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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. 13 hours ago, Pozguyinchi said:

    I have always been a proud bottom. I do not top at all. I tried once but it was a complete failure and I never wanted to again. I was pozzed at 19 so I have now been poz for over 19 years. In about the last 5 years I have been approached  by many many bottoms that want me to convert them.  They either make me feel shame for being poz and not wanting to share it or continue to ask me until I loose interest in even having a friendship with them.  About 7 months ago I started locking myself up in chastity so that it would be even another deterrent in spreading my dna. I was just asked this week why I don’t top?  

    Your first sentence sums it all up.  No matter how others try to shame you, it can never define you.

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  2. K C kissed Tim on the cheek. "Talk about an unexpected turn of events.  You handled it gracefully.  Anyone else might've been pissed at their deception."

    "Honestly, I was pissed for a few seconds." Tim said. "But it was their decision and if  I didn't respect it, I couldn't respect myself.  It wasn't as if they set out to deliberately hurt me."

    Mickey said, "Once again, you show yourself to be a caring, good hearted man.  Walt is lucky to have you in his life and speaking for K C and myself, I hope you'll be part of our lives.  Tell us more about Walt's transformation."

    Patting both of their knees, Tim said, "There's nothing I'd like more than having you 2 men in my life.  Dinner was at a local diner and when we got back to the building, Walt wanted to stop by the pool to try out his new look.  He was greeted with more than a few whistles and woofs and I whispered in his ear that he'd be in for lots of explaining once the men realized who he was."

    After putting away his new wardrobe, Walt said, "My first gay bar!  Before you ask, I'm more excited than nervous.  So, where are we going?"

    "We're going to the Double Deuce which is my favorite bar." Tim replied. "I call it Cheers for queers because it's a warm, friendly place with a mixed crowd.  You've already met Vic, the owner.  He handled food and drinks for the reception after Mary's funeral. Also, it's within walking distance."

    Together, we took the 5 minute walk and when I opened the door, Walt said, "There's Vic.  Let's grab those 2 stools at the end of the bar so I can thank him properly."

    "We made our way to the end of the bar, where I ordered beers for Walt and myself and asked the bartender to send Vic over." Tim said. "More than a few men were giving Walt interested looks."

    Approaching us, Vic asked, "Tim, what can I do for you?  Who's this handsome man you're with?"

    "Before I could open my mouth, Walt thanked him for handling Mary's reception, giving him the reader's digest version of his marriage and concluding by telling him I'd given him a gay makeover!" Tim said.

    "Welcome to the Double Deuce!" Vic exclaimed. "It's customers like Tim who make running this place a pleasure.  From the looks you're getting, I think you'll be quite popular!"

    "Vic, it's more than the customers who make this a successful establishment." Tim chimed in. "From the bartenders to the waiters to the bar backs, everybody is happy working here and that's your doing!  Walt, would you like to meet some of my friends?"

    "Just bringing me here was more than enough.  I'm feeling confident enough to explore on my own." Walt said as he downed his beer and stood up.

    "I'm trusting you to behave yourself." Tim said, chuckling.  "Since it's a nice night, you might want to check out the patio bar."

    Not 15 minutes later, Walt returned, accompanied by a handsome Latino man, with thick, curly black hair and a bushy moustache.  "You must be Tim", He said. "My name's Aurelio."

    "Make that Relio!" Walt interrupted. "Relio sounds sexy and macho and as far as I'm concerned, it's much more suitable."

    "Aside from being handsome, Walt seems to be a very persuasive man." Relio said. "The Royale is showing Citizen Kane at midnight and I'd like to take Walt if it's alright with you.  Vic, it's good to see you!"

    "Aurelio, my good man.  I see you've met Walt!" Vic said. "Tim, you have nothing to worry about.  Walt is in good hands."

    "Enjoy the movie, guys!" Tim said, "Walt, stop by my place tomorrow."  Once they'd left the bar, he said to Vic, "At the risk of sounding like a mother hen, what do you know about this Aurelio person?"

