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(Note: this is a completely fictitious blog entry. How could any of this be true?) It’s been a little over a year since my last report. I thought I might just delete this account. I thought I would delete it when I finally stopped . . . well, everything. I now understand that I can’t but more importantly I don’t want to. the training has continued. Here’s an example of a typical lesson. I was on my way to wok, determined to get there and not fuck around. But driving has always been a bit of a turn on. Love driving naked when I can. So driving is stimulating. I found myself opening my zipper as the trucks drove by on the highway. Hy hand passed over the damp mound of my cock in my tightly-whiteys. My finger slipped under the elastic and under my balls and brushed over my hole. I pulled my hand out as a car passed and sniffed the musty scent on my fingers. Not a shitty smell, but a musty man must smell. I also realized my ass was a little sore from the training the day before. I reasoned to myself that a quick DM chat with the boss would be fine. Not a problem. Here’s the transcript: Me: Gm. How’s it going? I’m on the way to work and just noticed that my ass is a bit sore from yesterdays workout. Him: Gm. Doing okay. That sounds like something to have your doctor look at. Are you taking the time to do that this morning? I have some time open for walk ins this morning. (For some reason that message made me a bit uncertain, almost dizzy) Me: I have some meetings today and can’t really mess around too much today. Him: I understand. You want to mess around but have a limited window. You should be taking the time to look after your anal health you know. I understand if you can’t stop by but I’m here if you decide to. That time I heard it with my entire brain . The trigger phrase “taking the time”, an old post hypnotic suggestion that is a command to stop holding down the part of me that wants to play. The imp inside that always always wants it and is never yet satisfied. Sometimes I regret sharing it with him. I messaged a few more times and said I really could not today. No response from him. “Fucker” I thought. As I got closer to my office (and His place) I got more and more nervous. Anxious. Thoughts racing. Yes. No. You don’t have to. No, you don’t, but you want to. I stopped the car. I got my bag of tricks out of the car. I walked up to the back door of his house, knocked, and walked in. “Hey Doc. You still have an opening for me?” He is sitting at the dining table with a scatter of tools and party favors all around him. He smiles and starts bantering about releases and HIPPA forms. “You did sign the multi-function total consent form the last time you were here, right?” I’m standing nervous and awkward in the doorway to the kitchen. “I honestly can’t remember.” ”Well, you did. Here, start with a big hit of this. You will feel better about yourself.” He hands me a mini-water bubbler with a globe full of sparking white rocks. I take it and the mini blow torch. Click. I watch the shards melt and the vapors start to rise and then I exhale and gently inhale for a full 40 seconds. He’s watching my face intently. “Hold it. Hold it.” I hold it for a good half minute. “Exhale.” I exhale, but only a pale whiff of a cloud. “You didn’t get any.” With the exhale I can feel the tension falling out of my body. I smile. “Yes I did, it’s just all in my lungs.” He says “Again.” I repeat the breathing treatment twice more but the third time, I only hold a second and spew giant ass white clouds out into the room. He is smiling. I’m feeling my nipple through my shirt. I realize I’m feeling my nipple through my shirt and just decide there is no reason to be wearing it. I put the equipment down and slip off my shirt. I am feeling calm cool collected and sexy as fuck. I rub my hands over my chest and then pick up the pipe and torch again. I offer it to Him and he laughs and declines. I light up again and take a big hit. The world is narrowing. I realize I would really love some cock, but don’t quite know how to ask. I offer him the tools again he refuses with a smile and I wonder what he put on the mouth of the pipe. ”Hey, did you dose me?” It’s possible I’m slurring but I’m not so sure. “Time for your exam. Drop your trousers and bend over.” He slides his chair around and waits expectantly. This is fun. I like this game. Unbuckle belt open fly and pull pants and briefs down to my ankles. I waddle forward and a big glop of precum slobbers out my pee hole. We both watch it drip in slow motion to the ground. I bend over and across his lap. He adjusts. My shoes are still on so my legs are tangled and awkward. I have no purchase and my hole is spread wide. The cool air in the room is making it pucker. I hear him spit. I hear him say “this might burn at first.” And something a little jagged is pushed into my butt. It feels like he used three or four fingers. I jump and squirm. “Hold still, just one more minute.” I can feel his cock underneath me growing. It is big. His finger/fingers stay inside me. He taps once, twice, three times on some secret button and I moan. “Fuck, fuck, fuck”is all I can manage. And the world is suddenly exactly as it should be. “Do you have your poppers today? He asks. I nod and actually drool a little. I slide off his lap. He makes it hard to do. Knees, shoes, cocks, precum. I’m crawling on the floor to my bag. Ass is in the air. I retrieve my poppers and wait for what is next. to be continued ?
