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Spam? Scam?


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In the past four days I've had three guys claiming to be total tops wanting me as their property, one in Manhattan, two in LA. All well and good and flattering except I'm in Europe. Between the three of them they had posted precisely one post (the Manhattan guy). Strangely all three have posted at about the same time of day (between 1pm and 2pm GMT) with porn star looking avatars and minimal profiles. Anybody else had this "good fortune"?

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Can't say that I have had your "good fortune"!

Just for the record, I know from your profile that you are in the UK, and are versatile--- but from reading your fiction I want you to be my ideal Top! So there! Drop those phantom admirers in NYC & LA since they don't recognize that secretly you are a possessive and agressive Dom Top. Cheers!

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Text of a private message I sent to RawTop:

"Hey RT, I imagine you don't like to be pestered with admin stuff, but I'm not sure who to approach with admin stuff.

NEW member ******** ( with male model looks ) seems to be a scam artist. He established that I'm a sub and then requested that I add him to Skype so we could chat. I agreed. Within a couple of sentences he wanted me to prove my submission by creating a profile at adultdatelink.com through an affiliate link. I smelled a rat. He claims to be a U.S. citizen resident in Florida - then said London later. His Skype ID has Asian characters on it and he does not write like a native English speaker. A google search on adultdatelink.com brought up scam warnings, so I blocked and removed him from my Skype. I thought you should know."

Since then I've received ANOTHER Skype chat request from a different NEW member. I've noticed several NEW members posting Skype chat requests in the forum and a flurry of NEW members with porn model looks/photos and an odd variety of similar profile names ( variations on a theme ). Perhaps admin could look into this?

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Yep, I was asked for skype details too (which I don't have). The first I put down to inexperienced arrogance, the second to co-incidence, but a third at the same time of day... Let's say I'm trusting, but not that trusting. Besides, I list myself as versatile - it's going to take a lot more than a message from someone I've never heard of to get me on my knees (guys I know are welcome to to try).

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OK guys - please mention the member names that are doing this. I'll ban them. And please be on the look out for similar scams.

And actually, if the site you gave money to is reputable, I may have a relationship with the sponsor and may be able to get some or all of your money back (some = minus transaction fees). What I'll need is the full URL that he told you to go to. It will have his affiliate code embedded in it that will identify who he is.

All of the **datelink.com sites are the same sponsor. The guy is getting $50 every time you signup. It's not in the best interest of the sponsor, so they may be willing to terminate his account since if they're paying him $50 and you're paying out $30 then it's a bad deal for them. Unfortunately, I don't have a track record with that sponsor, but I'll try

In the meantime consider anyone like this a scam - he's scamming you and the site owner.

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That's one of the identities I basically told to fuck off, after telling him he couldn't possibly afford me ;) Also one of the identities I told rawTOP about

Same user as well with me... and apparently from some Googleing I've done, the scammers get your e-mail address and start signing you up for other similar websites as well. I've gotten two "confirm your e-mail" messages since yesterday which I'm just ignoring.

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