    "I first met Aurelio soon after I opened this place." Vic said. "This is where he met his late husband.  A month after they started dating, I could see they were falling in love.  Believe me, it's not a bartender thing that makes me an expert on love.  My husband Jake and I were high school sweethearts and our love has never stopped growing.  Given my schedule, it's not easy, but Jake and I set aside 1 night a month to meet with other couples.  Aurelio and Scott soon became an item and they joined our circle.  Four years later, they were married and we witnessed how much in love they were.  Scott suffered a sudden fatal heart attack six months ago, leaving Aurelio devastated.  There were some in our circle who wanted to fix Aurelio up, but he was adamant that he'd prefer to meet a man on his own.  Last week, he came here, knowing it would be a safe place for him.  Tonight, he meets Walt who's in a similar situation.  Jake would say it's bershert, which is Yiddish for meant to be."

    The next morning, Walt showed up at Tim's place.  "How did it go?  You're still in the clothes you wore last night!" He said, concerned.

    "Before you go thinking the worst, it was all very innocent!" Walt explained. "After the movie, we went back to Relio's place where I told him about Mary and he talked about Scott, his late husband.  We spent the night in his bed, cuddling and kissing.  Other than our shirts, nothing else was removed.  Relio is such a sweet man and it felt good resting on his hairy chest.  This morning, I asked him if he could take me to the cemetery and he had the same idea.  Ironically, Scott and Mary are buried close to each other.  Call me crazy, but I can swear I heard Mary telling me to be happy.  Relio wants to see me again and we agreed to take things slow.  Thank you!"

    "Walt and Relio started dating and after 2 months they were officially boyfriends." Tim said, squirming on the sofa. "Please excuse me, I'm feeling a bit sore from where I went down."

    "Nothing a nice, warm bath wouldn't soothe!"  K C suggested. "There's a comfortable tub in the master bathroom.  Mickey and I will take care of you!"  He stood up and lifted Tim by his arm.

    Turning around, Tim noticed a portrait hanging above the mantel.  "A family portrait.  You at a younger age, your parents, an attractive couple and your older sister, I'm guessing."

    "Ex sister to be exact." K C said. "Kendra married an oil lobbyist, much to my parents' disappointment.  They threw her a suitable wedding for appearances sake and then banished her.  We don't speak of her."

    To be continued


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  3. "The following Saturday, Walt invited me down for lunch.  I was shocked when he leaned in and kissed me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth.  Less than a minute later, he pulled back and I said , This is wrong!"  'Yes, it is, but not for the reasons you think.  I felt like I was kissing my son.  Rather than try and explain it myself, Mary left as letter for me to give you at the appropriate time and this certainly qualifies as the appropriate time.'  He went to the bedroom and returned a minute later with a sealed envelope with my name on it.  I opened it and it read as follows."

    My dearest Tim,

    From the day we met, you've been an innocent victim of our deception.  Walt and I first met at an underground mixer for gays and lesbians.  I was there with a woman and Walt was with a man.  Even after Stonewall, smalltown America was hardly friendly to gays and lesbians.  As luck would have it, Walt and I developed an instant friendship.  Both of our families were pestering us to find someone and get married, so we met each other's parents and got married in a City Hall ceremony, hoping things would change and we could someday be our authentic selves.  We were given a Honeymoon Suite as a wedding present and we figured we'd do the deed.  Naturally, neither one of us enjoyed it, but lo and behold, I wound up pregnant.  There were complications during the delivery and I'd never get pregnant again.  Of course, Maureen brought joy into our lives and while it wasn't a husband and wife thing, Walt and I grew to love each other deeply and we continued our charade of living as a straight married couple and we were quite successful.  On her 18th birthday, Maureen sat us down for a talk.  She'd seen the way Walt subtly looks at men and how I I do the same with women.  It wasn't difficult for her to figure out our marriage.  Then, she came out as bisexual.  By then, we'd settled into our marriage and saw no reason to change things.  Needless to say, my illness changed things.  I knew I could count on you to look after Walt after my passing, but I need to ask something more.  It would mean the world to me if you could help Walt to live authentically as a gay man and maybe even find the love of another man.  I've never been a meddler, but I've seen you with men of all ages and if you should find yourself attracted to Walt, you'd certainly have my blessings.  Otherwise, please be his guide and mentor.  I've shown this letter to Walt and Maureen, so you have their approval, as well as mine.  Please forgive our deception.