Human clinical trials approved in the DC area on a possible cure for HIV. Interesting to see the advancement of the research made in the treatment of HIV. While this might not be the final solution to curing HIV, it's definitely a large step forward. Read the article here: Potential HIV cure approved for a human clinical trial, LGBTQ Nation
My first attempt at a story plus English isn't my first language, so please have some patience with me: ‐-------------‐--- Part 1: After 10 years of practice as a general practitioner, I decided to widen the scope of my services to interesting group of people with a particular fetish - the so-called bug chasers. You see, I'm your ordinary MD, 36 y.o., 145 lbs at 6'0", skinny, slightly muscular build, brown hair and green eyes. Of course I couldn't legally operate the business and announce my services in official medical boards and bulletins. Instead, I started offering my services on various hard-core BDSM and bug-chasing web sites, offering both office and home visits to my clients. Having the virus for 3 years now and being, at blood type 0 the universal donor, I am always ready for assistance to those in need for a conversion. My first call of the day was a home visit to a desperate wife, age 30, whose man, now 32, was HIV+ for one year now, and since she was still negative and remained so after his results came back, was now more and more desperate, after their sex life was getting less and less frequent and satisfying and she was reacting particularly bad to the PrEP, he to the HIV medication. After some counselling in which she voiced her strong desire she can't live without him and want to share his fate, I advised her that we can infect her with one or two strains of the virus as fast as possible, so that the progress of the disease will match each others, quoting the possibility of double strain infection that we can attain by injecting her with just a tiny bit of his husband's blood (though blood type incompatible) if mine was not strong enough. After getting through all the risks and outcomes of such a decision and getting her consent once again, I sit on the bed close to her, put up her sleeve, choked her arm with the rubber band I took from my medical bag together with the still sterile and capped injection set, placed it into a tray next to her, took out the alcohol and a swab, swabbed her arm veins, uncapped the point, pricked myself and drew around 2ml of my blood, found her vein, asked her for one last time and, seeing her nod and looking into her eyes for one last time, inserted the blood red needle into her vein and pushed the plunger. I withdrew the needle, put the cotton and band aid to the injection site, raised her hand slightly and undid the rubber band. She reported a slight second burning sensation, which I commented as normal, repeated in short the likely future of her case and made an appointment for her HIV test in two weeks, just in case she will be asymptomatic. I had to hide my raging hard on I get from thinking about spreading our ranks. Before two weeks time, she called me into my office to report a particularly bad case of flu symptoms. A week after her Elisa test, I was happy to inform her about her new acquired status. End of Part 1.
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- bloodslam
- bloodslams
- (and 5 more)
If so, how did it go? Interesting to see if there were any doctors or medical students on this site to see what their perspectives are, given that it's a little ironic, but things have changed with the advent of PrEP.
