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Dr Mike – biohazard and healer – Part 1 – The First Office Visit

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Dr Mike – biohazard and healer – Part 1 – The First Office Visit

*All of the other stories I have posted have been real life hook ups and connections. This story’s premise is based on real life, but it becomes fiction once I go to Dr Mike’s office as I never did get up the nerve to go.*

It was my second summer living in DC and I had been poz for about a year. One of my bareback fuck buddies at the time was a guy who worked for a local non-profit group. Where I was fairly conservative in appearance, Nathan had a nose ring, tats, and sometimes a mowhawk when his head was not shaved, so we always made an unlikely looking pair when we went out. He had a nice dick and loved using his own spit or poz cum for lube when he fucked me and I took his cum every chance I could get. He was the first guy I met who was so open about his status and also got off on it and loved telling me how he was giving me his poz cum when he fucked me as he did not take any meds at all and even resisted getting treated for STDs as long as he could when he had had them. Nathan said he did not take meds because they were more toxic then the bug and he believed in alternative stuff, plus he wanted to make sure that every negative ass he fucked raw when they asked him to pull out would become infected as that turned him the fuck on.

One of his tats around his belly button was a biohazard sign. This was 15 years ago so was a pretty out there thing at the time to be proudly displaying your HIV status and that you were a breeder on a mission. When we went to the leather bar or the park there was always one or two guys who knew what it meant, and then would look at me with a wink knowing I was getting his toxic loads. One day I met him at his office to grab a drink and started to rub his dick in the elevator. Nathan laughed and said, “I just cummed a short while ago, so am not really up for a quick one”. I asked, “Who did you fuck?”(we were not exclusive so just curious – voyeur in me). He said, “No one, my doctor sucked him off.” I was like what the fuck? OK, I needed to hear this story over drinks.

There were a couple private practice doctors in town then that all of the guys who were poz seemed to go. Nathan went to one of them and told me this doctor – Doctor Mike - was a fucking freak and liked to suck him off every time he went to see him and the doctor did not care what was up, how sick he was, what he had or anything. The doctor had sucked him when he had gonorrhea and other stuff and even drank his piss once in his office. This doctor did not lecture about STDs or safe sex and would just hook him up with whatever antibiotics he needed. I couldn’t believe it, but asked if my friend fucked him too. Nathan told me no, the doctor was a top, but he had heard he fucked all his bottom patients that would let him and he only fucked raw, and that he supposedly had a really big dick. Nathan said he knew a couple bottoms who swore they got syphilis, gonorrhea and some other stuff from him too, and there was a rumor about a couple bottoms who had gone to him to be tested for HIV who were negative until after he fucked them. At this point Nathan laughed, gave me an evil smile, and said the doctor was just like him, a living biohazard, as were most of his patients as the waiting room was nothing but a pick up spot for raw fuckers who just swapped back and forth all the dirty seed they had.

I did not have health insurance right then, so was going to a local clinic. Every visit seemed to be nothing but a lecture on safe sex, and god forbid if I asked to be tested to an STD. One time a staffer asked me if I had been fucked with a rubber, I said no and it was like I had killed a baby seal. So, I kept thinking about that doctor my friend told me about and told myself I was interested because he sounded cool, non-judgemental, and provided good care. But I was kidding myself, I had jerked off enough times fantasizing about him to know it was really because he was dangerous and I wanted to see if the rumors were true.

A few months later I got a new job and 30 days after that my health insurance kicked in. I decided it was time to leave the clinic and find a primary care physician. I ended up going to a doctor who was considered ‘the best in town on HIV’, he had been on national TV, was handsome and part of a power-gay couple, well known in the community, and all that. But going to his office was like going to the prom. It was full of the young and ‘pretty A-list’ crowd, his staff was condescending and rude, there was a snack and soft drink bar, the office was decorated with fine art, and the doctor always seemed like he had more important things to be doing then being with a patient - me.

I said fuck it, time to check out the nasty doctor, so I called Dr. Mike’s office and made an appointment for a late afternoon at the end of week. I must have jerked off three times the day before I saw him fantasizing about all the things Nathan had said. The doctor’s office was in the Northeast part of town in and older brick building. When I got to the office it was a total different scene than the other doctor’s. The office looked old, a bit worn down, and the crowd here looked older – and sick. There were a couple guys in the waiting room who looked gaunt and wasted and near death’s door. Almost all the rest looked like they had HIV or just looked like rough trade from the streets. I almost walked out, telling myself I am not one of them, but on the other hand, my friend said the guys who came here loved to fuck raw, so I was in. The staff at the desk, a middle-aged lady and an older guy, were very nice and polite, and as soon as I sat down a couple of the guys nodded at me, said hi, and made small talk.

After filling out all the paperwork, I kept talking to a couple of the guys in the waiting room, and figured my friend was right. These were all guys willing to bareback in an instant and could tell a few seemed pretty well hung – woof! After about 10 minutes the older guy called me up to the desk and handed me a small cup and small brown bag, they needed a urine sample and he directed me the to restrooms just outside the door, down the hall to the left.

I entered the door marked RESTROOMS and there was a small hallway with a men’s room on the right, ladies room on the left and a door marked JANITOR at the end. I opened the men’s room, stepped around the corner, and saw that one of the sicker looking guys was standing at one of the stalls. He was tall, thick, long, brownish hair, and had a scar on his right cheek. While I tried not stare at him, I could not help but stare at his dick as he stepped slightly back from the urinal. The thing was long, sort of skinny, with a nice head on it, and curved a bit to the left. He was stroking it hard, looked at me and said, “Do you want to suck me?” I was sort of disgusted and turned on at the same time, and asked him what if someone came in?

“You can hear the outer door open so we got time to straighten up before someone comes in. Don’t worry, I’ll listen out,” he said as he kept stroking. I set the urine cup down by the sink, got down on my knees, totally forgetting I came in to piss, and started sucking his dick. His dick was already really slick from precum and spit and tasted pretty funky. I think he smoked as his spit was strong, but I sucked him hard and put my hands on his hips to steady myself. He was really thin and his hips were pretty bony and I paused a moment, realizing he must be full blown, but he had such a nice dick, I just pushed it further down my throat. After a couple minutes the guy started gripping my shoulders tighter and said “Swallow for me, swallow it all.” He then started shooting and I could barely swallow fast enough. The dude might have been sick but fuck he shot a huge load and his cum tasted rank and was real thick and heavy like he had not shot in days. He started humming a little as I kept sucking him until I had every drop. He stepped back, said, “Thanks, boy I needed that,” then left the bathroom. As I savored the taste of his poz load, I realized I had never sucked someone where the bug had totally taken over – is that why his load tasted so rank? Just thinking about it made me even a little harder and I remembered why I was in there and got up and grabbed the urine cup, went into a stall and had a wait a minute for my dick to come down a little in order to fill the cup.

I washed my face off to make sure I had no cum drippings on my chin, but did not rinse out my mouth as I wanted to keep tasting his poz load as long as I could. I walked back into the doctor’s office and took the small brown bag with my urine sample up to the desk. The guy looked at me and said, “Did you find it all right?” I blushed a little, said yeah thanks, and turned to find a seat. I did not see the guy I just sucked off, but a couple of the others guys sort of smirked at me, so bet they knew and I blushed even more and sat back down. It was about 30 minutes later and I was the only patient left waiting.

The older guy at the desk called me back up, then escorted me through a side door, down a hall that had several rooms with doors closed and set me in one of the exam rooms. He took my temperature, my blood pressure, weighed me, then said the doctor would be with me in a few minutes and left and closed the door. I started thinking about the guy I sucked off in the bathroom and started to get hard again and was adjusting myself when the door opened and the doctor walked in.

Dr Mike was in his mid 40s I guess, about 5”11, 180, and fairly clean cut looking. He shook my hand (what a grip!), introduced himself, sat on one of those little metal rolling stools, rolled right up in front of me, then asked, “Apologies for making you wait, today was a little hectic with some last minute patients. So guy, what brings you in to see me?” Well I couldn’t tell him it was because my friend said he was a biohazard freak, so I went with the vanilla version of recently got insurance, tested poz last year, have been exploring treatment options, had seen this other doctor and was not comfortable there and a friend recommended him to me.

“Who’s your friend?” Dr Mike asked. When I told him Nathan with the nose ring, he smiled and said “Oh yeah, Nathan has been a GOOD patient for a few years now,” as he sort of looked me up and down. “I know some of my colleagues have very strict opinions about certain things, but in my practice I am open to various forms of treatment and will always be honest with my patients. I also ask that you always be honest with me – help me to help you – feel free to ask me any question you want no matter how embarrassing it may seem, and I will take care of you.”

Dr Mike asked me to undress down to my shorts and did a quick once over, listened to my heart, looked in my ears, asked me to open my mouth and say aaahhhh. “Now let’s chat a little about your heath and history, he said” Dr Mike asked me a series of questions and in that short few minutes had spent more time on me then the other doctor had in several visits and seemed to care about me as a patient. I was normally shy about that sort of stuff but answered all of his questions as honestly as I could.