    With all the love in my heart,


    "Boy was I ever wrong!" I said to Walt. "Mistaken, though it was I think that kiss means you're ready to make your entrance into the gay world."  'Yes, it does!' Walt said, blushing. 'The moment I saw you, I thought you were a sexy man, but because I've grown to love you as a son, that kiss was incestuous.  Will you help me?'  "As if you really need to ask!" I replied. "If you don't mind, I want to give Maureen a heads up."  Taking my phone, I scrolled through my directory and dialed her number.  'What's up, Bro?' She said answering on the first ring.  "Just read Mom's letter and thought I'd check in with you before I go into Henry Higgins mode.  Before anything else, I think he needs to project a gay image, so I'll be taking him to my stylist and updating his wardrobe."  'I can't be there as Colonel Pickering, but when you've finished, send a pic of gay Dad and call me.  Talk later.' She said ending the call.  "I texted my stylist and he had an opening, so off we went.  Some layering and feathering and Walt was already looking like a sexy gay man.  Next up was the clothing store for some tight fitting jeans, snug t-shirts and bright button down shirts, modeling them all for me.  Walt was so pleased he decided to wear the final outfit home, so I took 2 pics, front and back and sent them to Maureen before calling her."  'You've turned Dad into a gay stud, which isn't surprising since you're a gay stud yourself!'  'I'm gonna treat Tim to dinner and then have him take me to my first gay bar!' Walt said grabbing my phone. 'I'll call you tomorrow.' He ended the call.  "The transformation seemed to be more than physical.  At the checkout counter, a cute cub said, 'If I wasn't happily married I'd be asking you out!'  Walt blushed.

    To be continued




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  4. I need to expand on my previous post.  About 30 years ago, I was living in Brooklyn and my favorite haunt was the last hardcore Leather bar in NYC.  I was nursing a beer when I spotted a "little person" in full leather with an armband on the dom side.  "Can I give you a boost, Sir?" I asked.  "Thanks boi!" He replied with a definite New England accent, holding his arms up.  Lifting him up and onto the stool, he was a most attractive man.  Reaching around and squeezing my butt, he lamented that even in the Leather community, he was rarely taken seriously.  "One needn't be tall to be a STUD!" I assured him. "And this piggy boi likes what he sees, Sir!"  "Piggy boi!" He repeated, "And a hot one at that!"  Grabbing my hand, he shoved it down his crotch, where I felt a sizeable pierced cock, leaking precum and stiffening.  "As you can feel, I'm not little all over, but before you decide if you'll come to my hotel, you need to know one thing.  I only fuck bareback and I will cum up your ass!"  My ass twitching, I replied, "Take me to your hotel, Sir and take me!"  At his hotel, I leaned over the bed and he used a flogger on my ass.  Next, he rimmed me, soaking my hole with spit.  "Turn over on your back, boi!" He ordered and as I obeyed, he removed the codpiece from his chaps, revealing a 9" cock with a 2 gauge PA.  "Lift your legs and show me your piggy hole!"  He was gentle with me until his pierced cockhead was inside and then he rammed his full length into me.  "Fuck me, Sir!" I begged as I felt his balls against my butt.  "Nice, tight ass, boi!  Made to be fucked!"  After 10 minutes, he shouted, "Take my load!"  I felt his cock spasm 8 times, filling my ass as he came deep inside me.  Pulling out, he collapsed on top of me.  Crawling up my body, he surprised me by kissing me.  "Would you come to Boston and be my permanent boi?" He asked.  "It's a flattering offer, Sir, but I enjoy being versatile and I doubt I'm capable of being a 24/7 boi and also I'm not cut out for monogamy!' I replied.  "You've restored my faith in humanity and given me a wonderful memory, boi.  If you don't mind, I have an early flight tomorrow and I should get some sleep."  I returned to Brooklyn well fucked.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, lower_bucks_bottom said:

    I am 5'3". Years ago I signed up for a gay dating service which was supposed to find you several matched a month. After everything was signed he says: "BTW because you are so short we cannot guarantee finding you any matches". So apparently a lot of gay guys don't go for short guys.  

    Words of wisdom from my first man..."Sexy comes in all shapes/sizes/colors!"....if the rest of you is as hot as your ass, I wouldn't turn you down.

