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Everything posted by PleaseDestroyMe

  1. @Scorpion you should atleat come back to finish off this stroy or any you left on done, so your full vision is inderstood by all, this is my fav stroy on here, i wish it would go on.
  2. the riskier the sex, bigger the rush, and the hooter it is. I dont like to get fucked by neg guys
  3. you want me im weilling to take ever drop of yoru POZ seed

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PleaseDestroyMe


      i need some fun evil tops to use and ruin me :), ineed verbal tops


    3. TwinkChaserSlut


      Have you ever had any full blown?

    4. PleaseDestroyMe
  4. i need to find a good all bb bath i can take dirty seed
  5. I want to be that boy, i wish this story was complet, it is my dream
  6. you into smashing neg holes in


    1. TwinkChaserSlut


      I will gladly smash it! 👅

    2. PleaseDestroyMe


      you can smash my neg hole anytime, i only btm for POZ men so i need to find more so badly, im regreting agreeing to this rule, but a deal is a deal.


  7. if you ever in my areaplease fuck me full of that scorpion cum, sir.



    1. PleaseDestroyMe


      i wanan get pozed like the boy in wasted youth, that my dream fantasy

    2. PleaseDestroyMe


      this story is the best I wish there was more to it. I want Scorpion to do this to me take me to a club and make this happen

  8. problemis he doe snot write so these cant be finsihed, he should pass the incompletone to a arhter that can finish his great work
  9. Anyone no What his web page is or how i can messege him, i cant meesge him on here?
  10. what teh web site how do i ask
  11. why is this story not finished, if it abandond, someone pickit up, this is a good one and need to be completed. was last updated in 2017, 4yr ago.
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