“Sorry, can you repeat the question please?” I asked, I must not have heard him right. “Do you top or bottom when you have anal intercourse?” Dr Mike asked again.

“Bottom,” I said, and Dr. Mike smiled. “And when you have intercourse how often do you use protection, 100%, 50%, 25% of the time or never? And remember, I know your friend,” he said.

“Humm, I…ah…well, I guess with my friend never, but with other people I don’t know, it varies I guess, but just mostly not when I am with him.”

“So he cums inside you?” Dr Mike asked, and I swear he adjusted his crotch or was I imagining that.

“Yeah, he cums in me,” I said as I looked down at the floor. Dr Mike responded, “Now there is nothing to be embarrassed about at all, remember what I said, and good for being honest with me. You know he is HIV positive right? He told you? Were you already positive?” I said, “Yes, but he told me after we fucked, we had been drinking.”

Dr Mike smiled and asked, “Did you want him to wear a condom?” I told him, “I don’t know, no, I guess, not really, I just wanted to feel him inside me.” Dr Mike smiled again, made some more notes and kept going.

“OK, so now, when was your last sexual activity?” he asked. OH SHIT, “Umm, I uh, Umm, I guess Nathan fucked me two nights ago,” I said.

Dr Mike just looked at me with a stern glare, rolled his chair as close as he could, put his hands on my legs, and said again, “When was your last sexual activity?” I looked at the floor again, then him, his smile was gone, so I said, “Well, I sort of sucked a guy off in the bathroom down the hall earlier while I was waiting.”

Dr Mike smiled wide and said, “Yeah that was Hank. Tall guy with the scar? I saw him right after that and he told me, like I said my patients are honest with me, just like you are being now and that’s the best for everyone. I also could also smell his cum on your breath when I checked your mouth.”

Oh fuck, I was really embarrassed now, damn – but Dr. Mike just patted my leg, smiled, pushed his chair back, “Ok, now get up on the table here for me and take your shorts off.”

I was too embarrassed to be turned on at this point or think about what Nathan said, so got naked and got up on the table. The room was pretty warm so my ass immediately made sticking noises on the vinyl as I got myself situated. Dr Mike rolled a small table to the side of the exam table and started to gently touch me all over my body. Usually doctors put on rubber gloves, which made me feel like even more of a pariah once I tested, but Dr Mike did not, he just slowly prodded and rubbed up and down my body.

“Some people with HIV develop lumps in their lymph system, so I am checking to see how healthy you are. Looks good so far. Have you ever had any STDs? Syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes? No? Hmmm…,” Dr Mike then stepped to the counter, made a few notes and came back to me.

Dr. Mike then started feeling around my crotch area, under my balls, carefully weighing each one in his hand, and then squeezed first one, the other, than both slightly. I moaned a little, he looked at me, smiled, then lifted my dick.

“I see you are uncut,” as he rolled the skin back and forth several times and examined my dick. Dr Mike then said, “Please rollover,” which I did as he began running his hands and fingers up and down my back side and legs. When he got to my ass he spread my cheeks apart, ran his fingers up and down my crack, tickled the edge of my hole a little and I moaned loud that time. He seemed to pause, finished checking me, then said, “OK, now I need to check your prostate, so please get up, and bend over the end of the exam table.”

As I did he sat back on his rolling stool and scooted the little table with him so that he was behind me. I bent over the edge of the table and Dr Mike said, “Now lay as flat as you can on the table, that’s it, I’m just going to use my finger and make sure everything is ok.” I soon felt his finger pushing at my hole and slide in. He was not wearing gloves, so the heat from his finger, skin on skin, made me moan again before I realized it, but damn it felt good.

Dr. Mike worked his finger around inside my ass and as he did my dick started to grow. I couldn’t stop it and reached down to try to hide it. “NO, that’s OK, that’s normal for any patient, but especially one who enjoys being a bottom with anal intercourse,” Dr Mike said as he then pulled his finger out of my ass and said, OK, now hop back up on the table for me”. DAMN! I was so horny and slowly stood back up.

Dr Mike scooted his chair back around in front of me and his face was almost level with my still hard dick. I tried to hide it a little by crossing my arms as he said, “I think you are in great health, and we will know more once I get all of your blood work back. While many of my colleagues suggest starting a treatment regimen right away, I do not believe that is necessary if you are still healthy and even then, like I said, there are various treatment programs.”

My dick was still hard and ass was twitching, so I was having a hard time focusing but told him I understood. “Do you have any questions?” Dr Mike asked.

“I have heard you can get reinfected from having sex without a condom, is that right?” I asked.

“No,” Dr Mike said as he smiled, “You cannot get HIV squared so to speak. However, there is HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most common and HIV-2 is rare and mostly found in West Africa. Some research shows you can pick up new strains, strains that are more intense, more virulent, more resistant, and your body may accept them or not, but if it does, it may develop its own new strain even more powerful than what you were given.” As he said that his eyes got very intense and he adjusted himself again. “I have looked at the labs from your previous bloodwork and you have a very common and what I would consider a mild strain.”

Dr Mike then looked at my dick, up at me, and said, “I have one more test I want to conduct before you leave if that is OK. Is that OK?” I said, “Yes, I am happy to do whatever you want” Those must have been the magic words.

“OK, now lay on your back again, here let me lower the table just a little, now scoot down all the way to the end but keep your feet on the table,” Dr Mike said as he stood up and went to the end. As I scooted down he lubed up a couple fingers this time then said, “Now lay back, spread your legs, I want to test your prostate again.”

I was not sure what was going on, but did as Dr Mike asked and soon had two of his fingers wriggling around in my ass. My dick was streaming precum onto my stomach and I had all I could do not to start jerking off. I did start to moan, not realizing I was when I looked up and saw Dr Mike had a huge smile on his face now and when our eyes met he started fingering my ass faster and harder.

Dr Mike then spread my legs apart more, leaned forwarded, and with his fingers still jamming my ass, he took his other hand, pulled my dick back towards him and started sucking me.

OH CHRIST! That felt so good and my dick started swelling even more as his mouth work up and down my shaft as his fingers fucked my hole. I started to tremble and shake and moan and the cum started burning down my shaft as I shot into Dr Mike’s mouth. As I shot, he fingered me harder and harder until the last drop was out and my body ached from how hard I cummed. I always shot hard and far, and that one was an intense orgasm. I lay on the exam table panting, as Dr Mike stepped around, bent over my face and kissed me.

As Dr Mike’s mouth covered mine and I opened up he spit some of my own cum back into my mouth! I had never had that happen before but swallowed and started swishing my tongue around his mouth looking for more.

Dr Mike pulled away, wiped his mouth, his hands, then sat back down on his stool. “Go ahead and get dressed.” Once I was dressed Dr Mike stood up, got real close to me and said, “I hope you enjoyed that. Now what just happened here is between us, alright? You can tell Nathan, but no one else understand? Good.”

As he kept talking Dr Mike grabbed my hand and guided it down to his dick. His dick ran down his right pant leg and was huge – oh my fucking god he was big – and HARD!! He continued, “Now, you caught me at the end of the day and I have already shot a couple loads today into a few holes that needed to be rejuiced, but want you to know you got me hard, and I do want to fuck you, do you want me to fuck you?” I just shook my head.

“My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” he said in almost a whisper as he leaned in even closer, “and I am going to give it to you. Don’t get me wrong, I breed every ass I can with my toxic cum, but I especially like boys like you who have mild strains of HIV and I can’t wait to unload in your ass. I will take care of you, so who better to fuck you raw than your doctor? I also have some other ‘treatment programs’ for you, but you did the first one already.”

“What was that?” I asked. “You sucked off Hank, that big dick of his has some raw herpes sores on it,” Dr Mike said, “That’s why he likes getting sucked off in that bathroom because the light is not good and guys don’t see. But I know, I know, and now we got you marked with his herpes dick and cum, so I will take care of you and have made a note in my charts.”

“I am not going to jerk off all weekend, so I think you need to come see me Monday morning and we can discuss the next step in your treatment plan,” Dr Mike said.

“But isn’t your office closed on Mondays?” I asked. “Yes, but I will be here – for you,” Dr Mike said, “And Monday will be the next step in your treatment program.”

As I left Dr Mike’s office that day, his words kept ringing in my ears, “My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” and I could not wait to let him take care of me.

Stay tuned for Dr Mike – Part 2 – My First Treatment

Dr Mike – Part 2 – My First Treatment

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Imagine finding a doctor who will set you up to suck cock in his office and then giving you more appointments to come back and get fucked, sharing those bugs from other patients and him and being ble to treat you for them before you leave and then giving you followup appointments to get more. Fuck!! that is hot, hope the second part cums soon

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Dr Mike – biohazard and healer - Part 2 – My First Treatment from Dr Mike and Big Ben

As I left Dr Mike’s office after my first appointment, his words kept ringing in my ears, “My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” and I could not wait to let him take care of me.

