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Everything posted by nlsfn

  1. The connection I feel with the top when he is in me bare is almost overwhelming. I don't usually feel it when he cums, but hearing him moan knowing that I was able to give him that pleasure, gives me pleasure. Then when I stand up and I can feel the wetness of his load in my hole. Knowing his cum is inside of me. It really gets me off mentally.
  2. Best friend and I would suck each other in our early teens. I got my cock in him once but he said it hurt too bad so didn't get to finish. My first time bottoming I was 33 with a condom. First time bottom bb and taking his load was 35. Was on my back with my legs on his shoulders, he was pumping away, looked down at me and asked if he could cum in me. Didn't even hesitate "yes". He pumped a few more times and started to groan.
  3. This is a very hot series. Thanks for keeping it going
  4. Like your thread.. Hope you keep updating.
  5. Have the same issue.. Would like to know what's going on.
  6. So hot!! Wish I was in NY!!

  7. A few minutes go by and I see a reply from Bob, "Bring that ass over here and put it in the air!" Clicking reply "On my way". Closing my laptop I get up and grab my wallet and keys heading to the door I realize I am just in shorts and a tshirt, but what the heck I am just going to head over there and take em off anyway. As I am driving over my mind starts to wander about what is about to happen. I know I had been thinking about this for a while now, but would I have even asked him if I weren't so worked up now? To this day I don't know the answer to that question. I find myself driving into the neighborhood and my mind wanders back to the second time I came over here following this same route. How nervous I was. Almost backing out. That thought doesn't even cross my mind this time. I truly enjoy the times that Bob and I have together. Pulling up in front of his house I see the front door is already open. walking up the sidewalk I see the screen door open and there is Bob standing there completely naked. His thick cock sticcking straight out greeting me as I get closer. He smiles and says "Great evening for a good fuck huh?" "Yeah I say, it definitely is." Walking in the door I reach out and wrap my hand around his cock. "He's ready to go huh?" "Yeah he's wanting to fuck that cute ass of yours! Get in the bedroom, get those clothes off and put that ass in the air boy!" He smacks my ass as I walk by him. I head down the hallway to his room already taking my shirt off, shorts follow as soon as I get into the room. Turning I see him behind me he's already got the lube in his hand. Kneeling before him I grab his cock and open my mouth to take him. slipping my tongue around his head licking over his slit, hearing him let out a low moan as I take as much of that cock in my mouth that I can handle. "Damn boy, I always forget you suck a good cock too, gonna hafta let you finish one of these days. I want to fuck that ass tonight though. Get up on that bed and point your ass at me!" Standing back up "Yes sir". "You really want me to cum in you?" "Yes I do, it's something I have been thinking about and wanting to happen for a while and I want you to cum in me." "Okay then, get on the bed and lets get that ass fucked and filled!" Turning around I climb on the bed, grabbing a pillow I put my face in it and raise my ass. "Thats it boy, you know your place. I'm gonna fuck that hole." I feel his thumb on my ass lubing me up and then his thumb inside of me pushing in and out. pulling it out of me I feel the head of his cock replacing it. His hands on my hips as he starts to push into me. I feel his head stretching my hole open and that familiar burning sensation as my ass starts to open for this girth. My inner ring resisting his cock. "Open up for me boy, take my cock!" Feeling him grip my hips tighter he pushes even harder. I feel myself start to open for him. My ring slowly opening, feeling head go past and then he's buried in me. "Yeah thats it, take my cock. DAMN! you have a nice ass to fuck!" He starts to move in and out of me, my hole opening for him even more, the burning going away and being replaced with the feeling of his cock moving in me. Moaning how good it feels to him. "Yeah, you really have the perfect ass for fucking. Grips just right and feels so good. You letting any other guys fuck you?" My head immediately comes up off the pillow. "What?" I say. "You let any other guys feel how good this ass is for fucking?" "Ummm no. You're the only guy I let fuck me" "Hehehe well I'm not going to complain about that, but its a shame that you don't let other guys feel how good this ass is." With that he continues to fuck me. grabbing my hips he starts to really pound into me. My hands are gripping the comforter on the bed, I hear myself letting out little grunts everytime his hips meet my ass cheeks. He continues this for a minute or two. I can feel my legs start to shake from the postion he has me pinned in. Easing up he starts into a slower rythm. "You want my load in you boy?" "Yes please" I reply back. reaching under me I start to play with my cock and balls as he continues to fuck my now sore hole. reaching up higher I feel his cock sliding in and out of me touching my now tender hole from the poudning he gave me. I feel his balls brushing against the back of my hand every time he pushes in. I reach down and start to fondle and massage them. I hear him let out a moan. "You ready for it?" "Yes!" He strokes in once, then out, then buries himself in me. My mind is going crazy thinking "THIS IS IT! You are going to have another man cum inside of you!" I hear him let out a moan and I feel his cock twitch in me, then I feel (honestly feel) a wetness in me. He moans again and I feel the twitch and more wetness. "Oh DAMN! that feels so good" I hear him saying. My own mind is screaming. "OH MY GOD, I feel it. I feel his cum in me." He starts to move slowly in me still moaning (as I am guessing he is still cumming, but can no longer feel it). I do feel a different sensation though as he starts to sroke in and out of me. I notice that there is not longer any friction. His cock is just sliding in and out of me. "Oh my god! That felt so good!. You truly have the sweetest ass for fucking! And it felt so good to shoot in you." "That was truly hot man." I reply. I feel him pull his cock out of me. Then his hand smacking my ass. "You are always welcome here, always. Did you like me cumming in you?" "Yes" I reply. "It was very hot and I seriously enjoyed knowing you got off in me."
