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Everything posted by BlazeJP

  1. Me and my friends experimented early and often. I can't remember thinking anything specific about it apart from I loved doing it.
  2. Don't do it then, simple.
  3. There's so much here to unpack. Firstly, which one is it? Is it communist, marxist, socialist or progressive? Because they all mean incredibly different things. I can also promise you that it's not a joint effort from all four camps, because trying to get factions of the left to work together is like trying to make a herd of stray cats perform a magic trick, it ain't happening. The USSR, East Germany, Cuba, Vietnam and Cambodia never tried socialism, they tried communism. Communism sucks balls. Not in the good way either. It's a shit, unworkable system which rewards corruption. None of the major players in the Democratic Party, not a single one, is anywhere near what could be described as communist. Venezuela could be argued to have tried to nearest thing to pure socialism, albeit a heavily authoritarian version. Anything authoritarian will naturally also suck balls. Italy has never been anywhere near implementing socialism, they're famously right leaning. Fascism and all that? Scandinavian countries have never tried socialism. They're Democratic Socialists, which is a markedly different thing. And, as it happens, they're all doing rather well. Don't believe the silliness about Sweden, it's an incredibly stable and successful country. What you think is radical is par for the course almost everywhere else in the world. Some of the Democrats you're concerned about would be called right wing in most of the political world. Trump isn't a massive threat to democracy, you're right. Those who view him as so are looking at the small term bump rather than the long term movements worldwide. He is dangerous, we've seen that this week, breathing new life into ISIS and turning our backs on the allies which helped us contain them, but there are checks and balances in place to prevent him tearing down institutions. He is also exponentially preferable to Pence, who is genuinely terrifying. The furthest left candidates standing are Sanders and Warren. They want to give Americans what the rest of the civilised world already has, healthcare for all with nobody going bankrupt over medical bills, a fairer benefit system which actually helps people to help themselves and to narrow the monumental gap between the rich and poor. I struggle to think how any of those could be seen as a bad thing.
  4. Well, it's an opinion.
  5. I think peak MURICA has to be thinking that centre-left, democratic socialist Bernie Sanders is a communist.
  6. When satire and reality are indistinguishable, we done fucked the world up.
  7. Lads, I came on here to have a wank, this ain't helping.
  8. Shame about the actual internment camps though, which are nightmare fuel for the soul.
  9. I know I shouldn't expect this place to be political analysis central, but Christ alive, does this thread highlight the level of crazy around here. I'm just waiting for someone to drop a chemtrails reference and I've got Bingo.
  10. It's baffling how under attack some people feel whenever a request is made to them to reflect on something and consider changing their behaviour, especially when it comes to racism. Even with a request as polite and succinct as the one which started the thread. Numerous great responses from different black posters have explained, in detail, why it is they dislike the term and why its usage can be accurately described as racist. Most didn't even ask that people stop using the term, just state their distaste for it. A Cuban poster also described how he too felt this way about how he is stereotyped sexually thanks to his race. Multiple POC saying similar things regarding their negative experiences regarding racial sexual stereotyping. To react to that by moaning about "PC culture", for some to even categorise themselves as the victim, it just doesn't make any sense to me. If you're standing on somebody's foot, they'll let you know, you'll step off. You were causing pain, simple action to stop causing pain, pain be gone. Why, when somebody explains that use of a particular word, or phrase, is hurtful, why is the reaction not the same? You stepped off a foot, why not stop using a hurtful term? Even if you think it's a stupid request and their reasoning bad, how does going along with it impact you negatively in any way? A big cock isn't going to feel less satisfying to you because you haven't said the magic words. By dropping the phrase other people's lives would improve, yours would be untouched. It's not just a case of why anybody refuse but why anybody would react as angrily as some have here, it just defies sense. Nobody is calling you racist for having used those terms before. Our understanding of racism and how we frame people and groups is constantly evolving and deepening, as such our behaviours change to keep pace. I've used quite a lot of racial sexual terms in the past, never in a maliciously derogatory manner and (outwardly at least) never taken badly. But now that I can see how usage of those terms can upset and belittle those it's aimed at, I won't again. We have to start listening when LGBT POC say there's a problem with racism in the LGBT Community. It's not being said for fun, for the drama of it all. This isn't being made up to try and control your life. People are being hurt. Step off their fucking foot already.
  11. Of course it's not. Some people may find it hot (I do) or enjoy it if it happens to them (I fucking loved it), but let's not bullshit ourselves into pretending it's in any way morally acceptable on any level. Where you are, who they are, what you've done with them before, none of that matters. If someone wants safer sex and you then work it so they think it was but you've actually fucked your load up them, that's wrong, there's no way to defend that on a moral basis. I find it hot, loved it when it happened to me, watched it happen to a stranger in a group fuck and shot a massive load in the lad I was fucking almost instantly. But it's fucking morally wrong.
  12. Either way, in a position where I can look into their eyes as one of us fills the other. Looking into the eyes of someone who's poz and not on meds as they fill you with cum is incredible.
  13. That last post distracted me from what I came in to say; Luke Hudson's the best looking man in porn today. I would crawl over hot coals to fuck that man.
  14. How about people view themselves how they wish. As you're not trans there's no way you could possibly understand what they have gone through or make decisions they do. That bi-sexual closet comment is also bollocks.
  15. Thought about popping down to this, worth it?
  16. Proper horny before work, grrrrrrrr.

  17. If you could change my username to BareBrumPoz that'd be great, thanks.
  18. Brilliant post. Sorry about your experience.
  19. If you're in Manchester just pop down to Basement and hang around the dark room. Given and taken so many loads in that place.
  20. Any load is hot, but a knowingly poz load is the hottest. Some sexy fuck pumping load after toxic load in me as he stares into my eyes, fucking heaven.
  21. Nothing is hotter to watch than dad/son porn.
  22. A barely legal sub who's utter filth = perfect
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