“Pretty up north, there’s an industrial city. Most factories are closed now, its often so cold up there that if you wanna cruise there is only one place you can go, the Sewer Sauna. Its probably one of the biggest sauna of the state, open 24/7, dirty and smelly and pretty much past its glory. It has one of the biggest dark room youll ever find and in that dark room there’s a guy named the Poz Throll. He almost never show up in the light, legends says he’s aids is so advanced he looks like a crossing between a zombie and, as he’s name implies, a throll. He only stays in the dark room where he can breed without been seen and only enters other rooms to breed guys that are unconscious or too drunk to see and resist him. One of this guys I met at the aids research centre said to have talked to him. He told me bout fainting in one of those private rooms and waking up to the throll breeding him. When the throll realised he was awake he was ready to run away back to the safety of the dark room, but my friend, like the disgusting toxic dumpster he is, told him to finish he’s job. After my friend got he’s highly toxic aids shot, they started to talk and the Throll told him he’s story. Now I don’t claim this story is real, its maybe more urban legend than anithing, but I think its worth some of your time, so seat down, finish your drink and listen.. I know what your thinking. How can somethign so sick and ghostly ever been something more than a toxic piece of meat. Believe it or now, I’m only 38 and I used to be pretty differen from how you see me now. My name was doctor Peter Mahindra and I used to work at the Saint Ophelia’s University Sexual Health Clinic. I was working there while finishing my research at the university, studying the diffusion of STDs. I had my hands full and had a very limited social life. I knew since my first breath I was gay, there was no denying that, but I grew up in a conservative family with a hypochondriac mother. I grew up with the fear of sicknesses, especially AIDS. Its funny I would end up studying the thing that scared me the most and eventually work with people who where positive. I rarely had sex, always pretended to see the HIV exams from my partner and used condoms. I was a bottom back than. I had a very reserved and I’d say boring sex life. The only concession I gave myself was wearing my pink electric jock strap from time to time to work. I only did it to have the illusion of being a young attractive bottom... but that was the most extreme thing I ever did... wear a jock strap to work.... a jock strap no one had seen... or at least that I thought. It was around the second year of my work there that I came in for my morning shift and he was there. A man on he’s 40’s, tall bald white with cold blue eyes... I’d say sort of slightly muscular yet thin... he stand out from the rest of the patients awaiting their exams from he’s clothes. Extremely long leather boots with red laces, rubber shiny pants with some red details, an old school leather jacket with a skull and biohazard symbol in the back and leather fingerless gloves. He looked like someone who slitted troths to make a living. I felt treathned by him and he must have sensed that, I could feel those cold blue eyes over my body, examining me... I had the feeling he could tell I was wearing a jock and had... perverted desires hidden in my head. I entered my examination room and hoped I would not have to deal with him... until eventually I called a name, Markus, and he appeared. He entered the room and set there, looking at me as a murder looks at he’s next victim... he’s eyes red with bloody veins yet so cold and dead with those blue piercing stones... “My name is Peter, What can I do for you Markus?” “I need a full screan” “Did you where exposed to STD’s?” “Yes” “When?” “Several times since my last visit to a clinic... had a lot of cunts offering me their holes doc” I tried not to pay attention tho those words.... it was clear he just wanted to provoke me “How If I may ask?” “I topped bareback several dozens of boys, some of them seemed pretty sick”. “Any symptoms?” “Yes, several” “Are you HIV positive?” Markus grined... he knew the answer obviously... I could tell. “I’m here to find out doctor... Peter.” I nodded and proceeded to let him take off he’s jacket. He was wearing a sleeveless black tank top. I could see he’s dry skin covering a muscular vascular yet sort of slim body. I took he’s arm and I could see them, several dozens of needles wound. Heroin most probably. “Do you inject drugs Markus?” “Often and always in good company?” “Did you share the needles?” “No, I rather share something else...” “Yes...I can... guess that... I’m doing a full scan, as you know in this structure we can give you almost instant results on your status, by the time I will have finished with the other exams we should know the results. Now I’m going to take a mouth swab and than I’m going to