  8. Without going into the details. Lets just say that I licked sucked and fingered a little and she came hard. Never seen a girl squirt before, but she did. After our encounter, we cleaned up and got dressed and went back out to the living room. She looked over at me and said that she really enjoyed my abilities and would like to do it again. I gave her my number thinking "Yeah I'll never hear from her again". Then she left. (as it turns out, she would text me a while later and want to see me again. We did end up dating for a couple of months and to this day I have to say she was probably the most exotic sex I have ever had. but a little crazy upstairs.) I walked into the Kitchen grabbed another beer and sat back on the couch. The whole time my cock screaming at me that he didn't get any attention. Definitely looking like a lotion kind of night. I reached over and grabbed the remote to start the movie again, then grabbed my laptop. Seeing that I have more spam in my inbox I start to go through and delete them. I also notice I still have MH up in another tab and its flashing with an incoming email. Opening that tab I see it's from Bob. "Hey there.. Hardly ever see you on here on a Friday night. What are you up to?" Clicking reply I answer. "Yeah I am usually out at the bars on a Friday, but didn't feel up to it tonight. What are you up to?" Clicking back over to my email I continue to delete the spam in my inbox. My cock is still throbbing in my pants. I see an email pop in on the MH tab. Clicking back over I open the email. From Bob. "Hehe yeah I hear you there, well if you're wanting that ass worked over bring it over and I will put this cock in it." Clicking reply. "Hmmmmm sounds very tempting, I am very horny tonight, but here's the thing. I have been thinking about this for a while now and have made a decision, if I come over tonight and let you fuck me, I don't want you to pull out. I want you to cum in me." Clicking on send. I can't believe I just typed that out to him. Yes I have been thinking about it, but I just actually asked for it. Also thinking "Man I am offering relief to everyone but myself." I see a reply back from Bob and open it. "Wow you really want me to cum in you? I am all for it, but should warn you that I did cum already today, so when I do shoot it won't be as much as normal." Replying "Yes I really do want you too, been on my mind for a while now and been wondering what it is like to have a guy cum in me. It's okay that you won't have the normal load but I want you to be able to cum too." Sent
  9. ***Let me preface this part of my journey by saying that yes I do hook up with a woman in this part of a story. But it really does tie into what happens later in the evening and I think its worth powering through it. **** Over the course of the next year Bob and I would continue to get together not as frequently but when the timing would work for us. It was also during this time that I would be going through a divorce (suprisingly having nothing to do with my Bi lifestyle) and moving out on my own. Living the life of a divorced father, kids one day a week and on the weekends. I would spend most of my evenings hanging out with friends for happy hour and dating on and off. I found myself home one Friday evening, not really in the mood for the bar scene laying on the couch watching a movie and drinking a few beers. Just relaxing and enjoying a quiet evening. The problem with that though is you tend to think about things and my mind was thinking that I needed a little action and the little head was agreeing. The problem was I wasn't sure for what though. My laptop was open on the coffee table, reaching over to grab it as I sit up on the couch opening the Internet browser it brings up my last few pages I was on. My email, Craigslist, and MH. I log on to MH and see a few emails, I check them and see one from Bob asking how I am doing and hoping to get together soon. I see that his icon is lit up so he is online. I click on reply but sit there staring at the screen, not really sure if that is what I am wanting tonight. I close it out and bring up the CL tab and see its still open on the W4M section, looking I see all the normal fake ads knowing that answering any of them will just fill my inbox with spam. I get out of there and open the M4M and start cruising the posts, but nothing is sparking my interest. So at this point I am starting to realize I am definitely in the mood for some female companionship. I open the M4W posts and see what the guys are posting and getting an idea of what I might put in an ad. (honestly never having posted one in the M4W before). I see they are not much different than the M4M ads guys with their junk hanging out looking for women. Clicking on the post an ad link I start to type what I am looking for. Now I have my preferences and they run towards a thicker woman so my post generally commented on looking for that. I clicked post and that was that. I honestly didn't expect to see anything from it and just figured I would be breaking out the lotion later to get myself off. I put my laptop down and went back to the movie and opened a fresh beer. About 30 minutes go by and I look over at my laptop and see my email is loaded up picking it up figuring I should delete all the spam I have waiting for me I start to click on the emails without even opening them and just trashing them, as I am going down the list I see one that catches my eye. "Are you really looking for a BBW" as the subject. Opening this one I start to read. If you are really looking I am too. Let me know. Clicking reply I start to type. Yes I really do like a bigger woman, Skinny girls just are not my thing. Very interested here, let me know. Clicking send I go back to deleting all the other spam in my inbox. After trashing them and my inbox refreshes I see a reply back from her. Yes I am a bigger girl so hope that is okay. I'm not fat but definitely not skinny either. I am really only looking to get my pussy ate tonight. not really wanting to get fucked. If you are up for that let me know, if not its cool too. IF you are interested can you send a pic? Clicking reply I start to type. Well was hoping for a little more, but I would love to help you out. I do love to go down on a woman, and I like to think I am good at it too . Here is a pic of me, can I get one in return? A few minutes go by and I get a reply back. Very handsome and I hope you are good at it, I am very horny and really needing a good licking. Here is a pic of me. If you like and want to do it, send me your address and I will come over. I open the attachment with her pic and my cock immediately gets hard. One she is just HOT! but the kicker is she is hispanic. I have a major weakness for hispanic women. I click reply, WOW you are very beautiful and yes I am very interested, adding my address I click send. Another minute goes by and I get her reply I am pretty close to you now and am familiar with your Apt complex. Will be there in about 5 minutes. My heart is racing with what has just happened. I honestly never thought I would get a real response to my ad and really just expected to end up stroking one off tonight. But then shes only wanting me to give her oral so odds are I will be anyway. I jump up off the couch and start looking around making sure my place isn't too messy, running back to the bedroom and looking in there I see all is normal. Bed made nothing on the floor. (Remembering I have OCD when it comes to these things) I start to relax a little. I hear a knock on the door and my heart starts pounding again, I can hear it in my ears. My palms immediately start to sweat as I walk over to the door my mind racing. What if I just told some Physcho to come over and I'm gonna get a bullet in the head when I open the door. (I seriously had never done anything like this from CL before). Looking through the peep hole I see her standing outside my door. My hands shaking as I unlock the dead bolt and door handle, I open the door and shes standing there smiling at me. "Well" she says "Good to see you match the picture you sent" Standing back I invite her in. She walks in and heads down the little hallway to my living room turning to look back at me she smiles again. "You're a shy one huh?" "Ye Yeah" I stammer. She laughs "And nervous too huh?" Laughing a little "Yeah just a little bit". Shutting the door and moving into the living room also. Getting a good look at her. She is pretty short 5'2" at the most and a little on the chunkier side but she has the most beautiful face and eyes. I can't keep myself from staring at her. Looking at me she says. "Well I will admint I am nervous too, I don't normally do this kind of thing, but I am really horny and really wanting to have a guy lick my pussy. I probably should have asked this sooner, but you are disease free right?" "Yes" I reply. "I am disease free and to be honest this is the first time I have ever posted on craigslist. I didn't really expect to get an answer to my ad." Smiling she says "Well I was nervous answering your ad, but my horniness took over. And sorry for my attire, I just left the gym otherwise I would be a little more dressed up. I did shower at the gym though." "No problem I say, as you can see I am in shorts and a T-SHirt and wasn't really expecting company." "Well I am really horny, you ready to eat some pussy?" smiling up at me as she says it. "Absolutely" I say in return. She turns and starts to walk down the hall towards my bedroom turning to go in. Me following, I say to her "You're pretty familiar with where my bedroom is." I hear her laugh. "I have a friend who lives in the complex same layout as yours." Turning into my room I reach over to turn on the light, but she stops me. "No leave it off please, I know you said you like bigger women but I am a little self conscience of my body." pulling my hand away from the switch and looking at her. "I was very honest with you about my preference, and I truly love the looks of a woman that has curves on her, but lights off is okay with me. I want you to be comfortable. Besides my eyes are adjusting anyway." "Okay" She says. hooking her hands in her waistline she starts to pull her pants down. "I hope you are going to get undressed too, I know I said no intercourse, but would love to see you without your clothes on too." "Sure" I say, "I have no problem with that." starting to remove my own clothes my eyes never leaving her as she finishes undressing. Pulling my shirt over my head I look back at her and see her there standing next to the bed. Her beautiful olive skin showing in the light that is filtering thorugh the blinds on the window. I finish removing my shorts and underwear standning before her, my cock sticking straight out. I see her staring at me, looking me up and down. "I will be honest with you, I have never been with a white guy before. And I have to say you are very handsome and I am very impressed. Maybe if things go well tonight I will get a chance to feel that in me." "I really hope so" I say. "You ave very beautiful and I have to be honest. I have always been attracted to hispanic women." Smiling at me she replies "Oh you like the latinas huh? you been with many?" "No" I reply, "I actually haven't. I just know I have always been attracted to them." With that she climbs up on the bed and lays back on my pillows, spreading her legs open. I stand there (with my mouth open I think) looking at her beauty. Full breasts moving down over her slightly plump belly further down to her shaved smooth pussy. I can see it glissening with wetness already. She crooks her finger at me and says "Get over here and eat me baby, I really need to cum bad. Come taste this latina pussy!"
