sphincter and he moaned as his sphincter opened and let Tony's finger inside. The finger than Tony slid all the way in and then back out before disappearing all the way in his ass again. After a few times Dylan felt how something was changing in his ass. It started to get all warm and even feel burning. D: hmmm stop step daddy, my ass is starting to burn. I'm in such pain step-daddy. Tony started grinning because he knew these were just the crystals melting and instead of stopping he pushed a second finger into Dylan's ass. Dylan began to moan even louder. D: Fuck, it's burning sir. T: stop whining boy. That burning feeling is your cunt preparing itself. Get used to it because you will feel that feeling regularly in your life if you want to become my slave. Dylan bit his teeth and felt the burning sensation begin to ebb away. The burning sensation gave way to a desire in his ass to be filled and he began to sweat even more and got even hotter again. His head began to spin more violently again and when he noticed that Tony's fingers had disappeared from his ass for a moment he got a huge empty feeling inside that he had never experienced before. His ass was empty and he could not handle that empty feeling. The empty feeling had to stop and that could only happen if his ass was filled with something. Dylan began to moan, whimper and shake his ass hoping something would happen so the empty feeling would stop. T: you see boy your cunt was preparing. Your cunt already probably can't do it without something in it. Isn't it boy. D: no step daddy. There must be something in my cunt, it feels so empty sir. T: is that so boy. Does your ass need to be filled. D: yes step daddy T: and I have to do that? D: yes please, I can't stand it like this anymore. T: what good does it do me that your cunt is filled boy. What do I get in return. D: I'll do anything step daddy, really anything. T: open your mouth boy and suck my dick first, then I can think how to thank me when I fill your ass with something. Dylan opened his mouth and sucked the thick soft cock inside and started sucking it gently. T: hmmm yeah, that's nice huh boy, sucking step daddy's cock. Your technique will have to be refined but you'll learn. But I see you like masters cock. T: will you thank step-daddy if he will stuff your ass. Dylan looked at Tony with slutty eyes and nodded. T: good boy. I will fill youre mouth with my piss boy and you have to swallow everything neatly understood. If you do I will fill that empty feeling in your pussy. Is that good boy. Although Dylan was flying high, still he didn't know if he could do this, but the empty feeling in his ass had to be filled and he had no other choice. Dylan nodded. T: good boy. T: since it's your first time, I'll piss slowly so you have time enough to swallow it all nicely. T: isn't that sweet of me boy. Dylan opened his mouth. D: thank you step daddy. T: now put those lips around step-daddy's cock nicely and let that golden nectar run down to your belly. Dylan gently pressed his lips around Tony's half hard cock and felt the first stream of piss running into his mouth. Dylan felt his heart pounding more firmly and closed his eyes. The first thing he thought was that the taste wasn't so bad. It was a warm and slightly bitter taste, and without giving it further thought, he let the warm nectar run down his throat. He had thought he would gag but as a miracle he did . He felt Tony take his head firmly and push his cock deeper into his mouth. T: That's it boy. Drink nicely from stepdaddy's cock. You're a natural. Even your father couldn't do this the first time without gagging. Dylan felt jet after jet running down his throat, and for some reason it thrilled him immensely to have Tony's piss squirted into his mouth and running straight to his stomach. Dylan even started sucking Tony's cock while it was pissing. That only made Tony even hornier and he pushed his cock as far as he could into Dylan's mouth. T: Such a good boy. I will spoil your pussy later boy. You more than deserve it. Dylan felt himself growing from Tony's encouraging words. When he felt Tony finish pissing he also felt Tony withdraw his cock from his mouth. T: sit on all fours on the bed boy. Tony took some dildos and some buttplugs. He also took a quick look at the clock and saw that by now they had been going for almost 3 h since Dylan had gotten his dose of G. He put the stuff next to Dylan and he saw how entranced Dylan looked at the toys. T: hands off boy. I'm going to get something ready for you first. Dylan watched as Tony took a bottle of getorade and added a liquid from another bottle. Dylan felt that he was starting to think more clearly again and although he was still firmly under the influence of the booty bump, he nevertheless put on his naughty shoes. D: what is that step daddy. T: you noticed that boy, that I added something to the drink. Dylan nodded. T: that's to get you nice and horny and to let your submissive side come out boy. The drugs aren't going to make you do anything you don't want to do yourself. It only enhances your feelings , and you liked it just now isn't it. Dylan nodded. T: do you want to feel so nice and horny and slutty again boy. Dylan nodded again. T: Good boy. Here drink the G then, you will soon feel like the slave and slut you were before. We have to make sure you stay nice to fly. Don't we, boy? Dylan took the bottle in full awareness of what he was going to drink and do and drank it empty and nodded again. D: yes step daddy, I'll do anything for you. Ever since I heard you busy at the party a longing for you has awakened that could not be stilled and now I know what it is. I really want to serve you like my dad. I also want to become like him, your slave and give my life to you. Tony took the bottle and kissed Dylan. T: Then we will make you a real slave boy, then you can serve me forever just like your father. Tony gave Dylan the pipe as well. T: blow 3 more nice clouds for me boy, you will need it when I start to stretch open your pussy. Because that G will only take effect in about 20 min. Dylan took the pipe and started melting the crystals. He felt his ass being smeared back with lube and he blew his first cloud at that moment. T: good boy keep those clouds coming. Go ahead and start flying back. Dylan blew his second and third cloud, he again felt the effect of the extra layer of tina shooting through his body and dropped his head on the bed. Tony took a bottle of poppers and placed an inhaler on it and handed it to Dylan. T: sniff this a few times boy. It will help you when I start to stretch your cunt. T: put the inhaler in your nose and sniff in each nostril but as long as you can and as much as you want. Dylan stuck the inhaler in his nose and sniffed the poppers and felt the warm glow come over his body, he felt his heart begin to beat faster and his ass felt the need to be filled even more. At that moment he felt how a cold dildo pushed against his sphincter and how his sphincter opened to let the dildo slide inside. Dylan sighed very deeply and let out a loud moan of pleasure. Although this was just the beginning and was only the thinnest dildo in Tony's collection, Dylan felt his pussy being filled and a satisfied feeling came over him. D: hmmmmmmmm fuck yeah, this is so nice step daddy. T: hmmm, your pussy looks so delicious boy. I can't wait to jam my fat cock in it. D: do it step daddy, I want to feel your fat cock in my pussy. T: not so fast boy, your cunt would rip open if I ram my cock in you now. Tony pulled the dildo out of Dylan's cunt and showed him the thickness of the dildo next to that of his own cock. T: you see boy, my cock is 3 times thicker than the dildo that has now been in your cunt. T: But no worries boy, I love to stretch virgin pussies open so they can be fucked by my fat cock. T: Before you realize it, you will be riding my fat cock. Dylan bit his lower lip and groaned as he felt the next dildo being pushed into his pussy. Again he sniffed the poppers a few times and the pain he had at first from the thicker dildo disappeared and gave way to pleasure. He noticed that by pushing his ass back a little that the dildo slid in more smoothly and he got much more pleasure that way. Tony played with the dildo in Dylan's newly formed pussy. T: hmmmm such a hungry pussy you have boy. Shall I take another thicker one and open up your pussy a little further. The G began to kick back in and Dylan felt the slutty effects in his mind's body come to the surface. His eyes began to turn more in his head again and he got the blissful feeling about him again. D: hmmmmm yeah, stretch it open step daddy. I want to be able to feel your fat cock inside me. T: hmmm you horny slut. I can't wait to be able to squirt my first load in your pussy. Tony took another thicker dildo and also played with it in Dylan's pussy for a while after which he took another thicker one and saw that it too disappeared smoothly into Dylan's cunt. Tony saw that by now the tight pussy had already become a slightly gaping hole and after Dylan had gotten used to the tentatively thickest dildo of the set Tony took an even thicker butt plug. T: sniff the poppers boy, I'm going to shove a plug in your cunt and this one will hurt for a while, because it will also stay in your cunt for a while so it can stretch open nicely. Dylan sniffed the poppers, Tony took another crystal and already pushed it into Dylan's gaping pussy and took the inflatable butt plug, smeared it with lube and gently pushed it in. He felt some resistance from Dylan's sphincter at first, and he heard how Dylan started moaning again that his pussy was on fire and that it was way too thick. But it wasn't long before the plug slid past the sphincter and was in place. Tony first gave a few more squeezes on the pump of the plug so that it inflated a little in Dylan's pussy and then he turned the boy onto his back and lay on top of him. T: hmmmm, is it nice boy. Do you like it when I play with your pussy and get it ready for my cock. The bootybump hit Dylan and he was flying back fiercer. D: fuck yeah step daddy, I feel so hot and dirty and want you to use me so bad. Tony started kissing and licking him back and Dylan let out moan after moan of pleasure. After they made love for a while, Tony pulled Dylan straight and first gave two more squeezes on the pump of the butt plug. Dylan felt his pussy being pulled open from the inside. Dylan struggled for a moment to stay upright but Tony took hold of his hand and pulled him back into the bathroom. D: what are we going to do step daddy. T: while I stretch your pussy open a little, we have a little time to clean you up a little so you will look a little more like a slave boy. T: you want that don't you huh boy look like my slave. D: yes step daddy. Tony took the trimmer and first shaved away the hair on Dylan's chest and butt and then his pubic hair. Again he gave two squeezes on the pump of the plug and then he also trimmed the hair on Dylan's head. T: that looks better already boy. Dylan was pushed under the shower again and had to get on his knees first. T: fuck boy, you look so nice and horny. T: open your mouth that I can piss your mouth. Dylan opened his mouth and immediately felt a warm jet of piss spray onto his face and into his mouth. It wound Dylan up tremendously and with his hands he rubbed the piss that did not run into his mouth all over his face in and body. D: hmmmmmm this is delicious step daddy. This so fucking delicious. T: I know boy. I knew you would be a dirty piss drinking slut. After the last drop was sprayed on Dylan's face Tony pulled him back straight pushed him against the wall and licked his face which was soaked with his piss and then stuck his tongue in Dylan's mouth and kissed him. Tony took a razor and some shaving cream. T: just hold still boy so I don't cut you. Because I like my slaves completely smooth. Tony began to shave away the short-trimmed hair completely and Dylan saw that he had become completely hairless. His cock, balls and ass were also set completely smooth. Tony first gave a few more squeezes on the pump of the plug, Dylan again felt how his cunt was pulled open further and how warm water suddenly ran down his body. Tony pushed him against the wall and started kissing and licking him all over his body again. T: those nipples of yours I will get a little bigger later so I can play with them nicely. Tony squeezed Dylan's ass and then gave a few firm pats on it. Because I like my slaves completely smooth. Tony began shaving the short-trimmed hair all the way and Dylan saw that he had become completely hairless. His cock, balls and ass were also set completely smooth. Tony first gave a few more squeezes on the pump of the plug, Dylan again felt how his cunt was pulled open further and how warm water suddenly ran down his body. Tony pushed him against the wall and started kissing and licking him all over his body again. T: those nipples of yours I will get a little bigger later so I can play with them nicely. Tony squeezed Dylan's ass and then gave a few firm pats on it. T: hmmmmm I like my asses nice and red boy that makes me feel nice and horny. Tony turned off the water and dried Dylan off. He gave a few more squeezes on the pump and then took two nipple pumps, he placed them on Dylan's nipples and sucked them vaccum so that his nipples no longer remained flat but that teats formed. T: that looks so delicious boy. I would like to bite into those tasty nipples of yours already. Dylan felt the pressure being put on his nipples but the numbing effect of the chems did not make it painful but made him feel horny. Tony also took a penis cage and showed it to Dylan. T: This one goes around your dick boy. I don't want you playing with your dick in an unguarded moment. From now on you are mine and I decide when your dick can be played with. Got it. D: yes step daddy. My cock and ass are completely yours. Dylan felt Tony put the cage around his cock and put a lock on it. Tony then pulled Dylan into the playroom and put him in front of the mirror and stood behind him. T: Take a good look at yourself boy. You almost look like a real slave already. Dylan looked at himself and saw how in a short time he had transformed from a boy to slave in the making. He rubbed his clean-shaven body and tapped his fingers against the nipple pumps. He looked at his caged cock and took a moment to hold it. It didn't make him feel weird that his cock was caged, it just made him even more turned on. He felt Tony give a few more slaps against his ass and began to lick and bite his neck. Again, he felt the pressure on his nipples being increased and his pussy being pulled open some more. He looked up and saw a clock hanging. Dylan was startled because the last dose of G was already back on its last legs he began to think a little clearer again. T: what's up boy, why are you startled. D: is it 5 o'clock step dad already, shouldn't we be in bed for a long time. When Dylan had taken his first pull of the pipe it was 8 o'clock in the evening and now they had been going for 9 hours and he had had no sense of time at all. Tony started laughing T: time goes fast boy when you're having fun. But you should not be afraid you are not going to bed for a long time. You won't really be able to sleep until your father comes back and has seen your transformation. Dylan was turned around and Tony kissed him again, looked deep into his eyes and saw that the boy could already go back to using a new dose of chems. He took out another bottle of getorade and put another dose of G in it and handed the bottle to Dylan with a devilish grin on his face. D: is it time to let me fly again step daddy? T: yes boy, drink up nicely you're getting nice and willing again. Dylan drank out the bottle. D: may I blow a few clouds too step daddy. Tony started grinning. T: you'd like that for sure isn't it boy. But you may not blow any clouds for a while. I have something much better in store for you. T: first we are going to take those nipple pumps off you and see if your nipples are already nicely swollen and I can play with them. Tony let the pressure off the nipple pumps and took them off. Dylan's nipples were nicely swollen, sensitive and there were like little teats on his nipples. Tony got all wild when he saw the swollen nipples and took the nipples in his mouth and started nibbling on them. Dylan went absolutely crazy from the sensation going through his body. T: holy shit boy, your nipples are really delicious. By the time I'm all done with you they will be much bigger your nipples and they will be permanently so nice and thick. You will have to hide them from me or every time I see you I will want to eat you. Tony put Dylan in the middle of the room, attached his wrists to a chain hanging from the ceiling and played with his nipples. He placed clamps on them again and teased him with the flogger. He blew the plug to maximum and Dylan felt his once again being pulled open further. T: fuck boy. You have a nice horny body. He gave a few pats on Dylan's ass and saw that he came back nice and red. He took the clamps off the nipples and Dylan curled his toes in pain. Tony took the nipples into his mouth and licked and sucked firmly on them. Dylan was completely ecstatic with the feeling that came over him. Tony came up next to his ear and whispered. T: do you want to feel step daddy's cock in your pussy boy. Do you think you will be able to handle my fat cock in your pussy. Dylan started moaning with pleasure at the thought alone and whispered. D: oh fuck yes. Fuck me step daddy I long so hard to feel your cock in my pussy. T: shall step daddy give you another hand and give you something so your pussy can definitely handle it boy or are you going to do it without anything. D: hmmmmm give me whatever you want and make me as horny and willing as you want as long as you are sure my cunt can get your fat cock inside. Tony licked in Dylan's ear and whispered again T: I'm going to give you a fat slam boy. I will then inject the Tina right into your veins. You will be shot to the stars and your pussy will suck my cock inside afterwards. Do you want that boy your pussy to suck my cock inside. Dylan was completely ecstatic, he moaned with pleasure and desire and nodded. D: slam me, do what you want with me. Tony gave one last pat on Dylan's ass and then untied him and pushed him onto the bed. His first time may still be loving he thought. Later I'll put him in the sling and stretch his cunt open further. Dylan lay on his back on the bed and felt the plug being deflated. Tony let him sit for a while longer and put a rubber band around Dylan's biceps. T: stay still boy. Tony rubbed his arm with an alcohol swipe and he looked for a nice thick vein. Dylan watched as Tony stuck a needle in his arm and his blood mixed with the liquid in the syringe, and Dylan watched as the needle was inserted into his arm. T: look me in the eyes boy. I love watching a virgin boy turn into a real hungry slut for the first time. Dylan looked into Tony's eyes, Tony pushed in the plunger of the syringe and the Tina disappeared into Dylan's arm. Tony undid the rubber band and watched as Dylan's eyes opened wide the moment the slam hit. Dylan began to cough violently and cried out with desire. He was now wiggling completely uncontrollably on the bed. His hands went all over his body which felt electrically charged. He was completely out of it and felt like the horniest slave on the planet. He felt the plug slide out of his ass and Tony pouring lube all over his pussy and the tip of his glans pressing against his sphincter. At that moment the poppers were pushed under his nose and he sniffed the horny fumes. Dylan opened his eyes and looked straight at Tony. He sniffed the poppers first and then tossed them next to him on the bed. He felt Tony trying to work his glans's way in, but still encountering a little resistance from his sphincter. T: relax boy, let my fat big cock do its job and penetrate your pussy nicely. Your pussy is ready boy. I can feel it. Tony saw the longing and hungry look on Dylan's face and it drove him wild. Carefully he gave a little more force against the sphincter and then something magical happened. The sphincter opened and Dylan felt the glans drill its way in. Dylan began to moan heavily. He felt his cunt being pulled open even further and both pain and pleasure werehed over him. Dylan's mouth was fully opened and he was breathing heavily and deeply, letting out moan after moan. T: hmmmmmm fuck yes boy, let my cock slide inside your virgin pussy. Dylan felt inch after inch as Tony's fat cock slid into his pussy, getting hotter and hotter. Tony took his time and let the boy get used to his fat cock and then suddenly Dylan felt the balls Tony was slapping against his ass. Tony put a pillow under Dylan's ass and while his cock was completely inside Dylan's pussy he came down on him. He licked back into Dylan's ear and whispered. T: hmmmmm your pussy feels blissful boy. Do you like having step daddy's bare cock all the way inside your pussy boy. Dylan couldn't say anything because he was completely ecstatic because of all the emotions and sensations now going through his body. He could only moan with pleasure. Tony licked him for a moment and kissed him. D: you are so big step daddy I can feel your cock all the way into my belly. Tony laughed for a moment. D: fuck me step daddy, your cock feels good in my pussy. Spray your cum in my pussy and then let me drink it because I want to feel and taste it. T: you dirty boy. T: I am pozz boy and I have stopped my medication for a while. If I inject my load into your pussy you can be pozz too. Do you want that boy. Become my pozz boy. You would make me proud if I can become your pozz daddy. D: oh yes step daddy, become my pozz daddy then we will be connected forever. T: hmmmmmmm you fucking horny slave. I am going to fill your pussy with unmedicated virus until you are fully charged and pregnant with the virus and become pozz. Tony felt that Dylan's pussy had become ready to start thrusting and he began to lightly thrust into Dylan's pussy. Dylan's mouth fell back open and he began to moan again. D: hmmm yes pozz daddy, fuck my hole. Fuck my hole harder and fill it up with your virus and get me pregnant. T: I'm not going to be able to last long this first time boy. You are making me way too horny. But no fear boy, I have many more loads in my balls for you today. That pussy of yours will be glowing with my virus before you can go to sleep. Tony began to thrust more firmly into Dylan's cunt and Dylan was left with only the sensation of pleasure. The pain was completely gone and he felt Tony's cock begin to contract and he heard Tony begin to breathe heavier. T: fuck boy here comes your first load of virus. Aaaaaaaaaahh Dylan felt Tony's cock spurt string after string into his cunt. Tony fell down on Dylan for a moment while his cock was still in Dylan's filled pussy. Dylan felt the cock stay stiff in his filled pussy. He took hold of Tony's head for the first time himself and kissed him. D: this was fucking blissful pozz daddy. I want a lot more of this. You totally woke me up and that I am a true bottom that needs to be fucked. D: fuck me again pozz daddy. My pussy wants more. Tony laughed. T: you young slave. Always hungry for more. Give me five minutes and I'll fuck your cunt for a second time. Tony's cock fell out of Dylan's cunt and Tony turned on his back. T: lick my cock clean boy and taste the cum and virus that is going to get you pregnant. Dylan crawled on top of Tony and sat down in a 69 position and began to lick Tony's seed-covered cock clean. It was the first time Dylan tasted a man's seed and It was the first time Dylan tasted a man's seed and It certainly tasted like more. Tony lay under Dylan's gaping pussy and watched as his seed began to spill out. He let the seed run onto his face and after Dylan had licked his cock clean, he also licked his face which was covered in seed clean. After he was licked clean he took a butt plug and pushed it into Dylan's gaping pussy. T: We have to keep your pussy nice and open for later he boy. Otherwise we can start all over again.
  2. Part 10 fucked into the family Tj lubricated his brother with shaving cream and started shaving his chest, Liam stayed nice and still but had every effort to control himself. After about 15 min Tj finished shaving Liam's chest and legs. Then Tj smeared Liam's cock and balls with shaving cream to make these also nice and bald. But Tj watched as Liam came more and more under the influence of the X and began to change. Liam began to moan and was now out of control. L: hmmmm, ohhhhh, I want to become such a good slut bro. I want to become like you and serve master. Will I be able to make master happy bro. Liam started rubbing his just shaved chest with his hands. L: I am a smooth shaved slut. Hmmm I want so much to suck master's cock, to feel him deep inside me T: shut up now, and stand still or I will cut your cock with the razor. Tj gave Liam a tap against his tense and sensitive balls and Liam groaned for a moment from the rush of pain that went through him. T: If you well behave, willing and good slut will make master happy. Listen to him carefully and do everything he asks and he will reward you little brother. He will let your true nature come out and take over your whole being. L: oh I want that, I really want that. I want to be like you and be able to pleasure his cock. T: do you really want to be like me brother. L: mmmmm yeah, I really want that. Liam was totally into the chems and was horny as hell. T: so do you want to become a pozz slut like me and feel his virus flowing through you. A dirty pozz cum hungry whore who wants every guy's toxic load in his pussy. Although Liam had heard the words pozz and virus, still they didn't really penetrate him. What did penetrate him were the words cum and every guy's load in his pussy and Liam started fantasizing out loud while Tj was now shaving his ass. L: oh yeah brother, I want his dirty load in my pussy. I want to become his pozz whore and any guy's cum he can offer me. L: I want to be such a good slut, a dirty cum whore. Tj watched Liam with a big grin on his face and watched his brother turn into a bitch before his eyes who would get on his knees for any guy to suck him dry or offer his pussy. When he was done shaving, Tj still rinsed Liam's ass before straightening him back up and letting him look and admire his new self for a moment. Liam saw himself in the mirror and got even hornier than before. L: oh my god, I am real slut bro. Will master be happy with my slut body. Tj kissed his brother and then licked his nipples. T: I think so brother, if you want to show him that you are a real slut. Then crawl on all fours to him lick his feet and tell him you are ready to serve him L: oh yeah, I'll do that brother. I want to be such a good slut for master. Liam sat down on all fours and Tj pulled the chain. Liam followed and Tj went to the bedroom where Peter was already waiting. Liam crawled to Peter's feet and started licking them. Peter looked at Tj with a big grin and Tj winked at Peter. P: what's up slut, do you want to spoil master's feet. L: I want so much to be a good slut for you master. I also want to become pozz pig like Tj and serve you the same way. Peter's grin turned devilish P: is that so slut. Do you also want to feel our virus flowing through your body. L: yeah master, I want to be the best slut that there can be. P: our virus you have to earn boy. You don't just get it. If you really want it you will have to prove yourself. Just stand up so I can inspect you. Liam stood up straight and Peter looked at Tj's shaving. P: You did that nicely pig. Peter took hold of Tj and began to kiss him firmly. Liam looked at it and felt shortchanged and wanted Peter to kiss him too and with his hands he tried to push Tj away. But Peter pushed Liam away and patted him around the ears. P: no slut. You need to know your place. I decide what happens here and who gets what. Understood. If you want to be the best slut you have to know your place. Liam was startled for a moment but still wanted to be the best slut there was. L: sorry master, sorry. Peter opened Tj's penis cage. Get on your knees slut and thank my pig for shaving you so nicely. Liam got on his knees and started sucking his brother and saw how Tj was still kissing master. Peter took hold of Liam's head and pushed his head forward so he got all of Tj's stiffening cock in his mouth and started to gag. P: you are going to have to learn that boy if you want to become a real slut. Peter let him suck Tj's dick for a while longer before letting him suck his dick. Tj had to sit on all four. Liam had to lie under Tj and lick Tj's balls. Liam watched as Peter pushed his fat cock against Tj's sphincter and slid in easily. The desire for master's cock increased for Liam each time he watched the cock slide in and out of his brother's pussy and heard how Tj enjoyed it. P: do you also want this fat cock in your pussy slut. Liam had a hard time speaking with his brother's balls in his mouth but Peter could hear that he wanted it too. Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's pussy and took hold of a thick dildo and threw it on the floor next to Liam. P: If you can get this smoothly into your cunt, I will fuck you again. Before that, you can forget it. Liam looked at the dildo and knew he would not get this into his pussy easily. P: with looking at it it won't work slut. Liam placed the dildo with the suction cup on the floor and placed the tip against his sphincter and wanted to sit on it but quickly noticed that it would not work and started moaning. P: what's up slut. Is it not working. L: no master. But P: what am I with a slut that can't even fit a dildo in. Pig show your little brother how to do it. Tj took Liam's place and smoothly slid the dildo into his pussy. Liam looked at it wide-eyed and felt embarrassed. P: what are we going to do about that slut. L: I will try until it works master, I promise. P: I should hope so. Peter gave Liam a pat on the ass and sat down on the bed. P: come on start it slut. Tj cleaned off the dildo because he didn't want his brother to get infected with his virus this way. Liam tried again but again failed to get the dildo past his sphincter. P: give him a shard for in his pussy pig, and let him snort some poppers. Maybe then this pathetic slut will manage to get a dildo in his pussy Tj took some shards of Tina from the pouch that lay on the nightstand and handed them to Liam. Liam looked oddly at the crystals and didn't quite know what to do with them. P: you shouldn't look at those rocks so weird slut, you should put these in your cunt so you get hornier and your cunt gets hungrier for that fat dildo, and you can let it slide inside. P: you want masters fat cock in your hole, don't you. Liam was impressed by Peter's changed behavior into a super dominant man who was humiliating him, but he love was so enchanted by Peter that he wanted so badly to please him by being the best slut there could be. He did as Peter said and pushed the shards of Tina into his cunt and pushed them as deep as he could. It wasn't long before he felt a burning sensation coming on and he wanted to start moaning but Tj didn't give him the chance and pushed his stiffened cock into Liam's mouth. Liam understood why Tj did that and Liam swallowed his “pain” and sucked on his brother's cock. Liam closed his eyes and he felt his body getting hornier and hornier and how his cunt began to respond to the shards he had pushed in. Liam began breathing more heavily and began to sweat heavily. With his free hand he felt at his sphincter which was glowing, felt much looser and wanted to suck his finger inside. Liam began to moan and felt his cunt yearn for the dildo. Tj quickly shoved the poppers under Liam's nose and let him sniff it well a few times. Liam began to fly higher and higher and when he placed his sphincter on the tip of the dildo something magical happened. His sphincter opened like a flower and allowed the tip to slide in. Liam started moaning heavily from a shot of pain he received and jumped up for a moment more. P: Just relax slut, and that dildo will naturally slide into that pussy of yours. Tj quickly smeared some lubricant on the dildo and on Liam's pussy and let him sniff the poppers again. Liam lowered himself again and, once again, his sphincter let the dildo slide in. This time Liam had no pain and let out a deep sigh when he felt the dildo slide in. Liam lowered himself completely and felt the dildo slide deeper and deeper into his pussy until he could go no further. Liam let out a loud moan and keen asking approval to Peter. P: If you were expecting applause slut then you are wrong. I'm not impressed at all yet. That dildo should be able to slide into your hole by itself. If you want me to fuck your cunt later, start riding that dildo now as if your life depended on it. Got it. Liam did as Peter instructed him and began to ride the dildo, at first it was still a little uncomfortable and he felt that his sphincter was still tight but after a few minutes he began to feel that his sphincter was getting looser and looser and the dildo was sliding in more easily. Liam felt himself getting better and hornier. He closed his eyes and as he let the dildo slide in and out of his pussy he stroked his nipples and willed himself to pull on his trapped cock. Peter stood up and came to stand in front of him. P: hmmmm, that already looks better slut. But if you want me to fuck you you will have to make me hard. Liam immediately opened his mouth and took Master's flaccid cock into his mouth. Liam wanted to start sucking but noticed that his mouth was filled with Peter's piss. P: Drinking slut. I will give you my fluid and you must drink it. If you want to become my slut you will have to learn to swallow all my fluid. Liam struggled to swallow the flood of Peter's piss. He just managed not to have to spit it out and when Peter stopped emptying his bladder, he felt Peter lovingly stroking his head. Liam immediately felt better again when he felt the gentle touch of his master. Did he not do so badly after all. P: hmmm you didn't do bad little pig. We'll be able to make a real slut of you after all. Now make my fat cock hard so I can inspect your cunt. Liam began eagerly sucking Master's cock and watched as Tj and Master began making out with each other again. But this time Liam was not jealous, he got to suck Master's cock and that gave him all the satisfaction he needed, because in his cunt was still the fat dildo and for a moment Liam felt like the luckiest slut there could be. When he had sucked Master's cock stiff, Peter pulled him straight and the dildo popped out of his pussy. Liam immediately felt the empty feeling in his cunt and began to moan. Peter pushed him onto the bed and lay down on him. He placed his glans against Liam's gaping sphincter and pushed his fat cock inside. Liam felt his cunt being filled and pulled up by Peter's cock and the moaning turned into a feeling of supreme happiness. P: This one sure feels better than that dildo, doesn't it slut. L: oh fuck, oh yeah master. Thank you, hmmmmmm your cock feels so heavenly in my pussy. P: sure master's cock feels heavenly in your pussy slut. Any cock will feel heavenly in your cunt. Should I take you to a sauna you would be the biggest whore around because you would offer your cunt to anyone, wouldn't you slut. Tell me what an cock whore you are and that you would let anyone fuck your cunt. L: oh yeah sir, I'm a big whore and would let any cock fuck me. It is so nice to feel a cock sliding into my cunt. P: will you let master sell your cunt slut, will you let master make money from that cunt of yours? L: oh yeah sir I will earn a lot of money for you with my cunt. You may sell my cunt sir so it can be fucked constantly. P: I like to hear that slut but I will have to train your cunt a bit first so that a cock can slide in smoothly isn't it. Because customers of a whore expect to have a sloppy hole. L: hmmmm, yeah, give me a sloppy hole sir so I can make you proud. Tj gave Liam a pat on the ass. T: you are such a dirty whore, little brother. Make master real proud of you. L: hmmmm yeah. Peter began to thrust more firmly into Liam's now loose cunt. P: Are you going to let your daddy know that you have become master's slut when he comes to get you. L: fuck yeah, I am going to tell daddy that I am your whore and slut and I want to stay here and make money for you with my pussy. P: that's it my slut. P: master will fill up your pussy now slut. Enjoy it. Liam felt master's cock begin to squirt into his pussy and his hole filled with master's cum. After Peter regained his strength for a moment, he pushed another shard or 2 into Liam's pussy and a butt plug. He put ankle and wrist straps on him and tied him to the bed. P: take those VR glasses dear and put them on the slut's head. Tj did as Peter asked him and put the Vr glasses on his brother's head. Peter started the program with his computer and they left Liam alone in the room. T: what are the Vr glasses for. Peter looked at Tj with a grin P: those VR glasses are for reprogramming his mind and brain. A program is now playing that makes it clear to him what his new purpose in life is. That he loves cock, cum, piss, serving men and that he is a real sub serving a real alpha male and has no will of his own anymore. T: does that really work. P: it works, but he will have to do it a few times. It is like hypnosis, he is in a trance and willing through the chems. The new ideas will suppress his old thoughts and take over everything, so his consciousness will change and he will think he has always been this way. Once he is ready he will eat completely out of our hand and do anything we want and question nothing. He will then want nothing more than to give a blow job and offer his ass to a real man. He will never want to be dominant again but always put himself at the service of real men who will be allowed to use him. His previous life will be like a distant memory for him and he will submit completely. He will love getting hurt and will do anything we want because he will no longer have a will of his own. Tj started grinning and kissed his lover. T: that's why I love you so much. P: hmmm, come here my dirty piggy so I can play with your pussy some more. Liam lay on the Vr glasses all day and when he Tj dropped him off he was completely exhausted. Tj tucked Liam into his bed where he spent the entire night reliving the flashing images and sounds again. Liam's thoughts were overwritten little by little and his new personality took over. So almost 2 weeks passed and by the time Rob and his wife returned Liam had been transformed into an unscrupulous Tina and G slut who would do anything to get a shard or slam and have his cunt filled with cum. Liam's mind was completely taken in by Tj and Peter and he would do anything for them. Liam was under the influence of chems almost all the time and, like Tj, walked around the house naked. He had already fully adjusted to his new lifestyle. He made sure his cunt was fuckable at all times and his cunt could also already almost slide a fist inside. The tight sphincter had completely disappeared and Liam was now the bearer of a still negative but sloppy hole. Through the constant imbibing of the Vr glasses, Liam did begin to long more and more for the moment when he would become pozz and the wait for it would soon be rewarded. For Rob had sent Peter that he would come and get his son. Tj had noticed that Peter had begun to treat him differently over the last two weeks, he was still his slut/slave and lover but he noticed that his role was no longer the slut at the bottom of the ladder but that he had moved up so he was gaining more and more trust from him and was also allowed to do more, he was also allowed to decide what happened to Liam when Liam and Tj were alone. Tj was above Liam and Liam was subordinate to Tj and that felt good to him. Peter had not yet let Rob know what had happened to Liam and what his son had become in the meantime. That would be a surprise for when he came over. Also, they could then have a session together with the newborn slut and they could Pozz him together. Rob stood at the door and rang the bell. Peter opened and welcomed Rob. P: how has the trip been. R: good, how did it go here. Did that bitch behave himself. P: yeah he behaved himself. R: were you able to transform him into a cock hungry slut? P: go see for yourself, he's in the living room, he's waiting there. Rob walked on to the living room. When he entered he saw how Tj was enjoying in the sofa how there was a naked dude eagerly sucking his cock. Rob saw how the naked shaved slut enjoyed sucking on the cock and heard how he slid the cock deep into his throat and began to choke on it. Rob snuck closer and saw that it was Liam and felt in his pants how his cock was starting to get stiff. Rob got extremely horny from seeing his two sluts of sons working on each other and started squeezing his cock. R: Look what we have here. What happened to you. Liam looked up when he heard his father's voice. Normally he would have been embarrassed to death and would have walked away but the imprinting of the Vr glasses, the chems and the acceptance of his new existence did not embarrass Liam. Liam looked at his father with big flying saucers and a slutty and horny look. L: hello daddy R: what are we doing here boy. Are we sucking Tj's cock nicely ? L: yeah daddy, Tj and master have such a nice cock to suck. Since I have been here daddy, I have found my true calling. R: is that so boy. And what is that calling then L: to be a whore daddy, a dirty pain whore. R: hmmm, I like to hear that my boy. Has Tj made a nice pozz whore of you yet my boy. L: not yet daddy. Liam started moaning L: but I want it so bad daddy. I want to be a pozz whore so bad. Let him make me a pozz whore daddy, I'll be a good boy then. Rob gave a firm pat on the Liam's ass. Liam groaned and looked at his father's fly and saw how in his father's pants a fat stiff cock was showing off and the water was coming into his mouth. L: can I suck your fat cock too daddy. I will spoil your cock nicely with my mouth and if you want you can also fuck my pussy. HMMMMM Liam's eyes swirled around in his head and the Liam of a few weeks back would never have spoken to his father this way. But Rob was pleasantly surprised by the changed Liam sitting in front of him. He squeezed his cock once more, took hold of Liam's head and looked deep into his eyes. R: do you want this toxic cock of Daddy's in your mouth son and do you want to feel Daddy's infectious babies swimming in your pussy. L: oh yeah daddy please. Rob looked at Liam with a devilish and hungry look and took hold of his short shaved head and pushed his face into his crotch. Liam smelled the blissful smell of unwashed cock through his father's jeans and licked along the cock on the jeans with his tongue. R: Have a good smell of Daddy's dirty toxic cock you dirty whore. Then you can spoil daddy with your mouth and ass. Liam started moaning again and watched as Tj started making out with his father. Peter was watching the whole time with his cock in his hands at the horny scene going on in his living room. Rob undid the button of his pants and his stiff cock jumped out. Liam had the dick in his mouth in a split second and Rob pushed Liam's head towards him so that the dick disappeared all the way down his son's throat meanwhile he was making love to Tj. Liam was well evolved by now and could already suck throat deep. R: hmmm that's it son. Keep sucking daddy's cock. Tj and Rob were still making solid love and Liam continued to suck both cocks well. Rob took hold of his youngest son and pulled him straight and started kissing him firmly now. Liam felt his father's hands go down his back to his ass and take hold of the jaws of his ass and squeeze it. Then he felt a finger from his father go to his sphincter to see how loose his cunt already was. Rob's finger immediately disappeared into Liam's sloppy hole. R: Such a sloppy hole you have son. Hmmmmm. Daddy is proud of you. Rob spat in Liam's face and then licked it back off. Liam groaned and held his mouth open and his tongue out slightly. Rob sucked on Liam's tongue for a moment then kissed him back fiercely. R: sit down on all four boys so I can inspect your pussies. Liam and Tj sat down on all fours next to each other and Rob sat behind them and gave all two of his sons and pat on their asses. R: Peter do you have some candy for my naughty boys. Peter nodded and pointed to the bag that was on the coffee table. Rob took the bag and took out 1 shard for Tj and 2 shards for Liam. R: do daddy's boys want a nice piece of candy for their pussy from daddy. Liam and Tj meanwhile had already started kissing each other again and shouted at the same time L T: fuck yeah daddy. Rob simultaneously pushed the shards into his sons' pussy and he continued to keep his fingers in their pussy to feel the shards melt and their pussy begin to glow. It wasn't long before Liam's pussy began to glow and that he began to drive against his finger. R: yeah fuck yourself on daddy's finger you dirty son of a bitch Liam began to moan and Peter handed a double dildo to Rob. Rob immediately knew what to do with it. He pushed one half into Liam's cunt, and he left Tj on the other end and pushed this into his cunt. R: fuck each other nice boys and let Daddy enjoy the show you will give him. Liam and Tj began moving their asses each back and forward causing them to slide the dildo into the other's pussy. Rob came to stand in front of Liam and made him suck his cock back. Peter did the same but on the other side with Tj. Rob bent over and gave another slap on his sons ass cheeks. R: fuck yeah boys. Make daddy proud and show me what cock hungry boys he has. R: does this one also drink piss Peter, or haven't you been able to teach him this yet. P: empty your bladder and see what happens, I'll empty mine too then mine can have a sip too. R: fuck yeah. Rob growled and let his bladder run free. Liam felt his cock-filled mouth now also fill up with his father's piss and eagerly let it flow in, Tj's mouth also filled up and like a trained slut he too let it all flow in. Rob let his sons ride the dildo for a while before straightening and kissing them both again. P: come let's go to the playroom there we have more options. R: This is your house here Peter, I will follow you. Peter walked ahead to the playroom and Rob followed along with Liam and Tj. R: this looks well furnished Peter, you can certainly keep the sluts busy in here for hours. Peter grinned and took a filled syringe from a drawer. P: will you give Liam his slam or will we let him do it himself. R: let me shoot him to the stars. After that we can corrupt his pussy. Liam was pushed onto the bed and lay down. R: give me your arm boy. Liam gave his arm to his father and felt him put a tourniquet around his biceps. Then he felt a small prick and watched as the clear liquid in the syringe turned red with his blood. L: oh yeah daddy, slam me and then infect my pussy with your toxic cum. Rob looked into his son's flying saucers and kissed him. R: fuck yeah boy. We're gonna infect your pussy with our dirty cum and make pozz whore out of you. Liam felt the liquid disappear into his arm and quickly got a short gasp. It was not the first time he had been administered a slam and knew what was about to happen. First he had to cough vigorously and then all the inhibitions he still had expired and he became back to being the supreme whore who wanted to feel all the cock in the world in his cunt. L: oh fuck, oh fuck I'm such a dirty whore. Fuck my cunt daddy. Stick that dirty fat cock in my cunt and squirt it full of your toxic cum. Rob growled as he watched his son squirm and beg on the bed like that. Tj, meanwhile, was sucking Peter and now also sat down on all fours next to Liam. Rob got behind his sons and pushed his stiff cock into Liam's pussy first and immediately began to fuck him firmly. Liam moaned with pleasure and began making out with Tj again. Peter settled into a seat and enjoyed the spectacle. Rob gave a few pats on Liam's ass which was now starting to look nice and red and pushed some of his fingers into Tj's pussy which was still waiting to be filled. R: ride against daddy's cock boy. Let me feel how you enjoy feeling your daddy's cock in your pussy. Thank your maker with your cunt for the slut life he gave you. Liam started riding his ass against Rob's cock and moaned with pleasure. L: yeah daddy, you have such a nice cock, hmmmmmmm Peter threw a toothbrush at Rob. P: if you want to Pozzen him with Tj later you will know what this is for. Rob winked and pulled his cock out of Liam's pussy and pushed it directly into Tj's all at once who now also started moaning loudly. Rob took the toothbrush and inserted it into Liams pussy and began to scrub the walls of his hole with it. As he fucked Tj he saw how the brush began to hang full of blood and he took it out and threw it away and gave Liam another pat on the ass. R: We are going to make your ass pozz tonight boy. You can be sure of that. Liam who was flying high started moaning. L: yeah daddy, I want to get pozz so bad. Rob pulled back his cock from Tj's pussy and lay down on the bed. R: come ride daddy's cock boy. Liam threw his leg over Rob, took hold of his cock and pushed it against his gaping sphincter and let the cock slide into his bleeding cunt. Rob grunted loudly and Liam started going up and down on his father's toxic cock. Tj also crawled onto the bed and got behind Liam and pushed him against his father's belly. Rob began kissing Liam again and Liam felt Tj push his cock into his cunt with his father's for the first time. Liam's cunt was now filled with his father and brother's cock. R: hmmmmmm, fuck yeah. This is the perfect father and son getaway and daddy's greatest fantasy. R: let's make him pozz together son. Let's fuck him in the family. Liam felt his pussy being pulled fully open how hu was now completely full of cock. Tj quietly began to set the pace because he wanted to enjoy this for a while anyway. This was only the second time he had fucked a cunt again since he was under master's control. This time Tj was calmer and enjoyed fucking an ass more. So Liam's ass was already not as tight as Nathan's a few weeks ago. Tj heard how Liam moaned with every thrust he gave and it also thrilled him immensely that he and his father were fucking his brother. Tj's dark side came back fully to the surface and he pounded Liam's ass, not as a slut but as a novice master. Peter had straightened up and come to stand next to his slut and whispered in his ear. P: is it nice honey to fuck your little brother. Tj kissed his partner and looked deep into his eyes. Rob took over the pace and growled loudly. R: what will your mother say boy, when she sees that you can handle more cocks in your cunt than she can handle herself. L: oh yeah, oh yeah I'm such a dirty whore mommy. Fuccck T: hmmm yeah sir, his pussy feels nice and warm and moist. P: are you going to fill him up with your toxic cum and make him pozz together with your father T: fuck yeah. Hmmmmm T: do you want our infectious virus whore. Beg us for string of virus and infect you. Tj slapped Liam's ass again and Peter growled. P: that's my boy, command him. Make him beg for your virus. R: come on whore beg for our virus. Beg to be filled with dirty toxic cum. L: oh fuck, fuck yeah. Daddy and brother fill me up with your infectious cum and make me pozz I won't last otherwise if I'm not pozz. T: here it comes brother, your last moment as a negative whore. I'm going to squirt my toxic load into your guts. Both Rob and Tj felt they were going to squirt and started breathing heavily. Liam was in utter ecstasy as he felt string after string being squirted into his pussy by both his father and his brother and after they finished and took a breath, Tj fell onto the bed next to his father. Liam crawled back and his father pushed his head to his cock. R: Lick the bloody cocks clean boy and taste how the cocks taste that just infected you with their virus. Liam didn't have to be told twice and eagerly took his father and brother's cocks into his mouth. Peter took a seat at Liam's bloodied and cum-filled pussy and pushed his cock into it. P: I'm going to massage that infectious cum into your guts a little bit whore, so the virus will definitely get into your blood. Liam's cunt had become so loose from the double fuck that he only noticed he was being fucked every time Peter slapped his balls against his ass when he thrust. Liam was licking his brothers and father's cocks so vigorously that their cocks were starting to get stiff again. Liam noticed his fathers and Tj dicks getting stiff again and eagerly sucked on. R: apparently the little one wants another turn son. Are you ready for the second round. Tj growled, he wanted to fuck his little brother again but his own pussy was itching too and he was also craving his father's cock. T: I'll pump the little one full again and you dump your cum in my pussy daddy. I want a reload of your cum too, you should treat your sons equally. Rob growled. R: you are right dirty pig. You are very right I have to treat my two sluts of sons equally. Peter who by now was reaching his high point was growling loudly, Tj who by now had straightened up in bed kissed his master intensely as he dumped his load into Liam's sloppy hole. Tj: save some more nice cum for me master. I want your cum in my pussy tonight too. Peter who was catching his breath slapped Tj's ass and squeezed it firmly. P: hmmmm I will fill that cunt up nice and nice tonight pig. i will show you all sides of the room. Cause we need to celebrate you first spreading your virus. Peter made way for Tj who pushed into Liam's wet cunt with his stiff cock. Like a horny slut, Liam moaned as he felt Tj's stiff cock slide into his cunt. But Liam couldn't moan for long because Peter pushed his limp but dirty cock into his mouth to lick it clean. Rob took a seat behind Tj and pushed his stiff cock against Tj's gaping sphincter, spitting on his cock once more to moisten it a bit and then pushing it all the way in at once. This was another new experience for Tj in a long time. Tj moaned with pleasure every time he felt his father thrust into his pussy, and with every thrust Tj got, Liam also got a thrust from Tj in his pussy. Tj was tremendously aroused by the situation he was in and felt that he was going to squirt immediately. He fell down on Liam's back and let the cum spill out of his stiff cock as his father began to fuck him harder and harder. Rob gave several pats on Tj's ass and pounded Tj's ass harder and harder. R: You dirty whore. Your cunt is still heavenly to fuck. Peter looked at Rob and grinned. P: how does it feel to be able to pump both your sons full of your dirty cum. R: fucking awesome. You trained them well Peter. Fuck slut, I'm going to fill up your cunt. Rob growled and emptied his balls into Tj's cunt. When they had all regained their strength, Rob let Liam lick his cock clean some more. Rob watched his youngest son who was still on cloud nine lick his cock clean. R: are you going back home with me later, slut. L: can I stay daddy, master wants me to work in his whorehouse and I want to thank him so much by making lots of money for him. R: is that so. Do you want to become a real whore boy. L: oh yeah daddy, I want it so bad. I want so badly to offer my dirty cunt to every man R: you dirty whore. I always knew you would become a whore. R: what should I say to your mother. That you're a dirty pozz whore and you're not coming home anymore. L: yeah daddy tell her. Tell her that her son is a dirty pozz whore and that he has found his true calling. R: I'll figure out something better. You just make sure your pussy makes enough money. L: I will do that daddy. P: you can visit him as much as you want. Peter winked at Rob R: I certainly will. Just make sure he can come home decently once in a while because otherwise you'll definitely get in trouble with my wife. Peter started laughing. P: maybe we can put her to work too. R: that dried out cunt. I fear it. Tj took Liam to his room, shoved another shard of tina and then a butt plug into Liam's cunt. T: you still deserved those dear. Now let our virus corrupt your negative cells so you become a proud pozz whore. Liam's eyes turned in his head and was ready to fall into a trance. L: I long to become pozz bro. I want to feel you and daddy's virus running through my veins. T: rest now and in a few weeks you will be a proud pozz whore. Liam subsided completely and closed his eyes. Tj left the room and went downstairs where his father was ready to leave. R: let me know when he's in his transformation, and I'll stop by again to celebrate his birth. P: I'll keep you posted. Rob left and Peter took hold of Tj and kissed him. P: I'm proud of you honey. The first time you spread virus, it made me incredibly horny to see you busy. T: thank you master. Peter took some shards out of his pocket and held them in front of Tj's nose. P: on your knees pig, just because you were allowed to spread your virus doesn't mean you are no longer under my control Tj quickly got on his knees and felt master push three large shards into his cunt. T: thank you master. Peter clicked a chain on Tj's collar. P: follow me pig. We have something more to celebrate. Tj followed him to the playroom, Tj had to sit in the middle of the room on all fours and got a shower of Peter's piss first. Tj felt his pussy begin to glow and the warm glow spread over his body. It wasn't long before he began to fly and his pussy started moaning to be filled. T: fill my pussy master, it longs for your fat cock. Tj felt Peter give him several slaps against his ass. P: surely I won't have to teach you any more manners pig. T: no sir, sorry sir. P: that's better. Tj got a few strokes of the whip first and then his ass was turned nice and red before Peter started playing with Tj's pussy. Liam had woken up to sounds coming from the playroom and had gotten up and was standing in the doorway looking horny. Peter hadn't seen it at first because he was busy with his faithful pig. But after he heard moaning moans from Liam he looked to the doorway and saw a cock-hungry Liam standing there playing with his nipples. L: may I play along master, I'm so horny. P: to your bed slut. It's not your turn. All you can get are some pats on that dirty ass of yours. Liam obeyed and went to his room disappointed and heard how Tj was enjoying what Master was doing to him. Through the moans and the sound of the bed squeaking with every thrust Master gave Liam fell back asleep anyway. So the days and several weeks went by, Liam was being trained more and more to work in the whorehouse until the moment Liam began to feel sick. Liam was in his transformation and after he had been seriously ill for the first few days it did begin to improve. When they tested him and got a positive result he was ready to leave for the whorehouse.