have to take a swab from your penis, the last one is a bit annoying, no need to take an anal one as you said you only do insertive anal sex Markus... would you mind...” I did not even need to finish speaking, he had already lied on the bed and had opened he’s mouth. I took a swab and proceeded to take samples from he’s mouth. I could smell the hundreds of cheap cigarets he must have smoked from every single breath he took. He’s tongue had a tattoo of what I gather was a pentagram with a sort of goat head. “Perfect, now I’m going to need you to lower your... leggings? Pants?” “Their rubber pants doc... “ “Yeah, if you can lower them and lower your underwear as well...” “No need for that” he added. He just opened what I understood being sort of a pouch covering he’s croth, and all of the sudden the pants where crotchless. No underwear... but what I saw I cannot forget. It must have been around 9 inch cock with some massive giant balls. It was of a dark red skin colour with a sword tattooed on the shaft and a prince albert on it. I was mesmerized... of all the penis I had to work with that was the most peculiar.... “I’m gonna have to inspect it before I take the swab” “No worries doctor, I’m acostumed at having pretty boys playing with it” I blushed while he grinned evilly. He was clearly provoking me, to which end I had no idea. I took he’s cock in my hands, it was already getting erect. I kept moving it around inspecting it... I could see something that I tought must have been minor scars, probably symptoms of syphillis in a initial stage. “It would be feel so much better if you where not using those annoying latex gloves doc, I feel your irritating my skin, I might have latex allergy.” “Its for both yours and my safety precautions...” “You could just wash your hand with the sanitizer doc... your really irritating my skin.” I looked for non latex gloves but tough luck... the vinyl ones where out of stock. And than, just than I took the first stupid decision that will start my downfall... I took the gloves off. “This is not standard procedure mister Markus but since I cannot have you get an allergic reaction....” “Sure doc...” My fingers where on he’s cock... they where moving on their own now.... on that erect piece of red meat.... it was so warm. “Did the ... piercing hurt?” “No doc... not paritculary” “And... the tattoo?” I said while caressing the inked shaft. “That was kinda pleasent... I like a bit of pain mixed with pleasure.... I had to be erect for this tatto doc... but it was not difficult, the tatto artist helped with that...” “I...see... well... I’m.... gonna... I might .... I think I’m gonna.... I’m think we are done with your penis Mister Markus...” “Doc wait, I think I have something with it... it kinda burn at times... I got something, not sure if its a precum or a discharge... you might wanna look at it doc...” “Mister Markus I got no gloves on and I have to attend other patients, I’m putting both me and them at risks of contamination by using my bare hands and...” “Look doc... can you see it?” There was something coming out of it... it looked like a whitish milky liquid.... I could not tell if it was a discharge or just precum... I instinctively moved my hands towards he’s cock while my thumb pushed against the head of he’s cock to get more of that odd liquid to come out... And than, it happen. Without any warning he just grabbed my hair and pulled my head towards he’s cock. I don’t know if my lips just opened or If I tried to put up any resistance, I only know my tongue was tasting that discharge and taking it in my mouth, swallowing it. The taste of that substance was almost rancid, mixed with the cold metallic taste of the piercing. I kept licking and sucking, he’s hand ony my head pushing me down. I could taste preucm only after a while, which gave me confirmation that the discharge was probably ghonorea and not precum. Eventually the hands on my head became two and I was pushed all the way down on he’s cock... I could feel it press to violate my troath... He fucked my troath without mercy... I kept trying not to puke but it was useless... after a while i just coughed, pulled back and vomited my breakfast while coughing... I was still coughing when I felt he’s hands pulling me up from my arms with unspeakable violence. “Let me go this is wrong! You can’t do this to me I’m a medic and..” I did not see the punch coming, I only felt the fall to the ground and my forehead slowly starting to bleed. Than I was pulled of the ground again, I stood in front of him and before my mouth could finish mumbling a “Please don’t hurt me I beg you” a second punch had hit me right in the mouth. I felt against the examination bed. Before I could even consider moving he’s left boot wasI on my crotch, pressing painfully against my balls. I was at that point crying but too scared to beg anymore. I did not make any resistance while he turned around and used what