  10. So over the course of the next year and a half Bob (as I learned his name to be) and I would get together on a pretty regular basis. At least once every other week if not every week. It was usually pretty much the same set up. One of us would send an email asking if the other was available and then I would go to his place, undress in the living room and walk back to his bedroom. (I found out he liked to watch my ass as I walked in front of him). Then him telling me to get on the bed and point my ass in the air. With the exception of a couple of times it was always ass up and him standing at the end of the bed pounding my hole until I would either get too sore, or he would shoot his load all over my back and ass. The two exceptions were after fucking for a while he wanted me to flip over to fuck on my back. Now I have to say that both of those times were pretty hot, watching him with my legs in his hands as he pounded my hole mercilessly. Both of those times he pulled out and shot his load on my cock and balls. As I said earlier most of the time he would pull out and shoot on my back, but there were times he would be fucking me for 30 – 40 min and he would have to pull out because my hole was just too sore from his girth. This happened during three back to back sessions and I was starting to think I wasn't doing it for him anymore so after about 30 min I asked him to pull out. I turned around and asked him. “Am I doing something wrong? Seems like I can't get you off anymore. If you need me to do anything, please let me know.” He looked at me and started laughing. “No No. I don't think I will ever get enough of that sweet ass you have. Here's the deal. I always like to blow a load before I go to work, now I would prefer to be fucking your ass when I do, but if I don't hear from you or see you online by a certain time, I will go out to the patio and stroke one off. It just happens that the last few times you hit me up I had just shot one. Now I am never gonna turn down a chance to fuck you. You are always welcome here.” “Oh I said. Well that makes me feel better, was starting to wonder if my ass was too loose now or something. I mean you have definitely stretched it out.” Laughing. “I am surprised how quickly you can get hard if you had just came.” “Boy” he says “Just thinking about fucking your ass makes me hard” I will always fuck it when you are wanting it.” Putting his hand on my shoulder he said. “Tell you what, I know I can get another load out if I stroke it, how about we go out on the patio and stroke our cocks together, both of us shoot a good load in the nice weather we're having.” “Sure” I said, “sounds good to me.” Following him out of the bedroom down the hall and into the kitchen area. He points me to the basement stairs and says “After you.” I head down the stairs and into the basement. Looking around I see the couch and entertainment center, looking back I said. “I remember that spot” He laughs and says “Yep, gave you your first lesson in taking a thick bare cock right there.” Walking over to the back patio door he opens it and I walk outside with him following. “Such a nice day out. Perfect for stroking outside huh?” “Yeah I reply. Love this weather and glad the winter is over.” He walks to the middle of the patio and grabs his still hard cock and starts to stroke. Walking over next to him I grab my own cock and start to stroke watching him the whole time. Working his cock with his right hand his hips thrusting forward, head thrown back, eyes closed. “Yeah” he says. “Won't take me long to get one out. Won't be much to it since I came already but will definitely be some” His hips thrusting faster as he strokes that thick piece of meat. “Oh yeah I am getting close” he says. His hips going back an forth like hes still fucking my ass. “Fuck yeah its coming.” Then without even thinking I drop to my knees in front of him and stretch my mouth around his cock. “Fuck yeah!” he says as I slide my mouth down him taking as much as I can. Tasting my ass on his cock. Then without warning I feel the first spurt of cum shooting in my mouth hitting the back of my throat and gagging me a little. Sliding my mouth back I lift my tongue a little and catch the remaining shots in my mouth. “Damn that feels so good” I hear him saying as I swallow the load that is still in my mouth. Slowly moving up and down his length. Putting his hand on the back of my head he looks down at me and says. “Fuck wish I knew you like to swallow sooner. Wouldn't have wasted so many loads on your back.” Taking my mouth off of him, “Well to be honest it never even crossed my mind until you were getting ready to cum.” Just had the overwhelming urge to see what it tasted like.” Laughing he says “Well never be shy, you can always swallow my cum, just let me know before I shoot it on you.”
  11. Had that happen to me too a few weeks back. Finally had a day that I could hook up and play and was messaging with this guy who "seemed" like he wanted to play. Told me he wanted me to come over and let him top me. Then bam.. same thing, just dropped off!