I took the Metro to Nathan’s apartment and he had just gotten off work and was waiting for me. He wanted to hear how my visit went, and when I told him what Dr. Mike said his dick got instantly hard, he pulled my pants down and spit fucked rough saying, “Yeah, make you nice and raw, get your ready for Dr Mike, he has got some fucked up toxic cum, now take mine, take mine.” That was how we spent the weekend, Nathan spit fucking or dry fucking me as rough as he could so my ass was nice and sore and full of his load so that come Monday, whatever Dr Mike gave me would take all the better. While I always enjoyed Nathan’s fuck and the thought of his dirty seed breeding me, I could not get my mind off Dr Mike.

I woke up early Monday morning and when I showered, cleaned out too. Usually never a problem, but I wanted to be extra sure with Dr Mike. Nathan swung past by place on his way to his office just to give me some of his cum to, as he said, “Get you started right today.” He dry fucked me and made my asshole even more raw, red and tender, - the sadistic evil fucker.

I got to Dr Mike’s about 10:00 a.m., and still had Nathan’s load in my ass. I was nervous as hell and part of me wanted to just go back home, but the poz cum craving pig in me kept going. So with a fresh bottle of poppers in my pocket, I knocked on the door to Dr. Mike’s office and waited. The floor his office was on seemed completely empty, and as I stood there I was starting to worry that Dr Mike had lied to me or I had the wrong day, or I don’t know what. I knocked again and was just thinking about leaving when I heard the locks turn.

I let out a big sigh as Dr Mike opened the door and let me in. He was dressed casually in jeans and a polo shirt, gave me a big smile, shook my hand and said, “See you made it. Come on in, come on”, as he locked the door. He headed down the hallway in his office, past the exam rooms, to the far end into his personal office. Dr Mike’s office was like the rest of the building, old, a bit run down, nothing fancy. His desk was piled high with papers, books, and there were a couple chairs and a leather couch.

“So, how are you feeling today?” Dr Mike asked me. “Umm, OK, fine, thanks.” I said. He replied, “You seem a bit nervous, are you? That’s OK, but no need to be nervous, I WILL take care of you just like I promised. Here, sit down in the chair, make yourself comfortable.” I nervously sat down, watched as he went behind his desk, he grabbed a file, came back around and sat down in the chair next to me.

“OK, right,” he said as he smiled, “Yes, Nathan’s friend. So how is Nathan? He still fucking you?” I blushed, which he took as a yes and chuckled a little, “I see, well look, we are after hours so to speak and I tend to leave the office jargon behind, but I can say ‘intercourse’ if you prefer?” I said, “No, sorry, just umm a little shy I guess.”

Dr Mike smiled, “No worries, like I told you, no need to be shy around me about anything and like I said, I want you to be honest with me and I will be totally honest with you. Now, get undressed. Yes, you heard me, get undressed and set your clothes on the floor by the end of the couch and then kneel on the floor here in front of me.”

I stood up and did as Dr Mike asked. I piled my clothes on the floor then kneeled in front of him and looked up as he continued speaking. “Now, let’s see, right, as I said I think you have a very mild strain of HIV and do you remember what else I told you? Hmmm? I told you I was not going to jerk off all weekend and that I liked to unload in assess like yours that start out with mild strains. You know why?”

I shook my head no, as Dr Mike said, “Because I like to hear you beg for my toxic cum and I will give it you if you want it, but you have to want. Do you want it? I can’t hear you, do you want it?”

“Yes, I think so, yes,” I mumbled.

“That’s OK for now you will want it later, but right now, before we go any further, we need to come to an agreement on something. You know what is?” Dr Mike asked. He continued, “We are going to agree that I promise to take care of you and you promise that you will accept and take whatever treatment program I prescribe without question, is that understood?”

“Yes, I think so, yes,” I mumbled again and looked to the floor.

Dr. Mike reached down, lifted my chin so my eyes met his, “You did a good job taking your first treatment by sucking old Hank’s herpes filled dicked and I know that cum tastes nasty – that means it was full of bug and venom – but we will wait to make sure it took before I mark that off your chart. Don’t you worry, this is my personal chart for you and yes, I have a nice list here in your chart of the treatments you will take and I will probably even add a few as we go along if you do what I say and please me well. Most guys don’t make it past our first treatment together as I expect obedience, and service, and no questions asked. I am the doctor, you are the patient, and I know best, understand?”

“Yes….Sir…I understand,” I said. I then shifted a little on my knees as Dr Mike stood up, set the file in the chair and said, “Undress me.” I wanted to go right for his dick, but figured I better be patient, so I stood up, lifted his shirt off over his head, folded it and set it on the other chair. I then unfastened his belt, and his pants and as they dropped to the floor Dr Mike sat back down. I could see his huge bulge in his white Jockeys, but focused on the business at hand and next untied his shoes and slipped his pants off, then his socks, and then folded them and put them on the chair as well.

“Kneel,” Dr Mike said in a firm voice, so I got back on my knees, Dr Mike stood up with his crotch just inches from my face. “Now lick it,” he said. Lick what? He still had his underwear on, so I started licking his bulge through the underwear, making little spit stains as I did. My mouth was feeling dry and full of cotton and I pulled back a little, but then Dr Mike pushed my head back to his crotch, so I kept licking. After a while the outline of his dick showed clearly as my spit had made a nice wet trail around the edges.

“Stand up and bend over,” Dr Mike said. So I got up, bent forward with my ass towards Dr Mike who had sat back down in the chair. I sensed him lean forward as he gently parted my ass cheeks. He then pressed his nose into my ass and took a big whiff, inhaling the smell of my sweat and more.

“Did you get fucked?” he asked, his voice stern. Damn, please don’t let him stop. I started to mumble something but Dr Mike kept on, “Nathan’s cum? That bastard, I will teach him to fuck with what is mine later, but for today’s purposes, this will be considered part of my treatment program. Now let me see your hole – bend over further – come on – ahhh, yes, as I suspected, looks like has been fucking you dry – is that right? Has he been rough fucking you dry? Hmmmm, yes, your hole looks nice and ripe for exposure.”

With that Dr Mike started to lick my asshole and I started to moan, my dick bobbed up and down, and the precum started flowing from the head. Fuck that felt good. I started to jerk myself off and pushing my ass back to meet his tongue, which was digging in and licking out Nathan’s cum.

“Come with me,” Dr Mike said as he stood up and left the office. I ruffled through my pants, grabbed the poppers, and followed him into the first exam room and he said, “Kneel.” So I knelt on the cold, dirty white linoleum floor and watched as he adjusted the padded exam table and made it lower, and rolled a small tray table to the side.

“Now, I want you to see what you will be taking this morning. This treatment will hurt, but it is for your own good,” Dr Mike said as he then pulled down his Jockeys down that were straining to keep his dick in. My eyes bulged like his shorts when his dick plopped out. I could not tell exactly how long it was for sure (always use the spread of my hand – end of pinky to end of thumb which is 9 inches to gauge) but just from looking, seemed a good deal longer than 9. It was fairly thick, but what surprised me more was how hard it looked. Every vein was straining and clearly popping up and down his shaft. He was uncut and the foreskin almost looked like a lion’s mane as it bunched up around the back of his dick head.

“So,” Dr Mike said very sternly, ““I will give you my biohazard and toxic cum if you want it, but you have to want. Do you want it? Or, you may leave now if you wish to, but if you do, I will never treat you – ever, so this is your last chance. You may leave, or if you stay, and accept to be treated as I order to be you will do exactly as I say. You will take exactly what I give, how I give it, and when and where. No questions asked and there will be rules. If you follow them I will reward you with special gifts that only I can give you as I enjoy nothing better than a boy who submits and lets me treat them as I wish.”

Dr Mike did not say anything more and I kneeled on the floor and tried to process what he just said my heart raced, my dick continued to stream precum, and my ass was hungrier then ever.

“Please sir, I beg you, please give me your toxic cum. I want it, I do, I really do. I want anything you got, anything and will do whatever you say, I promise, please. I want your gifts, every one, I want them all,” little did I know what I was really asking for.

Dr Mike smiled, “Good, now remember what I said and what you just said, the pact is made. Now sometimes I will give you a choice and today would have asked you if you wanted me to take it slow and easy with you, use lots of lube, take my time, or, do you want me to fuck you like I want to ensure my toxic cum rakes your guts and burns through your insides? But, you did not know this of course, but you did break a rule, I only fuck ass with cum in it when I say so, and today I did not say so. So you have no choice, now get on the exam table.”

I started to say something as I was getting up but he turned, glared at me and said, “NO QUESTIONS.” The exam table was easy to hop onto – just about waist high – and before I laid on my back I started to open the bottle of poppers to take a hit.