  3. Part 9 The visitor 5 weeks later, Peter got a call from Rob that he and his wife were leaving on a cruise for 3 weeks and if Liam could not stay with them that time. So that Liam could reconnect with his brother and show him that he was a cum-hungry bitch just like his brother. Peter immediately got a stiff cock when hearing this from Rob and thought it was a brilliant idea, as he had thought he would not go through with this. Rob said that they would not leave until the beginning of the Christmas vacations and that he would have to spend the holidays with them. Peter did wonder how old Tj's brother actually was and whether he would feel like staying with them. Rob said that his son was 19 years old and that he shouldn't be afraid of fucking a child. Rob also told him that Liam had no other choice because the house was being renovated during the time they were traveling. A painter would be coming, the parquet was being renewed and some new windows were being put in so Liam would not be able to stay home all by himself. Peter said Liam was certainly welcome and would make the necessary preparations for his arrival. Peter felt he would keep this as a surprise for his pig and let Tj know nothing. Tj, meanwhile, was busy making contacts with other clueless boys to meet on their next trip and then introduce them to the world of Tina and submission. The weeks passed and on the particular day that Liam was to be dropped off by his father, Tj was ordered by Peter to put on a jockstrap that day because someone would come along who would be too shocked by seeing him completely naked and wearing a penis cage. Tj did what was asked of him and walked around the house all day with a jockstrap, although by now he thought this was weird to walk around the house with a jockstrap, by now he was so used to walking around naked at home and by now he also thought it was just normal to be naked and ready for use. Normally when someone would come, Tj would open the door naked and actually just kneel down and open his mouth to greet the visitor. This usually ended with the visitor getting his pussy sprayed before he went inside and did what he had come for. But now Tj was walking around with a jockstrap. A little past noon the bell rang and Tj went to the door and opened it. To his great surprise, he saw his father and Liam standing there. For a moment he was upset by the unexpected visit. But not only Tj was upset also his brother was startled. He knew he was going to see Tj and Peter but had not expected Tj to open the door almost completely naked. His father, on the other hand, felt his cock begin to leak in his pants at the sight of his naked son of a whore. T: Liam, dad what are you doing here. Liam looked somewhat irritated and with a puzzled look at his brother. L: didn't dad let you know I'm coming to stay here for three weeks and how are you walking around, put some clothes on dude. As if I couldn't take care of myself perfectly. T: uh, no. Dad did I miss a message or phone. R: no son, I had asked Peter if he was okay and thought he would notify you. T: ah no he didn't say anything. Come in. Tj let his brother and father in. T: walk through to the living room. Liam walked through to the living room and let his father carry the suitcases inside. Tj helped him and when Liam couldn't see anymore his father took hold of Tj's ass and locked cock. R: Later I want to feel your mouth and ass over my cock, got it. Tj gave his father a kiss on the mouth. T: hmmm daddy, I was already a waiting when you would ask. My pussy could use your load. R: that's my boy. Rob gave Tj a gentle slap on the ass and now walked to the living room as well. Peter came downstairs and just saw Rob enter the living room. T: you could have told me this. Peter started laughing. P: isn't this a nice surprise and gift for you. Your brother is coming to stay here for three weeks and your father wants you to rebuild your bond. Peter winked at his student and gave him another quick kiss and together they also entered the living room. Peter saw Liam for the first time. He saw how there sat a handsome, masculine guest who for some reason was slightly tougher than his brother, although they actually looked fairly similar. Still, Liam had a little more masculinity about him. Peter could also see that Liam was well-muscled and that he was certainly well provided for in his briefs as well. Liam was wearing a camisole and it was open so his chest hair was quite visible. P: you must be Liam, nice to meet you I am Peter. L: yeah I'm Liam. R: show your manners boy. L: yeah saw guy. L: thanks for letting me stay here. Don't expect me to walk around naked though. Tj looked at his brother's manners with a puzzled look, for he did not know him like that. P: That's not necessary boy. Tj just likes to walk around the house naked and that way we don't have to take off many clothes either if we feel like it. Liam looked with a dismissive look and took out his cell phone and started playing a game. R: sorry for his manners but he would have preferred to stay with a friend but his mom and I didn't want that. Because then he would party all day. Just because he doesn't want to continue his studies doesn't mean he can go out partying. Early next year he can start working, and if he earns enough he can live alone, then he can do whatever he wants. R: but as long as he lives at home he has to listen. Rob winked at Peter and made sign that he wanted his son of a whore alone for a while. P: shall I show you your room Liam and show you what's in here. L: yeah sure. Peter took Liam upstairs and showed him his room, Liam's room was diagonally across from Peter and Tj's and although Peter could have chosen another room further away from them or put Liam in the barn, he had still chosen this room because it made it easier for him to let Liam hear how his brother enjoyed being fucked by him. Liam took his bags and Peter helped him unload them after which he took Liam back downstairs. Liam heard some kind of smacking L: what is that sound. P: no idea, that will probably be the dishwasher. Come I'll take you outside for a while Hopefully he believes me, Peter thought to himself. He himself knew what that sound was, but Liam wasn't ready for that yet. P: let me show you the domain so you have an idea of what you can do here because if you like to take a walk you can walk here for several hours. From the moment Rob no longer heard Peter and Liam, Rob changed his paternal behavior to that of a horny and dominant master. He took hold of Tj and pushed him to the ground. Tj was not startled by this nor was he impressed anymore, willingly he got on his knees and opened his father's pants and took the stiffening cock in his mouth and started sucking his father's cock. When she heard Liam and Peter coming back down she didn't even stop. Tj had his father's cock throat-deep and drool was running from his mouth. When he took the dick out of his mouth for a moment and made some noise to catch his breath he heard Peter say that must be the dishwasher. Tj looked relieved and heard Liam and his master go outside. Rob took hold of his son and told him to sit on all fours. Rob got on his knees and without mercy he pushed his cock balls deep into Tj's pussy. Tj began to moan blissfully. R: hmm, fuck boy. Your cunt is even more delicious than last time. R: does your master fuck you every day bitch. T: yeah daddy, he fucks me at least 2 times a day and if I'm a good pig he invites some friends to use me. R: Good boy, let that cunt of yours spoil real man cocks. That's what that cunt of yours is for. Rob was firmly fucking Tj's cunt and almost reached his high point because he wanted to fill Tj's cunt up before Liam and Peter got back. R: are you going to corrupt your little brother too boy. Are you going to educate him and infect him with your virus so that when I get back all two of you can ride daddy dick like real bitches. T: oh fuck yeah daddy, I want to corrupt him, pozz him and make him a whore and make money off of him. R: fuck boy, you make daddy fucking horny you dirty bastard, your master has made a magnificent villain out of you. R: I'm going to fill your cunt up boy R: let your daddy's dirty load flow nicely into your bowels. Rob squirted Tj's cunt full of his toxic load and then pulled Tj upright. He kissed his son and then they heard Peter and Liam coming back in. Rob was able to put his cock back away just in time before they came back into the living room. R: and boy are you going to like it here while we're gone. Liam had already thawed a bit and was pleasantly surprised by what he had been shown. L: I think so yeah. Peter has promised me he will take me fishing sometime, did you know there is a river here a little further. T: I knew that yeah. R: well then, I'll go then. Behave Liam and do what they ask, ok. L: yeah dad T: we will take good care of him Tj winked at his father. Tj walked behind his father to let him out and Peter hurried to walk behind Tj and quickly whispered something in his ear. P: euh honey, you are leaking from your pussy. You need to hold your father's cum better. Tj quickly stroked along his ass and legs and felt that his father's seed was indeed running down his leg. Tj was lucky that Liam had not seen this or he might have been too shocked and they could put away their plan to transform him. Tj quickly licked the seed from his hand and left his father outside and then went back to Liam. Liam was still feeling a little uncomfortable with Tj because he still thought it was weird that he was walking around naked and they also hadn't seen each other since Tj had come out of the closet. When Tj was back in the living room he just crossed Liam. T: heh what are you going to do. L: I'm going to my room. T: no desire to talk some. L: nope When Tj and Peter were alone for a moment Tj looked at Peter. T: since you have known for some time that he is coming to stay here for a while, I can assume you have a plan. Peter began to laugh, since he also knew Tj much better by now, and he heard that Tj was somewhat jealous and angry that he had not been informed of Liam's arrival. On the other hand, he did think it was a nice surprise. Peter took hold of his pig and kissed him. T: well do you have a plan. P: Sure my sweet pig. P: We are going to leave him alone for a day or two first, then I will make some rapprochement and let him get to know me a little better. Will take him to go fishing one day so we can bond and you start to get a little jealous of our bond so to speak. Then we'll put on a show in our room for a few nights with the door open so he can definitely hear us and then we'll strike. T: ah sir obviously still thought very carefully about it. Peter started to laugh P: yeah sure baby. P: sorry I hadn't informed you but thought it was a nice surprise for you. Tj started twirling his ass around Peter a bit. T: it kind of is. P: did your father fill your pussy nicely. T: you should just feel it and maybe re-set your you mark. P: hmmmm Peter pulled his pig toward him and turned him over. He opened his pants and his stiff cock jumped out. Tj felt his masters cock slide into his leaking cunt and started pumping. P: hmmm, your cunt is nice and full. You dirty whore. You still can't resist getting your cunt filled up huh. T: oh fuck. Oh no, I'm such a dirty whore master. Punish my pussy for being so naughty. P: hmmm, no because a whore like you needs to be squirted full. Tj felt how Peter started filling up his pussy and how more and more seed started running down his legs. When Peter pulled his flaccid cock out of his pig cunt he gave him a slap on the ass. P: just clean off your legs before your brother sees you, because imagine if he thinks you're a whore. Tj looked at Peter and started grinning. T: I can hardly say that soon he will be walking around like that too for sure. Now Peter was grinning . P: just stick to the plan. As agreed they left Liam alone for the first few days and on the third day as they sat at the table to eat Peter started talking to Liam about fishing. P: tomorrow is nice weather no fancy coming along and have a day of fishing. L: ah yes that's good. I was actually looking forward to doing that. P: that's settled then. Tomorrow morning at 8 we leave. The next morning Liam was ready to leave. Peter showed him what they all needed and he had also provided a basket of food for them. The left and Tj was left alone. At first Liam still felt a little uncomfortable going out alone with Peter but as the day progressed, the tension Liam had at first turned into pleasure and the conversations also became smoother and more friendly. Liam felt reasonably comfortable with Peter. P: do you already have a boyfriend or girlfriend L: I don't have a girlfriend no, I don't know if I would want one yet either. I do enjoy my freedom. P: good for you dude, stay as long as you can on your own then you can fuck any dab you find without accountability. Liam blushed and Peter saw that. P: oh sorry to be cheeky but thought you could stand that men talk. L: oh don't mind though. Peter felt he could ask some more questions. P: have you had a girlfriend before. L :yeah have had a few L: you ever had a girlfriend P: yeah have had a few but it never felt right. P: and already gone beyond holding hands only Liam blushed again. L: it, hasn't happened yet unfortunately. P: you shouldn't be ashamed of that though. L: I'm not ashamed either, just hope it doesn't take too long anymore. P: should I reach out to my contacts for you. Liam laughed. P: you shouldn't laugh a handsome guy like you. Give me a minute and you could squirt your seed right away. L: and then suddenly there is a man in front of me for sure instead of a woman. A grin appeared on Peter's face. A grin appeared on Peter's face. P: Didn't say it would be a woman hehe. Peter saw that Liam could appreciate him, and he also felt that he was judging him. But he wasn't sure about that. As they walked back home, Tj saw from afar that Liam was acting completely different than when he had left. He saw that Liam and Peter must have had a nice day by all means and that a bond had formed between them. As they got closer, Tj heard how the two were joking around like 2 good friends T: and how was it P: hey honey, Peter gave Tj a loving kiss and squeezed his bare ass. Peter felt how Liam looked at him in a jealous way and felt like his plan to have Liam's trust and attention was starting to work. P: well, it was nice to get to know your brother better. L: yes it was very nice, would like to go again though. T: then I will go with you hehe. Peter began to laugh playfully. P: don't you trust me with your brother maybe L: yes maybe you don't trust us T: euh yeah but may I not be there maybe P: sure baby. They sat down at the table and ate their evening meal. Afterwards they watched some TV and then went to bed. Peter thought it was time to let Liam hear for the first time how hard his brother was enjoying his cock and when Peter and Tj went to their room they had deliberately left the door open. Tj sat on all fours on the bed and Peter began to fuck Tj vigorously. Both Tj and Peter were moaning loudly so Liam would definitely hear. Liam was in his bed and indeed heard that something was going on and got out of his bed and opened his door. Then he heard how Peter was fucking Tj vigorously. Liam heard Tj moaning and begging for more. He heard how Peter was slapping Tj's ass and how much Tj liked it. T: oh yes hit me harder master, I'll be a good boy. P: fuck, your pussy is nice and wet boy. You sure were jealous of you that handsome brother of yours. You must have been afraid that I would drop you for that nice ass he has. T: hmmm yes, I was a little scared yes. Peter winked at Tj for he had heard that Liam's door had opened. P: wouldn't you like to share my dick with that handsome brother of yours. Liam meanwhile had quietly come out of his room because he was curious about what was going on in the room and subconsciously it excited him too. He saw that the door was open and against his better judgment he stood at the door and cautiously looked inside. He saw his brother sitting on all fours on the bed and he saw the back and bare ass of Peter who was firmly pounding his brother's ass. Liam was startled as he felt his own cock begin to get stiffer in his pants. He heard how Peter patted his brother's ass and how he was about to squirt and saw how Peter curled his toes and began to jerk violently as he filled Tj's pussy. Liam heard how violently Tj moaned when Peter filled his cunt and he also heard how his brother addressed Peter as master and how Peter addressed his brother as slut and pig. Liam quietly snuck back to his room and closed his door. He looked at his boxers and saw that his cock had started leaking pre-cum and was still hard. Liam was confused because how on earth could he get so turned on by seeing his brother get fucked by another man. He crawled into his bed and although he wanted to sleep right away he couldn't, he was completely confused. He had never thought about 2 men before, it had never excited him before either, but the strange thing was that his cock had become stiff and had started leaking pre-cum. That night he slept very restlessly and the next morning he didn't know what to do at the table. He noticed that he looked at both Tj and Peter in a different way. Especially Peter he now looked at with a different feeling and look. Deep inside, a feeling began to bubble up that Liam had not known existed. Tj and Peter knew that Liam had seen them engaged last night, because there were cameras in the house and they had seen Liam standing there watching as they watched the footage. Liam was unaware of this and had no idea they knew he had been watching. Peter got up from the table and gave Tj a kiss. Liam startled himself because somewhere deep inside he felt a kind of jealousy toward his brother getting a kiss from his sweetheart. Peter's radar worked perfectly as always and had noticed Liam's unverbal communication and was now sure they had Liam where they wanted him. Peter walked around the table and put his hands on Liam's shoulders, Liam felt a kind of warmth he had never experienced before come over him. P: What are you guys going to do today. Liam didn't know what to say for a moment as he was still too startled by Peter's touch and the feeling it brought. L: uh no idea, maybe lay some in my room. T: no we're not going to do that. Otherwise go with me to town, because I have to do some shopping. L: going along to get groceries so. P: fine, then I'll see you tonight. Liam went with his brother to get groceries and both brothers had a nice day, their bond became back like before and when Tj said he had one more store to do, Liam was shocked because Tj went into a sex shop. Liam hesitated to go in because he had never been inside such a store before. T: are you going in with me or are you going to stay out here. Liam was completely out of his milk. L: uh yeah ok, kinda weird isn't it. T: what's weird. L: that I'm going into a sex shop with you. T: don't come so prudish man, it's just a store. It's not like I'm asking you here to blow me or anything. Liam followed and went inside with me. When he got inside he looked around the store and he had never seen so many toys together. Many of the things he did not know nor did he know what they were for. He followed Tj who walked through the racks and soon had a dildo in his hand. He saw how uncomfortable Liam was and how he looked at the thick dildo he had in his hand. T: You shouldn't look so weird Liam, yes it is going in my ass. T: is this your first time entering this kind of store? L: yes, you guessed that right, and also think it's a little weird coming in for sex toys with you. T: not so prudish dude. We are grown people, I have a partner, we have sex and we like to use toys too. Tj took some more jockstraps, bondage rope, whips, a cock cage and nipple clamps and watched Liam look at them with fascination. Finally, he took another butt plug from the rack and watched Liam's brain process what all Tj brought. T: you have no idea what this is hey. L: no, I don't have a clue. T: this one goes in my ass and stays there. He saw that Liam was turning red and that he couldn't hold his own. Tj started laughing. T: you still have a lot to learn dude. Tj stood by the penis cages and took out 2. T: which one would you take Liam looked a little funny at Tj and then pointed to a penis cage. T: ok this one it will be then. Tj paid and they went back home. As they sat back on the couch that night, Liam noticed that he was looking at Peter more and more in a different way. He enjoyed it when Peter gave him attention and he didn't know if this was still something friendly for him or if there was more to it, because all these feelings were completely new to him. When they went back to sleep that night, Liam heard Tj tell Peter that he had another surprise lying in the bedroom. Peter slapped Tj's bare bottom and whispered something in his ear. Liam felt the jealousy bubbling back and went to his room and hoped he would hear them busy so he could go back and check on them. After an hour or so he heard Tj moaning again and snuck back out of his room and he was lucky because the door was open and he was able to watch what Tj and Peter were doing again. He was curious to see what Peter would do with his brother and what all the stuff was for. As he carefully looked inside he saw his brother standing up blindfolded and tied up. To his great surprise, he saw how his brother's cock was trapped in some kind of cage. He watched as Peter played his brother's nipples with a whip and Liam felt his cock get all hard again. This time he couldn't contain himself and began to gently play with his cock. Liam looked on and saw Peter now inserting the dildo into Tj's asshole and Liam, to his own surprise, felt his own ass itch. Liam looked on and felt himself getting extremely horny from what he was seeing. He looked in admiration at Peter's manhood and allowed himself to be completely taken in by his feelings even if he didn't know what to do with them. For some reason this felt both wrong and totally right. He watched Tj enjoy everything Peter was doing to him and Liam began to fantasize that he was Tj and that Peter was using him. Suddenly Liam made a noise and fled to his room because he didn't want to be caught. Peter pretended not to have heard anything but knew Liam was watching them. Liam crawled into his bed and began pulling firmly on his cock and fantasizing about Peter and Tj. He squirted and smeared his seed all over his belly and went to sleep. The next morning Liam had a hard time not letting on that he had more and more and more feelings for Peter. Both Peter and Tj noticed this and that day they went one step further. For Peter fucked Tj about noon and left the door open so Liam surely had to have heard them Liam was at a loss for words. That night when they went back to watch some TV, Peter came into the living room with some drinks. Tj saw Peter's devilish look and knew what was going to happen that night. Tj crawled close to Peter and was rubbing his ass against Peter the whole time, Liam was watching it the whole time and was getting more and more turned on. After they finished their drinks and they went to their bed Liam felt that he had become even more aroused and he had every effort to hide it. Before Liam went into his room Peter took Liam for another firm hug and Liam enjoyed the caress Peter gave him. He felt his whole body heat up and he wanted Peter to continue stroking and using him. When Liam was alone in his room, he felt all confused. What were these feelings, why did he suddenly feel so horny and why was he so attracted to his brother's husband. After half an hour, he heard back that Tj and Peter were engaged and he couldn't contain himself and went back to look. But this time, Liam wasn't so careful because the G that was in his drink made him less concerned about them not hearing him. He was so excited and his inhibitions were so lowered that when he was at the door and he saw them engaged, he had dropped his pants all the way to the floor and he had started pulling on his stiff dick and he had started moaning lightly. Peter and Tj had heard it immediately and knew they had to make their move. Liam had not seen that Peter had stepped to the door, because Liam was in his own horny fantasy that he was living out. Now it was Peter who was watching Liam, and Liam didn't realize it because he was playing with his cock with his eyes closed, and with his other hand he was stroking his body. Suddenly Liam felt another hand caress his body and he looked up confused and startled to see Peter standing in front of him. Liam stood rooted to the ground as he looked into Peter's eyes. Peter saw that the G was doing its job well and saw the familiar look of a slut in the making who was letting his true nature come out for the first time with the help of G. Peter stroked Liam's face with his one hand and with his other hand he stroked Liam's now limp dick from the indulgence and looked at him with a horny look. P: Do you like what you see, Liam. Liam didn't know what to say and was embarrassed. Liam looked at the ground and saw Peter's fat and stiff cock looking straight at him. L: I don't know, this isn't me, I euh , I euh Peter's cock mesmerized Liam and almost made the water run out of his mouth. Peter had noticed that Liam was staring at his cock. P: do you like what you see? You want to feel that fat cock of mine, don't you. Liam turned red and preferred to crawl away in a corner somewhere. But deep down he knew Peter was right and that he wanted nothing more than to feel and taste that cock of Peter's because the fat cock looking at him enchanted him and took over his whole thinking. L: I euh, I .... P: shhhhhh, you shouldn't be afraid or embarrassed. I have felt it for several days now that you are getting feelings. If you want to feel my cock then just take it baby and let your true nature come out. P: do you want to join us sweetheart. Liam felt Peter's hand lovingly stroking along his face and his other hand pulling on his limp cock and couldn't put his feelings away. Peter saw that he had to strike and placed his lips gently on Liam's. Liam got all hot inside when he felt Peter's lips and let out a sigh full of desire. Peter was kissing him all over now and he felt that Liam was now completely in his control. He took hold of Liam's hand and placed it on his stiff cock. Liam took Peter's cock in his hand and let out a deep sigh. P: come on in and let's enjoy each other together L: but my brother. P: he won't mind. Peter pulled Liam into the room with him, Tj was already behind the door and took hold of his brother and kissed him directly. For Liam this was very uncomfortable at first, but because he was so horny, he could not restrain himself he kissed Tj back. P: hmmm yeah kiss each other. Hmmm yeah. Tj stopped kissing for a moment and whispered in Liam's ear. T: master's cock is enchanting isn't it. Wait until you can taste and feel it. You'll never want anything else little brother. Liam was still completely confused and nodded as he looked back at Peter's enchanting cock. Peter went to the nightstand and took the pipe filled with Tina and handed it to Tj. Tj melted the crystals and sucked in the fumes and blew a big white cloud into the room. Liam looked enormously fascinated as he watched Tj blow that cloud. He then handed the pipe to Peter who also blew a cloud. Again Liam watched with wide eyes and then it was his turn. Peter placed the pipe against his lips and let the crystals melt back. P: Just suck in the fumes baby, you'll feel better. Liam was completely floored by all that was happening but deep down it was as if he had no choice and had to go along with this and suck in the fumes. He had gotten so horny and didn't want this to stop and sucked the Tina inside. P: good baby and now keep it in as long as possible. P: blow out you are doing fine. Liam looked into Peter's eyes and blew his first cloud into the room. P: do it again baby you will feel so much better. After Liam blew his second cloud he felt the heat come over his body and how his thoughts clouded and how the desire for Peter and Tj grew and took over everything. Peter sucked on the pipe once more and then placed his lips on Tj's and blew the cloud into Tj's mouth. Liam sat with big longing eyes watching Tj making out with Peter and he bit his lower lip and began to moan lightly. P: do you want too baby, do you want me to kiss you too and make you nice and horny. Liam looked longingly at Peter and nodded. L: oh yeah, hmmmm. As Peter melted back the crystals, Tj kissed Liam again. Tj felt how his brother was completely slipping and almost completely ready for his true nature to come out. Peter pulled Liam's head toward him and placed his lips on Liam's and blew the horny cloud into Liam's lungs. T: oh yes, let yourself go completely little brother. Just let master make you completely horny and bring out your true nature . Tj's words made him completely fucked up. He could no longer contain himself and let himself go completely because the Tina and the G in his body had completely displaced his clear thinking and had given way to dark horny and dirty thoughts. Tj began stroking and licking his brother's body. Peter kissed his newest conquest and Tj and Peter wrapped their tentacles around their prey like a well-oiled team to introduce him to damnation. Liam didn't know what he was talking about because he had never experienced this before. Like many his age, he was a complete virgin and had absolutely no experience with sex let alone sex with men and even then under the influence of G and Tina. The Tina in Liam's body fully began to do its job and he felt a huge and unknown desire rise to the surface. Liam did not know what to do with this or what to do with it. He began to sweat and enjoyed every touch and kiss he received, which only intensified his horny feelings. Peter broke the kiss and looked into Liam's eyes. He pushed the pipe against Liam's lips once more and let him blow 2 more big clouds before taking him to the bed. Peter sat down on the bed and Liam pushed him to his knees and Tj also sat down on his knees. Liam watched Tj as he began to lick Peter's cock. Liam watched in admiration as Tj began to work Peter's cock with his tongue and mouth and felt an irresistible desire for Peter's cock rise. Peter looked into Liam's eyes. P: Do you want to lick my cock too baby. I know you want it and crave my cock. Just take it and please indulge my cock baby, here you don't have to be ashamed of who you are let your true nature come out completely. Liam was completely fucked up and the horny inexperienced slut in him took over completely. Liam moaned full of horny desire L: hmmm, yeah. That cock looks so enchantingly delicious. P: let your brother help you and lick my cock. You will love it baby believe me. You will never want anything else. Peter took hold of Liam's head and pushed him towards his cock. Tj made way and looked into his brother's eyes. T: hmm yeah, lick master's cock with me. Let's see how much you like his cock little brother. Liam couldn't help but stick out his tongue and placed the tip of his tongue against Peter's wet glans. Liam felt a kind of relief come over his body the moment he tasted Peter's glans. Peter pushed even more toward his cock so that Liam's lips also kissed his glans. Liam felt an urge come on that he had never experienced before and licked Peter's glans with desire. P: oh yeah baby, just lick my dick nice and kiss your brother while you are spoiling my cock. Tj began kissing his brother with Peter's cock between them. When Liam had Peter's glans all the way in his mouth, Tj broke the kiss and pushed Liam's head down so that he would have his master's entire cock in his mouth. Tj looked at Peter and was also extremely horny. He sat up a little straighter and started making out with Peter while pushing Liam's head up and down, making him suck his first cock. Liam was getting hornier by the second and didn't know what to do with his feelings. He tasted pre-cum for the first time and the taste of Peter's pre-cum was something he had never tasted before but it tasted so heavenly that he wanted more of it. Peter had another glass with an extra dose of G on the nightstand and signaled to Tj to take it. Peter pulled Liam upright and started kissing him. Tj handed Peter the glass and Peter placed it against the lips of the unsuspecting Liam. Drink up honey, you're sweating so much and you can't get dehydrated. Liam did as he was asked and drank the glass down. Peter pulled him back to him and kissed him again. Tj began to lick Liam's body again and worked his way down until he came to Liam's limp cock. He took Liam's cock into his mouth and began sucking on it. Although he couldn't get any more life into it, Liam still began to moan in pleasure because in Liam's mind his cock was hard and he was so horny. He enjoyed the warm mouth around his cock and moaned with pleasure while Peter was still kissing him. After about 15 min, Peter saw that Liam had sunk even deeper because of the extra portion of G and knew that the real work could only begin now. Peter stroked Liam's sphincter with his finger and looked deep into the now flying saucers of his prey. Tj saw the finger on Liam's sphincter and he licked his way down through Liam's balls. Tj began licking at the sphincter and Peter continued stroking Liam in the meantime. Liam began to moan more heavily due to the new sensation he was experiencing on his ass. P: oh you are so delicious baby. I want to be able to ride you in your ass. Do you want us to ride your pussy baby. Do you want to make us happy. Liam was extremely horny and his ass was giving him weird but desiring signals. His head was completely spinning and he longed for more but didn't know how or what to do. He moaned and kissed Peter. L: oh I want to do anything for you guys. I am so fucking horny and want to make you happy. L: I've never done this before and don't know if I can. P: sure you can baby. We're going to help you. We're not going to hurt you. Do you trust us baby. L: yeah I trust you guys. Peter pushed his finger against Liam's tight sphincter and he felt Liam needed some help and took a bottle of poppers and pushed it under his nose. P: Take a good sniff of this baby, you'll see we're going to take good care of you. Liam sniffed the poppers and felt an extra layer of horniness come over him and his ass relax and Peter's finger slide in. Liam looked longingly at Peter and let the experience of feeling something in his ass for the first time wash over him. He let his mouth hang open and began to moan. Tj began to lick Liam's nipples and now Liam was completely over the moon. P: oh your pussy feels so nice and tight baby. Do you like it baby L: oh yeah, this is so nice, hmmmmmmmmmmm, don't stop. P: no we are not going to stop yet baby. But you have to be clean baby. Liam didn't know what Peter was talking about but nodded. Peter pulled him straight off the bed and Tj went to the bathroom in their room and Peter pulled Liam with him. P: get on all fours baby, your brother will get you clean. Tj ran water and took the shower head that had a special head on it to stick in a butt to rinse. Peter stood in front of Liam and offered him his cock. P: otherwise lick my cock again baby. Let's see you like to make me happy. Liam looked at Peter's divine dick and felt the urge to suck it rise again and took the dick in his mouth and began to suck and lick Peters dick somewhat uncomfortably. Tj placed the shower head against Liam's sphincter and pushed it in. Liam was startled at first but Peter looked at him reassuringly. P: We'll clean your pussy baby, you shouldn't be scared. Liam felt his bowels filling up and at some point he couldn't hold back. P: let it out baby. Liam let the water run out of his ass and Tj watched as clean water immediately ran out. Tj looked at Peter and nodded to let him know they could continue. Peter pulled Liam upright. Tj dried Liam off. The three stood there for a moment and kissed each other briefly. Peter pushed Liam into his brother's arms and let them make out with each other for a moment. Tj took off his jockstrap and watched Liam as Tj's cock was locked in the cock cage. Tj saw how Liam looked at his locked cock. Tj: I belong to master, and he decides when I can play with my cock. It looks lovely doesn't it brother. Liam looked with fascination at his brothers locked cock and nodded. Tj: if you are a good boy and you listen well to master maybe he will want to lock up your cock too. Would you like that Liam looked at his brother with horny and longing eyes but couldn't answer because Peter was coming back Peter had been to the nightstand and taken some shards of Tina and when he came back into the bathroom he told all two to sit opposite each other on all. Peter first sat behind Tj and pushed a shard of Tina into his pussy while looking into Liam's longing eyes. then sat on Liam's ass and also placed a shard against his sphincter. Tj started kissing his brother again and Liam felt the shard push Tina into his ass and a burning sensation bubbled up in his ass. L: oh fuck that burn, oh fuck Tj started kissing his brother even more P: shhh, baby. It will feel better later. Peter sat down behind Tj and pushed his stiff cock into the pussy of his slave and lover. Liam was getting hornier and hornier by the G and tina and watched Tj begin to moan and his mouth fall open as Peter pushed his cock into Tj's pussy. Liam's own ass also began to itch more and more and how an empty feeling began to develop in his ass. Liam watched how Peter's mesmerizing cock kept sliding in and out of Tj's cunt and how Tj was enjoying it. Liam knew no more with his horniness and wanted to enjoy it as well as how his brother enjoyed it. Peter saw how Liam looked and knew he had the boy where he wanted him. Liam would be begging to be fucked too in a few moments and give up his innocence forever. Liam started moaning and couldn't stand the empty feeling in his ass anymore. P: is there something baby. Want to ask you something. L: oh fuck. Peter, I want to enjoy your cock so much too . P: do you want that baby. L: yeah, I want that. Tj: that's not how you ask little brother. You have to know your place. If you want master to fuck you you must submit to him, address him as master, do what he commands you, refuse nothing and make no demands. P: listen to your brother Liam, because he speaks too truth. Understand what he is saying. Liam was completely fucked up and watched Peter still fucking Tj's pussy and felt his own ass and body begging to be used. L: yes master, I understand and will submit to you completely. But my ass is so empty master. P: is that so baby, do you want master to do something about that for you. L: yeah very mutch master. P: do you think you can handle master's cock in your pussy slut. L: I don't know master. P: do you want to become like your brother master's slut and pig boy. Do you want master to stretch your pussy all the way open. Liam had gotten way too horny and was flying too high to think completely clear anymore but this felt completely right and this was what he wanted and needed. L: oh fuck, oh fuck, I am so horny master I will do anything for you Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's pussy and went to Liam and let his cock with Tj's pussy juice hang in front of his mouth. P: show how much you want masters cock in your cunt slut. Lick masters cock clean before it can go in your cunt. Liam opened his mouth and eagerly took Peter's cock into his mouth and licked it completely clean. Peter then pulled Liam upright and pushed him onto his back on the bed. He felt at Liam's sphincter with his finger and he was able to push 2 fingers inside. Peter looked at Liam and watched as he closed his eyes began to moan and enjoyed how those fingers were entering his pussy. Peter looked at Tj and nodded and whispered in his ear. P: he will need something stronger, not a full one but half to start and bring the lube it will be needed. Tj knew what to do and took a half point out of the slide and took a bottle of lube. Liam meanwhile was fully enjoying the fingers sliding in and out of his ass and he did not notice how Tj tied a tourniquet around his arm and how he inserted a needle into his arm. The sting caused Liam to open his eyes and look at the needle stuck in his arm. L: what Tj: shhhh, trust me little brother. You will thank me later and you will feel better and you are going to be able to free your inner slut. Liam watched as Tj pushed in the plunger and the red liquid from the syringe disappeared into his vein. Tj removed the needle from his arm and unloaded the tourniquet, holding his arm above his head. Liam looked around anxiously for a moment for what would happen but then felt a tickle in his throat that made him cough heavily. Liam felt a shot of dirty horny feelings and thoughts shoot through his body and take over everything. Instantly, all his inhibitions were gone and all he could think about was dirty sex. Liam exclaimed. L: holy shit, oh fuck. What the fuck is happening to me. Liam started moaning loudly and was squirming on the bed. Liam started moaning loudly and was squirming on the bed. Peter watched the tough guy turn into a hungry and willing slut and he already saw immediate potential in Liam to make him work at the brothel. It thrilled Peter immensely to have a tough guest turned into a willing slut and to have his alpha side taken off and turned into a beta. Peter pushed three fingers into Liam's glowing pussy and he saw how Liam looked at him with longing and hungry eyes. L: oh my god, this is heavenly. Don't stop please, give me more I need more. Liam moaned at it and completely didn't know what to do with himself. Tj: see you started to feel much better bro. Let that slut in you come out then master can spoil your pussy with his fat cock. L: oh yes, oh yeah master take my pussy I want to feel your fat cock so much in my pussy. please take my pussy. P: first I want to see your inner slut boy. Liam opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out of his mouth. Peter started laughing P: is this your inner slut boy. You will have to do better. L: I feel like such a dirty whore master. Tell me what to do so I can feel that enchanting cock in my pussy. Peter pulled his fingers out of Liam's cunt and stood next to him. P: first suck our cocks hard and play with your cunt yourself and make me horny so I feel like fucking your cunt slut. Show me you want to serve me. Peter threw a dildo on the bed, opened Tj's penis cage and offered Liam his cock as did Tj. Liam looked at the dildo and the slut in him took over, he took the dildo and pushed it into his pussy. He closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh. P: this way we are never going to get stiff slut. Tj: suck on master's pole brother. Show us you really want this. Liam opened his mouth and let Peter's fat cock slide into his mouth and started sucking on it while pushing the dildo into his pussy with his hand. P: Don't forget my pig's cock boy. Let that cock hunger take you in completely. You were only made to suck a cock and make a man enjoy you with your mouth. This has always been your true purpose boy let the cock hunger completely take over your thinking. Liam turned his head and took his brother's cock in his mouth for the first time. Tj found it immensely horny to see and feel his brother sucking his stiffening cock and for a first time, he didn't do a bad job of it interests. Tj's cock had become completely stiff and Tj took hold of Liam's head and pushed his cock deeper into Liam's mouth. Liam began to gag and tears sprang to his eyes. T: good brother let that throat get used to that cock. Because this won't be the last cock in your throat, get used to it. Liam was far too horny to protest or resist and let the cock slide deeper into his throat despite gagging. Peter saw that his newest conquest was fully surrendering and ready for his first fuck. He stepped back, pulled the dildo out of Liam's cunt and placed his glans against the sphincter. Tj took the poppers and shoved them under Liam's nose. Liam knew what to do and sniffed the poppers very hard several times and felt his body get even hotter, his head start to spin even more and his sphincter relax. He felt how Peter's fat glans pushed against his sphincter and how his sphincter almost surrendered to the intruder. Suddenly he felt a stab of pain in his cunt, it was like being split in two and he screamed. Liam watched Peter with wide-eyed flying saucers as he felt his fat cock slide in. L: oh fuck, it hurts, in can't take it. T: relax little brother, just let master slide his cock inside your pussy and the pain will go away by itself. Liam didn't know what to do because the pain was unbearable, but he was so horny and had lost all control of his body that he couldn't pull away. When Peter had pushed his cock all the way into Liam's virgin pussy he let him get used to it for a while before he would thrust. He could see from Liam's face that the pain was beginning to ebb away and how the pain was turning into pleasure and even more desire. As Liam felt the pain begin to go away and give way to pleasure, Tina and G took it back from him. His pussy gave him a feeling of bliss and he no longer felt like the innocent boy of a few days ago. His mind was now completely fucked and his inner slut had come out fully. L: oh fuck, oh yeah that's it. Hmmmm, I am a slut master a dirty slut. Make me your dirty slut master. Peter very quietly began to slide his cock in and out of Liam's pussy and saw as he had seen many times before that the boy was transforming more and more into the slut he would become. P: hmmmm do you want to become our dirty slut boy. Liam moaned and enjoyed the feeling of the first cock that had entered his cunt. L: oh yes master, I want this so bad, make me your dirty slut. P: good boy, then we are going to make you a dirty cock hungry bitch. Peter signaled to Tj to go piss on his brother. Tj stood up and took hold of his half stiff cock and started pissing on his brother's body. Liam looked at Tj and saw how Tj was pissing on him. Liam startled himself because although he was flying very high and was very aroused by this, deep down he still thought this was weird that his brother was pissing on him. But the dirty and horny slut in him that still had the upper hand loved this, the cock in his pussy and the piss running down his body made him completely clouded over and he completely surrendered and submitted to Peter's will and laws. Peter now had complete control over him and he would be allowed to do whatever he wanted with him. P: Do you feel dirty enough boy. Liam looked at Peter with big eyes and open mouth and moaned loudly. L: oh yeah master. Oh fuck yeah. Little by little Peter began to fuck Liam pussy more firmly and felt Liam's pussy loosen up too. Tj again pushed the poppers under Liam's nose and Liam now took hold of the vial himself and sniffed the poppers for a very long time, giving him another fit of horniness. When he had given the bottle back to Tj, peter turned Liam over and he had to sit on all fours. Peter now at once pushed his cock balls deep into Liam's pussy. Liam no longer moaned in pain but like a real slut of heavenly pleasure. Tj came and sat next to Liam and whispered in his ear. Tj: isn't masters cock nice to feel in your pussy brother. Liam looked at Tj with a horny grin L: Masters cock is blissful to feel brother. I finally understand why you fell for men. L: I also want to serve master like you and give him my life. Tj: good brother. Let your inner slut define your life you won't regret it. Peter began to fuck Liam's pussy harder and harder and Tj offered his cock back to Liam who began to eagerly suck his brother's cock. Both Tj and Peter felt they were going to squirt. P: do you want our seed in your pussy and mouth slut. Liam couldn't say anything because he was firmly sucking but moaned loudly. P: I'll take that as a yes slut. P: squirt his mouth full pig, and let him taste your toxic cum. Tj: yes master. Tj was glad he got to squirt because he couldn't hold up his seed anymore and let the cum squirt out of his cock into his brother's mouth. Liam didn't know what was happening as he felt his mouth fill up with his brother's seed. Liam wanted to spit Tj side cock out of his mouth but Tj took Liam's head firmly and pushed his cock deeper. Tj: don't you dare spit my cum out slut. You must swollow it, cum you must always swallow. Liam looked at Tj with a still confused and horny look and tried to swallow the seed although he liked the taste, had some trouble with it. Tj: good boy, next time it will be much smoother. You will learn Peter began to thrust harder and Liam could not help but moan heavily as Peter pounded very hard into his still tight cunt. Peter felt he was going to squirt and moaned very loudly. P: fuck, here comes my load bitch. Here comes your master's cum. Liam felt how Peters cock spurt string after string into his tight cunt and then Peter fell down on his back. Peter pulled his cock out of Liam's cunt and fell down on the bed. Tj saw his opportunity and took Peter's cock in his mouth and licked it clean with great relish. Liam looked at it and felt that he himself was not yet satisfied and pushed Tj away and took Peter's cock in his mouth himself. Peter started laughing and Tj looked at his brother with wonder and with jealousy. P: no fighting for master's cock sluts, master has enough cum for both of you. But for tonight this will have to suffice. Peter took Liam to his room and tucked him into bed. Liam was still fully aroused and could not sleep right away and was all the time replaying the movie of what had just happened in his head. When he woke up the next morning, he first wondered if this hadn't all been a horny dream. But when he looked under the sheet he saw that he was completely naked and when he felt his sphincter with his fingers he knew for sure that this had not been a dream. What was he going to do now, how was he going to face Peter and Tj after what happened last night. Liam had so many questions, and didn't know what to think, do or how to behave. He looked next to him and saw that there was a filled glass with a letter and next to it was a jockstrap like Tj wore. He took the letter and read what was written on it. Liam, You probably have a lot of questions. If you want we will help you answer them. But I think if you listen to your inner self you already know the answers yourself. If you want it to stop here then we understand and then we will have had a nice evening. Then just come downstairs and we will pretend that nothing ever happened. If you want to go further and realize that this is what you need in your life, then drink the glass empty, take a shower, put on the jockstrap and come downstairs. Then get on your knees at the stairs and tell me that you want to submit to my laws and that you want to be my slut. Do know once that you said that there is no way back and you are my property forever like your brother. Liam felt his stomach tighten and crawled deep under his sheets. He did indeed have a lot of questions and although he had a big knot in his stomach about whether he wanted this and whether this was okay, he did not regret what had happened last night. When he started thinking back to Peter's enchanting cock he felt his own cock start to get hard again. He could no longer deny to himself that he did not get excited when he thought about Peter and his brother. Would he accept Peter and Tj's proposal or would he leave it at that. Liam looked at the glass and the jockstrap. He thought about his brother and how happy he looked since he was with Peter. Liam wanted to feel that happy too and he also realized that he had never really had anything with a girl there had always been something missing. He took the glass and felt his heart pounding in his throat. Liam knew that the drink had to contain drugs because they had given him chems the night before. He looked at the glass again and made a decision that would determine the rest of his life. He placed the glass to his lips and drank it down. The taste was unbearable and he wondered why he hadn't noticed this yesterday. He walked to the shower and took a long hot shower. He dried himself off and put on the jockstrap. With shaking knees and full of tension for what was to come he walked to the door and walked into the hallway and took the stairs down. When he was downstairs he knelt down and waited for what was to happen. Liam heard Peter and Tj busy in the kitchen but stayed seated as instructed. After a few minutes Liam felt himself calming down more and more and he started to feel incredibly horny again and how his thoughts were increasingly taken over by an urge of submission and a desire to serve master. Liam licked his own lips and his hands started to caress his own body. Peter and Tj had been standing in the doorway watching for a while now and Liam, who was completely occupied with himself, had not noticed this. Peter quietly walked towards Liam and let his limp cock hang in front of his mouth. Liam smelled the scent of Peter's unwashed cock and felt how his horniness increased when the scent was in his nose. He looked at Peter's cock and then he looked up. P: I see that you have made a choice. The chems ensured that Liam had already gone back into slut mode L: yes master, I want to serve you and be happy like Tj. Liam felt himself getting hornier and hornier and although his primary self had not yet completely transformed into a slut, he still wanted to suck Peter's cock but Peter pulled back a bit first and Liam started to moan lightly with horniness and desire. P: is that so, do you also know what this means. L: yes master. I know that I have to submit myself completely to your laws and that I will become a real slut like my brother. P: I like to hear that. Then we will start your training slut Tj who stood ready with a collar and penis cage next to Peter, put the collar around Liam's neck and locked it. Tj: do you see this penis cage brother. Liam nodded. Tj: you chose this yourself in the store. I knew this would be for you. Tj got on his knees and put the penis cage around Liam's limp cock and locked his cock just like his own. He took the keys and put them in Liam's hand. Tj: if you really want to become a master's slut and slave then you give your freedom to him now. Liam looked at the keys in his hand and realized that this was the last thing he would be able to do of his own free will. But the G in his body had already taken over completely and he longed for that delicious smelling cock of Peter. Liam sought the hand of Peater and put the keys in his hand and looked Peter in the eyes. L: I want to be your slut master. Tj and Peter looked at each other and knew that their mission was successful. Liam would become their slut and would be trained to work in the brothel later. P: open your mouth slut, I have a candy for you. Liam opened his mouth and Peter put a pill X on it. Liam knew that he was being given chems again and looked at Peter. P: Do you need something to drink boy to swallow your pill. Liam nodded. Peter took his dick and started to piss. P: drink then boy and swallow that pill. Liam looked at the pissing dick and knew that this would be the first test of many and with hesitation hung under the pissing dick and let the piss run into his mouth. He found the first taste in his mouth very strange and weird. But because of the G in his body he started to like the taste very quickly. P: take that cock in your mouth slut and drink from the tap and don't let a single drop of what you get from your master go to waste. Liam did as was asked and without thinking about it he took the cock in his mouth and swallowed the piss and his first load of piss. P: good boy. Now we can really start your training. Baby take him with you and get him ready for me. Shave him and rinse his cunt because it's going to be necessary. By the time you come back I want him to be completely flying, submissive and ready to start his training. Peter gave Tj a chain and Tj clicked him to the collar. Tj: follow me Tj pulled the chain and Liam stood up and followed Tj to the bathroom. There he looked in the mirror and saw for the first time his collar and his locked up cock and the realization hit him that from now on he would become a dirty slut just like his brother.