  12. My nerves have me visibly shaking as I get closer to his house. winding through his neighborhood I can feel my stomach start to tighten and my legs shake harder. Driving down his street looking at the numbers on the house I debate in my head if I should just keep driving and go back to work or go through with it. Again I know I am not that guy, I told him I would be there and I will. I see the number on his house up ahead and pull up in front. Turning off the engine the keys jingling in my hand from my nerves. Getting out of my truck and walking up the walkway to the front door, I see it open and he's standing there. He opens the screen door and motions me in. I walk into his house and find myself in his living room. I turn as I hear him say, "Glad to see you back". Looking at him I see him in the same grey sweat pants and shirt as last time. "Sure do enjoy seeing that ass in the air, get those clothes off so I can get my cock in it." I start to remove my clothes while looking around thinking he's going to fuck me right here in the living room, however I notice he is not getting undressed. As I remove my underwear I am starting to wonder what is going on when he says. "Okay lets go to the bedroom and get that ass pointed up for me." He points through and doorway and I start to walk ahead of him. "Last door on the left", I hear him say. I am walking down a hallway and see a room on the very end and a bathroom on the right. As I come to the end I see the bedroom on the left and walk into it. "Get on the Bed" he says "Put that ass at the end so I can stand behind it". I look around the room and see a dresser on the right, a bed right in front of me. I climb up on the bed on my hands and knees, my legs and arms are shaking visibly with nerves. "Grab a pillow and put your face in it boy! Get ready for this cock!" I grab a pillow at the head of the bed and put my face it it. My ass is opened and exposed at the end of the bed. I hear him removing his clothes as I sit there waiting anxiously. Then I hear him opening the bottle of lube and the sound it makes as he stokes his cock with it. My body is so tensed up I can feel him as he gets closer to me, then I feel his thumb on my hole pushing into me with lube, grunting a little with the pressure he's using to get it in me. He slides it in and out a few times, then I hear the lube bottle squeeze again and his thumb is back at my hole roughly pushing into me. My whole body is singing with nerves and anticipation of what is about to happen. He's going to put that fat cock in me again. I hear the lube bottle snap shut then his hands on my ass. "such a cute ass you have. You ready for me to fuck it?" "Yes" I hear myself say. "Okay just relax that hole, we will take it nice and easy". with that I feel his cock nudge up under my hole and feel the pressure as he starts to push, like the last time I feel his cock start to move up and catch on my hole. he grabs my hips tighter and pushes. I feel the head of his cock start to open me up taking a deep breath I let it out slowly and start to relax, I can feel his cock head stretching me open and then he hits my inner ring and stops. He keeps he steady pressure. "Relax that hole boy, lets get you fucked good!" with that I feel the sharp sting of him slapping my ass and like last time the unexpected pain takes my mind off the pain of his cock going in me, and like last time my inner ring opens and I feel him start to go in me. "Oh god! You are really going in me!" I hear myself say. "Yeah boy, take my cock! You have such a sweet ass, it feels so good and tight!" I feel his hips on my ass and know hes all the way in. He starts to move side to side opening me up even more. "Thats it boy, open that hole for me, I'm gonna fuck you now!" with that I feel him start to move in me. My hole opening more and more as he pulls out and pushes back in. Again I am amazed, that yes his cock does hurt but it also feels so good. I can really feel his cock in me, I can feel the head and ridges as it slides in and out of me. He starts to pick up the pace, I feel the sharp sting of his hand on my ass again. "Yeah boy take my cock, You like it?" "Yes I do, I really do like your cock in me". "Thats good, because I love fucking this ass!" he starts to pump harder, his hips slapping off my ass cheeks, I can hear the squishing of the lube as his cock pistons in and out of me. The moment catches me as I realize how hot this scene is. Me on the bed face in a pillow my hands gripping the sheets, my ass exposed and my top is behind me getting his pleasure from me. another sharp slap brings me out of my bliss and I realize how sore my hole is getting, but I don't want to stop yet. I am really liking this fuck. I feel him pull out of me and think that he must have realized I was getting sore, I start to pick my head up to tell him that he can keep going, when I feel something hot and wet hit me between the shoulder blades, then I feel it again up into my hair. I realize he's cumming! He's shooting his load on me! I feel it hit between my shoulder blades again, then a little lower. Then I feel him slapping his cock on my ass and hear him exhale. "Oh such a nice ass for fucking! You can bring it over anytime you want." "Thanks" I say, "I really enjoyed that! and you cumming on me was hot! It was cool to know I got you off." I start to get up and I can feel his load start to run down my back and into my ass crack. He looks at me and says, "You can shower up if you want, I got you a little messy there" He's laughing a little. "There's a clean towel on the rack. If we keep doing this I can make sure you have the shampoo and soap you like." I tell him. "Thanks, That would be really nice, and yes I do want to keep doing this. I honestly hope that you could be my regular guy, I don't like to sleep around and like to feel comfortable with one guy." "Well I would really like that too." he says.
  13. It would be a month before I would see him again. I spent the first week nursing a very sore hole and freaking out about barebacking with him. By the second week I was feeling more normal and okay about the experience. On the third week I started to feel the itch again, so I fired up the laptop at work and logged into squirt. I see an email so I check it out and see its from my regular FB. I feel the excitement as I open it, but then my quick high gets replaced by a shock. My buddy has moved out of town and will not be back. Saying he is sorry for not letting me know sooner. "well DAMN!" so now what? I am going to have to find a new FB. I start to look at the ads on squirt, but see a majority of them are bottoms as well, or just not my type. I decide to get on MH and see what's there I see I have a couple of emails from Manhunt, but also one from him. "Gotta say Hi! Sure did like fucking that cute ass of yours, and hope you will come put it in the air for me again". Just reading this makes my pants start to swell, but my big head takes over and says no! No more BB!! I start to look and see who is online and see whats available, but the whole time I am thinking to myself. "You have a guy that wants to fuck you, you really enjoyed his style of right to business". My little head wins out and I open his email again. Clicking on his email I hit reply. "Hi back, and thank you for emailing me. I am glad you like my ass. I really liked your cock even though it scared me a little. I would love to try again if you want to. I am still nervous about the bare thing, but I really liked how it felt." Clicking on send, I close my laptop and get back to work. The rest of the week flys by as work keeps me busy. The fourth week my itch is really strong. I am sitting at work feeling hornier than ever, I fire up my laptop and log into squirt, not seeing anything there, I get on MH and see I have email. Again a couple from Manhunt and one from him. "Hi Back! I know your a little nervous, but I really enjoyed fucking that ass of yours. Like I told you before, I am clean and I will not cum in your ass unless you want it. Would love to see your ass pointed in the air again though." I feel my cock swelling as I read his email and click reply before I can think too much about it. "I really want to try again and it really turns me on that you liked my ass so much, let me know when you are available again." Hitting send I turn back to my work PC and get some work done. About 10 min pass and I look back at my laptop and see a reply from him. "Bring that ass over now! I will put this dick in it!" Nervously I click reply and start to type. "Can break free now if you want, will take me about 10 - 15 to get there." Clicking send I feel my heart start to pump harder and my arms shake. Clicking refresh on my email looking for his reply I feel my anticipation start to rise a well as my nerves sky rocket. After about a minute of refreshing I see his reply. "Bring that ass over here. Not sure if you remenber how to get here, but here is my address: XXXX something St. You can park out front, I will be waiting!" I click reply "On my way!"
