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Everything posted by starlads

  1. So sorry to see the blog pause for a while, Josh. Not only were your vids really horny, but your writing was also thought provoking. Your blog, along with other factors, has encouraged my partner and I to step into the world of barebacking, a world we thoroughly enjoy. Assuming that many of the foul comments you receive are from other gay guys, I find it astonishing that members of a community who are still so often judged by their own sex lives take it upon themselves to judge you and the rest of us by ours. I fucking hate condom nazis! Just to let you know, in support of you, we are considering starting our own barebacking blog to chronicle our own barebacking journey. Thanks for the inspirtation, matey. Good luck and I hope to see you writing and posting hot vids again very soon.
  2. I've been with bf for 10+ years now and we started off as monogamous. We then joined hook-up sites and started having guys over for threeways and, in the last few years, started fucking other guys without the annoyance of condoms. More recently, I've discovered that I'm a real voyeur. I love my partner and I to arrange for anonymous guys to come over and fuck him in a separate room to me. When i hear the action getting going, I creep out of my room and perv at what's going on through a crack in the door - all without the other guy knowing. Nothing hotter than seeing my bf getting high on poppers whilst some stranger bangs a load into him. Sometimes, we'll arrange for a number of guys to come over and unload in him then, when they're gone, I'll enter his room and give him a final lot of cum. Hot as fuck!
  3. Just something I've noticed over the last couple of years and I wonder if anyone else has, too. Historically speaking, the gay community or, should I say, some of its communities, have been reknowned for their sexual freedom and absence of any form of judgement when it comes to the private lives of others. Indeed, if you look at such historical figures in the gay movement, such as Jean Genet, they revelled in the title of being referred to as "sexual outlaws", so I guess many of our folk would have found it somewhat hypocritical to cast pronouncements on the sexual mores and tastes of others. However, just by speaking to some gay friends and by reading a number of articles and comments in the gay press, I've noticed a cultural shift in gay circles where the homos seem to be clammering to be more puritanical than the last! Bareback fucking is a definite taboo for many of the gays that I speak to but, more than that, I'm noticing a general intolerance emerging to those who use hook-up sites such as bbrt and Grindr; check out some of the comments to this article: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2012/04/10/comment-addicted-to-grindr/ It would appear that those who sit in judgement of us MANY users of such facilities see us as shallow and an underbelly to be castigated. These judgemental homos seem so keen to become assimilated into the wider, heterosexual theatre that they are all too willing to tread on their fellow gays that don't want to comform, that don't want to apologise, that want to take cock and fuck arse and want to feel nothing other than pride in doing so. I think we, as a community, need to reclaim that identity in being different from heteros, to refuse any equality that might come our way so long as we pretend to be like the other "nice" straight automatons out there, stop referring to our parades as generic "Mardis Gras", but return to the title of "Pride", and, like Genet, jealously guard out title as "sexual outlaws". If others don't like the way we fuck, then fuck them! Rant over - apologies, but needed to get this off my chest, lol!
  4. gaydar.co.uk/starlads
  5. Just wondering how many other barebacking couples are out there and how you organise yourselves, logistically. I love to get my bf blindfolded and arrange for anonymous fucks to let themselves in and join in the fun before they leave and new ones arrive. He rarely knows who has fucked him. So, I kinda fill in the gaps with the bf whilst we are waiting for the other tops and will intermittently use the laptop or iphone to arrange other guys to come over later in the day. The most we have had, to date, is six consecutive guys and I always finish off in my partner's sloppy hole. Any other long-term couples into anonymous barebacking; either together or on their own? Also, how do other "lone-tops" view fucking a couple?
  6. Thanks to everyone who has responded to our question, both publically and privately. From all the comments we received we feel that we are making the informed decision, at the moment, to not deliberately chase the bug. This does not mean that we will give up barebacking! Instead, we'll just carry one as we are and hope we stay lucky. Obviously, there is still a chance that we will still test positive just by sero-sorting, but I guess it's all about the intention, right? Thanks again, everyone!
  7. Hi all! First of all, I'd really like to thank rawtop for this fantastic website - not only is it really informative, but it's also so hot reading what everyone else is up to. My bf and I love bareback fucking and have been doing it for years, not only with each other, but with other guys that we pick up. We've kina been sero-sorting and, whilst I know it's not a fool-proof way of staying safe, so far, so good. However, recently, we've taken our fantasies to another level and have talked about taking all loads - including poz ones. Whilst this is really hot to think about, especially when fucking each other, I was just curious as to what positive life is like and whether it is worth being open to all loads. Some people I've spoken to have said that they just take one pill a day and that they don't expect any real reduction in life-expectancy, but other have said how they are not afflicted with different ailments and regret contractiing HIV. Basically, I'd just like to know what your guys' take is on the issue, so that we can, at least, make an informed decision to take all loads. Thanks for any responses we get!
  8. Really want to fuck my bf's ass using cum from used condoms as lube. Anyone care to share their seed with us? PM for our address :-)
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