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I want to quit my job and move away and become a 24/7/365 houseboy slave.


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Hi everyone,

Since the last time I posted, I have become more and more of a cumdump, and I have felt certain feelings that I have felt for years, to do with wanting to become a slave. I adore bondage and pain, and combined with my adoring being a cumdump, becoming a slave is kind of a dream to me. I guess I'm just frightened and unsure of making a new life in this way, but I believe that deep down I want to.

I'm 24 and a university graduate. I work a part-time retail job, and I totally hate it because I'm really socially awkward, plus, it's a hostile work environment. And furthermore, I don't want a career, I don't want to use my degree or work a regular job. I want to spend my time reading and doing artistic things, and getting degraded and used as a hole to be filled with men's cum and waste.

I live with my family, and I really want to move away, and start a new life somewhere else where I can be a man's 24/7/365 houseboy slave. I dream of spending my life getting passed from man to man and turned into a cumdump whore as well, but I guess it's less practical. I just can't find a way of doing this, moving away without telling my family about the new life I'm going to live.

I want to quit my job as soon as I can. I'm meant to give notice of two weeks, but I want to quit immediately, since I can't take it anymore, and I keep putting off changing things. I am internet friends with a man from England and he wants me to move in with him and be his houseboy slave. I have known him for over a year and I feel like I can trust him. He permits me to leave at any time if I decide it's not what I want, and I will have some freedom.

I don't know what to do. My family expect things from me, they want me to fulfill my potential in terms of getting a job with my degree and doing well. What they want for me is so different from what I want for myself. But they care for me, and I don't want to hurt them. And still, every day I feel like I'm wasting my life, because I have a chance to serve a man and live the life I want to live, and every day is a day I could be doing it.

I guess I'm posting this here because I know that a lot of you guys have made choices that other people see as reckless and self-destructive, and I feel like you will understand where I'm coming from and be able to give me good advice. And I know that if you warn me against this path, then I'm definitely making the wrong choice. But yeah, I need advice so much right now.

Thank you.

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Now that all sounds good.. But..anyone who would be interested.. would like more than I'm 24.. ie height/weight etc.. or a pici..

There's nothing that I would like.. as a 24/7 slave cum dump..

But I'm in Brisbane Australia.. U say that Ure in The Uk.. well there are lots of places over there.. so you need to be a lot more SPECIFIC

Good look in your search..



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I could kiss the OP.

What you need to do is to keep at it, and keep thinking about your career. Ive just turned 26 and have only really recenty settled on what I want to do with my degree. As for the social awkwardness, the best way to conquer your fears is to confront them, engaging with people can be easier than you'd think.

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Honestly, do what you feel will make you happiest. FYI: probably not the best place to be asking life altering advice non sex related, on a sex site. If you are really questioning your moral and psychological stance, please see a doctor our ask someone you know very well. Even though there are a lot of people on here that dole out their opinions, does not mean they are correct.

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Firstly, thanks everyone for responding to what I wrote, I really appreciate it.


Now that all sounds good.. But..anyone who would be interested.. would like more than I'm 24.. ie height/weight etc.. or a pici..

There's nothing that I would like.. as a 24/7 slave cum dump..

But I'm in Brisbane Australia.. U say that Ure in The Uk.. well there are lots of places over there.. so you need to be a lot more SPECIFIC

Good look in your search..



Thing is, I didn't write what I did to try and find a man to serve. I'm internet friends with a man in England, a man that I feel I can trust and that wants me to move in with him. I'm just trying to decide what to do about it. Thanks for responding, though.

I'm not sure why you are asking others to tell you what you want to do. If you want to do it, do it. Do not worry about other people's opinions. everyone has a different opinion and all that matters is yours in regards to your activities.

In a way, that is what I believe. I just feel bad about leaving behind my family. But they'd never understand what I want to do if I tried explaining it to them, and I don't want to spend my life trying to meet my family's expectations. I don't believe I owe it to my family to live the kind of life they want me to live.

I could kiss the OP.

What you need to do is to keep at it, and keep thinking about your career. Ive just turned 26 and have only really recenty settled on what I want to do with my degree. As for the social awkwardness, the best way to conquer your fears is to confront them, engaging with people can be easier than you'd think.

I guess I don't feel very confident in relation to having a career, and maybe that's something I need to deal with. But as for social awkwardness, I've worked in retail for four-and-a-third years, and my inability to interact with customers and the people I work with, feels like it's getting worse instead of better.

I might have a different and more optimistic perspective if I cared more about having a career, but I just don't care that much. I'd prefer to risk everything and become a man's slave, especially when the other choice is having a regular job. What I have to get over is the part of me that still feels that I owe it to my family to live the way they want me to, and I really want to get over that.

What makes you want to kiss me? I'll let you, if you promise to breed my hole ^_^

Honestly, do what you feel will make you happiest. FYI: probably not the best place to be asking life altering advice non sex related, on a sex site. If you are really questioning your moral and psychological stance, please see a doctor our ask someone you know very well. Even though there are a lot of people on here that dole out their opinions, does not mean they are correct.