  14. Turning around I kneel on the floor with my head and chest on the couch, I hear him stroking his cock with the lube, then him saying "no that's not right, grab a pillow and put it on the floor, then put you face in it. Need your ass up higher for the right angle. Doing as he says I grab a pillow and put it on the floor, backing up I get down on my elbows and put my head on the pillow. "Perfect!" He says as he kneels behind me. I feel his thumb stroke my hole and I jump forward banging my head on the couch. "Easy" I hear him say "Just relax, you are really tense. This is not going to work if you don't relax. Take a few deep breaths, I'm gonna lube your hole." With that I feel his thumb stroke my hole again then pressure and I feel it pop in me. I let out a little groan as he slides it in and out a few times, he takes his thumb out and a few seconds later I feel the cold of more lube on my exposed hole and his thumb goes in again. "See boy, nice and easy. Keep relaxing, we are both going to love this." I feel myself start to move with his thumb as he pushes it in and out of me. Then without warning he pulls his thumb from my relaxing hole and I hear him wiping his hand on something. "Point that ass higher boy" he commands me. I arch my back down feeling my hole getting exposed more. "That's it, just like that, you have a sweet looking ass and I know I am going to enjoy fucking it." My head is swimming with thoughts about what is going to happen, how can I take that cock? My only experience so far has been a 5" cock and even thinner than and what I would consider average thickness. I feel myself start to tense up again, my back arches up. I feel his hands on the small of my back pushing it down. "Point that ass up!" He commands again. Gone is the gentle guy from earlier. He is in command now and I am here to take his cock. I agreed to it. I again arch my back down my hole again exposed to the air. Then I feel the head of that cock just below my hole. He grabs onto my hips and I feel him start to push. I try to reach back and guide him up but as I do I feel the head move up on its own, and catch on my hole. All the while he has kept steady pressure so his head immediately pops in me. I let out a small yelp as I feel the thickness stretch me like I have never been before. My back immediately goes up and I try to pull away. I feel his hand pushing on my lower back again. "Put that ass up boy! Open that hole for me!. Just relax it!" He's applying enough pressure that my back goes down again. I can feel him relentlessly pushing on my hole. My inner ring is resisting the girth of him, but he does not let up. He takes one hand from my back and smacks my ass. The sudden sting takes my mind off the onslaught of his cock on my ass and I feel myself open for him. His cock is suddenly buried in me. "That's it boy, you got all of me now, I told you it would fit." Through the haze of pain and burning that is concentrated in my ass I hear his praise. He tells me to breath deep and get used to him inside if me. He's not gonna move until my breathing calms down. With all my concentration being on the club that just got shoved into me I didn't realize I was almost hyperventilating. I hear him say "sorry I know that was sudden, but it's like ripping a band aid, better to get it over with quick." As my breathing starts to calm, I feel him moving his hips side to side, trying to open me more for him. Telling me how sweet my ass is and how tight I am. "You have a great ass for fucking" he praises me. "Yeah you are starting open up now, can you feel it?" And he's right, the pain and burning are going away and I can feel his cock in me, feel the head in me twitching. "I'm gonna start fucking you now." And with that I feel his cock move in me. Slowly pulling out then back in. The pain I had felt moments ago slowly going away, my hole opening itself to his movements. He keeps up the slow pace telling me how good my ass feels and he really is enjoying it. It's at this moment that I realize he's fucking me bareback, and it's a completely different feeling from what I have had before, yes his cock is much thicker, but I can truly feel his cock. Feel the ridge of his head as it moves in me. I also realize that even though I felt the burning when he went in, it's now gone. I always felt a little burning when I was fucked with a condom from begging to finish. He starts to pick up the pace and get a nice steady rhythm going. I find myself moving with him, truly enjoying the feel of his bare cock inside of me. "You have such a sweet hole he exclaims again. Can you see why fucking bare is so much better now?" Yes I hear myself saying. "This feels so much better, I never realized the difference." Yeah he says "this is how true men fuck." And with that he smacks my ass again and picks up the pace to start giving me a good pounding. He keeps up this steady pace for a while, but I start to feel pain at this point and my back arches up. He notices and asks "starting to hurt?" I turn back to look at him and say "yeah it is now" and with that he stops and pulls out of me with an audible pop. I can feel the cooler air in the room inside of me and know I must be gaping a little. He looks down at me and says "worked your hole open pretty good, I hope you enjoyed it a little at least." I roll over to sit and feel how tender my hole is as I sit on it. Looking up at him I tell him "yes I really did, I honestly thought it wasn't going to work, but once the pain went away, I loved the feeling of you in me. Thank you for stopping when I got sore too." " I told you I would stop if said you to or if you got sore, I could tell so I stopped. I want to do this again." Looking him in the eye. "So do I"
  15. So I find myself pulling into the parking lot of the agreed upon location. I can feel my upper body shaking with nerves. one part of me is so turned on at the thought of getting that itch scratched, while the other is yelling at me that he's going to fuck me bareback. As I am driving through the lot I realize that we never told each other what we are driving. I think to myself that this could be good, I can just leave and go back to work and if he ever asks I will just say I didn't know what you were driving. As that thought goes through, I also realize that I am not that guy. I agreed to meet, so I will see if I can figure out where he is. Well as it turnes out, the parking lot was not all that busy and there was only one guy in a car besides me. So I pull up next to him and he has his window down. he gets out of his car and walks over to mine. I see that he is average height and a little bit of a belly in his grey sweat pants and shirt. definitely older than me. (very turned on by that). Without even asking if I am who he is looking for, he asks."What do you think?" I look at him and I knew the answer before he even got out of his car. "Yes" I say. he replies, "Okay, follow me, I only live about 5 min away." He jumps back in his car and starts to lead me through the neighbourhood roads and I am following along with conflicting thoughts. "Man I really want to get fucked" "You can just make a turn and head back to work" "Keep following him" "TURN". As this is going on we are making turn after turn in the neighbourhood until he starts going down an alley. At this point I really freak out, wondering if I have made a really huge mistake. But then I realize that this is an older neighbourhood with garages on the back of the lots and walkways that lead to the house. I see a garage door open up ahead on the right and he makes the turn into the driveway into the garage. I pull in behind him and he is already out of the car. motioning for me to follow, I get out of the car and follow him through and up the walkway to the back of his house. I am just a bundle of nerves and trying to find my voice to say something.. anything.. He looks back at me and tells me to relax, everything will be okay. I suddenly find myself calming down and say "Thanks, I needed to hear that." I comment on how secluded his back yard is even with houses on either side. He tells me he loves it. He comes out once a day when the weather is good and strokes one off. And how much he loves the feeling of the open air and being naked. We get up to his patio and its even more secluded, he looks over at me and says this is his favorite spot to come out to and stroke his cock, nobody can see him. I smile relaxing even more. As commanding as he was about fucking bareback, he seems more gentle in person. He opens the sliding door and we walk into his basement. Its darker in the room, with the only light coming through the door. Their is a couch up against the wall with an entertainment center across from it, not much room for anything else in it. He walks to the other end of the couch and turns on a lamp to give a little more light, and immediately takes his sweatshirt off. I can see his belly with a good patch of hair going from his chest down to his waist line. I can feel my cock twitch at the sight of him. He catches me staring and says "Well how about you get those clothes off too." with that I start to undress, but still keeping my eyes on him. waiting to see what is hidden in his sweatpants. I am in the middle of pulling my pants down when he does the same. I am struck dumb as his cock springs out and I get my first glance at it in person. I blink a couple of times to make sure I am seeing it right. He stands up straight after getting his pants off all the way and asks if everything is okay. I realize I am still crouched with one leg out of my pants and one still in. I stammer "Yeah. I know you said you are thick in your ad, but wow! I didn't expect that. he gives a little laugh and says "Not to worry. it will fit." he starts to walk over to me as I finish undressing, I am still staring at the girth on his cock. I stand up straight and meet him in the middle of the couch. He reaches out and grabs my cock which has been twitching on its own and says, "Well I think he likes what he sees." I give a little nervous laugh. Then he says "Well don't just stare at it, grab it and get acquainted, he's going to be in you soon." With that I reach out and grasp his cock and again I am awestruck. Yes his cock is definitely 5.5" long but I just can't get past the thickness of it. I can't touch my middle finger to my thumb when I hold him in my hand. My mind is racing that I have this beautiful cock in my hand, I have never seen anything like it. It's not thick all the way around it's just really wide, at least 3" and the head doesn't taper at all. Its like a blunt end. I look up at him and tell him that I don't think I can take it, I have never been fucked by a cock like his. He puts his hands on my shoulders and starts to rub a little, looks me in the eye and says. "Just relax, I can see the tension in you, I bet your hole is puckering right now. You have to believe me when I say we can do this, I will take it nice and slow and if you say stop, then I stop, we both have to enjoy this." "I promise you this, your hole will take me, and I will make sure its enjoyable for both of us. And like I just said, if you say stop I will, whether its while I am going in or if you get sore, I will stop. I will also promise this, I will not cum in you ever, unless you ask me to." "You okay with that?" I nod my head yes at him and hear myself agree. He says "Okay then get down on the floor and put your ass in the air, I am going to fuck it!" I see him turn to the entertainment center and grab a bottle of lube that I didn't see earlier, he turns back and says "get down there and point that ass in the air boy!"