i later found out to by a cathether to tie my hands. He than proceeded to take some dirty cloths from he biohazardous disposal trash can and shoved them in my mouth. The taste of repressed toxic piss filled my mouth almost instantly. I felt my pants being pulled down and my ass being pressed under one of he’s boots. “I knew you where a dirty faggot... a cunt that enjoys touching man’s cocks... I bet that when no one sees your you jack off in here... your just a disgusting little piece of shit... a faggot without any purpose if not touching real man cocks... but this is your lucky day... I’m about to change your life and give you a new purpose...” I heard him opening a zipper and taking something out from he’s leather jacket. It was a stone... or a shard... I could not tell... Before I could even understand what he was doing with it he pushed it against my puker. It would hurt and my anal muscles where so tight it would not let it in. “Someone is playing the virgin mary game... pretty bad, I don’t take virgins kindly...” Leaving the shard against my hole he proceeded to push it in with he’s cock. The pain was immense and if it was not for the cloths filled with toxic piss obstructing my mouth everyone in the damn building would have had heard me. The shard entered and scratched my hole making it bleed while the cock pushed in without mercy and without lube. I could hear it against the sphinter. I screamed and screamed. If it wasn’t for the blood acting as improvised lube in my scratched anal walls I would have probably died there of pure pain. He kept pushing it in... he kept going. I lost the shard in me at a certain point. The prince albert was scratching my anal walls even more and more... blood kept flowing and flowing. Than he turned me around. “Look at that face... someone is having a fuck rush already” I was not sure what he was meaning till I felt my anal muscles relaxing and something unlocking in my head. It was like if the floodgates of a dam where opened. A mixture of pleasure and depraved tought I burried deep in my mind hitted me. All the most depraved things humans where capable of I was willing to do in that right moment. My muffled pain screams became loud moans of pleasure. My desperate muffled attempt at begging became screams ofpleasure and my mouth and mind said the most horrible things a man could ever say... He kept going. He’s eyes looking at me. My hands eventually got freed frm the catheter and runned to my cock that was already dripping with precum. Eventually it was me who started pushing against he’s cock. He removed the cloths from my mouth. “How is my medical cunt feeling?” “RAPE ME!” I screamed. “MAKE MY CUNT BLEED! MAKE IT BLEED! MAKE IT BLEED!! I WANT YOU IN BLOODSTREAM... I WANT YOUR CUM IN MY BLOODSTREAM” “Spoken like the pure whore you are...” He’s hands went to my troath while he’s cock pushed harder and harder. He was choking me. “This would be a nice way to end your life you cunt.... choked with toxic cum in your hole..” “YES... CHOKE ME... POZ ME... CHOKE ME... I WANNA DIE WHILE I CUM.... I WANNA DIE LIKE THIS... FUCKING CHOKE ME MOTHER FUCKER!” And so he did... the gloved hands pressed harder and harder... my head was exploding with he pressure of air and blood blocked by he’s hands.... I was sure I was gonna die till I felt it. At first it was just a little mild warm sensation... and than it was burning... my ass was burning and leaking... and not just cum. I could feel it inside me. He’s toxic chemical piss filling my hole, getting in my sores directly in my blood stream. My orgasm was monstruos... a scream so loud i’m amazed no one heard... and than a maniac laugh. Once he was done breeding me he proceeded to push he’s wet cock against my eyes while keeping them open by force .... and extra step to ensure I would get the gift. Than he simply set down on a chair. “Please more... I can’t just have one... I need more... more cum...please my hole is empty... more give it to me...” I tried to run for he’s cock but hes slap literally throw me away to the other corner of the room. “Look at yourself” he grinned “A respected medical practician reduced to a crazed half toxic zombie...” “MORE!!! PLEASE” I started laughing maniacly I could not control it. It was like something had grown in my head, like a monster from out of space had made a nest in my brain and with he’s slimy tentacles was guiding me towards the most disgusting perverted actes I could imagine... “I’ll give you a special treath... but first you got some patience to attend...” I did not understand what he meant by that.... he just throw me a towel and told me to clean my face and put my clothes back on.... what he explained me next and what he made me do will forever damn my soul forever. What I did that day has no name, its to this day the most monstruos act someone in the medical profession ever did... I recieved dozens of patients... from the young