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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. 19 hours ago, SFCumdog said:

    My partner is from Germany, and as a lad in school he has told me that the Muslim students made his life a living hell. They attacked him, they beat him, and they threatened to kill him, all because he was gay. They even brought weapons to school to back up their threats. And in the upside down world that we now live in, rather than punish the aggressors, it was he who was shipped off to another school as a way to rectify the situation, rather than actually punish those responsible. At the new school it happened all over again. I am just sharing what he has shared with me. He's told me that in some cities there are entire sections where you just do not go if you are not Muslim. I have no reason not to believe him. I'm not trying to stir the pot, but this should be troubling.

    That is a troubling account.  


  2. From the OP in 2017 my answer is yes.  Bareback in the 1970's and never stopped.  I did attempt to do some serosorting at times.  

    But this has evolved to whether I would start/stop meds to gift.  And TBH I'll look at my own health first.  As it stands I am not on meds and while it is unlikely anyone is going to seroconvert if I fuck them; there are ways we might accomplish it if they were specifically wanting to seroconvert.  

    At a point I believe I will start ARVs.  And stopping for the purpose of passing it on is unlikely.  If and when there is an actual question from someone directly to me; I'll figure it out for that instance.  

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  3. I ultimately answered yes.   Why?  Because I don't have an obligation to make sure their secrets remain secrets.  Now, I am not gonna take out ads and I don't need to broadcast it.  But if I were asked by, for example, the guys spouse if he is doing his bathhouse thing; I don't feel an obligation to lie for him.  

  4. Race and religion are vastly different.  Race has to do with your genetics.  Religion is about beliefs - essentially the stories we've made up over the millenia about who we are; frequently absent critical inquiry.  That said, many are free to believe whatever they want.  Others on our planet have their beliefs dictated to them by others.  And religion is a way to dictate beliefs.  

    I acknowledge that religion did a lot for humanity along with its harms.  Teaching a generally agreed upon moral code can make living a more peaceful thing.  Countries which dictate a religion take choice away from its citizens and is counter to critical thinking which, IMO is essential to progress as we learn and discover.  

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    This question is for all the guys that say they'd like to become positive:

    If that happens, would you get a biohazard tattoo?  The only two I know of are the 3 concentric, broken circles, and a depiction of a scorpion, but there may be more that I don't know about.

    Since so many guys seem intent on becoming hiv positive, if that happened would you be proud of that fact?  Advertise it? Wear a tattoo announcing that fact on an arm or leg or neck, where everyone could see it, no matter where you are?  

    I noticed a guy at an auto parts store with a biohazard tattoo on his neck (must have been painful getting it), and other folks noticed it, with varying degrees of interest. 

    All it meant to me was, he's a sexual pig ... and given that I don't possess "gaydar", he could have been straight, for all I know. What I'm wondering is, would you be proud of carrying that virus, and the resultant possibility of transmitting it to others? 

    Yes, but I won't stealth

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  6. 1 hour ago, KEVORKIANKEVORKIAN said:

    so I may not be American but my parents both think Trump's an "idiot" etc, but both of them have been in hospital for being too stupid to wash themselves (in my mother's case it was life-saving and she needed major surgery)

    I bet Joe Biden doesnt wash his hands after using the toilet too, that dumbass white trash piece of shit.

    Sorry, that made me burst out laughing...  🙂

  7. 1 hour ago, BootmanLA said:

    On this particular instance, I'd have to disagree. I've known any number of people who used to use the word "clean" this way, and they stopped when I educated them on why that's offensive. Most frankly acknowledged that they hadn't thought about it that way before - the obvious corollary that poz=dirty - and at least as far as I can tell, that enlightenment has generally "stuck".

    To me, that's a plus and it IS making things better.

    Indeed as a reference it is offensive.  I am however getting tired of our societal verbal "walking on eggshells".  I believe we are collectively too quick to take offense, and in part I think this comes from this type of and all too frequently repeated course correction.  I am poz.  It is my choice whether I am going to be offended when someone asked me if am clean.  If in person my response would be "yup, douched awhile ago.".  

    We are in a society of intentional ignorance.  And most of those folks don't give a crap about how this poz guy feels about much of anything.  I don't take offense to the other epithets classically tossed my way fifty years ago either.  F word or Q word my response is "yep!", which after moments of stunned silence has gone further in effecting course corrections.  

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  8. On 4/22/2024 at 8:37 PM, socalbttm said:

    I wanted to get some feedback on something I've been thinking of these last few months. 

    I'm 35 and I've come to realize it's been at least a decade since I last "fell in love" and I'm not even sure that's what it even was if I'm being honest. I'm not actively dating and since the pandemic I've become much more active on X/Twitter and on gay sex apps. It's been a really good experience for me. I've really become more secure in my sexual wants, needs & interests in my 30s; I get attention and explore my sexual interestsc with less self judgment and I feel like I've really leveled up my sex life as a result.

