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Everything posted by Safer

  1. I don't understand what you mean. I was asking if the test result is right if it's before the 3 month windows period on the box from the last time I had sex. I am currently in an exclusive relationship but neither of us are on prep so while I trust and care about him alot I just want to be sure I don't have it. I also plan to go on prep after this so I need conclusive results.
  2. Would it still be right if I fucked before the 3 month window?
  3. I just took an oraswab test and confused by the results. Am I neg or poz?
  4. Weren't you with three guys?
  5. Did you get tested yet? That will be the first step.
  6. Get tested, if neg then go on prep
  7. What is the "seamier" side of sex?
  8. In the ass and/or mouth?
  9. I wouldn't say that since almost every female has the biological potential to get pregnant, while hiv requires the person to both have the virus in them, and not be medicated for it. Getting a woman pregnant is certainly easier than catching hiv.
  10. You got fucked by 150 guys in only 5 days? How do you even find that many guys so quick?
  11. As someone who is frightened of hiv and think about all the time, you can't catch hiv or many stds with a rubber. If you are afraid of being stealthed then assume the top position when you have protected sex. When you are a bottom you are vulnerable to being tricked but as a top you can be sure that protection is being used. And if you decide you want to go bare, the risk is much lower for a top which can be lowered much more with prep.
  12. Hey, just wanted to ask since it says you are poz. Did you get it from topping or have you bottomed some in the past?
  13. Yes. I have no interest in going to bathhouses though and bloodslams are definitely out. I am just concerned what the likelihood of me getting pozed is or if it's highly likely I already have been.
  14. I don't go to bathhouses or have sex in public places. I have only barebacked a bf and a few one night stands here and there that said they were on prep.
  15. I am circumcised and I have no plans of bottoming anytime soon (if ever). I heard about prep but I think that is expensive and it might have side effects, I have a weak stomach for drugs.
  16. What test did you have that detected it? Urine or swab?
  17. Was the gono in your cock or ass?
  18. You have been fucked by 60 cocks and didn't poz?
  19. I have been looking around the internet and researching and everywhere I see it says black people are at higher risk of catching HIV but it doesn't necessarily explain why.
  20. Oh wow. And you are still neg? We're you on prep at one time?
  21. Cool. How many guys have bred you if you don't mind me asking?
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