Dr Mike snatched them from my hand, “NO, you will only take what I give you, how I give it. Period. You will NOT do poppers. I do not like the smell, so if you must have them then leave now.” I didn’t move, so he said, “Good, now lay back, scoot down, come on further, make your ass hang over the edge a little like you did during your first visit, but further. Right, that’s it, now take a deep breath.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Dr Mike had my ankles in his hands and was pushing my legs back and out so that my hole was exposed. I could feel his dick head bobbing around my ass hole and started to get nervous, not sure I could take it. Dr Mike then let go of one leg, “Hold your leg back, that’s it,” as he spit into his other hand and worked a finger into my ass. I bucked my hips a little and moaned. He pulled it out, spit again, and stuck two in, and was working them around, stretching my ass ring.

“Now, I am going to let go of your other leg and I want you to sit forward and brace yourself with your arms behind you. It may feel like you will slide off the table, but you won’t, I got you,” Dr Mike said as his fingers still stretched my ass. I did as he said and leaned into a somewhat sitting position with my hole hanging over the edge of the exam table and legs lifted up and out with Dr Mike’s body helping hold me up. Dr Mike then pulled his fingers out, spit on them again and this time shoved three of them in.

“This spit is not going to help you much, but that will not stop me you understand? Once I start I WILL NOT stop until I have gifted you with my venom. Now, I want you to wrap your arms around my neck and hang on. This is going to hurt,” and with that Dr Mike dug his fingernails into the inside of my ass walls as he moved his fingers in and out. I flinched and tried to pull away as his fingers clawed my insides, and started to beg him, please, no.

Dr Mike leaned into my ear, “I told you this would hurt, but that is only the beginning, beg all you want but I will not stop now, because now you are ready, now you are ready to experience more pain as I bring death and destruction to your ass. Your ass will burn with my acid load, you WILL TAKE MY TOXIC CUM BOY!!!”

With that Dr Mike slammed his dick into my hole and I cried out and hung onto him tighter. He did not get far and pushed again, and again. It just wouldn’t go, so he yanked it out, spit a few times on his hand, rubbed it on his dick head, and slammed it in again. This time my ass could not hold back and he entered me. The pain was white hot as the damage he had done with his fingers tore even more as his dick ripped into me.

Dr Mike had his hands behind me, sort of gripping my ass, pulling me into him, yet keeping me on the edge of the table as his hips thrust his dick up into my hole. I had hardly ever been fucked without poppers and could not believe how much it hurt!

“What do you want boy? What do you need? Huh? What do you want?” Dr Mike said as he breathing was getting heavier.

“Please doctor, please, I want your toxic cum, I want to be a biohazard boy for you, please make me, please convert me, I want it all!” I said.

“You want it all? Whatever I give you boy? You want it all? Oh I will convert you alright and you will get more then you every bargained for – now here – you go – fucking – take my HIV – take my cum of death– you will take it – take it – oh fuck fuck – shit FUCK – YOU’RE DEAD!!!!

Dr Mike squeezed me close, shook, trembled, and unloaded into my ass. He was right, his cum felt like acid and my insides burned. What had he just said? Take his what? Oh fuck it, I just wanted him. We stayed like that for a few minutes as his breathing returned to normal. When he finally slid his dick out of me drops of red tinged cum and ass juice dropped onto the white linoleum floor. Dr Mike looked at his red covered dick and the floor, chuckled and said, “You are no longer a virgin, welcome to the club boy.”

He grabbed a paper towel out of the dispenser, wiped his dick off, tossed it in the red biohazard container, and when I stood up (wincing with pain as I did) and went to grab a towel, Dr Mike grabbed my hand, “No, I did not tell you to clean up. You are not done yet.” Not done? So I followed him back to his office with blood and ass juice and cum running and dripping down my ass and thighs. Dr Mike was drinking from a can of soda on his desk, set the can down, then came and sat in the chair. His dick was still fairly hard and mine was hurting it was so hard.

Dr Mike sighed as he sat down, “Kneel here. Good. Now look at me. This is serious. You should be proud, you took that well, and I fucking loved it, and I will continue treating you, right? Right. You should also be proud as you now have some of the most toxic cum on the east coast working its way inside you right now. You know why I dug you out before I fucked? Why I fucked you as dry as I could – and trust me – next time there will be NO – spit – it was so my biohazard cum could really get up in there. I want it eating your guts and then the rest of your insides. You know those guys you saw when you came here last week – I MADE THEM – they are my creation, every sick fucker out there was mine and you will be too.”

I did not know what to say, so just stayed kneeling and listened as he went on, “You are mine too and at your next check up we will see if my toxic cum is doing its work, but don’t worry, I’ll give you more again when your treatment regimen requires it.” Just then the phone rang, Dr Mike got up, went behind his desk and answered it, then sat back down.

“So, while sometimes each treatment consists of only 1 prescription, for you, as your HIV is so mild, we need to be aggressive in your regimen. My HIV is type 1, like yours, and while mine is venomous in its own right, no matter how hard I have tried I have not been able to get mine to cross over with type 2. So, that requires an outside treatment source, that while rare, I of course have access to, and trust, it is rare indeed. Now wait here a minute,” Dr Mike said as he walked out of the office. I figured he had to use the bathroom and felt like I had to myself, but I stayed kneeling. A couple minutes later he came back in the room and had someone with him, a black guy, younger than me, who was real short, about 5”7, and maybe 140/150.

Dr Mike said, “That call a minute ago was Ben telling he was at the Metro station and asked if I was ready for him. No no don’t worry, you don’t need to rush, you see I asked Ben to come today for you. Yes, for you. You see, I provide a comprehensive treatment program and when I cannot fulfill the prescription exactly as I want I call in another source, which may be every time, or never, depending – anyways, today, that source for you is Ben. Ben, go ahead, take your clothes off.”

As Ben got undressed I was looking a little bewildered and looked back and forth from Dr Mike to Ben, damn, did Ben know what had just happened? How much else did he know? Well he must I guess.

Dr Mike sat back down in front of me, “So Ben here has been one of my patients for a while, well his name is really Mike, Michael Bennet, but there cannot be two Mikes, so I call him Ben isn’t that right Ben?”

“Yes, that’s right doctor,” Ben said with a pretty heavy accent.

Dr Mike went on, “Ben came here to go to college a few years ago, and brought something with him, HIV 2. He grew up in Ghana and I suspect his mother had it or maybe he got it having sex or doing drugs or whatever, does not really matter. What matters is it is type 2, and Ben is going to help treat you. Now go back to the exam room and bend over the table.”

As I stood up I noticed Ben was fully naked, stroking his dick, and he looked to be not quite as long as Dr Mike, but still pretty thick and his entire dick looked about the same thickness right up to the head, which seemed somehow too little for the rest of it. He also had really low hanging balls that looked sort of shiny, liked they had been polished. Dr Mike followed me into the room, I bent over the end of the exam table and heard Ben follow.

Dr Mike bent down by my ear and said softly, “Now, you will take Ben just like you took me. He is going to rip you up – no spit – just my toxic cum and your own fluids as lube – so take it good. His cum is full of HIV for you. He has one of the highest viral loads I have ever seen and has never been on any medication, I won’t let him, and his sperm is just filthy with the bug. You are privileged to have this opportunity, and so, just for good measure,” Dr Mike then reached around, stuck 3 fingers in my ass and raked my insides again making me cry out, “I am going to make sure his bug takes real good, give it a chance to live, it deserves to live, and breed and infect you, both our toxic cums will merge and grow together. Now, when he is done, you just stay like this.”

Dr Mike left the room, Ben got behind me, he was shorter than Dr Mike so I had to bend my knees a little, and when we has angled up he grabbed my hips and drove his dick in. I cried out as even though I was somewhat slick from all the fluids in there, it still hurt like fuck where Dr Mike had shredded my guts. Ben was a power jack fucker, no pausing, no letting me catch my breath, just slam fuck. I was grunting and moaning and trying to keep my footing as Ben fucked harder and harder and faster and faster and I thought for sure he was cumming when he yanked his cock all the way out and just stood there. I was still trying to catch my breath when he slammed back in, balls deep this time as I could feel them slapping my cheeks with every thrust. He did not last long this time and started fucking even more furiously while making little ‘aah aah’ sounds. He then stopped, eased his dick out, and I heard more juice drip from my ass onto the linoleum and each drop sort of echoed in the exam room. Ben left and I could hear him and Dr Mike speaking in the other room.

Dr Mike soon came back into the room and patted me on the ass as he leaned down and said, “That was good, very good, Ben said you did a fine job and he is always more than willing to do what I say, so I am pleased all the way around. Now that his job is done, I have sent him on his way, so that you and I may finish today’s treatment.”

There’s more? I was not sure I could take any more and my ass felt like I had acid eating my insides. As Dr Mike stepped behind me he asked me how I was and when I told him that he just chuckled and said, “Oh yes, I expect it does feel like acid, it is in a way. You see, not only did you take my toxic cum which I know is extremely toxic, but you took Ben’s too and I already told you about his, but there is more.”