  16. So before I ever thought about an anon hotel experience, but after I had been fucked a couple times (always safe). I met the man who would truly teach me how to take a cock and also how to take it bare. I was at work doing my daily duties but feeling that itch again. The itch to be with a man. To this point I had been with a few guys, mostly just oral but had befriended a guy and he was the first to take my anal cherry. It was the same old same old with him. We find a time and place to meet up, start sucking each other, he would attempt to kiss me, I would shy away. (just a mood killer for me). go back to sucking in 69, then he would grab a condom and fuck until I shot a load, then he would cum and that would be that. Exciting at first, but always the same thing. I should also note that he was not what you would call endowed either, about 5" and and average on thickness. So back to that day at work. I was doing my daily thing but that itch was there and nagging at me. Now being in IT I know better than to start trolling websites and such on a work PC on the network. So I always brought my personal laptop with a generic computer name and hooked up to the guest wireless. (knowing the network gods don't filter that traffic). So I fire up my browser and get on squirt.org. But to my dissapointment my buddy is not online. I jump over to manhunt and start checking out who is on and I see an ad for a guy that I see quite often. His headline "just a top looking for a little fun" always caught my eye, but never never sent a wink or email. His bio read " Thick top here looking for a good bottom" Average height, weight, and claimed 5.5" thick and cut. Well from the pics I could see that yes he was at least 5+" but couldn't really tell on thickness from the angles of the shots. Status claimed "neg". Likes were pretty much down to oral and anal. My itch was getting stronger so I shot an email off to him. "Hey, hows it going? Bottom here looking for a little fun" and sent it off. I wasn't really expecting anything back since its very hit and miss on MH. So I turned back to my work PC and continued on for a while, after about 15 minutes I opened my laptop again and saw that he had replied. I felt that little jump of excitement and opened the email. It read "Howdy! Always looking for a good bottom. Available until 2 most days". I hit reply and said "Like the sound of that. I can usually take luch whenever I want and my time is flexible." Then the obvious question came. "You play safe?" I hit send and turned back to my work PC. A couple of minutes go by and I look back and see a reply from him. "I only fuck bare, no exceptions, I am clean and get tested regularly. Hope that is okay, if not, I understand and we can both move on." I felt an immediate let down. No way I was going to let a guy I don't know fuck me without a condom. I might think about my regular guy since we had been messing around for almost a year, but this? NO WAY! I replied "Thanks, but too risky to go bare, safe only for me." with that I logged off and closed my laptop. The itch would just have to wait. The next day I was again back at my computer and again the itch was there, but even stronger today. so like the day before, fired up the laptop, Squirt. "Dang! still not online!" manhunt. I see I have an email so I open it up. Its from him. "Hey no problem, like I said I completely understand your decision. Hope you find what you are looking for." I see that he is online so I hit reply. "Sure wish you would consider a condom, your cock looks really nice." Hey can't blame a guy for trying right? Before I even turn to go back to my work PC I see a reply from him. "LOL yeah it could be fun, but I can't and won't use a condom, its a shame too because that ass shot you have in your profile looks good." I hit reply. "Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it, but I just can't risk going bare. I am married." A few minutes pass, and I get his reply. "Understand and won't bug you about it, but if you change your mind, you know where to find me. Always available until 2 in the afternoon, start work at 3." With that last reply I close my laptop and push that itch down and get back to work. Another day at the office and working away, doing everything I can to ignore that itch. I know deep down that I need to scratch it, and sex with the wife won't give me the scratch I need. So again I fire up the laptop. squirt... Nope!.. Manhunt, he's online again. My mind starts racing with the options and what I want and need. I open his last email and hit reply. thinking might as well put it out there. "I really would like to get together, but I am very nervous about the bareback thing". And sent. A few minuted go by and I get a reply. "Completely understand. How about this, we can meet somewhere public and see each other, if we both like, we can come back to my house and go from there, I will not force anything on you that you do not want, but understand this. If you say yes, I will fuck you bare." My heart is thumping as I read his reply and I see my hands shaking as I hit the reply button. Thinking to myself, can't hurt to at least meet right. "Okay lets meet. I can leave now for my lunch as it's 11:00 am and that will give us time if we decided to go for it. I hit send and turn back to my work PC, too nervous to even look at my laptop. Knowing what I just agreed to. I finally get up the courage to look at my laptop and there is a reply from him. "Lets meet at 'undisclosed location' in 15 min, that enough time for you to get there? I only live 5 min from it." I hit reply and say 'Yes I can be there by that time, I will leave now." I hit send. I look at my hands and see them shaking. My head is screaming "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" Almost in a trance I feel myself locking my work PC and grabbing my keys then heading out the door. My body is shaking with nerves. I have basically just told a guy that he can fuck me bareback.