innocent 18 years old twink who just wanted to make he’s std exams before making love to he’s partner to the middle aged married man, the casual slut with a boring job to the shy gay boy with purple hair. All of them... I would tell them of the necessity of taking anal and urethral swabs. I would go to Markus who was seated behind the curtain and insert the swabs in he’s posionous cock and than come back to the patients. I would insert he’s toxic juices in their pissholes making sure to push it deep and twist it... and than I would scratch their holes with an excuse of a prostate exams and than run the toxic juices covered swab on their bleeding anal scars. They all thanked me for the profound inspection I gave them and they all walked away with something toxic growing in them. Boyfriends, casual sex partners, husbands.... they spread Markus dna to all of them. We kept on doing that for at least a month. Markus would enter from a back door, hid in my examination room and i would take he’s toxic seed and plant it in patients. Eventually I fell sick... the fuck flu was like anything I ever experience. Markus was on my side, breeding me even while I begged him to just leave me alone and slamming me in order to get me enough strength to go back to the hospital the day after to do my duty. It did not take long before the hospital was stormed with hundreds, maybe thousands of positive results for one of the most toxic and infective HIV variants ever known to men, not to mention all possible combinations of minors stds. The hospital called in this young doctor from the Dissease Control Division who started an investigation. They uncovered that all the patients had me in common. I ruined away. Another country. Another life. AIDS hitted me so hard and combined with the abuse of slam and tina it made me irrecognisable. Markus one day just disappeared and here I am, I go around the dark room, breeding those who can’t see me, giving them the only memory I have of my past life... Markus toxic load.
I was new here in town. I needed to get a physical exam for my new job so I asked around and one of my neighbors recommended I go see Dr. Kendrick, over on 10th. I called to make an appointment and a few days later I headed over there. Dr. K had an office right there in his home, a cozy-looking house set back from the street. Inside the front door was a small waiting area. A sign on the wall said to take a seat until I was called. After a few minutes a door opened. First, a young man about my age came out and hurried for the front door. I remember that his face was red and sweaty. Maybe he had seen the doctor because he had a fever. Next, Dr. K stepped into the waiting room and said, "You must be Larry. Larry Hicks? Come on into my exam room." I followed him into a bigger room. This one had a desk, a couple of chairs, cabinets and, in the middle of the floor, was a medical exam table. "Why don't you start getting undressed while we talk? You can leave your boxers and shirt on for now." So, I took off my socks and shoes along with my trousers, shirt and underwear and put them on one of the chairs. "Hop up on the table," he said, and tell me what I can do for you." As I explained my reason for the appointment he began making notes of our conversation. He asked my age, which was 19, and inquired about my medical and family history. All the while he poked and prodded me, working his way through the exam. Eventually the questions turned more personal. "So, are you sexually active, Larry?" I reddened a bit and said, "Not much. I've only done it a couple of times." "That's not a problem," he said. "Now...when you think about having know, when you get you mainly think of having sex with women or having sex with men?" Seeing the shocked expression on my face, he continued, "It makes no difference to me, young man. I just need to get a complete picture of your situation." "I don't know," I said, "I guess maybe I'm gay. I've only done it with two guys." "Well, if you're unsure, we can certainly help you figure that out. Do you like having your penis sucked?" I nodded. "Do you like it when a man puts his organ in your mouth? Do you like to pleasure him? Do you like him to ejaculate in your mouth? And do you swallow his semen?" Guiltily, I nodded "yes" to each question. "Well, at this point, I think it's safe to say that you are an homosexual." I blushed. "Now, as for anal sex...are you the insertive partner?" He glanced at me. "Hmmm! No! Probably not! So, you're the receptive partner, right?" My cheeks burned bright red and I could only look at the floor. are what's commonly known as...."a bottom. In plain accommodate the needs of other men. Excellent!" He smiled warmly! "Let's move on! Do you have any Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Herpes? Syphilis?" "No," I stammered. "Are you HIV-negative?" "Yes! I mean...I guess so." "Well," he said, "we have to be sure. We'll get