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  6. "The limousine dropped us back at the building and as we entered my condo, Maureen noticed Mary's portrait.  'Nice touch.  Mom would approve.' She said, kissing me on the cheek. I'll have it framed and ship it to you.  Walt squeezed my shoulder in appreciation.  Vic, my friend from the Double Deuce fixed plates of food for the 3 of us and gave us the 1 beer he'd allow us to have.  Fred and Ron, the couple who lived next door arrived and that's when I realized I'd neglected something.  We don't have enough chairs!  'There's a cart with 2 dozen folding chairs in the party room.' Walt said, fishing the keys from his pocket.  'Fred and I will go get them.' Ron said, taking the keys from Walt's outstretched hand.  'So, you're not perfect after all!' Maureen chuckled.  Fred and Ron returned and immediately went to work setting up the chairs.  Before long, people began to arrive.  While the funeral was appropriately somber, the reception was more upbeat with people reminiscing and the 3 of us managed the occasional smile.  People came and went and I was amazed by the turnout.  Mary would have been proud.  By 6 PM, things had quieted down.  Vic made sure we had dinner before he took the chairs back to the party room and cleaned up.  He left my place spotless.  I gave him a hug and thanked him for going above and beyond.  'You've always treated my staff right, so this is my way of giving back.' He said.  The next few days were spent with friends and family.  When it was time for Maureen to go home, Walt and I drove her to the airport.  It was a tearful goodbye and yet, the 3 of us were closer than ever."

    "Mickey kissed me on the cheek."  'You're such a caring man!  Dr Wilhelm would be proud of you.  Your parents must be proud of you!  I've just met you and I'm proud of you!' He said.

    To be continued

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  7. "When we'd all calmed down, Walt said that Mary had the foresight to make her final wishes known.  They'd bought a cemetery plot at Memorial Gardens and she wanted a simple graveside service.  Maureen would get her jewelry and any clothing she wanted, with the remainder to be donated to charity.  I offered to call the cemetery but Walt said that he needed to do it and excused himself to go into the living room.  Maureen selected about 10 of Mary's most beautiful dresses and she also picked out a picture of Mary when she was healthy for me to borrow.  Returning from the living room, Walt said the funeral would take place in 2 days, Saturday at 12:30 PM and they'd be sending a car to pick Mary up.  There were other things to be done and I assured Walt and Maureen that I'd handle them.  Some 15 minutes later, they came for Mary and we said our goodbyes before they took her with care.  Excusing myself, I went back to my place where I created a notice of Mary's passing along with the necessary information which I'd post in the bulletin board in the lobby.  Satisfied that it was appropriate, I printed it out and posted it on the bulletin board before setting out on my errands.  First stop was a print shop, where I arranged for the picture of Mary to be enlarged to portrait size and I bought an easel for display and have it delivered to my place the next day.  Next was the Double Deuce, where I spoke to the owner about setting up a reception after the funeral at my condo.  Surprisingly, he said he'd supply the beer and booze at cost and no charge for the ice and barware because he couldn't make a profit from someone's death and he'd come midmorning to set up and also supply the food, thus saving me another trip.  Maureen texted me to come to Walt's and dinner had been ordered.  I got back and found the door ajar.  Walt explained that people were stopping by to convey their condolences.  Of course, it came as no surprised since Mary was quite beloved.  Maureen informed me that a dozen people were coming in from out of town and all were staying at the local hotel and she arranged extra limousines for them aside from the one for the 3 of us.  Dinner arrived and we ate in relative silence.  More people stopped in to pay their respects and at 10 PM, I locked the door and went back to my unit.  The next morning, I awoke early and bought coffee and pastries for 3, ordering the same to be delivered the next day.  We ate breakfast together, reminiscing.  More of the residents stopped by and Maureen said Mary would approve of us indulging in burgers, fries and shakes for lunch, so I went to a local fast food joint.  Later in the day, I got to meet family and friends, with Walt introducing me as the son who came to them late in life and Maureen calling me her bro.  Dinner was chicken parmigiana and pasta with pesto sauce which Maureen cooked.  We made an early night of it and back at my unit, I opened the enlargement of Mary's portrait, which had arrived earlier and placed it on the easel.  The next morning, I showered and joined Walt and Maureen for breakfast.  Back at my place, I changed into a dark suit and before long, the guy from the Double Deuce arrived and while he went to work setting up, I put the easel with Mary's portrait in the entryway.  Down on the ground floor, Walt was in a black suit and Maureen was in what I knew to be one of Mary's favorite dresses.  It was subdued and elegant without being ostentatious.  'I'd packed a black dress, but this makes me feel close to Mom' She explained.  Walt and I gave her our approval.  Soon, the limousine arrived and it was a short drive to the cemetery.  A mahogany casket, Mary's choice sat atop the grave.  Others began to arrive and they filed by us.  Promptly at 12:30 the service began.  First the Priest offered a few prayers and then Walt, Maureen and I spoke briefly about how we loved Mary and what she meant to us.  After the casket was lowered, I announced the reception would be held at my place.

