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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by UKFFBBBtm

  1. My husband and I realised and admitted to ourselves over the weekend that we have a drug problem and are now going sober. I never expected to get into this position but after going through it I can see how easy it is to become an addict. 

    1. londaybaaz


      Nice decision 

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Honey, yeah it's a good decision which needs much strength - I wish you all the best for upcoming year. 

      My first boyfriend was an addict (heroin) and we faced that path together -I never got drugs though- he worked hard, and he fell down again after 2001 September 11th.

      Others can say what they want but success is when YOU face the addiction with yourself and do all what's possible to get out of the issue.

      You can succeed. My former partner's now completely sober, it's 16 years by now, he's even given up smoking and we still are close friends. 

      Let me give you a hug and I recommend, face it head-on and fight. You can win, believe it! You are two, you can face this path together and overcome obstacles that you'll find.


  2. Anyone know who this bottom is in this vid. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/73526/2-big-dicks-breeding-2-holes/ The top is Viktor Rom, but can't find the bottom on his site.
  3. In London from late afternoon looking to take some loads if any up for breeding me
  4. So Fucking Hot There needs to be more chapters
  5. It's rude to spit
  6. This last one has expired can you reinvite
  7. How coild you stop there
  8. Why does this never happen for me
  9. Looking for some horny and kinky chat. Telegram, Teleguard, session, whatsapp. DM me

  10. So fucking jealous of you. Nice one mate. Hope for a video next time.
  11. Feel free to add me for groups and horny chat UKFFBBBtm
  12. Here [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/60064/hotel-room-orgy-pt-1/
  13. What was he high on?
  14. He's called Skye Porter [think before following links] https://x.com/skyep0rter
  15. I have the video on my external hard drive. If no one has commented by time I get home from work, I can let you know later.
  16. Outside a classroom at school when I was a teenager after being sent out of class for some reason.
  17. Husband and I are visiting Orlando soon and wondered are there any good bath houses/saunas to visit in Orlando or anyone up for meeting
  18. Due to the size and density of it, it will likely cause them to want to take a look, but they'll be no issues
  19. Don't you just hate looking at a profile, seeing amazing cock pics then read their a bottom. So misleading and annoying
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