you tested for everything. Then I can give you a clean bill of health." He did the pinprick and drew some blood. "Larry, I'm running a little behind. While we're waiting for your results, I'm going to put you in the next room. Bring your stuff. You can leave your boxers and shirt on for now." He ushered me through a doorway into the next room. "This actually is my bedroom," he said, and indeed, there was a large bed situated against one wall. "I use this as a second exam room when it gets busy. It's quiet and private. Have a seat there on the bed and make yourself comfortable. Mrs. Shaw is just stopping by to get her flu shot. It won't take long. I'll be back in about 10 minutes." He retreated to the first exam room and closed the door behind him. I sat down at the base of the bed and began to wait. In a few moments, I heard another patient enter the room next door and I could hear the murmur of their conversation. A few minutes later I could hear Mrs. Shaw departing. After a few more minutes, Dr. K came back into the bedroom. "Good news!" he said. "You're completely healthy. Your HIV test was negative. I hope you're not disappointed?" I was a bit confused. "What did you say?" He smiled back at me. "Oh, nothing...let's finish up the exam. You seemed a little unsure about your sexuality. You know...your preferences and needs. So, let's find out!" With that, he reached out and placed his palm against my chest as I sat there at the end of the bed. He pushed firmly, causing me to lie back on the bed cover. "I want to check your responses," he said as he began unbuttoning my shirt. When he was finished, the shirt fell open, exposing my chest and stomach. Without any warning, he reached out with both hands and used his fingers to firmly grasp my nipples. As he gave them a short but sharp twist, I moaned involuntarily, "Uhnh!" and my mouth remained open in an O-shape. My body reacted strangely in other ways as well. My back arched, pushing my chest towards the doctor's hands. Also, my knees jerked, pulling apart and upward towards my chest a bit. Dr. K stepped smoothly into the gap between my legs, thereby preventing them from closing. Dr. K's smile got bigger. "Well, well! That's interesting." He twisted the flesh trapped between his fingers once again and said, "When I apply pressure HERE, look what happens. Your legs spread apart and your mouth opens wide." And that's just what happened. As my legs parted, he pressed even closer to me. He leaned forward and placed his right hand on my face. Two fingers aggressively entered my mouth and started exploring. "This is VERY NICE," he said. "Even better than I had hoped for." I could only try to gurgle a response. Dr. K's voice remained kindly but his eyes seemed to harden somewhat as he looked down at me. "Raise your hips, Larry! Come on...haven't got all day! Let's get these off you." With that, I felt his free hand tug on my boxers. They slid off my hips and down my legs, finally brushing past my toes as they fell away to the floor. "There...that's better! You won't be needing them for a while." His fingers continued their rough invasion of my mouth and I felt his other hand cup my balls. He used his thumb to stroke the head of my dick in a circular motion. I response to his ministrations, I could feel my cock begin to lengthen and swell. "Your reflexes have proven exceptional," he announced. "Can you tell that your penis is becoming erect? And your nipples! My Lord,...we've already seen how responsive to stimulation they are." As if to prove the point, his hands descended on my nipples again, his fingers pincering them forcefully. I was helpless as my mouth opened again and my legs twitched further apart. Now, THREE fingers were jammed into my gaping mouth. "We've conclusively established that your sexual responses are HOMOSEXUAL! Now we should discuss your HIV status. I know that you tested negative this time, but it's well known that many gay men secretly regret being negative. For many reasons, every day, men like you choose to become HIV-positive. I imagine that you must have given it thought, haven't you?" With his digits swirling around inside my mouth, only garbled noises came out in response. "That's what I thought," he continued, as if I had somehow agreed with him. "Let's help you decide! Let's say you were gay...which you are. And you were a submissive bottom...which apparently you are. And your status is negative...which it is. And you desperately wanted to be HIV-positive instead." He now looked at me. "Is that right?" "Anngh! Gruhhh! Mmmpph!" He looked at me quizzically. "Does that mean, 'Yes'?" I tried to lurch upright, but his hand on my face kept me pinned to the bed. The doctor nodded, "See! I knew that deep down, you might want that for yourself. The question is...what can we do about it? Hmmm?" He stared at me. His eyes didn't seem very friendly any more. In fact, I felt like the doomed bird