  17. Pt3 You're sitting on the bed, body is shaking with nerves thinking about what you just did. Looking around the room, you realize all the lights are still on. TV is still on. Jumping off the bed you start shutting off the lights. Grab the remote a turn the tv off. Walk into the bathroom and grab a hand towel leaving the light on you close the door until there is just a little crack of light. Grabbing the bottle of lube you usually use for stroking when watching xtube you place them on the bed. You walk to the door in a kind of trance almost like you are watching all this from another place, you open the door enough to unlatch it but still looks closed. You walk over to the bed and grab your laptop, shutting the lid. The room is dark except for the crack of light from the bathroom. Picking up your phone you open your email on it and hit refresh. Nothing from him yet. You lay on the bed naked, your cock hard under you. Body shaking with nerves. You refresh your email again and see he's replied. He says he's in the parking lot. What room number? You click reply and type the number in, but your finger is hesitating over the send button. It stays this way for over a minute as thoughts run screaming through your head. "This is what you want!" "I'm scared!" "You want this!". You click discard on the reply and see he has sent another one. He's in the lobby... Room #. Again you hit reply and type the room number, again the same battle plays in your head. This time though your finger moves and hits send. You realize what you have just done. There is no going back now. You lift your body up off the bed, arms are shaking so bad you can barely hold yourself up. You get your knees under you and can feel your thighs shaking. You ass is now in the air you can feel the cool are in the room on your hole and you feel the rush of how vulnerable you are in this position. Reaching forward you grab a pillow and put you face in it . Not even ten seconds go by and you hear the door to the room open, pulling your head up a little you see the light from the hallway flooding the room. Putting your head back down you hear him walking in, the door shutting. Your body is shaking like crazy with nerves, your legs feel like jello and you have to concentrate to keep them up and in position. Through all this you hear him removing his clothes. The sound of his shoes coming off mixed with his belt opening and the distinct sound of the zipper going down. You hear his pants hit the floor then what you take for his shirt coming off and joining his pants. You feel the bed move as he climbs up behind you. Then it happens, you feel his hand on your ass rubbing your cheeks up to your lower back. Your body jumps on the contact, but it also calms you to know that he's not just going to rape you right off. One hand slips down and starts to massage your balls and cock. While the other travels over your exposed hole, you hear yourself emit a little moan of please as he works your cock and balls. Then something happens that you have never even thought of. You feel the wetness of his tongue and the stubble of his beard on your ass, his tongue probes into your crack and makes contact with your hole. You jump a little with the sensation, but he grabs your cheeks and spreads them open, and you really feel his tongue on you. Licking your hole and slightly penetrating. You hear yourself groaning at the pleasure this brings you. Never expecting to feel this at all. The tension in your body starts to ebate and you feel everything in you start to relax. You feel the pressure of his tongue and you hole yields to it and you feel yourself open up to it. A little laugh almost escapes from you as you realize that some guy has his tongue up your ass, but then you feel him start to really work your hole with it and all thought just goes away, in its place the most primal feeling you have ever had in your life takes over. You want his cock in you! And you want it now! As if he can read your mind he pulls back and starts rubbing your hole again with his finger. Then you hear the top of the lube bottle pop open and your mind starts wandering again. You are thinking to yourself. "I am on a bed in a hotel room, lights off, naked with my ass in the air. There is a man behind me, ready to mount me. He is going to put his cock inside of me". You feel your whole body flush at this thought. You are giving yourself over to him for his pleasure. You feel your cock twitch at the thought of how primal this is, two men fucking. You are a man about to let another man fuck you. You are pulled back from your thoughts by a question from him, the first words spoken by either of us. You realize you didn't hear what he said so you ask him to repeat his question. He asks if you are still okay with bareback, without any hesitation you reply yes. You hear him stroking his cock with the lube, then feel his slicked up fingers on your hole getting it ready, you feel a finger enter you and you groan with pleasure at the feeling of it. Realizing what is going to replace the finger you start to tense up and the nerves start to take over again. You can hear him wiping his hand on the towel, then feel the bed move as he gets into position behind you. He starts to rub your ass again, his touch calming you a little. Then you feel it. The head of his cock brushes your hole. You tense up even though you know what's about to happen. He's still rubbing your ass with one hand while the other is holding his cock up to your hole. You feel him start to apply pressure and you think to yourself. No way it's going to fit in there. But then you feel your hole start to open for him. He keeps steady pressure and you realize the head has gone in, but it's stopped. He talks for the second time telling you to just relax and no tense up. He will take it nice and easy. You feel his word start to calm you a little. All the while he has kept the steady pressure going, you start to feel yourself opening for him. Little by little you feel your inner ring expand to let him in. You can feel his cock as it slowly starts to enter you. You feel him grab your hips as as he increases the pressure and your hole opens even more for him. Then next thing you realize, you can feel his body pressed up against you. He asks if you are okay, and you hear yourself saying yes. But in your mind you are saying, I just let a man I have never met put his cock in me raw. Part of you is so turned on at the thought, while another is freaking out. Before you can think of much more you feel himself start to move in you. Slowly pulling out and then pushing back in. You feel your hole start to relax and really open up for him. The pain you felt when he was pushing into you is being replaced with a feeling of fullness and also some pleasure. He starts to move a little faster. Pulling out then back in, with each stroke your hole opens more for him. He has one hand on your back while the other reaches around to feel your cock. You jump at the sensation, your cock twitches as he grabs it and strokes a couple of times. He leans back up and grabs your hips again and starts into a steady rhythm of fucking you. He starts to moan and tell you how good it feels to have is cock in a mans ass bare. And he does not know how long he can last as the feeling of it is getting him close. You tell him how turned on you are by the thought of making him cum and that you love the feeling of his raw cock in you. He grips your hips and tells you he can't hold out much longer, then asks you where you want him to cum. You hear yourself say "in me" before you even realize what you have said , he grabs your hips and pushes all the way in you and starts to moan. You feel the base of his cock throb and feel the wetness of his cum as he shoots it inside of you. You feel his cock moving in short little strokes as he fills your hole with his seed. He starts to massage your back as his orgasm subsides and he starts to move his cock in band out of you again, you can feel how slick you are from his cum inside of you. His cock lubed with it now. His breathing slowly returns to normal. Then you feel him pull out and chilled air in the room hits your hole. Then you feel something running down your balls and realize some of his cum has leaked out. You feel your whole body start to relax and realize just how tensed up you were. You slide forward to lay on your stomach, he lays not to you. He asks if that it okay. And that he knows that this was supposed to be anon cum n go, but really wants to make use I enjoyed it. You roll over on your side and tell him yes, you really enjoyed it. He tells you how much he liked it raw with you and it had been so long since had fucked anyone bareback. He gets up off the bed and goes into the bathroom to clean up. Then comes out, puts his clothes back on. You roll back on your stomach and he leaves. You lay there with a million thoughts going through your head. But the one that stands out the most both makes you feel satisfied and scared at the same time. You just let a guy that you have never met fuck you bareback, and you let him cum inside of you.