  4. Part 8 his first Tj enjoyed new life as a full sub, he made sure his master had no complaints. The house was always in order, he made sure there was food, his cunt was fuckable at any time and it was necessary too because Peter could not get enough of Tj. Because Tj's pussy was filled with Peter's cum at least twice a day. The fact that Tj always walked around the house naked must have made Peter horny whenever he saw Tj. By now Tj had also learned how to make his master horny by twirling his ass or by teasing him. Peter had to go away again for a week and he was still hesitating whether to take Tj with him on his trip or not. But Tj didn't want to be without Peter for another week and he begged to go with Peter. After long sawing, Peter said he could come along, but that he had to behave and do what he was told without asking questions. Peter was uncomfortable about it, because what he had to leave for was something he had not yet told Tj about. Tj didn't really know what Peter was doing for a living because what he had told him was not the full story and even though he did know that Tj had changed completely, somehow he was afraid if he knew the full truth. For he was completely sold on his pig and hoped he would stay with him forever. Peter and Tj checked into a hotel after they had already driven all day to the next big city. Tj had never been there before and was very excited, because he had heard many things and wanted to explore the city but Peter told him he didn't have time for that because there was work to be done. Peter left Tj completely alone for the first 2 days both during the day and at night only he was there to eat. The third day Tj had had enough and asked Peter what he actually did all day and evening. Peter knew that question would come and had no choice but to be honest with his pupil. P: well, I'm here to recruit. T: recruit? I thought you were in IT and that's why you were working on your computer all day. Peter laughed. P: yeah I sit at my computer all day and spend all day looking for guys. T: uh, don't you have enough of me master or am I not trying hard enough. P: oh honey, don't think I'm trying to replace you. No, it's for another reason. P: a friend and I have a brothel to put it with a fancy word. But not a brothel with women, but only with boys, and there is something for everyone. Twinks, pigs, slaves, boy next door you name it we have it. He handles the customers, I handle the boys and do the website. So I have to arrange fresh blood every now and then so we can meet the demands of our customers. T: do you find guys who want to prostitute themselves so easily then? P: no, not really. T: euh how do you do that then. P: I'll tell you, but will you promise me that you won't leave me once you know everything. T: no of course not. P: well, I sit over different sites and make contacts with lonely young guys who also don't have family or friends anymore. Or guys who want to make quick money or are looking for themselves. Once there is a good contact with some guys from a certain city then I go there and meet up with them. There I trick them, test the goods and if they are worth something I then take them, or my partner comes and gets them. We make them addicted to T so they depend on us and they do everything for us. Sometimes I also have to train one for the special needs of our customers and once they are ready then they are used in our brothel. Very occasionally if a customer really asks for it we also sell a boy. Tj sat listening to Peter with almost open mouth and Peter looked at Tj to read his reaction thoughts. P: what do you think of me now. T: all kinds of things are going through me. But actually it makes me fucking horny. Can I help you recruit? Peter was again stunned by his student's reaction. He knew Tj had changed completely since becoming a pozz pig and since the session with his father. But he hadn't thought of this. T: the only thing I wonder is if I am also one of your recruits. P: to be honest, when I met you, you were indeed one of my recruits. But very soon I knew that you meant more to me and that I would not train you to be a whore for our brothel. T: why not, what's so special about me then or do you think I couldn't do it maybe. Tj knew Peter had feelings for him but still wanted to hear it from him. Peter started laughing and took hold of his student and squeezed his ass. P: an ass like this, you don't let go easily, and you are so unique. I'm being totally honest when I say you're the first and also I think the only one who has ever made me want a long-term relationship. P: and of all the pigs I know or have trained you really are if not the best. With you I could make masses of money because they would line up for you. That cunt of yours would never be without a dick. T: oh, really. You're making me blush. Peter took hold of Tj and started kissing him. T: but can I help you now or not. P: you little devil. I'm glad you're not running away from me and you just keep surprising me. If you want to help me, very much so. I will teach you everything and then together we can take boys to the dark side. P: Do you think you will be able to. Seduce boys and transfer them to the dark side. T: Since we have been with my father, I can only think of one thing and that is to corrupt Liam. This is just the same thing only with guys I don't know. It might even be good practice before I take my brother Peter looked in admiration at his creation. He never imagined that the sweet and adorable Tj who first stood on his doorstep would have become a slave, a dirty pozz pig and also a predator less than a few months later. P: ok then, I have some more boys here I want to see, because those first two didn't amount to anything. We are here for 3 more days, you have your computer with you, go online find guys you want to meet up with, seduce them, make them think you are going to fuck them and if you think they are something for us send me a picture. If I give a Go may you drug them and bring them here. Then I will test them and if they are good I will have them picked up. T: That sounds both exciting and tremendously horny master. P: would you like to test them too. T: do you want me to fuck them? P: would you like that? Tj thought for a moment, because he had never actually fucked a man before, and he didn't really know if he actually wanted to because he felt perfect under sir's control. T: to be honest I don't think so. If there is one person I want to fuck it might be my brother because I have been dreaming of making him pozz with my virus for several days now. I feel good under your authority and being a pig and a slut like me I don't need to fuck pussy to be satisfied. I also no longer have a great need for my cock to be played with. My pussy is the most important thing. It needs to be fed. I might have a harder time watching you fuck that slut than I would want to fuck them. Peter took hold of Tj and kissed him again. P: You continue to amaze me. I'm glad you've found your true calling and that I get to play a part in it. T: the most important one of all sir. Tj immediately went to work, opened his computer and created profiles on various dating sites. Peter also taught him about some important chat sites and in what ways he could still contact potential candidates. He also got a crash course of what to look out for, which types were easier to influence and which were not, what he should and should not say and how to handle it and when to hit it off and also who he should definitely not meet up with lastly he got tips on how to drug them and how to lure them to the hotel with him. As always, Tj was an eager learner and it didn't take him long to make contact with some of the boys. Before he agreed to meet up with them, he first asked Peter what he thought. Peter said he should meet up with all three but that he knew from experience that the first would be nothing, the second would probably back out but in the third he saw potential. Peter also told him that it wouldn't work out every time and that he should definitely meet up with the three to get some experience. As Peter said Tj met with all three guests and as his master had predicted to him, the first one was impressed with Tj but Tj was not impressed with the boy in front of him. The two did show up but had not told the truth. After they talked a bit, Tj realized that the boy was not alone at all and should he take him and then make him disappear into the whorehouse that there would surely be people looking for him and trouble would ensue. All hope for Tj lay on the third who Master thought was the most promising. Nathan entered the gay bar where they had agreed to meet. Peter had told Tj which bar to meet in, because Peter knew the bartender and would keep an eye on Tj in case something went wrong. Tj saw a shy skinny guy enter the bar and knew immediately that it was Nathan. For Nathan had told him that this would be his first date with a boy. He had been in a knot with himself for some time and he had increasingly felt that he was attracted to men but had never given in to it. Nathan was just like in his picture, he was handsome, skinny and did have some feminine traits, and was still a virgin on every level and that was noticeable immensely, because Tj saw how uncomfortable Nathan was standing there and that he was looking for Tj but didn't see him right away and that he was about to leave again. Tj got up and walked to the door. T: hi A shy smile appeared on Nathan's face. N: hi T: you must be Nathan N: yeah, hey Tj I didn't see you sitting there and I have to be honest I'm a little impressed with the bar. There were a lot of men in the bar, men who were used to being there and you could tell. Because many were busy with each other and for a newcomer like Nathan that was a little intimidating. T: I get that, I have to say I'm still a bit impressed by it too. Tj once again let his cute and sweet side come out and made Nathan feel more at ease. Tj made sure with his body language that Nathan got the feeling that he too found this exciting and that this way he did not feel alone. The two began talking and Tj told Nathan that not long ago he had also been struggling with himself and that he had been on a similar date to the one they were on now and that this man had shown him his true nature and that he had begun to love his new self. Nathan felt that Tj knew what he was talking about and knew what he himself was struggling with. He felt at ease with Tj and the two got to know each other a little better. Tj let his old sweet and soft side come to the surface for the first time in a long time. Nathan thought he was getting to know Tj better and Tj was figuring out if Nathan was material that he could introduce to his master and then put to work. Nathan was just perfect, Tj now knew that Nathan had only lived in town for a month and had no friends there yet, he also knew that his parents died when he was young and had no further family. Although he liked Nathan and thought he was a nice boy, yet he did not suffer from a bad conscience. His dark side had completely taken hold of Tj, and like a true predator, he wrapped his tentacles around his prey so he could not escape. After a few drinks, Nathan was completely under Tj's spell and Tj had noticed. Because when Tj came back from the toilet, where he had received a Go from Peter to take the boy to the hotel, Tj sat very close to Nathan. For in the beginning they sat quite far apart, but now that Tj came to sit with him they were almost glued together. Tj stroked Nathan's leg and looked into his eyes. It was Tj's first time seducing a boy and, to his own surprise, it was very easy. It was basically the same as seducing a girl only now he found it much hornier and could more easily tell if it was mutual or not. But Nathan couldn't put away his interest in Tj T: Do you mind if I touch you? Nathan blushed N: no, I feel comfortable with you. T: same here and I also like you very much. Tj put his hand on Nathan's leg and looked into his eyes again. Tj felt that it excited Nathan and that he could not deny that he liked that Tj was giving him attention. Tj moved his mouth closer to Nathan's and continued to look deep into his eyes. Tj carefully placed a kiss on Nathan's mouth and saw that Nathan closed his eyes as he received his first kiss from another boy. Nathan pulled his head back for a moment after which he immediately kissed Tj full on the mouth. Tj took hold of Nathan's head and began to kiss him passionately. Jackpot, Tj thought to himself as Nathan kissed him back. Now it was just a matter of getting the G into his system and getting him to the hotel with him. Tj couldn't possibly put the G in Nathan's glass unnoticed if he was there. But after they had kissed briefly, Nathan said he had to go to the bathroom and that was when Tj made his move. Tj poured the bottle of G that Peter had given him into Nathan's drink that they had just ordered. Tj was lucky that Nathan had asked for a tonic and that way the G would be less noticeable. Nathan returned and took a first sip, Tj felt the tension in his whole body as this was the first time he would drug another boy and take him to the dark side. He kissed Nathan again and the two boys were letting themselves go completely and putting on a little show for the other men present. The others who saw them engaged could tell that this was Nathan's first time. For he was still somewhat unfamiliar and you could see that many puzzle pieces were falling into place for him. With every kiss and caress he received from Tj, he felt more and more that this was right and that he would not be able to go back to his old life. He fell for men and that was clear to him now. Tj took advantage of the still ignorant boy and tried to draw him completely to him because soon when the G would start doing its work and the timid boy would turn into a horny and willing slut Tj would have to lure him along to the hotel where his flower would be picked, Peter would subject him to a test and then he would be taken full with Tina, trained and then used as a real whore. The idea completely excited Tj and had his cock not been trapped now he would have had a huge boner. Nathan on the other hand, who did not know about Tj's plans, did have a stiff cock in his pants and it showed in his jeans and Tj had seen that. With his hand he rubbed his prey's stiffened cock and saw how Nathan enjoyed the first caress his cock received from another man. Tj could see that Nathan's inner struggle was over and that he now fully realized that he was attracted to men because that first stroke his cock received from another man had solved many questions for him and that he had waited a long time for this but now that the box had been opened there was no turning back either. Nathan emptied his glass and Tj knew it would not be long before the inexperienced Nathan would turn into a willing slut who would suck his master's cock and offer his pussy to be fucked. After ten minutes, Tj watched as the still ignorant Nathan's eyes turned into little flying saucers and that was the moment for Tj to take the next step in his plan. He kissed his innocent victim one last time before he was about to drastically change his life. T: shall we go to my hotel N: I don't know. Tj kissed him again and rubbed Nathan's now leaking cock once more. T: I could let you experience what it's like to be with a man. Nathan's eyes were closed and he enjoyed Tj's stroking. Meanwhile, the G was also taking hold of him more and more and Nathan was getting extremely horny. This was not what he had expected or thought when he had entered the bar. He had thought he would have a chat with a boy and then gone back home before anything happened. The kissing and fondling was already more than he had planned to do. Nathan's mind was almost completely taken up by the G, and the last bit of his clear mind knew if he went along with Tj that more would happen than just kissing. Tj sensed that Nathan was wavering, but Tj also knew that it was only a matter of minutes before Nathan would give himself completely to him and that he really had no choice. In fact, the decision had already been made the moment he had entered the bar. Now Nathan kissed Tj and Tj felt that the G had completely taken over Nathan because Tj felt Nathan's horniness in his last kiss. N: is your room far. T: no right around the corner. The bar and hotel had been chosen because they were so close together and if Peter had a victim he didn't have to go far with his conquest to his hotel. Nathan now rubbed Tj's leg and felt the hard build in his pants, he thought that was Tj's stiff cock but because of his innocence and the G he didn't know that the bulge he felt was Tj's cock cage. The hard bulge in Tj's pants excited Nathan completely and horny thoughts that Nathan had otherwise been able to suppress now took over him completely causing him to make a decision he would not have made otherwise and so sealed his fate. He took hold of Tj's hand. N: Take me with you before I change my mind. Tj did not hesitate for a moment and he nodded to the bartender that he should send a message to Peter. They stood up and on as Nathan straightened up he only now felt the full effect of the G coursing through his body. He didn't realize what was happening to him but he did feel different than normal, he suddenly felt even more attracted to Tj and he also felt a huge desire for his attention. He kissed Tj and Tj felt how his prey was now completely in his control. He took his hand firmly and gently pulled him towards the door. The men at the bar looked at Tj and Nathan and knew what the two young men were up to. Man 1: Have fun you two and don't do things we won't do The others at the counter began to laugh. A devilish grin appeared on Tj's face he squeezed Nathan's ass and looked at men at the counter and winked. When they got to the hotel after 3 min of walking Tj saw that Nathan was getting hornier and hornier and that his inhibitions were decreasing more and more. The elevator opened and when the elevator door closed, Tj pushed Nathan against the wall and kissed him intensely, with his hand he went over Nathan's leaking cock and there for the first time he saw a slutty look appear on Nathan's face. The G now had him completely in its grip. It was a look of desire, desire to be on his knees and be able to taste Tj's cock, a desire to be on his knees and be able to feel Tj's cock in his ass and desire to be used. The elevator door opened and Tj pulled horny Nathan with him down the hallway. Nathan, meanwhile, was struggling to stay upright, but Tj held him firmly. Tj opened the door to the room where Nathan would lose his cherry, his innocence and freedom, and pulled him inside. When the door was closed Tj pushed Nathan against the door, took hold of his hands, pushed them above his head against the door and began to kiss and then lick him firmly. Tj himself, meanwhile, was very turned on. Not only because of Nathan but also because he was able to seduce and take his first prey. Tj took off Nathan's shirt and began to play with his nipples. Nathan was all smiles now and had never experienced such a horny feeling before and started moaning. Tj licked his way down and like an experienced slut opened Nathan's pants and let them fall to the floor. Tj saw that there was a big wet spot on Nathan's boxers and sucked the pre-cum out of them. Nathan went completely wild when he felt Tj's lips on his boxer shorts. Tj pulled Nathan's boxer shorts down with his teeth and Nathan's small stiff cock jumped out. Tj saw how the pre-cum glistened on Nathan's glans. Tj looked at Nathan and licked the pre-cum off Nathan's glans. Nathan batted his eyes sight and began to moan with pleasure. He had never experienced this before, the blissful feeling of warm mouth kissing and licking his glans. Before Tj Nathan would suck his little cock into his mouth he stopped and looked at his prey. T: do you like it baby. N: oh yeah, don't stop, don't stop, this is so much better than I could have ever dreamed. Tj could no longer hide the grin on his face and he opened his mouth and let Nathan's stiff cock slide inside, Nathan heaved deep sigh of pleasure and bit his lower lip. Tj knew he had to suck Nathan's cock quietly or else he would start squirting immediately and then the fun would be over. N: oh my god, oh my fucking god. Nathan was in seventh heaven Tj kept himself under control, because actually he was horny as hell. Not that he was getting horny from Nathan's little cock but from the idea that he they will soon make this good sweet boy a whore who will fulfill every man's desires. Tj's hand explored the virgin pussy of the whore-to-be. When his finger found the still tense sphincter, he began to lightly stroke it so that the sphincter lost some of its tension. In several places in the room, Tj had hidden Tina, because he did not know where and when he would need one. Now they were still at the door and Tj wanted to stick a shard in Nathan's future pussy so he would be more fucked up before sir came. Tj looked and saw his pair of shoes where he had hidden some crystals. As he was quietly sucking Nathan he grabbed at the shoe with his free hand and found the bag of crystals without Nathan noticing. He pushed his fingers into the pouch and found a crystal that was just good enough for Nathan's first but certainly not his last booty bump. With the crystal in one hand, Tj began to stimulate Nathan's sphincter even more with his other hand. Nathan didn't notice at all as he was completely focused on the warm moist mouth sliding over his cock. Tj felt he could push his finger carefully into Nathan's pussy and took hold of the crystal and placed it against the sphincter and with his finger he pushed it deep inside. Nathan had noticed that, normally he would have said stop by now. But because of the G and all the other emotions coursing through his body, he let Tj do it. Tj saw when he pulled his finger out of Nathan's ass that it hadn't been flushed yet. Not much later he heard Nathan moan and stopped sucking him for a moment and stood up and gave him a kiss. T: what's up baby don't you like it. Nathan began to sweat and was getting hard, he felt the tina begin to burn in his ass and work its way into his body. Nathan felt his body and mind slipping further and further towards darkness. N: it's burning, I'm way too hot. Nathan could no longer control his body and Tj saw the good sweet boy change, he saw how Nathan's barriers were broken down and how in a few minutes he would turn into a willing slut and beg to be fucked. T: let's take a shower baby then maybe you will cool down a bit. Tj pulled Nathan into the shower and ran the water, when it was warm he pushed Nathan under it and Tj took off his pants but still kept his jockstrap on. T: are you doing better baby? Tj kissed him again and while still playing with Nathan's nipples until they became stiff. Nathan had big nipples and when they got stiff, they became like little pacifiers. N: yeah, but it's still burning inside my ass. T: I will help you baby. I'll squirt water in your ass to put you out. N: what, I don't know. T: trust me baby, it will help you cool down. Tj turned off the hand sprayer the shower head and let water run out of the hose. T: bend over baby I will cool your ass down. Tj hoped the crystal would already have dissolved and before he rinsed Nathan's ass he felt in Nathan's pussy and he felt the crystal no longer. Fine thought Tj now I can rinse the slut's pussy without washing away the crystal along with it. Tj placed the shower hose against Nathan's sphincter, Nathan felt his ass being filled with water and how the water indeed reduced the burning sensation. Nathan suddenly felt a huge pressure on his sphincter from the water wanting to get out. T: wait a little longer baby and sit on the toilet Tj helped his prey onto the toilet and Nathan let the water squirt out. T: is it better baby. N: yeah, it's still burning a little bit. T: come here I'll cool your ass again. Tj repeated the rinse once more and Nathan felt how the burning sensation was completely gone. Nathan didn't realize that, that burning sensation actually came from a shard of Tina and that the burning sensation had actually stopped on its own. But because of the rinse, his pussy was now clean and ready for use. Nathan felt a new layer of horniness come over him, that was the Tina that had now mixed with the G and made him feel an irresistible urge, an irresistible urge to be used. He started moaning again but this time not from pain but from desire, desire for a cock in his ass. Tj saw that something was changing in Nathan and knew that the T was beginning to do its job. T: what's up baby, is everything okay. N: I feel so empty, I feel so horny and I want you, kiss me. Nathan fell into Tj's hands and Nathan began to kiss Tj passionately. Tj meanwhile took a towel and dried Nathan off and pulled him to the bed in the room and threw Nathan on it and Tj lay down on him and started kissing and licking him back. Nathan's head was spinning all over by now and he still felt an urge in his ass to be filled. Tj licked his way down and started sucking Nathan again, but this time Nathan's cock was no longer stiffening because he was suffering from tina dick. Tj was now totally sure that the Tina was doing her job and he pushed Nathan's ass up and buried his face in it and started licking at Nathan's sphincter. Nathan did not know what was happening as all kinds of feelings and desires shot through his body. The tongue swirling around his sphincter was heavenly and he wanted more. N: oh fuck, more give me more. Nathan was begging for more and Tj gently pushed his finger inside and felt his prey sphincter relax more and gently let his finger in. Nathan began to moan softly as he felt the intruder inside his pussy. T: do you like it baby. N: oh yeah, give me more; I want more. Oh fuck I feel so empty, fill that emptiness. At that moment Tj heard the door of the room open and saw Peter standing there. Nathan who was completely absorbed with himself hadn't noticed anything and was groaning with desire. Tj nodded to Peter and Peter saw that Tj had done a fine job because Nathan was squirming with pleasure and desire on the bed and was ready to undergo his final test before being taken in. Peter came up beside Tj and kissed him. Nathan opened his eyes and only now saw that Peter had come into the room. Had he not been so heavily under the influence he would have run away immediately. But because of the chems in his body he was not even able to get up by himself. N: hmmmm, who is this Tj. T: calm down honey, you shouldn't be afraid, this is my husband. He wanted to get to know you too. Tj lay down on Nathan and started kissing him passionately again. T: do you want to get to know him too honey. He could also give you such a nice treat like I do. Nathan could no longer think clearly at all. He felt Peter filling his pussy with his finger and could only moan. N: oh yeah don't stop, give me more. T: yeah baby, he will give you so much more than you ever dreamed of. N: hmmm yeah, give it to me. Peter pushed a second finger into Nathan's exciting pussy and felt the sphincter opening more and more. Peter looked at Tj and with his eyes he signaled that it was time to give Nathan his first slam. Peter began to lick Nathan's pussy and inserted a third finger into the pussy. Nathan closed his eyes and began breathing more heavily and moaning with pleasure. Tj opened the drawer of the nightstand and took out the filled syringe and the tourniquet he placed it around Nathan's arm who offered no resistance but was fully enjoying the new sensation playing out in his ass. Tj who could place syringes due to his training as a pharmacist had no trouble finding a nice vein and placing the syringe. When Nathan felt the prick of the needle he looked beside him. N: what are you doing now. T: relax honey, I want to make you feel better. Trust me now. Tj got a nice register and looked straight into his victim's eyes before emptying the syringe, completely deciding his fate. Tj emptied the syringe and watched as Nathan gasped and began to cough heavily. Nathan felt Tina take over his entire body through his blood and turn him into a slut with an insatiable urge he had never experienced before. Nathan began to cry out that he was a dirty slut. He felt his body needed to be defiled. If a moment ago he thought his ass was aching to be filled, that feeling was now ten times stronger and he could no longer suppress the need to be filled. Although he was still a virgin, he cried out that his ass needed to be fucked and he didn't care with what. Tj looked at his conquering and felt pre-cum running from his own trapped cock. Peter gave Tj the key to his cage because he had earned this pleasure now and Tj opened the cage and his cock jumped out. Peter sat at the ass ready with his stiff and fat cock to take Nathan's cherry. T: do you want my master to fuck you pussy with his fat cock baby, do you want to become a slut begging to be pumped full of cum Nathan looked at Tj with great desire T: beg him to fuck your pussy and for you to completely surrender to us and be ours forever. N: do with me what you want, but fill my ass. T: your cunt whore, you have a cunt. N: just fill it goddammit. Tj shocked himself because although he felt immensely good under the authority of his master, yet there was a part in him that was dominant and it was now spontaneously surfacing Peter needed to hear no more and he placed his glans against the pulsing sphincter and pushed his cock through the still tense sphincter. Nathan began to cry out and moan, both in pain and in pleasure. For his sphincter was letting a fat cock slide in for the first time in his life, but he also got a sense of pleasure as the gnawing empty feeling in his ass was fed. T: stop yelling whore. You better learn how to suck my toxic cock with your mouth. Tj pushed his still limp cock into Nathan's open mouth. Although Nathan had never had a cock in his mouth before, his subconscious knew what to do when it felt Tj's cock. Nathan placed his lips around the flaccid cock and began to gently suck it. The initial pain in the his new cunt was ebbing away and giving way to an even greater feeling of pleasure. The taste of Tj's cock opened in Nathan a new sensation of desire he had not yet experienced. He tasted the pre-cum and immediately wanted more. Peter, meanwhile, had pushed his cock all the way into Nathan's pussy and was ball-deep, letting the pussy get used to the intruder. Tj took hold of one of Nathan's nipples and started playing with it, changing his nipple back into a pacifier. T: hmmm yeah slut, you're a natural. Just suck on my cock. Make it nice and stiff and if you're good I'll fill your mouth with my infectious cum. T: do you want our cum slut. Do you want to be filled up and become a real cum whore. Nathan heard Tj but was in his own horny world. He struggled to process the flood of new feelings and experiences. By now his pussy had gotten used to his intruder and Peter slowly began to fuck the pussy. Tj took the poppers and shoved them under Nathan's nose. T: sniff slut. Tj pushed one nostril shut and Nathan couldn't help but sniff the horny fumes as in his mouth was Tj's stiffening cock and under his nostril was the bottle of poppers. Nathan felt the fumes invade his brain and an extra layer of horniness and desire. Peter felt the pussy relax more and took advantage of the moment to start pumping a little harder into Nathan's virgin pussy. The pain was completely gone in his cunt and had completely given way to pleasure and desire. Like any whore, Nathan started moaning every time he felt the cock slide into his cunt and without having to learn it, he was able to indulge Tj's cock. Tj's cock became completely stiff in Nathan's mouth and Nathan watched Tj with his flying saucers, longing for more. The initial rush of the Tina had subsided and Nathan began to enjoy more and more what was happening to him, although he still had absolutely no control over his body or ability to think clearly, he enjoyed every thrust he felt in his newly formed pussy. The chems had brought out his inner slut as well as his feminine side, for the look that came on his face was one of a slutty female type. Peter had also seen this P: hmmmm, look at me sissy. Nathan immediately knew he had to look at Peter and stopped for a moment to suck Tj's cock. Nathan groaned and looked at Peter with great pleasure and sluttiness. Peter took hold of Nathan's small flaccid cock and slapped his ass. Then he rubbed Nathan's body and he saw how the femininity in Nathan came out. P: such a good girl with such a nice tight pussy. Peter saw that his words excited Nathan. P: do you want to be a good girl bitch. Just let her be completely free. Nathan nodded P: tell me, tell me what kind of girl you want to be with and then I will treat your pussy nicely with my fat cock. Tj looked surprised at Peter for calling Nathan girl. N: hmmm yeah, your cock feels delicious in my pussy. Peter looked at Nathan with a devilish look, gave him a pat on the ass and started fucking him more firmly. P: tell me what you are. N: I want so much to be a sweet naughty girl sir, I want to be your whore. Make me a whore sir I want it so bad. Peter began to fuck even more firmly. P: what do you have such small boobs girl. Don't you want nice big titties then Tj looked at Peter and knew what to do. With his mouth he began to lick and bite Nathan's nipples. Nathan began to moan heavily. N: Hmmm, fuck, oh fuck yeah. I want big titties so bad. I want so badly to be a good girl and be able to ride your cock. A big grin appeared on Peter's face. P: do you want to ride my cock girl, do you think you will be able to ride my cock with your pussy. N: hmmm yeah, let me pleasure your cock sir, I will be a good girl. P: if you are good girl and can make me fill you pussy with my cum I will give big titties. Do you want that little girl? N: hmmm yeah, oh yeah I'll be a good girl. Peter pulled his cock out of Nathan's slightly open pussy and lay down on the floor and put his hands under his head. Tj pulled Nathan upright and helped him stand above Peter. P: Show me what a good girl you are bitch. Nathan started rubbing his body and began to move a little sexily. P: good girl, let them come out fully. Nathan let out fully. Tj stood next to Nathan with a glass with some extra G in it. P: drink it girl, this will keep you nice and horny. Nathan took the glass and drank it empty. P: just get on your knees and let's see how much you want to please Daddy's cock. Just lick my lollipop and let the girl in you fully unleash. Tj helped Nathan to the ground and he sat down on all fours and like an experienced whore took hold of Peter's cock. P: good girl, let Daddy see what your little mouth can do. Nathan looked at Peter hornily and licked sensually at Peter's glans. P: hmm yeah, and now let him slide into your mouth girl and taste how good your pussy tastes.... Let's see how much you want him in your pussy. Nathan let the cock slide into his mouth and began to suck on it while looking hornily into Peter's eyes. P: Stick your cock in that pussy pig, just feel how that pussy feels from your first conquest. Tj nodded to his master and sat down behind Nathan and placed his glans against his sphincter. P: do you want my pig to fuck your pussy slut. Do you want to feel his cock inside your pussy. Nathan nodded. This was the first time since he had known his master that he would fuck himself and as he pushed his cock past the sphincter a familiar but at the same time uncomfortable feeling came over him. Tj felt how tight and exciting Nathan's pussy still was and although it was a blissful feeling to feel his cock in a warm moist and tense cave, still this felt strange and uncomfortable. But on automatic pilot, he began to fuck Nathan's pussy anyway. Nathan stopped sucking for a moment because he couldn't help but moan. Peter pulled Nathan's hair and pushed him back on his cock. P: Don't stop sucking girl. Never stop. Nathan began to continue sucking Peter's cock and Tj was struggling because it had been far too long since he had fucked anyone and in this tight pussy it would not be long before he would squirt. Peter saw that his pupil would not last long. P: Don't squirt in that cunt pig. I still want to be able to make big money and sell her pozzing. Tj pulled his cock out of the warm cave and stood up. P: go ride my cock girl, let's see how much you want those new boobs. Unconsciously, Nathan knew what he had to do. He straightened up and sat with his ass above Peter's cock. He took hold of the cock and placed the glans against his sphincter and lowered himself so that Peter's fat cock slid inside. Nathan closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment as the cock filled his cunt back up. P: Good girl, now go ride the cock you love so much in that pussy. Nathan started moving up and down rhythmically, letting the cock slide in and out of his pussy like that and felt so horny that he started to fondle his body again with his hands. P: hmmm such a nice dirty little girl. Tj came next to Nathan and his cock just reached the level of his mouth. P: just suck the cum out of my pig cock girl. Just let him squirt your mouth nice and full. Nathan took Tj's cock back into his mouth and began to suck it vigorously. Peter meanwhile took over and began to set the pace himself. Tj couldn't hold it for long because by now it had been several days since he had squirted. T: oh fuck I am going to cum. Hmmmmmm yeah. Oh fucccccccck Tj took Nathan's head firmly and pushed his cock completely into Nathan's mouth. Nathan felt cum begin to squirt from Tj's cock into his mouth. The taste of cum in his mouth was completely new to him but to both his and Tj's surprise, Nathan sucked nicely and let the cum slide down his throat without any problems. P: hmmm such a good girl. Lick that cock nice and clean in that dirty little mouth of yours. Peter began to fuck more firmly and also reached his climax and began to growl loudly. Nathan felt his ass being filled with cum and began to moan loudly with pleasure. After Peter regained some strength he pulled the slut off his cock and pushed him on the bed and looked at the watch. P: in 10 min my companion will be here to pick him up. T: what should I do master. P: dress him, my companion will then take him through the back door of the hotel. T: that is well taken care of. P: this is not the first time we have done this he boy. Tj smiled. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Peter opened the door and Brad came in and looked at Nathan lying on the bed. Brad was a big stocky man you certainly didn't want to have any trouble with. Because should you get a knock from his muscular arms, you were definitely out cold. B: is this the new addition. P: yeah, we just rode her in. B: her P: yeah you can train this one up and make it a shemale. The G and T makes him very feminine. Also promised him breasts. Brad started laughing. B: promised! He will just get breasts yeah. When he is completely broken I will stick him with Alex(a) who can then teach him all the tricks of the trade before we then turn him loose in the club. Brad looked at Tj and inspected him B: and you're that wonder pig that got away. Tj looked at Peter with glistening eyes T: I hope so. B: I've heard a lot about you and understand what your master sees in you. When can I take him for a test ride Peter. Brad was rubbing his stiff cock and Peter started laughing. P: I will bring him next time then you can test drive him. Now Tj looked at Brad and felt his pussy itch. B: what is it pig, don't you like what you see. T: no sir, my pussy is already looking forward to spoiling your cock. Brad looked closely watching Peter. B: you have trained that one well Peter. Next time I want him on his knees and with his pussy up so I can let him feel how a real men fucks. Brad grabbed hold of Nathan's arm. B: come with me bitch so I can teach you manners. P: You'll have to help him I guess because he just got another dose of G. Brad pulled Nathan straight and took him with him. When they were out of the room Peter pulled Tj close to him. P: I'm proud of you pig. T: thank you master. I found it tremendously exciting and horny. P: I noticed that, you are a natural. Because I heard from the bartender that you were able to seduce and take him without any problems. T: yeah it was very easy, I didn't expect it to be that easy. P: my little devil is going to be a real villain. P: maybe I'll make you a stable master, and you can keep those newbies in hand and make them feel who's boss. P: but stable master or not, you remain my pig and will always have to do what I tell you. Tj began to kiss Peter firmly. P: get on your knees pig, that I can give you reward for the new addition you have taken care of Tj: hmmmmm, just fuck my pussy like you fucked him master. Tj got down on his knees and Peter's cock instantly became stiff again when he saw Tj's pussy. Tj felt his master pushing his cock into his cunt and started fucking him hard. P: you dirty pig. You are a real dirty mother fucker. Without scruples luring a good boy along and pushing him into damnation. You make me so fucking horny boy. Peter slapped Tj's ass. T: oh fuck sir, fuck me harder. Make my pozz cunt bleed. P: horny bitch. T: I want to become like you master. A dirty bastard who transforms good guys into sluts and turns them into whores. P: hmmmm, fuck pig. I'm going to fill up your cunt Peter began to thrust more firmly into Tj's cunt and Tj began to moan blissfully. P: the next one is your brother, pig. The next one we're going to corrupt is your fucking brother. You may then fill him up with your toxic cum and transform. Want to that pig, transform your brother into a pozz bitch. T: fuck yeah. I do make him a whore and let him work in your whorehouse. P: fuck boy. How thoroughly evil you have become. Tj heard Peter growl for a second time the night and felt Peter's cum being squirted into his pussy. Peter fell down exhausted on Tj. When they had both caught their breath they crawled into bed together and lay in each other's arms. T: What is going to happen to him now. Peter began to laugh. P: are you regretting it maybe. T: no. But want to know what will happen to him now. P: Brad will now take him to his farm, there he will fuck him every day whether he wants to or not. He will also administer chems to him until he can't live without it and break his spirit. Until he has accepted his true nature and destiny and no longer resists but begs to be used. You have seen that he has a huge feminine side and we are going to exploit that. Not every whore in our stable is equal. He has an enormous feminine side and that is why we are going to make him a shemale. When he is ready he will beg to get breasts, maybe we will also give him a fuller butt. He will learn to make-up, wear nylon stockings, heels and dresses. So we will make him a kind of girl and he will be happy because that is his true nature. T: Do you have customers for that. Peter started laughing. P: you have customers for everything. That boy will make us a lot of money, believe me. T: I am curious to see the result. P: well as soon as he is trained and fully ready, you may test him again. T: hmmmm thank you master.
  5. @PozTalkAuthor I guess not because I actually wanted him rob to say something more when he finished. Something like R: take my babies and fuse them with your dna and make a new virus in your cells. But didn't really get completely out of it. So i left it out. I´m going to fantasie about it and when i know you wil know 😉
  6. Part 7 a new beginning The first days were very awkward for Tj because now that he was out of the barn, he had access to his cell phone again, he had contact with the outside world again and he was also no longer alone. Because he was now in Peter's house and since Peter usually worked from home he was no longer alone like he was in the barn. He could also go outside and apparently he had missed that because although it was not warm outside he was outside almost all day. It was also strange to have clothes back on because his entire time in the barn had not even had his underpants on. When Tj put his cell phone back on he had over 100 messages from both his friends and his family and he huge amount of work to answer them and he realized that soon he would have to return to his old life and tell them what had happened to him, but for now he was on cloud nine with Peter and enjoyed every moment. Whenever Peter took a break from work he looked for Tj and like a real new couple in love, they could not keep their hands off each other then. Peter's cock was emptied several times a day and now that Tj's cock was freed from his penis cage he too was satisfied several times a day. But after a week of exploring and discovering each other, Peter thought it was time for them to sit down together and have a talk about how they were going to handle it next. P: How do you feel now that you are here with me. T: I love it, it actually exceeds my wildest dreams. P: I also think it's blissful that you're here, but I'd love to know how we're going to get on. Because although I like this honeymoon, I guess this can't last. T: I see. You mean I also have to go to work or something. P: oh no I don't mean that honey, for me you don't have to work I can certainly support you I don't mean that. P: no I mean I want to go out with you, take you to parties. But if I take you then you can't go with me as my equal though Tj's eyes twinkled T: I understand what you mean, although I enjoy your loving side immensely, yet you made me extremely horny when you dominated me. Now Peter's eyes twinkled. P: yeah, are you serious? I enjoyed it too when I had you completely in my power. T: I want to stay here with you, and I also give you the right to decide what happens to me. P: So you want to become my submissive partner and be completely under my authority. T: yeah, as long as I don't have to go back to the barn. P: no, of course not my little piggy. P: you can perfectly well stay here but as my sub. T: ok then, but before I completely surrender to you I have to put some things in order. P: like what? T: uh, cancel my apartment, inform my parents and friends and move my stuff here. P: ok you get 1 week and after that you are completely mine and I decide what you do, who you do it with and where you go and stand. From then on I completely control your life. Do we have a deal? T: Deal. P: So tomorrow you start cleaning up your old life and if you want to enjoy your freedom again, then that's the time because do it. T: What do you mean P: If you want to be the whore one more time and decide for yourself who fucks that cunt of yours you should do that because after that I'll decide who fucks that cunt of yours. Tj started laughing. T: I wouldn't even know where to go to get my pussy fucked. I have no experience yet, my experience is in the barn and here with you but in the outside world I am still green behind my ears you know. Now Peter had to laugh. P: just go to the sauna, the park, or public toilet and stick your ass up your pussy will be filled. For a pozz pig like you, I guess that won't be a problem. P: Just realize that when you knock on my door again that I will only open it when you are on your knees and submit to me completely. Tj's eyes twinkled and he nodded and gave Peter a loving kiss. That night they had sex one last time as 2 equals and when they woke up the next morning and said goodbye Tj left for his old life for a while. The way back was very strange for Tj because the last time he took this road he was still a straight boy looking for himself and now he was already a trained pozz pig who knew his true nature. Getting back into civilization was also very strange and he was having trouble being able to behave normally because for the last few weeks, other than with Peter and once with his friends, he had not seen or talked to other people. Also, this was the first time since his transformation to pozz pig that he had seen other men. When he previously saw dudes it was without any sexual thoughts but now if he saw a man who was just a little bit good looking he had all the trouble to control himself and not fall down on his knees to start sucking that man's cock. Every time he saw a man he had to remind himself to act normal and not let go of his inner pig. The first thing he did was meet with his best friend, and with his knees buckling and afraid of his reaction told him that he had not actually been on a trip but had been searching for himself and had found himself. He told him that he had met a man who had taught him his true nature and that he was now in a relationship with him and would be living with him. His friend was stunned because he had not seen this coming, but had no problem with his choice and wished him all the best and hoped they could continue to see each other. Without Tj telling him that he was now a pozz pig, he still spent the entire evening talking about his transformation from straight to gay and his friend was genuinely happy for him and wished him well. They agreed that he would soon introduce his partner and that one night they would go out together. That reassured Tj to tell others. Not all his friends were as happy for him and some also wanted nothing more to do with him, but Tj had taken this into account and knew that when he went back to sir that he would have to have no more contact with them. After terminating his apartment it was time to inform his parents. As Tj parked his car in his parents' driveway he felt his stomach turn, he was extremely scared to tell home that he was now falling for men and that tomorrow he would move in with his new lover and stay with him for good. With knees buckling he opened the door and his mother came rushing toward him, took hold of him and gave him a kiss. And asked what had happened to his hair. Tj said he would explain later and when they came into the kitchen his brother and father were sitting at the table. T: mom and dad I have to tell you something. Tj told them that he had not been traveling as he had said. But that he was in a knot with himself and needed to find out what was wrong with him. He told them that he was searching for his orientation and that he had met someone who wanted to help him with that. That man had let him discover that he had actually been attracted to men all his life and that he had fallen in love with him and would soon move in with him. Tj's mother and brother couldn't believe their ears and his mother started to cry but took hold of her son and told him that it didn't matter who he fell for. Tj wanted to give his brother a hug but he pulled away and said he needed time to process this. Tj looked at his father to figure out his reaction but Tj's father didn't budge, he got up said nothing and left. Tj felt bad and wanted to leave as soon as possible because this was not the reaction he had hoped for, he had expected them to react this way but thinking and experiencing it was still something else and not to mention that he had actually become a submissive dirty pozz pig and that this was his true nature. Tj's mother took another good hold of him and told him that he was always welcome at home and that he should bring his friend when the initial emotions of his brother and father had subsided a bit. Tj drove with tears in his eyes to the motel he had booked for his last night alone. When he got to his room and recovered from the initial emotions, he was glad that this was behind him, and that he was now really ready to surrender completely to sir. For although he had doubted for a moment whether this was the best decision, he was convinced that he had made the best choice. For every time he thought of sir his cock almost jumped out of his pants. All week he had had the opportunity to be the whore but had not done so, although his cunt begged for a cock every day. One because he didn't really have the time and two because he wanted to be completely loyal to sir and let only him decide who fucked his cunt. Tj felt the horniness and desire for a cock in his pussy rising again that last night and was also craving a dose of Tina immensely. For a moment he played with the thought of going to a sauna or something but didn't. He wanted to stay faithful to Peter and sent him a message asking him what time he expected him. Peter sent back that he expected Tj at his place around noon and that he should leave all his grievances in his car, take off his clothes outside and wait naked on his knees at the door. There he would also see what to do next. Tj sent back one last message and then crawled into his bed. The next morning when he got up he felt a healthy dose of excitement, more of a longing, a desire to finally be able to give himself fully to sir. He got ready and got into his car and drove to meet his new life. When he arrived at Peter's house he got out and took off his clothes and threw them in his car and stepped to the front door and got down on his knees. There was a filled glass with a notice under it, a blindfold and knee pads next to it. The bill simply said drink the glass empty, put on the blindfold and knee pads and wait at the door which Tj did. Nerves he no longer had, he only had a great desire to be able to completely surrender himself to sir and give him all decision-making power over him. Tj sat on his knees waiting as he had done many times in the barn, but now he sat outside where everyone could see him sitting. Although no one lived nearby and there was very little chance of anyone seeing him he still found this very exciting and suddenly he also heard a car approaching. Tj now completely did not know what to do. Should he stay put or run away because he was sitting there naked on his knees blindfolded in front of the front door and he felt that the G he had taken was already starting to work well. He didn't have much time to think because the car was stationary and he heard the car door open and close again. Although he was already getting tremendously horny from the G Tj's heart was pounding in his throat, but he still remained tense. Suddenly he felt a hand on his head. Tj almost started to piss from fear, but then he felt a metal collar being put around his neck and a chain being put on. It couldn't have been anyone but sir because who else would do this. P: What a loyal and good boy you are. Waiting so briskly and not running away when you hear something you don't expect. T: I am waiting for you sir. Peter gave him a pat to his head. P: remember from now on you are under my authority boy and you speak only when I say you may speak understood or do I have to put you back in the barn to teach you manners. T: no sir. P: good boy. Did you make good use of this week to close down your old life. T: yes sir. P: so you are ready to surrender to me completely. T: yes sir. P: did you take advantage of it to be the whore pig. T: no sir I wanted to remain completely loyal to you. Peter started laughing. P: boy, your cunt will not be used only by me you know. I will sell your ass, give it to others and let you serve them. Or did you think you would only get my cock in your ass for the rest of your life. T: no sir, but I only wanted you to still decide who could fuck my cunt and wanted to be faithful to that. P: hmmmmm, that's nice of you boy. That cunt of yours must be in the mood for a cock I suspect. Isn't it pig. T: oh yes sir, I've been longing for a cock since I left here. Every man I met I wanted to hump and offer my ass. But I managed to restrain myself from being completely faithful to you. P: I love to hear that boy. It proves you are a real pig if you want to jump every man. Then you must be pleased with what I have in store for you. Tj nodded but didn't know what sir had in mind for him, but was sure he would like it. P: bend over slut that I can inspect your cunt. Tj leaned forward and felt Peter go into his cunt with his finger. P: We will have to give you another good shave tomorrow pig but for now you look fine. Tj felt how his pussy started to burn and by the huge burning feeling Tj knew that sir had put more than 1 shard in his pussy. Then Tj felt the chain being pulled and he had to follow sir. Tj wanted to crawl on his knees and follow sir. P: stand up pig or we won't be there tomorrow. Peter guided Tj to the car and pushed him on the back seat. P: lay down slut then I can put your dick back in his cage. Tj laid down on his back and sir took hold of Tj's stiff cock and squeezed it very hard. Tj started moaning in pain. P: control yourself boy. Your pain doesn't interest me and you don't have to have a stiff dick either. Tj's cock had gone limp by now and so sir was able to put him back in his cage. Tj heard how the door slammed and how the car started. Without saying a word they drove around for at least 15 min. After they were driving for about 10 min, Tj felt that the Tina in his ass was doing a good job and he couldn't contain himself anymore and started playing with his pussy. Peter looked back in his mirror and saw that Tj was playing with himself. P: yeah pig, play good with that pussy. Just give a show to anyone who wants to see it. For a moment Tj did not care who could see him or not, his cunt needed to be filled and although his 5 fingers were deep in his cunt it was not enough and he started moaning. At that moment sir stopped driving and got out and opened the back seat door and pulled Tj out of the car. P: Get out pig, you've played enough. Because of the Tina and the G, Tj didn't care where he was and that he was getting out of the car naked, he was so horny and high that he got out of the car without hesitation. Peter pulled the chain and Tj followed without knowing where he was going and because of the chems he also needed some help from sir to stay upright. But from the sounds he had to be somewhere in a park or forest because it was fairly quiet and really only heard leaves rustling from trees. After walking for a while and still not saying a word, sir stopped. P: get on all fours pig. P: No matter what happens you stay here, don't take off your blindfold and refuse nothing understood. Don't disappoint me pig T: yes sir. Tj felt sir securing the chain to a tree, how he pushed a few more shards into his cunt. Tj also felt sir write something on back with a marker and then leaving him alone. Although Tj was enormously horny because of the chems, he was tense for a moment because of the situation he was in. He found it tremendously exciting but still had some anxiety. Who saw him sitting here like this, where was he and what would happen to him. But he didn't have long to think about that because before he realized it he felt a pair of hands on his ass. At first the hands on his ass still startled him but when he felt fingers being inserted into his pussy his horniness took over and he pushed his ass back so his pussy was nicely visible. He heard how the man opened his pants and got on his knees behind him. Tj felt the unknown man push his glans against his sphincter and drill his way into his pussy. Tj felt a huge surge of horniness wash over him because this was the first time he felt so slutty. For the first time an unknown man was fucking his pussy and he had absolutely no idea where he was, who was fucking him and if there were others watching. But he didn't really care, the fact that his pussy was filled with a cock was the most important thing and only now did he fully understand what sir meant once he was pozz he would be completely free. Because now he didn't have to take anything into account when he got fucked, he could just offer his cunt and have a load dumped into it. That idea only made Tj even hornier and he was proud to be a dirty pozz pig. By now the unknown man was fucking Tj vigorously and Tj felt another pair of hands rubbing his shaved head. The hand went along his head and a finger went into Tj's mouth. Tj started licking and sucking the finger like it was a fat cock. Man 2: do you want my dirty cock pig. T: yes sir Man 2 : hopefully you can handle my fat cock in your pig's mouth first Tj opened his mouth and the man took hold of his head and pushed his dick deep into Tj's throat. The dick had obviously not been washed for days because it tasted sour and had a huge strong smell and taste but Tj didn't care at all and started sucking the dick firmly. Tj heard how the other man was nearing his climax and heard him growl loudly. Man 1: Fuck, take my load in your toxic asshole you dirty bitch. Tj felt how the man was dumping string after string of cum into his pussy and when he was done pulled his cock out of his pussy and gave him a few slaps on his ass. Now that his cunt was free again, the man who was now sucking Tj pulled his stiffened cock out of his mouth and sat down behind Tj and pushed his cock into the already full cunt. Tj began to moan slightly as this cock was clearly thicker and longer than the first cock. This man was also clearly a more dominant fucker than the first one because Tj got regular slaps against his ass and he was also fucked much harder. . After about 5 min this man also reached his climax and for a second time his pussy was filled with the cum of an unknown man. When the man had left, Tj was alone for a while and actually could not wait until when the next man would come along to fuck his pussy. It took a while but after a few minutes he suddenly heard footsteps going his direction again but this time it was not 1 but definitely 2 men. Man 3: Hey check this out, here is one naked and tied to a tree. Oh fuck that mother fucker is a fucking pozz pig Man 4: Come man we'll take that slut. Man 3: Fuck yeah, but first let him prove he's a real pig Tj felt really humiliated how those 2 men were going on about him but for some reason it also wound him up tremendously. Tj felt a warm jet being sprayed on his head and again he felt his horniness take over and he opened his mouth and looked for the jet of piss being sprayed on him. Man 3: Look at that slut, he likes being pissed on. Man 4: Do you like our piss pig? Here, drink it. The fourth guy pushed his pissing cock into Tj's mouth and Tj started drinking the piss from the man's cock while sucking. The other one pissed Tj all over and when Tj had sucked his friend all stiff he went behind him and pushed his stiffly sucked cock into Tj's sloppy pussy. Man 4: Fuck dude, that slut's cunt is already well full of cum and you if you want your dick can certainly still add to it. Man 3: Come lie under him so he'll come sit on you then we'll fuck him at the same time. Guy pulled his dick out of Tj's ass and got under him. Man 4: first lick my cock clean dirty whore because it is full of cum from those others who fucked your ass. The man pushed Tj's mouth on his cum coated cock and Tj licked it clean like a hungry bitch. When he had licked him clean and swallowed the cum the man pushed his clean cock into Tj's dirty cunt. The other pushed him forward so that he too could push his cock into Tj's cunt. Tj began to moan loudly. Not from pain but from supreme ecstasy. Man 3: fuck that little slut has a blissful cunt. Man 4: fuck yeah, do you like it little bitch. Being fucked by 2 unknown men. Tj could only moan, letting the two men do their thing and enjoying every thrust he received in his hole. For the first time now he really had the feeling that he was a dirty slut who could and should be fucked by anyone, he enjoyed it immensely and was immensely grateful to sir for letting him experience this. What on his own he would never have dared to do this. Man 3: Do you want our load in your guts bitch. Tj only groaned Man 4: beg for our load slut, otherwise I'll just squirt it on the ground. T: fuck, fuck no. Dump your load in my hole. Please squirt your cum in my dirty cunt. Man 4: you heard it, he wants our dna in his hole. The two men were pounding firmly into his cunt with their cocks and Tj heard how both of them were about to fill his asshole. Tj heard them both growl loudly and felt them both simultaneously filling his bowels with their cum. After they removed their dicks from Tj's sloppy cunt they let him lick their dicks clean and left. Again Tj was alone, now his shock and shyness was completely gone, also the chems had worn off and for the first time he let his inner slut and pig sober loose on the world because now he had realized that he didn't need Tina or G to be a slut, the chems only made sure that his feelings were amplified, it wasn't the chems that made him a slut that was him all by himself. It no longer mattered who took him or how he sat there. As long as there was a cock in his cunt and he would soon go home with a hole overflowing with cum. Tj couldn't wait for the next one to come along to pump him full and proudly pushed his ass back so the next man who came could see that he was ready for use. So Tj let himself get filled up about 5 more times before sir came and unhooked the chain from the tree. The whole time he had been watching from a distance how Tj behaved and how he had not refused any cock. He was proud of his young pozz pig and he had seen how Tj had enjoyed every turn he got. P: And pig, is your cunt satisfied or could there be another load. T: Oh sir, this was a blissful experience. I would like to say I am satisfied but then I would actually be lying. T: this released something I didn't know was inside me. I don't think my cunt will ever have enough. I am a real cum whore. I can't get enough of this. P: I like to hear that my boy. Then you certainly won't mind me inspecting your cunt with my fat cock to see how much cum is in your hole. Tj bit his lip for he wanted nothing more than for sir to fuck him before they left. T: oh yeah sir, I want to feel your dirty infectious cock pumping into my toxic pussy Peter removed his stiff cock from his pants and pushed it into Tj's sloppy hole and began to fuck him vigorously. Tj started moaning with pleasure when he felt sir's firm hands around his hips and when he felt the familiar cock entering his cunt. P: hmmmmm, your cunt is nice and wide and wet with cum my dirty boy. You make your master proud that you have such a willing, hungry, dirty and toxic pussy. P: do you want sir to find any horny men for you to fuck your cunt pig. Or are you not the pig I think you are. Tj was fully enjoying than the fuck he was getting from sir and moaned solving it. T: Yeah sir, you can find as many men for me as you can. I will never refuse a cock because I live for a cock in my ass and for another load of cum.? P: hmmmm you dirty whore, I will pump my load deep into your guts. Do you feel my toxic load already burning in your guts pig. Tj felt how Peter was pumping string after string into your ass and also how from his own flaccid cock his pre-cum was running. Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's filled cunt and wanted to put his cock away. Tj who still saw nothing heard sir wanting to zip his pants back up. T: oh no sir, let me clean your cock. I want to taste my pussy and clean your cock. P: I like to hear that boy. Peter pushed his cock into Tj's mouth and he saw how Tj enjoyed licking and swallowing the cum off his cock. Peter had to restrain himself or he would fuck him again immediately because it made him so horny seeing Tj like that. After his cock was clean he pulled Tj straight and kissed him firmly. P: You always exceed all expectations slut. You make sir extremely happy and horny with your behavior. T: For you I will do anything sir. P: I should hope so my boy. Peter slapped Tj's ass and he felt the cum running out of his pussy and with his hand he took some of the cum and let Tj lick it off before they went back to the car. They drove home, and this time Tj was not in the back but in the front of the car. He still had the collar on and was still blindfolded. The blindfold did not come off until they were inside the house. There Tj could see the man of his life again for the first time and could see how dirty his body had become from having been in probably a forest. Sir took him to the bathroom where he washed him and also shaved his hair again. Tj let sir do it and enjoyed every touch he received from sir. When he was clean again Tj wondered what to wear because all his grievance was still in the car. P: we will empty your car tomorrow pig. Now we're going to bed because it's pretty late and when we get home you won't need clothes anyway. I want you to walk around naked all the time so I can take you whenever I want. Tomorrow I'll tell you the other rules you have to follow. As they crawled into bed together, Tj crawled as close as he could to sir and he pushed his ass against still limp cock of sir. He hoped he would get sir's cock stiff once more and get one last load of cum in his pussy before he slept. He didn't have to do much to get Peter's cock back stiff, because after only a few minutes he felt the fat cock stiffen and make its way into his pussy. P: still not enough pig. Tj started laughing. T: I can never get enough of you sir. P: I won't stop you from coming riding my cock boy. Tj needed no further encouragement and before Peter knew it Tj was on top of him and his fat cock was inside Tj's sloppy hole. His cock slid into Tj's cunt like knife through butter and rode his cock like he had never done anything else. Peter watched a enjoying Tj and his own beastly desires took over and he took hold of Tj and began to set the pace himself. For long Peter could not keep it up because as always Tj made him far too horny and he squirted his last load of the evening into Tj's pussy. Tj fell down on Peter and they fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning when they were awake and had breakfast they emptied Tj's car. Almost all of his stuff was put in the shed, outside of a bag of clothes and some grooming products. His computer and cell phone also went inside. After they were done, they sat down at the table so they could talk for a while. Peter asked Tj if he had arranged everything and if he still had to go back. Tj told him that he had cancelled his apartment and notified everyone and other than his family that had gone pretty well. He did wonder if he could still meet up with his friends and Peter told him that he was not a prisoner and that he certainly could. He just had to let Peter know when he wanted to leave and if that worked out with the plans Peter had for him. Tj just had to make sure he was always fuckable, he had to take care of his body, always obey Peter and when he was at home he had to walk around naked, even when there were people around. Except when Peter told him he was allowed to put clothes on. The collar also remained around his neck and he was never allowed to take it off. His cock would also remain caged except when sir felt he was allowed to take it off. Tj also had to put an app on his cell phone so Peter could read his messages and see where he was. When they were alone and they had no session Tj was allowed to address Peter by his on or pet name otherwise he had to address him by sir or master, but at all times he had to know his place. If he wanted something he had to consult with Peter and he also had to take care of the household. When Peter ordered him to do something he always had to do it and he was not allowed to refuse anything on the sex level. Peter also wanted him to actively look for other men to fuck him. He had to create a profile and if he found someone then he had to ask Peter's permission to date them. Tj got a key to the house and a bank card so he could go in and out whenever he wanted and he could get groceries for them. It was quite a sandwich for Tj but he had no problem being under Peter's power. He just didn't know if he wanted to look for other men himself, he preferred to leave that to sir, but promised to do his best anyway. The first few days were quiet. They didn't get out yet and still had enough on each other. TJ had created a profile on just hookup site sir had given him and was contacting some men he did like. But suddenly he got a message from his father. Tj, I'm sorry about the last time. It must not have been easy to come and tell your story. My reaction was not really appropriate, but it had to sink in. Can you come by tomorrow or the day after so we can talk again and bring your friend too so I can get to know him. Tj hadn't responded yet because he wanted to discuss with Peter first what they would do. Peter had also read the message and told them to send that Tj back to his father that they would be there by noon tomorrow. Tj sent his father back and he got a message back that he was expecting them. The next day Tj and Peter left together for the first time to see his father. Peter drove and Tj sat next to him and was extremely nervous because for the first time he would be taking not a woman but a man to his parents and introducing him. When they arrived, they got out and went to the front door. As was Tj's habit, he took his key and opened the door and called out to his father but heard nothing. Peter looked at Tj with a strange look. T: he will probably be in his workshop in the garden, let's go and have a look there. They walked through the garden to the back and Tj saw light in his father's workshop where he tinkered with bicycles and mopeds. With buckling knees he opened the door of the shed and they went inside. T: dad are you here Dad: yeah, I'm coming give me moment. Tj his father was in his little storage room for a moment and came into the workshop. Peter meanwhile was checking out the workshop and saw rings with chains hanging from the ceiling everywhere, different cabinets and workbenches. Had you not mentioned that he worked on bicycles or mopeds here he would certainly have looked like a bdsm dungeon. Tj's father came in and gave his son a hug and shook hands with Peter. P: nice to meet you sir, I'm Peter. R: leave sir, just say Rob. P: ok Rob. R: so it is you who made my son discover his true nature. P: uh, yeah. That's my fault sorry R: oh, you don't have to apologize. As long as he's happy. T: thank you dad, and I'm really happy. T: where are mom and Liam R: oh your brother is away with school and your mom is at her sister's for a few days. R: what do you have around your neck there boy. I've never seen that before. Tj looked at Peter with a look to help him out of this situation for a moment. P: he got that from me. Rob looked approvingly at Peter and nodded. R: sit down and tell me how did you get to know each other. They sat down at the work table and and Rob first went to get something to drink, and then Tj started to tell a cleaned up story of how he had met Peter, after he had told his story Tj had to go to the bathroom and stood up and marked off his penis cage in his pants. His father had seen it immediately. R: How fairly tense you stand boy. Are you excited by telling your story. Tj turned bright red and ran quickly to the bathroom, when he came back he passed his father who was out for drinks and his father took another firm hold of Tj. Tj became fairly nervous because his father was holding him so hard that he must surely have felt his penis cage. When his father came back with the drinks back sat down next to his son and put his hand on his shoulder and took hold of the collar. R: that's no ordinary necklace he boy. Tj turned red again and didn't know what to say. Peter looked at Rob and already had an idea where he wanted to go but let Rob continue talking. Rob looked at Peter R: is he your bitch Now Tj didn't know what to do at all and sat nervously shifting back and forth across his chair. A devilish grin appeared on both Rob and Peter P: if you mean whether he is my slut, pig or sub then I can tell you that your son is my bitch. I trained him myself and I can tell you that you should be proud of your son because he is a natural and a top specimen. Tj wanted to walk away because he didn't know what to do anymore. Tj was also surprised by his father's question and how calm he remained at the answer Peter gave. Tj was very afraid of what his father would say to this. Tj felt how his father squeezed his shoulder and then put his hand on his leg R: You should not be frightened boy, I always knew you would become a cock sucker and I am glad you found your alpha male and that he made you discover your true nature. Tj almost fell off his chair. Peter could no longer hide his grin. R: Have you taken him to parties at Marcus' place yet. Tj's world was now completely upside down, how on earth does he know Marcus. P: no, haven't taken him yet but that won't take long. Do you sometimes go to the parties. R: Is he pozz already or do you still have to infect him with your dna, and yeah I've been there. I thought I recognized you when you came in, but you'll never know when I'm there because I'm wearing a mask. Tj sat open-mouthed watching his father for he never expected this. Somewhere the realization began to dawn that his father didn't quite know. T: Does mom know about this. P: He is pozz, I made sure of that. My virus is flowing through his body. R: Good. So you trained him well? P: He is very well trained. He doesn't refuse any load or other juices. R: your mother and I have a marriage of convenience boy. She knows I have my pleasures and what the consequences of that are. Tj watched the water enter his father's mouth and he felt his father begin to rub his hand across his leg. Tj was completely confused, his otherwise loving father actually turned out to be a predator, a predator who preyed on male sluts. Tj watched as Peter and his father's gaze changed to a devilishly horny one. R: is he fuckable. Peter nodded and Rob and Peter looked into each other's eyes and they both knew what the other was thinking about. P: get on your knees pig and service your father's cock because I think your father wants a test drive and wants to see how well trained you are. Tj looked at Peter as if he had been struck by lightning. Tj hesitated. P: pig, don't make me ask twice or you'll learn what that collar also can do. R: you heard your master son. Get on your knees. Tj looked at Peter with a puzzled look and got up from his chair. At that moment Tj felt a familiar feeling of horniness and willingness come over him. R: hmmmm I guess you can feel the G working now, isn't it boy. Tj's eyes began to spin lightly in his head and he felt the desire to be used rising more and more and got down on his knees. Then his father took hold of his head and pushed him toward his fly. Tj couldn't help but willingly move his head along and when his mouth landed on his father's crotch and he felt the swollen cock through his father's jeans the pig in him came out and he started kissing and licking his father's still covered cock with his lips and tongue . Rob opened a drawer of his workbench and took out a filled pipe and lighter. He started melting the crystals in the pipe and took a big haul and then blew a big white cloud into the barn. R: does he blow clouds Peter who looked amused at the scene began to laugh. P: He even slams An even bigger grin appeared on Rob's mouth. R: hmmmm good, that's my boy. Then he'll definitely like this. Rob took a filled syringe from the same drawer and put it on the work table. P: yes he will. Rob pointed to a cupboard. R: open that cupboard and take out the sling and you can hang it on the chains. You can also take out the other stuff. Peter stood up and went to the cupboard and took out the stuff and started hanging the sling. Tj was now increasingly under the influence of the G and he almost didn't care anymore that he had just been licking his father's crotch with his mouth. Rob pushed the pipe against his son's lips and started melting the crystals again. Tj looked at his father with his flying saucers and took a deep drag on the pipe. His father let him take a few more puffs until he saw that Tj was completely flying. Then he took off his son's T-shirt and loosened the belt of his pants. Then Rob rubbed his son's chest and noticed that his son was completely shaved. R: fuck boy you have the body of a real slut and those nipples of yours look amazing. Tj looked with longing eyes at the still closed jeans. Because the desire for a cock had become much too great in the meantime. R: I'm not going to have to do everything by myself boy. Show me what a hungry pig you really are. Tj opened the button of his father's jeans and saw that he was not wearing any underwear under his jeans, because his stiff cock jumped out of his pants immediately. Some pre-cum was already running out of his father's glans and that triggered Tj's inner pig completely and because of the desire for a fat cock he licked the pre-cum from his father's glans without thinking about it. The smell of piss and his unwashed, sweaty cock and the taste of the pre-cum made Tj completely go crazy and he buried his face in his father's crotch, opened his pants further and first took the big thick mushroom and then the fat cock in his mouth. Tj had seen his father naked before but he was still pleasantly surprised by the size of his father's stiff cock. Tj felt how his father grabbed his head and pushed him deeper onto his cock so that he pushed his cock deep into Tj's throat. Now Rob was pleasantly surprised by his son, because he had thought that he would gag when he would push his big cock deep into his son's throat. But Tj did not gag. The only thing Rob heard was Tj enjoying the cock in his mouth. Rob stood up, took Tj's head firmly and set the pace. Peter had finished hanging up the sling in the meantime, took off his clothes and stood next to Tj and his father. The situation had him all excited and he was already standing there with a stiff cock. Peter grabbed Rob's head and started kissing him hard. Tj looked up for a moment and saw how his father and sir were kissing hard. He now took sir's cock in his mouth and started sucking him nicely. At the same time he had his father's cock in his hand and was jerking his cock. R: You've already taught him how to suck well, he just lacks some experience. But you can definitely help him with that. P: you can be sure of that. Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's mouth and pushed Tj's head back towards his father's cock. Rob took the pipe from the table again and let the crystals melt again and blew another big cloud before placing the pipe back on his son's lips. R: take a few more puffs son. I like my boys high and slutty. Peter looked on approvingly. P: he's also a real pig in case you doubt it. Rob looked devilish and longing for Peter. R: hmmmmm Peter kissed Rob and started to piss on Tj. Tj felt how his head, chest and pants got wet from sir's piss. R: fuck that's hot boy. P: let your bladder run Rob, I think your son is thirsty. Rob didn't need to be told twice he grabbed Tj's head and while his dick was in Tj's mouth he let his bladder run empty. The pig in Tj was now completely loose and he let his father's delicious piss flow down his throat with relish. When he had emptied his bladder Peter pulled Tj upright and kissed him. Then he pushed Tj's head towards his father's. Tj hesitated for a moment but was much too horny and flying too high to resist or to think about it and placed his lips on his father's, stuck his tongue in his mouth and kissed him passionately. The image of Tj making love to his father made Peter incredibly horny and he started to pull his cock. Peter pulled Tj back to him to kiss him and Rob took off Tj's piss-soaked pants and then saw that Tj's cock was trapped in a cage. R: fuck Peter that looks beautiful, you've made a real slave of my son. Tj had become incredibly horny in the meantime and his hands went back and forth over his own body. With his fingers he started playing lightly with his nipples and got back on his knees in front of his father's cock and looked at it with admiration. T: oh dad you have such a beautiful cock. I can't wait until you fuck my cunt and pump me full of your cum. P: Shut up boy, and suck your father's cock that will be better, then maybe he will fuck you later. You have to know your place and you have to earn it to get a cock in your cunt. Peter grabbed Tj's head and pushed him roughly towards Rob's cock. Tj was just able to open his mouth and let the cock slide into his mouth. Peter pushed so hard that his father's cock slid deep into his throat, causing tears to spring into Tj's eyes and drool to run out of his mouth. P: choke on your father's fat cock. Show him what an addicted cum whore you are and what a pig he brought into the world with his cum. R: hmmmm fuck yeah son. Suck your father's fat cock. If you spoil me well, I'll fill your pussy with my dirty cum. Peter was jerking off again, because the image of Tj sucking his father's cock was way too horny to watch. P: oh fuck boy, watching you suck your father's cock makes me way too horny. I'd like to shoot my load right now. Tj stopped sucking. T: oh no sir, don't let that delicious cum go to waste. R: shut up and suck pig. Tj was pulled back onto his father's cock and he felt how sir started playing with his cunt. Suddenly he felt a burning sensation inside and he knew that sir had stuck a shard in his hole. Tj started to moan and he felt an irresistible urge in his cunt. He started to grind his ass against sir's hand and tried to get the fingers that sir was putting against his sphincter into his cunt. But sir teased him and every time Tj pushed his cunt back to let his fingers slide in, sir pulled his fingers back so that Tj was left with an empty cunt and his hunger grew bigger and bigger. R: oh fuck boy, if you continue like this I'll fill your mouth first. Rob pulled his son up and kissed him firmly. Then he pulled him by his collar to the sling where he pushed him in. Tj had no choice and fell backwards into the sling. Rob took Tj's legs and put them in the loops that hung on the chains and tied his son's legs tightly. Tj was so horny and flying that he couldn't control himself and he started playing with himself. With one hand he pushed his fingers into his cunt and with the other hand he played with his nipples. His father was approvingly looking at his slutty son who was playing with his own cunt and he gave Tj a smack on his ass. R: hmmm such a dirty boy that you are. I always knew that this would be your true destiny. Every time I looked at your ass I just knew that your cunt was meant to be filled with cum. T: hmmmm yes daddy, fill my cunt with your cum. Stick that fat cock of yours in my hole and rape me. Peter had taken the syringe in the meantime and tied Tj's arm and had found a nice vein. Rob squeezed Tj's ass firmly and gave him a few more slaps so that his little ass started to look nice and red. With every slap Tj groaned with pleasure. Rob bit his lower lip with his teeth and longed to ram his cock into his son's pussy. R: do you want your father's cock in your cunt son, do you want to feel my dirty cum flowing into your guts. Tj started coughing because Peter had emptied the point into his arm. Tj started breathing heavily and was now completely fucked up. T: oh yes daddy, fuck me. Ram that fat cock in my cunt. I want it so bad. Hmmmmm, ohhhh fuck. R: hmmmm, oh fuck son. What a dirty pig you are. Rob placed his fat cock against his son's sphincter and pushed his cock in in one go. P: yeah fuck the bitch. Fuck him hard you dirty motherfucker. Tj felt his father's cock slide into his pussy and he groaned very loudly with pleasure. T: oh yeah daddy, owh yeah. what a delicious fat cock you have. Harder, fuck me harder. Rob rammed his cock in and thrust so hard that the sling started to swing back and forth. Every time the sling came back to Rob's cock he gave him an extra thrust so that his cock slid up to his balls into Tj's cunt. Although it was very rough and hard, Tj enjoyed every thrust he got in his cunt. Rob was completely fixated on fucking his son's ass. R: Peter, you have made my son a beautiful slut. His cunt is amazing. Hmmmm R: I'm going to fill your cunt boy. But don't think you're done yet. Your daddy still has a load or two of cum for you in his balls. T: oh yeah daddy, thank you daddy. I want all the cum you can give me, I can't live without cum. R: that's right dirty slut. You only live to get cum from real men. Rob started fucking even harder than he did and started to grunt loudly. Tj felt how his father's cock was pumping his cunt full of his cum and started to moan loudly himself. When his father dropped his cock from Tj's sloppy hole Peter quickly took his place. Tj felt how his cunt was immediately filled again and how his father's cum was pushed deeper into his intestines. Tj was moaning with pleasure and enjoyed all the attention he was getting. T: let me lick your cock clean daddy, let me taste the cum that brought me into this world. Rob came to stand next to his son and offered him his limp wet cock. Tj eagerly started to lick his father's cock clean and tasted his heavenly cum. Rob was so horny and because he had taken a viagra before Tj came his cock became hard again almost immediately. Tj's mouth was completely filled again and he was surprised that his father's cock could become hard again so quickly but of course he didn't mind. Peter was meanwhile firmly fucking Tj's cunt and also started to growl loudly and hit Tj's ass hard several times. Although Tj's mouth was completely filled, you could just hear him groan with every thrust. P: hmmmm, my dirty pig. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Rob saw at that moment that Peter was not only Tj's master, but that Peter also had enormous feelings for his son. That turned Rob on even more and he pushed his hard cock back deep into Tj's throat. Peter reached his climax and Tj heard his master shout loudly and felt how he filled his guts with his seed. When Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's hole Rob immediately took his place. There was no rest for Tj's cunt. Peter stood next to Tj and whispered in his ear. P: do you like it pig, do you like feeling your father's cock thrusting into your cunt and having his cum in your guts. T: oh fuck yes sir, I'm such a dirty pig. my father's cock is wonderful to feel in my cunt. Can he come over to our place so he can fuck my cunt even more. P: of course boy. Your daddy can come and fill your toxic cunt with cum every day. T: oh thank you sir, thank you. I'll be a good pig and do everything you ask. Rob saw how Tj was under Peter's power and that turned him on even more and he started to fuck Tj harder and harder. R: I also have another son that you can transform Peter. Does it interest you that you and your pig also bring my other son to the dark side. R: because I already caught him looking more at a dick than a pussy when he watches porn. A devilish look appeared on Peter's face again and he looked at Tj. P: do you want to help transform your brother boy. T: fuck yes, I also want to teach him to enjoy a dick then we can serve you together sir. Tj's words made Rob completely wild. The idea that he would soon have two slutty sons makes him completely wild. P: are you going to pozz him son, are you going to fill your brother ass with your virus and toxic sperm. T: oh fuck yes, let's free him. Let's teach him his dark side, take away his innocence and transform him into a pozz cum-craving pig. T: then he can also experience how wonderful life as a pig is. Rob couldn't hold back again and for the second time he squirted his cum into his son's pussy. Tj was taken out of the sling and sucked both his father's and Peter's cock clean. That same afternoon he was fucked 2 more times by both his father and his master and when they were done Tj and Peter drove back home. Peter was pleasantly surprised by what the afternoon had brought him and Tj lay satisfied and filled up like a real slut should be sleeping on the backseat. Rob and Peter had exchanged their numbers so that they could make further arrangements to corrupt his other son as well. Because although Tj said during the session that he wanted to infect his brother, it was not certain whether he would want to continue with that after he had come back to his senses. When Tj woke up the next morning in the arms of his master, he felt that something had changed in him. The last bit of goodness that was still in him had completely disappeared. He felt that he had now completely switched to the dark side and that nothing was [banned word] for him anymore. He thought back to his father and instead of guilt or disgust he only felt pleasure and a desire for more. Tj realizes that his transformation was now complete and his old life was dead. He noticed that Peter was also awake and he kissed him. T: have you arranged a time with my father so that we can train my brother. Because I can't wait to give him my virus and make him pozz. Peter looked at his apprentice with a devilish grin and was pleasantly surprised by his question. P: calm down my filthy pig. All in good time.
  7. Part 6 The pozzing of Tj Tj woke up alone in his bed like every day, although he had already gotten used to the drug use he still felt crappier, that was because in the last session he had received heavier doses than usual after all, also his pussy felt different than he was used to. He noticed that the last session had forced his cunt to its limit and he realized that he was not yet a total slut, otherwise his cunt would not feel the way it felt now. Tj looked at his nipples and saw the gauzes on his nipples and although he had experienced the whole session as a huge horny rush he remembered that Marcus had pierced his nipples at the end. He was curious about the result, somehow it did make him extremely horny. Now his body was no longer at all unspoiled as he had arrived here, but was transforming bit by bit into his new personality. Suddenly his last words that he said to sir popped into his mind. He had asked him to pozzen him. Tj felt himself getting nervous again for the first time in a long time. He was made nervous by the thought that he had asked sir to make him pozz and by that he didn't know what to expect next. How would he become pozz, when would he become pozz, what next, did he really want to become pozz, was he really ready to give his life completely or was this now just a fit of horny desire. He laid back down and let all thoughts wash over him and quickly came to the realization that he really did love sir and that this was not a whim. He also knew that this was his new life, he could not go back to his old good life. For should he do so he would become deeply unhappy. As a result, he also knew that becoming pozz could only free him and completely liberate his inner slut and that this would also allow him to give himself completely to sir. When he thought of Peter he got completely hot inside again and noticed that he had spontaneously started finger-fucking himself. That was proof that he had to give himself completely to sir, that he was completely his and that it would be an honor to offer his negative pussy to him. This was going to change his life tremendously though but he felt that his nervousness was beginning to ebb away and was giving way to desire. Desire for sir, desire for his new life and for what sir would still teach him and make him experience. He straightened up and crawled out of bed because he still felt lousy. He went to the kitchen, took his vitamins and drank something. When he felt a little better he went to the playroom and only then saw what a pig he must have been yesterday. Tj had quite a bit of work to get the room back in order in his lousy condition but when he was finally done he got to look at all that had happened last night as a reward. He plopped down in the couch, turned on the TV and watched the session. Had he been able he would have squirted at least three or four times, but luckily for him he had his penis cage on and couldn't play with his cock. Fortunately for Tj, his cunt was playable, although his cunt still felt rough and sore. Still, he could not restrain himself and played with a dildo in his opened cunt. It felt so blissful to ram that dildo into his hole while watching it being used like that the night before. When he got to the moment he asked sir to pozzen him he got hot inside again and felt a huge amount of pre-cum running out of his cock. This time there was no more nervousness but only desire. As the session neared its end his watch vibrated. He turned off the TV and knew he had to get ready because sir would be there in half an hour. He quickly rinsed his pussy and took his dose of G went back to the playroom took his blindfold, pig plug and got ready. When sir came into the playroom Tj was already flying all over the place and the pig plug that was still snug in his cunt at first spontaneously fell out of his cunt because he had gotten so horny and that his sphincter had completely relaxed and was coming into its new relaxed shape. Tj had not had a tight pussy for a long time but the fist training had ensured that when he got horny now his pussy opened up completely. Peter gave Tj a firm pat on the ass. P: hmmm look at that pussy. Your pussy looks beautiful boy. I'm proud of you. You did that very well yesterday. That opens up a lot of possibilities for later. P: are you still sure about you what you asked me yesterday. Because you get one last chance to go back on your decision. Tj was horny as hell but if there was one thing he was sure of it was this. T: I am absolutely sure sir. I thought about it very carefully today and am 100% sure that I want to give myself to you completely. I want to stay with you, to feel your DNA and your virus flowing through me. I want you to infect me with your toxic load and make me as I am supposed to be your pozz pig. P: I can tell you're totally confident. You make me feel fucking hot about it. It makes me tremendously horny boy that you want to give yourself completely to me. I'll make sure you won't regret it. Tj felt the pipe being placed against his lips and he needed no more instructions and sucked in the fumes. He felt himself getting warmer and warmer and sinking deeper and deeper into his dark thoughts. Sir let Tj enjoy cock, fist and at the end let him swallow his cum. After Peter squirted his cum into Tj's mouth he fell down on the bed and took Tj in his arms. Tj didn't know where he deserved this because this was the first time he had spent a moment in the arms of the man who had taught him to discover his true self and whom he had begun to love so much. For the first time he didn't just feel like a slut or a pig but felt love and warmth. P: boy, in a few days I will give you my gift and once you are transformed we will be connected forever. I am really looking forward to this because then we can stop your training and we can let ourselves go completely. Then I will take you with me so you can enjoy what your new life has to offer you. T: I'm looking forward to it sir. Peter let go of Tj and took him to his room. Tj would not see the sir for the next few days. Because his daily letter stated that he would only return when his cum was back toxic enough to transform Tj. For the first few days Tj was still able to keep himself busy, taking care of his nipples and they were already healing nicely. He also thought they looked beautiful and he couldn't wait to be able to show them to sir. The days went by and Tj was still able to restrain himself fairly well but after the 5th day Tj almost started to run up the walls and his desire had become so great that he couldn't get away with his feelings. But on the 6th day his long wait was rewarded because his watch began to vibrate and light up. Tj spontaneously got hot inside and felt his nerves come to the surface. The time had come, sir would soon come and give him a load of his toxic cum and then the wait would be on to see he had become pregnant with sir's babies. This was a tremendously exciting moment for Tj and with knees buckling he went to the shower, rinsed his ass and cleaned himself for this important moment. He took his dose of G and knew it wouldn't be long before the G would make his nerves disappear and give way to tremendous horniness. Tj went to the playroom, put on his blindfold as usual and stuck his plug in his ass and got ready. Tj felt the G taking away his nerves and getting hot. His thoughts grew darker and hornier and now he thought only of sir and his toxic charge. The charge that would transform his cells, make him pozz and connect him to sir forever. Tj felt sir's hand caress his body. The tiny hairs that had grown back by now spontaneously straightened and he got goosebumps. The gentle caress was only short-lived because without cause he suddenly felt several hard slaps on his ass. Peter took Tj's ass firmly in his hands and then gave a few more slaps which caused the jaws of Tj's ass to start looking nice and red. Tj felt that sir was standing fiercer than usual and that made Tj even hornier than he already was. This was going to be the session of his life, he felt it. P: hmmmm, fuck boy. What a nice horny pig you have become. That ass of yours is just perfect and your new nipples are beautiful. I can't wait to start playing with them soon. Peter was hornier than usual because being off medication had increased his libido and having saved up his cum for this moment he was actually unstoppable. He gave a few more pats against Tj's ass and then stood in front of Tj and took hold of his head and took off his blindfold and looked into Tj's flying saucers P: my viral count is through the roof boy. I'm going to make your cunt radiate with my toxic load. Peter looked at Tj with a devilishly horny and dominant gaze. P: do you want my Toxic load boy. T: hmmm yes sir I have been longing for it all week. I want to feel your DNA flowing through me. P: I have been saving my cum all week so I can properly fill that cunt of yours with my dirty cum. Tj felt that sir was tremendously horny and more dominant than usual, but for some reason it only made him even hornier and brought him even more under sir's spell. Sir's horny words caused the plug to spontaneously fall out of Tj's pussy. Sir saw it and gave him another pat on the ass and then inserted 3 fingers into Tj's gaping cunt. Tj started moaning. T: oh fuck sir, I want you so bad. Use me, infect me and make me completely yours. Tj felt his cunt begin to glow. Peter had just inserted a shard of Tina into his cunt and Tj felt the Tina working its way into his body. P: I will definitely infect you, you dirty pig. Because that is what we are here for and I will make sure you do not dodge your true fate. But first I want to play with that negative body of yours one last time before it transforms into a real pozz pig. T: oh yes sir, use me I am fully yours. P: give me your arm pig I can shoot you into the stars. Tj gave his arm and felt the tourniquet being tightened around his biceps. Sir knew well where to poke the needle and it wasn't long before Tj started coughing and was shot in the stars. Tj felt sir begin to piss on his face and he opened his mouth and took sir's pissing cock in his mouth and let the golden nectar run down his throat. Peter took Tj's head firmly and pushed his cock even deeper into Tj's throat. In the past he would have gagged but now Tj was much more used to it and was able to slide sir's cock deep down his throat. Peter growled loudly P: fuck yeah boy, let it run deep down your throat like a real pig. Fuck yeah. My dirty pig, I'm so proud of what you've become. You have completely blossomed into the pig you had always been. When sir finished pissing he took hold of Tj's head and began to kiss him firmly. Peter tasted the taste of his own piss in Tj's mouth but that only made Peter hornier. Peter broke the kiss and looked at Tj's new nipples and gently licked at the jewels. Tj's nipples were still enormously sensitive, the caress of sir's tongue, his sensitive nipples and through the Tina, Tj began to moan and pant enormously. Tj immediately realized that his new nipples would also give him new sensations later and he liked that new sensation. Peter freed Tj's cock from his cage and also pushed a viagra into Tj's mouth. P: Just swallow this one boy. I want you to have a stiff cock later when I transform you. Tj was put on all fours and sir came and sat on Tj's ass and lubed his pussy well with lube and immediately pushed all five of his fingers inside. Tj's cunt opened like a flower and allowed Sir's hand to enter smoothly. P: hmmmmm, your cunt is ready pig. You have the cunt of a real slut, it is asking to be filled because it gives absolutely no resistance anymore. I feel you have taken your training seriously and that this is what you really want because otherwise you could never get such a cunt in such a short time. Tj: Thank you sir. It's all because of you, you showed me my true nature and I can't deny that I don't like having a stuffed cunt. Tj: hmmmm push your fist all the way in sir. I want to feel you all the way into my bowels. Sir pushed his fist over the thickest point through Tj's sphincter and Tj gave a moan of pleasure as he felt the fist slide over his thickest point into his cunt. Sir began to spin his fist inside Tj's cunt. Tj fell down on the bed due to the tremendous feeling of pleasure and began moaning heavily. Peter took advantage of the moment to begin scratching deep into Tj's hole with his nails so that his virus could soon penetrate Tj's body and begin its transformation there. Tj did not feel this, all he felt was supreme ecstasy and enjoyed every inch that sir's fist went deeper into his pussy. After sir had done enough damage in Tj's hole and pulled his fist out of his cunt he saw that his hand was covered with a nice layer of blood. Peter wiped his hand clean and offered Tj his cock again. Tj was still flying but felt the Tina was already loosening his grip on his mind somewhat sucked sir's cock eagerly into his mouth and tasted sir's pre-cum. That made the slut inside him take over and he wanted to taste even more of that heavenly fluid in his mouth. He began to firmly suck sir's cock and he got an extra portion of pre-cum in his mouth as a reward. Sir took Tj's head firmly and pushed his fat cock deep into Tj's throat. Tj could not breathe for a moment the tears sprang into his eyes and drool began to run from the corners of his mouth.... P: hmmm fuck yeah pig. Also that throat of yours is so heavenly. Peter started fucking Tj's throat firmly and saw that Tj's cock was starting to get stiff. P: Good pig. I see that cock of yours really likes having sir's cock in your throat too. Tj could do no more than moan once in confirmation. Peter withdrew his cock from Tj's throat, spit in his face and licked up his spit, pushed Tj onto his back lay down on him started kissing him fiercely. Tj was already getting more and more back out of the stars and put his legs around Peter's body and pulled him even closer to him. He felt Sir's cock tense against his and Tj took hold of Sir's cock with his hand and pushed it toward his pussy. Peter let Tj do it. P: yeah boy, push the cock that will transform you into a pozz pig into your cunt yourself. Show me you really want this and once it is in your cunt there is no turning back pig, then I will fuck you until you are pozz. The words made Tj even hornier and he placed the tip of Sir's cock against his gaping sphincter. Peter looked deep into Tj's eyes with a devilishly horny and longing look. Tj pushed his ass forward and felt Peter's fat cock slide past his gaping sphincter into his cunt. Peter growled P: fuck yeah boy. Show me you want my toxic cum. Tj tried to control his sphincter and tighten his sphincter around sir's fat cock but his sphincter had been so open that sir felt what Tj was trying to do but didn't really feel Tj tighten his sphincter around his cock. P: hmmmm you horny pig. Your cunt has already become so wide that your my fat cock has already become too small for you. P: that's how I like my pussies boy. Nice and wide and asking for a fat cock. Peter took over from Tj and pushed his cock deep and hard inside. Tj closed his eyes and placed his hands on Peter's chest and began to play with his nipples. Peter quietly began thrusting into Tj's pussy and dropped onto Tj and began kissing him back firmly. The idea that he would soon pump Tj full of his toxic cum and make him pozz made him extremely horny. He already longed for the moment when he would get the fuck flu, then he would ask him if he would stay with him forever because he had begun to love Tj immensely in that short time. The boy exceeded all expectations and he was the pig he had always been looking for. Tj took Peter's head firmly and kissed him fiercely. Then he placed his hands on Peter's back and looked into Peter's eyes longingly. T: hmmmm harder sir. Fuck me harder. Show me you want to take my negative cunt and transform it into a pozz cum hole that refuses no load. P: fuck boy. What a horny dirty slut you have become. The words only made Peter even hornier and confirmed to him once again that Tj was a born pig. Peter began to fuck Tj more forcefully but now Tj took over and he pushed Peter onto his back. T: This is my party P: Fuck yeah boy, suck that toxic load with your cunt out of my dirty cock Tj winked at Peter. A grin appeared on Peter's face and he put his arms under his head and let Tj have his way for a while. Tj sat down on Sir and like a real slut pushed the fat cock into his pussy and started riding it. Tj's hands went wild over his body, he played gently with his new nipples, he closed his eyes and had his mouth hanging wide open and was moaning loudly. From his own stiff cock there was pre-cum running which he took up with his finger and wanted to put it in his own mouth with a slutty look. But was stopped by sir. P: your last neg cum is for me pig. i want to be able to taste your transformation. Tj put his finger in Sir's mouth and felt his tongue lick his finger clean. It only made Tj even hornier and with the jaws of his ass he began to knead Sir's cock in his ass. Sir took hold of Tj's ass and gave a few pats on it. He straightened up , Tj shifted his legs and continued riding sir's fat cock. Sir took Tj's head back and kissed him firmly. Peter felt it would not be long before he would infect Tj's pussy with his toxic cum and he pushed Tj back onto his back. It only made Tj even hornier and with the jaws of his ass he began to knead sir's cock in his ass. Sir took hold of Tj's ass and gave a few pats on it. He straightened up , Tj shifted his legs and continued riding sir's fat cock. Sir took Tj's head back and kissed him firmly. Peter felt it would not be long before he would contaminate Tj's pussy with his toxic cum and he pushed Tj back onto his back. He took hold of Tj's cock and began to gently jerk him as he continued to fuck Tj's pussy. Tj couldn't hold back anymore and cried out. Peter sensed what was about to happen and momentarily withdrew his cock from Tj's pussy and placed his mouth on Tj's stiff cock. Tj was now all smiles as he felt sir's warm moist mouth around his stiff cock. T: I'm going to squirt my load, I'm going to squirt . P: then squirt pig, squirt sir's mouth full of that last neg load. Tj moaned very loudly and he squirted his load into sir's warm moist mouth. Peter neatly swallowed the large load of cum and then kissed Tj. P: hmmm just taste one last time of your neg load pig. Next time you will taste your cum it will be a load of pozz pig because now it is my turn. Tj felt sir's cock slide back into his cunt but this time it felt different. His cunt felt over stimulated by the fact that he had just cum himself and with every thrust he could not control his body because with every thrust he got a dose of tremendous horniness and felt like he was going to cum again. Sir looked deep into the eyes of Tj with a horny, longing and devilish look at every thrust. P: Do you like it boy. Do you like it sir will pump your pussy full of his toxic load. Tj moaned uncontrollably and loudly T: fuck yeah sir. Give me your toxic load. I want it so bad. Load my cunt with your dirty toxic load, make my cunt shine. Free me from my negative life and make me a fricking dirty pozz pig. Peter stepped up the pace one last time and Tj was now completely in a trance and could only moan with every thrust he felt from sir's cock in his cunt. T: Pozz me sir I want it so bad. I want to be yours so bad. P: here it comes boy, here comes the toxic load you have so been craving. Peter growled very loudly and thrust hard and deep into Tj's hole one last time. Tj felt sir's cock spurting jet after jet of toxic cum into his cunt, he closed his eyes and tears sprang to his eyes. T: oh fuck yeah, thank you sir. Thank you P: you're welcome my boy. Peter lay down exhausted at Tj's side his limp cock fell out of Tj's gaping hole and he noticed cum running out of Tj's hole. With his fingers he pushed it back deep into Tj's cunt and with his fingernails he scraped well into Tj's cunt wall a few times in the meantime so that he would certainly not escape his fate. His cum coated fingers he put into Tj's mouth and let them lick him clean. He took a fat plug and pushed it into Tj's gaping and pozz cum-filled cunt P: just taste the cum that will make you a nice pozz pig boy. Tj eagerly licked sir's fingers clean and then lay down in his arms. Peter took Tj tightly and hugged him tightly and then began kissing him again. After the two enjoyed each other some more Peter took Tj back to his room, this time he did not put his cock cage on him or close the door, but this Tj did not know. The next morning when Tj woke up he had a morning erection for the first time in a long time and although he wanted to jerk himself off, still he didn't do it because he didn't want to lose his horniness in case sir did plan to pay him another visit. Tj was right because like every day sir paid a visit to Tj to further fill his cunt with his toxic cum. But Tj felt the sessions were different than before. The sessions before his first pozzing were mainly to train him and let him know his place and his true self. But now when sir came to play and fuck him, Tj felt that sir was showing more and more his true feelings for him and Tj could not deny that he enjoyed this immensely. He enjoyed how sir more and more and more lovingly treated him like a pig. Not like a pig from some stable but his own pig. After the first week, Tj began to lose his patience. Had he succeeded in making him pozz or had sir's dna not been able to damage his immune system. But after every session he had had with Peter, Peter had told him to be patient and that he would soon transform into a pozz dirty pig. But the moment Tj had almost lost hope, he got up that morning and felt himself getting tremendously sick. At first he thought it was because of the chems but it wasn't long before he realized that his transformation had finally begun. Although he really didn't feel well, he was still glad that he was in his transition and that when he felt better, his bond with sir would be complete. Peter followed Tj's doings every day and he had immediately seen that Tj's transformation had begun. He sent a message to Tj that he should just stay in bed and that he would come and take care of him as long as he was sick. Tj stayed in bed and before long sir was in his room to take care of him. Peter took his fever and saw that Tj had a seriously high fever and that confirmed that he was transforming. Peter took good care of Tj and after a few days when he started feeling better again Peter took a blood sample and took it to a center to have it checked. The next day Tj received a notification on his watch that the results had come in. Peter entered Tj's bedroom and handed him the letter with the results. Tj's heart beat in his throat as he opened the letter because what it would say would turn his whole life upside down. Together they looked at the results and there they could read that sir's dna had done its job well and that Tj could now really call himself a dirty pozz pig. Tj and Peter looked at each other and felt how they both got extremely horny from the positive result and they started kissing fiercely. T: do you want to be the first sir to use this pozz dirty pig. P: oh fuck yeah boy. The first, the second and the last. P: we are going to have a good time. I want you to move in with me and stay with me forever. But the decision is yours boy. T: I want nothing more than to stay with you, surrender myself to you completely and learn everything from you that I can. P: I like to hear that pig. I will teach you everything I can. P: I'll take you to our pozz party tomorrow because the others are asking for you. P: follow me boy, you don't have to stay here anymore Peter took Tj's hand and together they went outside. It was the first time in months that Tj went outside and to his great surprise it was night, in his perception it was now noon somewhere but because he had been inside all this time and had no contact or sight of the outside world his sense of time was completely gone. Peter took Tj back inside his house and escorted him to his bedroom where Tj made love to Peter for the first time as a Pozz pig. That night he did not sleep alone either and when he woke up he was in the arms of the man who had made him Pozz. Tj felt satisfied and complete. But this was only the beginning because now his life would really just take off. He still had so much to learn and so many things he was going to experience. Peter also woke up and kissed Tj. P: hmmm how I have longed for this boy. To wake up here with you as pozz pig in my arms. I would like to take you straight to one of our pozz parties. But first let's enjoy each other some more before I have to share you. T: hmm fuck yes sir. P: hmmmmm fuck boy I get such beastly sensations looking at you. I would like to have you riding my cock all the time. T: mmm, what are you waiting for then. This pozz cunt is there to serve you cock. Tj pulled his legs open and offered his pussy to Peter, who didn't have to be told twice. After the morning fuck, they got up and had breakfast together for the first time. P: Boy, I want you to address me as sir or master only when we are in a playroom or group session. otherwise I want you to address me by my name, or a pet name. Because although I want you as a slut and pig in my life I also want you as a partner if that is what you want. Tj felt his heart beat faster at the last words. He had not experienced this much his life. These were not feelings of a whim but were deep loving feelings. He stepped towards Peter, took hold of him and kissed him tenderly. T: what will it be then, daddy , darling , baby, pig daddy Peter laughed P: we'll see. P: would you like to stay here dear. T: very much, but do think I will have to go and put things in order first. P: I will help you with that. Also if you need help telling about your new self to your friends and family. Tj took a while to let that last one come in because he also realized that he would have to start telling his family about this. But that's for the next part