More? I started to raise up to turn around and ask what he meant just as Dr Mike put his hands on my back, pushed me back down on the table and slowly, but firmly, slid his dick back into my ass making me moan and gasp as pain flooded through me again.

“Yes, there’s more,” Dr Mike continued as his fucking picked up speed and he worked his dick into my swollen ass, “You see, Ben was a two-fer, a wonderful one I helped arrange and sort of a specialty of mine as why infect with only one thing when there is so much nastiness out there to play with for me to use for my pleasure, not only is Ben HIV2 with an extremely high viral load, but……oh fuck…but ….yeah boy…but Ben also has late stage syphilis – FUCK YEAH, YOU GOT HIS SYPHILLIS CUM TOO – oh take it, take me, take me...”

Dr Mike caught his breath, slid his dick out, and stood up and juices were really running down my leg now. I didn’t know what to say. Oh my god, what had I done? What had he done to me?

Dr Mike grabbed some paper towels, wiped his dick off, then came over to me and wiped my ass and hole and legs off. He then tossed the towels in the red biohazard bin and walked back to his office. I had a hard time walking as my legs were cramped, and when I got there he was getting dressed. I got dressed as well, he motioned with his hand for me to sit in the chair, and when I did he opened his file again.

“I expect you will feel very sick within 10-14 days if all goes well. Flu like symptoms, headache, body ache, etc…. If you do, just call my office, but call my direct line, here’s the number. I will have another treatment ready for you then as your body will be weak and that is the best time for me to ensure my strains infect you, so you WILL come prepared and this time, the rule is I want that ass fresh, no fucking for at least two days before, understand?”

“Now, before you go, I want you to remember three things,” Dr Mike said as he pulled me close to him and spoke close to my ear, “My treatment is just between us now, not even Nathan is to be told, you just tell him we only talked and that is all and tell him you met Ben in the bookstore or something, I don’t care, and don’t let him or anyone fuck you for a couple days. I want my venom and Ben’s little bugs to have their chance. Two, you will submit to me right? Yes? Good. And three – remember this well – I will infect you over and over until your guts are as toxic as they can be. Your ass and mouth will take my disease and every toxic bug I can give you – be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.”

When I made it home I collapsed into bed, woke up later to Nathan trying to call me, grabbed a shower, called him back and told him what he had heard about Dr Mike was all wrong, nothing happened and that I had gotten all horned up, went to the bath house, had a couple hook ups and came home.

I went to sleep that night with Dr Mike’s words burning themselves into me just as his virus and Ben’s were burning my guts and blood – “be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.”

Stay tuned for Dr Mike – Part 3 – My Second Treatment – Does the venom take?

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A BioHazard Ass. Hummm.. never thought of it like that -- though I have taken hundreds if not thousands of loads, always wanted to get fucked by a guy with a bio tat. Getting Tagged as the POZ CUM DUMP.

Doc, I really need your load in me. As you want your seed in every continent, I want SEED from ALL Types of men. :)

San Diego, Chicago IML, Got to have you breed me sometime.

I bet the guy in the story gets it all!

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INCREDIBLY hot and well written story!! The HOTTEST story I have read in ages! I really hope there are many more chapters to come! Dom doctors are HOT!!

On a side note, some actual medical experiences:

1, A male nurse at my local GUM clinic used to enjoy wanking me after he had completed the tests - really.

2, I used to be very friendly with a woman who was married to a gynaecologist. There were stacks of porn in open view in their bedroom. He took a posting to Africa because the prostitutes there cost less than a dollar. That guy really loved his work!

3, The gay English film maker Derek Jarman wrote in his autobiography that one of the male nurses at his local GUM clinic used to suck him off after each batch of tests. The nurse protected himself with an antibiotic shot afterwards.

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This is such a fucking hot story. It's one of my greatest fantasies to find a doctor who is actually an "anti-doctor," someone who wants to disease me rather than heal me. My fantasies include all of the above, as well as forced unhealthy behaviors like heavy smoking, drinking and chems. All in the name of a "treatment program," of course. I wish such a "doctor" (real or role-playing) would contact me. In the meantime, I'm really looking forward to the third chapter. GREAT WRITING!

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Dr Mike – biohazard and healer - Part 3 – Does the venom take? And the Second Treatment Program (Hank returns, Joseph the married man, and Charles – the monster Horse Dick)

For the next several days after my first treatment with Dr Mike, I was racked with guilt, shame, and fear. Fear most of all as I thought about what he said he had given me, and his last words kept repeating themselves over and over in my head like an awful obsession, “…remember this well – I will infect you over and over until your guts are as toxic as they can be. Your ass and mouth will take my disease and every toxic bug I can give you – be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.”

Yet, reliving my treatment in my mind I would find my dick getting hard and my hand stroking myself as I replayed the visit to Dr Mike’s office over and over in my head like a little movie. I even thought about it when Nathan fucked me the next time and shot my load when he started to cum and said he was breeding me. Just the words – the thought – I needed that now I guess.

Every day I woke up wondering if I was going to be sick, and with every little ache or pain I started to imagine the worst. But, I did not get sick and part of me was concerned as I wanted to please Dr Mike and did not want to disappoint him. Between fantasizing about Dr Mike and my treatment, and worrying about getting sick, then worrying because I wasn’t, Nathan could tell something was up and kept bugging.

“Come on, I know Dr Mike must have fucked you, right? He likes to fuck bottom so they say. Look, I know he at least sucks dick, he has sucked mine, so come on, tell me what happened? You just don’t go when the office is closed for nothing.” Nathan kept saying over and over.

“I told you,” I said, “I must not be Dr Mike’s type if that shit goes on, or whatever. I don’t know, I just know all he did was talk to me about my check up results and there was some problem with my insurance, so I had to go in to get the paperwork redone that day or they would not pay my bill. That’s it man.”

As I approached two weeks since my treatment, the thought of Dr Mike fucking me, taking Big Ben’s load, and just wanting more, overcame any fear I had and I knew I could not wait to see what Dr Mike had planned next for my treatment program. I got home from work on a Wednesday and there was a message from Dr Mike on my answering machine. “Hello, this is Dr Mike. I am calling to follow-up on your last office visit, so please give me a call at the number provided at your earliest opportunity.”

My dick immediately got hard just hearing his voice and my ass began to ache. I grabbed a beer, got up the nerve to call him back, and as the phone hit ring number five I figured I had missed him. “Hello? Yes? Hello, hang on…. – yes, hello?” he said.

“Hi Dr Mike, I got your message, and you asked me to call, so…”

“Umm, yes, now who is this? Oh right, Nathan’s friend, one moment…….OK, good, I had to close the door, now let me grab my file….oh yes, right, (as he chuckled), I had expected to see you back in my office by now, so tell me, how are you feeling?” Dr Mike asked.

“I’m fine I guess,” I said, “Same old same old.”

“No changes? No symptoms? Headaches, body aches, breakouts in your mouth, ass, anything? NO? Damn – hmmm, now that is unfortunate,” Dr Mike said with disappointment clearly showing in his voice. “Will you be home for a bit? Plans this evening? No? Right. I will call you back shortly. Answer the phone within three rings, you understand,” and then Dr Mike hung up.

I suddenly felt a pang of fear again, but also wanted him to fuck me again, so I waited. It was about 20 minutes before the phone rang, and when I answered, I heard Dr. Mike’s voice, “OK, so, I think we need to take your treatment program to the next level. I already asked you if you would take whatever treatment I provided, and so you will, with no questions. Right? Of course. I thought your body may be ready and willing to take my virus and more, but it may be you will be more difficult than I had planned. I like a challenge and do not often find one, so you will serve me well in this won’t you? I cannot hear you?”

“Yes Dr, I will,” I said, as my heart was beating faster.

“Now, let’s see, today is Wednesday, plan to be here Saturday at 3:00 PM. I think we will need a little discretion for this treatment, and do not make any plans for the rest of the evening. What were the rules I gave you?” Dr Mike asked.

“Umm… to obey and service you, to agree to whatever treatment you say as you are the Dr and know best, and ummm…” I said as I suddenly felt tongue tied.

Dr Mike cut me off, “and that you WILL NOT come here with cum in your ass unless I say – right? Make up whatever excuses you must, but you will not be fucked again after tonight until Saturday. Trust me, if all works as planned, Saturday you will take more toxic cum, venom, and poisoned fluids and will be filled. Is that what you want?”

“Yes, please Dr, I want anything you give me, I promise I will do as you ask, just please please fuck me,” the desire showing in my voice.

“Good. EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. Now however, back to the business at hand. Remember Hank? Of course you do, you sucked his nasty herpes dick in the bathroom. Well Hank had called me yesterday to let me know he was having a flare up. His sores on his dick are puffed up, leaking, some have scabs, but either way, he is highly infectious right now. As it appears his cum did nothing the first round, I have ordered Hank to stop by and pay you a visit.”

