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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. I don't just eat ass...I feast on ass.  When a guy's got a naturally smooth ass, if it's sweaty and musky, I'm good with that.  That said, if a guy's got an ass like sasquatch, I'll go into overdrive!  After all, that's what a toothbrush and dental floss is for.

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  2. It was Summer 1977 and I'd gone to the local QUEER/Nude beach with the sole intention of finding my first man.  He emerged from the water a vision of hairy hotness and since I was staring so intently, he approached me.  Admitted to being a total virgin and an hour later we were at his place.  Since we had the afternoon to ourselves, I started by sucking his cock and I managed half of his 7" before my gag reflex stopped me from taking more.  I'd been eating my own cum soon after I discovered masturbation, so I had no problem swallowing his seed.  Then, it was his turn and my 6" easily slipped into his throat.  During a break, we both did a cleanout.  Explaining it wasn't as nasty as it sounds, he told me about rimming and then he stuck his tongue up my hole.  FUCK, it was mindblowing and I shocked both him and myself by asking him to share the taste of my ass in a kiss.  Using a generous amount of lube on my ass and his cock, he was gentle and patient as he took my 17 year old cherry.  The sensations when he climaxed are indescribable.  Next, it was my turn to fuck and that first taste of his ass was when I became hooked on rimming.  That hairy hole of his practically enveloped my cock and I knew that I give as good as I get.  We had a 3 month fling, culminating on my 18th birthday, when we flip fucked and he told me it was time to "try my wings"  He was a dear man and I was lucky to have him as my first.

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  3. I had a dear friend with benefits...may he rest in peace...after a few times of normal flipfucks and mutual pissplay, I brought up the subject of cockcheese and he was willing to get ripe for me...first, for a week...then, 10 days and eventually 2 weeks of not cleaning what he called his 'obscene overhang'.  As prearranged, I'd arrive at his place soon after he'd gotten out of bed, his stench was heady and better than poppers and the yellowish smegma was a nice contrast to his black cock.  I'd start by burying my nose in his shrouded cock, inhaling the nasty yet intoxicating scent.  Next, I'd use my tongue to lick up every last bit of his crusty goodness.  His beautiful cock still in my mouth, I'd get his morning piss to wash it down.

  4. "The way the 2 of you look at each other, it's obvious you're deeply and totally in love." Tim said.  "On top of that, getting pozzed for each other is a testament to your commitment.  Fuck, I left my phone in your car!  I'm not one of those guys who might as well have it surgically attached, K C, but would you mind getting it?"

    K C gave Tim's knee a gentle squeeze.  "Not at all!" He said. "I'll be back in a flash!"

    "When I first saw K C, I thought I had to be dreaming!" Tim said, practically cooing. "His soothing, sexy voice, that ruggedly handsome face and his studly, muscular body that could've been sculpted out of a slab of smoky topaz, I had trouble believing such a mangod could possibly be real!"

    "Here it is, safe and sound!"  K C said upon returning, handing Tim the phone.

    "Did you hear that?  Tim just called you by my nickname for you!" Mickey exclaimed in mock anger. "I should probably be jealous, but it' actually nice to know that he sees you as I do, my mangod!"

    Grinning broadly, K C said, "I thought I heard him say it, but I was focused on his handsome face and sexy body and getting him here!  Tim, if as you say I'm a mangod, I'd like to know how you see Mickey, my studly lover!" 

    "To be honest, when I first saw him, even in business attire, my first impression of Miguel was one hot fuck!" Tim confessed.  "Now, in his naked glory, I see him as a modern day knight of the gay realm!  Rise, Don Miguel, Lord of the Law, Seducer of Men!  Rise and be recognized!"

    "How can I be a knight with neither armor nor weapon?" Mickey asked, playing along.

    "Your glorious flesh is all the armor you need and you have quite a lance between your legs.  Just be sure to use it for good and you'll do the gay realm proud!"

    "Someone has a flair for the dramatic." Mickey said, tousling Tim's hair and kissing him on the forehead.

    "You should have seen me in my college production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!" Tim said proudly.  "I played Brick and while I'm no Paul Newman, I slayed it!"

    "Newman's blue eyes have nothing on your dazzling green eyes and don't get me started on your hot body!" K C exclaimed.  "Since Skipper's dead, right now, I'd like to be Maggie the Cat!" He chuckled.

    To be comtinued

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  5. I don't know about you, but my instincts rarely fail me.  Ask him to get coffee and see if you can feel him out.  Maybe he needs a guy to show him some kindness, which might lead to something more.  If he does turn out to be sketchy, you've lost nothing more than the cost of a coffee.  Hope you'll update this post one way or another.

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