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what I see are a lot of people be they black, asian or white generally prefering white guys (Im not saying white guy are more attractive, maybe its just down to them being in more porn so people fetishes them more) and that there arent really enough interested white guys to go round; for every 20 asian guys that dig whites, they'll only be 1 white guy that digs asians. This is why asians (and to a lesser extent black guys) get pissed off when whites dont fancy them, and say its racism. The chances are that they them selves are probably hypocrites. I know tonnes of non white guys who moan about not getting laid, but then turn around and say, 'oh but I only like whites'. If you're black/asian etc.. and like only like other black/asian guys etc.. you really dont care what white people sexually think.

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Posted (edited)
  thick said:
I am an equal opportunity top. and I ACTUALLY prefer not to have sex with caucasian men. Theyre the last on my hit list.

well youre not an "equal opportunity top" because you just said caucasians are last on your list :confused:

and anyway do you have any idea how absurd/weird it is to apply "equal opportunities" to your sex life. Like you can just decide who you do and don't find attractive, for reasons of political correctness. I hope you also provide equal access to the disabled and elderly,

Its perfectly valid to rank caucasians as generally less attractive, if you find them genuinely less attractive. Its your personal preference and your own personal business.

Edited by pulszer
  pulszer said:
I'm sexually attracted to what I'm sexually attracted to its no one elses fucking business.

I agree with that statement.

I know I am not a lot of guys type, and it has nothing to do with race, its mainly because the gay world is very body centric. If you don't look a certain way the majority are not interested, in anything including maybe just chatting. I get it and I was like that myself in my younger days. But, I am still attracted to what I am attracted to and no number of comments is going to change that. I do try to be polite about it and say "not my type" or "don't think it will work out" but like Mountain Man said, they get rude they forfeit the right to politness.

  pulszer said:
well Its perfectly valid to rank caucasians as generally less attractive, if you find them genuinely less attractive. Its your personal preference and your own personal business.

and that is exactly why caucasian men are the last on my list......too goddamn judgemental, too goddamn uptight, and too goddamn ready to compete in the bedroom. Maybe its LA....


and another thing. I read the other tops posts on here and never say a word. Sometimes certain ones of you topmen say stupid shit or stuff I dont agree with.....do you see/read me retorting snide crap to you? Im not in competition with you. so leave me be. ok?

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There are a lot of gay guys that are racists. But I'm not sure gay guys are any more racist than everyone else.

I've watched my Polish contractor for a year I've seen him think a lot less of black guys. Just about everyone he hires (as a worker or subcontractor) is white or Latino (despite the fact that our place is in the middle of Harlem - one of the epicenters of all things black). Then again, I've also seen how things backfire on him when he tries to hire black guys (when people on the block were pressuring him to hire locals). One literally threw himself down a hole in order to get workman's comp. A guy from the block came into the back yard to get a big rock for a neighbor (sort of without permission) and managed to drop the rock on his finger and need to go to the hospital and get stitches. Those are the only two safety issues on the site so far (knock wood) - and both involved the few black guys who were ever on the site. And the black electrician he hired was just incompetent and had to be fired. That all may sound racist - but it's just what's happened...

Then again, here I am in the middle of Harlem and so far the person on the block who seems to like me the most is an African American woman, and the person who hates me the most (as in really and truly hates my guts) is white...

Oh - and my best friend at the moment is one of the biggest racists I know - and he's got a (submissive) black boyfriend... He's sorta of a race fetishist. He's gone through an Asian phase, a Latino phase, a black phase, and I think his next phase will be Middle Eastern... So I've seen how even guys who like minorities can simultaneously be racist by fetishizing them... It's all very complicated...

  rawTOP said:

Oh - and my best friend at the moment is one of the biggest racists I know - and he's got a (submissive) black boyfriend... He's sorta of a race fetishist. He's gone through an Asian phase, a Latino phase, a black phase, and I think his next phase will be Middle Eastern... So I've seen how even guys who like minorities can simultaneously be racist by fetishizing them... It's all very complicated...

So he's racist because he's white and won't date white guys?

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  Pig Bottom said:
So he's racist because he's white and won't date white guys?

No, he's racist because he's constantly saying things like "those f*cking Jews", and "lazy ass nego"... He's got Jewish/black friends but is constantly pointing out problems with the group as a whole...

  Pig Bottom said:
I know one guy who doesn't like any porn with black guys in it. I think he's a little racist.

I don't mind porn with asian guys in, but because I tend not really attracted to them I tend to skip over the scenes that they're in.

  pulszer said:
I don't mind porn with asian guys in, but because I tend not really attracted to them I tend to skip over the scenes that they're in.

I don't see many gay Asian guys in porn. Unless you count Japanese porn which is unwatchable because everything is blurred out.

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