Stop by? What was he talking about? Oh shit, no.

“Hank will be at your apartment at 6:00 PM, now you will do what I say, Yes? Yes. I want you to lick Hank’s dick shaft all over, rub his dick head around the insides of your mouth, let him fuck your mouth and cum in it if he wants to. Poor Hank has not cum in days, so I expect you will be gagging on that load,” Dr Mike said as he gave an evil chuckle, “But there is more. Hank WILL kiss you and fuck you. You will do whatever Hank wants, but I have ordered him to make sure to cum in your ass as well. I want that Herpes covered and filled dick in every one of your holes as this time it WILL take. Now, Saturday, DO NOT be late.”

With that, Dr Mike hung up and as I was left standing in the apartment with a raging hard dick, realizing I had about 10 minutes until Hank got there. Well Hank showed up less than two minutes later, so I buzzed him in. When Hank walked into the apartment he seemed thinner and more sickly looking then the time I saw him in the bathroom. Maybe it was just the brighter lights, I don’t know. His hair seemed longer, his scar on his face more pronounced, but there was no mistaking the bulge in his pants when he took his jacket off. I could not really tell his age, maybe mid-30s, but like a blood hound I was immediately focusing on his dick.

“Whatcha you got to drink?” Hank asked in a heavy southern drawl. “Any smokes? Ah thanks, yeah those will do, prefer Marlboro, but hell, anythings better than nothing, you hear me? Now how about that drink? Yeah rums good, lots of rum, little bit of coke, was at the house getting ready to go out when the good Doc called, Think about that, what timing. Just talked with him yesterday, said he got a way to help me out here tonight. Doc always hooks me up. Whew, don’t I need to cum.” Hank barely took a breath as he spoke.

“So really appreciate this man, Doc told me what I could do, you know him, rules this rules that – ha ha – but cool man, cool, whatever. So just between us you know, he has treated me too, fucking Docs a freak – ha ha – but good man – good. HMMM, damn good rum, that’s what’s killing me you know – the drink. Ain’t that AIDs shit, although that has fucked me up good too, just drink too damn much, and I say what the fuck. What THE FUCK! You know. OK, now let’s see what DOC said, oh yeah, make you suck me off. I like that, you suck really well, shot a huge wad in the bathroom. Yeah man I remember, shit, don’t forget good head like that,” Hank said as he dropped his pants while he stood in the middle of my living room with his rum in one hand and cigarette in the other.

I knelt down and looked at his dick and gently touch it and moved it around. It was long and curved to the left like I remembered, but this time was really covered with bumps, and little open sores, some with scabs on them, up and down his shaft. Fuck that, no way I could suck it. I started to pull back, when Hank said, “Yeah man, and like the Doc says, do as he says, you know, or else? Now suck me.”

So I started to lick his shaft, feeling the bumps and breakouts with my tongue, then when I felt like I could not take it, stuck as much in my throat as I could and started sucking. Hank began to moan, “Oh yeah boy, that’s good, just like that, fuck yeah – oh I need to cum, got a couple loads, always cum a lot you know? Ha ha yeah you do – got some more boy – got a big thick load.” I sucked Hank for a couple minutes, realizing some of the scabs that had been on his dick were now coming off into my mouth, but I just swallowed and kept on sucking.

“Oh– yeah – here it comes, of yeah suck me suck me,” Hank said as he shot his first load. I swallowed as fast as I could and could not keep up. Not only was I gagging from the taste and the thought, but he shot more than anyone I ever met. That was amazing, so I focused on that, got hard, and just kept swallowing.

“Good boy, yeah needed that,” Hank said. He sat in the easy chair, lit up another cigarette and asked for a another rum with a splash of coke. The guy chain smoked and within a short time had smoked three more cigarettes, but his dick was hard, so he stood up, got out of his clothes, finished up his last cigarette, and said, “Come on, I want to fuck now. You got a movie or something? Guys fucking? Yeah put it in. Yeah that’s good, like that, come on, bend over.”

As I bent over in front of Hank he rammed a finger inside my ass and started digging and scraping. “Doc said you need to be bloodied up first you know? Now hang on, stay still, yeah, he said just spit, I like that, I like that a lot, now bend back over, come one now.” With that Hank started to push his dick in my ass. It hurt like hell as he dry fucked, and I was surprised when he did not last long at all. He came almost right away he said, and I was not sure as I felt nothing, but said OK, thanks, and Hank washed up and left.

I went to the bathroom, dropped his load and ass juice in the toilet, brushed my teeth, used mouthwash, and took a shower. I could smell Hank on me and unlike the smell of Dr Mike, this smell disgusted me and I wanted it off. The smell of Hank lingered for the next few days and I kept telling myself there was no way I was going to go see Dr Mike, but I knew better. I had to make excuses to Nathan and told him was just busy with work and would catch him later. Come Saturday, I cleaned out and up, and was walking up to Dr Mike’s building by 2:40. I knew I was early, so sat at a bus stop for about 15 minutes, and then went into his office building. As during my last visit, the old building was quiet, but this time, almost all the lights were out and every office was closed. I had to sign in with a security guard who looked to be 25, and who was half asleep and he did not seem bother at all that someone was coming to see a doctor on a Saturday. How much did he know?

I knocked on Dr Mike’s office door and he must have been waiting as the door opened right up. Dr Mike glanced at his watch, then to me, “2:58, EXCELLENT, right on time, come in.” As I stepped in I could smell him, and just being close to him I wanted him to touch me and my dick started to get hard. Damn!

I followed Dr Mike back to his office, and he pointed to the floor, and I kneeled. “So far, your treatment has not taken. That is very disappointing, so I will adjust your regiment accordingly. Now, I am a little behind schedule – well at least what I hoped to be today – but none the less – first I have someone I want you to take care. His is not HIV + YET - I know I know, not my usual plan, and quite frankly while you may not understand you will later. For now, here is what you need to know. Joseph is married, in his 30s, lawyer, white, very handsome, very very conserative, nice dick and all of that. Well he found himself at the bookstore over on H Street one night after drinks after work, said he thought he was being sucked off by some guy through a gloryhole, but maybe he fucked him too, could not be sure. Well the result is poor Joseph now has warts on his dick [evil chuckle] and has come to me for help.”

Dr Mike continued, “I told Joseph this is a simple thing and one I can easily fix for him, but more importantly, he should not feel ashamed and should not worry about never having sex again and to prove it, I will show him, that there are always mouths and nice asses ready and waiting. You ready?”

I nodded yes and said, “Yes Sir,” Dr Mike smiled broadly and I knew I had pleased him. He motioned for me to follow, and he led me into the same exam room I was in before.

“Kneel,” Dr Mike said, “Now Joseph is married as I said and still shy, so you will put this on. Have you worn a blindfold before? No? Well, hmmm…. This will be a start for you as with me, you will wear most of today while you are with me, understand? Yes, good. Now do not move. When he comes in, you work that cum out good.”

My knees started hurting, but I stayed kneeling on the linoleum floor and soon heard the door open. I could hear someone breathing really heavily and the rustling of clothing, a zipper being unzipped, so I opened my mouth and waited. Soon I felt the flesh of a warm dick against my lips and I tilted my head to open further and suck it in. It was maybe eight inches, average thickness, but it did feel strange. It was all bumpy, so those must be the warts Dr Mike talked about. I licked the shaft, sucked the head, and put the whole dick in my mouth and sucked him hard. After a few minutes he tugged at my arm, so I stood up, felt for the table behind me, and bent over. I heard him quirt some lube, then he pushed against my ass, his dick popped in, and after a few minutes he shot his load, which was sort of watery and filmy, like mucus almost, and started running right out. Yuck. Anyways, he pulled out, I heard his zipper close, the door open and close, and I was alone again.

I got back onto the floor, my legs were really cramping up, but I stayed kneeling and waited for Dr Mike. I then heard the door open again, and soon felt the heavy weight of a much bigger dick against my mouth. I opened as wide as I could – but nothing. I waited and waited – nothing. I was not sure what to do.

“Stand up,” Dr Mike said. So I did, and he took my arm and pulled me forward as I still had the blindfold on. We went down the hall and around a corner into another room. As Dr Mike led me, the floor changed from linoleum to tile as it was much colder, and Dr Mike said, “Get your clothes off. Don’t worry about folding them, just drop them and kneel when you are done.” So I stripped, dropped by clothes, and heard Dr Mike pick them up and move them away. He then said, “Kneel.” So I did and I felt the weight of his dick against my mouth again. I opened my mouth and waited. “Have you ever tasted the warm nectar of a man’s piss? Hm? No? Well that is part of your treatment today. You will learn to accept all fluids offered, spit, cum, piss, and more, so now open your mouth wider. I then heard the sound of liquid streaming into a plastic cup, ringing loudly and echoing as it hit the plastic sides. “Now,” Dr Mike said, “I want you to take a sip from this cup, just a small one, hold it in your mouth and don’t swallow. This is my piss, but warm nectar for you. While many say piss is a sterile liquid, I believe there is transmission that occurs under the right conditions. Be that as it may, your job is to serve me as I wish, and want you to taste all of me, take all of me, feel all of me, be infected by me. Now drink more.”