    To be continued

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  8. "Rather than asking what I could do and getting the usual 'Nothing, but thank you' I took the initiative and bought groceries for Walt so he wouldn't need to leave Mary alone in the hospital.  I left a note on his door to let him know I had things that needed refrigeration are in my place.  Later that night, he came to my place, looking terrible.  As soon as I got him to the sofa, he told me that Mary had inoperable stomach cancer, but they would see how she responded to chemotherapy and radiation.  I hugged him, letting him cry on my shoulder.  Once he calmed down, Walt took the items from my refrigerator and before he went down to his place he said Mary would be glad to see me.  I waited 2 minutes and then I allowed myself to cry.  The next night I went to the hospital.  Despite looking like crap. Mary put up a brave front.  Walt informed me that Mary would be released soon and that their daughter, Maureen was flying in for a brief visit.  I offered to pick her up at the airport, but she'd already made arrangements.  It was 2 nights later, at 9:30 when my doorbell rang.  Looking through the peephole, I knew it was Maureen because she was the image of her mother.  She wanted to meet her 'brother', so I let her in and we had beers while we got to know each other.  Just like her parents, Maureen was sweet, warm and friendly and we bonded instantly.  While I'm hardly a gourmet chef, I can follow a recipe so when I learned of Mary's release date, I made an Irish Stew and upon sampling it, I had to admit I'd done a good job.  Mary insisted I join them for dinner.  After we ate, Maureen and I cleared the table and took things to the kitchen.  Calling each other Bro and Sis, we hugged.  I was pleasantly surprised when Maureen asked me to drive her to the airport for her return flight.  She said she felt relieved that our family was in my capable hands and that her next visit would be longer.  It was a few weeks later when I was summoned to Walt and Mary's unit and told to just walk in and go to their bedroom.  Mary informed me that she wasn't responding to radiation or chemotherapy and she asked only to be kept comfortable without being doped up.  Walt was at her side, silent but visibly shaken.  Maureen would be back and I would be meeting her flight.  Needless to say, I was devastated.  I kissed Mary on the forehead, hugged Walt and went back to my place where I bawled like a baby.  Maureen arrived on a midmorning flight and I brought her to my place where we had a good cry and she could be somewhat calm before she went down to our parents.  I stayed away for 2 days when Maureen came to my place and told me I'd been summoned.  Mary was sitting up in bed.  'Tim, you disappoint me!  You've been neglecting us.  Walt, get Tim's package out of the closet.'  Taking a large gift bag out of the closet, Walt handed it to me.  I was surprised to find a hand knitted bedspread in red, with a white T in the center and scalloped edges.  To call it beautiful would be an understatement.  'You know I love to knit and I want you to have something to remember me by.'  Thank you, Mary! I said, kissing her on the cheek.  I'll cherish it!  Though it was difficult to watch Mary get weaker, I was grateful for the time I had with her.  A few weeks later, I was at work when the text came: come as soon as you can.  Putting the pedal to the metal, I was there in 15 minutes.  Her voice weak, Mary managed to say, 'Walt, you've been a wonderful husband and more than that, my best friend!  Maureen, I've loved you ever since I learned I was carrying you.  I'm proud of the woman you are and more than anything, I want you to be happy.  Tim, you came into our lives quite unexpectedly and you've been a blessing.  I couldn't love you more if I'd given birth to you.  I can feel my strength failing so I need the 3 of you to do this woman a favor and take care of one another.  How fortunate I've been to have you in my life!  I love you all!  Goodbye!'  With that, she closed her eyes and she died peacefully.  The 3 of us held each other and cried.  Sad as it was, I felt honored to be there for Mary's final minutes."