  8. Part 5 he finally gave in Tj went to the playroom and saw that he did have some cleaning up to do this time. After he cleaned up the room he went to rest a bit in the seat, he put on the last session with Mr. as usual and played with his pussy a bit. He had brought a dildo from the playroom but noticed that it had already become much too thin for him to really stretch his pussy open. The dildo slid into his cunt like knife going through butter. He quickly walked back to the playroom and picked up a much thicker dildo. Sir had also requested that his cunt be stretched further so his fist could go in, and that thought made his pussy open with desire. While watching the film of the session, he continued to play with his pussy and got the taste of Mister's piss back in his mouth. Tj lay down on the floor and began to piss again. Although he was now not under the influence of any chems he found it blissful to feel his own piss running down his body. Unfortunately, the penis cage prevented him from pissing into his mouth because the cage prevented him from directing the jet. Tj rubbed the piss running down his body everywhere he could and felt complete. This was the thing he had missed all his life. Deep down he had always longed for this but had never thought about it or given in to it. Now that he had tasted this he would never want anything else. The first day he was alone Tj enjoyed some rest, although he had played with himself for a while he let his body enjoy some well-deserved rest. The days that followed were tougher for Tj. The second one he could still get through by getting some rest and working out in the gym and of course continuing to train his pussy but days 3 and 4 were a serious ordeal. Since he had arrived here he had had sex every day and had discovered new things and had also been given chems. Although there was a dose of G in the frig, he still had a tremendous desire to get high. He felt how his body craved a dose of any chems. His body also needed to be used and although he was playing with himself it was not the same as Mr. playing with his body. Tj pissed himself every day and pushed a thicker dildo into his hole every day but still he missed the touches of sir and missed his fat cock in his pussy. He missed how his pussy or mouth was filled with cum. Tj could no longer control his feelings and needed to be used urgently and firmly. Sir would really have his work with him when he came back Tj his needs to be fucked and used were very great. His cunt was now also fully recovered from the first weeks of heavy use and was now also almost fully trained to be able to slide sir's fist inside as there were only 4 dildos left which Tj could not yet slide into his cunt but then again those dildos were much thicker than sir's fist. To be able to slide those dildos inside his pussy he would need even more intense training and would also need some chems to allow his pussy to relax. Day 5 alone dawned and Tj hoped that his time alone would really come to an end now because this was taking far too long he needed urgent fucking and also urgently needed a fix because his body was suffering from withdrawal. Never would he want to be without a cock in his life for so long. Now he knew for sure, he was a slut. A slut who needed a daily dose of cum and cock and he also knew now that he had been given sincere feelings for Mr. He craved sir's body and touches, before he had arrived here he could never have realized that he could have feelings for a man and then one who treated him as a sub and not his equal. Tj was completely under the spell of sir and would completely surrender to him, he would want to stay with sir and serve him permanently and leave his thinking and what happens to his body completely to him. He had become a true sub and could never be an alpha male, sir had become his master and ruler and it would be that way forever that his incarceration and training had already taught him. Tj's patience had long been tested, and sir had watched him all those days and had seen that Tj had behaved well those days alone. He hadn't tried to leave his cage, he hadn't tried to use the G in the frig, he had exercised and had rested, he had pulled his pussy open further and had let his inner pig come out even without chems. But Tj's wait was almost over because Sir was back from his trip and had planned a party with some of his friends. Tj would be used that night like he had not yet experienced. He would have the night of a lifetime and if he could survive this then he would be almost ready for his new life. Peter did a few more preparations before the party and when the guests arrived he sent a message to Tj's watch. Tj felt his watch vibrate and saw that a message appeared. Finally he thought and looked at the message. Get ready pig and sit on all 4 on the bed as usual. Tj felt his heart begin to beat faster. The wait was finally over and in half an hour sir would finally use him again. He quickly drank his second bottle of water, rinsed his pussy, took the solid dose of G and headed for the playroom as fast as he could. He inserted his pig-tailed plug into his cunt and felt that by now it had become too small for him because he had to do his best so that the plug did not slip out of his cunt. He put on his blindfold and sat down on all fours on the bed. He felt the first wave of the G rising and felt how his body had longed for this to fly again. A kind of peace came over him and he felt his thoughts sink even deeper into the world of sex and being a pig. Sir didn't have to keep him waiting long because he wouldn't be able to keep this up for long. But Tj didn't have to wait long because suddenly Tj heard music playing, he heard how there was a solid techno being played in the room, because of this he had just heard that Peter and his friends had come into the room and had come to stand around Tj. Tj felt how Peter took hold of his arm. P: did you miss me pig Tj was already heavily flying through the G and his tongue was already hanging out of his mouth T: oh yes sir, I have been longing for your fat cock in my cunt for a very long time. I have trained my cunt so that soon you can slide your fist in it. Hmmmmmm aahhhhh Tj felt so horny and slutty that he was searching Peter's body with his hands but Peter slapped him against his ass. P: control your pig. T: but I want you so much sir. P: Control you. You first fly some more before you are worthy of me pig. Give me your arm I can give you your slam. Tj heard the word slam and immediately gave his arm to sir. Here he had been longing for days to feel a dose of tina flowing through his veins again and to feel like a worthy pig again. He felt the tourniquet go around his arm and the needle slide through his skin into his vein. Tj felt the cold liquid go into his warm vein and got a momentary gasp and started coughing heavily. Peter undid the tourniquet and pushed Tj backwards onto the bed. P: now you are ready to be used by me pig. P: open your mouth pig so I can empty my bladder into it. Tj opened his mouth and felt Peter put his half hard cock in his mouth. He felt the jet of piss flowing through the cock and into his mouth. Tj let his mouth fill up and began to drink the piss. At that moment he felt the plug being pulled hard out of his cunt and how another pair of hands pushed his legs up and a cock was pushed into his cunt. Tj could not respond because Peter was pushing his head firmly against the bed and was still pissing. Tj felt how his cunt was also being pissed into. Now he also felt a jet of piss wetting his body and how another jet sprayed on his face. Tj who still couldn't see anything became extremely horny. Were there now 4 men in the room filling him up and pissing him under. He felt Peter take off his blindfold and Tj let his flying saucers get used to the light for a moment and first looked Mr. deep into his eyes while he was still drinking from the pissing cock in his mouth. He looked beside him and then saw how there were 3 more men in the playroom. A black man was pissing in his ass and 2 more white men were pissing on him. He got a stream across his face and he felt the piss running over his head and into his eyes. Tj didn't know what to do with all that male beauty pissing on him. He looked at Peter again and he saw a devilish grin on his face. Peter's bladder was emptied and he pulled his cock out of Tj's mouth. P: what's up pig, you didn't expect this for sure. T: no sir, but P: but you don't mind that sir brought some of his friends with him T: hell no sir, this is fucking awesome. Peter pushed John who was standing next to him and still pissing on Tj's face to Tj. P: take his cock in your mouth pig and let's see what you have already learned here. Tj opened his mouth and took hold of John's ass and let John slide his still pissing cock into his mouth and started sucking him and let the last drops of piss flow down his throat. The others had also stopped pissing and Tj felt the black muscled bull pull his cock out of his pussy. Tj struggled to control his sphincter and it wasn't long before the piss spurted out of his cunt . The black bull had gotten on his knees with his mouth open and caught the piss spewing from Tj's cunt with his mouth. He stood up and stood next to Tj with his filled mouth of piss John removed his cock from Tj's mouth and the black bull placed his mouth on Tj's and spewed the warm piss into his mouth. Tj eagerly let the piss that was in his cunt run down his throat and then kissed the black bull fiercely. J: Fuck yeah pig. Peter meanwhile untied the penis cage and placed 2 ankle straps around Tj's ankles and then stood back next to Tj. P: pig. This is John, Marcus ( the black bull) and Steven. These are some good friends of mine and I have already told them a lot about you and they were curious about my new trainee and your progress. P: So boy just show what you have learned and don't disappoint me T: I won't disappoint you sir. Peter grinned P: you hear it boys he won't disappoint us. Go ahead and check out the goods The others began to touch Tj everywhere and Steven first spit in Tj's face and then kissed him firmly. John was already with his fingers in Tj's pussy to feel how loose it was and looked approvingly at Peter. J: his pussy is already nice and loose Peter, you have already ridden it open nicely. P: He trains his pussy daily because he wants my fist in his pussy soon. He cooperates very well in his training. John slapped Tj's ass a few times J: yes I notice he is very cooperative, do you want a fist in that pig's ass hole soon. Tj was still making out with Steven but nodded affirmatively. J: yeah that's it boy, that's how you become a big boy and a nice dirty pig. J: Peter give us some shards so we can make that piggy's hole crave for our cocks some more. Peter took some nice big shards from a pouch and handed them to John. John immediately pushed them as deep as he could into Tj's pussy and John felt them begin to melt away. J: yes that's it bitch let those shards melt away in that pussy of yours. Marcus was smoking the pipe for a while and came to stand next to Tj. He made Steven break the kiss with Tj and pushed the pipe against his lips. M: blow a few more clouds first little pig. We want you all fucked up tonight. Tj didn't have to be told this twice and sucked on pipe and blew 3 big white clouds into the room. He felt how the tina was burning in his pussy and how the smoke was shooting him even further into the stars. Now he was completely unleashed and completely fucked up. Peter handed him another viagra and an empty glass. Tj looked at the empty glass and held it under his own cock and began to piss into the glass. His bladder was so full that the glass quickly overflowed but he still couldn't stop pissing. Marcus took Tj's limp dick into his mouth and drank from Tj's chempiss. Tj enjoyed the warm moist mouth around his flaccid cock and placed the filled glass against his lips. Peter shoved the viagra into his mouth and Tj poured the glass empty into his mouth and swallowed the piss with his own. S: Fuck what a pig, you trained that one well Peter. Peter quickly put another cock ring on Tj and Tj was pulled off the bed and sat on his knees on the floor. The others came around him and offered him their cocks. Tj did not know where he had it because he had never seen so many delicious cocks around him. It was as if he was in heaven and could live out one his greatest fantasies. He didn't need to be told what to do, his pig instincts took over completely and with his left hand he took hold of John's cock, his right quickly found Steven's and his mouth sat Marcus'. Peter pushed Tj's head so that Marcus's stiffening cock disappeared deep into Tj's throat. Tj was used to something by now because Peter's cock was big and thick but Marcus' bull cock was something else. Tj couldn't breathe anymore and the drool and ran out of his mouth and tears from the effort ran down his cheeks but even though he struggled he found this heavenly. He was completely on cloud nine, his pussy was on fire and needed to be filled, his throat was full of a blissful fat cock and in both his hands he felt 2 more cocks getting stiff. What more could a pig want. Cum and a filled ass that was what he still wanted. The viagra began to do its work and penis ring made his dick stiff in no time. Tj felt so horny that he started to piss again and because his cock was fully erect the stream shot up to his chin and the piss ran down his chest to the floor. Peter pulled him off Marcus's cock and turned Tj's head so he got his own piss in his face. P: You dirty slut. Open that mouth and drink your own piss pig. Tj opened his mouth and caught as much piss as he could. When he had stopped pissing he was thrown back on the bed and had to sit on all fours. He just barely succeeded because all the chems in his body were still working at full force and his head spun to the point that he struggled to stay upright. Tj felt Marcus with his face between his ass jaws and began to lick his pussy. Steven offered him his cock and Tj now began sucking Steven. John got under him and took Tj's cock in his mouth Marcus had stopped licking Tj's cunt and Tj felt Marcus's glans pushing against his gaping sphincter to enter. M: Fuck pig. That pussy of yours is asking to be fucked. Tj felt the Marcus push his cock inside and although he had a fatter and longer cock than Mister it slid in very easily. His cunt training over the last few days had caused his cunt to open up nicely and now would let almost any cock slide inside. Tj was in seventh heaven because in his mouth was Steven's firm and long cock, his own cock was being sucked by John for the first time in a long time and in his cunt was Marcus' fat bull cock. Tj wanted to moan and cry out in pleasure but couldn't because the men were holding him down firmly so they could work their lust on him. Tj was used on all sides by the 3 men and Tj enjoyed it. Marcus' cock felt heavenly in his cunt. This was only the second cock he had received in his ass and Tj came to the realization that he was not made for only 1 man but that he should be fucked by every man he could get. He was a slut, a cumdump and a whore. His ass was only made to slide a cock inside and his mouth was only there to suck cock hard, drink piss and swallow cum. Peter had shown him his true nature and for that he was tremendously grateful. Marcus started thrusting fiercely and took hold of Tj's hips and slapped his ass fairly hard so that it started to look nice and red. In the past, Tj would have cried in pain to get such a pat on his ass but now she only made him hornier and sluttier. With every slap on his ass it was like a sign that he was doing good. John stopped sucking Tj and Steven also withdrew his cock. Tj was turned on his back and now John came and sat on top of him so he could lick his ass. The sweaty man smell of John's pussy shot into Tj's nose and he began licking John's ass like a man possessed. Marcus was still fiercely thrusting into Tj's cunt. M: what a wonderful pussy you have pig. Peter this pig you must keep. Because I want to fuck every time we meet. P: That depends on the pig if he wants to stay Marcus. I hope he stays because he's a real find. S: have you made him pozz yet. P: no not yet and I will only do that if he asks for it. S: look at that slut, he is asking to be pozz. His cunt is asking for it to dump toxic loads in. Steven took hold of Tj's stiff cock and began to suck it fiercely. Tj was enjoying every moment and had heard the conversation between the others. His thoughts went in all directions because now he was sure he was doing good and the idea of becoming pozz began to become more and more of a desire. Marcus stopped fucking and Steven took his place. Steven's cock was long but less thick than Peter's and Marcus' and because Marcus had already fucked Tj thoroughly Steven could just slide his cock balls deep inside. Tj felt only the stimulation of his prostate and from his cock there was constant pre-cum running. Marcus came up next to Tj and John released Tj's mouth. M: come on pig lick my cock clean and taste that filthy cunt of yours Tj opened his mouth and Marcus pushed his cock inside, Tj tasted his own pussy and it tasted like more. M: hmmm yeah pig, if you continue sucking like that I will already fill that mouth of yours with my babies for the first time. Do you want that pig, a mouth full of my babies. Tj nodded his head eagerly and sucked even harder on Marcus' cock, although the corners of his mouth almost tore. Marcus took hold of Tj's breasts and played with his nipples so that they stiffened and nipped them firmly. M: What nice nipples you have pig. I'll pimp your nipples later so you have real slut nipples. Peter grinned and looked at Tj who was still with Marcus' fat cock in his mouth. Peter kissed Marcus fiercely and when he stopped turning Marcus a tongue he looked back at Tj P: Marcus is my regular piercer and tattoo artist. You still have to fulfill your lost bet do you boy. Marcus will pierce your nipples later so you will look a little more like a slut and who knows, maybe someday he will give you a slut sign so you can show that you are a real cumdump and not afraid of a toxic load. Tj would want to grin himself but because of Marcus' fat cock he couldn't but instead he sucked even harder on Marcus' cock. M: I think he likes that Peter because I feel his mouth is sucking my babies out of my cock. P: that's how I know my pig, always hungry for cum. Give it to him Marcus, give him your babies and then fill his pussy again later. M: hmmmmmmm fuck boy. I'm going to fill that mouth of yours with my babies, don't let them go to waste understood. Marcus nipped Tj's chest once more firmly and Tj closed his eyes. Marcus took hold of Tj's bald shaved head and pushed Tj's head up to his pubic hair. M: Fuck here comes my load boy, just swallow it good because I haven't squirted in 4 days. Tj felt Marcus' cock begin to contract and the cock began to squirt down his throat. By now, because of Tj's training with Peter, he could handle a load of cum being squirted down his throat very well and didn't start gagging or choking, but neatly let it all squirt down his throat and swallowed it nicely. Steven was still fucking Tj's pussy and Marcus was still shaking for a while after he had just filled Tj's throat. M: Such a nice pig you are. You should come along to our gatherings, you would be a star attraction. Peter when will you bring this pig to our group parties. Peter grinned. P: He needs to be fully trained first and if I'm not mistaken our meetings are pozz pigs only. Now Marcus grinned J: Maybe we'll make an exception for him and make it his pozzing party. Peter started laughing. S: fuck yeah, this pussy needs to be pozzed. Wouldn't you like that pig. Would you like to be pozzed. P: don't answer that pig. I want a sober answer to that question of yours. Not when you're all fucked up. But the seed had been planted with Tj for some time and the seed had already made serious roots in his mind. He was at the tipping point now and might soon be asking to be pozz. Steven was still pumping heavily into Tj's pussy and John, meanwhile, had put his cock back into Tj's mouth. Steven was nearing his first climax and Tj felt Steven take it up another notch and then start moaning loudly. Tj felt his cunt being pumped full of Steven's cum and Steven fell down on Tj for a moment. Tj didn't have a moment to catch his breath as John went to Tj's cunt with his cock sucked stiff. J: Do you want Daddy's cock in your pussy boy. Beg me for it to get Daddy's dick and his cum in that pig cunt of yours. T: oh daddy, please stick that nice cock in my cunt and squirt my cunt full of your babies because I want it so bad, I want a full squirted cunt so bad. Let your babies live in my bowels. J: fuck yeah pig. I'll fuck that cunt of yours like you've never experienced before. John was a fierce fucker as Tj felt how hard John rammed his cock inside and with every thrust he felt how hard John's balls slapped against his ass . John didn't last long and after a few more solid thrusts Tj heard John growl loudly and how his cunt was filled with cum for yet another time. His cunt was now so open that the cum from John and Steven was running out and Peter quickly caught the cum running out with his hand and then put his hand in Tj's mouth who licked it all off cleanly. Peter took a very thick butt plug and pushed it into Tj's pussy. Although the plug was very thick it slid very easily into Tj's pussy and Tj did not even let out a cry when the plug reached its thickest point. Peter was pleasantly surprised by this and was now sure that his fist would soon disappear into Tj's cunt. Tj was pulled straight and taken to the living room. There the men fell into the couch. Tj was still flying in the clouds but felt the Tina was releasing all his works. Peter was in the kitchen took some beers and prepared a drink for Tj. P: here men drink up so we can get our strength up for the second round. Tj's ears perked when he heard second round. This was a wonderful evening. Soon his pussy would be used again by these pot-bellied men. He would not want to trade this life with anyone because this exceeded his wildest new dreams. The men sat long sagging in the seat with their beer in hand and drank the bottle almost in 1 sitting. Tj was on his knees waiting and John looked at Tj and showed his empty bottle. J: these aren't going to fill themselves boy, just bring us two each right away. Tj got up and went to the kitchen and took 2 beers for each of the men, he opened them and put them on the table. Tj felt Marcus give a pat on the ass and when he had put the last beer on the table he felt Marcus pull him towards him. Tj fell onto Marcus' lap and Marcus took hold of Tj's head and began kissing him fiercely. After the two broke off their kiss Marcus pushed Tj back onto the floor so that he was now in front of him on his knees. Marcus opened his legs and took hold of Tj's head. M: let me enjoy your mouth pig while I sip my beer. Tj knew what to do and took Marcus' limp bull cock in his mouth and started playing with it and sucking and licking it. Tj's own dick was still hard and erect and with his free hand he wanted to start pulling on his own dick but he got a slap on the ass from Peter and so knew that he was thus not allowed to play with his own dick. Marcus growled and enjoyed both his beer and Tj's warm moist mouth. The others were drinking their beers at their leisure and meanwhile they were watching how Tj was pampering Marcus' cock and as a result they were also playing with their own. Tj felt Marcus' cock start to get stiff again and the moment he had sucked it almost completely stiff he was pulled off Marcus' cock by John. J: Come boy let me enjoy it now. Tj was now pushed onto John's cock and had no time to catch his breath or let alone drink a sip. By now the chems had also almost completely worn off and Peter figured it was now time for Tj to get his next dose of G. Then he would be back to flying well when they would start the next round.... P: John let the pig take his vitamins first so he will be ready when we want to start the next round. John nodded to Peter and pushed Tj off his cock. J: drink your vitamins boy and then put that dirty mouth of yours back on my cock. Tj turned around and saw the glass filled with getorade standing on the table, he took the glass and wanted to pour it into his mouth but felt his mouth almost cramp up from having been sucking all night. But Tj still managed to pour in the fresh liquid. When he had placed his glass on the table he felt John take hold of his head and push him back hard on the cock. J: suck pig. Suck that cock hard. Tj was pushed onto John's cock and John pushed his still limp cock deep into Tj's throat. J: hmmmmm fuck. Nothing better than a chilled throat to slide over your cock. The others laughed and drank their second beer and took their third. When John's cock was also stiff Peter came up beside him and pulled Tj to him. P: now you can suck your master's cock boy. You've had to miss this one for a while but you have earned it twice over. T: Thank you sir. Tj eagerly began to suck Peter's cock because he had indeed been missing this one for a long time and of all the cocks he had sucked that night, sir's cock still tasted the best. This was his cock, the cock that had completely controlled him and the cock that had made him for who he was today. John looked at Tj's ass and briefly pulled on the plug that came smoothly out of Tj's pussy. When he had pulled it all the way out he pushed it back in hard all at once. Tj did not budge as he was completely under the spell of sir's cock. Peter took hold of Tj's head and began to set the pace himself and began to throat fuck him. Peter growled M: Look at that bitch. That one is fucking gold. Markus took hold of Tj's chest, squeezed it and stroked his body. S: hmmm yeah, I can actually wait until that neg cunt gets corrupted into a pozz cum hole. Because that's his true purpose and destiny. He deserves to be a pozz cum hole, it would only make him even better than he already is. S: come here pig that I can piss that mouth of yours. Steven pulled Tj off Peter's cock and Tj felt his head start spinning again and he also started to feel more slutty and submissive again. Steven saw that Tj's eyes started to turn back and he pushed him on his limp cock. S: are you starting to fly pig. Is your slut juice starting to do its job. Tj had Steven's cock in his mouth and could only nod. For he did indeed know that the G was beginning to do its work again and was making a willing and dirty slut of him again. S: well then. Then you certainly fancy this . Tj felt how Steven was emptying his bladder into his mouth and he had indeed gotten a huge appetite for this. The golden nectar filled his mouth and Tj let it all flow down his throat. The taste was bitter and tasting concentrated but it tasted heavenly. Steven growled S: fuck pig, that mouth of yours is blissful to piss in. You're a fucking natural. You're a real good pig you won't let a drop of my piss go to waste. When Tj felt Steven had finished pissing he left the cock in his mouth he began to suck him stiff as well. When he was done with that he was straightened back up by John and they went back to the playroom where Tj was put in the sling. His ankle were latched onto the chains and Peter came up beside him. P: Do you want another slam pig. Do you want another good fly. John started laughing J: as if he has a choice Tj was now back fully under the influence of the G and was already sweating profusely. T: oh fuck yes sir give me a fat slam. The fattest one you've already given me. I want it so bad, I long so hard to become the dirtiest pig again. P: oh the pig wants the fattest slam he already got. Do we give him that guys M: fuck yeah fill him up, inject him full so he's all fucked up. Steven prepared a solid point and gave it to Peter P: ok then, you asked for it boy. Tj felt his biceps being stretched and the needle piercing through his skin. Tj felt how the plug was pulled out of his cunt and how Markus pushed his semi-hard cock inside M: first I'm going to give your cunt a rinse pig so your cunt is ready for use P: here it comes boy Tj felt the cold liquid disappear into his arm and at the same time he felt his bowels being filled with Markus' piss. Tj got tremendously short of breath and this was by far the fiercest slam he had already received, he had to cough tremendously hard and then began to moan. T: holy shit, oh fuck, oh fuck. Fuck me, goddamn fuck me. Tear my cunt to pieces you dirty bastards. Oh fuck I'm such a dirty pig. Make me dirty, make a dirty pig out of me. Marcus was still pissing but in the meantime started fucking Tj so the pig would shut up. M: shut up pig. Peter pushed his cock back into Tj's mouth so he would shut up and Tj started sucking Peter's cock like mad. His pussy was on fire and he felt it still being filled with Mark's piss. But Tj had absolutely no control over himself. Marcus's bladder was emptied and he pulled his cock out of Tj's cunt. All the piss now ran out of Tj's hole onto the floor and John took the jar of grease and smeared Tj's cunt with it. Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's mouth and Marcus took his place. Tj's mouth was now filled with Marcus's bull cock and again could not utter anything more from moans or whimpers. Peter stood up to Tj's pussy and without effort immediately pushed five fingers inside to the thickest point of his hand. P: wow pig, you have trained your cunt very well in the time I have been away. Peter pulled his hand out and lubricated it with some extra grease. P: this one is going all the way in right now pig. That fist is going to disappear into your hole, enjoy it because after this you will never have a tight pussy again, I will make sure of that. Marcus pulled his cock out of Tj's mouth for a moment T: oh fuck, oh fuck, give it to me sir. Break my pussy, it's all yours. M: you hear the boy. Destroy his cunt. Marcus pushed his cock back into Tj's throat and Peter pushed his hand back inside and this time he didn't stop at the thickest point, he still felt a little bit of resistance from Tj's sphincter but with a little extra help the sphincter still let go and Peter's fist shot over its thickest point past the sphincter into Tj's cunt. Even though Tj's mouth and throat were completely filled with Marcus's cock he still let out a deep sigh and moan as Peter's fist pushed in. It was a tremendously liberating feeling when the fist penetrated inside because now he finally felt that his cunt was completely filled. This was by far the most complete feeling he had ever had. The bull dick in his mouth, the tina and g coursing through his body and the fist in his ass caused Tj to become completely ecstatic and to relax even more. This caused his mouth to fall open even further and allowed Marcus to push his cock even deeper into his throat. Peter also felt Tj relax even more and he felt Tj's bowels open even further to his fist. Peter took advantage of this moment to push his fist deeper, working his way through Tj's second sphincter. That extra stimulation caused Tj to sink even deeper into his euphoria and now he was completely in both slut and pig heaven. John could no longer contain himself at this tremendously horny sight and spontaneously began to piss all over Tj's body. Tj felt how his chest and belly became wet with John's warm piss and he began to smear the hot god drink all over his body and face. P: fuck pig. Your cunt and bowels are made for my fist. I'm going to train you until I'm up to my elbow in your ass. J: fuck yeah. Hmmmmm I want to feel that hole inside too. Peter nodded P: grease up then. John had smaller hands than Peter and he greased his hand with grease. Peter gently pulled his fist out and Tj regained an empty feeling in his pussy as Peter had pulled his fist out. But the empty feeling was short-lived because John's fist was already working its way inside. Peter had already made the opening and John's fist easily slid in to a few inches in front of his wrist. John began to twist his fist into Tj's hole causing Tj to sigh again Marcus meanwhile had taken hold of Tj's head and had begun to fuck him throat down. Peter and Steven watched the horny scene and began to play with each other. John enjoyed stretching Tj's cunt further open with his fist and Tj was completely on cloud nine. This he had never thought he could have such a blissful feeling from a man pushing his fist into his cunt. Let alone that he had ever thought that a fist would go through his sphincter. John played with Tj's hole for a while longer and Marcus withdrew his cock from Tj's throat. Now Tj could start moaning and showing that he was enjoying the fist in his hole. T: oh yeah, this is it. Push that fist deeper into my bowels. J: you horny dirty pig. Your cunt is made to be fisted. M: take him out of the sling so we can pump him full of our cum again. John pulled his fist out of Tj's hole that had now become a gaping empty hole. Tj was untied, helped out of the sling and thrown on the bed. Marcus was already waiting he pulled Tj onto him and pushed his cock into the gaping empty hole. M: there is still room in the pussy boys. Steven knew what to do and he got on top of Tj and pushed his cock near Marcus's into Tj's gaping hole. Tj didn't know what he was talking about because once again his cunt was filled and this time with not one but two fat cocks. His cunt was now pulled open so far that even when Marcus' fat bull cock and Steven's fat cock still had room left and they could fuck him at the same time without his cunt feeling exciting or tearing. Tj had to start moaning heavily again because of this new experience and great feeling. Why had he never given in to this before, a woman had never been able to give him such a heavenly feeling. Both men were fucking Tj's hole firmly, and after about 10 min Tj heard how both Marcus and Steven started to growl and would start to squirt their loads into his pussy. T: oh yeah fuck my hole, give me your load. I so want you to fill up my cunt with your pozz load. As high as Tj was yet he was shocked at himself from what he had just screamed out. M: fuck boy, did I just hear you want a pozz load in your cunt. That makes me even hornier than I already am. Peter you dirty pig wants a pozz load in his cunt. P: I heard, I will have to stop taking my pills I believe. J: we are going to stuff your pussy boy but we are undetectable so for a pozz load you will have to wait. M: here comes my load boy. Marcus started to growl loudly and Steven also started to growl and both men started to load Tj's cunt with their cum. Steven fell down on Tj counting out and after catching his breath his limp cock fell out of Tj's gaping hole and he felt his and Marcus' cum running out of Tj's hole. Steven let the cum run into his mouth, when his mouth was filled with the cum he kissed Tj and pushed the cum into his mouth. Tj eagerly swallowed the cum and then licked Marcus' still seed-covered cock clean. Meanwhile, he felt how John had now inserted his cock into his pussy and was again fucking his ass firmly. John could not hold out for long and he too squirted Tj's pussy full of his cum for a second time. . Tj fell down exhausted on the cum and piss covered bed. Steven and John left the room and Marcus went to get his briefcase. Peter and Tj were now alone for the first time in a long time. Peter lay down beside him and looked into his eyes. He saw that the tina was already wearing off fairly well and that Tj had already descended from the clouds. P: how did you like it boy. Tj was still panting and enjoying. T: fucking awesome sir. I can't wait for the next time. P: did you mean what you said just now. Tj knew what Peter was talking about and he could no longer deny that in his mind he was ready to be pozz. T: I think so yeah. I long to sleep with you and be able to be with you all the time. I want to be able to be completely free and surrender to you completely. P: ok then boy if you are sure then you will now get my last undetectable load in your cunt and after that you will have to wait until my virus is infectious again before I spray cum in your cunt again. Deal. Because if you say yes now then there is no turning back. Tj looked deep into Peter's eyes and thought hard one last time. T: if you don't throw me out after that P: hell no. I will raise you to be the best pig ever and after that I want to be able to enjoy you for a long time. T: then I want you to pump me full of your virus. With his last strength, Tj crawled onto Peter and pushed Peter's stiffened cock into his pussy and began to ride him. P: how horny you made me boy by the decision you just made. I will fill up that cunt of yours one last time and after that you are going to have to wait until I am contagious again. Tj meanwhile was firmly riding Peter's cock T: I can't wait for you to make me a dirty pozz pig sir. I really want it badly. I really want to feel you flowing through me forever. P: oh fuck boy what a proud master you make of me. You dirty little slut. Peter gave several slaps against Tj's ass and couldn't hold up his load because Tj had made him so horny. P: aahh fuckk, aahhhhhh Peter squirted his last load into Tj's hole and Tj again fell down exhausted but this time on top of Peter. The two kissed long and hard until they heard Marcus enter the room again. M: is the pig ready to be ringed. Peter laughed. P: the pig is ready. M: ok then Tj was turned back on his and he felt Marcus clean both his nipples with an alcohol wipe. Marcus placed forceps on his nipple and Tj felt a short but violent prick. Tj was so out of it that he couldn't really pay much attention to the pain and what Marcus was doing. But not long after the first prick, he felt his other nipple also caught between the pincers and felt another solid stab of pain go through his body. When Tj had regained his breath and he looked at his nipples he saw that they were both taped with gauze and saw 2 red dots forming on the gauze. Tj also saw how there was a drop of blood on his chest and how Marcus was licking it up with his tongue. P: that looked really beautiful boy. Your nipples will now have to heal first but they really look like they are supposed to look from a real slut. M: I can't wait for the next time I see you boy. Then you can show off your new nipples to me and who knows, maybe you'll get a tattoo from me. Marcus looked at Tj's still stiff cock and took it in his mouth and began to suck on it fiercely. He did not have to suck Tj's cock for long because after less than 3 min Tj spurted his negative load into Marcus' mouth who eagerly swallowed everything. M: You deserved this one pig. And there is nothing better than a neg load of cum soon to be pozzed Peter took the pig-tailed plug and pushed it into Tj's gaping hole but when Tj straightened up the plug just fell back out. M: This one won't work anymore I'm afraid. Peter laughed P: I don't think so either. Tj was taken to his room and immediately fell into a deep but horny sleep. Peter laid out the letter as usual and Marcus placed some grooming products there and a manual on how to care for his nipples. Peter and Marcus went outside and locked up.
  9. Part 4 who let the pig out Tj went to the playroom and looked at what he needed to clean so the playroom would be ready for the next session. He did not have to do much but when he stood by the locker of toys he could not resist, he saw a nice thick one lying there and he felt his pussy itch. Over the last few days this had been causing him more and more trouble, if he saw anything else that was shaped like a cock his pussy started itching and he wanted to put it in his ass. His thinking and his needs had completely changed, his sexual needs and thoughts were only about his pussy and how he could have it filled. If you had told him this for several days or weeks that he would think like this when he saw a cock Tj would have laughed at you but his life had taken a turn of more than 180 degrees at this point and he was perfectly happy. Or at least not quite because he took that fat dildo and lay down on the bed. He took the poppers he saw lying around and took some lube. Tj lubed up his pussy with lube and sniffed the poppers heavily and placed the tip of the dildo against his sphincter and gently pushed it in. Tj's pussy was no longer the tense twat from when he had arrived here. By now he had gained a real pussy, a pussy that could easily slide a fat cock inside without feeling any pain at all it was only pleasure. Tj heaved a deep sigh as he felt the dildo slide inside, he began to fuck himself nicely with the dildo and now he would have liked to jerk his cock too that would have finished it off completely. Since he had started his training Tj had not had a stiff cock nor had he squirted cum. By now his balls were bursting because every time he got horny, sucked Sir's cock, got fucked by Sir there was pre-cum pouring out of his cock. That meant that his cum storage capacity was full and he desperately needed to squirt. But on the other hand, the fact that he hadn't squirted yet kept him walking around extremely horny and Tj didn't think that was so bad either. He felt his lower belly getting wet again from his own pre-cum and with his finger he absorbed the pre-cum and licked his fingers clean. After playing with his pussy for a while he stood up and cleaned the dildo and put it back in place. He went to the living room and started drinking his bottles of water. He laid in the couch and took a quick look at the previous session and started playing with his pussy again. Everything he did or thought about in a day was always sexually inspired. Was it cleaning, watching TV, sleeping ... always there was something that made him think of sex and made him play with his pussy. From time to time Peter watched the images of Tj and saw that his apprentice who had been in training for almost 3 weeks now was making nice progress in his transformation. Actually, he could release Tj, he wouldn't run away anyway because the boy was completely sold on his new environment and life but he wanted to be able to control him for a while longer. Tj's basic training was now complete, his mindset had changed, his sphincter was now a pussy, he craved cum and cock and he also wanted to please a man, and Peter would now start his pig, slut and slave training. He would also soon throw a party for Tj and invite some of his friends so that Tj could already experience what it was like to be fucked by several men at once. Because when Tj has completely renounced his previous life and embraced his new life then he will be fucked more often by multiple men at the same time. If Tj stayed with him then he would make it a real cum dump, not that Peter would need to convince Tj to become a cum dump anymore but still. The movie of the previous session had ended and Tj felt how his pussy was very moist, he actually couldn't wait for his watch to go off, then the next session would start and his pussy would get another load of cum from Peter. He also began to long for another slam, he wanted to experience again the blissful feeling the Tina in his body gave him, he wanted to feel as dirty and horny as the first time. The bottles were empty and Tj began to suffer from a full bladder, not that he couldn't hold his piss anymore but it shouldn't last for hours at least. He wondered what the meaning was of having to drink out 2 bottles of water. Not much later his watch went off. Tj went to the bathroom rinsed his pussy, he took the syringe me G put it in a glass and added torade. He had found that he found this tasted the least bad. Tj got hot inside because he noticed that the dose of G in the syringe was more than usual. He immediately realized that Sir was up to something special with him. He eagerly drank the glass and went to the playroom. Put on the blindfold and sat down on all fours. As usual, it took a while for Sir to come in and he felt the G take over his body and how horny and willing he became. But he also noticed that the first wave was more intense than usual and just as Mr. entered the room he fell on his side. P: can't you wait for your master in a decent way anymore boy. T: hmmmmm, oh fuck this is intense P: hmmmmm, you already notice boy the dose is more than normal. I want you all screwed up today. I will give you more so we can start right away. T: oh yes sir, let me see the stars again please. Peter immediately took a syringe with a strong dose of Tina. Tj felt his arm being tied off. T: oh yes sir slam me please, give me a nice fat slam P: you are lucky boy I am in a good mood because you are way too eager, otherwise I would make you work for it but I condone your behavior this time. Tj felt the needle prick his arm and the cold liquid being injected into his vein. He immediately felt gasping like the first time and felt a solid itch in his throat. He had to cough heavily and was catapulted instantaneously into the stars. The slam was much more intense than the first time and Tj was squirming on the bed, unable to control his body. He didn't even notice that Peter had taken off the penis cage because Tj was rubbing his hands all over his body. Peter took off the blindfold and looked deep into Tj's eyes that were spinning in his eye sockets. Tj had his tongue hanging out of his mouth and peter spat in his face. P: How are we feeling Tj growled, moaned and breathed very deeply. T: like dirty slut, a dirty fat pig. Peter nodded in affirmation P: yeah really. Show me you are a real pig. Tj lay on his back, put his legs up and with his hands pulled open the jaws of his ass and showed his pussy and grunted several times very loudly like a pig. Peter had to hold back his laughter as Tj grunted T: fuck this pig sir. This pig cunt is for you P: that looks very tasty boy but that's not how I see you are a real dirty pig. T: oh fuck sir I really need to pee. My bladder is completely full. Peter spit in Tj's face again and let his tongue hang out of his mouth and started playing with his limp cock. P: Then piss boy. Piss then and show me you're a dirty pig. Tj looked at Peter in surprise for a moment and wanted to stand up to try to go to the toilet. But Peter pushed him back onto his back. P: Here pig, piss here. Piss yourself and make yourself a dirty pig. Tj took hold of his limp cock and began to piss gently. He felt the piss run down his belly and fall onto the plasticized mattress. P: Show you mean business boy. Piss on your face and wash yourself with your own piss. Tj put more pressure and the stream started to get heavier and he felt the stream of piss from his cock already on his chest. He applied some more pressure and then he felt his face getting wet with his own piss. He felt it running down his face and instantly a whole new world opened up to him. The pig world. With his free hand he began to rub his face and wet body. Peter watched approvingly. P: yes that's it my little dirty pig. Just piss yourself completely under and let your body smell the way it is supposed to smell. P: open that slut mouth of yours and let that golden nectar flow into that mouth of yours. Tj opened his mouth and tried as best he could to aim the stream at his mouth but just as he got the stream aimed at his mouth his bladder was empty and the stream stopped coming from his flaccid cock. He had just gotten a few last drops in his mouth and that had driven him completely wild. T: oh fuck that tasted heavenly sir. I want more. P: if you want more pig, there's plenty on the bed that you can lick off. That didn't have to be said twice to Tj and he turned around and lay down with his mouth in the pool that had formed beneath him and began to slurp up the heavenly nectar. Peter let Tj lick the piss for a while, he slapped Tj's ass a few times and then pulled his buttocks open, he stuck his face in Tj's ass and started licking his pussy. Tj grunted with pleasure and like a real pig he wallowed in the dirty piss puddle that lay on the mattress. His whole body was now soaked with his own piss. Peter had taken a crystal and pushed it into Tj's pussy and then stood back up, he took a plug with a pig's tail attached to it and pushed it into Tj's eager pussy. Tj felt his pussy begin to glow from the shard Tina and how the plug was rammed into his pussy, he was turned onto his back by Peter. P: looked at that little dirty pig. You make me horny boy. Tj was totally flying and was completely engrossed in his new experience. T: I want more sir. I want more piss. P: oh yes boy, do you want more. Do you want sir's piss. Do you want to feel sir's piss flowing into your belly. T: oh fuck yes sir. Tj suddenly felt a warm jet being sprayed on his face and he looked at Peter with his flying saucers and saw how he was pissing on him and he opened his mouth. He felt the jet being directed toward his mouth and then suddenly squirted right into his mouth. Tj still let the piss run out of his mouth at first because he didn't know what to do and then Peter stopped pissing and he got a slap on the head. P: Drink pig. Let that piss run down your throat understood. Peter pulled Tj's head to his cock. P: open your mouth pig and drink directly from tap. Tj opened his mouth took sir's limp pole in his mouth and felt his mouth being filled with Peter's warm piss. He was flying so violently that he had no trouble keeping the violent stream of piss in and swallowing it. It was a blissful feeling to feel the warm golden nectar squirting onto his tongue and running down his throat. He felt his belly fill up with Peter's piss and it made him even hornier than he already was. Instead of just keeping his mouth still he even started sucking on Peter's cock so that he could suck the last drops out of Peter's cock. Peter took hold of Tj's head with his 2 hands and pushed his cock as deep as he could. His cock was already starting to get a little stiffer too and he stopped pissing. Tj eagerly sucked on. P: oh fuck pig, you are my piss bucket from now on. I still have great plans for you. You will be my prize pig. Peter's words wound Tj up even more and he felt pre-cum running from his cock again. Tj felt how Sir's cock got stiff in his mouth and when he came at his hardest Peter withdrew his cock. He took the pipe filled with crystals and pressed it against Tj's lips. P: you know what to do pig. Tj indeed knew what to do and didn't need any more help either, he took the lighter and melted the crystals, sucked in the Tina smoke and blew a few clouds into the playroom. Tj felt the Tina join the rest of the chems and make him even hornier, more willing and dirty. After his 5th pull, Peter took the pipe off and put it away. Tj had fallen backwards on the bed into the puddle of piss still on the mattress and like a real pig he was rolling in it so his whole body could absorb the smell and the piss. P: fuck yeah boy, get your body all marinated in the piss. Peter took hold of Tj's head and pushed them into his armpit pits. The smell of men's sweat shot through Tj's brain and he couldn't control himself and started licking the armpit pits like mad. With his hands he was rubbing Peter's sweaty body and was looking for Peter's stiff cock. Peter pulled Tj's head away from his one armpit pit and he looked at Tj for a moment and then spat in his face. Tj looked at Peter with a whorish grin and licked the saliva from around his mouth with his tongue. P: What a horny little piggy you are boy. Peter pushed his mouth onto Tj's and began kissing him fiercely. Tj pushed Peter backwards on the bed and came down on him so he could kiss fiercely and take the lead for a while. Peter let his pig do it for a moment and then he pushed his face toward his other armpit pit. The sweaty man smell gave Tj an extra boost and that armpit too was licked all clean from Tj. Peter then pushed Tj down toward his hard fat cock. Tj eagerly took it into his mouth and let it slide down his throat as deep as he could. Peter looked at Tj with a satisfied look. P: OH fuck yeah slut. That throat of yours is fucking delicious. Tj could almost completely control his gagging but he ran out of air and had to take a breath. Peter took that moment to start pissing again. Tj felt his face getting wet again with Peter's piss and immediately took the glans in his mouth so that his mouth was filled with Peter's piss and let all the piss flow in like an accomplished pig. P: Fuck pig, hmmmmm you make me so fucking hot. If you continue like this I will have to reward you soon. Peter's encouraging words made Tj even hornier and he let the pissing cock slide deeper into his mouth until it was completely in his throat, allowing the piss to flow directly into his belly. Peter took hold of Tj's head and gave him another push so that his fat cock was almost balls deep. When Peter had pissed his last drop he pulled his cock out of Tj's mouth and pulled his legs up. P: lick my hole pig. Let's see what a slut's mouth you have. Tj pulled the jaws of Peter's ass open and saw Peter's pussy for the first time and he knew what to do. The sweaty smell of a man's ass met him and he had never experienced this before but this excited him even more than when he licked a woman's pussy. Peter enjoyed Tj's rim arts but did feel that Tj needed to gain some experience before he could fully master it. Tj who had been letting go of all inhibitions all along was now completely unleashed and had found his true calling and purpose. From now on ordinary normal sex would not be able to excite him, this was the thing he had been missing all his life. He must have always been a pig and because of Peter, his inner pig had now fully emerged and he could not go back to his previous life. Peter lowered his legs and turned Tj onto his back and now he sat down with his ass on top of Tj so he could lick him in a different position for once. To Peter's great surprise, he saw that life had come into Tj's flaccid cock. It had become slightly swollen and was beginning to jump up and down slightly. Peter was pleased with what he saw because now he knew for sure that Tj was a born pig. P: You little dirty pig, there is still life in that cock of yours. Peter stood up and went to a dresser and took out a tablet of viagra. P: open your mouth slut, you will get a reward for your good behavior. Peter gave Tj an empty glass put his cock in it began to piss in it. When the glass was half full he put the tablet viagra on Tj's tongue. Tj put the warm glass to his lips and drank the fresh piss and swallowed the tablet viagra that way. Again, he also got the pipe pushed against his lips and only had to blow clouds. Tj had to sit on all fours and got a few slaps against his ass. Tj had not yet noticed that there was a pig's tail hanging from the end of the plug, but with every slap he got his tail shook back and forth nicely and Peter heard how Tj moaned with pleasure. Peter found it a tremendously horny sight to see his creation enjoying the moment so much and struggled to contain himself and not jump on Tj. P: grrrrrrr fuck boy. I want to stretch that cunt of yours. I want to stretch it open and push my fist in. T: hmmm ohh, fuck yes sir. Stretch my cunt open. Piss in my cunt and plant your fist in it. P: do you want that boy. Do you want sir's fist in your cunt. T: oh fuck yes. My hole is all yours. P: then lie down in the sling you dirty pig. Tj lay down in the sling and Peter fastened Tj's feet so he could let his legs hang in the chains. He watched Peter put a tourniquet back around his arm. Peter took a syringe filled with Tina and he looked for a nice vein. Tj felt another prick and watched as blood mixed with the clear mixture in the syringe. T: may I inject myself sir. May I send myself into the stars again. P: go ahead boy. You've earned this. It thrilled Tj that for the first time he was allowed to administer a slam to himself and at that moment for the first time his own cock came completely hard. Peter had seen it and took Tj's stiff cock in his hands and started pulling on it. P: Fuck boy, you are one of those lucky bastards who can still get stiff with a little help. Tj got a blissful feeling all over him when Peter started pulling on his stiff cock because that feeling had been around for a very long time. P: c'mon boy lets fly back to the stars and empty that syringe. Tj pushed on the plunger and watched as the red liquid disappeared into his arm and it wasn't long before he got back the stroke of the slam and felt like a real pig again. His pussy was now fully on fire and although he felt the plug firmly in his pussy it was no longer enough. T: owh yes, yes, take me, take my fucking cunt. Peter pulled the plug out of Tj's hole in 1 jerk and saw how the sphincter was completely open and making sucking movements, it was like it was looking for a cock to suck inside. Peter took a large portion of grease and lubricated Tj's pussy with it and pushed 4 fingers inside at the same time. Tj closed his eyes let him go fully into the sling and moaned. Peter started to stretch Tj's pussy open more and more with his hands and he took one dildo about 9 cm thick and wanted to push it inside but he still felt some resistance from Tj's sphincter. He took the poppers and pushed them under Tj's nose and ordered him to sniff. Tj sniffed heavily at the fresh poppers and felt his cunt relax further. Tj felt Peter trying to push the huge dildo into his cunt and how his sphincter gave up trying to work against it. Tj felt his cunt being pulled completely open to its maximum and how the dildo slowly slid in advance of his sphincter. The feeling of being pulled open like this excited him so much that pre-cum spontaneously oozed from his stiff cock. Tj started pulling on his dick and that made him relax even more so the dildo slid in more smoothly. Peter didn't expect it to go in so easily and let Tj continue pulling on his stiff pole for a while. Because his Tj's pussy was so full of the dildo he felt that his bladder was still completely full of piss and he without being ashamed of it or thinking about it just started to empty his bladder. From Tj's tense cock the piss gushed out, he pointed his cock at his face and the jet sprayed onto his face. He opened his mouth so he could catch his own piss and the jet was now squirting straight into his mouth. P: fuck, fuck yeah little dirty pig. Drink that dirty piss of yours. Peter pulled the dildo out of Tj's pussy and immediately pushed his hand inside. He was able to push all 5 of his fingers inside and touch down to the thickest point of his hand. Tj had just stopped pissing and felt Peter's hand twisting inside his pussy and he could not contain his moans anymore. Peter continued to play with Tj's cunt for a while but would not push any further with his hand. He would let Tj continue to train his cunt himself over the next few days so that next time his cunt would be completely ready to be fisted. Tj was completely in pig heaven and then he felt the hand disappear from his hole. He opened his eyes and saw Peter standing next to him and offering him his cock. P: suck pig. Tj took Peter's cock in his mouth and began to suck it. He felt the cock get hard back in his mouth and then Peter pulled it out. Peter went back to Tj's ass and pushed his cock all the way in at once. Tj's pussy was completely loose and Peter felt no resistance at all. Tj's cunt was glowing and Peter enjoyed the warm cave for a moment. P: Your cunt is fantastic boy. It's just a little dry. Peter looked with a devilish look at Tj T: make it wet sir, make my cunt wet with your fat cock. P: hmmmmm, ok dirty piggy. I will make your pussy nice and moist. Peter pushed his cock balls deep into Tj's pussy and began to empty his bladder. Tj felt a warm glow forming in his bowels and lower abdomen and felt piss begin to flow from his pussy . Tj was totally out of control of his sphincter and could not keep the piss in and it ran down Peter's cock back out of his pig cunt onto the floor. T: oh yes sir, fill my cunt with your piss and cum . Peter started fucking Tj's cunt while pissing and felt how soggy Tj's cunt had become because of his piss. Tj now felt like a real pig and let himself go completely. He moaned and pulled on his stiff cock. Peter increased the pace of his thrusts and sling rocked briskly back and forth. Tj couldn't hold back anymore. T: oh fuck sir I'm going to squirt. Can I squirt. P: oh yeah little dirty pig. Just squirt your cum. Peter thrust very heavily into Tj's pussy and Tj felt his balls getting ready to squirt their huge load of cum. Tj cried out in pleasure and felt the blissful feeling of ejaculation come over him and shot his first load of cum in weeks. It was a huge load of cum coming out of his balls as his entire chest and belly were full of his cum. Peter lubricated his hands in it and pushed his seed-laden hand into Tj's mouth. Tj who was still gasping eagerly devoured his own cum and swallowed it all. Now Peter also came to his climax and squirted his cum deep into Tj's bowels. Peter fell down on Tj's chest and licked up Tj's remaining cum and then spit it into Tj's face. P: you dirty slut. I'm proud of what you've become. Peter pushed the pig-tailed plug back into Tj's gaping cunt and unhooked it. Peter and Tj kissed some more and then Peter took Tj back to his bedroom. Peter laid out another letter made sure everything was replenished and left. The next morning, Tj woke up and then saw his pig-tailed plug for the first time. He started laughing but was actually proud of his pigtail. The last session had completely changed his world and had given him new visions and desires. He smelled his own body for a moment and he noticed how his body smelled like piss. He felt how his trapped cock wanted to get stiff again but didn't ass up because he was trapped again. Still Tj had a relieved feeling in his balls because they had been able to unload their load .He got up and went to the kitchen to see what Sir had laid out for him. He saw the letter lying there and read it. From now on you are my little dirty pig, my personal piss bucket and stinking cunt. You would make me happy if the next session you still smell like the previous session. But I'm not committing you to anything. It would, however, indicate your willingness to fully surrender to your training and accept your new role. I have to do some meetings for work and won't be back for a few days. This will give your body some time to recover from our sessions and you can regain your strength so that you are ready for the next part. I would like you to use this time to stretch your pussy further because in our next session I want to be able to plant my fist in your ass. From now on, I also want you to have drunk enough water before every session and to have your new plug in your pussy. Wear it with pride and then I will use you like you should use a real proud pig. To celebrate your transformation I will provide a reward before our next session. So just make sure you have gained enough strength. See you in a few days.
