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  • Gender
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    Cumdump taking anon loads.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Submissive cum dump with insatiable urge to be used by horny men for their pleasure and to serve them with both my holes, Taking anon loads at hotels, bathhouses, beaches, cruise spots. Face down ass up, blindfolded or hooded. Traveling often and collecting loads in all the places I visit. Love to get whored out, preferably restrained and blindfolded no loads refused. Getting fucked in public while people watch is a desire yet to be realized.
  • Looking For
    Tops for pump and dump scenes. Dom tops to whore me out. Gang bangs.

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  1. i will be there. staying at congress for three night, looking forward to countless loads of cum in both my holes 😈
  2. On Mon Nov 14, 2022 planning to get a room during monthly cumunion event at Steamworks and make both holes available to willing tops for creaming. Will wear a hood with mouth opening only, at least at the beginning. Hood covers my eyes fully, so first few loads will be anonymous. Not a regular cumdump, so not sure how many loads I can take in my manpussy, but will gladly swallow as many as are offered. Any loads that are provided will be considered a birthday gift and highly appreciated.
  3. I am in a Chicago suburb, so we can organize it if you want. I can get a motel room and wait for you ass up with a hood on.
  4. Celebrating my birthday with a (gang) bang! Will be taking loads in a motel on Roosevelt Rd in suburbs starting Fri (Nov 12) around 3 PM until my pussy can't take any more. Free parking available, easy to get to. Will ask for room on the ground floor for easy access. Pump and Dump only, no hanging out or foreplay - get hard, stick it in, plow my hole, flood it and leave - Cum and Go. I will be either on my back with legs in the air or ass up face down, whichever the breeder prefers. Any additional details will be shared via direct messaging. No drugs! No filming!
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