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  9. Tim repeated the account of Dr Wilhelm's deeds for Mickey's benefit because it was relevant to what he said next.  "My Father is a prominent pediatric cardiac surgeon and he invented a procedure that is performed by only 3 surgeons in the world.  Just about 4 years ago, he was asked to come to Israel to do the surgery on a 3 year old girl.  As his scrub nurse, my Mother accompanied him.  Once the surgery was completed, the girl's father asked if he had any connection to Dr Wilhelm Schmidt and when he said yes, he hugged my Dad and said it he never would have existed had it not been for Dr Wilhelm's heroism.  He went on to explain that all of the families who Dr Wilhelm rescued made it a part of their history, passing it on from generation to generation.  The original families formed their own community and 10 of the descendant families moved to Israel and he wanted my Dad and Mom to meet them.  At dinner the next night, my parents were welcomed into their little family.  These families were quite well off and the man whose daughter my Dad operated on suggested building a "Dr Wilhelm Schmidt Memorial Children's Hospital" with my Dad on staff.  Dad explained the Dr Wilhelm only did what he thought was right, but nevertheless, it would be an honor to be a part of such a tribute.  My parents returned to the States long enough for Dad to train another surgeon.  With my Sister and myself being independent and settled in  our careers, we gave them our blessings and wished them well.

    After the move, the Ryans and I had dinner out every week.  Before long, they grew to become a second set of parents to me and when I told them about it they confessed to feeling the same about me.  Mary even said that given we were both redheads, I could pass for their son.  Due to complications when their daughter Maureen was born, Mary couldn't have more children.  Just about a year ago, Mary fell ill.

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  10. Looking down at his phone, Tim turned it on.  "Walt sent me a text." He said. "K C, he thanks you for sending the squad car and the locksmith.  Both of them were friendly and professional, which helped to calm his nerves.  Oooh, he also has some big news to share!"

    K C gave Tim's knee a gentle squeeze.  "Walt seems to be an important man in your life.  By the way, Longstreet Enterprises built your building and a subsidiary takes care of the management, so that makes me your landlord and Walt's boss.  If it's not prying, can you tell us about him?"

    "Of course." Tim replied. "I first met Walt and Mary Ryan when I went to look at my condo.  Walt called to inform me that the listing agent was in the hospital with a burst appendix, but he was willing to handle the appointment.  Having seen the artist's rendering, my mind had been made up.  My appointment was the last of the day and the Ryans were waiting outside of the building.  Standing 2" shorter than me, with dark brown hair, clean shaven, with ruggedly handsome features, Walt cut a fine figure.  Mary was a striking beauty with red hair and green eyes like mine and when I said she resembled Greer Garson, only more beautiful, she blushed.  They took me to a furnished unit with standard features, which were high end and I knew I'd be buying and I had more than enough ready cash to afford some upgrades.  Walt was fully conversant with the standard features and Mary surprised me by making suggestions as to what upgrades I might want.  In the master bedroom, it was obvious that my full sized bed would get lost and Mary said that she and Walt would take me to a furniture store to pick out a masculine king sized bed.  I asked about the possibilities of having ceiling fans and some color in certain rooms and Walt assured me that he'd take care of it personally and we'd go to the hardware store where I could pick out fans and paint. There was an RV next to the building, where I selected my upgrades and I wrote out a check for the deposit.  At the furniture store, Mary found a 4 poster bed with chrome accents  and matching pieces that couldn't have been more perfect.  Next up was the hardware store, where I picked out fans and paint colors.  After all they'd done for me, I insisted on taking them to dinner.  They kept me updated on the progress, going above and beyond the norms.  I'd paid the movers to pack and unpack to avoid the stress and I'd also made arrangements to donate my bedroom furniture.  On the day of the move, Walt and Mary greeted me with 2 packages, a set of wine glasses and a bottle of Italian red wine and after thanking them, I said we'd use them after I treated them to dinner.  Instantly, this happily married straight couple had made my condo a home."

    To be continued

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