  10. Part 3 acceptance of new life Tj woke up after a long and horny dream, and felt miserable from the chems. The room where he was sleeping was lit with a soft indirect light and he looked around for a moment. With his hand he wanted to take hold of his stiff cock like every morning to jerk off to his morning boner but he banged on the cock cage and realized that one of the last things Peter had done was lock up his cock. So now he knew why, also he felt the butt plug sit well in his hole. Not that the plug made him feel awkward but he felt it was there. In his head he started going over all that had happened the night before and whether he had made a good choice or not, but he didn't have to think about it for long because he realized very quickly that he had made the only right choice. Because of his education, he knew that the chems he was given did not change his thinking but only allowed his true feelings and needs to surface without shyness. This was how he knew that this was the right decision and that he should fully surrender to this and use his training to learn as much as he could about true self. Although he wanted to stay in bed he obliged himself to get up. He crawled out of bed and headed out of the room. The hallway was dark and he saw no switch to turn on the light. But when he took a first step into the hallway the light jumped on. Again, it was a soft stylish indirect light and he continued to explore because he had not yet seen much of his new home. He entered the living space and to his surprise there was no window anywhere. The living space was beautifully and modernly decorated and he saw a letter lying on the kitchen table. He sat down at the table and with sleepy eyes and still hungover, he began to read the letter. Boy, This is your new home during your training. I expect you to maintain it as you would maintain your own home. The frig is stocked with food and drinks so go ahead. I do want you to take care of yourself especially after a session I want you to get enough vitamins and electrolytes so you are ready for another session. Also, you are responsible for cleaning up the playroom after our sessions and cleaning the stuff we used. When you can and still want to play with yourself feel free to go ahead as well. The house is also equipped with a gym so I want you to spend at least an hour every day in the gym and take care of your body. Now for the most important things. You have a smartwatch on your wrist, with this I can monitor you, when you sleep, heart rate, etc. Should you think of running I can see perfectly where you are. We have an agreement and I want you to stick to it. The watch will also let you know when I visit. When you get notified you have half an hour to get ready before I arrive. I expect that by then you will have flushed your pussy, still be hairless, that you will have taken your dose of G which is ready in the fridge. You take the dose of G then also immediately upon receiving the message so that you are already well high by the time I arrive. I also expect you to be blindfolded and waiting on all fours in the playroom on the bed with your ass facing the door. These are the basic rules and if you don't follow them then you will suffer the consequences. Also, now and then you will get extra assignments from me like right now. In your pussy I have placed a dildo and you also have a chastity belt on that you cannot take off, so now when I come by the first time you will not be able to flush your pussy, don't worry about this. I have also now just received a notification that you are awake and will now send you a notification 6 times every hour to further inflate the dildo because the plug that is in your ass is an inflatable one. You will find the pump on your nightstand and can attach it to the plug so you can inflate it. At each report you push the pump 2 times. That way by the time I get back there your pussy will be pulled open more and I'll finally be able to fuck you. Because make no mistake boy, that cunt of yours will be one of your most important working tools. Other than that, you won't get any extra assignments. But should you want to train yourself further and make your mentor happy then I suggest you take a long dildo and try to shove it as deep into your throat as you can so that your throat trains and you can make your gag relfex disappear. Feel free to walk around your new home and feel free to explore. You can't go outside because the doors are locked, there are no windows either because I want you to be able to fully focus on your training. All the rooms are also equipped with cameras and if I want I can always check on you and see what you are doing. But I also have another gift for you. All the rooms are equipped with cameras but the playroom has the most of them all. So all our sessions are filmed and if you want you can watch our sessions whenever you want. If you set up Tv in the living space and go through the menu you will probably come across the sessions quickly. So you can enjoy your progress in clear moments. Lastly, if you were wondering where are your things that you brought with you. Those are with me, during your training you don't need clothing unless you get it from me. During your training you are constantly naked and ready to go. It was quite a stretch for Tj to process this on a sober stomach, but the main points were clear to him and he was comfortable with them. He went to the refrigerator and got something to eat and drink. There he also saw a filled syringe with a bill saying dose G to be taken when the mentor comes. He plopped himself down on the couch and was curious about the session he had already had with Peter. He turned on the TV and looked for the session. It was indeed very easy to find the session again and when he pressed play he felt that his cock spontaneously wanted to get stiff again but was stopped by his cage. While the Tv was charging to the session light up for the first time watch and TJ knew what to do, he quickly walked back to the room and looked for the little pump to attach to the butt plug. He quickly saw it lying there took it to the living room. Meanwhile, the session was already playing and Tj watched with open mouth at how professionally the session seemed to be filmed. Meanwhile, he was figuring out how to attach the little pump to the plug and with some difficulty he succeeded. He gave 2 squeezes on the pump and felt the plug inflate and his pussy begin to stretch. During that Tj sat watching the movie which did last several hours he got a few more notifications and each time he pumped the plug further. What was fairly easy to bear at first was not so easy after a few hours. His pussy was now being pulled open fairly wide and he was having trouble getting a position in the seat. The session was coming to an end and he watched Peter cum in his mouth. Tj relived this moment back in his fantasy and was stroking his body with his hands. He wanted to play with his cock again but again he felt the cage preventing him from playing with it. Tj had become extremely horny from watching the session again and went to the playroom. He wanted to make his teacher happy and prepare his throat for throat fucking. He took a thin but long dildo and put it in his mouth and pushed it as deep as he could but kept getting to a point where he couldn't go any further without starting to gag. Then he decided to change things up and relaxed and put his fingers in his throat and went as deep as he could in his throat until he gagged again. But each time he tried to go deeper and deeper and his patience and practice was rewarded because after a few attempts he managed to stick his fingers deeper. Tj didn't get much time to enjoy victory with his fingers and to further refine his technique because the watch gave a new message. Boy get ready it said. Tj knew what he had to do. He felt back nerves because he knew a new session was coming and because he also knew he would almost certainly be fucked by Peter for the first time. Somehow he was afraid of it but on the other hand he was also very much looking forward to it because then he would really know whether this slut life was for him or not. Tj hurried to the kitchen took the syringe filled with G, squirted it into a glass and poured in some fruit juice and drank it in 1 gulp. The dose was very concentrated and the taste was unbearable. He would definitely not take fruit juice next time and quickly drank another glass of fruit juice to get the taste out of his mouth. He quickly cleaned up all the stuff, cleaned the dildo he had used and put it back. Tj sat down on the bed on all fours and put on the blindfold and sat ready as his teacher had asked him to. It wasn't long before Tj felt himself getting horny slutty again because of the G and he realized that the dose he had taken now was definitely more than when he had arrived. He had become so slutty and horny by now and he quickly grabbed the pump of butt plug and gave it 2 more pumps. He felt how those extra pumps stretched his cunt open further and he began to moan lightly. Peter, by now, had already entered the room and saw that Tj had quickly pulled his cunt open some more and was quite impressed with his pupil and how quickly he had accepted his new life. For he had been following him through the cameras all day and was pleased with what he saw. Tj had not heard Peter come in yet and was in his own horny world. With his left hand he stroked his body and his sphincter constantly tightened and relaxed around the plug making it feel like being fucked. It also pushed against his prostate and was already draining pre-cum from his caged cock. His horniness also made him talk out loud. T: oh yeah fuck me with that fat cock, fuck my pussy. Oh fuck, yes. Use my hole. Tj was completely in his own dirty world and did not notice that Peter was standing next to him and looking at him amused . Peter put his hand on the end of the plug and pushed it deeper into Tj's cunt who started moaning more violently but he still didn't notice that Peter was standing next to him and he started saying out loud what was on his mind T: oh yes, that's it. More, deeper. Oh how I want so badly to ride Mr. fat cock. I want to feel him in my slut hole and want him to fill my cunt with his cum. Hmmm yes. I want him to make me a whore a real whore who lives only to be fucked. Peter couldn't believe his ears. It made him spontaneously hard to hear Tj talk like that and now he knew for sure that he had won the lottery because he had already helped many heterosexuals transform from straight to a real cumdump but Tj was still from another level. With this slut he could go all the way, Tj had completely surrendered and would exceed all expectations. Tj he would want to take in and keep because you don't often meet someone like him. Peter stood in front of Tj and let his stiff cock hang in front of his mouth. Tj smelled the horny smell of unwashed and sweaty cock and had his tongue hanging out of his mouth but was still in his own horny world. T: oh fuck, how I want so badly to suck sir's cock. Hmmmm I want to show him how deep I get his blissful fat cock in my throat already. Peter could no longer contain himself, no matter how much he enjoyed watching the spectacle. He was getting too horny by Tj's whorish behavior. P: well what are you waiting for slut, prove it to me you are already getting my cock deeper down your throat. Tj was abruptly pulled out of his horny world by hearing Peter. But he didn't have to be told the assignment twice and had no trouble getting Peter's cock into his mouth blindfolded. P: hmmm, you make sir horny boy. Look at you what a dirty boy you have already become after one session. You seem to have really found your calling. Yeah let that cock slide deep down that throat of yours Peter's words only made Tj even hornier and he let the hard fat cock slide as deep as he could down his throat. Peter was pleasantly surprised that Tj had already made a big step forward as his cock was already several inches deeper in Tj's throat before he had to gag. P: Good boy, I am proud of your progress. You are showing your commitment to your training to become a real slut. Peter withdrew his cock from the throat of Tj who still had not had enough of Peter's cock and resisted for a moment. Peter gave him a light slap to his head to call him to order. P: behave boy, know your place and do as I ask. P: stand up boy Tj stood straight and Peter undid the locks. The chastity belt fell down and Peter held it for a while longer, deflated the plug and was able to take it out of Tj's now gaping hole with no effort. Tj felt his pussy relax and a blissful feeling came over him. He stepped out of the belt and he wanted to feel his pussy with his hands. But Peter gave him a slightly harder hit against his head. P: You stay off your pussy, slut. That cunt is my property and I don't want you touching my property. P: sit on all fours slut and offer me your cunt so I can inspect your hole. Tj sat down on all fours and proudly presented his cunt to his teacher. Peter saw how the sphincter had already opened slightly and was no longer closing completely. The inflatable plug had done its job well and with two fingers he entered Tj's gaping pussy. Tj wanted more and he pushed his ass back so that the fingers disappeared deeper into his hole. P: so eager little slut. Mr. likes that. Let's see how deep you get those fingers. Tj needed no further encouragement and he pushed his ass even further back so that the fingers disappeared completely into his hole and from pure pleasure he began to moan. P: nice little slut, sir will see if your pussy can handle a thicker dildo by now. Peter took a thicker dildo than the last time he had used and he knew if Tj could get it into his hole that he was ready to be fucked by him. He took 2 nice big crystals, lube and the poppers. He poured some poppers on a cloth and put it in a mask. It placed mask on Tj's head so he couldn't help but inhale the fumes of the poppers and then also pushed the two crystals into Tj's pussy. Tj felt how his pussy began to burn back but because of the G and the constant dose of poppers he was now violently flying. Peter felt how Tj's sphincter now relaxed completely and knew the moment was right to push the dildo into Tj's cunt. He quickly smeared some more lube on Tj's pussy and dildo and placed the tip of dildo against the relaxed pussy and gently pushed it in. Tj who was now also beginning to feel the effects of tina beginning to take over his body sagged through his arms, his face was on the bed and his ass he pushed up so peter could continue working his pussy with the dildo. Through the mask peter heard how Tj was moaning blissfully. He also saw how Tj pushed his ass back to help slide the dildo into his pussy. P: hmmm yeah slut your little pussy is opened up nicely and will be ready to receive mister's fat cock. Do you want mister's fat cock in your pussy bitch Tj did hear what Peter asked but he was flying so high he could only utter moans. P: I'll take that as a yes bitch. When Peter had pushed the dildo all the way into Tj's pussy he took off the mask and blindfold and looked into Tj's flying saucers for a moment. P: Do you like it slut. Do you like feeling that thick dildo in your pussy. Tj who was still lying face down on the bed nodded. T: hmmm yes sir, this is fucking blissful. P: do you think you sir will be able to handle his cock in your pussy T: yes sir, I want you to ram it into my pussy later and fill my cunt with your cum. P: I like to believe that slut, but I will decide when and how I will fuck your pussy. T: hmmmmm, ok sir Tj sank back into his horny world and he felt the dildo being pushed out and in his pussy all the time. Peter noticed that Tj's sphincter had now completely relaxed and had no more trouble with the dildo. He pulled the dildo out of Tj's cunt and only a gaping empty hole was left behind. Peter looked proudly at his creation. P: stand up slut. Tj stood up straight and felt he was not standing firmly on his legs because of the poppers and the tina coursing through his body. Peter came to stand in front of Tj and took a firm hold of his breasts. He placed his lips on Tj's and began to kiss him hard and fiercely. Tj enjoyed every moment he felt Peter's lips and wanted to take hold of Peter to pull him closer to him but Peter wouldn't let him as he squeezed his chest harder. Peter pushed Tj to his knees and ordered him to lick his balls Tj opened his mouth sticking out his tongue and although he would rather lick sir's cock, he licked Peter's balls and gently took them into his mouth. Tj descended with his hand while to his own cock and wanted to start pulling on it but bumped on the cock cage and felt Peter slap him on the head. P: your attention should not be on your dick but mine slut. Your dick has absolutely no role to play here because look you won't get it stiff anyway. T: but. P: but what slut, did I say you can speak. Do you think you would get it hard slut. T: I'm so horny sir I think he would get stiff. P: really slut, are you so sure of that. Dare you bet for it. Tj looked at Peter with his flying saucers and was sure his cock would get hard that he agreed to a bet. P: Alright slut, I will set your dick free during our sessions and you will get 5 sessions to get your dick hard , if you succeed then you can turn the tables and you can command me something and I will do it. But if you can't get it hard then let me pierce your nipples. Do we have a deal. Peter could have asked a lot as a counter performance but he still kept it civil because he didn't want to scare Tj off. T: ok sir. P: good slut then we have a deal. Peter also knew that Tj would never get his cock stiff during a session because he would give him enough tina that his cock would remain limp. Peter undid the penis cage and put it on the table. P: enjoy it slut because as soon as the session is over that cage goes back to understood T: thank you sir. Tj felt his cock being freed from the cage and it made him feel liberated. He thought his cock would come hard spontaneously but it didn't. He pulled on it for a moment but it still remained limp. In Tj's mind this didn't make sense because he was horny as hell and in his mind his cock was so hard he could drill hole in a wall with it. But when he looked at his cock it remained small and lifeless. Peter looked with anticipation and amusement at Tj. P: what's up bitch, isn't that little cock of yours getting hard. P: a slut's dick doesn't come hard boy. You'll learn that. That dick of yours has no meaning. You'll find that out. On your knees slut and please the cock that can get hard. Tj got on his knees and eagerly took Peter's cock in his mouth and let it slide deep into his throat. Peter let Tj hone his sucking technique some more and after fifteen minutes he thought it was time to go pick Tj's flower. He pulled Tj straight and pushed him onto the bed. Tj felt the plasticized mattress touch his back and then he noticed he was bathing in sweat because it didn't take long for him to feel the sweat on the mattress. Peter went over to a table where he had a syringe ready with Tj's first slam. It was a reasonable dose, not what he was going to inject Tj with later, it was just enough to make him fly solidly but too little so he wouldn't realize or feel anything. He wanted Tj to realize and feel his cherry picked and be able to enjoy his first fuck. Tj noticed that the chems were losing their grip on his mind as he began to think more clearly again. He watched as Peter returned to him with a syringe and looked at him wide-eyed. Peter placed a tourniquet around his arm and looked for a nice vein. P: ready to fly boy. Tj knew what Peter was going to do and although he was apprehensive about this he was looking forward to his first slam. Somehow he knew this was coming, and had also made peace with the drug use yet he was afraid of the unknown and of the consequences that would follow. Tj nodded to peter. P: Are you sure slut because if I shove this syringe in your arm you will never want anything else. The pig in you will really come out then and your true nature will appear. Are you ready. T: yes sir, just wake up the pig in me. I am totally ready. Meanwhile, Peter had found a nice vein and Tj had found a small sting. Peter had seen some blood mixing with the tina in the syringe and was ready to catapult Tj to pig heaven. P: You asked for it yourself boy. Release that pig in you. Tj looked at the syringe in his arm and watched the red colored liquid disappear into his arm. Peter removed the needle from his arm loosened the tourniquet and had Tj hold his arm above his head and his pushed his finger where the needle was. Tj's heart was pounding briskly as he was waiting for the slam to strike and there it was. At first he had a weird taste in the back of his throat and felt tight around his lungs. He had to cough vigorously and then he was catapulted into the sky. He dropped his arm and head onto the bed. He didn't know what to expect but he never expected this heavenly feeling. He felt like a whore to be fucked by the whole world, his whole body was electrically charged and he needed to be used. Everything about his body begged for attention, but his pussy cried the loudest. Tj's hands raced over his body. Peter took the mask poured over a new wad of poppers and pushed it into the mask P: how's the flight slut. Tj was flying so high he could barely speak. T: Hmmm, my cunt wants your fat cock sir That was just one word for Peter and he took some more lube lubricated his pole and Tj's pussy, took Tj's legs put them on his shoulders and put his thick glans against Tj's glowing and hungry pussy. Tj felt the glans pushing against his hole and he opened his eyes and looked at Peter with hungry and longing eyes. T: Yeah sir push it in. Take my cherry and make a real cum dump of me. P: hmmmm, what a horny slut you are. I will fuck your pussy boy so that later you will think back to this moment with great pleasure. P: take the mask slut and sniff the poppers real quick Tj took the mask and sniffed the poppers firmly several times and felt the extra intoxication rise to his head and felt her cunt loosen up even more. Peter took his time and gently pushed his glans past the first barrier of the sphincter and he watched Tj close his eyes again and let out a deep sigh. Tj felt his sphincter being pulled to a maximum and moaned heavily. It was a blissful feeling to feel Sir's warm cock sliding in. He had not expected it to be such a blissful feeling and knew that this would certainly not be the last time his cunt would receive a cock. Peter felt the still narrow pussy let his cock in and tighten around it. It was as if Tj's cunt would not let go of his cock and hold it forever. Although Tj was under the influence of tina he felt and realized everything. But everything was much more intense and he wanted more, much more. His cunt had a hunger that could not be satisfied. P: hmmm what a nice tight pussy you still have boy. T: your cock is so nice and fat sir, push it deeper push it all the way into my hole. P: by the time I'm done with your pussy boy your pussy won't be so tight anymore but a nice sloppy hole. Do you want that boy a nice sloppy hole that any true man can fuck. T: oh fuck yeah. Invite all your friends sir they can come and fuck my cunt. I want to be able to make up for my damage and become a real whore. Peter meanwhile was already balls deep in Tj's cunt and let his hole get used to the size and thickness of his cock for a while and then started to thrust slowly so Tj could enjoy his first fuck for a while before he would start ramming his cunt with full force. Tj felt how peter's cock kept sliding in and out of his cunt and how his sphincter relaxed more and more. For when the fat cock first slid past his sphincter he still felt a slight pain but this was now completely gone and he could fully enjoy this heavenly feeling. He felt how his prostate was constantly massaged by Peter's cock and he felt how his belly became wet with his pre-cum. Tj felt how Mr. began to increase his pace slightly and how Mr.'s stuffed balls slapped against his ass every time he was at his deepest. T: oh my god, I don't want this to stop. I feel like the luckiest bitch there is. Tj's words only made Peter even hornier because he saw and knew that Tj was now completely sold and would want nothing more than to offer his pussy to the first best cock he could find. He had created a new cum dump and that made him horny as hell. Peter drove his pace once more and heard how Tj could only moan and watched the boy's transformation into a hungry slut happen before his eyes with every thrust he gave. He pulled his cock out of Tj's hole and pulled Tj a little further onto the bed and now crawled onto the bed himself. He pulled Tj's legs back open and as befitted a real slut now pushed his cock all the way in at once. Tj closed his eyes and opened his mouth and was moaning heavily. Peter could not restrain himself came on top of Tj. Although Tj had no experience of being fucked yet, his body knew what to do to keep the fat pole in his cunt and like an accomplished slut he tilted his ass a little and wrapped his legs around Peter. Peter placed his lips on Tj's and began to kiss him firmly. He fucked Tj like this for at least 10 min. He pulled his cock out of Tj's pussy and turned him around and ordered him to sit on all 4. Peter pulled Tj's ass closer to him and pushed his cock now without mercy deep into Tj's hole. Tj's cunt could by now handle Peter's brutal approach very well due to the quiet beginning and he heaved a deep sigh of pleasure and delight. Peter gave several firm slaps on Tj's ass that they began to see beautiful red. It gave Tj the feeling of being a lust object of a dominant man and that completely fitted into his image of his true self. He was from now on a lust object, an object of use, a hole to be fucked by a real alpha male. P: Come on horny bitch, fully surrender your cunt and let me hear how much you like being fucked Tj's head completely spinning because he had just snorted heavily on the poppers, he dropped his head back on the bed and with his hands pulled the jaws of his ass open so that his hole was pulled open some more. Peter was pleasantly surprised by Tj's effort and gave him a few more firm slaps on the ass. P: yes that's it boy, just pull that pussy of yours nice and open and let my fat dick fuck your pussy. That's what your pussy is for boy to get fucked. T: oh fuck, oh fuck, hmmmm yes sir. This is blissful. P: Shall I fill your pussy with my cum boy. Or shall I shoot it into your mouth. Tj moaned heavily due to Peter's firm thrusts T: hmmmmm. In my pussy sir and then let me lick your cock clean. P: That's spoken like a true slut boy. You are a true find. A born slut. You won't be fucking any more pussy boy. Because you won't get that cock of yours stiff for it anymore. All you'll want is to get fucked by real men. T: Oh fuck yes, fuck my hole sir. Fuck me hard. Peter could hardly hold back anymore, slapped a few more times hard against Tj's ass that was now all red and was now thrusting very hard. Tj enjoyed every thrust he received he moaned very much as he had a constant feeling that he was cumming as his prostate was over stimulated. From his flaccid cock almost a constant stream of pre-cum ran onto the mattress. P: Oh fuck boy I'm going to shoot your pussy full. Here comes your first load slut are you ready. T: Yeah sir, give it to me. I long to have a full fucked cunt. Peter growled very loudly, gave one last hard thrust and then pulled Tj hard towards him so that his pole was at its deepest. Tj felt the fat cock filling his cunt. Peter dropped one down on Tj's back and then fell on his back. P: come on boy clean that sir's cock and taste how your pussy and the cum that is in your cunt tastes. Tj had no time to catch his breath, he turned around and placed his mouth around Peter's cum coated limp cock. He tasted his cunt for the first time and the taste of his cum together brought him back to ecstasy. To enjoy it for a long time he licked the cock clean like ice cream. When Peter's cock was clean and he had regained his strength he took Tj back to his room. He gave him a glass filled with a moderate dose of G and gave him headphones and meanwhile put the cock cage back on Tj dick limp dick. P: drink up boy and then you lie down on your bed and you put the headphones on. You are welcome to sleep but you leave the headphones on your head until you get a notification. Understood. If I notice you take it off I will come and tie you up. You get the confidence from me so don't mess it up. Tj took the glass and drank it as usual in one go. By now he knew as very well what would follow and laid himself on his bed. It put on the headphones but heard nothing. At first he thought I should say something about this but decided not to say anything anyway. Peter left Tj alone again and made sure that the fridge was replenished and that Tj's next tasks were ready. After about 20 min he felt the effects of the G coming on and started to go back into a trance but still heard nothing. Then suddenly he started to hear very light moans, the moans made him sink deeper into his trance. The new dose of G combined with the other chems put him to sleep. But his subconscious caught the constant signals coming through the headphones. These were meant to change Tj's thinking. In the headphones, he heard constant sounds of a master using his slave. With then repeated phrases such as you are a cumdump, a slut, you have a den that serves only to be fucked, your cock has no use. You are a pig, you want to drink piss straight from your master's dick, you want to be slammed, you are a dirty tina whore, .... Tj's subconscious couldn't help but process everything and Tj had another horny dirty dream. A dream that changed his thinking and so transformed him from a good brave boy to a dirty slut who could only think about sex. Tj woke up because his watch gave a notification. Through the headphones he heard nothing more and he looked at the watch and saw that sir had sent him a message that he could take off the headphones and start his duties. He took off the headphones and then his hand went to his pussy. It felt a little rough and swollen from the first fuck he had received. He pushed out with his sphincter for a moment to feel inside his hole with his finger, and then the cum that was still in his pussy ran out onto his hand. Tj felt his hand getting wet with Peter's cum and looked at what had happened because this was new to him. He smelled his hand and immediately got a horny feeling from the smell. Without thinking about it, he opened his mouth and gently licked his hand. This was the first time that he was not under the influence of chems and still got horny from another man's cum. The taste was as heavenly as it was under the influence and now he knew for sure. He was gay and not just gay he was a slut. When he had licked all the cum that had left his pussy Tj tried to get up but felt lousy, the chems had pushed him into a serious dip and he pulled himself together and got up, he went to the bathroom and showered. When he got out of the shower he felt a lot better. He went to the kitchen and started his day. He took his vitamins, ate something and started his chores. He went to exercise for a while and at the end of his day he looked at the previous session. Tj began to have trouble with his balls because they were beginning to feel strained due to his inability to squirt. It was urgent that he should be able to relieve his balls one. Again he received a notification from Peter to get ready for a session. So the first few days passed and Tj had gotten a steady rhythm in his new life. He had no sense of time at all because he had no idea how long he had been in the barn. He got up, showered, did his chores and took his vitamins and in fact had almost completely forgotten his old life and he was perfectly happy. Serving Peter and only Peter was still in his head, his whole world only revolved around that. Peter trained him every day, he taught him how to deepthroat, his pussy was pulled open further and he every time after the session he got a dose of G and the headphones and although Tj offered his arm every time for slam to be able to score, still he didn't get any more for now. Peter kept him wanting high but waited a while longer to get him all fucked up. But that wouldn't last long. After the fifth session, Tj still hadn't been able to get an erection and had lost the bet. Peter would soon pierce his nipples and actually he was looking forward to that. He did find Peter's piercings in his nipples hot and then Peter would be able to play with his nipples even better. After a few days, Tj's thinking really began to change. He started thinking only about sex and wanted more and more and more. He shocked himself but he wanted to taste piss, and he wanted to be taken by several men at once. He also started having dreams about becoming poz. Where at first he was afraid of being infected, that wall began to break down more and more. He wanted to stay with Peter and wanted to be able to sleep in his bed. He also knew that only a real poz pig was allowed to sleep in sir's because he didn't want his bed to be negatively charged. The feeling was still there but buried deep in his subconscious, but the more he thought about it the more the desire to become poz began to take over his thoughts Until one morning he got up after a session and on the letter that was in the kitchen he read that he had to drink the 2 bottles of water that were ready that day but not go to the toilet.
  11. Part 2 first a slut then a pig P: How do you feel baby. Do you feel how the G is coursing through your body. T: oh yes sir, I have never felt so horny and ready to serve in my life On Peter's face came a big grin, this guy was far from knowing what he was getting into and what it meant to serve a real alpha male. He had only received a light dose of G and this was just the beginning. Peter couldn't wait to teach his new toy what it was to serve and to keep him stuffed with cum and chems. P: I love to hear that honey. I love hearing you say you're ready to serve. P: do you think your body already looks like a bitch in training. T: I feel ready sir. But I don't know if my body is satisfying for you. The G flowing through Tj's body brought out his submissive side. That was already a good sign, Peter would still break Tj's mind though so that he would fully release his inner slut. But if the light dose of G was already brought this out then he wouldn't have much work to do to make TJ bring out his true self a real pig. P: You may feel ready, but to me you still don't look the way a slut is supposed to look. P: stand up straight cunt TJ who was still blindfolded tried to stand up but his legs were tingling from being on his knees for a long time and the G was making him wobbly too. Peter helped him so he could stand up properly. Peter spit into TJ's open mouth and roughly placed his mouth on TJ's and kissed him forcefully. TJ was already horny as hell and moaned. P: You get this one for signing your contract honey. We are going to have a wonderful time together. But if you want to feel my lips and tongue in your mouth again you will have to work for it. Tj licked his tongue along his lips so he could taste the last of Peter's spit. Tj felt how around his wrists, wrist bands were done and how his wrists were clicked together. P: follow me boy. I will prepare you so you are going to look the way you are supposed to look if you are going to serve me in a proper way. TJ felt his wrists being pulled and followed Peter. By standing straight, TJ only felt the full effect of the G and wobbled on his legs. TJ was led to the bathroom. P: Stand here boy. Tj struggled to stay straight and still. His body yearned to be used. He felt Peter take off his jockstrap. Tj's hard cock jumped out of the jockstrap and Peter looked in admiration at young conquest and was already thinking how he was going to look in 10 min. Tj thought his cock would finally be played with but he felt his chest, back, legs, arms ass and his cock and balls being smeared with a stinking substance. What was Peter doing to him. What was that stinking product and why did he have to be smeared with this and why were his desires and lust not being satisfied. P: Now stand there for 5 min boy later we will wash this off and you will look a lot better. A few minutes later Tj heard how a tap was turned on, how his hands were grabbed back and how he was placed in a shower. He felt the warm water running over his body and how Peter rubbed a cloth firmly all over his body. Tj's body was now completely depilated and he also had to get down on his hands and knees. He felt how the last bit of hair between his butt crack was shaved away and how the the water stopped flowing. P: That looks a lot better already. Peter dried him off and placed TJ on a chair. He took a trimmer and began shaving off TJ's hair so he had a military haircut. Tj was startled when he heard the trimmer and felt it slide over his head. He realized he was being shaved and didn't know this would be part of the training. He was quite vain and proud of his hair and he never went outside without his hair looking good. But despite his intoxicated state, he realized that this would now be a thing of the past for a while anyway. TJ heard how the trimmer stopped and how it was put away. Peter looked at his pupil and saw a beautifully nude shaven virgin body standing there. It was like a virgin white sheet of paper on which he was about to create something beautiful P: Oh honey you look beautiful. Now you are ready to serve me. Tj wanted to see himself and raised his finger to make it clear he wanted to ask something. Peter found this quite funny and started to grin. P: yes dear what is it. T: may I see what you have done to me. P: no, you may not. Later when you have proven you are worth it. Then you may look at your new beautiful slut body to admire. But for now that's only for my eyes only. P: Follow me boy because I'm going to take you to your new living and training space now. Tj felt his wrists being pulled again and followed Peter. They went down the stairs and outside. Because Tj felt the fresh outside air on his naked and shaved body. Tj's heart already began to beat faster again where were they going, Peter had never said anything about taking him to another location. But they didn't go far because after a few steps TJ, heard Peter open a door and he was back inside. Tj was completely disoriented. Where was he and what had Peter actually done to him. Tj had been taken to a barn next to Peter's house. The barn was fully furnished so you could live in it completely. But it was also equipped with a small gym and a large playroom. Peter brought Tj to the playroom and unclipped his wrists. P: It's time to start your training slut. But I like my sluts high up in the clouds. P: here drink this you will feel much better later again Peter handed Tj a glass filled with another dose of G and Tj drank the glass in one gulp. He recognized the taste from the drink he had drunk upon his arrival and knew what was in store for him. Tj felt a glass tube being pushed against his mouth. P: Place your lips against the tube baby and when I tell you to breathe in you will do so as long as I say so and you may not blow out until I say so. Got that. Tj nodded and knew what was about to happen. He would be administered chems again and was shocked at how many chems he was being administered at once. What was peter planning with him, probably he would have to smoke something now so he thought of weed. But he was lucky it wasn't weed but he would blow his first Tina cloud. Tj heard how a lighter was clicked on. P: now slut, now suck the tube quietly and let chems take over your mind and bring out your true self. Tj did as his mentor instructed him and inhaled as long as he could the smoke that had formed in the pipe into his lungs. It wasn't long before he felt the heat rising in his body. P: ok boy now blow back out. Tj did what was asked of him and blew a big white cloud for the first time. Even though he couldn't see what he was doing he already felt the effects slightly. P: we are going to do that several more times now baby. Tj took 4 more turns of the pipe and then Peter took a big pull of the pipe and placed his lips on Tj's and blew the cloud into his mouth. Tj immediately realized what to do and breathed in the smoke he received from Peter. Tj was already starting to feel heavily the effects of the Tina he had been given. He felt more lucid, he could take on the world, he felt tremendously hot and had become tremendously horny. But most important of all, he felt especially sleazy. He felt his sphincter giving him a sensation he had never experienced before. His sphincter no longer just felt like an exit but an entrance. An entrance that needed to be fed and he began to moan and run his hands over his now sensitive nipples. But to his complete surprise, he didn't feel a single hair on his entire chest and although he didn't think any further about it, it thrilled him immensely to feel his smooth and sweaty body. Peter watched approvingly and took hold of Tj's head and licked away the sweat running down his face. P: How are you feeling baby. Do you think you are ready to start your training as a slut. T: hell yeah sir. I feel tremendously slutty and completely ready. P: I don't think you are ready yet. I think you need a few more pulls on the pipe. T: Ok sir. Give me more of this magic substance so that I am completely ready for you Tj felt the pipe being pushed back against his lips and when Peter told him to suck Tj did as asked. He took another 4 big pulls and now Tj was completely flying. His head went back and forth and he felt his blindfold being removed. When his eyes had adjusted to the light he looked directly into the eyes of his mentor. For Peter had held his head so he could look straight into his flying saucers. P: hmmmm that doesn't look bad slut. Let me see how sleazy you are. Tj stuck his tongue out and wanted to kiss Peter. But Peter nodded no and let his eyes go to his cock and turned TJ's head so he too was looking at his mentor's cock. Tj felt an extra jolt of horniness rise at the sight of Peter's monster and spontaneously fell to his knees and immediately wanted to suck the cock into his mouth. But Peter stopped him. P: no little slut, you don't have the right to decide what happens only I have that right. P: stick out your tongue and you may gently lick my beast and if I am satisfied you may proceed further. Tj had every effort to control himself because the divine smell and the sight of the magnificent cock made him wild with desire for it. He stuck out his tongue and tried to lick it gently but after the first taste of the cock he could not hold back and he opened his mouth. Peter quickly intervened and withdrew his cock and slapped still gently against Tj's head. Tj looked at his mentor and saw that Peter nodded no and looked irritated P: control yourself bitch or the next stroke will be much harder. Try again. Tj tried again and had all the trouble to control himself again but he managed to lick his mentor's cock in a gentle way. P: that's better bitch. Now lick my balls and then gently take them in your mouth and I don't want to feel any teeth understood. Tj did as requested and licked the balls and smelled the blissful musky smell of men's sweat and got another surge of horniness. Tj couldn't control his hands either he kept fondling his naked body. P: Stop touching yourself. You are not here for your own pleasure but for mine. Tj then wanted to place his hands on Peter's body but he got another slap from Peter. Peter knew this would happen that is why he also told Tj to stop touching himself. P: did I say you could touch me with your hands. Tj who was still licking his balls nodded no and placed his hands on the floor and carefully took Peter's balls into his mouth. Tj moaned with pleasure at feeling the heavy filled balls in his mouth. Peter pulled his balls out of Tj's mouth. P: not bad, you still have a lot to learn but I see your inner slut has already fully emerged. I knew you were a born slut. P: let's show your teacher what a slut you are and if you can get his cock stiff with your mouth. Peter, like a true alpha male, could completely control his cock, he could get stiff and squirt whenever he wanted and would let TJ go completely wild with his mouth on his cock but remain limp. That way he could humiliate him and take control of him. Tj finally heard the magic words suck my cock and like a hungry wolf he took his prey in his mouth and flew to the sky as he felt the glans slide past his lips into his mouth. But no matter how hard he sucked it and tried his best his mentor's cock did not get hard in his horny slut mouth. He felt failed when Peter pulled his limp cock out of his mouth. TJ looked with a failed look at Peter who in turn looked back disappointed. P: You disappoint me slut. Maybe you don't have it in you to be a real slut after all. T: sorry sir, sorry I can't get your beautiful dick hard. P: I'm sorry about that too. What are we going to do about that. T: teach me, teach me how to please your beautiful cock P: ok slut, maybe you should suck the pipe again first and then try again. Tj again got the pipe pushed against his lips and could now see for the first time the process that made him so horny. He saw how there were crystals in the glass pipe that were melted by the flame underneath. Although he was flying huge, he knew by seeing the crystals that he was smoking crystal meth. But because of his intoxicated status, he didn't care at all. He watched the smoke form and from then on he knew what to do. When enough smoke was formed he sucked in the smoke and held it as long as he could and then saw for the first time the big white cloud he was blowing out. He took 2 more deep puffs of the pipe and then was allowed to try again. The newly added tina made him even hornier and he sucked like crazy on his mentor's cock that was now getting hard in his mouth. His whole mouth was filled with Peter's cock but he still could not get it into his mouth up to the pubic hair. Even as Peter helped him by taking hold of his head and pushing him deeper onto his dick. Tears sprang into Tj's eyes and he began to gag. P: c'mon bitch let that cock slide deeper into your mouth, let your throat suck that dick inside. But it didn't work and Peter withdrew his hard cock. P: we can work on that. Tj was pulled straight by Peter and Peter saw how high Tj was flying because of the Tina he had gotten. Peter took hold of TJ's smooth breast and with his tongue, teeth and his hands he began to play with his nipples and Tj's body. TJ couldn't handle the amount of stimulation and groaned in relief. T: oh fuck, I'm so horny, I'm such a horny slut and I feel so dirty. I feel like such a dirty slut. Those were the magic words Peter had been waiting for. The G had kicked in and combined with the Tina, the pig in Tj came out. P: feeling a little piggy baby T: yeah, that's it I feel like a real pig. P: first let's mak a decent slut out of you before I transform you into a dirty pig TJ's tongue hung out of his mouth and Peter spat on it and pushed Tj onto the bed. Tj fell onto the soft plasticized mattress and looked at Peter with whorey longing eyes. P: Show how piggy you are slut. Show your master what you want, play with yourself. Tj opened his mouth and his hands went back and forth over his body P: stop fondling yourself pig, show me what you want. Tj went down with his hands and with his one hand he took hold of his limp dick and Tj was shocked that although he was horny as hell his dick was still dead and with his other hand he went to his virgin cherry and stuck a finger in it. Tj looked down and saw to his great surprise that his pubic hair was also completely gone and he was completely shaved bald. T: fuck this is horny, fuck I'm a hairless pig. Tj looked back with a whorish look at Peter On Peter's mouth came a big grin and he opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out of his mouth as he started pulling on his hard fat pole. This was a magical image, a virgin boy letting his slut and pig come out for the first time and start playing with his virgin cunt. Tj looked at Peter with a whorish look and nodded. P: what does that cunt of yours want pig. T: it wants your fat cock sir. It wants to be deflowered. P: do you think you can handle my fat cock bitch. T: not yet sir but I want you to ram it inside me and have no mercy. This Peter found tremendously horny to hear and he was pleasantly surprised of how well TJ's transformation from straight boy to slut went. P: I do not think your cunt could handle my cock yet either pig. But I'm also not going to ram it into your cunt yet without mercy because I want to be able to enjoy you for a long time. But rest assured before I give you rest I will fill your cunt with my sperm for a first time. Do you want that pig, do you want your cunt pumped full of your mentor's sperm. Tj his eyes widened, one hand was still pulling on his limp cock and his other hand was already fingering his virgin cunt with 2 fingers. T: hmmmm yes sir, I have been longing for this since our first date, for you to pump my cunt full of your delicious cum. Peter took a slim dildo and threw it on the bed along with a bottle of poppers. He pulled Tj's hand away and lubricated Tj's hole with lube and then sat down in the couch that was at the end of the bed. P: sniff the poppers slut, and show me how badly you want a cock in your pussy. Tj sniffed the poppers a few times and felt his sphincter relax and his head begin to spin even more. He took the dildo and placed it against his sphincter. In his drugged state he wanted to push it in at once but it was immediately countered by his still tight sphincter. Tj got a huge jolt of pain from his own clumsy and rough treatment of his future pussy. Peter sat amused watching as Tj tried to push the dildo into his cunt but failed. P: Are you not getting it in slut. What am I supposed to do with you if you can't even ram the slimmest dildo I have into your cunt. Again, TJ felt failed because no matter how much he would like to push the dildo into his ass. Because of his still tense sphincter he couldn't do it. T: I'm sorry sir but I'm not worthy of you yet. But I want it so badly. P: shall I help you little pig, shall I prepare that cunt of yours so that it lets that dildo slide in like a knife cuts through butter. T: please master, please master prepare my cunt so that that dildo can slide in, I want it so badly. Peter took a bag of crystals and pulled out a nice big one sat back on the bed. P: this will make you fly even more violently little pig, are you sure you will be able to handle this and that you will then get that dildo in your cunt. T: yes sir I won't disappoint you anymore. P: I hope so little pig. Otherwise I can't do anything with you. He placed the crystal against the tense sphincter, looked at TJ with a demonic look and pushed it deep into Tj's bowels with his finger. TJ felt the crystal begin to melt and burn in his hole. T: oh fuck, it's burning sir P: completely normal little pig, your cunt deserves to be on fire. T: oh fuck, it's burning P: stop crying slut The burning sensation began to ebb away and in its place came a beastly and hungry feeling in his cunt. His cunt felt empty and it needed to be filled, although his hole had been whining for attention all evening, this was of a whole other level. This was not a whining feeling, but this was his cunt giving an order to be filled. T: oh fuck, my hole, my hole P: what's wrong with your hole little pig T: it needs to be filled sir. P: then what are you waiting for little pig, fill it. Show your mentor that your cunt needs to be filled Peter lay next to TJ on the bed and gave him the dildo back in his hands. TJ who was still awkwardly busy put too top of the dildo against his sphincter which had already become much more relaxed due to the shard tina and tried to push it in again. At that moment Peter pushed the poppers under TJ's nose and let him take a few more deep pulls of the poppers. TJ felt his flower opening and the dildo sliding inside his virgin hole. Peter pulled on his pole again and licked the sweat running down Tj's face. P: yeah little pig, let that dildo slide deep into your hole T: oh, this is fucking awesome sir, this is fucking awesome Tj was carefully working the dildo in and when he had worked the dildo all the way in and felt the end against his sphincter he felt Peter pull his hand away from the dildo and how he pulled the dildo almost all the way out of his hole and then pushed it all the way back in. Tj slapped his hands against his shaved head and began to moan fiercely T: oh yes sir, harder, fuck me harder. That sounded like music to Peter's ears and he did as his pupil asked him and started fucking him harder with the slim dildo. After a few minutes Peter stood up and took a thicker dildo, put lube on it and dropped some tina dust on the top of the dildo. He removed the slim dildo from TJ's hole and immediately placed the tip of the thicker dildo against the sphincter. P: sniffing the poppers slut. Tj did as his mentor told him and sniffed the poppers hard several times and felt his cunt relax back and Peter push the thicker dildo inside. Tj felt his cunt being pulled open also TJ felt that burning sensation from the tina dust and he moaned again. T: fuck, fuck my cunt is on fire again and it's going to tear Peter gave him a smack on his shaved ass P: stop whining slut, your cunt won't rip and let it do its job and let it slide that dildo inside. Tj felt his sphincter opening more and the thicker dildo working its way inside. As he felt the dildo slide inside he got an extra heat boost and began to breathe more heavily and enjoyed the filled and fulfilled feeling his pussy was giving him. Peter didn't feel any mercy for Tj and he pushed the dildo all the way in until once again the end slammed against Tj's sphincter. Although the tina was doing a good job anyway, Peter noticed that the sphincter was still pretty tense and that he probably wouldn't be able to fuck TJ yet this evening without damaging his pupil's sphincter. Should this be a one-time session Peter would not have taken this into account and would have pushed his cock deep into Tj's bowels and let his sphincter rip. But should he do this now the boy would have been useless for several days and that was not worth it to him. He would stretch his pussy open even further tonight and then let him walk around with a plug for a day so that his hole was nicely pulled open for his next session. Peter played with a few more dildos in TJ's cunt for some time which had been flying fiercely all this time and when he had had enough he took the dildo out of Tj's slightly gaping pussy and looked at his creation with satisfaction. P: Enough playing with your pussy little pig. I want you to make me cum in that mouth of yours. Tj looked disappointed at Peter P: what's up slut, don't you want my sperm in your mouth T: aren't you going to fuck me sir P: no slut. Your cunt is not worthy of a cock like mine yet. Tj felt failed again T: sorry sir. P: no need slut. We'll get that cunt of yours worthy of my cock. Peter pulled Tj's head to the end of the bed and stood with his stiff cock in front of Tj's head. Tj knew what to do and he opened his mouth. He let Peter slide his stiff fat cock into his mouth and wanted to start sucking. But Peter had something else in mind and he began to thrust his cock into TJ's mouth as deep as he could. He felt that TJ's throat was not yet ready for his cock to slide in, so he held back a little more. TJ felt his mouth being completely filled with Peter's cock and struggled to handle the thrusts his mentor was giving him. He also heard how Peter began to breathe more heavily and that he would soon be squirting. P: Are you ready for your reward slut. Are you ready for your teacher's sperm. P: Dare to let it spill out of your mouth slut. From now on you are going to swallow everything I give you but you wait until I say so understood. Tj could not answer because Peter had pushed his cock deep into his mouth but still tried to signal that he would swallow. P: fuck here it comes bitch. Peter tensed all his muscles and Tj felt how the fat cock was going to squirt his mouth full of sperm. Tj noticed how a huge load of heavenly sperm filled his mouth completely and had every effort to keep it all in. When Peter finished squirting, he pulled his sagging cock out of Tj's filled mouth. P: Show your reward slut, show me what you got from your teacher. Tj proudly opened his mouth and Peter could see that he had squirted serious loads of cum into the boy's mouth. P: That was a nice reward slut, don't you think. P: now let that slide down your throat real nice Tj closed his mouth and for the first time in his sluts existence would swallow a man's sperm and to his great surprise it went very easily and he was proud of himself for the first time that night. P: and slut how does that taste. T: for more sir, for much more. P: I like to hear that my little pig Peter meanwhile had gone to get something from a closet and came back to stand with Tj. P: stand up slut Tj struggled to stand up but with Peter's help he stood up anyway. Peter had him step into a leather chastity belt, with a cock cage on the front and a rather medium thick butt plug on the back. P: Bend over slut and offer me your cunt. Tj bent over and pulled the jaws of his ass open so that his cherry was nicely visible to Peter. Peter took some lube and lubricated Tj's cunt with lube one last time that night and also put some on the plug. Also took the bag of tina that still had some leftover crystals in it and threw the leftovers on the plug smeared with lube. P: I have one last present for you little pig. So you can enjoy your pussy a little more. He placed the plug against the sphincter and gently pushed it in. Tj had to bite his teeth for a moment when the plug reached its thickest point but felt the plug sucking its way in and sitting in place. Again felt a burning sensation come up and knew what immediately the gift was. T: thank you sir. P: stand back up slut Peter now pulled the belt fully into place and fastened the plug also he put Tj's limp and lifeless cock into his cage and fastened everything with the locks. Tj didn't really care, he still felt tremendously horny but mostly tired. P: look at you, you already look like a real slut. P: just too bad there is still so much work to be done. Tj looked embarrassed at peter. P: follow me slut Tj followed Peter to another room where there was a bed, here you may sleep slut. Tj looked surprised at Peter because he thought you would sleep with him. P: you shouldn't look so surprised slut. This is your new home for now. In my bed sleep only trained pigs who are poz and you are not that. So until then you sleep here. Understood. Tj nodded disappointedly. Peter also put some kind of smartwatch on Tj's wrist and Tj looked at the watch oddly for a moment, wondering what it was for. But he saw that he couldn't take it off himself though. P: now go to sleep slut. There will be a letter waiting for you when you wake up where your duties, obligations and the rules will be listed. Read it carefully and make sure everything is in order by the time I return. Tj nodded and laid down on the bed. Peter went outside, prepared the letter and locked the barn. Tj was alone in the barn. He was tremendously tired and wanted to sleep but because of the last booty bump he had gotten he didn't really succeed. He started riding his ass against the mattress of the bed, using the plug to make his pussy feel like his ass was being fucked. It felt heavenly. Never had he thought he would do this. But it wasn't long before he fell asleep and had one of his horniest dreams ever. A dream full of naked men that he ...