transfixed by the serpent's gaze. "Let's figure this out together. Here's a test for you. I just want you to answer honestly. Nobody's judging you here, ok?" Although the alarms in my head hadn't really stopped, I nodded my head. "Good! SO, let's say you come to me seeking my advice about becoming HIV-positive. I might ask you the following: "If you were to be helped in converting to a positive status, would you want to be infected, or 'assisted' if you prefer that word, by one man alone...or would you prefer to be infected by several men at once? Of'd be in a sling for comfort." I was lying on the bed, unable to speak intelligibly and unable to sit up. My shoulders drooped in resignation. Maybe I should just play his game and see what happened. I gently prodded his fingers with my tongue. He got the hint and withdrew them so I could be understood. "I....I....," I whispered. He asked, "What?" As he leaned closer, his fingers gave each nipple a sharp little pinch. I gasped, "one man...ONE MAN!" He squeezed HARDER! "Say it ALL!" he commanded. Utterly under his control, I moaned, "I...I'd want...ONE man to INFECT ME!" "I was hoping that's what you'd say. That's all you had to do, Larry...just ask!" I could hear his free hand fumbling with his belt. His other hand left my mouth and I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered followed by the whisper of his pants as he pushed them down. He cupped my balls again and my dick, no longer neglected, stiffened rapidly. Dr. K leaned over and covered my mouth with his. His tongue entered me, controlled me. "You don't have to be afraid, Larry! I'm going to take care of you. We're going to do this the right way, baby. His mouth trailed down my chest and belly. Upon reaching my cock, he engulfed it with his lips and began sucking up and down my shaft. Heavenly! Too quickly, he broke free and brought his face back up to mine. "You know...I've given many guys like you their first fuck...right here on this bed. And I given many guys their first condomless fuck...right here on this bed. In fact, I've given many just like you, Larry... their first POZZING...right here on this bed! Pozzing...that means taking a man that is HIV-negative and introducing the active virus into his system, turning him HIV-positive. It's a privilege to be the one that helped you to understand your need to convert to positive like so many have done before you." He continued,"Nothing could be simpler, more natural and more normal than for two men to share their fluids like this, in order for the negative one to convert. Let me show you. "Open your mouth!" I didn't have a choice because his fingernails scratched across my nipples, making my mouth open. He leaned over me and slowly spit a few long gobs of saliva into my waiting orifice. "Now...Taste it!" I ran my tongue through his spit, letting his juices mingle with mine. "And Swallow it!" he ordered. I meekly complied. "See how natural that was?" I could feel the head of his dick bobbing around, pushing into my ball sac, leaving a trail of gooey precum wherever it touched. Suddenly, I felt warm liquid washing over my belly, running back down over my cock and balls onto the bed. "See, Baby! See how natural that is? How good my piss feels on you? I'm sharing that with you as well." My mind reeled with the thought that, by sharing his fluids, he was merging himself, his very DNA with me. ""The best comes last!" he hissed. His penis zeroed in on my hole. The head, still leaking precum, nudged a bare half inch into me, and stopped. "There!" he whispered. "I'm inside you and I've already left a tiny bit of fluid behind. A little HIV is already growing inside you. Do you want MORE?" All I could do was whimper! "You have to SAY IT!" he said. "YES!...I want more!" With that, he eased in and started up a slow steady pistoning motion. He growled, "You want my HIV? You want me to fuck my HIV into your neg pussy? SAY IT!" All the while his thrusts picked up speed and power. My voice got louder. "YES! Fuck me with your HIV! Make me positive! POZ ME!!" By now, he was banging into me furiously. "I want you to remember that someday....someday when you have AIDS...that it's MY AIDS inside you. I'm the one that infected you, put my virus in you. And did what a Poz Bottom was supposed to just SPREAD YOUR LEGS and BEGGED ME FOR IT!" He yelled as he began to blast his viral sperm deep within me. I could almost fell the bug attaching itself to my sensitive rectal walls, starting to grow. Dr. K rolled off of me and stood up. He bent over and gave my ass a loud smack. "I've probably knocked you up. I'm pretty potent because I don't take any HIV medications and my viral levels are always very high. Just to be safe, let's give you an appointment in 3 months so you can come in and get tested. My promise is that I'll keep fucking you until my virus has claimed you.
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