His piss was so warm, and tasted worse than Hank’s herpes riddled dick and cum, but I swallowed it all as he poured it into my mouth.

“Get up,” Dr Hank said when the cup was empty, so I stood up, wiped my mouth off, and Dr Mike slapped my hand away from my face. “Did I tell you to do that? No. I did not. Remember, you do as I say, only as I say, now come,” as he led me out of the room. “Now take the blindfold off,” Dr Mike said and I saw we were back in his office. “Kneel, we have only just begun for today’s treatment. Do you want me to tell you what I have planned? Yes? No, I think I will wait. But what do want? What do you want,” Dr Mike asked again with a stern look on his face and his eyes bored into mine.

“Please, I wanted to obey and serve you, please fuck me, I want your toxic cum, I want you venom juice, I want your AIDs!” I said, then realizing what I had just asked for.

Dr Mike smile broadly, “Yes boy, you will get all of that and more. Like I said, most patients do not get past the first treatment, but you have. I am proud of your progress so far. Hank told me you served him as I required, that is good. Very good. Now let me look at your mouth. Yes, yes excellent! I see some sores forming on your gums, excellentt! I do believe Hank did his job and your mouth is now a herpes hole, which maybe just provided a nice gift for Joseph, here, suck me good with that dirty mouth.”

With that, Dr Mike shoved his cock into my mouth and worked it around, scraping my cheeks, throat, and tongue for his pleasure. After a while he pulled out, “Ok,” he said, “Now get up, Hank fucked you too, yes? Bend over, let me see. Hmm, nothing obvious, but we shall see. Hard to tell now after Joseph fucked you, so maybe Hank’s dick infected your ass too – or not – no matter.”

Dr Mike walked behind his desk and opened a drawer, pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and some glasses. “Before we continue, you need to relax a little. While you know you can fight and resist and it will do you no good, - and I hope you try – this will just help a little. Now do you like Jack? Never had it? Just beer? I could give you a pill or something, but don’t want you numb, just a little relaxed. Well, doctor’s order is to do some shots. Feel the heat. You will like it.”

With that Dr Mike gave me a shot of Jack, told me to drink it with him, and I did. God damn! That was nasty. I only drank beer and immediately my head swirled and gut burned. YUCK! Dr Mike smiled. “Do another,” he said, then “And here, one more, I know, makes you gag a little, now, put the blindfold back on. I told you during your last treatment that sometimes I gave you choices. Do you want a choice now?”

I said, “No Sir, no Doctor, I don’t want a choice, I want whatever you want, please, please.”

I could hear the smile in his voice, “EXCELLENT! So here is the plan. I am going to fuck you and you will take it, but I will not cum in you now that is later. For now, you need to practice, practice your breathing, relaxing your hole, and taking dick. Do you want to know why? Yes, well that is NONE OF YOUR concern. You will just do as I say, how I say it. Now, come with me.”

Dr Mike grabbed me by the arm and pulled me after him as we left his office. He went back to the room we were in before, I was pushed back to a kneeling position and Dr Mike said, “Now open your mouth, and drink my piss.” With that I felt him place the head of his dick on my lips and his hot piss began pouring into my mouth. I gulped, choked, and tried to swallow it all but there was no way as it ran onto my face, down my neck and chest. He then stopped, “Get up, now, we are going to make sure you are good and clean, you understand? No, no you don’t, but you will.”

Dr Mike guided me forward several feet as the piss dripped off me and flooded my taste buds. I was then pushed forward onto my stomach across a padded bench. “Back up a little, let your toes touch the floor, good, now spread your legs a little. Yes, perfect, your hole is right where it should be. This room used to be used for physical therapy sessions by a previous tenant so some of the equipment they left behind has come in quite useful with a few minor adjustments. Give me your leg, I am going to put your ankle in a cuff. This will keep you in place as I don’t want you moving, now your arms – good.”

I was now tied, face down, blindfolded, on the padded bench with the arms and legs secure as I waited for what Dr Mike had in mind. I soon found out as he leaned down by my left ear and said, “I have plenty more piss where that came from and I am going to clean you out. Just relax and breathe. I am going to fuck you and open you up, but more importantly, piss in you – you ever had that done? No? Well I want to you hold it until I tell you, then release it. Just let it out. I need you clean for the next part of your treatment.”

With that Dr Mike got behind me and I felt his dick press into my hole. With no spit or lube, he pushed his dick into my hold and I cried out a little. I then felt him begin to piss in me. It was this hot pressure, building in my guts, going deeper and deeper as Dr Mike moaned and sighed with release. Dr Mike then started to fuck me, using his piss as lube, working it deeper up my guts. The pressure was so intense and I was starting to cramp, but Dr Mike kept fucking and I had no way to push him off or pull away. After a while, Dr Mike pulled out in one stroke and I felt his hot piss run down my as and legs and onto the bench before my hole clamped shut and cut it off. He then stood in front of me, opened my mouth with his fingers and stuck his piss covered dick down my throat and fucked it for a little while.

“Damn,” Dr Mike said, “That feels good. You are becoming a good little diseased hole for me. I like that very much as you can tell by my dick. Now, I am going to guide you to my private bathroom in my office. When I close the door you may then remove the blindfold, let the piss and ass mess out, and when you are sure you are clean, knock on the door twice. I will get you when I am ready and DO NOT come out until I get you.”

After using the bathroom as directed I could not believe how much piss had been up inside me. Just when I thought I was done, more came out, so it took several minutes for me to feel like I was clean, so I knocked on the door. Nothing. So I waited, and waited. It was about 10 minutes and I was getting nervous, what had happened? Did he forget about me?

Dr Mike then knocked, “Put your blindfold back on and get ready.” So I did as he said, the door opened, and I felt Dr Mike grab my arm, lead me out. We stopped and he placed a glass in my hand, “Down this Jack, all of it, it’s a big shot and you better keep it down,” Dr Mike said. He took me back and tied be back down on the bench face down. He then left the room and a few minutes later I heard him come back in with someone else. I felt a large hand grab my left ass cheek and squeeze really hard, but it was not right, the hand was covered with a glove. The hand then ran up my back, to my head and lingered over my face – leather – it was a leather glove, back down to my ass and cheek again. I was not sure, but the hand seemed too big for Dr Mike.

Dr Mike’s voice was then by my left ear and I felt his fingers working their way into my hole as he began to claw at my insides as deep as his fingers would go. I then felt another set of fingers begin working in beside his clawing at my insides too – these fingers were bigger, fatter, and the nails much longer. I cried out as they dug at me as Dr Mike said, “Now, remember, you will obey and submit, and frankly you have no choice. As you have proved resistant to previous treatment, I have decided your next treatment needs to be more, shall we say, extreme. My friend Charles here has a true horse dick. I am big, but even I am in awe of Charles’ piece of meet which is over 11 inches and VERY thick. Even better, Charles is a brutal nasty fucker who likes to walk around with a constant case of gonorrhea, and thanks to Charles, he and I are both sharing that little gift right now. You didn’t know that did you? You have been taking my gonorrhea filled dick and juice all afternoon. As I worked my dick in your mouth, I was pushing the gonorrhea into the sores from Hank’s herpes (evil chuckle) as I told you, I will infect you with everything I can. Charles never treats it as he is a truly evil fucker and enjoys nothing better then infecting the innocent – who care if his fertility is shit – the only pussy he fucks is man pussy and fuck is too kind a word- Charles rapes it, so you best prepare.”

Dr Mike continued, “Charles has helped me ensure a number of asses received the venom they deserved. He is also HIV + of course, with a high viral load and not just HIV, Charles has full blown AIDs. He is a true AIDs fucker. You know I will only give you the nastiest and the best, and Charles is in a class of his own.”

As Dr Mike’s nails continued to scrape my insides he said, “So now, I am going to leave you for Charles to enjoy. You will be hurt, you will bleed, and your ass will be torn from end to end as he cums in you and unloads his toxic cum. The blood is important and necessary as we need to ensure you have the ultimate chance for exposure. So this cannot be done lightly, but right. You WILL do this for me, and if you serve him well, I will give you my cum too. Do you want my cum boy? I can’t hear you? Yes? That’s it, beg for it. Well, do I as said, please Charles, and I will breed you too. I will make you as I see fit.”