Being a man's slave is what I feel will make me happiest, and like I said to pulszer, I just need to get over this belief that my family's expectations are more important than living my own life. Because it is my life, and I need to stop trying so much to please other people.

And yeah, I felt kind of awkward posting this here, partly because I know it's not really an advice board and I didn't want to make things too weird and heavy. I'm close friends with a guy that's into bondage and pain and stuff as well and he believes that I should do it if it's definitely what I want, but he feels that I need to say something to my family instead of disappearing and leaving a note or whatever. And I guess he's right, but I don't know what to say to them.

Edited by rapeday
spelling errors
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While I would definitely want to have my own live in slave one of these days, I realize it is not something a slave

can make a career out of.

Imagine when you're 40 y/o, what are you going to do? It's not a realistic goal to want to be a slave for the rest

of your life as it is not something you can make a career out of.

It's something you do part time or for a short period of your life, but not forever. You're going to have to suck it uo

and figure out how you, yourself, can improve being able to deal with people in retail or find another line of work

that you can make a career out of.

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I really can't speak on this subject. I personally wouldn't do something like that, I like having my independence from others.

My big thing in what you are asking advice on is the following:

What happens in 20, 40 years whatever when teh person you are a slave too happens to fall ill and pass away? What do you do with yourself and how do you support yourself at that point?

If you really wish to persue being a slave to someone, I would think it would be important to have a life outside of that relations in the even tyou needed to support yourself somehow. Work at least and be the slave while not working, the best of both worlds.

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Firstly, thanks everyone for responding to what I wrote, I really appreciate it.

Thing is, I didn't write what I did to try and find a man to serve. I'm internet friends with a man in England, a man that I feel I can trust and that wants me to move in with him. I'm just trying to decide what to do about it. Thanks for responding, though.

In a way, that is what I believe. I just feel bad about leaving behind my family. But they'd never understand what I want to do if I tried explaining it to them, and I don't want to spend my life trying to meet my family's expectations. I don't believe I owe it to my family to live the kind of life they want me to live.

I guess I don't feel very confident in relation to having a career, and maybe that's something I need to deal with. But as for social awkwardness, I've worked in retail for four-and-a-third years, and my inability to interact with customers and the people I work with, feels like it's getting worse instead of better.

I might have a different and more optimistic perspective if I cared more about having a career, but I just don't care that much. I'd prefer to risk everything and become a man's slave, especially when the other choice is having a regular job. What I have to get over is the part of me that still feels that I owe it to my family to live the way they want me to, and I really want to get over that.

What makes you want to kiss me? I'll let you, if you promise to breed my hole ^_^

Being a man's slave is what I feel will make me happiest, and like I said to pulszer, I just need to get over this belief that my family's expectations are more important than living my own life. Because it is my life, and I need to stop trying so much to please other people.

And yeah, I felt kind of awkward posting this here, partly because I know it's not really an advice board and I didn't want to make things too weird and heavy. I'm close friends with a guy that's into bondage and pain and stuff as well and he believes that I should do it if it's definitely what I want, but he feels that I need to say something to my family instead of disappearing and leaving a note or whatever. And I guess he's right, but I don't know what to say to them.

Anyway, your relationship with ur family is ur choice. Don't trust three people on here to make these kinds of decisions for you. My advice is such: if you get along with your fam then tell them. If not, fuck em. but it's ur choice and no one's business

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I really can't speak on this subject. I personally wouldn't do something like that, I like having my independence from others.

My big thing in what you are asking advice on is the following:

What happens in 20, 40 years whatever when teh person you are a slave too happens to fall ill and pass away? What do you do with yourself and how do you support yourself at that point?

If you really wish to persue being a slave to someone, I would think it would be important to have a life outside of that relations in the even tyou needed to support yourself somehow. Work at least and be the slave while not working, the best of both worlds.

Exactly. Wanting to be a man's sex slave is all well and good, but you've got to be practical about things - after all, what if your master decides to unceremoniously kick you to the curb, and you with no job, and out-of-date skills?
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The first thing I would do is make a career change. Retail sounds like exactly the wrong working environment for you. While you have the security of living with your family, you should find something more artistic or cerebral, where you're not working with a lot of people. Once you have that secured, you can find a man to fulfill your slave fantasies. Best of both worlds.

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I've been wanting a slave/houseboy for a while now. In a month or two we'll be moving and I'll finally have the space to have a slave. The concerns about what the slave does when his master is done with him (or dies) is a concern, but not so much in my case... I'd have the slave work for me and from that work he'd have a half-way decent resume when he's no longer my slave. The trick is health insurance... The slave would need it and I'd need two employees before the cost of health insurance gets reasonable.

So the OP isn't crazy - it can work - but it's best to find a master who is self-employed to keep the resume active. Then there's also the immigration issue...

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Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for the advice. I have decided to stay at home and find a better job, one which makes use of my degree and lets me work in relative solitude. And I'm gonna continue being a total cumdump, visiting bathhouses and stuff like that, and I'm gonna keep meeting up with men that want to tie me up and abuse me as well.

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