  12. 1 The beginning TJ, that's my name and several years ago my life took a big turn. In the relationship with my then girlfriend, we experimented regularly. But it wasn't until she asked to try a threesome with an extra man joining us that something changed in me. We had agreed to meet at her apartment and the guest we had chosen together had arrived at the appointed time. We first drank something together to get the nerves down a bit and then my girlfriend put on a porn movie to increase the sexual tension a bit. My girlfriend got all the attention from both the guest and me. The clothes came off and without realizing it I looked at our guest's body in wonder and at my greatest astonishment my cock spontaneously got hard. He had a beautiful body and his dick was also quite nice. Of course I had already seen several cocks in my life, if you are in a wrestling team where the showers are communal you will see something passing by. But I never had anything sexual in mind. Everything was going as expected until one moment when I felt his hand around my hard cock. I was startled for a moment and looked at him with a look of what are you doing now and he said he was bi and thought he had seen in me a look that I wanted him too. I told him this was not the plan and that I was straight but my girlfriend thought it was hot and urged me to kiss him. To make my girlfriend happy and not to ruin the moment I moved my lips closer to his. My girlfriend pushed our mouths together and that's how I kissed another man for the first time in my life. To my great surprise the kiss did not feel strange, on the contrary it tasted like more and I kissed him more fiercely than in the beginning. The kiss was interrupted and I let him continue pulling on my cock while I continued playing with my girlfriend. Suddenly our guest took another step further and I felt his warm moist mouth sliding around my pole, I had no time to react as he pushed me onto my back and sucked firmly on my cock. This really was the best blow job I ever got but in my head this was not right. I wanted to make him stop but I had become too horny and couldn't control my cock and squirted my load into his mouth. Was it shame, or first realization. But when I had filled his mouth with my hot sperm I got up and put my clothes on and left. I said sorry but I can't do this, I don't want this. My girlfriend called out to me to stay but I was already out of the room. I heard our guest say to my girlfriend he may not know himself yet but at least he is bi if he is not gay because I have never seen a straight man get hard and squirt as fast as he does. Not long after the threesome with the guy, my relationship with my girlfriend ended. I struggled to place, process and talk about the experience with my girlfriend. She didn't want to continue with me because I was completely blocked. I threw myself completely into my studies because I was in my last year of pharmacy and still had 2 months to go. But that night kept playing in my head. I had trouble controlling my thoughts and feelings and had absolutely no idea how to proceed. Should I give in to the feeling that was deep inside or try to suppress it completely. I tried to suppress it during the last months of my studies but every time I met a girl it didn't feel the same as before. It frustrated me a lot and for a while I wasn't really a pleasant person to be with. I was easily angry, quickly sought out arguments and as a result I didn't hear my friends anymore because they had grown tired of my behavior. Fortunately, the exams were coming up and I was able to focus on them. I passed with flying colors and received my degree after all those years of hard work. My parents and brother attended the ceremony and were very proud of their oldest son/brother. My brother was 5 years younger and he would now also start his studies so he knew what to do when he saw me receive my diploma. I first took another month of well-deserved vacation before I would start looking for work. The idea of sex with a man was completely in the fridge and I felt like I was back to how I was before. I was dating girls again and it was almost back to the way it used to be. But you hear it, I said almost like before. Deep down inside my subconscious being, something continued to gnaw and a lack remained. One evening when I was alone at my apartment and had just written some application letters I scrolled over some porn sites to relieve some of the pressure from my tense balls and without thinking about it I had chosen a movie of a threesome where there were 2 bi men participating. The horny images came on the screen and I was playing with my cock. My imagination began to run wild again and got the feeling of that guy's warm moist mouth again. The images on the screen no longer mattered as I closed my eyes and was now completely in my own fantasy and felt my cum running down my hands. My horny feeling sank back as I squirted and what was safe in the fridge had returned to the surface. My thoughts whipped back in all directions. That night I didn't sleep much because I lay there all night thinking about my feelings. The next evening I had arranged to go out with some friends, it was a memorable evening. Because of the mixed feelings I was having, I had completely let myself go and had looked far too deeply into the glass. When I got home, in my intoxicated state, I had turned on my laptop and searched for a gay hookup website. Without really thinking much about it, I had created a profile and posted a job ad. Gender: Male Straight Age : 23 years old Height: 1m 80 tall Weight: 85 kg Body: Muscular Sport: Wrestler Hair: Hairy Dick size: 18 cm long 5 cm thick Role: unknown Experience: none Tell something more about yourself: Straight guy who is looking for himself and wants to know if sex with men is something for me. Who wants to let me experience and learn what it is to have sex with a man. What are you looking for: A man who wants to teach me and who can make me find myself so I won't be stuck with these mixed feelings anymore. TJ hit enter, folded his computer closed and went to sleep. It was around noon when Tj woke up and he opened his computer to see if he had gotten any responses to his application letters. But he saw that the hookup site was still open and so he was confronted with what he had done in his drunken state. At his great surprise, he saw that he had 7 unread messages. Tj's heart pounded in his throat, what was he to do now. He put his hands in front of his eyes and thought for a moment. This might not have been such a bad idea, maybe this way he could really find out what he wants. He looked back at the screen and he read the messages one by one. The first 6 messages were way too direct and he had a feeling those men would not be able to give him what he was looking for. The last message was from Peter. Hello unknown young man. I am Peter Wright, 43 years old, single for a while but a man with a lot of experience. Experience I would like to share with you. If you let me, I would like to introduce you to the world of male sex. Send me your picture and what you want to experience and then we can meet. Peter had attached a picture of himself and Tj felt his cock spontaneously get hard. Peter was a big muscular bear, had a muscular chest and matching six-pack. His head was shaved and it looked great on him. TJ thought for a moment whether he would answer but he felt he had to do this. Hi Peter, I'm TJ, thanks for your message back. I'll be honest, last night in a drunken stupor I made this profile and was just now shocked at what I did. However, what my profile says is how I feel. I got a blow job a few months back during a threesome with my girlfriend from the guy we had agreed to meet with, my relationship with my girlfriend broke up after that because I don't know what to do with my feelings. What I want to experience, to be honest. I don't know, I don't know if I will really be able to meet up with a guy and have sex with him, I don't know how far I want to go into it but I do know that I want these feelings out of my system and I also know to get rid of these feelings that I will have to do something. So you will have to help me and I think I will indicate at the time how far I can go. Tj attached some more pictures of himself and with a trembling hand he pressed send. That same evening he received a reply back. TJ, I understand you, if you feel like it, you can come by my place. We can have a drink together and see how it goes. By the way, you look very nice. Should it turn out that you would fall for men, you would definitely be well in the market 😉 Peter had also given his nr so they could chat faster with each other through Whatsapp Tj read the message and he felt a warm glow come over him. This felt good. He could definitely do this because there were no strings attached. He took out his cell phone and put in Peter's number and immediately sent him a Whatsapp Peter, I think it's best we meet as soon as possible then so I don't have to think about it too long. Can you make it tomorrow night? Hi Tj, I wasn't expecting you so soon. Tomorrow night I already have plans can you do Saturday night? TJ: yes Saturday is good for me P: ok fine. P: I'll send you the address then. P: not to put any pressure on you but make sure you are internally clean, you never know where we will end up. Tj: internally clean? What do you mean? P: yes you are still unfamiliar with everything that comes with it, I'll forward you a link with what I mean. Tj was forwarded the link and started to get a little cold feet. Peter had just asked him to rinse his ass, that meant he might want to fuck. TJ: I will rinse but do not know if I am ready for this yet. P: yes I know but you never know where the night will take us is just a precautionary measure TJ: ok then. Tj was already full of excitement on Friday and when it was 6 pm on Saturday he was up with nerves. Would he go to the appointment, was he ready for this. Did he really want this. At 6:15 pm he got a message from Peter. P: hopefully you don't have too many nerves, there's no need for that. You just come for a drink at a friend's place and we'll see what happens. I expect you at 8 pm at the following address. Peter lived 40 min away and the message made TJ calm down again. He stepped into the shower, washed and then began his first rinse. He was still a bit clumsy at it but after a few tries he managed to give his ass a rinse and after a few rinses he was clean. He got dressed he got into his car and without giving it any further thought he drove to Peter's house. Peter lived on a small ranch just outside of town. His house was stand-alone and within a one-mile radius there was not a living soul to be found. Tj's heart pounded in his throat and with clammy and buckling knees he stepped out. A small voice in his head tried to stop him. Are you sure Tj, are you sure you want to go through with this. But TJ persevered, no matter how nervous he was. He needed to know if those feelings he had were real and if he was into men or not. He stepped to the door and wanted to push the bell but it was no longer necessary the door opened. TJ's heart stopped for a moment and he felt a tightness. Peter stood in the doorway and Tj looked with admiration at the big sturdy man standing in front of him. He looked even more imposing and handsome in person than in the pictures. Peter held out his hand. P: Hi TJ, I'm glad you came. Come on in. Tj followed Peter into the living room and they sat down in the sofa. P: are you still in control of your nerves buddy TJ: not at all actually. P: hahaha that's not necessary for anything. Like I said let's talk a bit and we'll see what the evening brings good. TJ felt his body calming down, Peter was as he thought he would be. Sincere and sensitive. TJ: that sounds good to me. P: would you like something to drink, I can't offer you much though. I only have tonic in the house because I haven't been able to go to the store. TJ: yes is good for me. Tj didn't really like tonic it was way too bitter for him but didn't want to disappoint his host. Peter on the other hand was actually not that sincere and sensitive. He was actually just planning to drug Tj, pick his flower and send him back out on the street full of his cum. But Peter was impressed by TJ's appearance. He saw potential in the guy sitting in front of him; instead of dumping TJ after one fuck, he could groom and train him so that he would become the perfect slut, slave and houseboy for him. TJ would be perfect for it. But for that he would have to change his plan. This evening should not be about Peter's pleasure and desires but about TJ's, he should be able to make him desire more. So that he could strike later and take him in. Peter went to the kitchen, the amount of G that he was normally going to administer TJ he halved, so that TJ would get into a light intoxication but not be completely fucked up. P: here buddy TJ accepted the glass of Tonic and took a big swig. P: tell me, how exactly is it that you are suddenly looking for male sex. Tj started to carefully tell his story and meanwhile drank his glass empty. After half an hour, he felt himself becoming completely calm and couldn't take his eyes off Peter anymore . Peter noticed that his guest was beginning to come under the influence of the administered G. P: so if I understand correctly you actually want to have sex once and see what it does to you. TJ: yeah something like that yeah. P: and do you feel anything for me. I mean do you see in me the person you want to experience that with. The G was doing its job well because Tj's inhibitions were greatly reduced. TJ: god yes, you look incredibly handsome. P: nice to hear. P: may I sit closer to you. Tj turned red in his face. TJ: yes please. Peter sat down closer P: may I touch you. TJ nodded and bit his lower lip. Peter put his big firm hand on Tj's leg and began to gently move upward. P: if it goes too fast let me know. TJ: ok TJ breathed heavier at feeling the fondling he received from Peter. Peter gently felt TJ's cock and it was bingo, TJ's cock was already hard. He also felt that he TJ was well supplied between his legs. With his other hand he went through TJ's hair and pushed his head closer to him. P: may I kiss you? Tj: hmmm yes Tj had already become fairly turned on by the G and the fondling and opened his mouth. He felt Peter's lips touching his lips and Peter's tongue entering his mouth. Tj moaned slightly with excitement and pleasure. Peter was doing his job thoroughly and well. Like a true gentleman, he made Tj enjoy his first moment with a man. He gently pushed Tj onto his back and continued to kiss and caress him. He went under the T-shirt with his hand and sought TJ's nipples. The two were kissing lovingly for at least 10 min when Peter began to pull Tj's T-shirt off. Tj allowed it and helped Peter remove his shirt and then put his hands on Peter's chest and looked at him longingly. He pulled him back toward him so they would kiss again but Peter placed his lips on Tj's muscular chest and began to lick him and play with his beautifully shaped nipples. TJ was completely in the moment and completely surrendered to Peter. He now took off Peter's T-shirt and looked with admiration at the trained and hairless and tattooed body of the man who would teach him what it is to be with a man. Tj could no longer contain himself and kissed Peter's chest and licked his pierced nipples. The game between the two continued for a while until Peter sat up straight. P: everything ok TJ: yeah, I didn't expect it but this is better than I imagined. P: do you want to stop here or do you want to continue. Tj looked longingly at Peter and whispered Tj: continue. I want more. Peter pulled Tj straight P: follow me, we need a better place then. Peter took Tj hand and escorted him to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom Peter took hold of Tj and started kissing him back full of desire. Tj startled himself but his hands were looking for the button of Peter's jeans and undid them. Peter did the same to Tj and both men's pants fell to the floor. Peter's hands took hold of the firmly formed bulge in TJ's tight-fitting boxer. TJ broke the kiss closed his eyes and moaned. Peter took hold of his head again and kissed him again. He took hold of Tj's hand and placed it on his firmly padded boxer. Peter took hold of Tj's ass and squeezed both jaws firmly. Tj felt how big Peter's soft cock was and looked at him with big amazed eyes. He had never experienced this feeling of horniness before, he had not expected this at all. Peter pushed Tj onto the bed and lay down on him and began to lick and kiss Tj's body again. Tj took hold of Peter's bald head and thoroughly enjoyed this blissful moment. Peter came to the boxers and kissed Tj's hidden cock and bit the boxers and pulled them down with his teeth. Tj groaned because he knew what was about to happen. His stiff and leaking cock would emerge. Peter saw the moist glans emerge and licked at it with his tongue. Tj breathed more heavily and feeling the tongue and more pre-cum came out of his straining cock. Peter pulled TJ's boxers all the way off and took TJ's cock in his mouth all the way down his throat. Carefully he began to suck him because he knew your boy would probably squirt soon. TJ enjoyed the moment but knew himself that he would squirt soon and he didn't want it to be over already and pulled Peter back up and started kissing him back. P: wasn't it good Tj: oh yeah, it's more than good. So good in fact that I would like to cum spontaneously but don't want it to be over already. Peter heard this gladly, his plan to make the evening only around Tj's pleasure worked. P: ok then, do you want to try it yourself or are you not ready for that yet. Tj: I want to try but can't promise I'll be able to do it P: I understand Peter turned on his back and now TJ came and lay on top of him. They kissed again and then Tj licked his way down. When he got to Peter's boxer shorts he kissed Peter's still hidden cock and then looked deep into his eyes. He pulled down boxer shorts and Peter's monster came out. TJ: oh fuck, this one is huge. Peter laughed. Tj moved closer with his mouth to Peter's cock and smelled the smell of other man's cock for the first time, he didn't expect it but it made him even hornier than he already was. TJ felt Peter's hands lightly grip his head. TJ was enchanted by the giant cock in front of him. Although he was frightened, and all sorts of things were happening in his head he couldn't help but take hold of the cock. He took hold of Peter's cock and began to lightly pull on it. He kissed Peter's lower abdomen, placed the cock against his cheek and sighed deeply. He pulled the cock away and looked at it for a moment. P: you shouldn't do anything if you don't want to huh. TJ: I know but I want to try but don't know how. P: otherwise lick the glans, then place your lips on it. Tj opened his mouth and placed his tongue on Peter's glans. His heart was beating violently now from the excitement and horniness. The first touch of his tongue was liberating and the taste of the pre-cum he tasted was much better than he had imagined. Before long, his lips were kissing Peter's thick mushroom. Peter placed his hands back lovingly on TJ's head. P: Just let it slide into your mouth. You're doing great Tj listened to his mentor and let the hardening cock slide into his mouth. Tj did have to open his mouth fully to get Peter's fat cock in his mouth but it was all worth it because once the cock came into his mouth and he got the full taste of cock in his mouth he was completely sold. He groaned and let the cock slide as deep into his mouth as he could because he wanted more. More of that heavenly taste, more of the blissful rod. He looked longingly at Peter. P: oh fuck, you're a natural. Hmmm Peter let TJ enjoy his blissful cock for a while without saying anything or giving him encouragement. Tj's blowjob technique certainly still needed a lot of work but for a first time this could definitely pass for Peter. He pulled TJ back up and kissed him fiercely. The game between the two continued like this for a while until Peter was sucking Tj again and stopped for a moment. P: did you do what I asked you before you came here. Tj knew what Peter meant and nodded. P: ok then Peter took hold of Tj's lower back and lifted him up and put a pillow under his ass. He pulled the jaws of Tj's ass apart and Peter saw Tj's cherry come out. P: Do you trust me? Tj nodded. That was all Peter needed and he buried his face in Tj's ass and licked his virgin cherry. Tj had never experienced such a blissful feeling. The feeling of a tongue licking his sphincter was the best feeling he had ever experienced and he slammed his two hands against his head and moaned in pleasure. Tj: Oh my god, oh fuck this is heavenly. Peter knew he had Tj where he wanted him and knew the boy would definitely come back. He gently pushed his ring finger against TJ's sphincter, but he immediately realized that it wouldn't work this way. He took the bottle of poppers that was next to the bed and turned it open. P: these are poppers, you have to sniff this through each nostril a few times for as long as you can. It will help you relax your sphincter and it will also make you feel better. You shouldn't be afraid it doesn't work for long. Tj took hold of the bottle and sniffed through each nostril 3 times for as long as he could. He felt his head start to spin and an even hornier feeling came to the surface, handed the bottle back to Peter and then fell backwards on the bed. Peter by now had taken lube and smeared Tj's cherry with lube. He placed his finger back against Tj's flower and the flower opened and let the finger in. Tj was in supreme ecstasy from feeling Peter's finger in his hole. Peter drove the speed a bit and introduced a second finger and let Tj continue to enjoy it. Tj: this is amazing, oh fuck. I want to squirt. I want to squirt! Peter stopped fingering. P: let's cum together. Tj: yeah that's good. P: where do you want me to cum. Tj hesitated for a moment but he was too horny Tj: I want to taste your seed. Peter turned so they were lying in a 69 position P: let's shoot into each other's mouth then okay? Peter could squirt almost on command, so his plan was to squirt himself first into Tj's mouth and then let Tj squirt his seed. Tj took peter's cock in his mouth and started sucking it like mad. P: oh baby I am going to squirt, are you ready. Peter meanwhile took Tj's cock in his mouth and started sucking it too. It did not take long also Tj was going to squirt and Peter made him cum, Tj heard how Peter started panting heavier and faster and he felt how Peter's cock filled his mouth with seed. It excited Tj so much that he too dumped his seed into Peter's mouth. Tj's mouth was still filled with Peter's seed and although it didn't taste bad he didn't know what to do with it and let it spill out of his mouth. Peter had swallowed Tj's seed and watched his seed get lost on the sheets of the bed. He took hold of Tj and kissed him passionately. After they took a breath P: did you enjoy it Tj: it's weird to say but actually yes. P: would you like to come back again for a 2nd round. TJ: I think so TJ put on his clothes and went back home. The following days he sat almost all the time thinking about the moment with Peter, he was amazed at how smoothly everything had gone and he began to realize that he definitely had to be at least bisexual. Peter had left Tj alone for a few days but after the 3rd day he sent a whatsapp anyway. Hey TJ, hopefully you enjoyed your first experience there as much as I did myself. If you still feel like it and if you can you come back Saturday for a 2nd round. When Tj lifted his cell phone and saw that the message was from Peter he got a warm feeling inside. He read the message and sent back. Hey Peter, I'll see you on Saturday. The second date was almost a copy of the first, only with the difference that now Tj was not so tense and he did not cum so fast. Peter had also been able to get him to play with his ass more and by the time Tj went home he could tolerate three fingers in his still virgin ass. What was also different when TJ went home was that he was beginning to have genuine feelings for Peter and Peter realized this. In the days that followed, Peter did not leave Tj alone and sent him loving and sexual messages that made TJ's head spin even more and pushed his feelings toward Peter even further. By that it was Wednesday night TJ himself sent to Peter asking if he could meet again on Saturday. Peter sent back. Hey TJ unfortunately I can't meet up this weekend because I will be away all weekend. But I will be honest with you. What we have now is way too limited for me. I know you're only in the exploratory stage but that's long over for me. I know what I want and that is more than what is happening now. I am a proud gay top who loves to fuck a pussy, I love being able to take a slut/slave in charge and be able to train him and use him at my will. I am a true BDSM master. I understand that you may not be ready for that yet but it is what I want. But I can't deny that I feel nothing for you and would love to introduce you into my world and train you into what you can become because I see a lot of potential in you and I am sure you will love this too. Should you be interested in this I would love to see you again. But please know that you would then have to come and live with me for at least 3 months because training to become a perfect slave and slut does take some time. You would then also have to give yourself completely to me and do and undergo everything I ask of you. What happens after your training I leave completely up to you but know if you still want to stay with me after that you certainly can because again I have gotten feelings for you in this short time. I also want to be open and honest with you. I am HIV positive but take medication and am undetectable so there is definitely no danger to you. I understand this is very much to take in and I don't expect an immediate answer either. Otherwise, let this sink in and then make a decision. I also don't expect any more messages from you this week and you won't get any from me because I don't want to influence you. Know that I am expecting you next week and then you have to make your choice whether to come or not to come. But then also know that we won't see each other again if you don't come. I hope in the meantime that I will see you because I would so love to introduce you to the real world of men's sex. Peter's message hit TJ like a bomb. Training, BDSM, slut, slave, at least 3 months and HIV. The first thing TJ wanted to do was walk away and never think about this again, he was just exploring and hadn't even had anal sex yet. What did he have to throw himself directly into such a fierce adventure. The first few days TJ did not know what to do with himself at all, all sorts of things were going through his mind but by Tuesday night he made up his mind . What did he have to lose, he had no job, his friends he heard very little, his feelings for Peter were real, the unknown he also found very exciting and because of his training in pharmacy he knew better than anyone else that indeed you can be undetectable if you have HIV and then there is no risk, besides there was also such a thing as condoms he thought and what were 3 months in a lifetime. Tj would go for it and he sent to his parents that he would not be reachable for a few months because he wanted to follow a course abroad. With his last savings he paid the rent of his apartment for 4 months and by Saturday he had everything arranged and was ready for his new adventure. As he got ready to leave for Peter the nerves did start to surface he felt his stomach start to contract and again the little voice in his head came wondering if this was the best decision. But again TJ press forward and put his suitcase in the car and left for Peter. When he arrived at Peter's he saw that the front door was already open, he went in and thought he would see Peter but he didn't. He saw that there was a table ready and went to it. On the table Tj saw a filled glass two letters a leather collar with a lock a jockstrap and a blindfold. Tj took hold of the letter and read it. Bye Tj, I'm glad you came. In front of you you see some things lying around. A contract, a collar, jockstrap, blindfold and a filled glass. The glass is filled with tonic and G, G is a drug that you will receive very often in your training and that will make you submissive, willing and horny. Now still you get to choose a penultimate time. You have 3 options. 1 you leave and we never see each other again. 2 you empty the glass and we have a nice evening but then it stops. 3 you empty the glass, put the leather collar around your neck and hang the lock on it and sign the contract. If you choose the 3rd and which I am actually hoping for then this was your penultimate choice made for the next 3 months. The last choice you may then make is for during your training but you will see that then. If you don't leave and choose option 3 then you empty your glass, sign the contract, take off your clothes, put on the collar and lock it. You put on the jockstrap and go upstairs there you wait in the middle of the room on your knees with the blindfold on. When you are upstairs you press the bell and I will come up in twenty minutes. That's how long the G needs to work because I want you willing and submissive. With trembling hand he took the second letter and pen. Contract. I TJ agree to the rules my master will impose on me. I will obey him and do what he asks otherwise he may punish me according to his will. I also give him all decision right to do with me whatever he wants. I am his possession and have no decision right myself for a period of 3 months. Master will train and mold me in the image he has in mind. But will let me return home healthy unless otherwise decided by mutual agreement. Signed TJ TJ felt he was getting tremendously nervous, this was serious. This was no longer child's play but this was for real. He read the contract a few more times and looked again at the items in front of him. Was he really ready for this. He had never smoked before, let alone taken drugs, and to his feeling it would not stop at this one time. He had also never been fucked before, would he be able to handle this. Would he be able to give himself completely to a man. Doubt struck him. He looked at the contract again and pulled himself together and with a trembling hand he signed the contract and gave up his right to decide. From now on Peter would decide what happened to him. When he had signed he felt as if a burden had fallen from his shoulders. He thought the hardest part was behind him. But then he looked at the glass. He would have to drug himself; this was another milestone he had to overcome. But he took the glass placed it to his lips and drank it in 1 gulp. The taste was terrible and he struggled to keep it down. He took off his clothes and put on the jockstrap, also put on the leather collar and clicked the lock shut, he took the blindfold, left everything and went upstairs. Upstairs he saw that there was a door open and entered the room he pressed the bell, closed the door and got down on his knees in the middle of the room and put on the blindfold. He felt his heart racing briskly and felt he was nervous. Nervous for what was to come, for what he would experience and what he would become. Time moved slowly and every minute took an eternity, but as time went on he felt himself getting calmer and hornier. Wanting to be touched, he breathed deeper and heavier. Tj began to touch his body with his hands and began to moan lightly. For a moment he was in his own horny world and everything around him disappeared. His fantasies surfaced and his horniest dreams shot through his mind. Then he heard the door open and his head was grabbed. P: I am glad to see you, you have made me a happy master this evening. You finished your first assignment well and I'm glad you signed the contract and that I get to train you. TJ: thank you peter. I feel so horny. Peter Tj a light tap to the back of his head. P: We do need to make some arrangements first. The most important ones are, do what is asked, never argue, only talk when I tell you to say something and don't refuse. This first time I forgive you because you didn't know the rules yet. If you break them again I will punish you. If you refuse or contradict then the training will stop and you will be outside and from now on you will no longer address me as Peter but as Sir or Master. I will also no longer address you as TJ but in any way I feel like. Did you get that bitch. Tj's head was already rising to the clouds but had understood what Peter had just explained to him the other day. Tj: yes sir. P: ok slut. Then we can start your training.
  13. Part 9 Butterflies and nerves coursed through Dennis's stomach and entire body as he stood in front of Zack's door, he would prefer to jump right on Zack, ram his toxic cock into Zack's ass and teach him to enjoy being fucked. But he had to use his mind, he had to win Zack over first and make him see it for himself. Well now, Dennis would give him a hand in coming to this understanding. Dennis pressed the doorbell and after a few moments the door opened. Z: hey, come in. I'm glad to see you. D : yeah I'm glad to see you too. I never thought you were going to call me, but am glad you did anyway. Z : really. That's nice to hear. Z : do you want to have a drink first or are we going to leave right away. D : let's leave right away because my brother will already be waiting for us in the bar. Z : ok let me take my coat first. Zack put on his coat and then the 2 left for the bar. When they arrived they saw Michael already sitting there with a beer in front of him. M : ah you guys are here. Hi I am Michael Z : I'm Zack, I've seen you before in school. You haven't changed much. M : yeah I don't remember you but maybe you have changed a bit too. Z : yes little boys grow up. D : that's true and good thing too. Z : order me a beer I am going to the toilet first. Dennis ordered 3 beers and sat down next to Michael. D : What are your first impressions. M : Wow, I can see why you can't get it out of your head. What a find. Zack came back from toilet and joined the Dennis and Michael. M : Tell me Zack, what brings you to town. Z : Well I am going to start my studies for architect. D : nice. Z : thank you. M : if I look at you like this you are going to play sports regularly. Have you already found a sports club here. Z : yes I go to the gym 4 times weekly and was quarterback on the school team and hope to play here too. Dennis' heart started beating even faster on hearing that he was a quarterback on the school team. His imagination began to run wild. M : Dennis you will have to take him to your gym sometime then. Then you can work out together because you were looking for a fitness buddy weren't you. D : yes if you feel like it of course Z : yes please actually, it's much more fun with 2 than going to the gym alone. D : do you have any plans tomorrow night. I was planning to go around 8 p.m. Z : uh, no. Are you coming to pick me up again D : sure man. The evening was very pleasant and a real friendship developed. Zack felt completely at ease with Dennis and Michael and saw them as the 2 bigger brothers he never had and already fully envisioned his future in the city. M : Dennis, you haven't forgotten the party in 2 weeks I hope. D : if you mean the party at the vacation home, I didn't forget. Z : vacation home? M : yes we have a vacation home in the woods with some friends. We meet there regularly for our parties. If you feel like it, feel free to come with us. The next party is for Dennis' birthday. Z : ah your birthday is coming up soon. D : yes Said Dennis with a grin on his face. D : yes if you want you can feel free to come along. Then you can get to know our other friends too. Z : euh, I don't know yet. Wouldn't it be strange if I came along and didn't know anyone there? D : no. The others certainly wouldn't mind if you came along and you wouldn't be the first time someone new came along. D : in fact am sure if you come along 1 time you will always want to come with us. Zack let it all come in Z : ok we'll see it's still within 2 weeks. So is that for 1 evening or for a weekend. M : it's a weekend. We leave the Friday night and come back the Sunday night. So you shouldn't be afraid to miss the start of school. Z : ah ok, yes I'll let you know if I'm coming with you or not. The evening drew to a close and the 3 went home. The next day Dennis was again at Zack's door to go to the gym together. The gym was actually just around the corner from where Dennis lived but for Zack he gladly made a detour. D : Yeah Zack, I don't know what you all do when you work out, but I usually do some cardio first and then I switch to lifting weights. Does that sound good to you ? Z : yes that's fine for me. Zack took off his jacket and sweater. Dennis couldn't take his eyes off Zack. He now saw Zack back in sports gear for the first time in a long time. But where Zack was still wearing a regular T-shirt last time, he was now wearing a deep-cut tank top and loose-fitting shorts. Dennis had to restrain himself from drooling because Zack had definitely gained muscle mass since he had last seen him. Zack's arms had definitely gained several inches and through the deeply incised tank top you could also clearly see his pecs and nipple. Dennis was really having all the trouble not getting stiff. D : euh yes, let's get started. They got on the treadmill and began their session. Meanwhile, they continued talking about all sorts of things. Dennis was able to get his feelings back under control while walking, it was only while bench pressing that he started having a hard time again. As he lay on the bench and Zack helped him with the dumbbell. Dennis had briefly been able to glimpse under the tank top and could see Zack's abs. Best that Dennis had just made a serious effort pressing the dumbbell because he felt his face come blood red. Z : are you at your max. D : yes almost, why. Z : because you are getting red. D : euh yes. You have that when you exert serious effort. Z : yes that's true. I will take over. D : yes is good then I will help you with the dumbbell. After exercising they had a drink. D : are you going to shower here or are you going home like this. Z : uh, I have everything with me but didn't know if you would shower here. D : normally I shower at home but have everything with me too. It depends on you. You can shower at my place or we shower here. Z : here is good. D : and after that come and have a drink at my place. Z : ok good. Dennis had hoped that Zack would want to shower here because it was 1 big shower room and no separate private shower stalls. This way he could see Zack completely naked for once. They went to the dressing room and the moment was there for Dennis to see Zack completely naked. It was an exciting moment though because he didn't know if he would be able to contain himself. Dennis was lucky, they had the dressing room to themselves and there was no one in the shower. They took off their clothes and went to the shower. Z : what is that there on you on your butt ? D : yes I had a mole removed 2 weeks ago and it is not allowed to get wet yet so I put a waterproof sticker on it. Z : ah ok D : yes the sticker can come off next week. Dennis had put a sticker on beforehand to cover his biohazard tattoo so he wouldn't shock Zack and push him away. Now they were in the shower and Dennis could look at Zack all the way. Best that the water ran over his head because drool was running out of his mouth at the sight of Zack's divine body. Zack had beautiful chest and abs and Dennis felt his cock begin to swell at the sight of Zack's cock. When limp, Zack had some 7 inches and thick cock hanging between his legs with nice sagging sack. He was intimately shaved and as Zack turned, Dennis could now admire the beautiful virgin and moon-shaped ass as well. But what finished it off completely was when Zack bent over to take the shower gel. Then Dennis could see Zack's still tight sphincter. Now Dennis was having a very hard time restraining himself anymore and you could definitely see from his cock that he was aroused. Dennis closed his eyes and washed his hair. Z : someone is happy he gets to shower I see. Said Zack with funny tone. Dennis tried to make his way through the situation. D : euh yes, after sports I never control him sorry. Z : with a piece like that you definitely shouldn't apologize. Zack was startled for a moment by what he had just said and Dennis couldn't believe his ears. Could it be than Zack also feels something for him. D : thank you. with that piece of yours you can't complain either. D : I'm going to go dry off. When they were dried off they went to Dennis' apartment. Fortunately, Dennis had anticipated Zack's arrival and his apartment was completely cleaned up and there were no traces of his and soon to be Zack's sex life. D : is a beer good for you. Z : yes it is. Dennis came back with a beer and gave it to Zack. Then Dennis saw that he forgot to put something away after all. On the windowsill were another dildo and a pipe and hopefully Zack hadn't seen these lying around. Z : what is lying there. D : what is lying where? Z : there on the windowsill. Is that a dildo ? Dennis turned bright red D : haha yes it is, I had a nice moment yesterday after our night out with my downstairs neighbor. She's alone I'm all, I don't need to draw a picture of it for sure. Dennis winked. Z : oh you don't have to answer to me you know. As long as you don't ask me to ride your dildo it's fine. Zack and Dennis laughed D : no I won't ask you that Not yet Dennis thought. Z : what's next to it? D : that's a pipe, we also smoked some before that. Z : ah so. D : are you a user? Z : user of what D : stimulants , weed, .... Z : no I am not a user nor have I ever used anything. But have no problem with people who do. D : I use very rarely once and when there is a nice party or something. D : speaking of parties do you feel like coming along. Z : I think so, it will be good for me, because I'm not completely over my ex yet and I don't really want to spend the weekend alone. D : ok that's settled then. They each drank 2 more beers and then Zack left for home. That same week and the following week they met up a few times to go to the gym and have a drink together. Until the weekend in question arrived. Dennis was nervous for what was to come and he had become completely hooked on Zack. He couldn't wait much longer to make him his own. It was also more than a desire of sex with Zack alone. It was the first time he had also had real feelings for someone. Because without realizing it, Dennis had also stopped going to saunas and gay bars. Nor had he had any dates since Zack had come back into his life. The outcome of this weekend would be extremely important. Because if everything went according to plan then after this weekend he would return home with a future son/lover. But if the plan went wrong then he would lose everything. Dennis had made his bag and put it in his car and waited for Zack. Not much later Zack also walked in with his backpack. D : are you ready. Z : yeah, I didn't know what all I needed. So I just grabbed some of everything. D : I don't think you will need much. Come get in then we can leave. The two drove to the cottage and when they got there after a few hours no one was there yet. D : handy there is no one yet, then I can show you the house in peace. Zack was impressed with the vacation home. Dennis gave him a tour and asked Zack if he would make a problem of sleeping with him because they were short of a room. Zack had no problem with this at all and they put their bag in Dennis' room and took out their things. Then Dennis heard noises coming from downstairs. S : Dennis are you here already D : yes Sam we are upstairs S : who is we S : ah right Michael had told me something about you bringing a friend. D : wait we are coming downstairs. Dennis and Zack went downstairs. S : hello I am Sam and you are Z : I'm Zack nice to meet you. Z : quite a nice house you have here. S : thanks, but it's a common house. Meanwhile Michael, Rob, Ed and Tony arrived. They had driven together. M : hey Zack glad to see you back. Are you looking forward to this weekend. Z : yes I am. M : where are my manners, these are Rob, Ed, and Tony. Soon Nick and Andy will come but are first to get some party supplies. But they will be here soon. Five minutes later Andy and Nick also arrived with 2 large stuffed boxes each. A : Hey everyone, I will put these in the kitchen first and prepare us a shot first good. D : yes is good because we were already waiting to start the party. Not much later Nick came back with a tray with only snacks and chips on it. Andy followed with a tray with 18 glasses on 9 filled shot glasses and 9 larger filled glasses. A : hello I'm Andy and this is Nick. Z : I'm Zack a friend of Dennis. N : we already knew because Michael had already informed us that you were coming with us. But you are very welcome. Z : thank you A : yeah are we going to get this party going. D : please do A : ok party boy, I have provided a first shot here. So you drink out the shot glass first later and then immediately the other glass because you won't really like the shot glass. A : Zack do you have experience with shots Z : not really, I've only drunk beer. But I do want to try it and see if something is for me. A : Perfect, then you don't know how bad this stuff is lol because it's a homebrew and you guys are my first test audience. Andy winked at Dennis and the others and gave each the 2 glasses. He also gave Zack his two glasses. With Zack the shot glass contained a non-alcoholic gin with a well measured dose of G with the others the shot glass contained plain water. In the other glass there was just Getorade. Each took his shot glass first. M : to the birthday boy. 1 2 3 And each poured his shot glass. Each immediately grabbed the other glass to flush. But that was really only necessary for Zack because just his shot glass was not drinkable. D : Andy, thanks for letting us taste your brew but I think it still needs some work. The others laughed and they all started chatting amongst themselves. Zack who was sitting next to Dennis said Z : that was really not drinkable, hopefully this was the only shot of this stuff because my stomach turned when I swallowed. D : I do think that is the only time we will drink this, maybe he will give it again when we are already more soggy. But then we might not realize it. N : who will join us in the Jacuzzi. D : I want to. T : me too D : are you coming too Zack Z : yes why not, otherwise I'll go get my swimsuit first. T : swimming trunks? no need for that. We are all men here or not. Z : that's true. N : we just go in naked. Zack went to the toilet first and while the others took off their clothes and got into the Jacuzzi. Zack came back and saw that Sam , Michael , Andy, Rob and Ed were cozy in the couch talking and that the others were already in the Jacuzzi. Zack went to the Jacuzzi and started to take off his clothes and hung them over a chair outside. Nick whistled on his finger as if he saw a handsome woman walk by. The others in the Jacuzzi started laughing loudly. Zack stepped into the Jacuzzi with red jaws and sat down next to Dennis. Meanwhile, the others were already back talking to each other. Z : This is really great D : do you like it a little bit. Z : yes, it looks like a nice gang. Not long after Zack got into the Jacuzzi it started to rain lightly and Michael came out to take the clothes inside. M : I'll put these inside so they don't get wet, good. D : yes do it. What are the others doing. M : Andy and Sam went downstairs to get the playroom ready. Z : playroom. D : yeah there's a basement here where we have put a pool table. Can play a game later if you feel like it. Z : yeah please. Zack became more and more cheerful and happy in the Jacuzzi, you could see that his inhibitions were starting to disappear more and more and you also noticed that he was starting to talk more and more. For one he heard Nick talking about sex with Tony and hadn't heard everything but it turned him on and he suddenly started talking about his own sex life with the others about how he would have liked to take his girlfriend in the ass once but that she wasn't open to it. The others looked at Zack amused as they realized the G was doing its job. They let him continue talking and Dennis took the moment to sit a little closer to Zack so that his leg touched Zack's. Dennis still had to restrain himself from getting an erection but when Nick said he was going inside and followed Zack, that's how Dennis saw that Zack was already fairly turned on because his cock had already become more than half stiff. When they were inside there was a new shot glass ready for everyone and without even thinking about it, Zack poured his second portion of G inside. Even the bad taste of the shot glass didn't bother him anymore. Even the fact that everyone walking around naked had the same symbol as a tattoo didn't even bother him anymore. This dose would be good to start his corruption but was still not enough to put him over the edge. Zack was already feeling so good that he didn't even realize he was still walking around naked and with a half stiff dick. S : are we having fun ? Z : Yeah man this party is the awesome. Everyone else who came out of the Jacuzzi was also still naked and settled back in the couch. T : Andy put on a movie boy we want to get in the mood. Andy turned on the TV from the kitchen with the remote control and put on a porn movie. It was a carefully chosen movie where the first scene was man/girl the next was a threesome with 2 men and a woman where the men were already doing light bi stuff with each other and the third scene was with 3 men and 1 woman. In that last scene a man was also fucked. By the time they got to the third scene, Zack should be much more compliant and his inhibitions would be completely gone. The movie started playing and the men from the Jacuzzi, Sam and Rob were sitting in the seat watching the screen. Z : wow man, is that porn N : of course dude, we're not going to watch a nature movie here . T : we're all healthy potty men together here, then it's okay to watch a horny woman sliding her pussy over a fat cock. Z : awesome. Zack wanted to take his cock in his hands and start jerking, but wanted to see what the others were doing first and waited a little longer. It wasn't long before his semi-hard cock was completely hard and so he could no longer hide the fact that he was very excited. The others watched the movie with half an eye and kept an eye on Zack with the other. Meanwhile they were laughing and judging the woman who gave the best of herself in the movie. D : Look at that slut. Should that one be here I would shove my dick down her throat. The horny talk the men were giving wound Zack up even more, and the extra portion of G gave him even more confidence and his inhibitions fell away even more so he too started selling dirty talk. Z : I would fuck them in her ass until she screamed with pleasure and begged for my cum. Nick and Tony called out good boy, would we want to do the same. Zack saw that Dennis and Sam started playing with their getting-hardened cocks and for Zack that was the sign that he too could start playing with his piece, because he wanted to do that for a very long time but was still holding back. The Atmosphere became more relaxed and increasingly hornier. The G in Zack's body started to do its job more and more and didn't realize that the 2nd scene had started and since no one reacted to the fact that the 2 men in the movie were kissing and jerking each other off he also didn't take offense to the fact that Nick and Tony were playing with each other's dick. He felt Dennis pushing his leg more and more against his own and that didn't scare him either. Zack had become horny as fuck because of the movie and the G. Suddenly he felt two hands being placed on his shoulders. They were Michael's hands. M : All good buddy, having a good time. Z : Yeah man, this is a great party. Meanwhile, Dennis had taken advantage of the unguarded moment to put his hand on Zack's leg. N : Michael would you like to fill the pipe that is in the kitchen. Michael went back to the kitchen filled the pipe with crystals and handed it to Nick. Nick began to melt the crystals and sucked in the white formed fumes until he could do no more and then blew a big white cloud into the room. Zack had not seen this because his focus was completely on what was happening on the screen. It was only when Tony took the pipe that he saw that a large white cloud had been blown into the room and when Tony blew his cloud that he looked with fascination at what was happening in the other seat. Meanwhile Dennis had already placed his hand closer to Zack's cock. T : would you like a shotgun N : yes sure. Tony took another pull of the pipe and placed his lips on Nick's and blew the smoke into Nick's mouth. Zack looked on in fascination and from the fact that Tony and Nick were now engaged in a kiss Zack no longer looked surprised because on the screen the men were also kissing. Then Zack also saw that the pipe was passed to Sam who also took 2 deep puffs of the pipe and then passed it back to Dennis. Meanwhile, Zack's eyes had also fallen on Tony and Nick's cocks and he saw that 2 were not jerking themselves but each other. The G in his body made sure he didn't find this repulsive or weird either. It only turned him on even more. Then he felt Dennis' hand pass along his stiff cock as it took over Sam's pipe. Zack watched what Dennis was doing with large intrigued eyes. He watched as Dennis melted the crystals in the pipe and then smoke formed in the pipe. He saw how Dennis sucked the smoke in and how not much later a large white snake came out of Dennis' mouth. Dennis looked at Zack. D : do you want a puff too. I don't want to oblige you to anything but it would be nice if you took a pull too. Zack who by now had dropped all his preconceptions about drug use and had become very willing by the G took the pipe in his hands. Z : I do want to try it if you tell me what to do. D : yes no problem. Take hold of the pipe I will melt the crystals and will tell you when to suck the smoke in. Suck as long as you can and then hold it. I will say when you may blow out. Z : ok. Dennis began to melt the crystals and the smoke began to form in the pipe. When there was enough in the pipe Dennis gave the signal to Zack that he could start sucking. Zack had a large lung capacity and was able to inhale very much of the horny making smoke. When all the smoke was sucked into his lungs Dennis felt how he was getting warmer, how felt more energized immediately and then blew the smoke back out. A large white cloud formed in the room. The others watched amused as they knew Zack's fate was now completely sealed. They knew the young god would soon be in the sling and pumped full of their poisonous cum. Within minutes he would become so horny that he would no longer question what was happening to him and when he could think clearly again his fate would be changed forever. Z : Wow, this is great man. D : would you like to do it once more. Z : yeah, please. D : I will give you a shotgun, that is much better. D : I'll inhale the smoke and then blow it in your mouth. Okay? Z : yeah all right. Dennis put the pipe to his mouth, melted the crystals and breathed in the smoke. Soon it was time. Almost he would feel and taste the lips of his future son for the first time He handed the pipe to Michael who stood behind him and took hold of Zack's head with his two hands, opened his lips and placed them on Zack's lips. He handed the pipe to Michael who stood behind him and with his two hands took hold of Zack's head, opened his mouth and placed it on Zack's lips. He blew the smoke into Zack's mouth who meanwhile sucked the smoke into his lungs. Dennis took advantage of that moment to move 1 hand away from Zack's head and take hold of Zack's hard cock and lightly jerk on it. He was getting euphoric and wanted again. Now he wanted to give a shotgun to Dennis and Michael placed the pipe against Zack's lips and again melted the last crystals. Dennis watched with enamored eyes Zack and how he sucked the Tina into his lungs. Zack who was flying higher and higher didn't even realize that Dennis was playing with his cock and that the others had moved on by now. Sam was sucking Nick by now and Tony was standing in the couch feeding Nick with his fat cock. Meanwhile, Zack's lungs were already for a third time full of the horny Tina smoke and now he took hold of Dennis' head and placed his lips on that of the lovestruck Dennis and blew the smoke into his mouth. Dennis could no longer contain himself and took a risk by sticking his tongue in Zack's mouth. Zack was startled at first at feeling the tongue entering his mouth, but the Tina had already taken over his body and thinking and he began to tongue Dennis. Dennis' fantasy was coming true, he had almost completely won Zack over and his glans was getting all wet from the pre-cum oozing out. He began kissing Zack more fiercely and took a firmer hold of his still hard cock. Dennis and Zack must have been kissing for at least 10 min when Michael put the refilled pipe back into Zack's hands. Dennis and Zack broke their kiss Z : oh fuck I am so horny and what am I doing M : you're doing great buddy. Just take another hit you will feel so much better. Dennis pushed the pipe back against Zack's lips and Michael lit the lighter the crystals began to melt back and Zack already knew when to start sucking. Dennis took advantage of the moment to play with Dennis' nipples with his mouth and tongue. Zack closed his eyes for a moment as he sucked the smoke into his lungs, then laid his head back on the seat. He held the smoke in long enough to feel himself getting even hornier and lighter in his head. All inhibitions and any fears melted away like snow in the sun. In the background Zack heard the moans coming from the television and he blew his fourth fat cloud into the room erect his head and looked at the screen. He saw how suddenly there were now 3 men and 1 woman engaged. He saw how 2 men were playing with each other and one was giving the other a vigorous blow job. At that moment he felt his cock being sucked into a warm moist cave and he closed his eyes briefly again. Z : Oh fuck, I'm so hot, this is heavenly. Zack wanted to look down at how it was that his cock was in such a warm moist cavern and who was playing with his nipples. But Michael kept his head and eyes on him as he pushed the pipe against his lips once more. M : take another hit my friend Zack took hold of the lighter and was now melting the crystals himself. He was already completely sold on the horny pipe and its white smoke. After his fifth hit, Dennis felt how the once stiff cock began to sag and shrivel. No matter how hard Dennis tried to suck his conquering hard still that cock was getting limp and flaccid. But that was the signal that the Tina had been completely absorbed into Zack's body. Zack was now completely at their mercy. Soon he too would be corupted. Dennis stopped sucking and looked into the eyes of his young god. Zack's eyes were wide open and his pupils were large black flying saucers. Dennis wanted to say something but he didn't get the chance because Zack pulled him toward him and started kissing him again. Dennis was now standing right in front of Zack, Zack looked at the screen and now saw again how one man was firmly sucking the other. His mind could no longer think clearly and what he saw on the screen made him so horny and it also seemed so normal that one man was taking the other man's cock in his mouth, Zack opened his mouth. Dennis could read Zack's mind and offered him his hard cock. Zack looked at the pre-cum-covered glans for a moment, and it was as if he hesitated for a moment whether or not to put the fat mushroom in his mouth. But that didn't last long. He carefully placed his lips on that moist glans and then took it into his mouth. Dennis was in seventh heaven and could make his eyes believe how easy it had been to get Zack to do this. Dennis looked at Michael and Michael came up beside him and started kissing Dennis. Meanwhile, Zack had fallen completely under the spell of Dennis' cock. For the first time he had a cock in his mouth and tasted a man's pre-cum. A new world opened up. His thoughts were suddenly filled with all sorts of darkly horny thoughts. He placed his hands on Dennis' ass and where at first he shyly and gently sucked on Dennis' cock, he began to take the cock deeper into his mouth and suck harder. Dennis moaned with pleasure and more pre-cum oozed from his cock straight into Zack's mouth. From all the horniness, Dennis felt he would squirt almost immediately, but didn't want to yet. His first toxic load will be in his pussy Dennis thought and he pulled his cock out of Zack's mouth. He pulled Zack straight and started kissing him back. He tasted his own cock and pre-cum in Zack's mouth and took a firm hold of him. As Zack and Dennis were entwined back in a firm kiss, Michael nodded to the other. That was the signal for them to go down to the playroom. But before they would go downstairs they would have a shot glass. Michael handed back 2 glasses to everyone and also to Zack. It back only to him that there was a dose of G in it. Zack took hold of the glasses and without thinking about it drank them immediately and placed his lips back on Dennis'. Zack had become completely sold on Dennis in a short time. He looked at him as if he had completely fallen for Dennis. M : Men shall we go downstairs continue the party there. A : yes come let's go downstairs. E : Are the lovebirds coming too. The others had also noticed how passionately Dennis and Zack were making out with each other. Zack looked at Dennis. D : come let's go downstairs. Can we continue partying there. Z : ok Dennis took hold of Zack's hand and saw that Zack was no longer as steady on his feet. Sam who was walking behind Zack helped him up the stairs for a moment to stay upright because otherwise he would have definitely fallen down. When they got down into the basement Dennis saw that the room had been prepared for their arrival because the bed, crotch and sling were hidden behind a curtain. A DJ boat was ready and Ed began to play some music. Again the pipe was lit and Zack watched Nick take a hit. Nick stepped up to Zack