  18. Pt2 Your ad is posted and you feel the rush of anticipation, and some doubt of who will reply or if anyone will at all. You have your email open in one tab and open another and decide to check out xtube. You do a search for anon bareback and start watching some videos of me fucking raw and primal. Your own cock is throbbing with a need of its own, you start to play with your hole thinking how you want to be the bottom in the scenes you are watching. It all looks so hot to you, but you know how afraid you are to think about another man entering you bare. You check your email tab and see that there are three emails, your heart starts pumping as you look at them. Opening the first one you read "Still looking?" And nothing else. The second is a younger guys with stats that sound impressive, but no pic to back it up. You open the third and start to read, guy your age looking for his first experience with another guy, wants to take it slow. Also wants to make out and maybe some oral. As you are reading you see another email in your inbox. You quickly open this one and find its a guy a little older than you. About the same build, but bigger cock with a picture to prove it. Your heart is racing over this one and you have clicked reply before you even realize what you are doing. Fingers flying over the keyboard asking if he's looking for what you described in the ad. And if looking for tonite. You click send before the big head starts telling you what to do. You immediately start clicking refresh on your email expecting instant gratification. Other emails pop in, but you ignore them, looking for his reply to you. A minute or two goes by and you see a reply from him. Yes he is looking for anon dark room. The thought really turns him on, he also really needs to cum badly tonite. He asks where you are staying. Also wants to know if you want safe or bareback. You hit reply and tell him the hotel name and general location, pausing on the last question. You think for a few minutes, then just start typing. Love the thought of Bareback and would love to try it, but concerned about catching something. You admit you are married and really want feel what a real cock feels like, but are afraid. Your body is shaking a little as you hit send. You again start the refresh of your email. Knowing it will take some time for a reply, or you might not even get one at all if what you said turns him off. But his reply takes even less than the first. He tells you that he normally only plays safe, but would love to feel his cock in a nice hole without the condom. He understands your concerns and will leave it up to you. He knows where the hotel is and lives about ten minutes away. You click reply again and your fingers hover over the keyboard fighting an inner battle of which way to go. You know what you want! You know you won't be satisfied! You start typing that you really want Bareback and want to know what it's like to have a cock in you without the condom on. You click send before you can stop yourself. Less than a minute goes by this time and his reply is in your inbox. He says okay lets do it bareback and he's ready to come now, just tell him okay. You heart is pounding now, the thought of him fucking you has you so excited and nervous all at the same time, you click reply and type okay clicking send without even thinking about it. You push the laptop away and think to yourself, this is it, you just set up the fantasy you have always wanted. You look at your hands and they are shaking with the nerves going through your body. You look back at the laptop and see he has replied. You open the email and it says. "On my way"
  19. So you find myself on the road again, away from home, the wife, the kids. You love them dearly and have an incredible sex life. But as usual when you are on the road you start having the fantasies about being with a man. Not the all out body rubbing, kissing, making out, stroking, sucking, and eventually fucking. No you want the straight up top man taking control and using you for his pleasure. You want an anonymous man to fuck you. So after you first day of work is finished you grab a bite to eat and then head to the hotel. You get showered up and settle on the bed, call the wife and kids to check in and see how things are going. Once that is done, you fire up the laptop and start cruising the CL ads in that area. You see the usual thing of older guys looking for younger guys. jocks looking for jocks. The only thing that really changes is the pictures of cocks and holes. You see a couple of ads for guys wanting an anon scene and this gets you excited, this is what you are wanting also. You have seen these ads posted before, but they always turn you on. A guy offering himself up for any stranger to come and use him for their pleasure. You can picture the scene in your head. Guy on the bed with his ass up and hole exposed. blind folded so he can't see who is using him. You start asking yourself why don't you post an ad for that? you know you want that exact thing. But as usual the big head chimes in and says no! Its too risky. but the little head is more persistent than usual. You find yourself in the accounts area of the CL ads, clicking on the Casual Hookups/M4M section. Then you are typing in the subject of "Bottom Looking for Top". Describing the same scene you have read about in many of the other ads you have looked at. Anon top wanted for dark room fuck. Ass up on bed ready for you to pound me. Cum n Go. and so on. Finishing with you can host in hotel room. Your finger is hovering over the mouse button on your laptop pausing before clicking on Publish. Your heart is racing and you click it. Its done. You have posted an ad for your fantasy to happen.
  20. Thanks for the answers guys.. I was curious to see if anyone else felt the wetness... I've never felt a tops cock throbbing though, maybe im concentrating too hard trying to feel the load
  21. There have been quite a few guys that have bred me and I didn't feel it. But I do have a couple of regular FB's that when they do shoot their loads in me, I can feel it. My question is, when you can feel the load, how does it feel to you? For me, I feel the wetness of it and it always feels cooler than my own body temp. My one regular FB never moans or grunts when he shoots it in me, but always asks if I'm ready for it. Then a couple of pumps later I get that cool wet feeling in me. Is it the same for you guys? Just curious..
  22. Just left the local video store. I was only planning on stopping in for some poppers, but once I was in I decided to check out the arcade. Bunch of older guys in the back just trolling, but I bought some tokens so figured I might as well use them. Walked into one of the larger booths letting the guys know I wasn't adverse to company. Dropped my tokens in and started some BB porn up.. I dropped my shirts and started stroking. Pretty soon one of the older guys peeks in and sees me stroking with my ass just hanging out. He comes in and locks the door. Drops his shorts and starts stroking his 6" cock and running his fingers up and down my crack. I turn around and drop to my knees to start sucking his cock getting it nice and wet, he lets out a moan and whispers how much he's enjoying it, but really wants to feel my hole around it. So I unwrap my new bootle of poppers while standing up and bend over the tine bench in the booth, I take a deep hit and tell him to fuck me. I hear him spit in his hand and feel his wet fingers on my hole then the head of his cock. I take another deep hit as he starts pushing in, feeling my hole relax I soon feel his gut against my ass cheeks.. He grabs my hips and starts pumping my hole like he needs to cum quick. All too soon he's grunting and I feel that internal squishing as his cock is unloading in me. He keeps it in me for a minute making sure I get his whole load as I milk him with my muscles. We pulls out, we bot pull up our shorts, nod to each other then leave.. Not too bad for quick one at the ABS.
  23. What's a good way to get your hole relaxed without poppers? For me I know if I don't inhale a some poppers before my top mounts me, I feel a sharp pain as he pokes me for the first time.. Any good remedies or techniques you guys know about?
  24. I agree with barebacker... Once you get the feeling of a cock inside of you, it stays with you... I also fantasize about taking a cock in me when I am having sex with my wife, and when I shoot in her, I'm thinking its the load going in me. I have a steady fb I go to that tops me bare when I need that feeling of being taken..
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