Dr Mike pulled his fingers out of my ass, and I heard the door close as he left the room. The other fingers in my ass kept working and digging and I felt fingers from Charles’ other hand join them. I was moaning and bucking my hips, trying to avoid the pain, but he was incessant. After a few minutes he pulled he fingers out, and I felt him brush against my right arm as he walked towards my head. He had on leather pants too from the feel, and as he stood in front of me, the smell of leather, sweat, and piss was overwhelming. Charles grabbed by head between his hands and said, “Oh sweet little boy, Doc has set me up good this time. Are you scared boy? You should be. Doc has told me you have never been rape fucked, well that is going to change today, you will never forget this I can assure you. I am a true Master and I could give a shit about you, what you want, feel, or need. Today is all about me, and I fuck to hurt, breed, and do what the Doc wants, which is to make sure your ass has no choice but to take our AIDs cum.”

“Beg me boy, beg me not to rape you, beg your Master not to give you my nasty cum” Charles said. So I did. I begged, and pleaded, and begged some more. As I was begging again I felt Charles’s dick push against my mouth and I opened as wide as I could. I could barely get the head in my mouth not only because of his size, but he had a Prince Albert, or PA in his dick. I had seen one, but never sucked a guy who had one. I started licking the ring, which was covered in slime and crust, I figured from his gonorrhea. I licked at his piss slit, sucking in what fluid and slime was dripping out, which was a steady stream and I was not sure if it was precum, or gonorrhea, or both. I managed to get the ring, the head and some of the shaft in my mouth, and used my tongue to ‘suck’ him best I could.

Charles then pulled his dick out of my mouth and stuck a couple gloved fingers in my mouth and worked them around. He gouged at my gums, tongue, and roof of my mouth and I could taste some blood. He stuck his dick back at my mouth and licked his slit some more, tasting the infected slime, and working it around my mouth with my tongue. He then pulled his dick away, and knelt in front of me. “Open your mouth,” Charles said. He then spit in my open mouth a couple times. “Swallow,” so I did. Then I felt something else pressing against my mouth and opening it. I tried pushing it away with my tongue, but Charles’ hands pushed it in and I felt him securing it behind my head as he tightened the strap. I would learn later this was a ball gag, and while I could breath, I could make little more than grunts and whines with it in my mouth.

Charles knelt back down in front of me, spit on my face, then slapped me hard with his gloved hand, “You got me nice and worked up boy. Good little mouth on you and I see that ass jiggling. Don’t worry, you can try to scream all you want and it will not do any good. You are mine now, and doctor’s orders must be followed.” Charles spit a couple more times, and slapped me even harder, with his leather gloved hangs stinging my face. I then felt him move around my left to my back and his gloved hands spread my cheeks and his gloved finger dug at my hole.

I was pretty wet from Dr Mike’s piss, but Charles bent down, spread my hole open and dug in with his tongue, tasting the remnants of Dr Mike’s piss leaking out my ass. He began to moan and talk dirty, “Oh boy, yeah, nice hole, see Doc opened it up a little for me, oh yeah, you ready boy. I think you need to be taught a lesson. Stop your bucking boy. Won’t do you no good you understand,” Charles said as he started slapping my ass with his right hand. “You need to be taught to serve a true Master, and that is me. Oh yeah boy, I am going to give you a lesson you will not forget.”

I felt the cool of the steel PA press against my hole and the big head try to open me up. Charles spit on his dick, and the head slid in a little more. “You better breathe deep boy, once I start I don’t stop.” As I took a deep breath Charles pushed his dick through and my muffled screams were lost with the ball gag in my mouth. I tried to twist and buck my body, but with my arms and legs tied down to the sides of the bench I had no leverage at all. Tears streamed down my face and I began to literally cry as the hot searing pain rolled through my body, radiating out from ass. Charles was true to his word and did not stop and brutally pushed his dick in as far as he could, pulled it back out, pushed it back in over and over. Other times when I had been fucked and it had hurt, the pain changed, and became ecstasy, not this time. The pain was supreme and continued unabated as Charles kept fucking my ass and I think I might have even passed out a little once or twice. I knew my ass was bleeding as I could feel the warmness run out of my hole and catch between my body and the bench, but more strongly, I could feel Charles, his cock splitting me open, his PA gouging my guts, his leather gloved hands on my ass, pressing me down as he fucked me.

Suddenly Charles stopped, slid his dick out of my ass, which hurt almost as much as him going in. He then unbuckled the straps and cuffs holding my legs down, and then my arms. I could only lay there as I was in shock, and Charles said, “Get on your back, Doc told me to keep you tied down, but I want to fuck you deeper than you have ever been fucked, I am gong to rape your guts boy like only a true leather Master can, so now roll over.” I didn’t move, so Charles manhandled me onto my back, my arms flopped to the side, he pulled me down the bench, grabbed a leg in each hand, pushed them back, and shoved his dick back in my hole. I thought Charles had fucked me hard before, but now he showed no mercy. Every thrust went so deep and hurt so bad, I was literally sobbing. I’m not sure if Charles was saying anything as in my head I could only heard my sobs.

Charles began pulling all the way out and slamming back in and the pain now was still white hot, and like it was all I knew. Charles let go of my legs which stayed up and to the side with the pressure from his body, he leaned forward, placed his gloved hands around my throat and said, “I am getting close boy, and when I get close, I fuck to hurt, yeah boy, I am going to tear you up – fuck – yeah boy – feel your Master – feel my cock …..” With that, Charles’ gloved hands closed tight around my throat and I saw stars behind the blindfold, and then nothing. He had choked me out. I did not realize that then of course, not until I felt spit hitting my face and his gloved hands slapping me, “Come on now boy, yeah that’s it, took a little nap there didn’t you. Come on boy.”

I felt Charles help me sit up on the bench. My ass was warm, wet and sticky and the pain was barely tolerable. My throat hurt and ears rang, and I had spit all over my face. Charles pulled the blindfold off me, “You OK boy, yeah you’re alright. Let me tell you, you have a nice piece of ass there and too bad you were not here when I shot my load – ha ha, but I cummed in you good for sure. Good for you that Doc opened you up before I got here. I would have really done some damage if he hadn’t, but even then, I tore you up real good. You will be sore for a while, that’s for sure – ha ha – now finish up the job and clean my dick off.”

I sort of stumbled, fell to my knees, as Charles put his dick in front of my face. As my eyes continued to adjust I looked up at him. Charles appeared to be late 30s, early 40s, white, curly brown hair, big mustache, hairy chest (he had on a leather vest), leather pants with no crotch, and big black boots. His dick was tremendous, long, fat, and was covered in blood, juice, and slime. I leaned forward with my tongue and began to lick the tip and the ring and then worked my way up one side of the shaft then the other. Charles stepped back a step, “Thank you boy, I WILL see you again,” he spit in my face/eyes, slapped me once more, put the blindfold back on me then left the room. I slumped against the bench and tried to steady my breathing.

The door opened and closed, “Get up,” Dr Mike said. I steadied myself, stood up, Dr Mike pushed me onto my back on the bench. “Lift your legs”, so I did. I felt Dr Mike probing at my hole, “DAMN, that horse dick ripped your ass up. Good, very good. The blood means there was lots of opportunity for the gonorrhea and his AIDs to take hold. Now hold still.”

I heard a whirring sound and Dr Mike said, “I just took a Polaroid picture of your hole for the file. We will compare this to future treatment visits as I may decide that Charles needs to come back and this time, don’t hold back. Yes, he did hold back on you this time. You are not ready for all that Charles can dish out. Now, back to the business at hand.”

Dr Mike then slammed his dick up my ass. After Charles, my ass was still throbbing and the pain was still intense, so Dr Mike’s dick slamming in was not so bad at all. “Tell me what you want now, tell me, you want my toxic cum? You liked Charles’ infected dick? You want my dick? My cum? Beg me, BEG ME, BEG ME…FOR…MY…VENOM!!!! OH FUCK!!!!” Dr Mike finished his orgasm, yanked his cock out, walked up by my head, turned my head to the right and stuck his bloody dick in my mouth for me to lick clean.

When I was done, he had me bend over the bench as he took some wet towels and peroxide and cleaned off my ass cheeks, legs, and lower back. “You will be fine. The bleeding was nothing permanent, but I will give you cash for a cab as your ass will leak and spot for a couple days I expect. Tonight, when you get home, DO NOT shower. Do not do a bowel movement even if it feels like you have to. You don’t really, it’s just your intestines trying to readjust after the brutal fuck they just took. Understand? Good. Now I want you to call me on my private line every couple of days and let me know what is going on. OK? Good. Now get dressed.”

I got dressed and followed Dr Mike back into his office. Every step hurt and I still felt dazed. “Let me look at you,” Dr Mike said, “I see Charles has left some bruises on your neck, did he choke you? Hmm, yes, well those are going to show, but not too bad. Charles knows what he is doing so those will go away quickly. I am very proud of you. You did an excellent job today and while I know the treatment with Charles may have been more than you were used to, it was necessary. We must make sure everything takes, and I will do whatever is necessary to ensure you become toxic. You will continue to obey and serve as your ass is mine. Now, go home, do as I said, and remember, my venom is burning in your veins, I am part of you now, and always will be.”

Stay tuned for Part 4 – The Venom Takes and the Death Fuck

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