and placed his lips on Zack's and blew the smoke into his mouth. Nick was only the second man Zack had kissed in his life but he no longer cared that a man was kissing him and couldn't resist anymore, on the contrary he stuck his tongue in Nick's mouth and started making out with him. N : hmmm, you are a horny animal. Z : I feel super horny too. I don't know what is happening to me but I have an animal urge for sex N : what kind of sex ? Z : everything. Really everything. N : do you swear that, that it can be anything. Z : yes I swear that. It doesn't matter to me at all as long as it's sex. N : ok then. Then get on your knees and then take my fat cock in your mouth. Zack got on his knees and saw Nick's black monster, the male scent of cum, piss and sweat came to Zack's mind. It caused the inner slut in Zack to emerge and without even thinking about it he opened his mouth and like a hungry whore took Nick's cock in his mouth. He placed his hands on Nick's ass and Nick took hold of Zack's head to push his cock deeper into Zack's mouth. Ed took advantage of the moment to put 2 wrist straps around Zack's wrists. And Tony did the same with Zack's ankles. Zack who was only concerned with new experiences brought on by Nick's cock and didn't notice what the others were doing to him. N : You're not doing that bad dude. N : would you get my cock deep in your throat. Zack groaned and nodded affirmatively and Nick pushed his fat cock even deeper until he felt Zack's throat with his glans. Zack still couldn't handle that much cock and his gag reflex almost made him vomit. Tears sprang to his eyes and drool ran from his mouth. Nick withdrew his cock and pulled Zack back up and started kissing him. Zack's head spun all over. He felt hot, horny and wanted filthy sex. Z : fuck man, I want sex, I want to have filthy sex. Zack went over his body with his hands and felt his limp cock. He looked oddly at his shriveled cock and his clouded mind could not grasp how it was that he was so horny but his cock remained limp and shriveled. Zack didn't get much time not to dwell on this as he felt Michael's hands caressing his body. It was a blissful feeling for Zack how Michael's hands went back and forth over his body and he began to moan lightly. Andy came to stand in front of Zack and began nibbling lightly on Zack's nipples, who was becoming more and more ecstatic from all the stimulation he was receiving. Michael turned Zack's head and he began kissing him. Zack now didn't care at all who was doing what to him and whether it was a man or a woman. He was completely ecstatic, as long as he felt like he was being played with, all was good. Yet more and more he felt an urge rising at the bottom of his body. Something he had never felt before and could not immediately place. It wasn't until Michael came to Zack's ass with his hand and started fondling his sphincter with 1 finger that Zack realized where the grunting feeling was coming from. He felt Michael stroking his finger around his sphincter and it made him gasp, moan slightly and bite his lip. M : is everything all right Z : hmm yeah, Zack breathing began to get heavier from the new pleasure sensation. M : sure Z : yeah, don't stop M : do you want more Zack began to pant lightly and his body wanted more, his brain wanted more, he wanted more even though one last little voice said stop. Still, he couldn't fight it anymore and surrendered completely.Zack nodded M : are you sure Zack nodded again cautiously M : I want to hear you say it. Z : yes I am sure Zack kissed Michael again and he felt Michael's finger stop going around his sphincter and how that same finger was now pushing against his sphincter to go inside. Dennis once again placed the pipe on Zack's lips and melted the crystals, Zack sucked in the smoke and blew a fat white snake into the basement. M : relax and enjoy Zack heaved a deep breath and felt the last remaining tension in his body begin to dissipate as the finger drilled through his tight sphincter. Zack's eyes widened looked into Michael's, his mouth fell open and let out a slight moan. Through his body shot a current of electricity. This was something he had never experienced before, but it felt blissful it was just what he needed. This was just what his body was craving. Michael's finger went deeper and deeper and Zack closed his eyes and kept moaning the whole time. M : do you like it Z : hmmm yeah, don't stop. M : I won't stop if you don't want me to. M : I can make you feel even better if you want. Z : hmmm yes, hmmm Zack no longer knew what was happening to him, his nipples were being played with, his body was being fondled and there was a finger in his ass. Michael made sign to Sam that he should come with some Tina dust. Sam handed him a bag of Tina Dust and Michael pulled his finger out of Zack's still tight sphincter. Dennis took the poppers and pushed them under Zack's nose. He pushed 1 nostril closed and told him to sniff. D : sniff this, you will feel much better. Zack who was already flying among the stars and could no longer think clearly did what was asked of him and sniffed the poppers. Dennis then pushed the poppers under the other nostril and again Zack sniffed the poppers. He felt the rush of the poppers rising in his head and it made him even hornier than he already was. He turned his head and began tonguing fiercely with Dennis. At that moment Michael pushed 2 fingers into the Tina fabric and placed them against the relaxed sphincter. Zack felt how his sphincter was being penetrated for a 2nd time and how this time his sphincter was more relaxed. Again the poppers were pushed under his nose and again Zack sniffed the horny fumes. He felt how his sphincter relaxed completely and how 2 fingers were now pushed into his ass. Zack moaned louder and kissed Dennis again. He stopped kissing when he began to feel a burning sensation in his ass. Z : stop, stop Michael whispered in Zack's ear. M : what's the matter honey, don't you like it anymore. Z : it burns, it burns. M : that's okay honey, it won't burn for long. You will feel much better immediately. Z : hmmmm, oh fuck it burns. But as Michael said it didn't take long before the burning sensation began to ebb away and he got another feeling in its place. He got an uncontrollable urge, a desire that wasn't fed enough. He began to breathe heavier and heavier, unable to place where the feeling was coming from. Michael felt Zack's pussy begin to glow and radiate and knew what to do. He withdrew his fingers from Zack's loosening cunt and saw that his fingers were dirty. Zack now realized from whence the gnawing sensation came. It was coming from his ass. His ass felt empty and neglected. He needed to get rid of the nagging feeling and his butt needed to be filled back up. Zack never thought he'd say this but the nagging feeling was way too big and too strong Z : don't stop, don't stop. M : if you want more you will have to rinse your ass first though. Do you want that. Z : yes, I will do anything as long as you put those fingers back in my ass. M : ok then come with me first. Michael took hold of Zack's hand, kissed him passionately on the mouth and escorted him to the sling. M : lie down in it then I will clean your ass. Zack looked at the cloth hanging from 4 chains attached to the ceiling and didn't know what to do. M : just lie down in it. Zack's brain couldn't think straight anymore he couldn't see how and what to do. Dennis came to his aid and helped him into the sling. He lay down in the sling and felt his legs being pulled up and heard 2 clicks. His legs were now locked to the chains and his ass and sphincter were now fully visible. Z : or fuck, fill me with your fingers, please. M : clean your pussy first baby. Dennis stood next to Zack and Zack smelled scent of Dennis's cock and that triggered an uncontrollable urge in him. Dennis saw that and offered him his cock. Zack's animal instinct took over and he sucked the stiff cock inside. He felt an enema pressed against his sphincter and pushed in. He watched as the others now began to stand around him and play with their cocks. He had already basically forgotten about the others and it made him horny to see how they were looking at him. He felt a warm liquid being squirted into his gut and didn't know what to do with this feeling because his body wanted to push it out immediately. M : I know this feels weird for the first time but you have to hold this up as long as possible to get clean inside, do you understand. Zack who still had Dennis' cock in his mouth nodded. M : when I say you can, then push out like you would poop and then we will do that a few more times until you are clean, good. M : if you are clean then I can make you feel good again good. Zack nodded again. The feeling in his ass was getting heavier and heavier and he wanted to push it out but wasn't allowed to yet. Tony whispered in Michael's ear. T : I hope this isn't water. M : what do you think? T : I would fill him up with chempiss Michael grinned and Tony knew enough. The chempiss made its way into Zack's ass. Zack felt how it got hotter and hotter and how the nagging feeling in his ass got bigger and stronger. M : let it out. Zack hadn't actually heard Michael as he sank deeper and deeper into his horny thoughts and let the chempiss out of his hole. Again Michael squirted chempiss into Zack's future pussy and repeated this until the chempiss running out of Zack's hole was clean. The result of the chempiss was that Zack's hole had turned into slut mode. The large amount of chems he had gotten into his body had caused him to lose total control over what was going on in his mind for a while. Everything going around in his mind was about sex, hard, nasty sex. Z : oh fuck, fill my ass Z : you promised me you would make me feel good. M : yes I promised that and I will make you feel good too. Michael placed 2 fingers against the loosening sphincter and already had to make much less effort to push his fingers inside. Z : oh fuck yes, oh yeah deeper. Zack was out of control and his body squirmed at the penetrating sensation. The others looked on amused and Andy was already standing by with a narrow dildo and handed it to Dennis. Dennis held the dildo in front of Zack. D : would you like to try this one baby, do you want it to go in your pussy, you will feel so good and complete. Zack looked at the dildo with his hungry eyes and bit his lip. His mind was completely racing and his imagination was already giving him an idea of what it would be should he feel that dildo in his ass. Z : oh fuck yeah, I need that one in my ass. A : no slut, I want to hear you say you want that one in your cunt. Because you have a cunt no ass. A : tell me I have a cunt. Z : fuck, I have a cunt. I'm a slut, do what you want with me. Just fill me I can't stand it anymore, this empty feeling. Dennis got between Zack's legs and gently pushed the dildo against the tight sphincter. Zack began to moan lightly Z : oh fuck yes, push it in. I want it so bad. D : do you really want it baby. Z : yes, really, I really want it. Dennis gently pushed the dildo in and heard how Zack became ecstatic at feeling the dildo sliding in. Dennis let the dildo sit in Zack's ass for a moment so that his cunt could just get used to the intruder and then slowly began to fuck his cunt. Zack began moaning louder and louder and the sweat began to run off his body. Ed had had enough of Zack's moans and pushed his cock into Zack's gasping mouth. Zack needed no more instructions and eagerly sucked Ed's fat cock. Ed took hold of Zack's head and pushed his cock deep into Zack's throat until he began to feel vomit. Tears sprang into Zack's eyes and drool began to spill out of his mouth. Dennis took a thicker dildo and placed it against the increasingly loose sphincter. Ed pulled his stiffening cock into Zack's mouth and pushed the poppers under his nose. Zack knew what to do and sniffed the poppers. Z : thirsty, I'm thirsty Dennis pushed the thicker dildo into Zack's pussy and Zack became more and more ecstatic. The thicker dildo lessened the hungry feeling in his ass, but it still wasn't enough, it had to be more. T : were you thirsty baby. Z : yes T : will you drink what I give you. Z : yes, give me a drink, I'm dying of thirst. T : open your mouth and drink Zack opened his mouth and Tony put his limp dick in Zack's mouth. Zack didn't know what would happen, but suddenly felt warm liquid running into his mouth. It tasted salty and bitter, he wanted to swallow it but his stomach protested for a moment and he coughed causing the first gulp to spill out of his mouth. Tony hit Zack's head T : drink bitch, you had said you were thirsty. Zack was startled and swallowed the second gulp. His stomach no longer had a chance to protest and Zack's taste buds had no choice but to get used to the taste of the pee squirted into his mouth. Zack struggled at first to drink the urine but it wasn't long before the revulsion stopped and he let the urine run down his throat to his stomach. He felt his stomach fill with the warm liquid being administered to him. Tony his bladder had emptied and pulled his cock into Zack's mouth, Nick now saw his chance and he too slid his limp cock into Zack's mouth. N : Don't let it go to waste bitch. Show your gratitude for getting drinks. Nick let his bladder run and again Zack felt his mouth being filled with pee. Zack was now completely focused on drinking the urine he was getting that he did not realize that Dennis had again taken a thicker dildo, that Dennis had pushed a shard of Tina into his cunt and so his cunt was beginning to open slightly. Zack felt his belly being filled with Nick's warm nectar, he even began to love the taste of the urine and again felt his cunt begin to burn and radiate. Andy couldn't hold back anymore and started to piss, he aimed his stream first at Zack's shriveled cock and the piss ran down his body onto the floor, then he shifted his stream towards his head and when Nick finished and pulled his cock out of Zack's mouth Zack opened his mouth so Andy could aim his stream straight into his mouth. This was the filthy sex that Zack craved so much, he now felt completely satisfied and showed it. The urine that didn't end up in his mouth but on his head he smeared over his face with his hands so the aroma would penetrate his skin and take over his body. When Andy finished pissing Dennis came up beside him and started kissing him fiercely. D : how do you feel baby Z : I feel magnificent and complete. D : do you really feel perfect, or can I make you feel even better. Z : How could you make me feel even better. Dennis went back between Zack's legs, licked Zack's sphincter and stuck a finger in his pussy and made some scratches with his nails so that he saw some blood coming out. Zack who was already so stunned only felt the pleasure of the finger in his hole and the blissful feeling of the tongue licking his cunt. D : do you trust me Z : completely. D : do you want to become mine. Zack's clouded mind didn't know what Dennis meant by that but he didn't feel like thinking and just wanted him to make him feel even better. Z : yes I want to be yours. Zack lay squirming in the sling because his pussy was on fire and needed to be stimulated, his hands went back and forth over his body so he could unleash his horniness. But Michael took hold of Zack's arm and put a tourniquet around it. Zack watched what Michael did with his flying saucers and had no idea why that was around his arm. Michael took an alcohol wipe looked for a nice thick vein and wiped it clean. He took a syringe filled with a small load of Tina so he would still be aware of his first fuck and his pozzing and so they could give him 1 more later and shoot him completely to the stars. Zack felt a small prick. Because of the chems already flowing through his body, he felt the prick but it didn't really do anything to him. He looked at the syringe in his arm and his clouded mind still couldn't grasp it. He looked at Dennis standing between his legs. Michael nodded to Dennis to report that there was a register. D : are you ready to discover your true self baby. To be completely free and let inner slut out. D : Are you ready to feel your first real cock in your pussy and become fully mine. Becoming my son and joining our brotherhood. Zack couldn't control his feelings anymore something had to happen, he couldn't handle the empty feeling in his ass anymore. Z : yeah, fuck me. Please fuck me I can't take it anymore. Dennis nodded to Michael. Zack looked at Michael and then at syringe and he watched the red turned liquid disappear into his arm. Michael pulled the needle out of Zack's arm, pushed where the needle was and put Zack's arm over his head. Zack felt a metallic taste in his mouth, gasped for a moment and then coughed violently. Immediately he was being catapulted in to the stars and heard the others shouting with pleasure. T : fuck that bitch. A : pozz that cunt, come on Dennis make him your son. Michael came up beside Dennis and took hold of Dennis' cock and placed it against the sphincter of the squirming Zack. M : make me a grandfather son. Fill him with your toxic cum and make me a beautiful pozz whore grandson. Zack's hands caressed his whole body because he didn't know what to do with his horniness. Z: fuck me goddammit, fuck my cunt. Fill my hole I beg you . Dennis looked at Zack for a moment and took another deep breath because this was the moment he had been longing for. He took in the moment some more and pushed his mushroom against Zack's slightly gaping and glowing sphincter. Carefully he pushed his stiff cock into Zack's virgin cave. Both Dennis and Zack heaved a deep sigh. Dennis gently pushed his cock deeper and deeper. Zack went completely wild from the fat cock being pushed into his cunt. He felt his sphincter being pulled open to maximum and his gut being filled with a warm fat cock. Zack moaned, both in mild pain and extreme pleasure. The others let the 2 enjoy each other for a moment and also let Zack get used to his new destiny. The fate of going through life as a fuck bitch. Dennis was now completely inside Zack's pussy as his balls slammed against the cheeks of Zack's ass. Z : oh fuck, this is fucking delicious, fuck. D : do you like it baby. Z : yes, it's wonderful. Fuck me, fuck me harder. D : you don't know how long I longed for those words baby. I will please your pussy, I will fuck you every day because you have a blissful pussy. Dennis gently began to fuck Zack's pussy. Zack's head turned red from the new horny experience he was experiencing and begged for more and harder. Dennis enjoyed the moment and began fucking harder little by little until he felt Zack's sphincter give in and release the tension completely. Zack was floating among the stars, wishing this would never stop, and Dennis was living out his ultimate fantasy. His young god he would make his own within minutes and convert him into his pozz son. D : do you want my toxic cum baby do you want my AIDS DNA and become my son. Zack knew what he was hearing and in a normal sober moment he certainly would have said no but right now he didn't care he didn't want to disappoint that beautiful adonis who gave him such pleasure. Z : fuck, fuck , fill my pussy, make me your son. D : are you sure darling. When I fill up your cunt there is no turning back and you will be mine forever, my son. I will take good care of you I promise you that Z : give me your dirty cum, make me pozz and yours. I want to be yours forever. Please fill me Dennis felt he couldn't hold back any longer and moaned very loudly. D : here comes my toxic charge my son. From now on your life will look completely different. Zack felt Dennis give a few more violent thrusts and the cock began to squirt into his bowels. The others started cheering loudly, Michael gave Dennis a kiss and the others gave him a few pats on the back. A : The gloves can come off men. We have a new cumdump. Let's let him experience his new life right away. Both Zack and Dennis groaned loudly, and Dennis fell down from exhaustion for a moment on his future son's belly. The virus had seeded and begun to work its way through Zack's immune system. It could settle into his cells and cause them to convert into beautiful destructive cells. Dennis withdrew his limp cock from Zack's hole and stood beside him. Dennis kissed Zack and then offered him his cum-covered cock. Zack took the cock in his mouth and tasted cum for the first time in his life. It only made him hornier, wilder and it confirmed that he had made the right choice because what he was experiencing now, he had never experienced before. It was as if this was the puzzle piece he had been missing all his life. Like a man possessed, he licked Dennis' cock clean and he felt that his empty cunt was already getting a new intruder. He looked back and saw Michael now standing between his legs and pushing his cock into his moist cave. Zack opened his mouth and Dennis' cleanly licked cock fell out. He heaved a deep sigh and moaned loudly. Once again a heavenly feeling of fullness came over him and his bestial urges took oven. He now pushed back with his ass himself so that the cock disappeared deeper into his moist cunt. Michael was getting wild by what Zack was doing and he took hold of his hips and began thrusting harder and harder. Rob came up next to Zack and pushed his stiff cock into his mouth. R: I'm about to squirt slut. Blow me and swallow my cum then later I will also please your pussy. Zack sucked firmly on Rob's cock and it wasn't long before his mouth was filled with Rob's cum. The taste of Rob's cum was like an addictive candy. Although this was the first time he had cum squirted into his mouth, Zack knew it certainly wouldn't be the last. This was truly heavenly, and as Rob's cock grew limp in his mouth, he gently let the heavenly load run down his throat until his mouth was completely empty. Again he felt a band being tightened around his arm. S : want to release your true nature completely baby. S : want to be completely free and release the slut in you completely. Z : fuck yes give it to me, I want to be free. S : untie his legs guys and put him on the bed then we can play with him better when he shows his true nature. The guys untied him and helped him out of the sling and laid Zack on the bed. Sam took the syringe that would completely free Zack and pushed the needle into the nice fat vein and got a register. S : do you want to free yourself bitch. Z : yes, I want to make myself free. Sam took the other hand Zack and placed it on the syringe and his thumb on the plunger. S : then push the Tina into your blood and release the bitch in you completely and embrace your new life. Zack couldn't wait and without hesitation pushed the syringe empty into the vein of his arm. Again he tasted the metallic taste, got even more gasping than the first time and had to cough more violently. The moment the Tina reached his brain Andy was already balls deep with his cock in Zack's now gaping cunt and Zack was catapulted to slut heaven. He groaned, his body and his sexual needs going into overdrive. He pushed his ass further over Andy's cock until Zack felt Andy's balls slapping against his ass. Zack looked hungrily and whorishly at Andy Z : fuck me, goddamn fuck as hard as you can. Andy held back no longer and pounded his hard fat cock as hard as he could into Zack's glowing cunt. Sam gave Andy a dildo. Z : more I want more. Andy pulled his cock all the way out of Zack's glowing hole and placed the medium dildo near his cock. He wanted to push it in but the sphincter didn't allow it right away yet. A : give me a thinner one and push the poppers under that bitch's nose so I can stretch his cunt open. Sam gave him a thinner dildo and Dennis kissed Zack pushed the poppers under Zack's nose who was moaning to be fucked. D : sniff baby, sniff so we can open pussy. Zack heavily sniffed the poppers , got an extra surge of horniness and felt his head start to spin even more. Andy felt Zack's cunt begin to relax more and quickly poured some more lube on the dildo and against Zack's cunt and without mercy pushed the dildo and his fat cock into Zack's glowing hole. Zack felt how his sphincter was going to tear at the brutal assault on his hole but the chems and the blissful feeling of a filled cunt took over, instead of screaming in pain, he moaned like an experience slut. Andy felt his balls slapping against Zack's ass again and he knew he was completely inside Zack's hole. He left the dildo in place and began to fuck him slowly. Zack squirmed and moaned with pleasure. Z : holy shit, fuck, this is the best thing I've ever experienced. Fuck me, I want to be your slut shoot me full of your cum, fuck A : will you be my slut boy. You will be my slut, I will shoot that cunt of yours full of my toxic cum, breaking down your immune system and releasing you to a pozz life. Filling your mind with dirty and dark man sex and so you can offer that cunt of yours to anyone who wants to fuck it. Do you want that slut. Z : oh fuck yes, free me with your dirty toxic cock. Destroy my immune system make me pozz goddammit. Andy couldn't hold back anymore, Zack's pussy was still straining too much and it caused Andy to start squirting his cock faster than normal. A : here it comes bitch, you get what you so desire. Z : thank you, thank you Zack's cunt was filled for the 3rd time and as Andy pulled back his cock and the dildo, Zack's cunt began to leak. A large gulp of cum ran down his butt crack to his back. Andy caught it with his hand and stuck his cum coated fingers into Zack's open mouth. A : lick slut, lick the cum your cunt can no longer hold. You must not let this gift go to waste. Zack tasted the cum on Andy's fingers and his inner slut took over completely and like a true slut he licked and swallowed the cum. Sam lay next to Zack on the bed playing with his cock and looked at Zack. S : come sit on me slut. Let's see how much you like having a cock in your ass. Zack wanted to get up but needed help. Dennis had seen it and like a true gentleman he helped his conquest straighten up. Zack wrapped his leg over Sam and sat on Sam's cock. S : that cock won't crawl in by itself slut. You need to stick it in that cunt of yours. Zack bent down and took hold of Sam's stiff cock and placed it against his sphincter and lowered himself. Zack's sphincter was already open enough and let Sam's cock slide in. Zack's mouth fell open from the blissful feeling and he began to ride Zack's cock. Andy stood straight up on the bed. A : open that mouth of yours slut boy and lick my cock clean. Zack opened his mouth and Andy pushed his cum-covered limp cock into Zack's mouth. Like an experienced whore, Zack licked Andy's cock clean. Zack enjoyed, he enjoyed the cock filling his pussy and the delicious cock he sucked clean in his mouth. When Zack had licked Andy's cock clean, Andy drained his bladder once more. Zack felt his mouth being filled with chempiss once more and needed no more encouragement to take the nectar He felt some firm slaps on his ass it was Nick. Nick pushed Zack forward so that he was lying with his chest on Sam's there were poppers pushed under his nose again and he felt Nick pushing his mushroom against his sphincter. Nick pushed his semi-hard cock against the sphincter and the sphincter gave in completely and let Nick's fat cock in as well. Zack closed his eyes and wanted to moan and scream at the same time but Sam pulled his mouth onto his and started kissing him. Zack's hole was now filled to its tentative maximum and both Nick and Sam were fucking him rusely. But it wasn't long before Sam squirted his load into Zack's cunt. Zack felt his cunt getting moister and Sam's cock slipping out of his cunt. Nick enjoyed the extra room he was getting and started fucking harder and harder. Zack moaned with pleasure. Z : oh hell yeah, rip that hole, fuck it in two. Fuck yes, fuck you are so big, this is blissful. Nick couldn't hold himself after 10 min of continuous fucking and filled Zack's hole, he pulled his cock out of Zack's filled cunt and pushed a butt plug in. Zack felt how his filled cunt sucked itself around the butt plug and how his cunt no longer saw the plug as an intruder but as a necessity to be able to stay open. Now let that cunt of yours do its job and absorb all that toxic cum. Then your new life can start soon. Z : I am already looking forward to it. Dennis lay down beside him and started kissing him and pulled lightly on the plug for a moment so that Zack gave another slight moan. D : hmmm you have a wonderfull pussy baby, I will take good care of you. Z : hmmm. Zack was still flying and was still hot and felt like going on and pulled on Dennis' cock which was already stiff again. D : don't you have enough yet baby. Do you want another load of cum from your maker. Z : hmmm yes, give me another load daddy. I can't get enough of it. D : then suck on your daddy's fat cock for a while and who knows you might get another portion of heavenly milk. Zack licked his way to Dennis' cock, first licking the big mushroom and then working it all the way into his mouth. Zack sucked his maker's cock as best he could and Dennis gave him some tips to improve his blowjob skills. Zack was a good student and as a reward Dennis took hold of Zack's head and hair and pushed him deeper on his cock until it was in Zack's throat. Zack learned quickly because his gag reflex was already much less than at the beginning of the evening. Dennis began to skull fuck him and it wouldn't be long before he started squirting. Just before he came he withdrew his cock from Zack's throat and squirted his cum onto Zack's tongue who eagerly accepted the gift. When Dennis finished squirting he pulled Zack to him and kissed him so they were in a fierce cum kiss. Dennis took a pair of handcuffs and and attached one hand of Zack and clicked the other side to himself. Z : what are you doing D : I want you with me forever Zack closed his eyes and lay in Dennis' arms. When he woke up the he had no sense of time at all, he looked beside him and saw Dennis lying there and saw how his hand was stuck in the handcuffs. He felt how the plug jerked his ass open and with his hand he felt at the end of the plug and pulled on it. The stab of pain he got from stretching the plug caused him to let out a light scream and this woke Dennis up. D : what are you doing Zack was in a slight panic, because a red, water-like substance was running from his pussy, and through Zack's head all sorts of thoughts were racing, what had all happened, what had he done and, and, and, and .... D : slow down baby Dennis unlocked the handcuffs and stroked Zack's hair causing Zack to calm down. Z : oh fuck what did I do. D : you were just yourself yesterday. You released your inner self. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Zack looked at Dennis and the fears and doubts in his head began to disappear. Z : I know I agreed to everything and in my deepest fantasies I have always dreamed of such a scenario but never wanted to give in to it, what should I do now. How should I go on, I don't know if I want this life. Dennis took hold of Zack's head. D : I will help you. I will help you learn to accept yourself for who you are, I will take care of you, love you and teach you everything I can. Dennis stroked his hand along Zack's face, Zack closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Dennis kissed Zack's forehead and Zack placed his hands on Zack's head and completely released everything and kissed Dennis. Dennis's cock instantly got hard and slammed against Zack's leg. Dennis caressed with his hands the body of Zack who began to moan lightly. Z : Since I first saw you at the gym I have fantasized about you several times in my bed. Z : it's even because of you that I made my relationship done because since I saw you I haven't touched my girlfriend Dennis's heart started beating faster and it made him extremely horny. Dennis kissed Zack again D : I was madly in love with you, I counted the days until you would come to town and hoped you would call me. Z : your number was already saved. D : oh fuck I want you so bad. I want to be your father, your maker. Z : no I don't want you to be my father. Dennis was startled for a moment and stopped kissing. Z : I want to be your partner your lover, your boyfriend. Dennis took a firm hold of him now and came down on him and kissed him on his neck and started to work his way down. Zack closed his eyes. Z : oh fuck I want you, I want you. Teach me everything, make me yours. D : oh baby, you will forever be mine and I yours and when you are transformed I want to make babies with you start a family Dennis now took Zack's stiffened cock in his mouth and began to suck it. Zack closed his eyes and took hold of Dennis' head. Z : oh my god, this is so much better than all my girlfriends combined. The new sensation Zack experienced caused him to cum almost immediately and he squirted a huge still negative load of seed into the mouth of Dennis who tasted Zack's seed for the first time. Dennis' heart was racing rapidly as he swallowed the seed and when he had swallowed the seed he came back up and kissed Zack D : I will teach you everything baby and will teach you how to enjoy and how to make a man enjoy. Zack was still hot, and kissed Dennis, his hands went over Dennis' body and he Zack wrapped his legs around Dennis' body. Z : fuck me, let me enjoy your horny cock. Dennis kissed Zack fiercely and had no trouble finding Zack's pussy. His cock slid in easily and began to fuck Zack lovingly. Zack moaned heavily and the two were in a loving game. Z : oh my god this is heavenly, fuck me harder. Let me feel how much you want me. Dennis began to fuck more firmly and due to the intense feelings, he could not hold back for long and came quickly. D : do you want my DNA baby, do you want to feel my string of virus running through your veins and be mine forever. Z : oh yes, give it to me, I want to be yours forever. With several firm thrusts, Dennis squirted his hot load of seed into his new friend's pussy and then fell down exhausted. The two cuddled and still enjoyed their first real love play. A few weeks later Zack developed a severe fever, by now Zack had moved in with Dennis, his training and education was in full progress and Zack's once tight sphincter had now become a fucked through slut hole, not a day went by without Zack's bowels being filled with the seed of Dennis and another stranger, as Dennis and Zack were also regularly found at local saunas and gay bars. But Zack was now sick in bed and Dennis was caring for his sick son like a concerned father. He took an HIV test and a few minutes later Dennis was able to report the good news to his newborn son and their family. D : I am so proud of you honey. Z : Thank you for freeing me completely and letting my true self come out baby, I am forever grateful. Z : after my studies I want to start a family with you and make some pozz babies D : we will definitely do that baby. The End maybe I will make another spinnoff but that depends on the reactions if there is a need to know the further life of Dennis and Zack
  14. It can end it like this, but I can also come full circle with the pozzing of Zack. Depends a bit on whether the story is still liked
  15. Part 8 Dennis lay alone and got a flare-up of fever and struggled to stay awake. He did not want to fight it and his eyes closed. He was awakened by a stream of hot water in his face. T: wake up slut and open that horny mouth of yours. Dennis still sleepily opened his mouth. Tony was now aiming his cock straight at the bulls Eye. Dennis felt the warm stream move to his mouth and fill his mouth. Tony saw that Dennis no longer needed encouragement to drink his hot nectar because Dennis was already addicted to the hot drink of the gods. T: Drink up slut, I knew you would be thirsty. Tony came close with his limp cock to Dennis' mouth and then shoved it into Dennis' open mouth. Dennis felt the flaccid cock being pushed between his lips and sucked the cock inside and let the last of the gods drink run straight down his throat. He felt his belly begin to get warm from Tony's gods drink. Dennis felt hands going through his hair and looked up he saw Tony and Nick standing there. Tony withdrew his cock from Dennis' mouth and Nick quickly took his place. N: I guess your thirst isn't over yet hey baby. N: just suck that nectar from my cock and let your belly fill up nicely. You will soon feel a lot better. Dennis who was already waking up didn't have to be told twice and sucked the golden nectar from Nick's fat cock. He also felt how Tony was playing his sphincter with his fingers. N: How does he feel after the first round. T: This has really become a beautiful hole. Although his sphincter is no longer tight and his cunt is a gaping hole, you can feel how his sphincter wants to suck your finger inside. He has really found and embraced his calling. N : Nice Dennis drank down the last of Nick's chempiss and his belly was now completely full of piss. He felt how his bladder was bursting. D : I have to take a piss myself. T : please wait baby let me have a bottle first. Tony took a jug that was on a table. They turned Dennis on his side and held the jug under Dennis' trapped cock. N : now you can piss baby. Let that chempiss run out of your bladder. Dennis felt his bladder empty and felt the relief in his belly. At the same time he also became aware that the chempiss he had just received from Nick and Tony had entered his body. He felt how his head began to spin and how he got warmer and warmer. His hole began to itch and feel empty. When the last drop had fallen into the pitcher Nick helped Dennis to sit up and while Tony put the half-filled pitcher of chempiss back on the table and while taking a large shard of Tina. T: that will come in handy later. Tony watched as Nick pulled Dennis upright and as the two fell into a passionate kiss. He moved behind Dennis and touched his ass again. Tony felt with his hand how the cum from the first round was undergoing the law of gravity and he pushed 3 fingers and the shard into Dennis' moist hole. Dennis who was still sunk in a strong kiss with Nick moaned at feeling Tony's fingers. Tony took Dennis's head turned it so he could now tongue Dennis. Dennis moaned as he felt Nick now begin to play his nipples with his tongue and how his pussy began to glow more and more. Tony now turned Dennis completely so that he was in front of him and Nick went to the table and took 2 nipple clamps and rope with him. While Dennis was still making out with Tony Tony took Dennis' two hands and put them on his neck. Dennis who didn't realize what Tony was doing wanted to put his hands back on Tony's body but got a slap on his ass from Nick. N: leaving your hands on your neck bitch. We're going to teach you some manners. Dennis who was already getting into a euphoric state from the chempiss in his stomach and the shard of Tina in his pussy started having trouble controlling his body and put his hands back on his neck. N: Good slut and now leave them there. Nick put the rope through the metal loops of Dennis' wristbands and tied the two together. The rest of the rope ran down Dennis' back. Nick opened Dennis' penis cage, while Dennis still kissed Tony felt his cock being freed back up. But that liberated feeling was brief. He felt the rope running along his was pulled through his butt crack and tied tightly around his balls. Tony broke the kiss and took hold of Dennis' head and looked deep into his eyes. T: It's time to work on your manners baby. A good education is important for young bitches like you. You want to be a good bitch and be rewarded do you. Dennis' eyes were already firmly turning around in his eye sockets and his tongue was already starting to hang out of his mouth. D : of course I want to be a good slut. I want as much of your cum as I can get. Tony pinched hard into Dennis' limp cock. Dennis curled his toes, trying to fight the pain but letting out a loud cry T: that's what I mean baby, you don't have any manners yet. T: you just want, you have to learn to know your place and that it's not always about your pleasure but that you have to work to be rewarded and that it's not about your pleasure but the pleasure you give to real men. N: shut up bitch, I don't want to hear your moaning understood. Nick took hold of Dennis' head and now also looked deep into his eyes. Dennis tried to fix his eyes on Nick's and nodded his head that he understood. N: Good boy. Do what is asked and expected of you and you will be rewarded. Don't and you will be punished until you know your place and purpose. Nick placed the nipple clamps on Dennis' still soft and beautiful nipples. Dennis wanted to give another moan. Tony saw that Dennis wanted to scream again and took hold of his head. N : don't scream baby, don't scream. I don't want to have to punish you all the time. Dennis tried and just managed to banish the pain. Nick took another piece of rope and made a cock around the chain connecting the clamps. The rope that now ran along Dennis' stomach Nick tied tightly around Dennis' cock. Dennis' thoughts were no longer clear as the chems were already beginning to do their work properly. But it didn't take long for him to realize that it was best to stay as still as possible because when he wanted to move arms the rope pulled his balls back which was already not such a pleasant feeling but because of that the rope hanging from his cock also pulled on his nipple clamps which hurt even more. Tony took another rope and tied it to a ring of the pulley hanging from the ceiling and then tied it to tightly to Dennis's tied hands. Dennis could do nothing more without experiencing pain, he also could not move. Tony and Nick walked around Dennis and felt at his chest, buttocks, ass and with every touch Dennis got both a shooting pain and a pleasure experience. This was new and very confusing to him. For he wanted to scream and moan but he tried to hold back as much as possible. The Tina in his cunt and the chempiss now began to work at full speed and Dennis could no longer contain himself. D : please use me. I need it so badly. D : please give me your medicine and make me feel better again Tony gave him a slap on his butt, which was now beginning to see red. Dennis gave a cry from both the slap on his ass and the pulling of the ropes on his balls, cock and nipples. N: I don't want to hear you slut. And Dennis got another slap now on the other side of his ass. This time Dennis resisted the pain and Nick and Tony watched approvingly. T: good slut, you're starting to learn. Nick took an electro shock wall and gave Dennis a shock to his belly. Dennis was startled violently and moved his arms, with familiar consequences. Dennis received several shocks on his balls, cock, nipples, belly, ass and with each shock he gave a slight cry and moved so that his balls and nipples were pulled each time. T: as long as you give screams we will keep going baby, you must please us by suffering your fate and knowing your place. Dennis tried to fight off the pain and wanted to please his 2 masters. Although his body was numb from the chems and he had difficulty controlling his actions he still did his best. On the next 2 shocks he did not budge. N: yes baby that's it, enjoy pain that gets. Let the pain embrace you completely and give your body and mind completely to your masters. Let the realization come in that you are only here to serve and not to be served. Dennis felt the rope attached to the pulley loosen and he watched as Tony pushed a button to lower the pulley. N: get down on your knees Dennis tried to go through his knees in order to get on his knees but it was not easy because his hands were tied above his head and with every movement he got shooting pains. With tears in his eyes and fair amount of pain shoots he got to his knees anyway. T: open that mouth of yours. Dennis opened his mouth and Nick's limp cock was pushed into his mouth. Nick took hold of Dennis' head and pushed Dennis' head all over his cock. The ropes pulled violently on Dennis and Dennis who was flying so high could not control the mix of sensations in his body. The experience of pain and the pleasure of the cock in his mouth were completely contradictory and caused him to have a new experience. He began to enjoy the pain and what it brought about and pre-cum began to ooze from his flaccid cock. T: it looks like our baby is enjoying it because he can't hold his fluids. Nick grinned and began thrusting his now semi-stiff cock into Dennis' mouth, who got the sensation of pain and pleasure with every thrust. When Nick's cock was hard and filling all of Dennis' mouth and throat, Nick stopped thrusting and withdrew. Dennis' arms were released from the pulley and was pulled back straight. His arms were untied and the rope was put from around his balls. He was now also pulled back straight and Dennis stood straight but wobbly on his legs. Nick took a whip and just gave Dennis pats on his ass. It wasn't long before Dennis' ass and back began to show red welts. The pats on his ass and back Dennis coped well and didn't budge. It was only when he received a few taps on his cock and balls that he curled his toes. But still he resisted the pain; in fact, he was already beginning to enjoy it slightly. Then he got a tap on his nipples that still had the clamps on them. The first 2 taps he could still endure but when Nick hit 1 of the clamps and it jumped off his nipple he couldn't hold back anymore and let out a loud cry. As punishment Nick now also slapped the other one and it too jumped off his nipple. Again Dennis gave a loud cry and Tony came in front of him and now pushed on the Dennis his 2 nipples. Dennis curled his toes, resisting the pain, and sought Tony's with his mouth. Tony now nipped his nipples to punish him back. T: No, no, no. We're not here to please you baby. You are here to please us. Your pleasure comes second from now on. Nick took glass and filled it with Dennis' chempiss. And placed the glass against Dennis' open mouth and began to pour the glass. N: here bitch drink this because you need to stay well hydrated. Dennis could not help but drink, but also did not let a single drop go to waste. After the glass was empty Dennis was thrown on the bed and had to sit down on all fours. Tony came and sat in front of him and ordered him to suck him. Nick came and sat behind him and inserted a shard of Tina into his pee toy. He placed his mushroom against Dennis' gaping sphincter and without warning pushed his fat hard cock all the way into Dennis' hole at once. Dennis got very hot inside because of the chempiss that started to work but also because of blissful feeling of having a fat cock in his ass and mouth. Once again he was in slut heaven and he thanked his 2 masters by firmly riding Nick's fat cock with his ass and sucking Tony's cock hard and firmly with his mouth. Nick was pounding heavily on Dennis' ass, and Dennis felt how almost Tony would get his cum in his mouth because he heard how Tony started breathing more heavily. Tony took Dennis by his hair and now began to set the pace himself as to how fast and deep Dennis slid over his cock with his mouth. T: Yes baby, here it comes. Here comes the medicine you so desperately need. Tony let out a loud growl and Dennis felt strands of cum being squirted into his mouth. Dennis played with his tongue over Tony's glans as he unloaded his last drops of cum into Dennis' mouth. Dennis enjoyed all that cum in his mouth for a while longer and then swallowed it neatly. Tony pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth and then began kissing him fiercely. At that moment, Nick also cummed. He slapped Dennis' ass firmly a few more times and then squirted his cum deep into Dennis' guts he pulled his cock out of the gaping hole and quickly pushed in a butt plug that could be operated with a remote control. Nick also started kissing Dennis now and the three men enjoyed their horny moment for a while. Dennis fell down on the bed exhausted and the Nick and Tony left the room. But Nick still adjusted the butt plug first so that every 30 sec he would provide Dennis with some stimulation in his pussy. T : rest for a while later the others will come and enjoy your wonderful cunt. As Dennis lay back to regain his strength he felt his cunt being stimulated every half minute by the plug. It kept him in a horny trance and ensured that his hunger for cock and sex remained high. Dennis didn't get much time to regain his strength because Jack, Rob and Andy entered the room. Now it was their time to congratulate him on his new status. Dennis enjoyed all the attention that he and his pussy were getting. The three filled all Dennis's openings and Dennis begged to be fucked and to get their cum. After several hours of fucking enjoyment, the 3 left Dennis with cum-filled guts. Dennis felt at his hole and noticed the precious cum oozing out of his pussy. He took what he could with his fingers and licked his fingers clean. Then Sam, Ed and Michael entered the room. M: how are you my son, are you enjoying your transformation party. 😧 yes father, I can't imagine a more perfect birth party. D : I hope I may now serve you and provide you with pleasure. E: Nick and Tony have done a good job I see. D : they have taught me that I am only here to please you and bring you pleasure. E: that's absolutely right slut. Just open that mouth of yours and show one how well you want to please me. Dennis opened his mouth and took Ed's cock in his mouth. Sam grabbed a ready syringe and a rubber band and laid next to Dennis on the bed. Sam whispered in Dennis' ear. S : ready to fly my godchild Dennis nodded S : is your pussy ready to let our fists inside. Dennis opened his eyes and looked at Sam with eager eyes and let the hard cock out of his mouth for a moment D : Oh yes godfather fill my pussy with your fist, I will not disappoint you. E : don't stop sucking bitch. Dennis sucked back further on Ed's hard cock and felt Sam preparing his arm for the slam that would soon be given. Dennis saw that the syringe was well filled. It what certainly a solid slam he thought. He felt the rubber band go around his arm and be tightened and the alcohol swap clean his arm. Ed pulled his cock back and let Sam do his work. Sam found a nice vein and stuck the needle in. He got a register in the syringe. S : go fly baby. We're going to take good care of you and your pussy. Sam squirted the syringe empty into Dennis' vein and it took only seconds before Dennis started coughing and was catapulted to the 7th heaven. Dennis was taken in by the included and placed in the sling. His legs were attached to the chain so that his den was nicely visible. E : the others did a good job by the looks of it. His hole is already nicely open and apparently well supplied with lubricant. M : yes by the looks of it. Dennis was moaning in the sling. The slam he had received was certainly the biggest yet. Ed went around Dennis' sphincter with his fingers and was able to work 4 fingers inside without difficulty. Dennis mouth fell open and started asking for more. E : You can get more bitch. And he pushed his thumb with the rest formed a fist and pushed through until he reached thickest point of his fist and only now he felt a slight tightening of Dennis' sphincter. E : Wow, this cunt is made to be fisted. I can push my whole hand into its hole almost effortlessly. Dennis wanted the whole fist in his cunt and pushed his cunt deeper on Ed's fist until it disappeared into his hole. E: look at our little one, he can't wait anymore. Michael and Sam saw what was happening and looked open-mouthed at the slut they had created. Dennis growled with pleasure and tried to get the sling moving so his cunt could ride Ed's fist. Ed made Dennis commit and helped him a little by pushing his fist a little deeper into Dennis' cunt with each rocking motion. With every inch that the fist was deeper in his cunt Dennis growled louder and louder and more and more pre-cum also began to ooze from his cock. E: that's enough slut, I want to enjoy this myself. Sam held the sling still and Ed himself now began to move his fist in and out of Dennis' hole. Michael came up next to Dennis and pushed his cock into Dennis' face. Dennis knew what to do, he opened his mouth and let his maker's cock slide in. Now Ed was hitting deeper and deeper into Dennis' bowels until he felt he could go no further. He was now just piece above his wrist in Dennis' pussy anyway and was already very satisfied with the progress made. He pulled his fist back out of Dennis' cunt and was now constantly changing fists. Each time in and out of the gaping cunt of Dennis, who was still sucking heavily on his maker's cock. Ed could no longer control his horniness and removed his fist from Dennis' cunt and pushed his thick stiff cock inside. He gave several thrusts and filled Dennis' guts with his cum. The once tight sphincter had now become a stretched out gaping hole where real men's cum was spilling out because it could no longer close properly. Sam who had been standing next to him the whole time and playing with his cock took over. Sam's hands were slightly larger and thicker than Ed's, and he made a fist and placed it against the slightly shapely rosebud. Sam felt the bowel wanting to come out and pushed lightly with his fist several times against the sphincter pushing outward. Dennis was ecstatic, he let Michael's cock fall out of his mouth. D : come on godfather push that fist inside, let me feel what a bad boy I have been. S : you are not a bad boy honey. You have become an accomplished whore. Sam gently pushed his fist against the sphincter and felt it open even further. The cum from Ed and everyone else acted as a natural lubricant and Sam's fist was sucked in by Dennis' hungry bowels. Dennis let out a loud fulfilled sigh and began sucking further on Michael's hard cock. Sam internally opened his fist and swirled his hand around inside Dennis' hole. He felt where Dennis' prostate was and began to stimulate it. The pre-cum began to ooze from Dennis's limp cock and Michael absorbed the pre-cum with his fingers and fed it to Dennis. M : letting nothing go to waste my son. D : Thank you father. No we must not let any nectar go to waste. Now Sam began to pick up the pace and Dennis began to moan heavily and stopped sucking. He looked at Sam and saw that he was jerking himself. S : I'm about to come baby. Where do you want me to dump my cum. D : let me taste you again godfather, I want to drink your babies. Sam stopped jerking pulled his fist out of Dennis' stretched hole and stuck his cock in Dennis' mouth. S : suck whore, suck my babies in that slut bucket of yours Dennis sucked as hard as he could on Sam's blissful cock. Meanwhile Michael stood at the gaping hole and pushed his hard sucked cock inside. Michael no longer felt the edges of Dennis's hole. M : oh my son, your pussy has become beautiful. If this didn't make me so horny I could fuck your cunt for a whole day without coming. D : yes father fuck me, fuck me a whole day. M : you make me too horny my son I am going to cum pussy, I can't hold back anymore. At the same time Sam too came. Dennis felt both his mouth and pussy being pumped full with cum. When they had caught their breath and helped Dennis out of the sling. The 4 men kissed each other for a while and went upstairs. Dennis had now become one of them. He would serve as the group's cumdump for the rest of the year until it was his time to become a father. Dennis had really found his true self now, and was hunting almost daily for a new cock that would feed his pussy. The local sauna and cruising bars had no secrets from him either, and everyone knew him there by now. He had also gone with Michael to get a biohazard tattoo and had let Michael choose the place. Michael chose to have it put on his butt so that when he was with his parents it would not be visible. And as agreed, Dennis was the slut on duty at every get-together. Dennis enjoyed being used. So we came to the holidays and Michael and Dennis' family parties had now also become different, because where before there was a problem about having to sleep together when they were with their parents. Now they had to make sure there were no noises coming from their room. Dennis and Michael stayed with their parents for 3 weeks to spend the holidays. Dennis went to the gym one night, when he walked in he was just struck by lightning. In front of him on the treadmill was a beautiful young guy. Dennis' mouth fell open and drool almost ran out of his mouth at the sight of such a young god. He recovered himself and walked to the lockers, placed his bag in them and went to the treadmill next to the young god. A young handsome woman approached the young god and asked if he would be running for a long time. Z : just another half hour honey. Just go home I'll see you well tomorrow. Dennis' mood sank into his shoes and he felt that the butterflies in his stomach were flying away. That young god had a girlfriend, he hadn't counted on that now. He had no choice now but to start the treadmill because it would just seem weird to leave right away. So Dennis started running and sought contact with the young god anyway. The men looked at each other and nodded. Dennis saw that the young god was running at 12 km per hour and he didn't want to undercut and set the treadmill to the same speed. Both men kept an eye on each other's screen and if one ran a little faster then the other also increased his speed. Occasionally they smiled at each other as they realized they were making a game of it. When the young god's session was over, Dennis also stopped running. Both men were sweating tremendously and were still catching their breath on the treadmill. Z: I know you from somewhere, is that possible. D : uh, I was born and raised here but now live in the city. I just graduated from there and am living there for now until I find decent work somewhere. Z : I am Zack D : Zack yes I've heard that name too. I'm Dennis, do you sometimes have a sister or brother. Z : yes I have a sister. Chloe Dennis couldn't believe his ears, in his year there was a Chloe he had fucked yet in the back seat of his first car, would this be her brother. D : do you have a picture of your sister so I can see if I recognize her. Zack showed a picture of his sister. And yes it was the Chloe that Dennis had already shoved over his cock, what a coincidence. D : yes I know her. Z : oh how coincidental. The ice was broken and the two began to continue the conversation in the bar, both took a sports drink and sat at a table. Zack explained that he was now a senior and that he would also be coming to town next year to attend university. Dennis's ears began to whistle back. D : is your girlfriend going with you Z : no she is staying here because she doesn't want to study. D : do you think your relationship will survive that. Z : we'll see. The two talked some more and after half an hour their drinks were finished and Zack went home. Dennis still gave him his number in case Zack wanted a tour of the city when he went to college. Zack said he would definitely call because he hated to be alone. Zack went home and Dennis finished his gym session back and then also went home. D : Michael, I just saw the man of my dreams. M : oh wait, you are not allowed to fuck pussy yet my friend. You still have to wait to make a son. D : yes I know, but don't think anything will come of it either because he has a girlfriend and is now a senior here at school. By the way, I still fucked his sister in the back seat of our old car. M : really. D : yes really, what are the chances. Well yes have given him my number because next school year he is going to uni. Should he want a tour. You never know huh. Dennis winked at Michael. M : Yes late August early September would be ideal. But think the chances of him still having your number by then are slim. The months went by and Dennis still occasionally thought of the young god during a rare tug of war. Summer passed and it was almost time for Dennis to make a son as well. But he didn't have anyone in mind yet, because in his mind was still the young god from the gym. M : Leave it my son, he will never send you again. Choose someone else because the men are getting impatient. They want to have a new member. D : ok well I will really make it my job, I will check again to see if anyone else makes my heart beat faster and let you know. Just as he was about to put Zack out of his mind his cell phone lit up. Dennis looked at the number and didn't know it but picked up anyway. Z : hey, Dennis. I don't know if your offer is still valid. D : uh what offer and who am I talking to. Z : yeah sorry, it's Zack from in the gym. You know my sister Chloe. Dennis's heart began to beat violently. You didn't mean this. D : ah yes, hey Zack. Are you okay ? D : I promised to give you a tour for sure. Sure Dennis remembered what he had promised he had been longing to see the young god again for months. D : are you already living in the city or are you coming soon. Z : I moved into my studio yesterday. D : don't you sleep on campus or in a student home. Z : no that's nothing for me, prefer some privacy. That sounded like music to Dennis' ears. D : yes I understand, then your girlfriend can easily come by. Z : no she won't come by anymore because we broke off our relationship. It was as you said. This would not survive our relationship. Jackpot. Dennis's butterflies were all back and wanted to send directly to Michael that he had found his son. D : oh too bad for you. Z : yes, but it's better this way. That way we can each go our separate ways and I can fully enjoy my college days. You will certainly think so Dennis. You'll get to know my cock and you won't want anything else. D : well friend what are your plans tonight. Z : don't have any plans yet. Next week there is an introduction day on campus but other than that I have no plans yet because I don't know anyone here. D : well then I am going to introduce you to some of my friends and we will go out a few times so you can get to know the city well. Z: I was hoping you would say that. Zack gave Dennis his address and they agreed that Dennis would pick him up that night to go for a drink. Dennis had also agreed to meet his brother and Zack didn't think that was a problem. Dennis sent to Michael D : father, I have found my son. You must help me transform him. M : oh that suddenly goes fast. D : yes, the guy from our house just called me and we are meeting tonight and you will also go with me so you can get to know him. M : yes fine, I can then see how we get on. D : perfect
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