    The thing I'm wondering, is that maybe I shouldn't expect to fall in love in my lifetime, or at least in my immediate future.  I'm having fun, yes, but I often find myself thinking maybe I should be pumping the breaks and  begin settling down. I understand the benefits of having a partner and that is something to consider but I've never been a hopeless romantic. Never had in a phase where I want a man crave being in a romantic relationship and I'm okay with that. I feel satisfied with my status quo but I also don't know if I'll reflect on this part of my life and see that I had a false sense of comfortability.

    Don't get me wrong, I love having fun but I'd like to ask you guys about your experience. Do you regret not settling down early? I always thought in the back of my mind that maybe some people are destined to be "hoes for life" and there's nothing wrong with that from my point of view. I find myself on that path and have honestly thought this about myself. Not in a derogatory way but just as a matter of fact. Tbh I don't know what I'm missing in terms of finding love since I don't think I've ever experienced it, so I feel pretty neutral about it being partnered myself. I know I'll lose my looks one day but I want to know what being promiscuous is like past 55? I guess I just want to know what I could potentially be in for 😂.

    I met my husband when I was 50....  We've had a sexually open relationship the whole time and so my answer to you is, you'll be you....  Enjoy it.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    Which does beg the question of whether they actually are asking about your hygiene, are illiterate, or just are dumb as a sack of hammers...

    Exactly.  At a point I accept that "I can't fix stupid".  I gave up reacting to epithets decades ago; a defensive decision that has served me well.  Truly I would rather someone speak words many take as offensive than not speak at all.  These days our society is to quick to take offense and it isn't making things better....

  10. 1 hour ago, NWUSHorny said:

    I can understand your point, however what happens with the guys that getting pozzed is their only reason for fucking? I've had several guys want me to poz them, "so they would never have to fuck again". Guys that aren't into fucking for the pure pleasure of the act are far better off not taking the risk, yet they seem to make up a large percentage of bugchasers.

    I am picky about guys I fuck.  If they are fucking the virus in me; great but I might not be into him....  

    A similar argument; I poz so I don't have to worry.  But I do worry.  The neg guy I might run across who goes nucking futs I didn't give him the talk even though all my profiles are clear on my status.  Hell I've even had guys message me the lovely "are you clean" message my obvious poz status notwithstanding.  

    Suffice to say there are some on aps that aren't worth the bother as their head is so far up their own hole they are oblivious to the world around them.  

  11. 1 hour ago, JamesL100 said:

    I wonder how 'good' the sex might have been as I suspect these characters are the sort who won't leave their phones alone during sex ,,

    I've been with guys like that; we're supposedly having sex while he is staring at his fucking phone.  Ultimately I stopped and told him it was time to leave.  I wasn't angry.  But I was done with him.  

  12. Back to the original question.  I really would not expect a non chaser to understand.  Depending upon which frame of reference it truly makes no sense at all.  And yet some of us did/do.  Less important that we actually understand so much as recognize that each of us should be able to make the choices pertaining to their own body.  Yes there are consequences for our choices and on balance I see my fellow chasers accepting them gracefully.  

  13. On 4/20/2024 at 1:22 PM, hntnhole said:

    I'm assuming you mean whether or not they've showered recently.  


    Can we stop taking offense to the imperfect questions others ask us?  Indeed if a guy asks if I am clean I am going to answer "yes"; or if applicable, I haven't douched yet.  At least he is asking; we can work towards understanding given that start....

    • Like 1
  14. On 4/20/2024 at 12:40 PM, hntnhole said:

    Thanks, Rillion, for that interesting perspective.

    Given that the Electoral College was established in 1787*, when no women were allowed to vote, let alone the enslaved "property" in Southern States, or Native Americans, it may be that institutionalized slavery affected the institution of the Electoral College, I would maintain that the Amendment was aimed at those who could legally vote, namely Caucasian landowners, regardless of their level of education. 

    A common practice at the time was for underage Caucasian boys to take up a trade (farming, animal husbandry, small business, shop keepers, etc.) and when they had achieved enough success to purchase property, they were also allowed to vote.  Even Caucasians who did not own property were excluded from voting, which inequity (for Caucasians, of course) was addressed through the E.C., thus providing some small measure of "voice" only to Caucasian males within the electoral system.  

    *with certain Constitutional Amendments to that Act at various points since.  I still think it's an anachronism that should have been thrown out many years ago.  Given that the E.C. was used to attempt a revolution in the US very recently, it's clearly time to advance the voting process into the current Century.

    Thanks for adding your perspective.  

    Thanks for those perspectives.  We should also note that we weren't as a whole a particularly well educated society; and thus many couldn't read or write; which was also a significant factor in created EC.  

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  15. 20 hours ago, topblkmale said:


    While I'm sure its unintentional, some of your word choices and phrasing comes off as a bit offensive.


    Perhaps but honestly I am tired of people "correcting" each other.  It's gotten to the point for me that those correcting are offensive as well.  

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